Summary of Wills - Malew 1700-1749

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - some 739/1150 are summarised here - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1700-1 A 16      BELL         John                     [some damage] dated 21 Jan 1700;ch Eliz(eldest dau to be looked after by Kath Shimmin),Else(2nd dau by Margt Quark),unnamed 3rd dau(to be looked after by Isable gellin) - jt exexs;wife alivenames nicholas bridson;names debtors;blessing to John Quayle + John Kneen to be overseers;witt Stephen Shimmin + Margret Carret als Quayle; court names those requested + paid by legacies to look after daus as supvs;
1700-1 A 17      BROOKS       Martha                   d 14 Mar 1700;sibs unnamed bro, Susanna,Wm Aspinal, Marjery Aspinal;names Wm Qualtrough exor (he + his parents to see her buried);inv £3
1700-1 A 18      BRIDSON      Jane        Rimmer       dated 25 Jan 1698/9;husb Chr: Bridson;ch Kath Moor;gch Hen Moore exor + sworn;
1700-1 A 19      SHIMMIN      Thomas                   [damaged]deed of gift dated [] May 1698;Tho Shimmin gives to dau Katherin + her husb John Fargher all houses etc - they to maintain him;rest of ch 6d ea;witt John Shimin x, Will Killey;
1700-1 A 20      PRESTON      Jane                     d 29 Mar 1700;sibs John(+ wife),Wm(+wife + dau), James exor(her share of house + land);master Charles Moore(youngest dau Kath);names others
1700-1 A 21      HARRISON     William                  d 17 Feb [1699/1700];Ballasalla;ch Wm(provided he came to possess it), Robt, Margt, Daniel + John (last 3 jt exors);
1700-1 A 22      CALLIN       Philip                   bur 8 Mar 1699/1700;master Christopher Harrison(+ dau Alice, Margt);uncle Wm Caveen;sis Jony Callin (? if dead) exex if she came otherwise Alice Harrison;exex in Ireland
1700-1 E 391  mc GAWN         John                     m/c dated 13 Oct 1662; John Gawn + Jane Shimin obo themselves;to marry 13 Oct 1662;Gawn to give half house + garden to wife (+ ch if they have any) at his decease;Gawn mentions son Tho;witt Rich Wattersob x, Will Moore;accepted as will of John Gawne + wife Isabel als Shimin sworn exex
1700-1 E 392  d  Coat         Robert                   d 8 May ;next of kin - Wm, Tho, Jane, Charles, Margt, John + Ellinor Coat jt admrs (Thomas sworn admr)
1700-1 E 393  mc WAINWRIGHT   Alice       CLARK        m/c dated 8 Nov 1692;Robt Wanwright + Mary Bridson als Harrison (both Malew + obo themselves) to marry within a month;if Robt predecease wife to have half crop + team;if Robt's son + Mary's dau do not agree to marry then Mary to have 33 to dispose of;if Mary predecease Robt to have 20s of her goods;Alice Wanwright als Clark mother of Robt to give Robt all her goods in return Robt to maintain her;witt Tho Harrison, Cha Moore, Jo Cosnahan, Will Bridson x, Will Harrison x, Edward Shimin x;accepted as will of Alice Wainwright - dau-i-law Mary Wainwright sworn;
1700-1 E 394  d  Harrison     John                     d 16 Jun [1700] ch Wm, John, Thomas, Nich, Mary + Elizabeth Harrison jt admrs; wife alive; Nich + Thomas had m/cs
1700-1 E 400  i  O'BRIEN      Cononr                   Irish will - of Dromore, Co Clare;James Cusack atty - inv of goods recvd from Capt Huddlestone 27 Jun 1700 for Sr Donat O'Brien (heir);
1700-2 E      w  SHIMIN       William                  d 30 july;billown;wife Mary (croft in Santan);son thos,wm;dau jane (jt exec with thos);gson robt shimin;sis cath;in codicil states being long sick + burdensom dau Jane was very care full of him;
1700-2 E 482  w  STOLE        Catherine   CURLET       d 4 Jun 1700;ch George(house in Ballasalla), John, Tho exor
