These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available. Some 318/430 of thos pre 1841 summarised here
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1800 A 44 TEARE Margaret killey d feb 1800;ch wm,silvester,cath,margt,lenora,thomas(exor) 1800 A 45 KOINE[keowin Robert d 9 feb 1800;ch ellinor,ann,robert;wife margt als cowley exex;names wm cowley;some ch ua;1823: robt (of Peel) acks from James kermode (h/o ann als kewn], legatee in will Robt Kewn(kk Patk) + exex Margt Kewn als cowley;1825: James Goldsmith h/o eleanor als kewn acks James Kermode 1800 A 46 KILLEY Henry d 22 feb 1800;crag-an-Aahin;wife grace als killey exex;[m Pat 17950502 ?no ch] 1800 A 47 QUILLIAM Mary shimin dated 14 mar 1800;dau may callister als quilliam exex;husb henry [m pat 17581018] 1800-1 E KARRAN Jane KEY d 27 may 1800;only ch patrick karran 1800-1 E KENNIAGH Thomas d 26 dec;sister margt cannell als kenniah;john,thos,wm,james,philip,isabel + elinor ch of decd bro john kenniagh 1800-1 E QUILLIAM William [bur Pat 18000612]made 15 sep 1785;jw Wm + jane als gell;BallneCaarkey;ch john,wm,patk;gdau ann white 1800-1 E SAYLE Patrick [bur Pat 18000702][very faint on film]dated 15 may 1800;ch ellinor, thos,patrick,wm,john;wife isabel 1800-2 E CORLETT Patrick d 12 jun 1800;ch thos(purchased lands),john,ann,cath;wife exex 1800-2 E KARRAN Isabella d 20? oct 1799;unnamed stepmo;fa alive;isabella shimmin exex(w/o john shimin) 1801 A 29 QUANE Thomas undated;doolish chashin;sis jane exex; 1801 A 30 FARAGHER Thomas dated 24 dec 1800;ballalargy;ch philip, robt, thos (exor)2 unnamed daus;gson john fargher(s/o Robt),clucas fargher;philip quilliam [?m elizth fargher Pat 17731204] + Patk Cubbon [?m ann fargher Pat 17831224] husbs of two daus ack 1801 A 31 GELL Margaret wattleworth d 24 feb [1801];ch leonora.henry,caesar, john,wm - some ua;husb henry exor 1801 A 32 KILLEY Elinor quane d 2 mar 1801;ch ann christian, thomas corris, john corris(?dyer Patrick);son-i-law hugh christian(kk patk) exor [1st husb John corris m Pat 17780303;2nd husb wdwr henry killey m Pat 17961025] 1801 A 33 WATERSON Margaret m/c Thos Gell + Isabel Watterson dated 23 aug 1790 - see NSS Oct 1799 3 1801 A 34 QUORK Margaret quay d 19 feb 1801;names John Quilliam(+wife), margt (w/o thomas)+ jane Corras,john quine;names Thos quine exor 1801-1 E QUINE William d 13 aug 1801;sis' dau jane cannell;dau christian shimmin als quine (croit-e-wooillen),ann exex;son wm 1801-1 E WHITE Elinor [sansbury als] QUIRK d 6 sep 1799;dau cath;son richd,charles[sansbury];husb wm exor + supv of ua ch [elinor sansbury als quirk m wm white Pat 17950428] 1801-2 E CALLISTER Jane d 18 mar 1801;ch philip,patk,richard,cath + mary + ch of decd son henry 1801-2 E COWLE Richard d 22 jun 1801;wife jane als quork exex 1802 A 43 COTTIER Jane caine dated 28 nov 1801;d 25 nov;widow;glan rushen;ch nancy (youngest dau), cath, jane, elinor, wm,john,elizth;elder daus elizth(w/o Thos karran) +elinor jt exexs;some ch ua - uncles (by fa's side) Philip Quirk + Cornelius quayle + uncle (mo side John Killey + Philip Killey(a reln by mo's side) supv;inv 1802 A 44 COWNE Ann dated 5 jan 1802;husb james exor;gdau ann callin;ch eleanor callin, cath corkan,thos cowne, alice cowne 1802 A 45 CUBBON John d 12 jan 1802;wife alice als kelley exex 1802 A 46 QUAYLE Robert dated 23 mar 1802;wife ann exex 1802-1 E CLUCAS Philip d 13 dec 1801;ch philip,margt(h/o patk corris) jt admrs; 1802-1 E CORRIN Isabel quirk dated 25 oct 1800;jt Robert + Isabel als quirk;Knockaloe beg;dau cath,isabel;son wm(inc consideration money for purchased land from admrs of John Callin + from his relict Cath),thos(heir),john,robt;mutual execs;1809: john ramsey h/o Cath; 1802-1 E COTTIER Elizabeth watterson dated 20 jan 1802;gch jane, ellinor, ann ,cath+ wm cottier;dau judy,elizth;names cornelius quayle exor 1802-1 E QUANE Jane d 9 jul 1802;names john,jane(w/o john), jane + eleanor kneen;gson thos gell exor 1802-1 E QUAYLE Isabel quilliam als kelly d 30 dec 1801;ch john,jane,isabella(w/o henry quayle),margt,cath,cath + margery quilliam, Ellin,joney + esther quayle (last 3 c/o john quayle) jt admrs;husb john [1st husb wm quilliam m Pat 17731207;2nd john quayle m Pat 17961015 1802-1 E QUILLIAM Henry [very faint on film] d jamaica 1 jul 1799;sibs elizth,ann(w/o wm gell) + esther(w/o thomas [name not readable]), + john quane s/o margery quane als key late decd(half sister) jt admrs 1802-1 E QUILLIAM William d jul 1801;,bach;mariner eastindiaman 'Bombay Castle' (john Wamither? commdr);mother cath + sibs jane,elizth + cath jt admrs 1802-1 E RADCLIFFE John dated 29 may 1802;names cath kneen ala cotaman(peel),thos kaighin(shoemaker peel),john cummings(peel);son charles + gson thos radcliffe exors; 1802-2 E jw QUAYLE Margaret TEARE dated 1 oct 1800;jt will patk + margt ballaquayle;son wm,thos;dau ann;silvester tear uncle to ua ch 1803 A 41 CARRAN Ann quilliam d 21 jan 1803;names ann d/o thos kelly, ann d/o john key, margt key;sis bella quilliam;husb john exor [m Pat 17960529 ?no ch] 1803 A 42 QUIRK Ann key d 20 apr 1803;ch ann,margt; - ua;husb richd exor 1803 A 43 SKINNER Radcliff [?bur]d 22 mar 1803;ch henry,ann;father hugh;bro john;wife jane als gill exex 1803 A 44 CUBBON Patrick 1st on film]d 21 apr 1803;ch john,mary, wm,philip,thos,charles, patk,robt;wife ann als fargher exex 1803 A 45 QUIRK Mary lace d 15 apr 1803;dau ann sayle,margt callin,eleanor quirk,cath radcliffe;son wm;husb wm exor 1803 A 46 SHIMIN Philip dated 24 feb 1795;ch (1/- ea) john,hugh, philip, ann kewley, cath mcleece, elinor kewley,jane jones;wife exex 1803 A 47 GELL Nicholas dated 4 feb 1803;ballnekinjeage;ch john,alice,elinor(naish woar);wife mary;ellinor + wife exexs 1803 A 48 GELL Ann kelly d 15 apr ? made 12 apr 1803;husb thos;sis margt callow;names isabel quirk,isabella callow;dau margt cannel exex;quitclaim by margt to thos gell 1803-1 E CORLETT Elizabeth d 21 apr 1803;father Patk admr 1803-1 E KARRAN Thomas d 31 jan 1803;only ch Patk admr; 1803-1 E KELLY Catharine d may 1803;ch john, wm, margt + jane jt admrs - all ua;husb John sworn guardian + admr-in-trust 1803-1 E Knickell Ann kelly d 30 may 1803;dau margt gell, ann watterson als knickell exex (w/o henry);gch john callen, thomas watterson, ann watterson 1803-1 E QUANE Thomas d 14 nov 1802;ballahutchin;ch john + charles (by previous venters),thos,henry,jane + ann (last 3 ua) 1803-1 E QUIRK John dated 27 oct 1802;SlieuWhallan;friend Wm Mylevorrey + wife Margt (£100);sis Margt (margt mylchreest, ballagarriiaughan, widow), jane(w/o john corran), cath (5s ea);£20 for poor;wife sarah als callister exex;[ dispute re validity but court accepts