These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.Some 99% [539/540] are here
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1750-2 A 34 QUIRK William Ballachrink;son Paul;dau Margt,jane, jony sansbury,martha quane;wife jane exex;pledges Thos + Chas Quane 1750-3 E w GILL Christian KERMOD d jun 1750;ch john,isabel creer (w/o john)exex 1750-3 E d QUANE William perished by sea oct [1749?];bro charles + thos admrs;pledges edwd moore ballacallin + wm quirk weaver (both kk patk) 1751-1 A 19 DAWSON Dollin d 16 feb 1750/1;bro wm;wife elinor exex;;witt state declared will xmas 1749;pledge wm quayle porter,wm cottier kk patrick 1751-2 E w KERMOD Ann CALLIN d 26 apr;dau elizth sayle exex (w/o pat) 1751-1 E d QUIRK Thomas d 6 months ago on coast guinea;bro Wm admr - see Wm Quirk jnr 1751-1 E d QUIRK William, jn d 6 yrs ago on coast of Guinea; had goods from mother (1740-2) + father (1742-3);only surviving bro Wm Quirk snr for goods by mother + jt with half sister Cath for those by father;pledges Wm + Patk Quirk 1751-2 E w MOORE Catherine CLAGUE d 6 may;youngest ch robt,cath;dau isable;son john;husb john exor 1751-2 E w QUILLIAM Alice GELL dated 14 oct;names isabel gell dauby,isable gell c'town + others;husb phi: [phill ?] exor then to fall to hen quilliam;bro john gell; 1752-1 A 17b QUIRK Ellinor [dup #]d.o.g dated 28 jul 1749;wm + ellin als sherlock (boreane + bal-ne-creggan dawby) to son nicholas (exor);dau ann 1752-2 A 46 COTTIER Jane SANSBURY declrd 29 mar 1752;ch jane,ann,alice;gdau isabel caine;husb wm exor; 1752-2 E d KILLEY William d 7 apr;ch wm,ann;wife alive 1752-3 E d QUIRK William mariner perished by sea nr St Eustatia ? aug 1751;only sis cath ua uncle thos quirk supv;inv 1753-1 A 9 KEWN Sarah gell mo-i-law eliza kelley widow;sis margt gell exec;elizth keone als kelly claims 10/6d for washed wool; 1753-1 E d CLUCAS Ann SHIMIN d mid aug;ch hugh,ann;husb wm 1753-1 E w CORRIS William d 8 oct 1751;son thos,silvester(2 ch), exorjohn(2 ch by a former wife),wm,patk;wife alive 1753-2 A 45 MARTIN Joney QUANE d 24 mar 1753;husb thomas;two sisters;names silvester clark;parents execs;fa charles quane; 1753-2 E d CORRAS Margaret CRETNY d 27 feb;only son thos 1753-2 E d COSNAHAN Ann KELLY als christian d 15 feb 1753;ch robt,cath(w/o john stevenson);ch step fa capt wm cosnahan;dispute between robt kelly rock marown + wm cosnahan 1753-2 E w QUIRK John d 14 may 1753;father thomas exor 1754-1 E d COWLEY Ann KEY d 14 oct 1753;ch ellinr,elizth + cath - all ua uncles John, Gilbt + thos key supv;husb wm;1774: elizth + cath ack from wm cowley son + exor of wm (husb of intestate Ann cowley - [?strange phrasing was he not their father] 1754-1 E d COWLEY William d 17 feb 1752;orphan due goods by mo Bahee - only sis elizth cowley (ua) ;fa alive 1754-2 A 44 kerrOON William d 1752;dau mary,ann;his cow to be sold to discharge funeral costs; 1755-2 A 42 COWIN Jane CAIN d 4 apr 1755;son james(houses etc but after death of husb);dau Anne,Jony,Isable,Alice;unnamed gchild;husb thomas exor;witt John Moore x,Thos Cowile x;1763: Wm Skealy,boatman Peel, h/o Ann acks from Thomas 1754-2 E d CRELLIN John d dec 1753 (+ buried Isle of Scilly) late a mariner out of liverpool;sibs thos, ann + alice(abroad);pledge John Kaighin snr scarisdale + wm cannell churchtown; 1754-2 E w QUILLIAM Paul dated 15 apr 1754;ch henry(sheep on kerroodoo fostyll),anne(w/o john quirk),patk,philip,marjory,mary exex;wife joney;names john s/o phil quirk sleauwhallin;list of debtors;some ch ua Henry + john quirk supvs; 1754-3 E w KILLEY Robert d 12 jun 1754;glenmoy;ch alice, caesar, john (they had mo's goods),wm(eldest son);wife exex;court notes 4 youngest ch unprovided for - alice(xd thru), charles,jane + grace [possibly a name lost from margin] - wm, thos,john + caesar killey uncles by father supv;inv + costs 1754-3 E w QUINE Jane QUAY d 25 oct 1754;dau ann;niece margt halsall;only son thos exor; 1755-3 E d COSNAHAN William d 10 jun 1755;capt wm C.;only ch ann - ua uncle john cosnahan supv;wife alive 1755-3 E w COWLEY Thomas d 13 sep 1755;wife exex;witt + pledges sill radcliffe + james cain 1755-3 E d QUANE Henry d 24 feb 1755;only dau isab admx - ua uncles+aunts Thos,alice(w/o patr shimin) + christian quane(w/o wm quirk);wife alive 1755-3 E d QUIRK Richard d apr 1754, on coast of guinea;mariner on board Prince Eugene Liverpool(thos kewley cmnd);sibs john,wm,jane(w/o edwd corrin) + joney 1756-1 A 11 KERMOD Alice hutchin d 18 nov 1755;widow now resident ballacallin;son john,gilbt;dau margt,isabel,joney 1756-1 A 12 QUAYLE Catherine clucas neice cath clucas;husb thomas exor(houses etc in glanmoij) 1756-1 A 13 KEY Philip d 26 nov 1755;ballachrink;wife alive;wife's bro john garret;uncles pat key + Jon Kneal; lands of dauby mountain to heir;cousin john kneal;child margery ua supv Wm Garret (?fa-i-law)+ Wm Watterson; pledges john kneal + gilbert key;1778 magery at la friend Wm quine + Patrick Quilliam step-fa;inv 1756-2 A 29 SHIMIN mary d 4 apr 1756;cousin ann cosnahan als shimin exex 1756-2 A 30 CAIN William d 19 mar 1756;dau jane;son Patrick (+ his 2 children) exor 1756-2 A 31 QUIRK Thomas dated 23 feb 1756;kerroodoo;son john(lands + what was due by death of his uncles + money he lent them to pay for new intack,boat + limestones);gdau cath;gson john quirk;dau jane,joney(+ what was left to her by her step mo) - daus jt exexs 1756-2 A 32 CHRISTIAN Catherine RADCLIFFE d 7 Nov 1756;w/o John;fa Henry Radcliffe 1756-2 E d KEWIN Margaret CLUCAS d 17 mar 1756;dau alice(w/o wm kelly) + cath(w/o wm clague); 1756-3 E w COWLEY Joney WATERSON d 13 may 1756;names isabel d/o wm bridson, john s/o thos cubon;sis margery;names margt + ann kelly (w/o wm bridson);ann bridson als kelly + margt scopphill [scofield] als quayle jt exexs 1756-3 E w GEYLL Alice d beg aug 1756;dau jane exex(w/o wm quilliam) 1757-1 A 12 McHOOD Ann CAIN [full]made 26 nov 1756;bro james (ch cath moore,ann + richd cain),thos;bro revd robt radcliffe [?half bro] 1757-1 E w CAINE Mary HARRISON d 27 sep 1756;gson thos key;son thos cain exec 1757-2 E d GELL Ann CLAGUE d 14 may 1757;only ch john ua unc john kenniagh;husb nichs;inv 1757-3 E w ARTHUR John gmo elizth karran execx [?c/o john arthur + ann karran] 1757-3 E w QUANE Alice d 23 jul 1757;bro thos;sis jane;sis's son thos kneal;bro-i-law henry kneal;sis isabel,anne 1757-3 E d QUIRK William dated 1749;dawby wife ellin als sherlock;son nichs 1758-1 E d KEWAN Thomas d 18 dec 1757;ch alice + cath;wm kelly h/o alice,wm clague h/o cath 1758-1 E w RADCLIFFE Christian d 25 apr 1757;gourdain;dau ellinr;gch ann quilliam;dau majery exex 1758-2 A 59 QUIRK Jane 21 feb 1758;dau joney sansbury,jane quirk (exex);son paul (to pay John Caine ballacaine 20s left by her hus Wm Quirk);son-i-law thos quane 1758-2 A 60 CAIN Thomas d 2 Mar 1758 bro Rev Robt radcliffe 1758-2 A 61 KERMOD John d 9 mar 1758;sibs isabel callin als kermord(dau margt),gilbt(son john);sis's dau ellinor Corris;sisters jt exexs 1758-2 E d CORKAN Esther QUANE als kneale d 17 jun 1758;ch wm,thos,christian + alice;wm quirk h/o christian, patr shimin h/o alice;husb robt 1758-2 E w karran John d 25 apr 1758;ballacallin;son henry,thos exec;wife dead 1758-2 E w McLEECE John ?can't find ?error 1758-3 E w COTTIER William d 6 oct 1758;dau alice,ann cain (w/o james cain) 1759-1 E d KNICHAL Margaret QUAYLE d 22 jan 1759;ch Jane + Elizth Knichal jt admxs - both at age but sick - father Robt Knickal sworn 1759-1 E d KNICKAL Ann QUILLIAM [1st on film gl718];d 19 jan;5 ch john margt cath ann & patrick 4 latter ua;husb wm;eldest son john supv;wm dead (date not given); 1771 margt + ann + thos caine h/o cath ack from john;1778 pat + ann ack 1759-2 A 55 GAWN Alice d 17 mar 1759;glen-moey;gdau jane clucas;son john clinton;dau cath starkey (house in glenmey jt with john - jt execs) [?= alice hutchin - had illeg ch John clinton by Henry Clinton bapt Ger 17301122][?jane clucas = d/o phil clucas in pat reg 1752] 1759-2 A 56 KERMOD Joney d 21? mar 1759;sis margt exex; names many - margt callin, john callin, isable kermod w/o John Callin [m Pat 17370531],ellnr d/o john cowill,wm callin,john kermod [?d/o Finlo Kermod - younger sis margt] 1759-2 A 57 KILLEY Henry d 20 feb 1759;ch john,james + ann,henry exor;wife ann 1759-2 A 58 RADCLIFFE Ellinor McYLCHREEST [full];jt will Henry and Ellinor Radcliffe of Gordan;sons Henry,Thomas,Charles;dau Marjery Quirk als Radcliffe,Cathrin, Margret, Ann radcliffe, MI age 54, anne w/o Charles Shimmin Ballaboey bur 1780 1759-2 A 59 QUIRK Patrick d 28 Mar 1759;Knock Echistey;dau Mary Clucas als Quirk;gson Thomas Quirk;son John;(? other children) 1759-2 A 60 KNICKLE Margaret HIGGIN d 18 mar 1759;dau ann [?bapt],margt,cath cowle,cath knicle exex [?2 caths] 1759-2 A 61 KILLEY Margaret QUILLIAM d 12 feb 1759;son james;5 other ch unnamed (eldest dau to have clothes)-?ua as husb has tuition;husb john exor;1766 ellinr? d/o margt acks 20s as half of clothes 1759-2 A 62 KARRAN Margaret d 24 feb 1759;ballacaine;ch thos,patk + ann;husb wm exor 1759-2 A 63 MOORE Mary d 27 mar 1759;maidservant with john caine ballacaine;sis ann moore;master's dau margt caine,cath caine;bro philip(+ wife in Lonan);mistress ann caine als kerran exex;pledges philip corrin knockaloe beg,thos key dalby 1759-2 A 64 McYLCHREEST Matthew d 21 apr 1759;manservant with Wm Gell BallElby;bro thos,john exor;uncle + aunt (witt assumed Philip Mylchreest + wife);mistress cath gell als Mcylchreest;maidserv cath kneal 1759-2 A 65 CHRISTIAN Philip d 27 feb 1759;cregl ay;dau elizth killey als christian;son-i-law wm killey(2 eldest + 1 youngest