1700-2 E 483  w  CAROON       Jane        HICKAM       dated 17 May 1700;ch Wm + Jane Caroon jt exors;inv inc house £9 but very few household goods + most broken) - debts £4 10s for Hango Hill rent + 16s 8d repairs to house being in mortgage;unnamed bro owes £1;1703: Jane came from Dublin to redeem house from Robt Radcliff + Robt Quay who had it in lien of £4 - execs to repair;annexed note dated 1707 from Radcliffe + Quay stating that PoA from Wm Carown empowering sis Jane re house + 2 gardens in Castletown + to discharge their fa + mo's debts - John Parr noted that PoA etc miscarried in hands of Patr Quirk
1700-2 E 488  d  BRIDSON      John                     d 11 Sep [?1699]sibs Wm + Eliz jt admrs - their mo sworne;inv in fa's will
1700-2 E 488  d  QUAILE       Thomas                   d 25 Mar [?1700];sibs John, Charles,Wm, Isabel + Cath jt amrs - all absent mother sworne;inv in fa's will
1700-3 E 524  w  LOONEY       Alice       QUINEY       d 26 feb 1700;husb Robt;dau Christian, un-named eldest dau;unnamed son - ch ua;sis' dau Jony Calow;witt Jane Kewley als Crow, Eliz Mcylrea als Bridson;1726: Christian Serjeson als Loony recd from bro Robt Loony the deads pat of the 3rd part of her mo's inv 18s 5.25d - the other 18s 5.25 being in hands of Gilbt Carin who m Margt Quaile Robt Looney's 2nd wife[m Lowney Robt = Alice Quiney Mal 16770617]
1700-3 E 527  d  BRIDSON      Elizabeth                d 6 Feb; orphan;only bro Wm Bridson admr - as indisposed his mo sworn
1700-3 E 527  w  Kewley       John                     dated 12 Mar 1700;dau Eliz (qtr of house + garden viz the southside - other qtr to who would see him buried) exex;son Robt (pot), John (oldest son surrenders right to sis Eliz for 2s 6d);
1700-3 E 528  w  CLARK        Christian                undated;4 ch exors but the youngest  10s extra;gch cath Curragh's dau;son-i-law Wm Duckan (h/o joney);son Nicholas, Wm (to be put to trade);husb alive
1701   A 23      harrison     Margaret    CANNELL      d 8 Dec 1701;ch Wm, Danl, robt, John + margt  harrison(lst 3 jt execs) - robt + john at age ;inv £3
1701   A 24      CARRAD [garr Philip                   d 7 Dec 1701;wife Margt exex;witt Cathrine Cubbon widow x, Cathrine Carran, widow, x
1701   A 25      CORRIN       Thomas                   [duplicated in epis wills]dated 3 Mar 1701;ch Thos, Wm,John(eldest son),Elinor - jt execs - some ua wanted Cusdal Bridson + Thomas Kinley supvs (John + Nelly sworn);inv noted in Bishops reg;
1701   A 26      SHIMIN       Hugh                     d 29 Apr 1702;ch Isable(money on mortgage in Ballamoddy), hugh (if die without issue land to fall to John Quaile) exor;unnamed step children;1731: Robt Cottier(h/o Isable shimin) acks Jo Malsal (Baleemoda) his wifes part of mortgage money
1701   A 27      TUBMAN       Margaret                 [faint + diff to read]d 4 Mar last;mother Jane als Karran? exex;nephew [sic] Kathrine Calcot d/o Turner? Calcot + Elinor []
1701   A 28      TUBMAN       Jane                     dated 22 Mar 1701/2;Castletown;gch Katch Calcot(half house where Jo Kewley lives + 4th pt left by decd dau Margt), Eliz, John Calcot;dau Elinr Calcot (house where she lives + benefit of land at Ballasalla) exex
1701-1 E      w  Walne        Alice       TAUBMAN      court rejects a d.o.g to Mr Hen Norris (arbory) as illegal - hen norris appeals to Chancery;will dated 26 Oct 1696; wants burial Kk Malew in grave husb Edward;kinswoman Alice Norris (w/o John Norris hatter);ch Margt, Eliz Norris als Tubman;names Jo Boardman (+ his daughter Alice)son to bro Thomas Boardman (+ his son Robt)
1701-1 E 569  w  CORRIN       Thomas                   ch Thos, Wm, John(eldest - lands),ellinor - ch jt execs wanted Cusdal Bridson + Thomas Kinley supvs (John + Nelly sworn);[dup of arch #25]
1701-1 E 573  d  KILLEY       William                  d 20 Sep 1701;ch Wm, Henry, Hugh + Thomas jt admrs - next of kin(fa side) Daniell Killey + Thomas Bell supv;wife alive;inv noted that goods of ch by 1st wife to be deducted;also goods of Margt Atkinson by her fa + gmo's decease included - 11s clear!