it] dispute between sarah + margt mylchreest, john + jane corran, isable quirk + cath kewley - Wm clucas who drew up will + deed of sale gave evidence there was a deed of sale of slieuwhollan to John Quirk imm before will on 27th 1803-1 E SHIMMIN Christian see hugh 1803-1 E SHIMMIN Hugh decree states Hugh + Christian shimin lately decd - 5 ch thos, hugh, charles, elinor (h/o philip clague)+ cath;petn by Hugh Shimmin that Hugh shimmin, wife Christian + son Wm died some time ago 1803-1 E SHIMMIN Radcliffe d some time ago;mariner (royal navy)+ owed money from H M service;sibs thomas, hugh, chas, elinor clague als shimin(w/o philip), cath; 1803-2 E CRELLIN William d 2 jun 1803;threshaj ?;3 unnamed daus(3s ea);wife dorothy exex 1803-2 E Morrison Margaret kneale ? d 12 sep 1803;names ann(d./o Robt Colvin);husb thos exor 1804 A 36 GELL Jane kelly d 7 dec 1803;cousin jane (w/o john martin + dau bella),ann quilliam;husb john exor 1804 A 37 CHRISTIAN John d 14 feb 1804;dau jane,margt (w/o thos samsbury);son thomas,john,james (exor);wife alive 1804 A 38 QUILLIAM John d 2 dec 1803;wife cath als halsal; exex ch jane,elizth,cath,thos, john,henry;1819 henry kelly h/o cath peel acks;1828 john kennaugh h/o jane acks;1822 thos quilliam states john of cronk e keil;1823 john gell kk rushen h/o elizth 1804 A 39 QUINE William d 26 mar 1804;son-i-law john forsyth;son john(gears quarry work),thos,wm,philip;son-i-law james kennaugh,thos cowle;wife margt als halsal exex 1804-1 E CHRISTIAN Philip d jan 1804;only ch joney (w/o thomas tear) admx; 1804-1 E CORRIN Robert dated 11 apr 1803;knockaloe beg;ch isabella, cath, wm,robt, john, thos (jt exor with son-i-law thos crellin jnr) - some ua;late wife isabella als quirk (? confirms jt will);son-i-law john kelly(ballada, kk patk[h/o jane]), thos crellin(braka broom kk german [h/o margt]), james cain;1809: john ramsey h/o cath acks 1805 A 37 KILLEY Philip d 21 nov 1804;son philip,james,thos;dau ann,elinor;wife ann als cain exex 1805 A 38 RADCLIFFE Thomas dated 16 feb ? 1804;gordon;son thomas,samuel;dau isabel,eleanor crellin,ann moore,margt,cath;wife ann exex 1805 A 39 CORRIS Patrick made 5 jan 1798;son wm,john;only dau emmy knnagh exex(w/o john);petn by emmy 1805 A 40 QUILLIAM Thomas d 7 feb 1805;ballahutchin;son john,henry;dau cath martin;wife margt jt exec with henry;petn margt + hen 1805 A 41 FARAGHER Thomas declared 16 feb 1805;son clucas,wm,charles;dau margt,ann quirk,elinor sayle;wife margt exex 1805 A 42 KILLEY Ann wite[white] dau jane;son wm;sis jane;husb wm exor 1805-1 E KELLY Silvester d 3 Jun 1805;ch John, Joney + Cath jt admrs - eldest son Patk had a m/c; 1805-1 E shimmin jane kissag d 28 apr 1805;dau Bella (w/o silvester Kelly) exex; 1806 A 44 CORRIN Alice made 30 dec 1805;ch ann,jane + margt;husb thos + joseph cowle exors in trust for ch;son thos(5s) xd thro;ch ua - james cowle uncle (by mo's side) guardian;petn by thos corrin Knockaloe beg 1806 A 45 QUILLIAM Elizabeth fargher dated 16 apr 1806;ch elinor,john,wm;dau-i-law isabella;husb philip exor 1806-1 E SAYLE Judith CANNELL d 21 nov 1805;lhean rushin;son philip(in england);ch Henry, Philip, Christian (w/o thomas cannell)+ Margaret(w/o john quane) 1807 A 47 QUAYLE Margaret quirk d 18 mar 1807[?28 as 2 ?overwitten 1];widow;ch thos (house + gardens in Glen Moiey) exor,john; 1807 A 48 QUIRK Philip Ballavaugher;ch James,Philip(2 eldest),elinor,ann,john(house in Peel called Hutchin's house + meadow in Kk German called Kenil Curragh),joseph,christian(part dwelling huse in castletown),cath (due to last 4 by death of mother ),thomas + charles(2 youngest) jt heirs;2 eldest sons + Wm Clark Ballawillin + John Gell Kinna exors;petn by James Quirk(Knockaloe) + Philip Quirk(ship builder Liverpool) state that Wm Clark + John Gell decline role;claims inc £3 from Dr Joseph Tough;acks from Wm,John,Ann fayle als quirk,Elinor Fargher als quirk, cath sayle als quirk;inv/accts/sale;[1st wife Mary Parr;2nd wife christian duggan m Mal 17870816 - note also Philip Quirk in 1792 + 17988 gore's directory]] 1807-1 E d CORLETT Ann d Apr 1806;Thomas, John, cath + Ann jt admrs 1807-1 E d KELLY William d 1777 in Liverpool;bach; brother of late Ann Christian als Kelly (w/o Ewan Christian vicar Kk Patk) + paternal brother James Kelly + Christian Wattleworth als Kelly (w/o Thomas Wattleworth, Liverpool) both decd;ch of Ewan - Robt, Christian + Claudius, ch of Christian Wattleworth john,thomas, james + christian, ch of James Kelly - John + Christian; 1808 A 91 QUIRK Richard d 10 nov 1807;(will dated 13 nov)wife margt als caine;gch ann clucas, cath clucas;ch eleanor clucas als quirk(h/o thomas), ann Cavendish als quirk (h/o wm corjeag), margt knickel als quirk(w/o Wm), john,richard;1869: Wm Radcliffe(h/o gch cath clucas) 1808 A 92 MYLCHREEST Judy fargher dated 31 mar 1807;deed of gift to nephew Philip Fargher(Kk Patk);witt John Clucas, Wm Clucas 1808 A 93 CORRISS Elinor dated 25 dec 1807;ch isabel, thos, patk, john, wm;husb wm exor 1808 A 94 KILLEY John dated 12 mar 1803;Riabe;wife jane als quirk;ch paul, judy(w/o david duggan), margt(exex); 1808 A 95 CLUCAS Anne dated 26 jan 1808;widow richd clucas(kioneshleau mooar);son wm,hugh;dau mary quirk als clucas,cath (exex w/o john clucas) 1808 A 96 CLUCAS Eleanor clucas? d 16 feb 1808;widow;ch wm, thomas,john(heir) exor;dau-i-law Kath Clucas 1808 A 97 HALSAL Isabel quine d 13 feb 1808;dau margt, cath quilliam exex;niece Isable Quine 1808 A 98 CALLIN William d 25 feb 1808;wife cath exex;sumner also charges John Callin + witt charles radcliffe + Wm kenah; 1808 A 99 QUINE John dated 6 sep 1807;Mullen-e-close;sis isabella(w/o john crellin kk patk), cath shimmin(5 youngest ch ann, thos, john, cath + wm),margt(w/o Wm clucas rushen);niece ann Mylechreest(w/o Thomas, kk german),sarah shimmin(d/o philip);bro wm(meadow kk german called shilling croft + house + adj croft called croit alessey ? adj my father's outhouses in kk patk);father thomas exor (inc a lately furnished house (?purchased from Philip shimin) called croit robin jones) ;mother alive;claims etc;1831: Cath Creer als shimin(widow john creer serjeant kk german) acks cath quine (exex of John Quine) 1808 A 100 SKINNER Hugh d 7 apr 1808;wife isable exex;servant John Kneale; 1808-1 E SAYLE Philip dated 19 apr 1808;lhoan rushin;ch henry (exor),philip,christian(w/o thos cannell) + margt(w/o john quane); 1808-2 E KARRAN Alice quirk d 11 aug 1808;ch thomas, henry, ann, margt, isabel + alice 1808-2 E w KILLEY Grace d 10 Oct 1808;dated 17 Oct 1808;nephews Thomas + James Moore jt exors - both ua - their fa Thomas Moore sworn [c/o Thomas Moore + Margt Killey m 1786][ ?wdw Henry Killy d 1800 