[From The Mormons by Gunnison, 1852]
Joseph Smith announces a visit from the angel Moroni, at Palmyra, New York.
Golden plates, eight inches by four, connected by rings and engraved with Egyptian letters, given to Joseph by the angel for translation.
Book of Mormon published Church organised and settled at Kirtland, Ohio.
New Jerusalem selected in Jackson County, Missouri and named Zion Corner stone of a Temple laid.
A mob at Zion drive the Mormons to Clay County Kirtland named Shinahar, and store-houses, temple, and tithes arranged Mercantile house formed.
Mormons driven from Clay to Coldwell, Missouri Found Far West Bank of :Kirtland established.
Bank fails Danite Society organised Third persecution in Missouri, and the Mormons driven to Illinois.
Nauvoo City laid off on the Mississippi State of Illinois grant extraordinary privileges Hostile feelings from citizens and dissenters appear.
Temple begun at Nauvoo Charge of " Spiritual wives " denied Polygamy grantedTroubles with civil courts.
Joseph the prophet and his brother Hyrum, repair to Carthage on charge of treason Are shot in jail by an infuriated mob Brigham Young chosen Seer Violence offered to Nauvoo people Burnings at Green Plains.
Property sacrificed at Nauvoo Mormons emigrate to the Missouri BottomCultivate land twenty miles above Plate junction Battalion of 520 men recruited for the Mexican War Women do field-work Great sickness in camp Caves dug for winter shelter.
Great mortality and sufferingIndians molest the Mormons 8th April: Seer and advance guard of 143 men depart for the mountains Seeds and implements transported 21st July: Advance at Salt Lake Valley, and 24th Presidency arriveGround consecrated for a city Invalid company of the Mexican battalion arrive, and 4000 persons come in October.
January: Fort completed, of 7788 feet contourThirteen miles of fence, enclosing 6000 acres, madeJune: Crickets cut down the plants, which are renewed four times in some cases People starving, dig roots and eat old hidesFive mills put in operationSeer returns with emigrantsSettlements extendedTemple at Nauvoo burnt.
Utah Valley occupiedLarge crops raisedConstitution for a territorial government madeWithdrawn, and one for a State sent to CongressSurvey of the valley by Captain Stansbury and Mr. Gunnison, made by order of United StatesTuilla and San Pete valleys colonisedMissionaries sent to France, Denmark, Sweden, and Europe generally.
University of Deseret incorporatedSchools openedCities laid off in Ogden, San Pete, and Timpanagos districts; and little Salt Lake Valley colonizedIron mines workedState-house finishedGovernor dissolves the State provisional government, and the Territory of Utah recognisedBrigham Young appointed governor by the PresidentTithing store-houses built, and adobes made for private dwellingsGeneral prosperity.
Census takenUnited States judges arriveBecome dissatisfied and withdraw - Legislature protestsSixteen mills in operation Polygamy openly discussedLatter-Day Saints ordered to remove from the frontier to Utah the coming year.
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