1701-1 E 574  d  KEWN         Thomas                   out of Isle 14yrs + presumed dead;next reln Alice Quighy admx;inv inc half a house + garden
1701-1 E 575  d  GREEN        Samuel                   d on board H M ship the Speedwell in Barbadoes abt 2 yrs ago;only bro Robt Green admr - surrenders admin to fa Sam Green;
1701-1 E 577  w  WOODS        Ellin                    dated 15 Mar 1696/7;Castletown;bound for England;gmo Mrs Catherine Halsal;step-mo Mrs Eliz Huddleston;sis Cath + Eliz Woods;decd uncle Henry Halsal + Aunt Mrs Mrgt Thompson - their ch (being also nearly related) - Cath, Anthony + Henry Halsal jt execs (if they die to Aunt Mrs [] + husb Mr William Thompson);kinswoman Dorothy + Ellin Robinson;
1701-1 E 580  d  STOLE        George                   d 8 May;only ch John admr - ua - uncle Thomas Stole supv;wife alive
1701-1 E 581  w  BRIDSON      Thomas                   dated 12 May 1701;Ballasalley;mentions purchased Close near Tho McTear's;unnamed wife + ch - next of kin Hen Taylor + Wm Bridson sworn;1722: John Bridson only suviving exor paid in money what his step-fa Tho Cain paid for composition of his land etc; 11s deducted for funeral charges of Jane another exex;
1701-2 E      w  HARLEY       William                  [full]dated 17 sep 1701;castletown;ch wm,mary,jane,betty,thomas + charles
1701-2 E 634  w  JICK         Mariod      KELLY        dated Nov 1701;ch Cath(land, houses etc) - her 4 ch jt execs;husb alive;eldest dau at age, later names two sisters Jony + Isabel;inv;1730: Daniel Clark h/o Jony acks Nicholas Gellin h/o Cath, Tho Cubon h/o Margt acks Cath Gellin
1701-2 E 636  d  KNICKEL      Margaret    CUBON        d 12 Sep; only ch John Knickel admr - next of kin supv;husb alive;1719: John Knickel acks uncle Stephen Shimin;inv - noted that half with gmo + that as next relns out of island Stephen Shimin (notes as supv to my sister child Margt Cubon) has rest;;inv noted deduction for rent of pt of Whitestone land
1701-3 E 686  w  GELL         William                  dated 10 Dec 1701;Kinsman John Gell,Rich Taylor;wife Christian als Moore(houses etc during life)names Christian Crebbin(what was due to her);1726: John Moore ack stepfa Robt Moore(pollrose) that due to Nicholas Moore(decd in Jan last)by death of his fa
1701-3 E 688  d  GELL         Christian   MOORE        d 28 Dec 1701;sis Ellin Coat(half her goods);bro's ch Tho, Jo + Wm Moor jt admrs of other half - their mo Frances Moor jt supv with Ellin Coat;1718: Wm Moor owes 40s to bro Thomas + empowers him to receive his proportion;
1701-3 E      w  HUDLESTONE   Thomas                   ballahott [poor copy]Capt James Christian, milntown + sibs ewan,john,wm,margt, anne + isabel clain £80 as next relns to Thos Huddleston junr per agreemnt between their fa Deemster Edw Christian + capt thos Huddleston ;inc herring fishery custom 1697, 98
1702   A 10      McYLREA      Margeret    gellin       d 17 Nov 1702;ch John, Robt, Thos(6d), Jony, Elizth + Cath (3 daus jt exexs but Cath only one in Island + sworn with father);husb(her part of crop being a quarter);inv £2 3s;note detailing money + goods to dau Cath inc 3 yds fine linen at 3s + 'laid out at her funeral charges 12s + 4s for a sheet;also 9s pd to her sis Elizth 'to annex to will of Margt Mylrea ..who d abt 3 yrs ago"
1702   A 11      CREEN        Margaret    cuddy        ch Tho, Richard, John, Dorothy;husb Tho Creen exor
1702-1 E 039  w  Kewn         Jane        Karran       d 30 Apr 1702;husb John Kewn exor;ch christopher (eldest son), John(youngesst son), Jony; unnamed sister's dau;1719: Wm Kinvig h/o Jony acks legacy
1702-1 E 044  d  Saint        Tho                      30 oct last - 3 children John, Richard & Eliz, next of kin Elizabeth Boardman supv, wife alive
1702-1 E 045  d  Marsden      Christopher              archdeacon, perished at sea 3 Oct - wife Anne, only sister Mrs Anne Marsden
1702-1 E 049  d  Kelly        John                     out of Island 16 years supposed dead uncle Robert & Margt Quackin