m Pat 17950502 Grace als killey - no ch] ; 1808-2 E w MOORE Martha husb Philip Moore(Ballamoore) exor;ch Philip, Martha Redman,Wm;names John Kelly, Christian Kelly 1808-2 E d QUILLIAM John Snr d 26 Jun 1808;ch John, Ann (w/o james cowll), Elizabeth Cleather als Quilliam, Christian Brew?? als quilliam, Judith, Thomas + Cath(w/o John Mylrea) jt execs;wife Christian + dau Judith (lifetime interest in purchased lands) 1808-2 E w WATERSON Patrick dated 30 Jun 1808;declrd 20 May 1808;ch Thomas, Patk(gears of Balnakerkey), Silvester, Henry,margery (w/o Thomas corlett kk Patk), Ann(w/o John Quayle kk Patk), Isabella, Jane;gson Wm Watterson;nephew Wm Gell;wife Isabella exex 1809 A 39 GELL John d 6 feb 1808;dalby;names margt christian(widow, peel),ales quirk,john moor(+ wife) exor 1809 A 40 COWN James dated 14 mar 1809;ch elenor callow, cath corkan, tho exor;gch james? cown, wm cown 1809 A 41 TEAR Edward made 16 jan 1809;ch edwrd, john,ann, ellin, margt, isabel, betty, jane(w/o john kelly), ann (w/o wm bridson);wife margt als cain;names cath gory; 1809 A 42 CHRISTIAN James d 17 jan 1809;sis jane;half-sis margt(w/o Thos sansbury + dau ann);wife cath als quilliam(pregnant) exex;1846: james christian acks from mo Cath Corris re legacy from fa; 1809 A 43 CUBBON William d 10 nov 1809;sibs philip, thomas, ann;father wm exor who relinquishes to widow; wife ann 1809 A 44 COWIL Jane cubbon dated 29 sept 1808;ch margt, ann, thos;husb simon exor;sis cath lord;1817?:john kelly h/o Margt, John Quayle h/o Ann (kk patk) ack from Simon Cowle 1809-1 E w CALLISTER Catharine gell declrd 7 Sep 1808;ch Wm(estate Ballaniass?) (?bapt), Margt, Cath, Isabel;husb Wm(estate before ch come to age) exor;sis Margt Gell, Jane callister als Gell 1809-1 E d CHRISTIAN Ann d May 1803;court appoints James quirk (Knockaloe) 1809-2 E CHRISTIAN Robert dated 2 Feb 1809;nephew James Quirk(double barrelled gun), Philip Quirk(single barelled gun);sibs Susanna, Ann, Claudia;mother Ellin;bro-i-law James Quirk(Knockaloe) exor;claims ;sumner charges John Lucas(h/o Ann), Christian Christian) Claudia Christian(Malew) 1809-2 E KILLEY Margery quirk d 2 sep 1809;ch Philip, John, Edward, Cath + Ann jt admrs - all ua father sworn pledges Wm Killey + Hugh Christian;inv £5 10s 1809-2 E QUAYLE Ann quirk d 6 Oct 1809;ch John, Thos + Wm jt admrs - ua father sworn as is a John Quirk 1809-2 E QUIRK Susannah dated 23 Sep 1809;Knockaloe;ch James, Philip, Anne, Mary, Ellen, Susannah, Christian;husb James exor 1810 A 45 CLUCAS Richard dated 19 may 1804;son hugh, wm (heir);dau cath(w/o john clucas Ballanicholas Marown),mary quirk als clucas;wife ann exex but dead by probate - her exex Cath;petn by Ann dated 19 Mar 1807 asking for probabte - Richd d 9 feb 1807 1810 A 46 CLUCAS Ann dated 26 jan 1808;relict Richd Clucas Kionshleau;son wm,hugh;dau mary quirk als clucas,cath w/o john clucas (exex) 1810 A 47 FARGHER Jane woods d 10 mar 1809;2 unnamed ch;mo alive;husb john exor; 1810 A 48 QUILLIAM Philip [very faint on film]wife margt als taggart;dau margt;6 gch margt,mary,james, cath + Ann;petn by silvester quilliam f/o children to be appointed guardian of them (so can access legacy) - court grants him guardian over ua ch;1816: gch margt + mary ack from gmo Margt;1825: ann quilliam (peel) acks from Margt keig als quilliam exex of Margt Quilliam (late kk Patrick) 1810 A 49 QUIRK Ann [very faint on film];d 11 jan 1810;son wm,john,thos;dau ann creer,cath,margt;sis margt wade;?husb exor 1810 A 50 CLUCAS Philip d 20 nov 1809;son thos;wife ann exex 1810 A 51 GORREY Thomas d 26 apr 1810;[?bur 26 apr];sibs ann (her son thomas),john;wife jane clukish[clucas] exex [?marr ?ch - only marr is 1797 to eliz moore] 1810 A 52 QUIRK William dated 29 dec 1806;ballawhilin;dau elinor (eldest w/o John Quirk),margt (w/o Richd Callin), Ann (w/o ahab sayle #19374 m 1790),cath (w/o thomas radcliffe Andreas);son wm,john (eldest - exor) 1810 A 53 QUILLIAM Margaret killey d 17 apr 1810;bro-i-law john quilliam;son henry exor 1810 A 54 MOORE Thomas dated 28 feb 1807;ballacallin;son edwd, philip, thomas, james;dau elizth,jane ;gson thos corris;james + jane jt execs;petn by execs James + jane Shimimin (resident Whitehaven) 1810 A 55 QUAYLE Henry d 4 feb 1810;son wm,john;dau ann;wife exex;ch ua 1810-1 E d CORJEAGE Ann cannell d 5 Apr 1810;only ch Catharine(w/o Henry Sayle) admx; 1810-1 E d CORLETT William d 8 Mar 1810;ch Wm, Elizth + Cath jt admrs - all ua - uncle Thomas Corlett guardian;wife Catharine 1810-1 E KEWLEY Catharine cain d 10 dec 1809;ch thos,ann,cath; 1810-1 E KEY Thomas dated 19 mar 1808;sis isabel w/o john bridson [#3510 isabel quine als key];names thos clucas s/o philip;sis cath clucas als key (w/o philip) [#3783]+ ann key execx; 1810-1 E d KILLEY Ann caine [bur Pat 18090429];d may 1809;ch philip,james,cath,jane(w/o Patk Carran),margt(w/o Philip Garrett),ellinor + ann + thos,john both decd (their ch philip,cath,ellinor ann all ua) 1810-1 E d KILLEY Thomas d 30 Nov 1809;only ch Catharine admx - ua - uncle Philip Killey(German) guardian;wife Catharine 1810-1 E KILLEY William dated 4 jun 1810;gson James Moore(s/o thos moore ballacallin) exor;gson thos + james exor of crops 1810-2 E QUAYLE Cornelius d 25 aug 1810;dau cath,ann;son thomas,philip,john exor;gson wm + john quayle;gdau ann quayle 1810-2 E QUIRK James Knockaloe;petn by bro Philip Quirk of Liverpool states d 28 Oct 1810 leaving 7 ch (5 ua) - court decrees Philuip Quirk + evan Gill(lezayre) admrs - ch james,philip,ann,mary,ellinor,susannah + christian;servs wages Mary Moore,ann gawne, Wm Holme,Isabel Leece(obo ann Leece),margt Cashen,margt kelly, thos quine (?serv as £22) + John Quirk(?not ind as serv but in list) 1811 A 38 MARTIN Henry, snr dated 4 sep 1810;son henry,thos,elenor,isabella + elizth;wife isabella als radcliffe 1811 A 39 QUIRK Alice quayle dated 21 ? dec 1810;dau jane,isabella;husb john exor;ch ua 1811 A 40 CLINTON John declared 6 jan 1811;glenmoii;wife elizth exex;gson wm clinton 1811 A 44 CALLIN Margaret callister d 21? apr 1811;ch wm,esther;gdau elinor kimmeen;dau alice + margt jt exexs 1811-2 E QUIRK William DoSett dated 1 jun 1811;of Wm + Isabel als Killey to survivor;witt philip quirk,barbara quirk x;Isabel exex 1812 A 34 w CALLISTER William declared 25 Nov 1811;ch Wm(all the rest of his part of Ballaniass - qtrland + intack), Margt, Isabella(younger dau - not 16) + Cath jt exex - both ua umcles Phillip Collister + Richard Gill supvs; inv 1812 A 35 w SHIMMIN John petn states d 22 Jan 1812;will dated 22 Aug 1796; sibs Ann, Cath, MargtPhilip, Hugh(exor); father alive; Witt Thos Quine, Philip Clucas (dead by probate); summner Braddan charges Henry