dau);names thos watterson(dau margt + son henry - was promised half goods as part of his m/c but had rcvd them);son thos exor;wife alive;witt john quirk x + ann caine als karran (dead by probate in nov); son thomas mariner later impressed in H M Service - petn by Wm Killey re fa-i-law philip christian - names ch thos,isable(w/o thos watterson),elizth(w/o wm killey) - notes that witt went to clerk + dictated will - ann caine died of a fever - thos watterson petned that will set aside;annxed agreemt between Grace Christian (widow Philip) + Thomas Watterson; 1759-2 E w CAINE Ann KARRAN d 4 may 1759;names wm moore,wm sayle,patk + thos karran;husb john;dau cath (not 16),margt execx 1759-2 E d CAINE Elizabeth COWLEY d 24 feb 1759;2 children thomas & wm both underage; uncles philip wm cowley & wm corris [?m Margt Cowley Pat 14 Aug 1744];husb patr;fam 3014 1759-2 E d CLARKE Silvester d 7 apr 1759; 6 children john thos silv patr cath & eliz 1759-2 E d GELL Margaret KARRAN d 26 mar 1759; only dau sarah 1759-2 E d GELL William of balleby d 4 apr 1759; 6 children wm cath thos hen john & james;esther eldest dau had dowry husb thos martin;wm at age 1759-2 E d KEY Thomas d 13 feb ;only ch margt execx ua - gfa patrick key;pledges wm knickall miller + john knickal;wife alive;christopher quay h/o margt key admr rcvd from thomas cowley h/o catherine key execr of pat key guardian of my wife [unclear date];inv [Christopher Quay m Margt Key Pat 17800624] 1759-2 E d MARTIN Ellinor d 21 mar 1759; sib thos hen ann cath;john corris husb of ann; nich craine husb of cath 1759-2 E w SHIMIN Alice QUANE d 13 may 1759;5 ch (unnamed);sis christian quirk als quane,bro's dau isabel quane;dau alice shimmin;bro thos quane;husb patk;ch simon,wm ,hugh,john + alice 1759-3 E w COWLEY John d 1sep 1759;wife ellinor;parents wm + jane execs 1759-3 E w QUILLIAM Patrick d 6 may 1759;bro john,thos,henry;sis margt,ann,esther;mo isabel als hutchin execx 1759-3 E w QUIRK Ann KINRY d 15 jun 1759;son-i-law john corlet exor 1759-3 E w QUIRK Patrick d 4 aug 1759;Reaby;son richd;dau margt,jane quirk,joney quirk,cath quirk exex;son-i-law paul quirk;gch jane bell,ammy bell 1760-1 A 24 KELLY William knockmoar;d 15 jan 1760;wife isobel;5 ch eldest thos youngest not yet 14;one witt eleanor knale als key;1761 thos son of wm late of dalby at la chooses uncle thos kelly; 1760-1 A 25 QUAINE Charles dalby;d 25 dec 1759;son john;dau alis;wife alive; witt ann killey als coole, joney gell als quirk; 1760-1 E d CALISTER Mary COWLEY d 9 feb 1760; three children eliz, isabel mary - all of lawful years 1760-1 E w MOORE Ellinor BRIDSON d 27 sep 1759; w/o charles moore;son wm;dau cath;son charles;son robt 1760-3 E w KEY Isabel [?kneal als dawson] d 4 jul 1760;ballachroink;son henry kneal;named decd philip key;son john kneal 1760-3 E w SHIMIN Elizabeth QUIRK dated 6 nov 1760;son philip,john;dau margt;son-i-law patk corlet + dau elizth execs;fa of ch decd as all get his share 1761-1 A 11 FARGHER William d 3 feb 1761;4 ch philip isable wm thos;wife cath fargher als gell;ch ua - uncles & aunt thos, john richd & joney;wm christian husb eliz fargher,ann absent sister; 1761-1 A 47 dg KILLEY Ann RADCLIFFE widow;son john killey;dg dated 12 may 1759; 1761-1 A 48 RADCLIFFE Ellinor [full];widow Capt Charles Radcliffe, Knockaloe;dau Jane Shimmin in Ramsey;dau Ellinor Moore;dau Margery Parr;dau Ann Karran; dau Cathrine Radcliffe;gdau Ellinor Christian;s-i-l Revd. Robert Radcliffe;son Thomas 1761-1 A 49 WATERSON Henry d 12 feb 1761;dau margt;wife christian waterson als holdin 1761-1 E d CORLET Mary QUAYLE d 2 dec 1760;son patrick exec; son wm survived 22 days 1761-1 E d CORLET William d 24 dec; only bro patrick; widow sworn; 1761-1 E d QUAY Thomas d 27 nov 1760;2 dau ellinor & ann;son john had a dowry;one pledge is john quay of arbory; 1761-3 E w fargher John d 30 aug 1761;ch john,richd,jony,elizth,ann,thos exor;gson thos fargher;1764 Wm christian h/o elizth,ann lately dead 1761-3 E w QUOERK Margaret CLARK d 20 jul 1761;husb nicholas exor;ch paul,ann(ua) - no relns on mo's side appeared;1774: ann acks from fa nicholas 1762 E w QUIRK Isabel CREBBIN d 28 Dec;w/o Nicholas;ch Wm John ,Thomas, Catharine;sis Margret;s-i-l Ann Cain & Alice Karran;Thomas ua & no relns on mother's side; 1762-1 E w KNICKAL Robert 2 dau jane eliz;;wife's dau isabel quane;son john;wife jony;uncle of ua ch william knickal; 1766 bessy knickal choose john crellin kk mic as guardian (note that bessy dau to ro bapt 30 jun 1745); 1766 rcvd sacrament in kk mic thus no obj to marriage with jo kaighen 1762-2 A 52 CAINE Paul 4 ch of bro thos (there being no issue) - thos,wm john, paul;only surv thos & wm;wife jane cain als kelly acks thos cain of renshant kk malew 1762-2 A 53 dg GELL Alice to bro thos gell ballelby dated 1738;henry gell dance sworn 1762-2 A 54 QUINE Joney d 25 mar 1762;bro wm quine;bro's son wm;bro's dau christian;thos quine's son wm;anne quine blind;;thos corkan's dau margt;;bro's dau alice quine exectx 1762-2 E w CALLIN William glanrushin;d 20 may 1762;3 ch wm anne margt;son john gets houses ;youngest dau 10 yrs to arrive at la during which wife eliz keeps it;1770 anne + margt at la ack from stepfa nichs quirk; 1771 anne chooses patr sayle uncle as guardian;1774 wm + margt callin + radcliffe quilliam h/o anne ack fro John eldest son 1762-2 E w QUAYLE William d 30 may 1762;named syl clark;fa john quayle;bro thos hutchin part of houses at Dorlish Ard kk pat; 1762-2 E w QUIRK Isabel CREBBIN d 28 Dec;w/o Nicholas;ch Wm John ,Thomas, Catharine;sis Margret;s-i-l Ann Cain & Alice Karran;Thomas ua & no relns on mother's side;[full] 1763-1 A 20 quirk isabel crebbin d 28 nov 1762;w/o nicholas;son wm;other ch john, thos, cath;sis margt crebbin;s-i-l margt cowley;s-i-l anne caine;s-i-l alice karran; 1763-1 A 21 QUIRK Thomas,jnr reaby-beg;cast away & perished on coast of ireland 14 jan 1763;bro patrick;bro john, sis isabel elinor;elinor ua 1763-1 E d GELL John perished at sea of coast of ireland 13 jan;4 children john thos wm henry all ua supv henry gell, john killy, wm quilliam, ellr gell;widow cooney gell;inv inc 1/4 yawl or small boat sold in ireland 1763-1 E d KNEAL John perished at sea of coast of ireland 13 jan; 3 children isabel esther & thos kneal; all of lawful age 1763-1 E d RADCLIFFE Henry perished at sea of coast of ireland 13 jan; native of kk malew but inhabitant kk pat; 2 children margt thos ua supv robt radcliffe; inv 'of glen moii; inv includes loom 1763-1 E w RADCLIFFE Henry, jnr younger of gourdon perished by sea of coast of ireland 13 jan 63;sibs thos chas marjery margt ann; ann under age thos abroad in hm service ;fa henry - inv sale + debts inc geo moore et al 1763-1 E d SHIMIN Patrick perished at sea of coast of ireland 13 jan;6 children simon alice john wm & hugh b former wife, ann by latter simon & alice of lawful age but unable to procure lawful pledges - wm quirk of treljey uncle by mothers side ; widow isabel; by 1774 simon dead; inv inc herring nets als in acct herring custom 1763-2 A 57 dg QUILLIAM Philip philip & alice quilliam land qtr caddoil 2/- rent; dg 1752 to nephew henry quilliam;henry's bro philip;hens son john if should come 1763-2 E d AUSTEN William Gardener at Ballamoar (from Scotland) - inv + accts of some smuggling into Scotland 1763-2 E d KNICkAL Isabel QUANE no issue with wm knickal sibs thos, jane & ann quane (w/o henry kneale) (no marr found) 1763-3 E d CUBBON Thomas d 28 jul 1763;ch john,margt + Alice jt admrs - john at age supv;wife alive; inv balladda 1764-1 A 8 CHRISTIAN William d 17 jan 1764;s/o wm caarn eghrei;sis mary + alice exexs 1764-2 A 47 CHRISTIAN Margret CLAGUE d 8 mar 1764;w/o wm ;caarn eghreie;dau mary,alice,joney,joney,ellinor;son philip;gdau esther key;daus mary + alice exexs;gilbt key h/o joney 1764-2 E w CALLISTER Elizabeth d 6 jun 1764;son thos cretney;sis margt callin als callister;sis isabel callister 1764-2 E w MADDRELL John d 20 may 1764;son john, dau cath 1764-3 E w CORLET Elizabeth SHIMIN d 28 jun 1764;2 unnamed ch;bro john;husb patk exor;objections by ch uncle + aunt phil + margt shimin - patk to pay £3 ea to ch when they reach age - relns sworn supvs 1764-3 E d FARGHER Ann d 11 jul 1764;spinster;sibs thos,john,richd,joney + elizth(w/o wm christian) 1764-3 E w QUILLIAM John d 20 sep 1763;dau isable exex;wife alive 1764-3 E d QUIRK Thomas perished by sea some time ago near Jamaica - mariner on board hm ship the Troy ?;sibs john,matthew(abroad) + richd jt admrs 1765-1 A 16 CLUCAS Catherine QUILLIAM [full] 1765-1 A 17 QUIRK John d 1 jan 1765;son john(not 21),wm;dau anne;wife ann als quilliam;wife had posthumous child uncles wm + thos quirk 1765-2 A 67 TAGGERT Catherine [full];w/o Robert;sons John,Robt;dau Margret;witt Joney Hutchin als McLeece.1765 Matthias Cannell husb of Margret 1765-2 A 68 KEY Margaret d 14 mar 1765;w/o patrick (exec);dau jane,margt,cath 1765-2 A 69 COTTIER John d 25 mar 1765;glenrushen;ch john(+ 3 ch),margt cubbon,cath,cooney Gell (exex - her mo dead) 1765-2 E w ?nowell,?cowell Elizabeth KILEY w/o john;bro's son james killey;cath christian her sis's dau;her sis daus eleanor & mary + joney christian sis dau eliz execx; john christian husb of eliz 1765-2 E w QUINE Ann LOWEY d 25 dec ;no rel appeared; principal creditor matths quine 1765-2 E w QUIRK Ann bro john quirk;3 bros thos philip wm;sis christian;mo elinor quirk als callister; mentions flax;;henry quirk husb of elinor 1765-2 E d QUIRK Margaret CLUCAS 5 ch christian, john margt richd ellinr;4 latter ua; husb wm; house in peel mortgaged to john ceasar of malew has to be