[from History of IoM, 1900]


Add. Chart.—Additional Charters (0).
,, MSS. Additional Manuscripts (0).
Ann. Four Masters—Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters. Edited and translated by John O’Donovan (1848-1851).
Annals of Loch Cé.1 Edited and translated by W. M. Hennessey (1871).
Ann. Ult.—Annals of Ulster.1—Edited and translated by W.M. Hennessey (1887).
Antiquitates Manniæ—The Rev. J. G. Cumming [XV.].
Atholl Case (Pamphlet, 1788)—Case of John, Duke of Atholl (1788), and Mr. Hargrave’s opinion thereon.

Blundell—A History of the Isle of Man. William Blundell (1648-1656) [XXV. and XXVII.].
Browne’s Isle of Man Directory (1882).
Browne, Willis—A Survey of the Cathedral of Man (1727) [XVIII.].
Bullock—" History of the Isle of Man, with a Comparative View of the Past and Present State of Society and Manners," &c. H. A. Bullock (1816).
[Burnt] Nials Saga : the Story of Burnt Njal, or Life in Iceland at the end of the Tenth Century, from the Icelandic. By G. W. Dasent (1861).

Camden’s (and Gibson’s) Britannia (Edition of 1695) [XVIII.].
Chaloner—A Short Treatise of the Isle of Man. James Chaloner (1656) [X.].
Chart. Furn.—Chartulary of Furness (0).
,, Lanc.~191t~’5 of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Chetham Soc.—The Chetham Society’s Publications. Vols. lxi., lxvi., lxvii., lxx.
Chronicle The— ( The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, &c., with a translation and notes by Munch, Errington, and Goss [XXII. and XXIII.]-
Cron. Man.— ~ <~ .
. .
Chronicon Manniæ— ~

Chronicon Scotorum.f Translated and edited by W. M. Hennessey (1866).
Church Notes—Church Notes, Diocese of Sodor and Man. William Harrison [XXIX.].
Close Rolls (0).
Comrs ‘ Re ort— Report of the CommisCommissionerS’ Report— ~ ~ O~ Commons Question : Isle of Man DisafforeSting Commission. Declaration of the Boundaries of the Forest unenclosed, or which ought to be enclosed. Printed by Order of the Commissioners. 1861.
Constitution—The Constitution Of the Isle of Man. (Part 3 of Commissioners’ Report of 1792.) Edited by Richard Sherwood (1882) [XXXI.].
Cott. MSS.—Cottonian Manuscripts (0).
Cruttwell—The Works of Bishop Wilson, with his Life. R. Cruttwell (1797).
Currency of the Isle of Man, The. Charles Clay, M.D. [XVII.].
Customary Laws—The Antient Customary Laws of the Isle of Man. MS. (Rolls Office).

Denton’s MS.—Denton's Manuscript. Per Mr. G. W. Wood.
Derby §_History and Antiquities of the Isle of Man. James Stanley (c. 1648) [III.].The Manx Society’s title is, Legislation by Three of the Thirteen
Stanleys," &c.
Dict. Nat. Biog.—Dictionary of National Biography, The.
Dugdale—Monasticon Anglicanum. Sir William Dugdale and Roger Dodsworth. (Edition of 1846) [XVIII.].

Ecclesiastical Records—The Episcopal and Archideaconal Records (Record Office). MS.
English Village Community, The. Dr. F. S. Seebohm, LL.D., F.S.A. (4th edit., 1890).
Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, The. Vol. i. (Edited by John Stuart and G. Barnett, 1878.)
Eyrbyggia Saga—Chapters 1-11, Vigfusson’s translation (in Landnámabóc).

Foedera—Rymer’s Foedera (0).
Feltham—Feltham’s Tour through the Isle of Man (in 1797 and 1798) [VI.].
Fisheries—(For authorities quoted see pp. 958—959).

Gell—An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle of Man.* Edited, with Notes, by James Gell, Esq., Attorney-General of the Isle of Man (1867) [XII.].* This valuable book does not contain " Parr’s Abstract " (see below), which has never been published, but consists of copious notes on ‘ The Supposed True Chronicle of the Isle of Man," which deal fully with the sovereignty of the island and other important questions relating to Manx history

Haining’s Guide—A Historical Sketch, &c., of the Isle of Man. Samuel Haining (1822).
Halliday—The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin. Halliday (2nd edit., 1884).
Han. MSS.—Harleian Manuscripts (0).
Hildesley’s Memoirs—The Memoirs of Mark Hildesley, D.D., &c. The Rev. Weedon Butler (1799).