Kissack + wife as next of kin, sumner Kk Patricj charges Philip Shimin + John Lewney + wife, Ann Cowley also charged 1812 A 36 w QUILLIAM Philip dated 2 May 1812;ch John(eldest son), Wm(if he arriveth home), Isabel, Elinor; wife cath als Allen ; names Christian Burns als Quilliam(w/o John Burns) exex; 1812 A 37 w QUILLIAM Christian garrett petn by John Burns that Christian Quilliam als Garrett(widow) d 7 Mar 1811 + she apptd her gdau Christian farragher + w/o sd John Burns exex - will 'cannot be found' (some text in petn xd thru) but noncupative + proveable by witnesses; Will - dau Judith, Cath, Ann(w/o James Cowll), Elizth Cleator(widow), John, Thomas, Christian(w/o John Burns) ; gch Thos Quilliam, Christian Faragher (jt exex with Christian w/o John Burns) - much court notes xd thru (prob confusion between 2 Christians) - John Burns exor in trust + supv of minor Christian Faragher with pledges Hugh Shimmin(Baraddan) + John Kermod(KK Patk);inv 1812-1 E w CHRISTIAN Nicholas d Dec 1811;Rev Nicholas Christian, vicar general;ch John, Nicholas, Margaret, Catharine, Esther + Isabella jt admrs;wife Charlotte - surrenders admin to Mr Matthew Harrison(merchant, Castletown) - Charlotte + Harrison supvs;claims 1812-2 E w GELL Ann kelly d 9 Jun 1812;ch Jane (eldest dau), Ann, John(if he comes), Henry, Margt;husb Henry (jt exec with Margt) 1812-2 E w KNEALE Charles dated 8 Dec 1811;Raggard farm;mother(lands, houses etc in Kk Patk inc purchased Raggard farm [SSS Oct 1803 6] during life);sibs Ann(Raggard farm after mo's death, Close Beg in Kk German + field purchased from Charles Cooper [SSS May 1813 19]+ Cronk-e-Willn in Kk Patk purchased from late Wm Graves[SSS May 1802 2]), Cath, Philip (if living - Ballaterson Kk German purchased by me);half-sister Margt (now living in Scotland)names Charles Kneal(s/o Hugh Kneal decd), Alice Kneal(widow of Hugh);mother (?Mrs Cath Kneale)+ sis Ann(w/o Wm Bridson) jt exexs - Mr Philip Quirk(Liverpool) + Patk Carran(Peel) admrs in trust;codicil adds Cath Clark servant girl 1812-2 E w QUIRK William dated 12 Jun 1812;ch Wm, Jane(w/o Henry Gell) exex;gch Jane Gell, Wm Gell 1814 A 51 QUIRK Margaret cain [very faint on film]d 10 mar 1814;widow ;relict Richard Quirk raby moor;ch john,ann,elinor;richard(heir + exor)gch ellinor clucas,richd quirk 1814 A 52 QUAYLE John d 9 apr 1814;wife ann exex 1814 A 53 MUGHTIN Thomas d 10 apr 1814;ch thos,jane,ann,mary,wm.ellinor;wife exex 1814 A 54 QUIRK Margery ballife ? made 11 jan 1813;treljey;ch philip(eldest son),charles(if he comes),Richd(if he comes),margery faragher als quirk(if she comes);gch richd sansbury(rushen),cath white,margery faragher (exex);[Margery quirk m Robert Fargher in 1792 with consent fa John] 1814 A 55 GELL John d 23 mar 1814;ch cath,john(fishing lines) jt execs;petn by wm knickal + wm gell (uncles by mo + fa's side) states eleanor gell als knickal/cringal d 6 may 1813,husb wm d 22 mar 1814 - ua ch john + cath execs;inv 1814 A 56 CRIGAL Patrick dated 29 oct 1813;ch wm(oldest son),john,thos + cath;wife eleanor als shimmin exex; 1815 A 35 GELL William dated 12 nov 1814;Ballelby;gch Thomas gell(£20 to put him to trade),ann gell(d/o thomas of Peel ?dec [loss of margin] ),henry gell,wm gell;son wm exor;1818: gson thos acks (accompanying party is thos + ann regan als gill [ ann caley m thos gell Ger 18030219, Thos bur Pat 18040411 + Ann m Michael Regan/rogan Ger 18050517] 1815 A 36 KNOWAL Isabella d 4 jan 1815;dau sarah exex; 1815 A 37 GELL Jane made 20 nov? 1814;sibs isabella caine als gell, john,james;names elizth,jane, ellinor ,margt , thos, john c/o patk caine exor;names elizth quayle als caine,margt gell als caine 1815 A 38 KELLY John d 22 mar 1815;carne groie ?;dau elinor + other unnamed ch;wife ann exex 1815 A 39 QUAYLE Mary d 29 nov 1814;sis ann quayle,isabella quayle exex;names jane killey 1815-2 E CALLIN James d 30 may 1815;ch cath, margt;wife exex 1815-2 E CUBBON Elizabeth d 5 feb 1816;ch john, thos, elizth(w/o richd costain), jane + judith 1815-2 E LEWIS Philip dated 25 sep 1813;glenmaye farm otherwise Creggan Ashen?;wife jane exex (after her death to her son David Harris Davidson in trust for his son);xd thru parragraph side note erased in consequence of marr 12 apr 1814;sis matilda, sarah; 1816 A 37 QUINE Thomas dated 20 jan 1812;mullen-e-cloie;ch wm(field purchased from John Crellin called Roolushte pt of balaoates? - he to pay £25),margt(£4),isabella(£10);gch cath crellin(£14),wm clucas(£4),sarah moore als shimin(£4);wife cath exex;john crellin acks obo wife £100 [?who is wife],Ann quine als shimin acks £20,thos + sarah moore ack £40,Wm dinwwody(castletown) acks obo wife £100; 1816 A 38 CRINGAL Margaret quirk dated 15 nov 1815;ballacrink;ch ann,margt,john;husb wm exor;witt john cringal,elinor clucas als quirk;1840: ann bridson + john bridson ack; 1816 A 39 KELLEY Ann CREBBIN [d 16 mar 1816;ballada;gch elizth quilliam;ch henry,elinor (w/o John kneale)exexfull] 1816-1 E KNEALE Catharine dated 6 jun 1816;Ragged Farm [?Raggart];names Charles + Ann c/o late Hugh Kneale of Peel;dau ann (w/o Wm Bridson - lands inc ballaterson Kk german), philip(if alive), cath;gch cath, ann + margt (inf c/o Wm Bridson) jt exexs - Wm Bridson + ann execs in trust; 1816-2 E CRELLIN Margaret Ballaleaney;widow;gdau isable crellin;ch john,margt, isabel,cath, richd, ann exex 1816-2 E QUIRK Catharine d sep? 1816;sibs john, thomas, patk, cath, margt, isabel + matthias halsal(by right of wife Hannah) + ch of ann quayle decd(john, thomas + wm); 1817 A 39 w GAWN William dated 3 oct 1816;ch thos(eldest son),wm(field Rushen Ballafeason adj mountain rd on east + john Cooill on south + north - called bwo lhiane? ),john;wife elinor als callin exex;petn by widow state d 25 nov + rent due from some tenants 1817 A 40 w COOIL Ann [karran] dated 2 feb 1815;widow;sibs henry,timothy,alice,isable,margt;names elizth carran (kk patk) exex;petn by elizth states ann cooil aunt d 18 nov 1816;sumner charges timothy carran,henry carran + alice;[?ann karran bapt pat 17341110 m henry cooil Pat 17850419 - no ch] 1817 A 41 CALLIN Judith d 9 feb 1817;names elizth caine als callin,cath callin,margt callin, wm stowel;bro robt calling exor 1817 A 42 QUAYLE Margaret dated 16 may 1817;names ann d/o john clinton;sis esther quane exex 1817 A 43 QUIRK Judy gell d 17 jan 1817;husb wm exor;dau eliz(in Raby beg),jane + cath;[Jony hutchin als gell m Wm Quirk Pat 17821001] 1817 A 44 MARTIN esther dated 12 dec 1815;widow(relict Thos Martin Raby beg);ch john,thos,henry(owes money for land - rengane kk patk -settled on him), ann(w/o Thomas nelson),esther(w/o wm quine) exex;gdau isabell(eldest d/o son john') 1817 A 45 GELL Mary undated but court 12 jun 1817;ch john(£8 + rent of Ballahinjeage),alice,ellinor (exex); 1817 A 46 CALLISTER William made 23 jan 1817;sibs john + isabella (4th pt of lands eary cushlin), henry,ann moore als callister;wife esther als callister - she to leave eary cushin to any male of his kindred and name after her decease - exex;names esther moore,philip moore,cath mylchreest(w/o salomon mylchreest),margt callister, esther(d/o thos clarke) 1817 A 47 CAIN Thomas d 1 oct 1816;glanmore;wife(mill during her life);son patk(eldest exor),wm(youngest) 1817-1 E CALLISTER Isabell d 23 nov 1816;ch john, henry, anne + isabella jt admrs 1817-1 E GELL Ann d 24 nov 1816;husb john admr [?