[From Pigot's Directory, 1837]
BALLAUGH is a parish in the sheading of Michael, in the northern division of the island; in length, from north to south, about five miles and in breadth, from east to west , about three. The northern part is level and fertile - the southern mountainous and comparatively barren. The old parish church, erected in 1717, about one mile and a half north of the village of Ballaugh, is rapidly mouldering to decay; but a new one dedicated to St Mary, containing six hundred sittings, situate about a quarter of a mile north-west of the village, was completed in 1832; the living is a rectory, at the disposal of the crown. At a short distance from Ballaugh are several pits of shell-marl, out of which many fossil remains of elks, &c., have been extracted: a gigantic and complete skeleton of one of those animals, obtained from these pits, is in the museum of the Edinburgh university; and a well-preserved head and horns are to be seen in the shop of Mr. Gell, Douglas: the head is one foot nine inches long each horn five feet two inches in lengththe palms are fourteen inches wide, and the tips of the horns seven feet three inches asunder.
BALLAUGH is a long straggling village in the above parish situate on the road from Ramsey to the towns of Peel, Douglas, &c.; nearly seven miles west of Ramsey nine north-east of Peel, and eighteen north of Douglas. This village contains a brewery, and there is another at Ballacrosha, The population of the place is about three hundred. Annual fairs, for cattle, are heldon the 15th of May and the 26th of August
POST Receiving House at Leonora Kewish's - Letters from Douglas arrive and are despatched (by foot post) every Monday Wednesday and Friday in summer, and every Tuesday and Friday in winter.
Cambell Col James, Ravensdale
Christie Lieut Wm. West Cronkould
Corlett Mr William, Ballamonabeg
Howard Rev Thomas, Rectory
Hughes Mr John Robert, Ballamona
Maclean Mrs Emma, East Cronkould
Wetherhead Miss Fanny, Ballacurn Cottage
Caley John, coroner, Balloughbeg
Corkill John, Temperance Inn, Ballaugh
Cowlay Thos, blacksmith, Ballaugh
Craine Thos. shopkeeper, Ballaugh
Crane.John, farmer, Dallaughheg
Crane Philiip, farmer, Dallaughmoar
Cregeen James T. master of parochial school, Glebe
Harman Samuel, painter & glazier, Ballaugh
Killip John, corn miller, Glendoe
Killip William, grocer and spirit dealer, Ballaugh
Lace William. blacksmith.Ballaugh.
Law William. blacksmith.Ballaugh.
Martin Robt G. North Inn Ballaugh
Moughtin Thos. watch mkr, Ballaugh
Quayle John, tailor, Ballaugh
Quayle Thomas, butcher, Ballaugh,
Shimmin John,blacksmith,Ballaugh
Taubman Edwd.shoemkr Ballaugh
Taubman.James, brewer,Ballacrosha
Taubman Thomas, brewer, Ballaugh
Teare John, blacksmith, Old Church
To DOUGLAS,a Coach (from Ramsey), every morning (Sunday
execpted)at ten and afternoon at five in summer and at twelve at noon
in winter.
To RAMSEY, a Coach (from Douglas) every day (Sunday excepted) at
twelve and evening at seven in summer, and at two in the afternoon in
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