[from Porter's Directory, 1889]  


LONAN is a parish in the Sheading of Garff, including the districts of Old Laxey and Laxey Glen, encircling Laxey Bay, and situated on the eastern shore of the Island, within 7½ miles of Douglas and 10 of Ramsay. It is an extensive and mountainous parish, running from north to south seven miles and from east to west four miles. & considerable portion of the inhabitants are engaged in lead mining and washing the ore, the remainder in agriculture. The village of Laxey is famed for its lead mines and its wonderful wheel, said to be the largest in the world; going down into the village from Ramsay a striking picture is presented to the visitor by the extensive milling, crushing and washing operations of the Great Laxey Mining company. These mines were known and worked from a very early period, and have been profitably worked for over 200 years, and never more so than at the present moment. They are more than 1380 feet deep, and the miners require two hours to go from the entrance to the lowest workings; nearly 1000 men are employed in excavating the lead, blende and copper, all products of the mine, the lead ore sometimes yielding 100 ounces of silver to the ton. The masses of mineral are first broken by hammers and then ground down by machinery; the washing process follows, by which means he different products are separated. The great wheel was erected by a Manxman, Mr. Casement, to facilitate this process, and was termed the "Lady Isabella," in compliment to the wife of the honourable Charles Hope, then Governor of the Island. It is 72 feet in diameter, 226 feet in circumference, and 6 feet in thickness; contains 188 buckets and 48 spokes; the balance at the wheel shaft weighs 10 tons, and the top balance 7 tons; the wheel is 200-horse power, and will pump water from a depth of 400 yards st the rate of 250 gallons per minute. The village is divided into old and new Laxey; the former is on the shore of Laxey Bay. Near the quay are the stores of the Great Laxey Mining Company. On the beach is a well, said to possess considerable curative powers. There is a reading-room provided for workmen by the liberality of the Company. Between old and new Laxey is an old bridge, and a road up the face of the hill, said to have been made by the Romans. There is a pretty Church erected, from the designs of a local architect, and built at the expense of the Company; there are also Chapels for Methodists and Primitive Methodists, and an Elementary School. The Laxey Glen gardens, the property of Mr. Williamson, but now in the occupation of Mr. Morris Forrester, who has arranged the flower beds, tennis and croquet ground, billiard saloons, bowling-greens and bowling alleys, play grounds for children, swings, hobby-horses, and every conceivable form of healthy recreation, so as to be one of the most popular places of resort in the Island. We can only say if the Garden of Eden was anything like Laxey Glen gardens, our first ancestors must have had a pleasant time of it. Attached to the gardens is a first-class hotel, where visitors can board or lodge at a very moderate rate, and have free access to the pleasure and fruit gardens. In the village are also two good hotels, the Commercial and the Queen, also a few very comfortable lodging houses, where good homely accommodation may be had at a very low figure. Powers have just been granted for spending £5000 on a breakwater to enable steamers to land their passengers at all times of the tide, without the use of small boats. A scheme has just been put in motion to construct a railway from Douglas to Laxey. The new Church and School were built by the Great Laxey Mining Company. Vicar of the parish, the Rev. James S. Wilkinson; Rev. John Morris Spicer, curate. The Schools are under the charge of Mr. Barrow and Miss Barron.



Armstrong Mrs., confectioner
Armstrong George, miner, Minorca

Bardell Mrs., The Glen
Barkley —, blacksmith, New road
Barlow Eleanor, tobacconist, New rd
Barron Miss, National school (girls’)
Bateman John, miner, Old Laxey
Bateman Wm., miner, Old Laxey
BECK JAMES, manager of the co-operative stores, Old rd
Boyd John Thomas, carter, The Glen
Boys —, miner, New rd
Bradbury Joseph surgeon, New rd
Brew James, miner, Old Laxey

