[From IoM Charities, 1831]



"An Extract from the letters patent of King Charles the Second, of one annuity, or yearly sum of one hundred pounds, towards the maintenance of such poor Ministers in the Isle of Man as shall stand most in need thereof.

Arch. Epis. Anno Domini 1676.


Charles the Second, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

" To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting.

"Know ye that we, for diverse good causes and considerations us thereunto moving, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, Have given and granted, and by these presents, for us, our heirs, and successors, given and granted, unto our Rt. trusty and Rt. well-beloved cousin, Wm., Earl of Derby, and our trusty and well-beloved Thomas Cholmondeley, of the Vale Royal, in our County of Chester, Esq., and William. Bankes, of Winstanley, in our County of Lancr., Esquire, one annuity, or yearly sum of one hundred pounds, of lawful money of England, to be issuing and payable out of all that our revenue of excise of beer, ale, and other excisable liquors, which is settled upon us, our heirs, and successors, by the laws and statutes of this our realme, arising within all and every the Citties, Counties, and places of this our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and every or any of them, or by the rents reserved, or to be reserved, upon any demise or farm thereof, made or to be made; to have and to hold, and yearly to receive, perceive, and enjoy, the said annuity or yearly sume of'one hundred pounds, unto the said William, Earle of Derby, Thomas Cholmondeley, and William Bankes, their heirs or asss, from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, which was in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy and three, at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Michael the Archangel, by even and equal portions, by the hands of the farmers, collectors, receivers and commissioners of our said Revenue of Excise, arising out of the cities, places, and counties aforesaid, and every of them, for the time being, before the said rents or revenues be paid unto the Exchequer by levyino, tallies or pro., or assignment from time to time in said Exchequer, for discharge of the persons payino, the same or any pt. thereof: the said annuity, or yearly sume of one hundred pounds, and the arrears thereof, to be by the said Earle, Thomas Cholmondeley, and William Bankes, their heirs and assis. from time to time employed and disposed towards the maintenance of such poor Ministers in the Isle of Man as shall be found to stand most in need thereof. And we do hereby, for us, our heirs and successors, authorise, require, and command the Ld. High Treasurer, Comissers. of the Treasury, Chancellor, Under Treasurs., Chamberlains and Barons of the Exchequer, of us, our Heirs and Successors, and all and every the officers and ministers of our said Exchequer, and of the receipt thereof, now and for the time being, to whom it -~hall or may in any wise apeitain, to give warrt. and directions from time to time, as well for the payment of the said annuity herein before-mentioned,, from the time and in the manr. aforesaid, according to the true intent and meanino, of these presents, &c, &c.

In witness whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the nineteenth day of Aprille, in the seven and twentieth year of our Reign.

By writt of privy seal,




EARL of Derby, Thomas Cholmondeley, and Wm. Banks. Esqrs., Trustees.

£100 per annum

"CHARLES R. Right trusty, right well-beloved Cousin, we greet you well.

" Whereas upon former and late representations made unto us, by the Right Rev. Father in God, Isaac Barrow, Bishop of St. Asaph, and late Bishop of the Isle of Man, of the mean provision of the Clergy in that Isle, and the ill effects which necessarily attend upon the same, both in relation to the qualifications of the Ministry there, and instructing that people, and educating of their youth, we were pleased to grant one hundred pounds per ann. as of our princely bounty, to be annuallv paid to them, which, by our Letters Patent of thi 19 April, in the seven and twentyeth yeare of our Reigne, we have ordered to be paid out of our revenue of Excise; and because the same is in perpetuity, and so could not be settled in the present Bishop of Mann and his successors ; upon advice with our learned Counsel in the Law we thought fit to appoint you our &. trusty and Rt. wellbeloved Cousin, Will., Earl of Derby, and you our trusty and well-beloved Thomas Cholmondeley and Will. Bankes, Esqrs., and your Heirs and Ass., to be trustees to receive and dispose this our Royal Charity. And reflecting upon what was done for merly indisposing thereof, we are willing, 'for your case and quiet rest, this our bounty be disposed as we herein allot and proportion. And accordingly our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby require you and every of you, and all future Trustees for the same, that you and they, and every of you, from time to time, allot and pay to six petty schools, in the most convenient places in the said Island, viz., to a petty school in Castletown, to a petty school in Douglas, to a petty school in Ramsey, to a petty school in Kk Andreas, to a petty school in Kk Bride, and to a petty school in Ballaugh, three pounds annually to each school, amounting in all to eighteen pounds per ann. And we finding of the seventeen Parish Churches or Cures in our Island, that there are but three that are of any considerable value, and of the fourteen remaining but three worth seventeen pounds per ann. And to the end that the other eleven Parishes or Cures, which are in value less, may be also made seventeen pounds per ann. or thereabouts: WE do therefore direct and appoint that there be allowed and paid annually to the respective incumbent for the time being of the several churches hereinafter men tioned, the several yearly sums following, viz. to the incumbent of Kk German, eight pounds per ann.; of Kk Jurby, of eleven pounds per ann.; of Kk Christ Lezayre, of thirteen pounds per ann. ; of Kk Maugh old, of one pound per ann.; of Kk Lonnan, of five pounds per ann.; of Kk Conchan nine pounds per ann.; of Kk Braddan nine pounds per ann.; of Kk Marown seven pounds per ann.; of Kk Santon nine pounds per. ann. ; of Kk ' Arbory one pound per ann.; of Kk Christ Rushen nine pounds per ann. ; all which amounts to ei,-hty-two pounds per ann., (common charges to be deducted in common,) which makes up the whole gne hundred pounds per ann. And our further will and pleasure is, that these our letters be registered in our said Island, that our directions herein may be better known and observed; and for so doino, this shall be your warrant; and we bid you heartily farewell.

Given at our Court at Whitehall, the 15th day of February, 1675, in the 28th year of our Reign. By his Majesty's command.


In Arch. Epis. Anno Domini 1676.









Petty Schools.


£3 0 0


3 0 0


3 0 0

Kk Andreas

3 0 0

Kk Bride

3 0 0


3 0 0

£18 0 0






.£8 0 0


11 0 0


13 0 0


1 0 0


5 0 0


9 0 0


9 0 0


7 0 0


9 0 0


1 0 0


9 0 0

£82 0 0

Distribution of the Royal Bounty, 1827.

We, the undersigned Clergy and Schoolmasters of the Diocese of Sodor and Mann, do hereby acknowledge to have received the sums annexed to our respective names, being our dividends of four quarters of Royal Bounty, ending the 10th October, 1826£100 0 0

" Deduct-

Exchequer Fees

£10 11 0

Agent's Commission

4 2 0

Receipt Stamp

0 3 0


0 4 0

15 0 0


£85 0 0

Treasury Warrants

£4 10 0

Exchequer Debentures

6 6 0

Teller's Office

0 15 0

£10 11 0

Agent, EDWD. D. JONES, Signet Office,

Somerset Place.

Recd. this 16th May, 1827.

£. s. d.



0 17 0



7 13 0



6 16 0



9 7 0



1 1 0



4 5 0



519 0



0 17 0



7 13 0



7 13 0



7 13 0



2 11 0



2 11 0



2 11 0



2 11 0



2 11 0



2 11 0


£85 0 0


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