sold 1765-2 E d RADCLIFFE Catherine RADCLIFFE gson robt christian (as yet no issue);maid servant majery christian;only dau ellinr cosnahan (w/o rev joseph);1775 margery christian acks from mrs ellinor oates als radcliffe 1765-3 E w KEOWIN Thomas eldest son john;other unamed ch; uncle john keown;wife margt 1765-3 E d KNICKAL William 4 ch margt cath ann patr + eldest john already having dowry; 1765-3 E w QUIRK Isabel bros wm thos;bro wm's dau anne;bro john's dau;mo anne quirk; sis anne gell als quirk 1766-1 E d GELL John s/o nichs gell & ann gell als clague mo died 1757;perished by water in river in minory 4 aug last;aunts isabel margt alice; john kennaugh h/o isabel, thos callister h/o alice 1766-2 A 58 CORRIN Philip [full]d 1 mar 1762;Knockaloe beg;son patrick (money from Charles Wattleworth's exors),son james,Wm;bro Daniel;gson John Corrin;wife Jane;son Robt (exec) 1766-2 A 59 MOORE Catherine CLUCAS d 9 dec 1765;husb edward exor;dau cath,margt boddagh,elinor,anne;son thos,john;1788 ann dawson als moore acks from cooney moore widow,thos moore ballacallin also acks 1766-2 A 60 KEY Mary ???? widow of BallaChroink, Patrick, died 20 Feb 1766: granddau Margt Moore; dau Ellinor Moore; dau Margret Key [John Moore md Ellin Key 4 May 1756 Patrick] 1767-1 A 10 CLUCAS Ellinor dated 20 feb 1766;husb john;ch wm (intack adj mountain called Coan Jougog + another magher noa + his ch), elinor(w/o john crellin)+ ann(ann quirk in decree + petn - ch by prev marr to wm quirk) jt exexs;sibs Ann, wm, henry, philip + isabela 1767-1 A 11 COSNAHAN Catherine [full];d 17 feb 1767;w/o thomas;daus cath cannell (of Peel),joney tear w/o john tear(execx) 1767-1 E d cAINE Patrick d 22 jan;4 ch thos + wm by 1st wife [?fam 3014];james + margt by 2nd [?fam 3905];all ua;henry kelly h/o jane cain aunt [?m Pat 17610530];1780 margt cain dau acks from jane kelly als caine her mother;inv 1767-2 A 40 QUAY John d 20? apr 1767;ch thos(eldest son),john,robt,wm + joney (all ua ?);wife isable als sayle exex 1767-2 A 41 CARRAN Ann d 12 apr 1767;husb thos exor;ballacallin dauby;ch cath,esther,isabel, ann;sis'dau cath shimmin 1767-2 A 42 CANNELL Matthew d 26 mar 1767;mother cath cannel;father John;sibs hugh(quilting frame),margt,joney;wife margt exex 1767-2 E d KELLY Isabel d 7 feb 1767;spinster;sibs john,margt (w/o Thos Quilliam)+ jane (w/o john gill)jt admrs 1767-2 E d KILLEY James d 6 mar 1767;sibs henry,john + anne Killey (ireland) jt admrs - inv 39s 1767-2 E d QUILLIAM Cooney see john 1767-2 E d QUILLIAM John dated 22 may 1767;john + cooney c/o ellinor quilliam als quirk having right under mother's will - john d 36yrs ago,cooney abt same time in her minority;surv sibs + legal representatives - wm,philip,ann, margt + ellinor;wm d intestate + other sibs admrs;philip dead(exex wife margt now w/o wm quilliam);ann m hen killey - son hen exor;margt dead - husb john killey exor;ellinor w/o john crellin absent; 1767-3 E d CALLIN Henry batchelor;d 9 mar;sibs wm, robt eliz + janey - their fa danl 1767-3 E w LORD Henry d 13 Aug 1767;wife margery;3 unnamed ch (Henry + John + ?Ellinor (mention in NSS May 1795 13 by margery as dau Elinor Christian - m John Christian And 17790213] ) 1767-3 E w MOORE Isabel HOGG d 2 july;2 daus mary + anne;son thos, philip;husb john [m Pat 17510713] 1768-1 A 20 KELLY Isabel QUAY als ?? d 6 dec 1767;w/o patrick;son charles,gilbert , john key;dau isabel kelly;son wm + silvester kelly;dau anne kelly execx 1768-1 A 21 CALLISTER John d 2 feb 1768;gdau esther callister;nephew john quirk;son john,wm (both abroad);other unnamed ch;wife margt exex 1768-1 A 22 CAINE John d 10 jan 1768;4 unnamed ch;wife joney als christian exex 1768-1 A 23 KEY Cooney COTTIER d 7 nov 1767;widow;son gilbert;gson thomas key heir of Ballaglonney;gdaus Margt + isabel key;names wm gell (heir of balleby - piece of gold rcvd from his fa);son thomas exec 1768-1 E w QUIRK Isabel MOORE d 24 oct 1767;husb thos exor;bro's son robt moore(house + croft in kk german after death husb);names margt sidleton(peel),jane howlin, margt cowley,margt quark;niece cath moore 1768-2 A 59 KINLEY Mary d 17 mar 1768;sis's dau Jane Carran,Margt Key,Cath Key(exex);bro Thos Kinley;pledge Patk Key fa of Cath,Nich Kneale 1768-2 A 60 KELLY Patrick d 23 mar 1768;son wm;gson patk kelly(s/o silvester);dau ann + isabel exexs 1768-2 A 61 COSNAHAN Thomas d 1 apr 1768;friend john cosnahan kk german exor; 1768-2 A 62 CORRIN Patrick cast away + perished on coast england on passage to liverpool 20 mar 1768;knockaloe beg;will made before his departure;bro's son thos corrin;bro robt exor 1768-2 A 63 CLUCAS Richard [full] 1768-2 E d CUBBON Alice d mid aug 1767;sibs john,margt cubbon 1768-2 E d HOWELL John d 3 may 1768;only next of kin john howell admr 1768-3 E w COSNAHAN Joseph d 20 sep 1768;vicar braddan;ch john_joseph,hugh + cath, julius,jane,ann,margt;wife ellinor; exexbro hugh 1768-3 E d GAWN Joney MADDRELL d 20 dec 1767;ch john,thos,joney(w/o robt cubbon) + jane;no goods found to be appraised 1768-3 E d KEOWN Elizabeth KELLY d 11 feb 1768;only ch john 1768-3 E w QUAYLE John d 18 jun 1768;son john(6d),wm;dau margery quaye[?error for quayle],ann quayle,isable quayle,jony(6d);wife margery als costean exex;ch ua 1768-3 E w QUIRK Ellinor CALLISTR d 9 jul 1768;son thos(eldest);husb henry exor;dau christian(+ dau);son philip,john,wm;1779: john kennah h/o christian 1769-1 A 12 RADCLIFFE Silvester [Full] 1769-1 A 13 RADCLIFFE Catherine QUAY [Full] 1769-2 A 53 CORRIS Catherine callister d 19 jan 1769;son john corris;dau amy corris;sister anne + bro john;names mary corris;eldest son wm corris;husb patrick exec 1769-2 E d CANNELL William d 28 feb 1769;bro hen + patk (abroad) exors;pledges patk corris(+ son wm corris) both kk patk 1769-2 E w QUILLIAM Philip d 7 oct 1768;declrd in house of john quilliam(kk patk) where lived to isable quilliam(w/o john) that she to have all for taking care of him; 1769-3 E d GELL Isabel KENNIAGH dated 15 feb 1769;jt agreemnt nicholas + isable gell als kennagh;son thos,john,nicholas(eldest),james ;dau cath moore als gell 1769-3 E w KELLY John d 19 jun 1769;dau elizth christian;gch ann,ellinr + margt knickle;son-i-law john knickle exor;wife alive 1769-3 E d MOORE Ann KNICHAL d 30 jul 1769;ch wm,ann jt admrs 1769-3 E w RADCLIFFE Robert dated 20 jul 1769;rev Robt radcliffe vg + vicar patk;wife cath;gson robt christian(pt of house etc in Castletown after decease of his mother + £100 inc in fa's goods when he reaches 24 - if he dies to 2bros + sis cath cosnahan);gson john joseph cosnahan (house in douglas),hugh cosnahan(£40) 1770-1 A 17 KEY Isabel KELLY w/o charles;d 1 nov 1769;bro's wife jane kelly;bro's son john kelly;sis dau isabel broiidson;sis margt cubbon;dau isabel key ua uncle henry kelly suprv 1770-2 A 44 jw SAYLE Henry henry + christian als callin;son patrick;margery kelly his sister's dau;gson john sayle;eliz sayle + her younger som wm callin;son philip exec 1770-2 A 45 jw CORRIN jane husb philip d 1 mar 1766;knockaloe beg;son patrick (inc money due from chas wattleworth's execrs);son james,wm,robert (exec);bro daniel;gson john corrin;poor of kk lonan;wife jane;jane died by 18 may 1770; 1771 wm hutchin h/o marjery kelly bequeathed 20s 2sheep + blanket in will henry sayle (can't see in will ?) 1770-2 A 46 KILLEY Ellinor d 9 nov 1769;d/o john killey of reaby;sis cath killey;fa john 1770-2 A 47 QUILLIAM Isabel widow ballahutchin;d 3 apr 1770;son thos ;dau esther kermod;dau margt quilliam,anne quilliam;son john + henry quilliam 1770-2 E d KELLY Isabel d feb 1767;spinster;sibs john,jane (w/o john gell) + margt (w/o thos quilliam) 1770-3 E w QUIRK Philip d 5 oct 1770;fa henry;bro thos,wm;sis christian;names joney cannell wdw;bro john exec;1779 john kennah h/o christian 1771-1 A 13 QUIRK Catherine reaby mooar; d 20 dec 1770;dau margt;dau cath;dau jane,ammey;gdau jane bell;son-i-l john kermod;son richard;son-i-l henry killey;dau joney,son richard;husb ? richard 1771-1 A 14 QUILLIAM Patrick made 1 mar 1765;son wm;wife margery;dau joney;son radcliffe,robt;1771 son wm claims bequest from gmo joney knicle als kermode 1771-2 A 55 QUILLIAM Joney d 26 mar 1771;dau anne,mary;son patrick;gdau ann quirk;dau margery qilliam execx 1771-2 A 56 CANNEL Joney d 30 mar 1771;widow;son patrick,henry 1771-2 A 57 CALLIN Ann moore d 9 apr 1771;w/o thos greeby ;john keowley + john shimmin execs 1771-2 E w KERMOD Catherine d 12 apr 1771;husb gilbt;dau jane;son john kelly;dau margt quilliam als kelly (w/o thos);inv 1771-3 E w BELL Thomas d 18 aug 1771;ch elizth,anne,john,thos,wm;wife esther exex;some ch ua 1771-3 E w GELL Elizabeth CLARK d 12 sep 1771;husb henry of rushen;son john quilliam exor ua;bros sylvester + thos clark;1780: jq ack'd from sylvester clark + thos clark;inv 1772-1 A 13 CUBBON John d 4 feb 1772;ballacallin;son john (his part dauby mountain,intack talloo noa);dau anne;other ch wm,joney + isabel;wife margt exex 1772-1 E d QUIRK Ann KARRAN d 7 jan 1772;ch john + wm ua gfa thos karran supr;husb wm;inv;1784 wm now at la 1772-2 A 55 KILLEY Catherine d 2 mar 1772;sis anne killey;step-mo jane killey;fa john killey exec 1772-2 A 56 KEY Catherine d 25 mar;w/o gilbert;dau margt tear,elizth corlet;names anne w/o thomas caine;gson thomas key;son thomas exec;pledges hugh shimmin, wm quirk (ball-aspick) 1772-2 A 57 COWLEY William d 31 mar 1772;son john,thos,wm exec;dau margt;wife margt;excluding dau by former wife;john key h/o elinor dau by former wife + elizth + cath (also daus by former wife) guardians;1787 robt kewn h/o dau margt;agreement between guardians + widow margt als stevenson 1772-2 E d