Cain John, miner, New rd
Cain John, millwright, The Glen
Cain John, The Glen
Cain Sarah, The Glen
Cain Wm., Dhoon rd
Callow Edward, miner, Glen rd
Callow Miss G., fancy goods dealer, New rd
Callow James, miner, New rd
Callow John, chemist and dentist, New rd
Callow John, engine driver, New rd
Callow John, miner, Mine rd
Callow Robert, miner, New rd
Callow Wm., clerk, Mine rd
Callow Wm., machinist, Big wheel
Cannell John James, miner, The Glen
Cannon Eleanor, dressmaker, Old Laxey
Casement Robert, engineer, Dhoon rd
Christian Ann, The Glen
Christian Catherine, The Glen
Christian Wm., bootmaker, The shore
Christian Wm., miner, New rd
Clague Charles, miner, The Glen
Clague John Henry, miner, The shore
Clague Robert Joseph, painter, New rd
Clague Wm., miner, The Glen
Clarke James, miner, Mine rd
Clewis Wm., baker, The Glen
Clucas Wm., miner, Shore rd
Cojeen Robert, miner, New road
Collard Matthias, miner, New rd
Connor Edward, labourer, The Glen
Coole Elizabeth New rd
Coole Thomas, miner, New rd
Corkill Henry, miner, New rd
Corkill John, miner, The Glen
Corkill Robert, refreshments, The Glen
Corkill Thomas, gardener, New rd
Corkill Wm., miner, New rd
Corkill Wm., labourer, The Glen
Corlett Cæsar, miner. New rd
Corlett John, mine foreman, 20 Dumbell’s row
Corlett Matthias, miner, New rd
CORLETT THOMAS, miller and corn merchant, Lazey Glen mills
CORLETT WM.,private farm house, apartments, Bay View house, Gretchvane
Corlett Wm., miner, New rd
Corrin Thomas, mason, New rd
Cottier Thomas, grocer’s manager, New rd
Cowin James, miner, 14 Dumbell’s rd
Cowin John, 4 Dumbell’s row
Cowin John, miner, Old Laxey
Cowin Mrs., The Glen
Cowin Mrs., Rencell
Cowin Richard, lead washer, The Glen
Cowin Wm., Big wheel
Cowley John, miner, Old Laxey
Cowley Joseph, bootmaker, Shore rd
Cowley Thomas, New rd
Crebbin Henry, baker, The Glen
CREER JOHN, miller and corn and flour merchant, Lazey corn mills
Crowe James, carter, The Glen
Crowe Mrs., The Glen
Cubbon Catherine, The Glen
Cubbon Henry, missionary
Cundra Hugh, lead washer, The Glen
Curry John, blacksmith, Mine rd
Cuthbert J.S., photographer, Dumbell’s row

Dickinson Mrs. Paul, The Glen ,
Dickinson Thomas, miner, The Glen
Dickinson Wm., ostler, New rd
Dobson Mrs. Edward, Old Laxey :
Duggan John, miner, Shore rd
Duggan Thomas, miner, Tent rd :

Faragher John, miner, The shore
Faragher Robert, miner, New rd
Faragher Thomas, New rd
Faragher Thomas, miner, Mine rd
Faragher Wm., farmer, Mine rd
Fargher James, miner, Shore rd
Fargher Jos., greengrocer, Dumbell’s row
Fargher Margaret, Mona villa, The Glen
Fargher Mrs.
Fargher Wm., miner, New rd
Foster James, manager, Minorca
FORRESTER MORRIS, lic. vict., Laxey Glen hotel and. pleasure gardens, Laxey
Frost Jonas, miner, The Glen

Gane Walter Hooper, engine driver, New rd
Garratt George, miner, The Glen
Garratt Wm., labourer, The Glen
Garrett Margaret, Shore rd
Garrett Mrs., New rd
Gelling Mrs. John, The Glen
Gelling Joseph, miner, The Shore
Gelling Richard, miner, Rencell
Gill James, miner, Dhoon rd
Gill John, miner, The shore
Gilmore John, miner, The Glen
Great Laxey Mining Company, Laxey