= ann cannell m wdwr John gell Pat 17971030] 1817-2 E MOORE William d 1816;petn states late captn in 13th regt native infantry East India Co Madras + admin granted in Madras to James Waddell who appts Robert George Stole atty;pledges james moore(mercht douglas) + J J Heywood(advocate) 1817-2 E QUILLIAM Thomas d 1 may 1817;ch thomas, eleanor - ua;wife cooney admx + supv; 1817-2 E QUIRK Richard decree states d dec 1816 but confused with Paul Quirk - Richard bur Pat 18170513 ;dau jane(w/o patk quayle), cath(w/o Wm cubbon malew) jt admxs; petn by Patk Quayle(lezayre) states that he + Richd quirk became entitled to property of Paul Quirk (decd dec 1816) but that Richard availed himself of the whole without taking out admin but himself died 1817-2 E ROBERTS Hugh dated 17 aug 1801;great colby arbory;wife isable roberts exex;petn notes late kk patk but formerly kk arbory; 1817-2 E SHIMMIN Margret [bur 31 may 1817]ch john, william, elinor, cath jt admrs (last 3 ua);husb thomas; 1818 A 31 w QUINE William dated 26 oct 1814;dau ann - ua;bro robtlwife esther als martin exex;petn by mother Margt quine,widow (kk patk) 1818 A 32 QUANE John made 23 jan 1819;dau elizth qualtrough(w/o wm);gdau jane craine(1844: w/o john gell cronk more);dau judith salmon [#19774],ann gell(w/o wm),eleanor kelly (w/o thomas) + margt key(w/o thomas)(jt exexs) 1818 A 32 w Quane William made 23 jan 1817;ch elizth qualtrough(w/o Wm rushen), judith salmon,ann gell(w/o wm);gch jane craine,eleanor kelly(w/o thos - half house called Joseph Townsley's concerns);daus elinor + margt jt execs;1844: john gill h/o gch jane crain acks thos Key (surviving exor wm quane) 1818 A 33 w QUIRK Richard dated 14 feb 1818;ch john,mats, wm (to give Mat sufficient meat + clothing during his life - his ch wm + elizth) exor,margt(w/o henry gell) 1818 A 34 w GELL John made 4 aug 1816;cragan Mooar;wife jane als quay;ch jane,john(exor) 1818 A 35 KEY John d 19 mar 1818;gordon;son thomas;dau mary;other unnamed ch 1818-2 E CRINGALL John d aug 1811 on board hm ship the Hero;noted as john cringell otherwise john thomas the second;father john admr 1818-2 E KINREADE Margaret d 5 dec 1817;only son john (admr);husb silvester; 1818-2 E MARTIN Henry d 11 jul 1818;ch esther, ann (his part of mill in glenmaye between them);wife cath exex 1818-2 E MOORE Jane COWLE d sep 1818;ch wm + christian(w/o Isac hutchin) jt admrs 1818-2 E QUILLIAM Eleanor TAUBMAN d 2 aug 1818;ch philip, samuel, wm, james (both wm + james left schooling + trade [?= money]), margt, ann, mary, elinor;husb philip exor 1818-2 E QUIRK Caesar jt decree court noted that both caesar + cath both dead - only dau elizth too tender years - uncle on mo's side John Kennaugh sworn admr in trust + supv; 1818-2 E QUIRK Catharine see caesar 1819 A 29 w CORRIS William ch Isabella Quirk,Patrick, Thos, Wm exor; gch Elenor Corris, Leonora Corris, Thos Corris, Matthew Quirk [Isabella Corris m Wm Quirk Pat 18091119] 1819 A 30 w CLINTON John d 3 Mar 1819;ch John, Patk, Robt, Anne, Wm;wife Joney als Quay exex[joney 2nd wife m Pat 17930209, 1st wife Isabel carran Pat 17811123 ; son-i-law John Skinner [m Isabella Skinner Pat 18110514] 1819-2 E CLARKE Thomas d Sep 1818;ch John, Henry, Elizth (w/o Thomas Cain by 1826) + Esther (w/o Hugh Kinread) jt admrs - 1826: ack from all parties 1820 A 41 w christian john dated [blank] Dec 1819;formerly Kk Michael but now resident Kk Patrick;names 'Elizabeth Gordan infant d/o [blank] Geordan + Mary Cain' [?= illeg Elezth d/o Mary Cain bapt Mic 18140302]; niece Elizabeth Shurd als Corkill;nephew William Corkill + his mo Marg Corkill (my half sister) jt execs;petn by Wm Corkill(Kk Patk) 1820 A 42 CRELLIN John dated 14 sep 1818;dau cath,margt quirk (eldest),isabella;nephews [?grandchildren] margt + cath quirk;wife isabella 1820 A 43 w HUDGEON Jane stephen d 29 Dec 1818;ch Esther Hutchin exex, 3 unnamed sons 1820-1 e d radcliffe isabella d 1820 intestate; spinster, Gordon Kk patrick; court appt Daniel Christian sumner genl admr; noted that Isabell + sister Margt radcliffe were entitled to a mortgage on land called Bwelshellan part of Ballalane (KK Andreas) property of Charles Moore(Ballacamaish) dated 24 Jul 1817; Sumner divides between Samuel radcliffe(1/7th in own right, 1/7th as admr of Thomas radcliffe decd), Edward Moore(Ballacallow), John Shimmin junr(guardian of idiot Margt radcliffe) - Charles Moore(1/7th + 1/7th as admr of Ann radcliffe decd) + Wm Crellin(in right of wife) 1820-1 E WHITE William d 1 may 1820;croit moar;son wm;dau jane,ch of dau ann,alice,cathrine;names wm stephen;wife elizth exex 1820-2 E CALLISTER Simon d Oct 1819;ch Wm, John, Jane + Elizth - jt admrs - all relinquish to their mother Katherine; 1828: Elizth acks + notes that bro Wm is now dead but had rcvd his share;1832: John acks 1820-2 E CRAINE Anne GELL d 23 Aug 1820;ch Henry, Anne, Jane, Elizth + Margt - ua; husby Henry Craine sworn guardian + admr 1820-2 E GELL Henry d 20 Oct 1820;petn by James Cowin(Peel) + Caesar Gell(Kk Patk) prin creditors - appt admrs;sumner charged Wm Gell, Richd Callin + wife Leonora and Thomas Gell (all Kk Patk); displaced decree notes bro Caesar Gell declining as do other next of kin - Caesar Gell absent + co-admr James Cowin sworn; 1820-2 E KEY Thomas d 29 nov 1819;wife cath + ch (some ua) 1820-2 E LOWEY Jane gawne d 25 Jul 1820;husb Wm admr 1820-2 E QUAYLE Catharine m/c John Hogg + Elizth Quayle accepted as will of Cath;husb Nicholas admr 1821 A 23 CALLISTER Thomas dated 16 Feb 1820;Glanneedle;ch Thos, Wm(?decd as to his ch), Cathrin(w/o Richard Gell - ? decd as her ch), Isabella(w/o Robt Moore) exex; John Morrison acks(from both Thomas + also from his wife Alice) that left to his wife Isabella; acks from Richard, C[]ren, Elezabeth + Esther Gill; also Robt Moore + Isabel Moore als Callister from her gfa; 1822: Robt Caine acks legacy bequeathed by Isabella Moore als callister; Wm Kneen acks legacy to wife;Nicholas Halsal (h/o Cathrine Callister acks legacy from Thomas Callister 1821 A 24 GELL John d 11 Apr 1821;ch Wm(loom);gson John Gell(s/o John Gell his younger son), Isabella Radcliffe als Gell;wife Margt als Carran exex 1821 A 25 KELLY Henry d 31 Mar 1821;Ballatha [?