STEPHAN Catherine CRAINE als clark d 30 jan 1772;only dau cath craine(w/o wm quayle) 1772-3 E w CLARK Margaret KERMOD d 16 jun 1772;husb silvester exor;dau margt (ua);son thos,henry,john;gilbert kermod gfa ch guardian 1773-1 A 12 MUGHTIN Elizabeth clague d 5 nov 1772;w/o john exec;mo cath;sis jane,bros wm + philip 1773-1 A 13 FARGHER John d 2 dec 1772;bro's dau elizth fargher;bro thos exec;p1801 philip quilliam h/o elizth acks 1773-1 A 14 QUIRK Sarah key d 17 jan 1773;w/o wm exec;dau anne ua;sis eleanor;names esther kneale,margt d/o thos quirk 1773-1 E w QUIRK Patrick d 10 sep 1772;4 bro wm thomas jonah + philip;child on wife bearing;wife cath quirk als gell;kock e christy ;posth son patrick; 1773-2 A 45 CORKAN Jane lace daus margt,jane + isabel;husb thos;son john,thos exec;dau anne;a1796 ck rcvd from Mrs christian corkan peel by hands of philip boyd being a legacy to my wife left by her mo;1786 daus mary knickle + margt kelly ack 1773-2 A 46 QUILLIAM Catherine castill d 26 mar 1773;husb henry exec;sons john + thos;gch john + elizth quilliam;dau elizth 1773-2 A 47 QUAY Henry d 6 apr 1773;4 youngest ch christopher,john,joney + hester;sons thos + henry;dau margt;wife cath exec 1773-2 A 48 ds CUBBON Philip dated 7 oct 1747;ballacallin dalby;wife cath als fargher;son john 1773-2 A 49 KILLIP Margaret kelly d 30 dec 1772;names alice crow (her holy day clothes),mary kelly,margt w/o robt kelly;sis elizth quirk als kelly;husb philip exec 1773-3 E w COTTIMAN Ann d 26 oct 1773; names mary quay;bro's dau margt cottiman;thos dawson of peel exec;inv + accnts inc attendance for 10 weeks 1773-3 E w KEWIN John s/o thos;d 22 jul 1773;mo margt;bro thos,robt philip; 1773-3 E d MOORE Charles d 21 mar;3 ch robert charles + cath;eldest son wm already provided for in marriage; 1773-3 E w QUIRK Nicholas d 27 jul 1773;son john,dau cath;step son john callin;names wm callin;wife elizabeth;son thos,wm;gsons pat quirk + james cooil;gdau ann quirk 1773-3 E d QUIRK Thomas d 29 jul;4 ch john,pat,isabel + elinor;pledges wm quine kionslieu + robt corrin knockaloe beg 1774-1 A 22 COWIL Catherine CLUCAS d 29 nov 1773;daus anne (eldest - what was due by parents in Kione slean)+ cath;son wm (eldest);names elinor quilliam;husb thos exec ua ch - ann,richd,john + thos clucas,wm clucas; Uncles (mo side) Patrick kelly + wm Quirk 1774-1 A 23 HUTCHEN Thomas d 30 dec 1773;ballahutchin;dau margt(ua);wife joney als gell exex;fa thos;bro wm,john;1790 margt hieress ballahutchen acks stepfa wm quirk;pledges henry gell fa wife joney;petn when margt reaches age that her gfa refuses goods etc chooses john quane ballaquane + wm quirk treljey 1774-1 A 24 CASHEN Susannah d 17 jan 1774;husb wm exor;son thos,john;dau margt leece,(w/o wm)susanna mylrea(w/o edwd),jane comish 1774-1 A 25 KELLY Alice KEOIN d 24 jan 1774;ch wm,robt,margt , ellinor(by 1778 w/o john cubbon),cath callin;husb wm exor 1774-1 E se KILLEY Thomas jw+ setl thos +elizth als kennagh;son james;dated 13 june 1773 1774-2 A 92 MOORE Ellinor son philip ua unlcle + aunt thos radcliffe + margery parr supv - they committed to james caine peel + wm quine kk pat;inv + sale 1774-2 A 93 CORRIS William d 7 mar 1774;son philip (loom),thos,patk,simon,wm;dau cath;wife margt 1774-2 A 94 KILLEY Ann d/o john killey;d 11 mar 1774;bro richd,john;aunt ellinor crellin;cousin esther corris;aunt anne corris;sis-i-law ann killey;uncle thos corris 1774-2 A 95 COWLEY Philip d 13 mar 1774;wife (house in glanmoiy);son-i-law henry cowley;son thos cowley;in notes henry cowley son of testator 1774-2 A 96 QUAYLE Henry d 7 feb 1774;names thos s/o silvester clark;,john clinton 6d for making his grave;son john exec 1774-2 A 97 QUILLIAM John d 30 mar 1774;son + heir henry,wm;wife alive 1774-2 A 98 KELLY Ann widow ballnelaughey;d 30 oct 1774;dau elizth christian;son-i-law john knicle exec 1774-2 E d CLAGUE William d 13 feb 1774;ch ellinr + margt (by former wife),isable,jane,ann,wm + phil (ua) (by latter wife);thos hampton h/o margt(braddan);wm black h/o elinor(santan);wife cath;inv 1774-2 E w CREER Isable GELL d 1 may 1774;names joseph quirk;bro john gell;husb john exec 1774-2 E d KILLEY Thomas departed isle 9 yrs ago no news;ramsey;wife margt;ch thos + wm ua uncles patk clucas,jas killey & jas crellin;thos choose 1774 john callister + thos clucas both jurby as guardian,1780 choses john callister + patrick stephen both jurby 1774-2 E w KNEAL Henry d 28 apr 1774;dau joney;son nicholas exor 1774-2 E w QUAYLE Elizabeth bridson made 5 mar 1774;widow of ballaquayle;bro christopher bridson,john bridson,joseph bridson;sis margret cuinney,isable karran,jane bridson;sis ellinor honton + friend john callin exors 1774-3 E w CALLIN Thomas d end may 1774;wife alice exex;petn by philip gell states tc of kk arbory,died kk german bur pat that wife had not produced will - summner charges alice + isabel callin + phillip gell + wife cath 1774-3 E w COTTIER Henry d 21 aug 1774;kk arbory;sis isabel caine exor 1774-3 E w KILLEY William made 31 may 1774;peel;son robt;dau margt craine als killey;gson john craine;son-i-law john craine exor 1774-3 E d QUINE Grace woods d 5 aug 1774;ch wm,christian(w/o wm shimin),ann;husb wm 1774-3 E d QUIRK Ellinor QUANE d 11 sep 1774;husb john;kerrodoo;dau isabel exex;court decrees ch thos + isabel jt admrs;inv 1774-3 E w QUIRK Thomas d 2 oct 1774;names isabel(d/o robt moore);friend robt moore exor 1775-1 A 19 KEY John d 8 jan 1775;knock moar;son john,patrick,thos;daus anne,jane;son-i-law philip kinley;wife anne als carran;thos karran h/o jane,philip kinley h/o anne 1775-1 A 20 WOODS Ann d 27 jan;spinster;bro james;names elizth d/o esther bell widow;fa anthony woods exor 1775-1 E w QUANE Catherine QUIRK d 24 aug 1774;husb thos quane,jnr,ballahutchin exec;son john;serv anne quirk;unnamed sisters;diusputes thos quirk borraine + thos quane jnr re john quane s/o sf thos quane;thos quirk fa-i-law exec 1775-2 A 52 CORLETT Margaret quirk made 24 jan 1775;ch henry,christian,ann,john exor;husb john 1775-2 A 53 QUIRK John d 30 mar 1775;kerroodoo;son thos;man serv john kelly;dau isabel (to take tuition + care of thos) exex;sis son wm quirk overseer to see son well used + not abused;isable made choice of wm quirk treljah for guardian 1775-2 A 54 CUBBON Margaret d 11 apr 1775;widow;ballacallin daby;ch younger wm,isabel,joney + ann,john(exor);sale;inv 1775-2 E w CANNELL Christian d 8 may 1775;husb wm exor;dau margt,cath;son john,wm - most ua supv (+pledges) thos + john hutchin 1776-1 A 27 jw CALLISTER Ann quilliam made 14 dec 1774;glenneedle;wm + ann;son wm,philip,david(exor dau ann,isable),henry,john (had contract),thos;dau isabel;gson wm callister;displaced ack wm + wife ann callister 1776-2 A 72 GARRET William peel;d 4 mar 1776;bro thomas garrett;inv 1776-2 A 73 CORKAN Isabel d/o john corkan glanrushen d []4 feb 1776;mo alive;sis ellinor;cousin cath quay (ua) d/o thos 1776-2 A 74 SAYLE Patrick d 9 feb 1776;son philip;3 dau anne.eliz + mary;wife eliz;pledge son patr sayle 1776-2 E w FARGHER Ann SKEALLY d 10 jun 1776;ch thos,wm,john(3 eldests 5s ea),philip,richd,robert(ua)(3 youngest 20s ea),ann,elizth (w/o philip quilliam);husb thos exor;1796 patk cubbon h/o ann 1776-2 E d QUIRK Catherine GELL d 17 jun 1776;only ch patk ua - uncle(mo side) wm,henry,thos,john + james gell+ thos martin(h/o Hester gell);ch's goods then entrusted to gfa(fa's side) john quirk + pledges wm quirk(s/o gfa john + thos martin ;petn by gfa John (knock-y-chistey) that orphan c/o patk quirk + cath als gell - patk d 10 sep 1772[m Pat 17640505 - m/c may 1764] court allows gfa £5 pa for maintenance + clkothing 1777-1 E w CLAGUE Ann d 20 sep 1776;fa wm;sibs wm,cath,jane,isabel,philip;names philip corris (wife);mo cath execx 1777-2 E d CALLIN John d 4 jan 1777;ch wm + margt 1777-3 E d CLARKE Mary d 7 oct 1777;spinster;fa john amdr 1777-3 E w CORRISS William d 14 sep 1777;fa wm(decd);sibs patk,philip,simon,thos,cath(exex);mo margt 1777-3 E w KILLEY James dated 13 sep 1777;reaby;bro richd,john;sons john,thos both ua;wife ann als kinread;1792: john + thos ack from adam cannell exor of mother;1777 ack by james killey reaby moar from fa john legacy from mo margt als quilliam - note that ann killey widow & exex is also residual legatee of above jas killry 1778-1 A 34 QUIRK Henry dated 1 dec 1777;s-i-l john heany;son john ,thos;dau elizth;son wm exec 1778-1 A 35 QUILLIAM Thomas d 2 feb 1778;bro henry,philip;sis ellinor;namesjohn clucas;mo margt quilliam als mylchreest exex (w/o wm) 1778-1 A 36 QUILLIAM Ann cottier made 1 jan 1778;son john (intack slieu whallen),wm,philip;husb john;dau ann exex 1778-1 E d CUBBON Ellinor kelly d 21 apr 1778;only ch ann ua;husb john;pledges wm callin + thos fargher his bro-i-law;mo side uncles robt kelly,wm kelly,wm callin + thos fargher;claims + costs inc reapers;inv 1778-1 E d GELL Alice d 31 mar 1778;ch john,wm,james,isabel(w/o adam cain) + jane; 1778-1 E d KELLY Henry d 1 mar 1778;ch john,henry,wm,thos + silvester (last 4 ua - wife jane guardian + aunt margt cubon);inv 1778-1 E d QUIRK Mary PARR d 17 jul 1777; ballavarkar;ch james,philip,john,joseph,nichs,ellinor + ann;husb philip;some ch ua;1786: elinor quirk als quirk acks;inv 1778-2 E d CORKAN Thomas d granada on board ship Ann;bach;fa john 1778-2 E w KARRAN Thomas d 28 jun 1778;ballacallin dauby;dau isabel,esther, cath;gson john quirk;son-i-law wm quirk 1778-2 E d KEY Charles d 3 may 1778;only ch isabel key (tender yrs) uncle Gilbert key; 1778-2 E d QUAY Ann KEWN d 1 may 1778;husb thos;dau joney (w/o nichs quirk)admx,ann corlet als quay had m/c 1778-2 E d QUIRK Ann d 6 jul 1778;ch