HALL RICHD GREGORY, licensed vict., Commercial hotel, Lazey
Hampton John, bootmaker, Glenview cotg.
Harrison Jane, Big wheel
Henry James, boat owner, refreshment rooms, The Shore
Henry Mrs. J., Alma terrace
Henry Henry and Robert, joiners, Mine hill
Henry and Quayle, boat owners, The Shore
HENRY THOMAS, Queen’s Family and Commercial hotel, Laxey
Hodgson John, miner, The Glen
Hogg Catherine, Shore rd
Hogg Mrs. John, Old rd
Hogg Joseph, miner, Shore rd
Hogg Thomas, miner, Tent rd
Hogg Wm., , miner, The Glen
Hogg Wm., labourer, The Glen
Hoskin John, engineer, Dhoon rd
Hoskins Frederick, 12 Dumbell’srow

Infants’ School—Miss Cannell, mistress, The Glen
Ireland Wm. John, miner, The Glen
Jackson Wm., chemist, Dumbell’s row
Jean Walter Hooper, engine driver, New rd

Keig Mrs. , refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
Keig Thomas, miner, Dhoon rd
Keig Thos., refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
Kelly Annie, The Glen
Kelly James, miner, The Glen
Kelly James, miner, New rd
Kelly James, refreshment rooms, 6 Dunmbell’s row
Kelly John, New rd
Kelly John, miner, Shore rd
Kelly Miss J., The Glen
Kelly Mrs., Bellevue cottage
Kelly Thomas, lead washer, The Glen
Kelly Thomas, miner, Old Laxey
Kelly Thomas, miner, New rd
Kelly Wm., carter, Shore rd
Kelly Wm. , miner, New rd
Kelly Wm., tailor, New rd
Kermode Edward, miner, The Glen
Kermode Mrs., Dhoon rd
Kermode Wm., joiner, New rd
Kerruish Wm., engineer, Alma terrace
Kewley Ann, The Glen ~
Kewley James, miner, The Glen
Kewley James, miner, The.shore
Kewley John, bootmaker, The Glen
KEWLEY JOSEPH family grocer and draper, The Glen
KEWLEY, Mrs. J.F.., select private apts and. refreshment rooms, The Post office, Laxey
Kewley Wm., miner, The Glen
Killey Henry, saddler, harness maker and tobacconist, New rd
Killey James, general smith, The Glen
Killey James, miner, The Glen
Killey Thomas, miner, New rd
Killip John, under manager, 18 Dumbell’s row
Killip John, lead washer, The Glen
Killip John, miner, New rd.
Killip The Misses, Glenview house
KILLIP THOMAS blacksmith, farm seed. and. manure agent, shore rd
Kinnish John, miner, New rd
Kinrade Robert, miner, New rd
Kinrade Thomas, car proprietor and refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
Kneale John, miner, New rd
Kneale Wm., miner, Renceil

Lawson James, tailor, The Glen
Lawson Robert, fisherman, The Shore
Lawson Robert, miner, Shore rd
Laxey Glen Boys’ School ; — Barrow. master
Laxey Glen National School—Alfred Barrow, head master ; Miss Barren, girls ; Miss Cannell, infants
Laxey Industrial Co-operative Society, Limited — Wm. Cojeen, manager
Laxey Reading room built, 1877
LEE Mrs. JOSEPH, select private apts, Riverside cottage
Lewin Mrs. Wm.,The Glen
Looney Elizabeth, Mine rd
Looney John, boat owner, The Shore
Lowey Dan, refreshment rooms, 10 Dumbell’s row

Mann Robert, gardener, The Glen
McKneale Mrs. Thomas, Dhoon rd
McLean Jas, weighing machinist, Shore rd
Moughton Ellen, The Glen
Moughton James, miner, The Glen
Moughton John, wheel manager, Big wheel
Mullins Ann, dressmaker, The Glen
Mylchreest W., refreshment rooms, Mine rd
Mylrea Thomas, car proprietor, Laxey glen
Mylroi Benjamin, jiner, The Glen r
Mylroi Daniel, TheGlen
Mylroi Eleanor, Mine rd
Mylroi James, mimr, New rd
MYLROI JOHN , joiner, builder, contractor and cabinetmaker, The Glen
Mylroi Thomas,miner, New rd
Mylroi Thos. A., tailor and draper, New rd

