[From Thwaites' Directory, 1863]
POST OFFICE at Daniel Kinrade's. Letters are despatched to
Chatterton Mr. Jno., Port Lewaigue
Christian Mr. Patk., Port-e-Vollin
Corkill Thomas, joiner, Hibernian
Corteen Edward, overseer, Ballashillagne
Goldsmith Jno., joinr., Cornah head
Goulden Mr. Geo., Port Lewaigue
Harrison Rev. Bowyer, Vicarage
Haslam Wm., Esq., H K. & J.P., Ballaghlass
Holland Mrs. Mary, PortLewaigue
Johnson--, ironstone mine proprietor, Maughold head
Kinrade Dnl., letr. carr., Post Office
Law & Hill, ironstone mine proprietors, Magherbreck: J. Fargher, manager
North Laxey Lead Mining Co. Rd. Rowe, Esq., manager; John Horsley, overseer
Perks Mr. Henry, Lewaigue house
Scott Major William D., Port Lewaigue
Stowell Rev.Hugh A.,M.A.,chaplain of Christ Church
Summers Matthew, parish clerk
Tear Robert, victualler, Hibernian
Williamson Mrs. Ann, Bellerne
Corkill Daniel, Kennaugh Bridge
Corkill James, Ballasloe
Corkill Robert, Lewaigue
Brew John, Barony
Caley Daniel, Coranee
Callow Charles, Dreemscarry
Callow Thomas, Ballaskaigh beg
Callow William, Cardlebegg
Christian Egan, C.P., Lewaigue
Christian Edward, Ballaterson
Christian Isabella, Balldroma
Christian John, Qoinaagney
Christian Rt. Edw., Balldroma
Christian William, Folien
Cleator William, Magherbreck
Corkill James, Barony
Corkill John, Ballagorra
Corkill John, Port Lewaigue
Corkill Robert, Ballasloe
Corkill Thomas, Ballagorramoar
Corkhill William, Ballagorra
Corkill William, Ballayella
Corlett John, Thallomitchell
Corlett William, Ballafayle
Corteen Robert, Ballashilhague
Corteen Robert, Thalloqueen
Corteen Thomas, Ballacottier
Cottier Thomas, Folieu
Cottiman John, Portewillan
Creetch lIargaret, Dhoon
Crow John, Roan
Crow John, Trevangagher
Fargher John, Ballagorra
Fayle Robert, Kerrocreen
Gelling Job, Roan
Gelling Thos., (& miller,) Cornah mill
Gill Ewan, Barony
Goldsmilh William, Folieu
Hampton William, Ballasay
Hogg John, Qoinaagney
Hogg John, senior, Dhoon
Jelly William, Roan
Joughin Daniel, Rhenab
Joughin John, Coranee
Joughin Robert, Barony
Kawin Thomas, Thalloqueen
Kelly John, Ballashillague
Kelly William, Baroney
Kennish Wm., (& miller,) Coranee
Kennish William
Kermeen Daniel, Ballig
Kermeen Robert, Dhoon
Kermeen William, Ballabarna
Kermode Robert, BaBagorra
Kermode Mrs., Cloughbane
Kermode Thomas, Ballagorra
Kermode William, Ballagorra
Kerruish Edward, Dreemscarry
Kerruish Edward P., Dreemscarry
Kerruish John, Balldromabeg
Kerruish John, Boilivelt
Kerruish Robert, Cardlevoar
Kerruish Thomas
Kerruish William, Ballalin
Kerruish William, Builevelt
Kerruish William, Ballasaig
Killip John, Ballaskaighbeg
Killip Nicholas, Ballaskaighheg
Kinrade William, Ballacbrink
Kissack Ewan, Rhenab
Kissack John, Ballagorrabeg
Kissack William, Rhenab
Kneale Thomas, Ballure
Kneen William, Ballacottier
Lace Thomas, Ballacreggan
Looney Edward, Ballakillier
Looney Ewan, Ballacreggan
Looney Francis, Balldromabeg
Looney George, Ballayella
Looney Jobu, Ballaskaighbeg
Looney Joseph, Maraguher
Looney Patrick, Ballakillier
Looney Robert, Flount Sayle
Looney Thomas, Ballakillier
Looney Thomas
Manchester Thomas, Cregnemoult
Manning Henry, Roan
Moore John, Cornah
Moore Robert, Ballabarna
Murray Peter, Kerroocreen
Quarry James, Ballagorrabeg
Quayle John, Ballaterson
Quayle Robert, Ballalin
Skillicorn Joseph, Dhoon
Stowell Edward, Ballastowell
Teare Robert, H ibernian
Wiley George, Ballaskaighmoar
Fargher James, Parochial
Malcolm Agnes, Lhiaggyn
Tear James, New School
Brew Robert, Ballashilhague
Corlett Edward, Jallow
Joughin John, Old Mill
Harris Esther, Dhoon
Horsley John, Ballashilhague
Killip John
Murray Judith, near Old Mill
Callow James, Cardlebeg
Corlett Daniel
Gill James, Ballacorteen
Gill Thomas
Moore Robert, Jallow
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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