wm,thos + ann 1779-1 A 31 LEECE or McLeece Thomas [full] 1779-1 A 32 MOORE John ne Creggan, made 14 May 1778: son Robt, son Thomas, daus (mother dead) Cath, Mary +Ann ; stepson Thomas Fargher, wife Cath Moore [als Fargher] als Gell; dau md xxx Black by 178x 1779-1 A 33 GELL Ellinor knickle d 27 mar 1779;husb john exor;son thos;mo anne knickle;ch ua unle john callin guardian 1779-1 A 34 STEPHEN John dated 29 jun 1778;peel;dau cath(w/o henry dawson),jane(if she coms);wife jane als killey exex 1779-1 A 35 QUIRK Catherine KEWLEY [full] 1779-1 E d CHRISTIAN Grace widow;2 ch eliz + isable christian;wm killey h/o eliz, thos waterson h/o isabel 1779-1 E w CLUCAS Mary CLUCAS 3 daus anne, isabel elinor,3 sons richd john thomas;patrick kelly h/o ann, wm quirk h/o isable, wm clucas h/o ellinor [?3599]; 1779-1 E d GELL John petn by jon gell,wm gell,jane gell + adam caine h/o isable gill ch of john 1779-1 E w QUAYLE Thomas sons thomas, john henry wm;houses in glen maye;wife margt als quirk; [cannot find marr or bapts] 1779-1 E w STEPHEN Robert 2 ch john + jane;john out of isle;pledges john sayle of dalby mountain + wm duggan stepfather of jane [widow Mary Calcot m Pat 17790522] 1779-1 E w TAGGART Robert dawby;only dau margt cannel husb matthew;d of gift;other sons john + robt;mathew cannel decd [m 1766 bur 1767 no ch from marriage]+ margt married to philip quilliam [fam 3502]; 1779-2 E w CALLISTER Margaret taylor of kk german;son john quirk;dau elizabeth quirk als quirk (execx) w/o richard quirk;pledges gilbert cain kk german, john quirk booivane kk patrick; 1779-2 E w MADDRELL Margaret moore d 6 jul 1779;w/o john;son john;mother ellinor moore;sis cath moore;witt Anne Knickle, Margret Cubbon;fa john moore; 1779-2 E w MOORE John ballacallin;made 19 may 1777 being day he left his fa's house to go of from this isle - sometime since deceased supermarine;sis cath + margt,eliz;bro edward, thomas (his son edward),fa edward (herring nets etc);mo cooney moore;sis anne execx;cousin john gell;witt john knicle, ellinor kelly 1779-2 E d QUANE Esther Key d 14 jul 1779;only ch charles (ua);husb thomas;pledges john corris + gilbert key (fa of esther);1798 charles acks £33;inv [full] 1779-2 E w QUILLIAM Margaret mylechreest d 1 aug 1779;dau ellinor,anne;son philip,henry,james (if he came for same);gch cath quayle;gson john quayle;husb william(exec) 'if he would go out of her name (?remarry) to give her sd 3 ch viz the sd ellinor anne + philip £20 equally between them';will written 23 aug; 1779-2 E w QUIRK Elizabeth cottier dated 29 may 1779;son john (eldest),richard;dau-i-law elizabeth quirk;gson john quirk;gdau margt quirk;gdau mary + margt quirk (d/o John) + margt quirk (d/o Richard);son Matthew ('that guinea on her part that was paid for redeeming his clothes');husb john (exec);witt William corris x, William Quine;john quirk dead by probate 1779-2 E w QUIRK John d 11 oct 1779;son richd (loom + gears);son matthew;gsons matthw + wm quirk (c/o richard);son john (exec) 1780 A 41 KNEALE Esther made 22 feb 1780;spinster;mo elinor;sis isabel skinner(exex);sis-i-law jane kneale;sis 2 sons radcliffe + hugh + patk skinner;hugh skinner h/o isabel 1780 A 42 CHRISTIAN John d 7 mar 1780;wife lucy;son john(eldest) exor;other ch mathew,hugh,tho,esther some ua; 1780 A 43 QUILLIAM John d 18 apr 1780;son john(eldest - land qtr + intack),wm,henry,philip;gson patk quilliam;dau ann quilliam exex 1780-1 E d CLUCAS William d 15 apr 1780;kionshleau moar;6 ch Richard, John, Thomas, Ann, Isabel, and Ellinor Clucas + Wm, Ann, and Catharine Cowle ch of decd dau cath w/o thos cowle;patrick kelly h/o ann,wm quirk h/o isabel, wm clucas h/o elinor 1780-1 E w QUILLIAM William d 18 jun 1780;son henry (eldest),philip,james;dau ellinor exex 1780-2 E 508 jw CORRIS Ann killey thomas + ann;son thos (eldest) ;other ch patk, esther;1785 john quilliam h/o esther 1780-2 E 510 d HUTCHIN John d 3 dec 1779;bach;fa thomas;pledges john quirk boarane + john quirk treiljey 1781 A 20 MYLCHREEST Joney bell d 11 jan 1781;husb john;son robt;daus ellinor,cath exexs 1781 A 21 KARRAN Patrick made 28 oct 1777;creg-lhea but now resident peel;son thos (heir - land purch from capt thos radcliffe, slew dalby);dau ellinor;child on wife's bearing;sibs wm,thos ann key,margt watterson;wants henry corlett + tenant thos waterson guardians;wife elinor exex;codicil 19 jan 1781 son patk was child - revokes bequests to sibs 1781 A 22 KNEALE Ellinor key made 18 nov 1779;widow;dau esther;son thos;son-i-law hugh skinner exec; 1781 A 23 LEECE Jane kermode dau joney hutchson;son thos (+ his 3 dau);dau mary quirk als leece;husb wm;wm quirk h/o mary;thos hutchen,wm cain + isabel leece ack; 1781 A 24 ag GELL Nicholas wife isable als kennaugh;sons thos john;eldest son nicolas + his dau alice;dau cath moore als gell;dau isable callister als gell;son james 1781-1 E d CLARK Silvester d 1 may 1781;ch thos (blind) ,henry,john + margt 3latter ua;uncles (fa side)) john + thos clark, thos + john kermod uncles by mo;inv 1781-1 E w CUBBON Robert d 3 jun 1781;son wm (herring nets etc;dau margt;,cath,janeson-i-law thos caine (1/8 boat);names ann knickle maid servant + others;wife joney als gawn 1781-1 E d MOORE Margaret [cottier] d 9 jun 1781;formerly of kk german;4 ch edwd, philip,elizth + jane all ua;husb thomas;gfas philip cottier + edward moore;inv 1781-1 E d QUINE John bach died 1765 in hm service;bro wm only surviving n of k;petn by wm quine foxdale states bro served time on eaten ? galley ? of liverpool but was impressed and perished with 39 other mariners in some part of the downs 1781-2 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d at sea abt 10 or 12 yrs ago;sis isabel + elizth;thos waterson h/o isabel;wm killey h/o elizth 1781-2 E w CORLETT Margaret caine d 21 aug 1781;w/o john exec;sis ellinor corris (+her 2 sons + dau);mo joney caine;names joney shimin,thos corkan's pooer dau,saml keigg,philip corris's wife 1781-2 E w QUILLIAM Margery knickle widow ballna caarkey;made 9 jun 1780;dau joney;son robt,wm,patk,john,radcliffe exec 1781-2 E w QUILLIAM Phillip d 8 oct 1781;son wm;dau anne exex 1782 A 31 CLAGUE Margaret d 25 jan 1782;spinster;names ellinor,isabel,james,thos kenniagh;sibs 'young cowle + alice'john kenniagh + wife isabel execs 1782 A 32 CLARK Marriod bridson dated 11 nov 1782;dg to son-i-law thos clark(h/o ellinor);'sricken with age + lingering disease';widow john(his exex) 1782 A 33 CLARK John jw john + mariod(died before probate);names dau of margt w/o john sennet c'town;dau cath(w/o thomas welch andreas);son-i-law thos clark(h/o ellinor);wife exex 1782 A 34 KILLEY Ellinor cannell made 10 mar 1782;son charles;dau cath,grace,alice,jane madderel als killey(exex w/o john);1783 cath + wm quayle ack,gace + john graham ack 1782-1 E d CaLLIN John Callin not crellin ?;perished by sea 6 nov;4 ch john wm margt + ellinr;wife ann;wm callin uncle by fa + henry callister uncle by mother;inv inc 1/8 part of a boat; mentions callin glan rushen's estate;petn by Henry Waterson stepfather 1782-1 E d CORRIS John perished by sea 6 Nov; 2 ch (+ widow ellinor pregnant ?) ua;thos duggan + thos quirk uncles;funeral costs inc carriage from strand of kk german;inv;petn by widow - 3 small ch nothing to support her eldest 9, next 7 younger 5 being posthumous;had £10 clear 1782-1 E d CORRIS Joney callow d 21 nov;4 ch philip john jane + eliz ;all ua;husb philip;inv;petn from widwr saying he has to hire + keep a woman to take care of them 'and keep them clean' 1782-1 E d KENNAGH Catherine spinster;d 27 dec;fa john kennagh who requested his son Thomas be sworn 1782-1 E d KILLEY John bach;perished by sea 6 Nov; fa john killey 1782-1 E d KNICKALL John perished by sea 6 Nov; only ch margt 1782-1 E d MOORE Robert perished by sea 6 Nov; 3 ch wm christian + cath all ua;widow jane + Wm ? + charles more uncles;pledges Philip cowle gfa of ch + Wm moore uncle;inv 1782-1 E d QUAYLE John bach;perished by sea 6 Nov; mo cath quayle 1782-1 E d QUAYLE William bach;perished by sea 6 Nov;mo Margt Quayle;2 bros john + thomas 1782-1 E d QUILLIAM Radcliffe perished by sea 6 Nov; 3 ch john wm thomas;widow ann quiliam;uncles wm + pat by fa side guardians;inv (perished at sea at the herring fishery) 1782-1 E d SANSBURRY Richard,jun perished by sea 6 Nov; 2 ch richd + charles;widow ellinor;wm + thos sansbury uncles;inv 1782-1 E d SANSBURRY Richard,snr perished by sea 6 Nov; 4 ch wm thos pat + jane 1782-1 E d SHIMMIN William perished by sea 6 Nov; 4ch wm thos ann + richd;all ua;widow christian;uncles john shimmin;inv 1782-2 E d CAIN Elizabeth KELLY complicated john cain m in 1759, had a child but marriage un happy;she went to ireland not heard off but seems married,bigamously, 1782-2 E w CASHIN William jw wm + isabel;made 1 jan 1779;dau anne;son wm 1782-2 E d COWLEY Thomas perished by sea abt 6 nov 1781;ch henry,wm both ua;wife ellinor;pledge henry gell (bro of ellinor) also gaurdian;inv;expenses include coffin, carriage from the strand + wke in Peel 1782-2 E d GELL Margaret clark d 26 june 1782;ch henry,ellinor + ann all ua john tear uncle by mo side jt supv;husb thos ;inv;petn states d in childbed - thos a poor cottler 1782-2 E d GELL William d 31 jul 1782;only ch sarah(w/o john sayle) 1782-2 E d QUAYLE Ellinor d 27 aug 1782;husb patk exor 1782-2 E w QUILLIAM Henry d 16 jun 1782;son john,thomas(if they came);dau eliz exex 1783 A 20 MARTIN Ann killey d 26 dec 1782;husb henry regaby beg;parents wm + elizth execs 1783 A 21 QUAYLE Enry d 25 mar 1785;wife margt als quirk exex;dau amy 1783 A 22 KEY Patrick d 2 nov 1782;dau margt bridson (new