=Balladda]ch John(6d), Wm(6d),Anne;wife Margt als Callin exex; some ch ua Margt appt supv; [Margt was 2nd wife m Pat 18020220] 1821 A 26 COLLISTER Henry d 28 Nov 1820;ch Henry(all sheep between him + Thos Quilliam), John(all sheep between him + Wm Callin), Thos(all sheep between him + Isaac Hutchin), Ann(all sheep between him + John Kelly + land called Glan-neMayrk after death of his wife), Eliz; Esther(all sheep between him + John Cubbon), Wm exor;wife alive 1821 A 27 Casin[Cashen Alice quay dated 9 Oct 1820;Dau Margt Quirk als Casin (w/o Hugh Quirk)exex;Husb Thos 1821 A 28 GELLING John dated 10 Nov 1820;jw John Gelling + wife Ellinor als Sayle - mutal execs;ch Thomas, James, Robt, Paul, An, Cath + Margt; 1821 A 29 MYLECHREEST Eleanor dated 19 Dec 1820;dau Margt Boid exex; 1825 A 33 BREW Judith dated 5 dec 1824;ch robt, ann, charles, elizth exex; 1821-1 E BREW Ann d apr 1819 in Liverpool;ch elizth(w/o James McGahey), margt(w/o evan evans), ann(w/o Samuel quilliam);husb john - friend John Kelly of kk patk given PoA as all others of Liverpool 1821-1 E d GELL Henry d some time ago;bro caesar + wm jt admrs 1821-1 E w GELL Henry dated 6 feb 1821;ch henry, jane, ann + judy;son john decd(ch ann, john + cath);dau margt (w/o Wm quayle) exex 1821-1 E d KELLY Isabella KISSACK d 19 dec 1820;ch john, wm, james, thomas, mary + margt jt admrs - paternal uncles Thos kelly + wm Kelly sworn 1821-1 E d MYLECHREEST Hesther d 9 mar 1821;husb wm admr 1821-1 E d QUAY Thomas d 22 jun 1820;ch wm,cath jt admrs 1821-1 E d QUILLIAM John d feb 1821;only dau cath admx;pledges john sayle (Ballameanagh kk michl) + Philip Quine(foxdale) 1821-1 E RADCLIFFE Mary SAYLE d feb 1820;ch charles, robt, john, thomas, william, isabella, elinor, ann + christian jt admrs; 1821-2 E CRINGALL Catharine d 19 oct 1820;ch wm, john, patk, elinor(ch john,cath) + cath(ch john + elizth);john sworn admr 1822-2 E QUAY John d 5 apr 1821;bro wm;mo Margt;fa wm; 1822-2 E QUAYLE Judith RATCLIFE d 11 aug 1821;glen may(glione moie);son philip,john,thos,henry (decd - ch wm john + ann);gdau eliz + cath quayle(d/o john);dau cath,ann[full] 1823-1 E d CAINE Ann CUBBON d 5 Jan 1823;ch Patk + Wm jt admrs 1823-1 E HUTCHIN Patrick d 5 Apr 1823; ch Thomas, John [?bapt], Wm,Margt(w/o Sylvester Waterson) - others relinquish admin to John 1823-1 E w JONES Edward dated 28 May 1822;ch Paul, Edward, Cath, John;wife Cath exex 1823-1 E QUIRK Thomas d beyond seas;bro-i-law Samuel Moore Looney admr [m Christian Quirk Mal 18200817] 1823-2 E w COWLE Thomas dated 11 Sep 123;ch Henry (clock now in his house) + Elizth jt execs; 1824 A 23 QUILLIAM Margaret dated 4 jan 1823;gch mary quilliam(w/o Thomas elliot);ch silvester,unnamed dau(w/o Thomas Kegg) exex; [Margt Quilliam d/o Philip Quilliam m wdwr Thomas Kegg Pat 18120517] 1824 A 24 KELLY Catharine d 15 mar 1824; ch wm, thos , john, ann(eldest dau), margt(youngest dau w/o John Kneen) exex;gch cath sayle, ann kneen, cath kneen 1824 A 25 QUINE Margaret dated 23 jul 1823;Caryde ?;ch isabella forise[?Forsythe], ann cowell,christian kennagh, thomas, philip exor;gdau cath quine; 1824 A 26 RADCLIFF Ann dated 5 jun 1818;widow, gordon;ch thomas, isabella, samuel, eleanor crellin, ann moore, margt, cath moore;dau isabella, margt + cath jt exexs;petn by Charles Moore(h/o cath) + Margt radcliffe Andreas - ann radcliffe d 14 feb 1824; dispute charles moore vs Wm crellin(h/o eleanor) + margt radcliffe - Christian Cowley states sent a few days before dating of will to get will from John Creer, gave it to Ann who desired the defendent (Wm Crellin) to burn it but he kept it;new will was executed in presence of henry Kaighin(a tailor in peel working in another pt of house) and defendent who read it to Ann in english and then translated into Manks - Ann said it was all right - she appeared to be of sound mind but stated other ch did not deserve anything as not come to see her 1824-2 E w CASHEN John dated 14 Sep 1824;wife Elenor als Clark(house in Peel) exex;ch John, Thomas [?bapt] + Wm 1824-2 E d FARGHER Robert d 20 Jul 1824;only surv child Wm admr; 1825 A 30 CALLISTER alice dated 16 jan 1821;glenneedle;husb thomas;ch cath(+ ch),thomas, isabella(w/o robert moore - ch Robert Moore, ann moore, eleanor moore) exex,wm(decd + ch 1825 A 31 QUINE Catharine dated 27 may 1820;mullen-e-chleij;widow thomas;ch wm, isabella crellin(purchased land from John Crellin called Coolushtey pt of Baloates Kk German + half of house adj that I live in - sd house purchased from Thomas Crellin + intack in Slieuwhallan purchased from Robt Quay Peel), margt dinwoody(w/o wm);gdau cath crellin (jt exex with Margt dinwoody);names cath moore d/o Thomas moore; 1825 A 32 FARGHER Eleanor quirk dated 30 dec 1824;husb philip;ch wm, john, thomas, richard, philip, ann exex; 1825 A 33 BREW Judith dated 5 dec 1824;ch robt, ann, charles, elizthexex; 1825-1 E CAIN William d abt 1 Sep 1824;wife ann admx 1825-1 E COWELL Simon petn of Thomas Cowll, Cath Key, John Kelly(+ wife Margt) + John Quayle(+ wife Ann) that Simon had some short prior to death made a noncupative will wch was however rejected by court - court appts Thomas admr 1825-1 E THOMAS Ann dated 30 Sep 1823;widow, Ballacosnahan;ch Sage_Ann Gelling(eldest dau + w/o John Gelling), Louisa, Ann, Maria + Sophia (last 4 to share what is due from Admiral John Thomas late of Llanvaughen decd + my dwelling house in Peel where John Llewellyn now resides) - Lousisa exex in trust; 1825-2 E KELLY Isabella d Jan 1825;husb John petns + appt admr; note guardian sworn vide lib secundus causarum 1830 1825-2 E KENNAUGH Isabella d 17 Jul 1825;John Kennagh admr-in-trust; 1825-2 E QUIRK Philip petn by Charles Quirk states d 1807, of Ballavargher + will names Thos Quirk(bro of Charles) + Charles exors - will states ch James + Philip (2 eldest sons), Elinor, Ann, John(Hutchin's house in Peel), Joseph, Christian(his part of a dwelling house in castletown)Cath (decd - her daus), John_Joseph (decd), Thomas + Charles(2 youngest sons jt exors) - son james + Wm Clark(Ballawillan) + John Gill(Kennaa) supvs - (Clark + Gell refused - court adds Philip) 1826-1 E CALLISTER William perished at sea [no date given] ;wife ann;claims 1826-1 E QUILLIAM Henry dated 10 mar 1826;names silvester tear(+ ch), mary radcliffe(chest that was in property of their uncle Wm Quilliam);son john(+ dau an crellin als quilliam) execs;petn by prin creditor Robt Oates that