Inquiry about Intacks. M. A. Mills (1813).
Ireland and the Anglo-Celtic Church. G. T. Stokes (1886).
Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church. G. T. Stokes (1889).
Isle of Man Charities (1831).
Isle of Man Times, The.2

Isle of Man, The : Its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Legendary. The Rev. J. G. Cumming, M.A., F.G.S. (1848).

Jeffereys—A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isle of Man. Nathaniel Jeffereys (1809).

Keble—The Life of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, D.D., &c. The Rev. John Keble, M.A. (1863).
Kermode, Manks Crosses—A Catalogue of the Manks Crosses with the Runic Inscriptions, &c. P. M. C. Kermode, F.S.A. Scot. (2nd edit., 1892).
Keys’ Journals—The Journals of the House of Keys (MS.).
Knowsley Muniments and Loose Papers (MS.).

Lady of Latham—The Lady of Latham. Madame Guizot de Witt (1869).
Landnámabóc—The Landnámabóc (unpublished) Vigfusson’s translation (Oxford, Clarendon Press).
Land of Home Rule—The Land of Home Rule : An Essay on the History and Constitution of the Isle of Man. Spencer Walpole (1892).
Lansdowne MSS. (0).
Lib. Assed.— Libri Assedationis * (MS.).
,, Cancell.— ,, Cancellarii 1 (MS.).
,, Irrot.— ,, Irrotulamentorum 1 (MS).
,, Jurat.— ,, Juramentorum 1 (MS.).
,, Monast.— ,, Monasteriorum 1 (MS.). :~
,, Placit.— ,, Placitorum 1 (MS.).
,, Scacc.— ,, Scaccarii 1 (MS.).
,, Vast.— ,, Vastarum 1 (MS.).
Lingard, History of England—The History of England, &c. John Lingard, D.D. (6th edit., 1854).

Manks Advertiser, The 2
Manks Mercury, The 2
Manx Law Tenures—Manx Law Tenures. Being a Short Treatise on the Law relating to Real Estate in the Isle of Man. Richard Sherwood, Esq., late Deemster (1899).
* See pp. 901—2. t See p. 791. ~ Newspaper.

Manx Names—The Surnames and Place-Names of the Isle of Man. A. W. Moore, M.A. (1891).
Manx Note Book, The (1885-1887).
Manx Rebellion—Illiam Dhone and the Manx Rebellion [XXVI.].
Manx Sun, The.2
Mona’s Herald, The.~
Monuments. de Insula Manniæ, or a Collection of the National Documents relating to the Isle of Man. Translated and edited by J. R. Oliver, M.D. (3 vols.).Manx Society, vols. iv., vii., ix. See (O).

Neale—Ecclesiological Notes. J. M. N. (1848).

O’Curry—Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, 3 vols. (1873).

Pamphlet (1783)—Cursory Remarks on a Bill, signed by part of the Legislature of the Isle of Mann, in 1781, &c.
,, (1824)—Petition to the House of Commons of the House of Keys of the Isle of Man. Presented May, 1824. With observations.
,, (1825)—A Short History of the Transactions in the Isle of Man on which the Keys founded their late Petition to the House of Commons, &c.
Parl. Papers (1804). Report from the Committee on the Isle of Man Port Petition (May 5, 1804).
,, ,, (1805) No. ~9. Papers presented to the House of Commons respecting the Isle of Man (Atholl Case).
,, ,, (1851)—Harbours (Isle of Man). No. 651.
,, ,, (1853). Customs Reform, Isle of Man. Copies of Treasury Minutes and of Correspondence. Ordered to be printed August 19, 1853.
,, ,, (1859), No. 216. Copies of any Correspondence between the Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man, the House of Keys, and the Office of Woods, &c., as to the Forests in the Isle of Man. Dated August 12, 1859.
Man. Papers (1864)—Papers relating to the Isle of Man. Ordered to be printed July 28, 1864. No. 553.
,, ,, (1866). Isle of Man (Financial Measures). Return to an Order of the House of Commons, dated March 15, 1866. No. 115.

Parr’s MS.—An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle of Man. Deemster John Parr (1693-1713).
Pipe Rolls (0).
Prehistoric Times. Sir John Lubbock (1865).
Prendergast—The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland (2nd edit., 1870).
Public General Statutes. (Legal Reports.)

Quayle—A General View of the Agriculture of the Isle of Man. Thomas Quayle (1812).