loom) (w/o wm),jane carran;son-i-law patrick carran;wife ellinor (2 armed chair);dau cath key execx 1783 A 23 CHRISTIAN Jane quay d 15 dec 1782;dawby;ch jane,james,thos(eldest son),john;husb john exor 1783 A 24 CLUCAS Ellinor cowin d 6 apr 1783;husb philip;dau cooney(hse),jane;son philip(ground to build a hse at south end of dwelling hse),cornelius;land 'the mountain';manservant patk waterson 1783-1 E w CAINE John dated 26 may 1783;ballacaine;dau margt,cath(intack dalby mountain rent three halfpence) exex;1787: wm kewley h/o cath acks + also for legacy from her mo ann caine als karran 1783-1 E d EDMONDS Robert d 20 mar 1783;no relns;prin creditor phil clucas;inv 1783-1 E w KERMOD Esther QUILLIAM d 10 jun 1782;husb thos exor;ch john,jane (+other unnamed dau) 1783-1 E d QUILLIAM Henry late of pat bach died in liverpool 12 mar;sibs thomas,john,margt,anne + ch of decd sis esther viz john jane + margt;evan kinread h/o ann,christopher quay h/o margt;letter from margt quilliam liverpool describing hard times lack of money 1784 A 65 CAINE Thomas d 22 jan 1784;fa alive;2 unnamed brothers;wife margt exex;pledges henry quayle peel mason + wm leece patrick 1784 A 66 CORRIN William dated 27 jan 1784;jane corron (nephew's dau);uncle's son;nephew robert corrin knockaloe beg exor;witt john gorry x + mary cain x 1784 A 67 HALSAL Ellinor quayle dated 30 may 1784;dau margt craine als halsal,joaney halsal als clucas;gch ann craine,elinor halsal,margt halsal;,john halsal only son wm ;husb john exor;son-i-law nicholas craine;husb dead by probate son wm exor 1784 A 68 GELL Esther kneale d 8 apr 1784;husb thomas exor;child on her bearing;sis elinor clark,isabel kneale;fa henry kneale;pledges wm cottier kk patk + john quirk clerk st marks chapel 1784 A 69 HALSAL Joney CLUCAS d 16 Apr 1784;ch Wm(eldest),Thomas, Ellinor(at age), Margt, Cath + Ann - some ua;husb Wm(her title to purchased lands) exor[full] 1784 A 70 KILLEY John d 22 apr 1784;wife martha als quain;son wm + edwd(2 youngest),james exor;mo ann;some ch ua;pledges by exor uncle henry killey (also supv),charles quane 1784-1 E 1194 d KILLEY Ann [1st in book B]d 29 apr 1784;son henry,john(decd - ch james,wm,edwd - wife martha),ann(had sett);inv 1784-1 E 1200 d QUILLIAM Henry d 15 may 1784;sibs philip,james(abroad),ellinor 1784-1 E 1202 w HALSAL John d 19 may 1784;only son wm exor;daus elinor,margt (two youngest ua)+ margt craine als halsal;[?2nd marr] 1784-1 E 1203 w CORRIS Margaret cowley d 29 sep 1783;widow;son philip(eldest),thos,patk,simon exor (a minor not capable);dau cath;1797 simon at age;inv 1784-1 E 1209 d FARGHER Esther bell als qua d 24 may 1784;ch john,thos,wm,elizth(quilliam als bell) + ann bell;husb thos ballalarghey;quotes will thomas bell 1771 1784-1 E 1221 w LEECE John dated 24 apr 1784;formerly ballaleece german now knockaloe but about to depart for health;names ch sis margt clucas(£250 in trust for her ch),elinor(£120 in trust);friend mrs jane radcliffe(w/o thos radcliffe esq knockaloe) + her sis miss ann casement jt exexs;miss elinor leece peel charged;pledges thos radcliffe + hugh casement ireland 1784-1 E 1235 d CAIN Philip d july 1784;only ch margt ua gfa james cain + uncle thomas boddagh guardians;wife ann;[?m Pat 17831030 - no ch found] 1784-1 E 1237 d KERMOD John d 1784;on board hm ship marlborough;bach;fa john 1784-2 E d CLUCAS Christian COWLL d 27 oct 1784;husb thos;pledge thos clucas kk german, john corletrough churchtown kk michael; 1784-2 E d COWLE Ann d jun 1784;spinster;decd mo cath als clucas;fa thomas admr;pledges john clucas, james cowle ballakilmoirrey 1784-2 E d QUILLIAM Henry petn states pressed at sea 30yrs ago - no account rcvd -petn by john who is about to depart isle;ch john,elizth 1784-2 E d WHITE Alice QUILLIAM als ??? d dec 1783;4 ch robt quilliam,elinor Quilliam (w/o Robt John Kermode),Catharine Quilliam (w/o Patrick Sayle),and Ann Quilliam (w/o John cannell)+ eldest son John Quilliam (had mar set) + Wm White (mar set)(admr) 1785 A 44 CORRIS Thomas d 3 dec 1784;dau esther quilliam;son patk(20s if he went to learn a trade),thos exor 1785 A 45 w WHITE Christian QUILLIAM d 30 jan 1785;Dalby;eldest dau jane;dau ann;son wm;husb wm;1801 jane cowley als white + wm Killey h/o Ann ack 1785 A 46 GILL Henry d 20 apr 1785;doby;son henry(eldest - 2.5d rents dauby mountain),wm,johndau elinor + margery(w/o james gell),isabel(w/o john quayle);1791:elinor cowley als gell widow dau of henry + jony of ballalaghey acks (unable to travel to registry);acks misplaced 1785 A 47 CORKIN John uttered 30 oct 1784;dau jane;son john,thos(eldest);wife christian exex;ch ua 1785 A 48 MOORE Edward d 27 feb 1785;ballacallin;ch edward,elizth;wife cooney exex 1785 A 49 jw CLARKE Marriot glan rushen;john + mariod;dau magt w/o john sinnet castletown;son-i-law thos clarke(h/o elinor) exor after decease of longest liver;gson thos clarke;dau cath w/o thomas wlch(dowry paid) 1785 A 50 dg QUAY Thomas dated 7 dec 1784;son-i-law patk corlet(h/o ann);houses + land glenneedle 1785 A 51 CLUCAS Christian cowll d 27 oct 1784;sis jane cannell als cowll exex (w/o edward),isabel shimmin als cowll;husb thos (1s);christian was eldest 1785-1 E d quay thomas d dec 1784;ch [blank](w/o nicholas quirk) + ann(w/o pat corlet);annexed note john quay uncle thos quay minor s/o thos quay kk german late dec 1785-2 E w CRELLIN Mary killey d 10sep 1785;eldest dau margt crellin;5 ch thomas margt anne elinor + jane;husb james 1786 A 33 GELL Joney knickle d 8 nov 1785;husb thomas exor;ch thos - ua ;mo Jane Quane 1786 A 34 GELL Joney quirk dated 18 oct 1785;widow;son henry(her pt dauby mountain),wm,john;names alice mcylchreest;dau isabel exex (+ her sis margery),elinor cowley;decd husb henry (1785) 1786 A 35 QUARK Nicholas dated 13 feb 1786;wife jony als quay;dau jony(jt exex with wife);other dau jane,cath; 1786 A 37 KEY Ellinor MADDRELL widow (of Kk Pat but now Peel);made 10 Feb 1784;dau Cath Clark;son John Maddrell (exec) 1786 A 38 WATERSON William d 25 mar 1786;balnecashey;son thos,wm(boat or yawl);dau margt corris(pt glan mooar purchased from Ed Fletcher betyween thos + margt),isabel(all in mansion house);wife margt exex 1786-1 E w CORKAN Ann d 23 may 1786;poor sis margt corkan, jane, mary knicle,margt kelly;sis-i-l christian corkan;bro john (dau jane);names wm knicle's dau cath;sis margts dau jane kelly; names joney cannel + anne crellin peel;friend cath kermod exex;robt h/o margt kelly 1786-1 E w COWIN Ann kelley d 4 may;dau ellinor,jane,cath,thos,alice,ann;son patrick mylechreest exec;husb thos; dispute inv john bridson,james cowin,john kaighen,thomas mylechreest,danl cowin + george osborne; 1786-1 E se COWIN Thomas son james;wife's son patrick mylechreest;dau isable;ack from james cowin by philip clucas,thos key for 20s left to alice cown als key our mother 1786-1 E d KENNAUGH Margaret fargher d 6 may;son thos admr;john + margt proved for;pledges john callister, thos fargher 1786-1 E d KERMOD Thomas d 3 apr;2 ch john + jane 1786-1 E w KNEALE Henry d 25 apr 1785;dau ellinor,isable execx 1786-1 E d MOORE Catherine [callan] [1st on film] indenture pat callan re dau cath wife of george moore (only part of very long case on this film) 1786-1 E w QUAYLE Marjery d 11 may 1786;dau mary,isable;fa john (decd);sis ann;dau ann execx 1786-1 E w QUILLIAM Patrick,jnr d 2 jun 1786;glan ne mrack;;sis ann, elizbth;bro henry (herring nets);sis ann ,esther;fa patrick 1786-1 E d QUIRK Ann spinster c/o philip quirk + joney als gell;;sibs philip, eleanor quirk als gell + ch of decd bro john (john margt ellinor + joney) 1786-2 E d KEY Gilbert d nov;child thomas admr as Esther Quane als Key already provided for by marr; 1786-2 E w KEY Gilbert made 14 jul 1784;weaver;dau Elizabeth;son Thomas (exec) 1787 A 42 GELL Ann tear d 1 dec 1786;husb thos exor;creggan mooar;mo margt tear 1787 A 43 CORKAN Isabel (see john) 1787 A 44 CORKAN John d 3 mar 1787;glanrushen;stepson thos quay;dau elinor clague als corkan w/o robert(execx) [?bapt];wife (als decd) isabel - petn by elinor that parents granted half goods in 1777 to paul quine in mc for dau margt [marr but ?no ch],in 1781 john kissack h/o ann corkan came to live among them 1787 A 45 QUIRK Philip [full];made 30 jan 1787;slewholan;dau cath,elizth bridson (w/o john ballachrink Malew),margt;son john (eldest),philip (if he comes),thos (houses in Peel that belonged to wm quayle porter) [bapt];wife isabel als quilliam;john kewley h/o cath ;john corran,tanner douglas h/o jane ; contested will - court case;silvester mylchreest h/o margt 1787 A 46 HALSAL William [full] made 3 mar 1787;son wm (eldest),thos;dau elinor,margt,cath [?bapt], ann;philip clucas uncle by mo's side guardian; 1787 A 47 RADCLIFFE Henry [full];gordon;dau margery w/o john quirk (trelgrey);gdau ann shimmin d/o charles shimmin (ballabooy kk german) ;dau margt w/o thos quine (kynnaa kk german) son charles (if he come),thos (exec);gch samuel + isabel radcliffe s/o thos radcliffe (gordon) 1787 A 48 CAINE William d 18 mar 1787;mo ann caine exex 1787-1 E d CAINE James d beg nov 1786;ch wm,ann + cath(w/o john corlett) + margt cain representative of philip cain;petn by thos boyd,john corlett + wm cain - widow ann cain als cottier is embezzling;inv;1792: ack by ann cain m/o margt 1787-1 E d KELLY John d 31 jan 1787;ch john + jane quark als kelly (w/o james) (other ch elizth w/o john cubbon provided for by marr sett)) 1787-1 E w MOORE George petn re cottages in peel; deed of sale from hugh moore who purchased from john rainey + wife jane only surv ch + admx of henry mylvorrey formerly of peel (?d 1734) whose 4 daus eliz,dorothy,sd jane rainey + joney mylevorrey long since dead; joney m died unmarried and without issue before the sd john rainy became entitled and sd rainey neglected to take out letters of admin this GM has no legal title. 