execs refused - court appoints him admr 1826-2 E CALLIN William dated 1 dec 1826;ch wm, margt, alice(eldest dau) exex;gch john shimmin, elinor corlet;ggdau elinor corlet 1826-2 E KELLY Thomas d 27 dec 1825;ch wm + ann(w/o wm fargher) jt admrs 1826-2 E WATTERSON Silvester d 13 feb 1826;wife margt;5 ch all ua 1827 A 15 davidson Ann gell d 10 jan 1827;husb david harris davison exor; 5 unnamed ch (inc 3 daus);father Wm Gell 1827 A 16 QUILLIAM Patrick dated 29 apr 1826;jt will Patrick + Jane Quilliam;mutual exec;son patk, wm, henry,john;dau elizth(w/o philip garret), jane(w/o john Leece), ann, ellenor; land (Close-ne-leigh in Trelja qtrland purchased from Thos Martin Reaby beg)+ dwelling house to servivor; 1828 A 26 GELL Thomas dated 26 feb 1828;Ballaquane;parents Thomas + Isabella als Watterson(Houses + gardens in Glenmoye to longest survivor);sibs Wm(house in present possession James Gelling), john(little house in possession Margt Kneale widow + 1/8th part boat called livey),patk(slate house + garden adj);fa thomas exor 1828 A 27 CLARK Ann quirk dated 26 jan 1828;ch margt, ann, thomas(land bought from John Sayle), henry, wm,john, robt;husb john exor 1828-2 E CALLIN William d 7 apr 1828;only dau Ann (w/o Robert Cubbon(kk patk);robt cubbon admr 1828-2 E GELLING John dated 27 feb 1821;Castletown, comptroller h m customs;wants burial kk patk;wife sage ann(meadow adj ballacosnahan purchased from hen martin in deed dated 1 aug 1812) exex; 1828-2 E GILL Thomas d 23 aug 1828;wife margeret als nickal admx 1828-2 E KEWLEY John dated 7 feb 1823;ch elizth ward, ann cowin, john,james;wife ann exex but renounces in favour of john ward; 1828-2 E QUAYLE Thomas d 25 may 1828;son wm quayle + son-i-law thomas quane jt admrs; 1829 A 22 CALLIN Robert dated 13 mar 1829;ch richard(land called Falley purchased from Wm Quine) exor, robert, john, wm joseph, James(decd - ch unnamed),cath(w/o wm cain), margt(w/o thos corlet), ellinr; 1829 A 23 CALLIN Elinor cowin dated 24 jan 1829;doulishard;richard(land called Fulley) exor, elener, robt, wm, john, joseph, cath,margt;husb robert 1829 A 24 KELLY Ann quayle dated 13 jan 1829;jt will Robert Kelly + ann als quayle - mutual execs;ballahaig;son james, philip, wm, john, robt(+ son john), ellen? (w/o john clucas peel), margt(w/o Robt quayle), ann(w/o john cannell peel), elizth(w/o wm mylechreest); 1829-1 E KELLY Jane dated 8 nov 1828;at present Douglas but late Ballntha + relict late John Kelly;James Lawson(joiner, douglas) + wife Cath (my dau) execs;?;petn Thomas Corrin + Henry Watterson - Thomas Corrin sworn admr - debts exceed estate 4:1 1829-1 E KELLY William dated 4 oct 1828;ch wm(boat dover of peel),cath(w/o john cannell, kk michael),john(all my herring nets),ann,jane;wife ann als callin(dorlish bought from robt callin)exex 1829-2 E CORRIS Margaret Watterson d 4 Aug 1829;6 (3 daus)unnamed children(5s ea);dau Margt;gch Thos Gawne,Margt Gawne;husb Thomas exor 1829-2 E QUIRK John petn by Wm Quirk uncle to ch John, Philip, Margt, Cath + Ann Quirk - that fa John Quirk(Ballabenna) d 8 Aug;petn by Isabella Callow(widow Kk Patk) that son-in-law John Quirk left 5 ua ch and that uncle John Kelly has appropriated all the property 1830 A 13 SHIMMIN Matthias dated 28 jan 1830;sibs john(+ son John), margt shimmin;niece ellinor(w/o john quilliam) jt exex with margt; 1830 A 14 GELL James dated 9 mar 1830;dau ann(w/o wm callin) exex 1830 A 15 QUIRK Thomas dated 28 sep 1828;ballanass;ch thomas, john, hannah(w/o matthias halsal), patk(land purchased from Emma Quirk), cath, margt, isabella (last 3 daus jt exexs);nephew thomas + wm Quayle, john quayle, wm halsal;gson thomas quirk(s/o patk - other half of Ballanss purchased from isabella quirk);1869: wm halsal acks from Thomas Quayle 1830 A 16 QUAYLE Isabella dated 6 oct 1829;ch wm, thos, john, ann(w/o john corlet kk michael), margt(w/o patk key kk patk), cath (w/o thos quane) exex1831 A 8 LEECE Elizabeth clark d 13 feb 1831;ch thos,wm,john,saml,james,cath;husb thos exor 1830-1 E KENNAGH William d Nov 1835;ch Wm + Margt jt admrs - Margt ua (or of too tender yrs) - Wm sworn; Pledges John + Wm Quilliam 1830-1 E KENNAUGH John petn by creditors Thomas Woods + Wm Clark(Kk Michael) that died some time ago; Thomas Corkan(sumner) appt admr but widow may produce will 1831 A 9 QUIRK Elizabeth Treljha;ch wm,cath(?als shimmin by 1835),elizth(gell ? by 1835),jane(als cubbon by 1835),john(+ch), philip(+ch),ann(+ch);gch philip killey,john + edwd killey,ann Killey (all c/o edward killey);gch jane cubbon,elizth cubbon;husb philip exor; 1831-1 E BRIDSON William d 28 mar 1831;raggartt farm;wife ann admx 1831-1 E GELL Margaret [bur 8 feb 1831];d feb 1831;dau jane gell admx 1831-2 E COWLEY Ann quayle dated 25 apr 1831;ch thomas,ann(house glenmaye where wm cowley lived);husb henry exor 1831-2 E CRINGAL Elizabeth dated 8 sep 1831;dau elizth shimmin als crinkel,esther corlet als crinkel exex;other unnamed ch; 1832-1 E QUAYLE Margaret petn by Thomas Shimmin bro of Margt Quayle(Douglas) d without issue;John Quayle sworn;[john quayle m margt shimmin Bra 18190516] 1832 A 33 WATSON David dated 17 jan 1832;Ballacallin;ch alexander,mary,hugh,saml,wm,david;wife Anne jt exex with saml; 1832-2 E w CAIN Hugh ('the fish' noted against name in defuncts);dated 28 jul 1832;4 ch thomas, isabella (w/o john kneal), Ann(w/o thomas Kinley) + margt(w/o Dan Corlett);wife margt als cowin exex; 1832-2 E d KENNAUGH Jane d 3 apr 1832;husb edward (admr in trust);ch ann + cath ua;cath Key maternal gmo to ch also sworn guardian 1833 A 25 CALLIN Catharine kelly dated 9 aug 1831;ch wm,judy(w/o thos cannell),cath(w/o wm quirk),margt(w/o Henry kelly), robt,ann(w/o Wm kelly decd) exex;gdau ann kelly(d/o wm kelly decd) 1833 A 26 CLARK Henry [bur Pat 18330315];dated 4 jan 1832;jw wife judy als cubbon;dau margt(w/o john waterson),elizth(w/o john gell),judy(w/o john clark);gson john waterson(s/o john);only son henry exor 1833 A 26 CLARK Judy cubbon [bur Pat 18330312];jw with henry 1833 A 27 WATSON Hugh dated 1 feb 1833;ballacallin;mo alive;sibs mary,wm,samuel,david(bros jt exors);names samuel patty [bro samlborn ireland] 1833-1 E CLAGUE Mary d 24 mar 1833;ch wm,ann,elizth,cath + marcia;ch + court agree thomas cubbon admr 1833-2 E CORRIS Thomas petn by Thomas Corris, John Corris, Patk Corris, Thomas gawne, Cornelius Clucas + Patk Cubbon 1833-2 E KEY Thomas dated 27 nov 1830;gson thomas key;son patk exor 1834 A 14 CLARK Eleanor kneale dated 1 dec 1831;son thos(dau elinor + cath),john,silvester;husb alive 1834-2 E QUIRK Jane see John 1834-2 E QUIRK John dated 5 May 1826;jw John + Jane Quirk;mutual exex - John survives wife + appts gson