[From Thwaites' Directory, 1863]
KIRK Michael is a considerable parish, extending about five and
a-half miles in length from north to south, and four miles in breadth
from east to west. It is bounded on the north by Ballaugh, on the
south by German, on the east by Lezayre, and on the west by the sea.
The village is situated on the main road from Peel to Ramsey. It is
seven miles north-east from the former, and nine miles south by west
from the latter. The lands in the northern part of the parish, and
those lying near the sea coast are fertile and well.cultivated, The
other parts are mountainous
POST OFFICE at John Cannans. Letters arrive at S.30 a.m., and are
despatched at 4.30 p.m.
Powys the Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev. Horace Lord Bishop of Sodar and
IiIan, Bishop's Court
Brookes Saml., Esq., Mount Pellier
Brown Robt. Hy. Lace, archideaconal registrar, White House
Caine Jno., coach proptr., White He
Cannan Mr. Claudius,Glen Willin
Cannan Miss Louisa, Glen Willin
Cannell Edwd., overseer of German, Glen Willin
Cannell Mrs. Jane, Ballafajeen
Cannell John, constable, Village
Cannell Jno., coachm., Bishop's Ct.
Cannell Mr. Ptrk., sea., Kiondroughad
Cannell Wm., parish clerk, Village
Carran John, Esq., Village
Christian Elzbth.,lodgings, Village
Christian Robert, coach buibler, Orrisdale
Corlett William,lodgings,Village
Crellin Mrs. Jane, Ballaleigh
Crellin John F., Esq., H. K. and J.P., Orrisdale
Croft William, gent., Ivy Cottage
Gell Evan, Esq., H.K., J.P., and C.P., White House
Harrison Rchd. Thos. Edw., gent.,Erinville
Kelly Dl., ironmonger and draper
Kelly Rev. Jas. B., M.A., Vicarage
Kelly John, overseer, Ballagawne
Kinley Thos., Carding Mill, Ballagawne
Medcalf Edwd., Esq., Rose Hill
Monnington James, farm steward, Bishop's Court
Rivers Geo., butler, Bishop's Court
Tetley Chas.,mining agent,Village
Twigg Samuel, Esq., Bellacooiley Lodge
Youd Mr. Thomas, Village
Free School, Bishop's Court: Annie M. Walkler, mistress
Parochial, Village: Patrick Kelly, master; Emily Sidebotham,
Wesleyan, Barre garrow: James Wall, master
Calmell Thomas, Ballarhennie
Christian Enos, Village
Kermode John, Ballamenagh
Quayle John, Village
Cain William, Orrisdale
Callister John, Ballacoine
Cannell William, Intake
Kelly Daniel, Village
Kelly Edward, Village
Kelly William, Village
Callister William, Village
Hannah John, Village
Parkes John, Village
Banks John, Ballaleigh
Caine Daniel, Ballana
Caine John, Ballaskyr
Caine John, Ballamenagh
Caine John, Ballaleigh
Caine John, Bannagh
Caine Thomas, Rhencullen
Caine Thomas, Barregarrow
Caine Thomas, Ballamenagh
Caine William, Village
Callister Julm T., Kiondroughad
Cannan John, Ballana
Cannan John, Village
Cannan John, Cooilshellagh
Cannan John Jas., Cooilshellagh
Cannan Philip, Ballaleigh
Cannan Robert, Ballaleigh
Cannell Daniel, Ballarhenneybeg
Cannell Francis, Beck
Cannell John, Ballacarnane
Cannell John, Chester
Cannell Patrick, Kiondroughad
Cannell Thomas, Ballarhennybeg
Cannell Thomas, Orrisdale
Cannell William, Ballarcanane
Cannell William, Chester
Cannell Willam, Kerroocruin
Cannell William,Loghannamasher
Christian William, Orrisdale
Coljeag John, Ballionney
Corlett John, Ballacorlett
Corlett John, Intake
Corlett Philip, Ballakilleyclue
Corlett Thomas, Ballacooiley
Cottie Thomas, Intake
Cowin Evan, Ballacooiley
Cowley Catherine, Ballakilleyclue
Cowley Thomas, Ballacrink
Cowley Thomas, Ballacreggy
Cowley William, Ballacreggy
Crow John, Liargy vreck
Curphey John, Gammell
Daugherty Philip, Ballagawne
Fell Thomas, The Eary
Hannah James, Village
Kaighan John, Ballaquine
Kelly Robert, Ballacoine
Kelly William, Village
Kennaugh Robert, Ballaleigh
Killip William, Cleicen
Kinrade Thomas, Ballafajecu
Kneen William, Ballarghey
Loway Patrick, Beck
Mylrea John, Cronk Urleigh
Nelson Patrick, Ballarhenney
Oates John, Ballionney
Quayle John, Shalghaighe
Quayle John, Ballacoine
Quayle Philip, Ballaleigh
Quayle Philip, Barregarrowbeg
Quayle Thomas, Cammell
Quiggin Charles, Intake
Quiggin Philip, Ballamenagh
Quiggin William, Shalghaigho
Quiggin William, Orrisdale
Quirk Elijah, Intake
Rodgers John, Liargey vreck
Twigg Frederick, Village
Christian Thos., Albert Hotel
Quayle John, Manx Arms
Twigg Frederick, Mitre Hotel and Posting House; and coach and car
Cain Thomas, Village
Callister Robt., near Bishop's Court
Cannan Wm., (& builder,) Ballana
Cannell John, Village
Christian Thomas, Village
Corlett (Wm.) and Kelly (Daniel)
Cannan Wm., Ballagawne
Cannell Wm., Kerroocruin
Mylrea Thomas, Glen Willin
Caine Ann, White House
Christian Ann, Village
Corkill Elizabeth, Village
Hannah Eleanor, Village
Sayle Margaret, Village
Cain Thomas, Village
Cannan John, Village
Cannell William, Village
Corkish John, Ballafajeeu
Hadden John, Village
Kelly Thos., (and baker,) Village
Mylrea Thomas, Glen Willin
Parkes John, Village
Brew Philip, Village
Cannell John, Village
Cannell William, Village
Sayle John, Village
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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