1702-1 E 050  d  Bridson      Jane                     20 Mar - orphan, only brother John Bridson, mother alive
1702-2 E 081  w  LOONEY       Jane         als kewin afterwards ginston;castletown;son tho kewen(house against castle gates adj house of tho parr decd);dau cath kewen als kennedy;inv will damaged
1702-2 E 084  w  KERMOD       Robert                   dated nov 1702;uncle wm kermod exor;unnamed bro
1702-2 E 084  d  Quiny        Jane                     dog dated 2 jun 1699 (court oct /nov1702 in lib canc);widow;ballasalla;son edw;[in mm list als fargher but not in will]
1702-2 E 085  w  WOODS        Daniel                   d 26 oct 1702;mo-i-law widow waterson;sis jane woods;unnamed child (?by prev wife as 'her mothers goods did not amount to 20s);unnamed wife
1702-2 E 086  w  WOODS        Ellin       LUCAS        dated 15 aug 1702;dau jane(fa dead - care taken of ellin in old age);husb exor
1702-2 E 087  w  WOODS        George                   dated 13 sep 1705;?misplaced);dau jane thorp;son thos(given houses to allow sis use of brewing vessels),john(6 ch) exor
1702-2 E 090  w  QUAYLE       Richard                  date lost(damaged will)knockrushen ?;to be buried st peters chapel;dau margt wattleworth(eldest),elizth,ann + cath;wife cath
1702-2 E 093  d  Calcott      Arthur                   out of island 9 yrs assumed dead, youngest son of Capt Arthur Corlet, 2 bro turner & robt, sis Elizabeth als Stevenson
1702-3 E      d  BLEBIN       James                    being out of this island for several years - next relations children of Ellinr Wolfenden als Voase & children of Mrs Ellinr Calcott, Mrs Calcott being sick other admrs under age Mr Turner Calcott and Mr Francis Wolfenden sworn in court
1702-3 E      d  HUDDLESTONE  Charles                  perished by sea about dec 1701 - only brother thomas
1703   A 9       TAYLOR       Alice       harrison     d 26 Mar ;sis Margt (her child's linens if ch should die);unnamed mo-i-law;names Jony Taylor;hub John Taylor + fa Christopher Harrison jt exors;
1703   A 11      WILLIAMS     Catherine   fargher      deed of gift dated 10 Sep 1703;Nicholas Williams + wife Katherin Williams als Farcher give to gson David Murrey houses gardens etc in Castletown that the Rev John Wood now dwells in;witt John Daugherty x, John Waterson
1703-3 E      d  REDFERn      George                   dated 10 jul 1699;abt to depart Island to seek my fortune abroad;bro thomas(share of houses etc),john;witt John Bordman senr x,John? Watterson
1703-3 E      w  REDFERN      John                     [full]dated 9 Oct 1703;bro Thomas(smithy tools);unnamed child ua;wife alive [wife Cath redfern als taylor then m david hutchin 1704]
1704-1 E      d  LOONEY       Anne        STANLEY      d 6 may;only dau Hannah Crow admx;husb alive;Nich Williams claims
1704-1 E      d  QUAYLE       Catherine   CUBON        d 6 May;ch John, Robt, Tho, Ellen, Nicholas + Wm Quayle jt admrs - john at age + sworn supv;husb alive
1704-1 E      w  SHIMMIN      Robert                   d 27 Apr 1704;sumner;ch John(half croft now in their holding for 10yrs), Mary;gch John Shimin;wife Margt (jt exex with Mary)
1704-2 E      d  CALCOTT      Ferdinando               d 31 Oct [1704];ch Mary(in Ireland), Anne + Margret jt admxs;wife alive;note by Turner Calcot that intended burying place is now claimed by Mrs Quayle of KnockRushen which he acks + that by permission Ferd was interred within the seat of Knockrushen 2 Nov  1704; displaced note dated 29 Oct 1705  that exors to pay £6 3s 4d being arrears of rent for BallaGilly + trustees for Academick School will set to others if not paid within 2months + lands(Abbey) be not set to undertennts + annexed note by Robt Curghey that his son John has lease of part Whiston[Whitestone]
1704-2 E      d  LOONEY       Alice       CLAGUE       d 4 jul [?1704];only son Ewan;husb alive;
1704-2 E      d  Preston      Elizabeth                see john
1704-2 E      d  Preston      John                     supposed to be dead;john + elizth of England;next relns John + Alice Bridson;see inv 1659-3 - half house + half garden in castletown