1787-2 E w QUILLIAM John d 8 sep 1787;son john(heir);other ch wm,charles,cath,ann,ellinor,betty(elizth), jane + isabel;wife cath;petn by widow that will nuncupative and later written account contradicts spoken 1788 A 24 CARROON Thomas son richd,dau ellinor cowil als carroon [m nic cowle #3641],other dau elizth;dau margt execx;witt christian corkan als cowley,ann key; 1788 A 25 NOWELL Jane bro john's dau sarah nowell;sis isabel;made 27 sep 1787 1788 A 26 SAYLE Elizabeth kermode d 14 feb 1788;daus elizth, mary;son philip exec 1788 A 27 CALLIN Daniel d 25 apr 1788;dau joney,elizth;son robt,wm (heir);wife alive 1788-1 E d CAIN Mary shimmin d 1 feb 1788;dau isabella admxother dau had contract;petn by husb john(now of peel) two daus isabel + elizth(had marr sett) 1788-1 E d COWILL Thomas d 6 jul 1788;ch thos,isabel + ann admrs - elizth + elinor had marr setts;wife ann;;petn by wife margt states d 6 jul 1788+ much strife between children she does not know what to do; 1788-2 E d QUAYLE William d 29 jun 1788;5 ch wm,robt,nicholas,cath + ann (robt ,nic + ann ua);wife jane;inv (names john craine mercht,widow jane moore,philip christian taylor,philip callister shoemaker; 1789 A 36 CUBBON Margaret d 13 dec 1788;widow;son john;gdau ellinor cubbon;dau margt quilliam (w/o john) execx 1789 A 37 KEY Ann karran made 24 nov 1788;knockmoar;dau margt gell,jane karran,anne kinley,alice cashin,isabel watterson (execx) w/o patrick;gdau margt sansbury w/o thomas;wm gell + thos karran ack;petn by patk watterson re bro-in-law thomas key;1790 thomas sansbury h/o margt sansbury dau; 1789 A 38 KENNAGH John,jnr d 24 dec 1788;kerroodoo foxdale;dau elinor,isabel;fa john;son john,thos,wm,philip + james;wife isabel 1789 A 39 CLUCAS William d 29 jan 1789;ballacarney;2 youngest sons (unnamed), to herself (?wife);eldest son john exec;ack from son thomas 1789 A 40 jw NOWELL Margaret bridson john + margt;made 12 dec 1778;3 ch john,jane + isabel;dau jane 1789-1 E 804 w RADCLIFFE Thomas [see 848]d 11 june;knockaloe moar;long proceedings will made 11 june;wife jane;tenant wm radcliffe;nephew robt christian now a lodger + boarder with wm quine kk pat;;puchased lands of knockaloe beg;sister jane shimin; nephew john shimin;niece margery crane als parr(+her ch);nephew robt moore peel;several named bequests;residium of personal fortune towards improvement of knockaloe by stone walls + planting trees;fiend ewan christian vic genl exor;dispute - evidence inc james thomas surgeon (who has resided on island 6 yrs prev surgeon in navy now on hp prev on iom station + kept family here since 1776 - on his return in 1793 seemed thomas radciffe had suffered a paralytic stroke - made will + died same day - recounts how will read and agreed to) - one account is that wm quine tricked a sale of a black mule 1789-1 E 914 d GORRY William d 5 mar 1789;ch john,wm,ann,patk,elizth,margt,thomas,hugh,robt,cath + christian;wife ann pregnant;some ua ;inv 1789-1 E 922 w KEY Thomas made 14 apr 1789;ball elby;names philip kinley + wife,patrick waterson + wife,thos karran + wife,patrick corlett + wife,thos key knockmoar,thos key of the Butt,john key of broal (bolreny),wm gell jnr ballelby;friends wm gell snr + margt of ballelby execrs 1789-2 E w CALLISTER David dated 18 feb 1789;eary cushlin;son david,wm (estate thalloo cushlin) henry,john;wife isabel exex;sis isabel quilliam;dau anne (new intack land); 1789-2 E w CASHIN Isabel COTTIER d 12 mar 1789;dau margt,ann;son james;some ch ua - wm comish + john cashin brothers by fa side sworn guardians 1789-2 E w MOORE John dated 25 nov 1788;dau cath exex;gson john matherall;wife alive 1789-2 E w QUAYLE Samuel d 20 oct 1788;sis margt quayle exex 1790 A 27 TEAR John d 25 nov 1789;son edward,nicholas,thos;dau margery;wife joney exex 1790 A 28 KNICKLE John d 30 jan 1790;cregneash;four daus (unnamed);wife joney als kneale exex 1790 A 29 QUORK Joney quay made 1 feb 1790;dau joney exex 1790-1 E w KENNAGH John,snr made 6 mar 1790;foxdale;dau margt cowle widow;son thos exec 1790-2 E w CAINE Ann dated 26 aug 1790;son hugh;dau mary;husb thomas exor 1790-2 E d KELLY Elinor d 10 jul 1790;ch robt,margt,cath ua;husb wm ;uncles patk callister + patk sayle appt guardians;inv 1790-2 E w KELLY William dated 28 nov 1785;dau cath(bees in dauby),margt(husb thos);son robt,wm (exor) 1791 A 37 QUIRK Ann quilliam made 11 oct 1785;widow;glanneedle;son wm,john(field reimm y killey);dau ann exex 1791 A 38 QUIRK John made 5 sep 1790;ballacooil;son thos,wm,jonah,philip(if he came),john(to his ch);dau ann shimmin,mary + cath exexs 1791 A 39 KISSAG Ann corkan d 16 feb 1791;son wm,richd,thos cubbon;names esther quay als cowin;husb john exor 1791 A 40 CAINe James d 9 mar 1791;younger bro wm cashin;sis ann cashin,margt caine (£7 money left him by mo's death) exex 1791 A 41 CLUCAS Mary QUIRK [Full];son philip;dau isabel shimin als clucas;dau cath quine als quirk;names ann radcliffe als clucas (jt execx);thos quine h/o cath,thos radcliffe h/o ann;witt + pledges thos quine + hugh shimmin 1791-1 E w CAROON Mary KEG d 11 may 1791;dau margt exex;other unnamed ch 1791-1 E w CLAGUE William d 29 may 1791;wife ann als radcliffe exex;unnamed ch ua 1791-1 E d MOORE Cooney GELL als COTTIER d 23 feb 1791;ch by prev husb john,thomas + wm gell;ch elith + elinor moore by later venter;inv 1791-1 E w QUANE Thomas d 3 may 1791;ballahutchin;son thos,henry,john exor;dau martha killey,elinor corris,isabel quirk 1791-1 E w QUIRK Ann QUILLIAM ?not on film nor in index(marked + in defuncts) 1791-1 E w RADCLIFFE William [543]d 3 may 1791;'old + frail'names wm clagues daus cath + jane;gson john boddagh;son sylvester exor 1792 A 30 SAYLE Elizabeth sis mary sayle;bro patrick's wife elizth sayle als cowle;bro philip;sis ann cowile als sayle w/o thomas execx;petn by thos cowle that eliz owed wages from wm callow esq decd; 1792 A 31 CUBBON William ch wm,john,patience + cath,dau jane,margt;son richd;wife jane alive 1792 A 32 KNEALE Ewan dated 5 mar 1792;wife esther 1792 A 33 QUILLIAM William,jnr ballnecaarkey;d 15 apr 1792;8 vh inc john,isabel;wife isabel als kelly;supv john gell + john kelly jnr balladda 1792-1 E w CARRAN Thomas made 21 feb 192;creggan moor;ch ann carran, margt carran, isable carran, alice carran, timothy carran + henry carran;wife alice exex 1792-1 E d GELLING William d 13 apr 1791;ch john gelling, isabel freer als gelling, joney gell als gelling(w/o Wm),Christian sayle als gelling(decd - her ch john + elizth) jt admrs;pledges Thomas moore + Robert Kelly (both Patk) 1792-1 E w HUTCHIN Joney d 30 sep 1791;made 2 nov 1789;husb thomas;ballahutchin;son patk, isaac exor;names john McLeece,wm caine(+ wife Cath), Patk Karran(+ wife Jane),Mary Cubbon,john ellison;petn by son patk that Isaac exor intends to leave Isle without paying legacies; 1792-1 E w KILLEY Elizabeth made 11 mar 1791;son james;dau margt clucas als killey exex (w/o Philip);decd husb thos 1792-1 E w QUIRK Alice made 10 may 1792;ballacooil;son thos,jonah(+3 ch),philip(if he comes for it),john(+ 4 ch),patk, wm;dau ann shimin,mary waterson, cath quirk;gch philip quirk;john quirk,elizth quirk;ch wm + cath jt execs;1801:isabel quirk exex of jonah quirk 1792-2 E w QUIRK John 1st on mm;made 3 may 1792;treljey;sons philip,charles,richd;daus elinor,margery;wife magery als radcliffe 1793 A 45 COWLEY Margaret d 27 nov 1792;widow;names thos, philip + elizth cowley c/o heny cowley;gson henry cowley(house in glenmoey) + sevl other names;friend john sayle exor 1793 A 46 CLINTON Isabel karran dated 29 dec 1792;dau isabel;son wm;husb john exor + supv ua ch 1793 A 47 SAYLE Elizabeth d 22 mar 1793;7 unnamed ch;dau eleanor,elizth;husb patk exor + guardn ua ch 1793 A 48 quirk emmey d 2 apr 1793;husb paul;son richd,patk;dau cath cubbon,elizth;patk+elizth jt execs;1796 patk quayle h/o elizth; 1793 A 49 QUILIAM Margaret d 19 apr 1793;husb john exor ballacain dalby;dau ann,cath;ch ua 1793 A 50 QUAYLE Margaret QUIRK widow of Glaneedle, Patrick: 2 dau Ammey & Cath 1793-1 E 246 d CALLISTER Henry d 13 feb 1793;ch john,thomas,richd,samuel + cath all ua;wife mary(als quilliam d/o henry);petn by sibs phillip callister,patk callister + john quirk that wife a poor simple woman;petns apptd guardians;petn by mary;inv 1793-1 E 257 w KELLY Joney quilliam d 10 may 1793;husb silvester; exor;son patk + 4other ch;dau joney + another dau; 1793-1 E 258 w CARRAN William d 27 apr 1793;wife (house in peel);dau margt(w/o john gill);son john exor;son-i-law john quilliam 1793-2 E d KILLEY Thomas d 4 aug 1793;bach;fa john 1794 A 49 TAGGART Elizabeth quirk d 28 dec 1793;ballacoole;husb john;son john(to school him);dau ann,betty,margt,abigail(last 3 exexs) ;ch uncle john quirk 1794 A 50 QUANE Charles d 15 jan 1794;balla a chroink;5 ch John, Charles;,Ann,Margery + Elinor; wife margery als Key;charles Quane. of balla quane guardian; 1794-1 E w GELL Isabel KELLY d 16 jul 1793;7 ch john,cooney,thos,wm,henry,ann + ellinor;husb john 1794-1 E d HUTCHIN Thomas sons pat + isaac dispute;inv 1794-1 E w QUANE Ann RADCLIFFE w/o john quane ballaquane;4 youngest daus esther,eliz elinor + margt;3 eldest ch charles judith ann;1796 james craine peel h/o esther;patrick quirk h/o eliz 1794-1 E w WOODS Anthony the largey; uttered 18 may 1794;wife ann;dau ann + jane;son james (if he comes for it) 1794-2 E w QUIRK Christian QUANE d 1 may 1794;husb wm(her part of boat + herring nets) ;ballachrink;ch wm(intack Dauby 1d rent),jane (w/o henry gell) exex;gdau jane quirk 1795 E w QUANE Margery KEY d 11 oct 1795;ballachrink;son john (all his fa's shaped clothes),charles;dau anne,margery,elinor;ch ua relns + friends Charles Quane. John Quane, and James Killey ; charles was 4 at death of mother - petn by guardians that their costs should be covered by his share; 1795-1 E w CLUCAS Thomas son thomas;names ann cain;wife jean; inv late of parish jurby 1795-1 E w COWLL William d 27 apr 1795;wife cath als halsal;dau jane moore gdau christian;son wm 1795-2 E w QUANE Margaret key d 11 oct 1795;widow + relict charles quane;ballachroink;son john,charles;dau ann,margery,elinor;last 4 jt execs ua relns + friends charles quane, john quane + james killy supv 1796 A 27 QUAYLE amelia d 13 dec 1795;bro henry,paul(+ son john if he come home, of braddan),john (+ dau cath),wm (dau ann);sis cath (w/o thos quirk exec+ dau cath;) 1796 A 28 KARRAN Patrick d 27 jan 1796;dau jane;son robt,patk,wm;wife jane exex 1796 A 29 QUILLIAM Marjery d 8 feb 1796;sis mary quirk;bro patk,henry;neice ann + christian quilliam,cath + sarah quirk,ann cubbon als quirk,isabel quirk exex;nephew john quilliam 1796 A 30 CASHEN Thomas d 10 mar 1796;younger ch john,jane + margt;son thos exec 1796 A 31 KEY John d 13 dec 1794;Knockmoar;son thomas(heir ua);dau Anne;wife Anne als Carran;Richd Quirk uncle fa side; 1796 A 32 WHITE Alice ellison d 2 jan 1795;dau ally ua;husb wm exor [missing off mm film] 1796-1 E d CHRISTIAN John d 28 aug 1796;mo lucy quilliam als christian als caine(w/o patk);sibs matthias, hugh,thomas christian + esther kelly als christian; 1796-1 E ds HUTCHIN Thomas dated 6 jan 1792;ballahutchin;to son isaac;son patk;dispute between sons issac to pay patk £38; 1796-1 E w KENNAGH Isabel CLAGUE d 11 jun 1796;son john,thos,wm,philip,james;gch isabel,wm;dau isabel + eleanor jt exexs; 1796-1 E w KILLEY Joney QUIRK d 29 apr 1796;husb henry exor;son wm,henry;late serv patk skinner,jane gell maidserv;dispute 1797 dispute between henry + ellinor exex of henry who was exex joney killey als killey[sic] 1796-1 E d KNEAL Jane COTTIER d 1783;petn thos kneale kk pat that she left 4 small ch one since dead, her fa robt cottier lately dead + that ch have claim on gfa estate;decree states ch ua or too tender yrs their fa thomas + uncle john crellin guardians 1796-1 E d TEAR Margaret d 30 nov 1795;ch edwd,jane,ann,elinr,margt,isable + elizth;all too tender or ua;husb edwd;inv 1796-2 E w CALLIN Margaret killy d 4 oct 1796;sis cath kinveg als quayle(arbory);ch wm.robt + judith callin;dau elizth cain exex(w/o wm cain) 1796-2 E w QUIRK William d 20 aug 1796;wife isabel als kieg? exex;unnamed ch 1797 A 49 CLARK Thomas d 10 dec 1796;glanrushin;son thos,henry;dau margt,eleanor,isabel quirk(w/o patk);wife eleanor exex 1797 A 50 HALSAL Patrick d 4 jan 1797;dau margt quine(w/o wm), cath quilliam;gch christian,isabel,thomas + ann quine;wife alive(close meaddow kk german) exex;1802 james kennaugh h/o christian quine 1797 A 51 GELL Jane kneal d 20 mar 1797;dau judith;gdau margt quilliam als hutchin;son thomas,henry;gdau ann gell;names thomas mylechreest,margt shimmin;husb alive;sons thomas + john exors 1797 A 52 TAGGART John made 21 mar 1797;ballacoole;son john(herring nets);dau betty,ann(money to go to who takes care of her),margt + abigal(all dau except ann jt exexs) 1797 A 53 GELL Henry d 25 mar 1797;son thomas,john(ballnegragen or erganmore);wife jane als kneale exex;dau judith;names thomas mylechreest,margt shimmin 1797 A 54 COTTIER John dated 26 mar 1797;nephew ? elizth cottier,jane cottier,cath cottier,john cottier,wm cottier,john quirk;son wm cottier exor;dau elizth quirk als cottier;1803: john cannell ballacannell? kk mich guardian cath,cornelius quayle guardian john,philip killey gauardian wm,john quirk,philip quirk h/o elizth quirk als cottier ack 1797 A 55 jw MARTIN Thomas thomas + esther als gell reaby beg;dec 5 apr 1797;son john(lives with them + has marr contract);dau isabel,ester(youngest),cath,ann;esther mentions her bro john gell;mutual exex 1797 A 56 QUIRK Jonah d 2 apr 1797;charoo-doo;dau ellinor,ann +cath;son john(heir);wife isabel exex;1813: thomas quirk h/o elinor,john clark h/o ann 1797 A 57 KELLY Isabel mylvorrey d 24 apr 1797;son thomas(house + money in ld bishops hands),robt;dau ann exex 1797-1 E d calliin william d 22 30 mar 1797;ch wm,margt,ann jt admrs - robert,jony + cath had contracts; 1797-1 E d callister john d 30 may 1797;shoannadle ?;son wm,philip,richard,patrick;dau amelia,cath (marr sett),mary (marr sett);wife jane als corlet execx 1797-1 E w CLARKE Patrick d 8 june 1796;child being yet unborn;wife ellinor als cubbon; 1797-1 E d CORRIS Philip d 20 Mar 1797;bach;fa Philip; 1797-1 E w JONES Robert 1st on film;d 6 jun 1797;wife jane als shimmin 1797-1 E w KARRAN Isabel clauge d 2 ? apr 1797;dau margt(w/o john gell - half house in peel),cath,ann;son john exor;son-i-law john quilliam 1797-1 E d KELLY Thomas d 17 feb 1797;cronkmoar;wife cath;ch wm,thos,john,ann + margt - last 3 ua;bro wm;inv £33 4s;petn by wife 1797-1 E d KEY Joney d 1 mar 1797;widow;only ch thomas;pledges john mcleece + john quilliam 1797-1 E w KEY Thomas balla glamey;d 19 may 1797;son john's 3 ch thos john + ann;dau ann quirk als key;sons patrick + james;richd quirk guardian of 3 ch + ann their mother ack 1797-1 E w QUANE Charles d 12 aug 1797;sis eleanor,margt,ann gell,elizth quirk,judy graves(w/o henry) exex;names eleanor d/o wm cottier(glanrishen);fa john;mo Ann(decd);court held in house of henry graves; 1797-1 E d QUILLIAM Isabel KARRAN d 23 mar 1797;3 ch isabel ellinor ann;husb john;john karran uncle on mothers side [?no bur except in 1791 - chk br] 1797-1 E w QUIRK Isabel clucas d 19 may 1797;sons wm + john;dau isabel,cath,ann 1797-1 E d QUIRK William d 22 apr 1797;ballacallin;only ch john 1797-1 E TEAR Joney d 8 may 1797;son edward,nicholas,thomas;dau margery 1797-2 E w CALLISTER Margery corlett d 27 sep 1797;w/o henry glanrushen;gson henry callister;dau ann quilliam als callister; 1797-2 E w COWLL Catherine HALSAL d 30 jun 1797;son wm;gdau cath cowell;dau jane moore als cowll;son thos + jane execs;pledges sibs simon + wm cowll; 1797-2 E w LEECE William d 11 jun 1797;youngest daus margt,jane + ann leece;wife isable als kneale;uncle john leece guardian 1798 A 41 KILLEY Henry treljey;made 28 nov 1797;wife pregnant;son wm (now in navy);wm acks 1798 1798 A 42 WATERSON Thomas d 11 apr 1798;balne[];bro-i-law [th?] corris (h/o margt);bro' son silvester watterson;bro wm,patk (+ son patk, wm, daus margery,ann;wife bella);sis elizth w/o thos gell (+ son thos);mo execx 1798-1 E w CLARKE Margaret stephens d 17 may 1798;son wm,thos;names elizth cowley;son-i-law robert keowin exec 1798-1 E d COWLEY Elizabeth d 1 feb 1798;spinster;sibs wm,thos,elinor + margt;john key h/o elinor,robt keowin h/o margt; 1798-1 E ds KNEALE Mary [poor microfilm] names [?sis?] elizth radcliffe, cousins mary kelly w/o john,+ elizth radcliffe 1798-2 e 687 w callister henery made 30 sep 1787;glenrushen;d 21 aug 1798;son henry (concerns, houses etc);dau ann quilliam als callister w/o hen;gson henry callister,wm callister;gdau marjery callister,kath callister,deborah callister,isabel callister,margt callister,ann callister;son henry exec 1798-2 e 686 d kelly silvester perished by sea 22 aug 1798;fa silvester 1799 A 43 QUANE Martha QUIRK dated 22 dec 1790;son henry,john,thos,charles (+his son charles);dau isabel,martha,elinor (exex) 1799 A 44 QUoRK William declrd 24 dec 1798;glanneedle;wife margt exex 1799 A 45 COTTIER William dated 4 feb 1799;glanrushen;3 eldest daus elizth,ellinor,jane;son john(heir);wife jane als cain exex;ch ann,wm,cath + unborn child;1814 cath acks from john cannel late my guardian kk michael; 1803: thomas karran h/o elizth,cornelius quayle guardian john,philip quirk guardian ann,philip killey guardian wm,john cannel uncle + guardian of cath 1799 A 46 CHRISTIAN Thomas dated 11 mar 1799;peel;names ann corkan (1 shilling),john boyds wife (to be satisfied for all her troubles);sis esther kelly als christian exex w/o john 1799 A 47 GELL Margaret key d 5 mar 1799;beleby;gdau margt gell c/o thos;gson henry gell s/o wm;son wm;husb wm (1 guinea);serv ann key;sis alice cashin;sis jane carran;son thos exec 1799-1 E d CLUCAS Margaret d 7 jan 1799;ch wm + john,ann + margt having had marr dowries;husb john clucas 1799-1 E d COMISH Elizabeth KILLEY d nov 1798;w/o wm 1799-1 E d QUAY Margaret d nov 1798;ch thos,robert + philip keowin; 1799-1 E d QUAYLE William d feb 1799;fa cornelius 1799-1 E w QUILLIAM Patrick d 11 jun 1799;glen-ny-merck;dau esther w/o henry callister (+ her dau ann);serv jane quayle;dau elizth w/o thos clark;son-i-law wm gell;agree henry + esther + thos + elizth; 1799-2 E d MOORE William d sometime ago on coast of Africa;formerly Kk Patrick lately mariner onboard Guineaman "Boulton" of Liverpool;bach;sibs(whole blood) John(of Ramsey), Elinor (w/o John Bridson malew), mary, cath + christian;sibs(half blood) ann(w/o thos quaggn),elizth + joney Moore;petn states "no issue" however claim 1800 by ann corlet(spinster) for maintenance of illeg child for 14yrs [?margt bapt Pat 17820328] 1799-2 E ds QUANE Elinor [poor copy]widow;deed of settlement dated 29 may 1793;Ballaquane;to son john who is to maintain her;dau alice key als quane(w/o thos);deed court Oct 1799; 1799-2 E w QUAY Esther cowen d 14 aug 1799;ch cath martin als quay,wm;gch thos + esther martin,john quay;husb thomas exor;names elizth quirk;
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