[Appendix D(10) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]

N° 10.


MEMORIAL of NORRIS MOORE, Esquire, Acting Secretary of the Isle of Man.

[In Lieutenant-Governor SHAW’S Letter of the 22d of October 1791.] .

To the Honourable His Majesty’s Commissioners of Inquiry, Isle of Man.

The humble Petition and Memorial of Norris Moore, Secretary to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of the said Isle, .

Sheweth, Castletown, November 5, 1791. .

THAT the office of Secretary aforesaid was, previous to the year 1765, blended with and discharged by the person generally holding the several offices of Comptroller, Clerk of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Council ; to which offices separate annual salaries were annexed, and very considerable perquisites appertained ; and your memorialist can no otherwise account for there having been no salary fixed to the said office of Secretary ; the fees, perquisites, and emolument whereof being very inconsiderable, and by no means equal to the attention which the said requires,

Your memorialist therefore humbly submits, That an office, in itself useful and some importance ought to be put on a more respectable footing ; and that the goodness and justice of His Majesty’s Commissioners will attend to and recommend the application of the memorialist for an establishment and salary, and he will pray, &c. &c.

NORRIS MOORE, Secretary.

As I have already, in letter 22d ultimo, had the honour to mention this gentleman and his case to you, I shall here only beg leave to state, that this memorial contains a just statement of fact and that I very earnestly request to the person and the case the protection and good offices of His Majesty’s Commissioners.



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