Rhys, Celtic Britain (2nd edit., 1884).
Rhys—Ethnology of the British Isles. Reprint from Rhind Lectures on Archæology in the Scottish Review (1890-1891).
Rhys, Hibbert Lectures—Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom (1886).
Rising Sun, The.2
Robertson—A Tour through the Isle of Man. David Robertson (1794).
Rosser—The History of Wesleyan Methodism in the Isle of Man. James Rosser (1849).
Rot. Hib.--- Rotuli Hiberniæ (0).
,‘ Litt. Claus.— ,, Literarum Clausarum (0).
,, Litt. Pat.— ,, Literarum Patentium (0).
,, Orig. in Curia ,, Originales in Curia Scac
Scacc.— carii (0).
,, Parl.— ,, Parliamentorum (0).
,, Pat.— ,, Patentium (0).
,, Pat. Hib.— ,, Patentium Hiberniæ (0).
,, Scot.— ,, Scotiæ (0).


Sacheverell—" An Account of the Isle of Man," its Inhabitants, Language, Soil, &c. William Sacheverell (1703) [I.].
Sale of the Island : Copies of the Contracts and Agreements between the Lords Commissioners of H.M.’s Treasury and His Grace, John, Duke of Atholl, respecting the Sale and Conveyance of the Isle of Man. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, May 18, 1829. No. 252.
Seacome—The History of the House of Stanley. John Seacome (Edition of 1821).
Short’s History of the Church of England. Introduction—Sketch of the History of the Church of England, &c. By Thomas Vowler Short, D.D. (9th edit., 1875).
Six Centuries of Work and Wages. Thorold Rogers (1884).
Skene—Celtic Scotland : A History of Ancient Alban. By W. F. Skene, D.C.L., LL.D. (2nd edit., vol. i., 1886; vol. ii., 1887 ; vol. iii., 1890).
Sodor and Man—Diocese of Sodor and Man, The (S.P.C.K.). A. W. Moore (1893).
Statutes—The Statutes of the Isle of Man. (Gill’s Edition.) Vols. i. to vi.
Statutes at Large, The.
S.P. Jac. 1.—State Papers, James I. (C).
S.P. Car. 1.—State Papers, Charles I. (C).
S.P. Dom. Jac. 1.—State Papers, Domestic, James I.(C)
S.P. Dom. Ser. Car. 1.—State Papers, Domestic Service, Charles (C).
S.P. Dom. Interreg.—State Papers, Domestic, during the Interregnum (C).
S.P. 0.—State Paper Office (0).
S.P. 0. Scot.—State Paper Office, Scotland (C).
S.P. Dom. Corr..—State Papers, Domestic Correspondence (C).
Stowell—The Life of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, D.D., &c. The Rev. Hugh Stowell (1819).

Talbot, The Rev. T. : Letters in the Manx Sun.~
Teignmouth—Sketches of the Coast and Islands of Scotland and the Isle of Man. Lord Teignmouth (1836).
Theiner’s Vetera Monumenta — Theiner’s Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum (G).
Titles and Powers of Governors of the Island, The. Sir J. Gell (1877). Isle of Man Times reprint, 1885.
Townley—A Journal kept in the Isle of Man, &c. Richard Townley (1791).
Train—An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man. Joseph Train, 2 vols. (1845).

Vat. Arch.—Vatican Archives (G).

Waldron—A Description of the Isle of Man, &c. George Waldron (1731) [XI.].
War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, The. Translation by J. H. Todd f (1867).
Ward—Isle of Mann and Diocese of Sodor and Mann, &c. The Rev. W. Perceval Ward (1837).
Western Islands of Scotland, A Description of the. John Macculloch, M.D. (1819) [Vol. ii. Isle of Man].
Wilson—The History of the Isle of Man. By the Right Reverend Thomas Wilson, D.D., Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man (Edition of 1797) [XVIII.].
Woods—An Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man. George Woods (1811).
Worsaae—An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. J. J. A. Worsaae (1852).

Yn Lioar Manninagh (The Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society’s Magazine).

* The authorities most frequently quoted are given in the text in the abbreviated form only.
[] The numbers of the volumes of the series issued by the Manx Society are indicated here by Roman capitals in square brackets.
(C) Quoted for the most part from the Chetham Society’s publications. The proximate source of information is given in the text. See (O).
(G) Quoted and translated by Goss in vol. xxiii. of the Manx Society’s publications. See (O).
(O) Quoted and translated by Dr. Oliver in volumes iv., vii., or ix of the Manx Society’s publications. This is indicated in the text by the number of the volume of these publications being given. When the number is not given the reference has been taken from the original document.
1. Rolls Series.
2 Newspaper

* Various abbreviations made use of in the text.
I Rolls Series.

§ When no edition is mentioned it is to be understood to be the first


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