1704-2 E      d  QUALTROUGH   Mary                     supposed to be dead;orphan Orkney;aunt Isable (w/o John Bridson) - inv £20 5s
1704-2 E      d  SHIMMIN      Catherine   BRIDSON      d 18 Jul ;ch Charles, Wm + robt jt admrs - next of kin uncles John + Robt Bridson + Aunt Eliz supvs;husb Tho;pledge John Bridson Monymoar + Jo Mcylrea Fildraw;Ellin Quaile als Taggart claims
1704-3 E      d  KNIPE        John                     [?bur Mal 17040727]d 2 Aug last [?1704];headed Castletown;bro Mr James Knipe admr;many claims inc from Margt Satterthwaite obo her father Edward + uncle Wm Sattherwaite
1705   A 23      KNEAL        Jane        bell         d 10 Mar ;bro dau's daughter young Will caine's wife;husb John Kneale exor;
1705   A 25      CALLISTER    Margaret    moore        d 6 Feb;Ballasalla;ch unnamed dau exor,son;names dau of Xphr Bridson(Ballavarvan);Nich Callister + wife of Christopher Bridson (Ballavarvane) to be supvs
1705   A 26      TAYLER       Elizabeth   fargher      dated 6 Jan 1704/5;gch Thomas Redfern, Margt Taylor, Elizth Maddrell, Henry maddrell, Jony Maddrell, Thos + John Maddrell;son-i-law Henry Maddrell;ch cathrin,margt (jt exex with gch Elizth Maddrell);serv maids margery shimmin + Ann Watterson;names several others
1705   A 28      MOORE        Margaret    Cæsar        [full]
1705   A 29      CALLIN       Christian   cubon        dated 9 feb 1705;husb rogger;dau esther + joney - exexs - one ua;names isble d/o Wm Taylor;inv 10s
1705-2 E      d  BOURN        Charles                  [parish?]d May 1705;of Newry, Ireland + d there;left parcel of timber with Tho Loony + also some debts;prin creditor Robt Steven of Be[] who lent him 35s in Castletown, admr;inv includes 6 sets of wheel coggs for mills
1705-2 E      d  CAIN         William                  d 15 May 1705;ch Jony + Mary jt admxs - at age;wife alive
1705-2 E      d  STEVENSON    William                  d abt May 1703 on board H M Ship [blank];s/o John Stevenson(Castletown);sis Margt (in Ireland)+ Amy Stevenson jt admxs
1705-2 E      d  WATERSON     William                  d 20 May 1703 on board H M Ship [blank];sibs James, Edwd, Eliz, Jane + Margt waterson jt admrs (only Edwd at age) - fa Jo Waterson sworn
1705-3 E      w  BRIDSON      John                     dated 23 Feb 1794/5;Oristall;late Atty General;unnamed wife 20s;his heir what his parents had given him in m/c;ch Jane + Ann jt exexs - his uncle deemster Mcylrea, bro-i-law Jon Harrison + bro Wm Bridson overseers - the 2 daus were sworn [?at age] - fa Mr Jo Bridson senr who bought crop etc;detailed inv - inc transfers to/from Lord + claims inc servant's wages
1705-3 E      d  Harrison     Ann         ratcliff     d 29 Jan [1705/6];sibs Capt Silv Radcliff, Tho, John, James + Christian(w/o Rich Thompson) jt admrs;husb Wm;
1705-3 E      d  REDFERN      Thomas                   [full]
1706   A 1       LONNEY       Robert                   d 15 Dec 1706;wife Margt Quaill (houses left during her life) exex;son Robt (to have houses);dau Cath(to have half great house if robt died ua), christian (to have little house if Robt d);sis's youngest son;unnamed sibs (6d ea);names young John Ratcliffe;
1706-1 E      w  CLARK        Thomas                   dated 5 Jun 1706;money-more;ch Nicholas(eldest son), Tho, Wm, Edw + Joney (last 4 jt execs);son-i-law Wm Duccan
1706-1 E      w  KEAY         John                     [poor copy - tbd]dyer London (now in Castletown);onetime apprentices Philip Christian, Thomas Preston;names godch  Ewan Crow(Castletown + dau Sarah), Ewan Christian(Ramsey + dau);sis-i-law Elizabeth Brrok, Dorothy Curtis, Johanna Keay (exex);nephew John Keay(s/o decd bro James);names John parr (+ wife Margt my niece);accounts etc
1706-2 E      w  MORRISON     Daniel                   dated 20 sep 1704;physician, Castletown;to be buried Malew near son Thomas;ch david(houses, garden, croft + kiln), daniel(youngest son £30), other ch(6d);wife margery (to enjoy houses etc during life) exex