Robert Callister exor by codicil in 1831 - both dead by 1834;ch Cath Callister9eldest dau),Ann Sandesbury;gch Rrichd Callister, Elinor Sandsbury; 1836 A 20 FARGHER Philip dated 20 jan 1836;son john,thos,richard,philip exor;gson wm hampton;heir-at-law wm fargher;richd acks from malew,thos from marown 1836 A 21 LEECE Catharine shimin dated 11 apr 1834;relict john leece;son thos,john exor;gson john leece 1836 A 22 CORKILL Elizabeth mylchreest dated 1 sep 1835;husb wm corkill exor;son john mylchreest(eldest);dau ann mylchreest,mary mylchreest,jane mylchreest;elizth corkill; [elizth corkill als mylchreest als kelly - 2nd to wm corkill Pat 18310724, 1st to wm mylechreest Pat 18140402] 1836 A 23 CLUCAS Jane quirk dated 18 jan 1836;dau mary corlet,elinor ?,cath clucas,ann clucas,eliza carran,harriet clucas,jane clucas;husb henry exor 1836 A 24 CRELLIN Isabella dated 26 oct 1829;[page omitted in microfilm copy] dau isabella exex (w/o Robt taggart);john kelly h/o cath (john dead by 1861) 1837 A 39 HALSALL William [1st on film]date 3 may 1836;dau ann(w/o david callister),cath(w/o thomas kelly);gson joshua callister(s/o david);son thomas(exor);witt thos halsal,john keown; 1837-1 E Bridson ann dated 11 mar 1837;raggart;ch cath,ann,margt (last 2 exexs); there is a deed of settlement on some of property which involves Cath; 1837-1 E CLINTON Isabella d 6 mar 1837;john clinton admr 1837-1 E CORKILL Elizabeth mylechreest husb wm;dau elizth (an infant also dead);petn by John + Ann Mylechreest + mary + jane Mylechreest(minors) - ch by prev husb;John Mylechreest appt admr; 1837-1 E CORKILL William see Elizth;petn by John Kelly that Wm died leaving an ifnat niece to sd John Kelly;John Kelly sworn admr in trust;claims;accts inc attendance of Dr Fayle + maintenance of child to her aunt Elizth Corkill; 1837-1 E CORRIS John dated 21 nov 1832;jt will John + cath als Cubbon als cowll;mutual exors (inc property called cronk moar purchased by John Corris from John Sayle decd) - john bur Pat 18370815 1837-1 E FARGHER William wife Jane admr;petn states infant dau 1837-1 E QUIRK Jane SKINNER als dated 18 jan 1837;ballachrink;ch ann skinner(w/o wm watterson), john + cath quirk jt execs 1837-1 E RADCLIFFE Samuel dated 8 dec 1836;gordon (property described as purchased from Philip Quirk + wife Elizth Treljey 27 oct 1804 adj Paul Kermode on north,edwd teare,wm Clague + Robt Moore on east ,richd quirk + john Crellin on south + shore on east - rent £2 5s);wife hannah als christian exex;son henry 1838 A 22 QUILLIAM Jane dated 23 aug 1834;ch patrick,wm,henry,john,elizth(w/o phillip Garrett),jane(w/o john leece),elinor(w/o wm quayle - exex);Edwd Corkill(h/o decd dau Ann);witt philip sayle, David H Davidson 1838 A 23 GELL William dated 14 may 1831;ch margaret,cath,eliza (these 3 have had no mar portion),evan(exor) 1838 A 24 TAGGART Isabella CRELLIN dated 19 Mar 1838;husb Robt exor(my title to Boiillee-ne-houghty in Kk German part of Kerrw Glass + Kerrow Coerd); ch Robt;nephew? Ann Quirk(money due by mo's death coming from Thos Mylechreest);nephew Philip Quirk[Full]; 1838-2 E Corris Patrick dated 17 may 1838;ch charles,leonora killip als corris(w/o joseph),thos,wm,margt quirk als corris;wife margt exex 1838-2 E Corris William dated 10 aug 1838;fa thos;bro thos,philip,caesar,john(carpenter Liverpool);wife ann gell exex;pledges wm clague(witt),henry gell fisherman;[m ann gell Pat 18341222 - ?no ch] 1838-2 E QUIRK William died some time ago;wife isabella admx;ch wm,caesar,cath,elizth(w/o thomas lewney) 1839 A 23 CLARK Thomas dated 17 jun 1838;ch silvester,john,thos;gdau ellin(d/o thos clark),cath clark 1839 A 24 CUBBON Robert dated 11 jun 1838;dau ann,cath,mary(house lately purchased from wm stowell);son thos,wm(ua),robt;wife isabella exex 1839 A 25 KEGGIN Margaret [poor copy 1st page]dated jan 1839;ch thos,wm,samuel,john,margt,ann;husb john exor 1839 A 26 KILLEY Isabella quayle als quilliam dated 26 feb 1839;balnaghragan?;dau cath killey;husb edwd exor [1st marr david quayle Mal 18060531;2nd edwd killey Pat 18110122 ] 1839 A 27 KENNAUGH Isabella [poor copy 1st page]dated 13 oct 1838;dau margt;son wm kennagh exor 1839-1 E d CORLETT Thomas d 7 May 1839;no issue; wife Ann admx for whom Thomas Quirk(kk patk) appt admr-in-trust 1839-1 E GELL Isabella d 17 Aug 1839;ch patk, wm + john;inv 1839-1 E QUIRK Thomas d 17 May 1839;Kerrodoo;wife Eleanor admx obo ch John , Wm, Thomas + Eleanor; pledges John Quirk(Kerrowdoo), Wm Quirk (Kerrodoo); annexed agreement by ch that sons get £7 ea + Eleanor £9; 1839-2 E CARRAN Thomas dated 11 dec 1838;glenrushen;ch patk, thos,jane,esther;wife esther als collister exex 1839-2 E FELL Joseph [bur Ger 18390915];died some time ago;petn by Mary Kelly that she is mo of illeg child affiliated on him;member Kk Patrick Friendly soc;fa thos fell;inv les than £10; [?ch bapt Pat 18380228] 1840 A 30 CLUCAS John made 22 mar 1837;kionslieu;ch john,hugh,george,robt,margt, ann + charlotte;wife ann;wm lace h/o margt; 1840-1 E QUIRK Joseph d 25 mar 1840;petn by widow Mary of Ash Lodge;sumner charges S.M.Looney + wife, Wm Bridson, Wm ? Quiggin (Malew) & Margt Bell + Cath Kenley (last 2 Braddan) as next of kin 1840-1 E QUIRK Philip d 19 may 1840;treljai;court names ch of John Quirk -wm quirk,cath shimmin (w/o thos),elizth gell (w/o wm),jane clucas (w/o thos);Philip Quirk + ann w/o thos martin all deceased;margery Killey w/o edwd also decd;also a John Johnson h/o Ann;inv 1840-2 E KELLY Ann d 23 Aug 1840;ch James, Ann(w/o John Lace), Christian, Elizabeth, Esther(w/o James Christian), Margt(w/o John Quirk), Thomas ; sons Thomas + James jt exors 1840-2 E d KERMODE Thomas d 16 Nov 1840;only son James admr 1840-2 E KEY Patrick d 3 jul 1840;wife margt;unnamed ch 1857 A 44 GARRETT Philip dated 5 May 1855;ch Thomas(£4), John(£4), Caesar(£20),Ann + Elizabeth(equal shares of all lands + houses etc); if Elizabeth will not come back from America then Ann is to get whole;Ann exex;;Witt John Cottier(Ballacottier - also pledge), John Gell;William Killey(Ballig) pledge 1860 A 31 RADCLIFFE Henry dated 29 Aug 1859;Doarlish ard;wife Eleanor exex;ch Thomas, Mary_Anne + Eleanor(2s 6d ea - all 3 in America), Leonora_Jane + Cath(two younger daus - to share property after wife's decease; specifies property as 2 thatched dwelling houses, a garden in front, a a garden at east gable + a small field bounded on north by a field now in possession Thomas Barrat, on east Ballamoar, on south the meadow of John Morrison + on west old public road from Castletown to Peel - all part of Doarlish purchased from Patk Clark + wife [? SSS Oct 1838 1]
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