Nelson James, mason, New rd

Oates Mrs., The Glen
OLD LAXEY CO-OPERATIVE STORES —James Beck, manager, Old Lazey
Old Laxey Workingmen’s Institute, The Shore
Ormond Wm., The Glen
Osborne Wm., lic. vict., New inn, New rd

Partington T., refeshment roonis, Mine rd
Pearce Richard, blacksmith, The Glen
Preston George, schoolmaster and draper, New rd
Primitive Methodist Sunday school, Shore rd

Quaggan Thomas, labourer, The Glen
Qualtrough Henry Robert, general draper, Bridge house
Quark Ann, 17 Dumbell’s row
Quark John, tailor& woollen draper, New rd
Quayle George Thomas, Old rd
Quayle George, secretary to the Old Laxey Co-operative stores, Old Laxey
Quayle James, labourer, The Shore
Quayle James Edward, miner, Old Laxey
Quayle Jane,.Old rd
Quayle John, machinist, Old Laxey
Quayle Joseph, joiner, 13 Dumbell’s row
Quayle Joseph, miner, Old Laxey hill
Quayle Thomas, miner, New rd
Quayle Thomas, engine driver, New rd
Quayle Wm. , labourer, Alma terrace
Quiggan Wm., blacksmith, The Glen
Quilleish John, joiner, The Glen
Quilliam Thomas, sergeant of police, Laxey Police station
Quine Ellen, Mine rd
Quine John, miner, Laxey Glen
Quine Mrs. John, The Glen
Quine John, miner, The Glen
Quine Robert, miner, Dhoon rd
Quine Samuel, miner, Dhoon rd

Radcliffe John, miner, New rd
Radshaw Mrs. John, The Shore
Ratcliffe John, 11 Dumbell’s row
Readdiceff Capt. Frank, manager of Great Laxey mines
Richardson John, lead washer,
Rencell Robinson John, miner, New rd
Rencell Wm. James, licensed victualler Shore inn, Old Laxey
Rowe Capt. Wm. Henry, Alma terrace
Rydings Egbert, woollen manufactures’, St. George’s mill

Savage Patrick, miner, New rd
Sayle John, miner, Dhoon ni
Sayle Paul, miner, The Glen
Sayle Thomas, engine driver, New rd
Scarf John, Jas., licensed victualler, Bridge Inn, Laxey bridge
Scarf Thomas, miner, Big wheel
Scarf Thomas, labourer, Mine rd
Senogles David, refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
Senogles Joseph, labourer
Senogles Josiah, refreshment rooms, 9 Dumbell’s row
Senogles Wm., refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
SKILLICORN CATHERINE, refreshment rooms, 8 Dumbell’s row
Skillicorn James, tailor, The Glen
Skillicorn Mrs., The Shore
Skillicorn Mrs., refreshment rooms, Dumbell’s row
Skillicorn Robert, lead washer, 2 Dumbell’s row
Skillicorn Thomas, labourer,~,Old Laxey hill
SKILLICORN THOMAS, family butcher and farmer,’private apts, Cronk-na-Quayle
Spicer Rev J M curate of Christ s church
Starkey John, carter, Mine
Stephenson Wm.
Stout Ann, Old Laxey

Taylor John, miner, The Glen
Tomkin J., The Glen
Tupper Wm., New rd

Vigues Capt., Alma terrace

Waid Maria, Shore rd
Walton Mrs. John, Minorca
Walton Margaret, Shore rd
Walton Thomas, miner, The Glen
Watterson Edward, carter, The Glen .
Watterson Jane, Dumbell’s row
Waugh Mary Ann, refreshment rooms, Old Laxey
White Ann, The Glen
Wilkinson Rev. James S., vicar of Lonan, The Vicarage
WILLIAMSON DAVD, general and. furnishing Ironmonger, implement agent, New rd, Laxey
WILLIAMSON JAMES, family grocer and. butcher, wine and spirit merchant, coal, seed. and manure merchant, Shore rd
WILLIAMSOM ROBERT grocer, baker and wine and spirit merchant, butcher and. mineral water manufacturer, New rd.



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