1706-2 E      d  PRICE        John                     late of Dublin;considerably indebted - Richard Reece (Castletown one of creditors appt admr;
1706-2 E669   w  SHIMMIN      Jony        GELL         ? malew not arb
1707   A 6       BOARMAN      John                     d 7 Mar 1706/7;ch thomas, john + Alice - all ua mother sworn;wife alive;uncle John;served as a soldier under Mr Lezsquire 1yr 3qtrs but rcvd no pay;witt robt boardman, Christopher quiney x
1707   A 7       KILLEY       Elizabeth   kissage      d 5 apr 1707;sis-i-law margt cottier;unnamed ch except youngest dau Margt;husb alive;1728: john,isabel, Charles + margt killey ack from step mo averick killey als cannell;[averick cannell m Edward Killey Mal 17070202, Elizth Kissag m Edwd Killey Mal 16910819];inv
1707-1 E      d  GRIFFITH     john                     see rchd wattleworth
1707-1 E      w  SAINT        William                  dated 9 may 1706;c'town;son thos;kinswoman eliz saint very kind to him whilst his son neglected him exex
1707-1 E      d  WATTLEWORTH  Richard                  rw + john griffith died intestate had interest in certain houses c'town by will randle lewis;next rels of rw + thos redfern + next rels of jo: griffith
1707-2 E      w  COTTIMAN     Anne                     d 10 May 1707;ch jane(+ her ch Thomas + Isbl Quinney), John exor;pledges Jo Cain + Wm Quinney
1707-2 E      w  HARRISON     Jony        craine       dated 22 oct 1707;dau joan(eldest),joney,elizth(+ch),Anne(youngest) exex;husb alive;
1707-2 E      jw WATERSON     Thomas                   dated 23 Nov 1704;jw Thomas Waterson + wife Christian;mutual execs;ch Richard, Margt, Jane + Thomas;Thomas dead - wife exex;
1707-3 E      w  CROW         William                  d 22 jan 1707/8;schoolmaster ballasalley;son Wm(eldest),Jo(youngest his books);other ch Tho,christian + jane;wife exex
1708   A 8       NORRIS       Eals (Alice              [full]d 24 feb 1707/8;husb john exor
1708-3 E      d  BELL         Thomas                   d 14 feb;ch christian,john,tho,richd + wm - ua next relns Wm Cain + Margt Bell sworn supvs;wife jane als cain ;agreement 24 feb 1708 between widow + supvs;1718: tho acks from stepfa Jo Bell (Ballacharry);1719 Jo Bell(eldest son) acks from stepfa;1721 Richd acks;
1708-3 E 143  d  BREW         Margaret    LUCAS        d 5 Jul 1707;ch Caesar Brew(by vitue of a deed of gift); + dau-i-law Ann Brew(widow + children by m/c - claims £10 + childs pt of goods) jt admrs;inv £11 18s 9d;disputed - annexed agmt;inv inc bonds from Wm Qualtrough(Kentraugh) dated 1667, 1698, 1681 total £6 1s 7d
1708-3 E      d  FAILE        Daniel                   d 20 Mar last;ch Mary, Wm, Robt + Ellin(youngest) jt admrs - the 3 eldest surender admin to mother (she + wm(eldest) sworn)
1709   A 4       MADRELL      William                  by 28 feb 1709;filed under Malew; wm maddrell of kk arb; son-i-law john quayle of ballatrollogue + dau joney maddrell;cuts off all others by deed of gift dated 26 nov 1696
1709   A 23      BRIDSON      Christopher              [full]bur 5 Mar 1708/9;Ballavarvain;ch Robt, Isabel(dau Isabel Oates);sibs John Bridson, Cath;niece Marjery Clague;wife Jane als Brew exex
1709   A 24      ARTHUR       Alice       stole        bur 28 Mar 1708/9;ch John(+ his 2 ch), Hugh( + dau Eales) + Jony(+ son Mathew Kinley?) - Hugh + Jony jt execs; 
1709-1 E      w  CAIN         John                     jt will John Cain(tooabee) + wife Isabel als fargher;made 18 dec 1706;gch john + edward cain,jane cain;niece joney cain;4 eldest ch;dau-i-law margt caine als taggart (+ her son tho) jt execs;
1709-1 E      d  CAIN         Mary        BELL         d 9 may 1709;ch margt + cath - ua aunt Margt Bell supv;husb wm
1709-1 E      c  CAVEEN       William                  m/c dated 28 apr 1698;Wm Caveen(Ballasalla) + Cath Bridson;to marry next sunday morning;survivor to have goods etc each reserving 10s;witt Thos Stole x,Wm Caveen x,Charles shimin x,John Price ? [contract faint on film] ack'd Jun 1709;- accepted as will Wm;wife exex to pay 10s to husb's sister 
1709-1 E      w  QUAILE       Jony        WATERSON     dated 1 Nov 1709 but stated will declared 4yrs ago;neice Isabel Waterson(who took care of her in her tedious sickness) exex - husb consented and said she would get his half(except for 10s to Tho Waterson[?son] + Henry Curlet) is she would take care of him
1709-1 E      w  QUoRK        Thomas                   dated 28 Feb 1708/9;Castletown;ch Wm Quork;gch Henry + Sarah Morgan - ua(their mo Jane supv);names kinsman Wm Quork, Ellin Quirk;inv inc £3 mortgage in Pickards Close;pledges for Jane - James Maddrell + Henry Corrin;Janes places money initially with Mary callister then 1714 to Mrs Marjey Morison to pay ch when they are at age;Jane Meredith claims obo Wm Quork(Dublin)
1709-1 E      w  Voase        Henry                    dated 10 mar 1708/9;names John Rothmell + landlord Robt Quay (all my carpenter's tools between them ) to oversee my concerns till son Richd returns;son Richd exor (retuned by 7 Nov 1710);mention m/c by Charles Voase + wife Alice to son Henry + espoused wife Anne Christian (now deceased);
1709-1 E      d  WALKER       Thomas                   wounded on board Clayton Gallery + died;sibs John,charles,george, Wm + margt Mcallister (Chas + Margt in Ireland);
1709-3 E      d  BREW         Nicholas                 d abt Xmas 1709;on board HM ship the Lancaster;mo Alice Sherlock
1709-3 E      d  VOAse        Jane                     d 17yrs ago;orphan;only bro Richd;
1710   A 5       NORRIS       John                     [full]
1710   A 7       MADDRELL     Christian   norris       [last on rb524]widow;deed of gift dated 6 May 1691;gives her pt of house + garden to son James(shoemaker, Castletown);witt Thomas Saint x, William Cannell
1710   A 8       BELL         Christopher              [full];dated 2 Feb 1710/11;Ballastrang, Malew;wife Eliz;ch John,Margt,Nicholas + Elizth (jt execs + land in Ballasalla
1710-1 E      d  CARTHEW      Anthony                  capt anthony d 13 may 1710;nick harley prin creditor;inv
1710-1 E      w  CORRIN       Edward                   declrd Oct 1708;only dau Isabel Corrin;wife Margt exex;nephew Wm Woods(half corn in Balladoole as he pays half rent);Jo Waterson, Margt Cubon als Corrin + Mary Gawn als Corrin claim for their right + interest of the house; Capt Norris(Kk Arbory)  claims obo above named for money + goods presumed to be concealed + due to them by death of Edwrd Corrin's 1st wife + his dau Ellin Corrin;inv,costs inc funeral dau Ellinor 1703;court states Elinor Corrin 3 Aunts to rcve 32s 1d + inv of Alice Corrin decd
1710-1 E      w  HARRISON     Isabel      NORRIS       d 26 apr 1710;gson john(s/o john taylor crossag) , christopher taylor;dau margt taylor als harrison exex
1710-2 E 359  w  HUTCHIN      Ann         CREBBIN      d 10 jun 1710;ch Wm, John,Margery;husb Patk exor;
1710-2 E 360  w  LOONEY       William                  d 1 Jul 1710;gdau Sarah Looney;son Ewan exor;witt + pledges Tho Looney + Hen Radcliff;
1710-2 E 361  w  CANNALL      Margaret    CHRISTIAN    dated 5 Dec 1710;husb John;ch Alice, John, Robt, ; Alice + husb John sworn;Thomas;inv etc
1710-2 E 364  d  SHIMMIN      Catherine                John, Cath + Robt c/o John Shimin d all ua - sister Jane sole admx - her husb Tho Shimin;legacies to ch from gfa Jo Shimin Arch lib 2 1691
1710-2 E 365  w  BOARMAN      John                     dated 1 jun 1710;son robt;wife elizth als saint exex;robt boardman claims agt execs father john for £13 due by decease mo;agreement with stepmo re houses he has nr chapel and those she has in west st [see also 8010d]
1710-3 E 378  d  QUINE        Christian   QUAILE       d 27 Dec [?1710] in Kk German;sibs Charles, Isabel (in Ireland)+ Jane jt admrs;husb to be sworn at Peel;
1711   A 17   d  BREW         Philip                   [full]d 24 jan 1711/2;widower 'very little worldly substance';d.o.g. to sis's dau (isabel) (w/o Arthur Halsal) of whatever he has
1711   A 20      STEVENSON    Cleave                   [full]dated 23 feb 1710;Castletown;money expended towards his care in Ireland to be paid;to be buried kk Arbory;sis Mary Griffith,cath,margt,Jane allen,gibbons,elliot;bro griffith,allen;mother exex - had decd sibs Richd,Alice;
1711-1 E      w  BRIDSON      Margaret    QUACKIN      dated 8 May 1711 - declared abt 2 yrs ago;husb chistopher (her part of looms + croft etc during his life) exor;only son John(to have whole croft at husb's decease);dau Elizth, Cath, Anne, Ellin;gch Ann Shimin; witt John Bridson, Cath Ratcliff als Looney;
1711-2 E      d  LOONEY       Deborah     mILLNER      d 17 apr 1711;ch Elizth(in Ireland), cath + Thomas Loony jt admrs;husb alive;many claims inc John Gell claiming for new suit of clothes as mentioned in his indentures, John Norris also claims for entire suite of clothes - others inc Rhoda Mercer, George Walker, Arthur Bridson, Capt Wm Thompson
1711-3 E 524  d  CALLISTER    Christian   CREER        d 10 Dec 1711;ch Edwd, Ellin + Christian jt admrs - all ua uncles Tho senr + junr (these are brothers) , John Creer (Ballasalla)+ their suister Alice Creer supvs;husb alive;Christian dead by 1712;
1712-1 E 598  w  HUTCHIN      Philip                   bur 19 Mar 1711/2;gch Elizabeth Qualtrough;ch John(land called Whitestone adj Mr Thomson + Mr Huddlestone), Margt, Christian, Richard(the barn + bogg garden, Callows garden adj Thos Bell's house + house+garden below town adj Christopher Quinney), Robt; sons John, rich, + robt jt exors;widow refuses to dispose of her part of land
1712-1 E 599  d  WAINWRITE    Margaret    Cottier      d 18 Mar [1711/2]ch elizth, Wm, Jane + Rose - next of kin (mo's side) Wm + John Cottier overseers;husb alive;noted that Capt Charles Calcot sent a guinea from Dublin to eldest dau Elizth
1712-1 E 602  w  HARRISON     Ann                      dated 7 May 1712;d/o John Harrison;names Margt Kenniagh, Isabel Gail;unnamed youngest sister;sibs John, Wm, Isabel(eldest sis);unnamed stepmo
1712-1 E 603  w  HARRISON     margret     kewn         dated 10 May 1712;ch Joney, John (last 2 jt exors), Mary; bro Charles, John;names Jane Quark;
1712-1 E 604  w  CORRIN       Thomas                   dated 3 may 1712;s/o Tho Corrin decd;sibs William, Isabel, John, Ellin(+ chh Elin + Mary quayle, Jo quayle) exex;names John Bridson, Alice Taggart (sheep betwixt them);
1712-1 E 605  d  BRIDSON      John                     d 7 May;3 ch Wm, Saml + Wm junr with Thomas Bridson jt admrs - uncle + aunt Henry + Jony Bridson along with widow) overseers
1712-1 E 609  d  McYLREA      Thomas                   d 17 Mar;ch Jony(in Ireland), Cath + Elizth (w/o Tho Norris) jt admrs;Tho Cain becomes security for Jony's goods in hands of her bro John Mcylrea at her request; inv £1 18s 8d
1712-1 E 610  d  TAYLOR       Margaret    BRIDSON      d 19 Apr; ch Tho, Margt, Matthias + Nich Taylor jt admrs;husb alive
1712-1 E 611  d  RATCLIFF     John                     d 15 May;only bro Henry Ratcliff admr
1712-1 E 612  w  HUdgIN       Patrick                  bur 28 Mar 1712;former wife desired that their dau (Marjery) have half houses + garden, left his own half to his 2 sons Wm + John (in England) but their step-mo to have shelter there during her life wch was conventated in their m/c;wife + 3ch jt execs;inv
1712-1 E 612  c  QUALTROUGH   Marjery     CORRIN       m/c dated 4 feb 1708/9;Wm Qualtrough senr (castletown) (+ wife Margery als corrin)obo son John;Phill Hutchin(c'town) obo dau margt;Qualtroughs to settle half estate - young couple to pay his debts;hutchin to give £5;witt Rich Crellin x,pat hutchin x,wm qualtrough;ack june 1712 - accepted as last will Margery Qualtrough als Corrin - son John exor
1712-2 E      w  ARTHUR       John                     [rh margin lost]dated 7 Jul 1712;Ballasalla;dau J[ane?](houses + crops), Katrine(younger dau - house called Jack's house + garden + close);bro-i-law Wm Kinley;wife (exex - house for 20yrs)
1712-2 E      w  GELLING      William                  d 4 jun 1712;sis ellen lace (widow lace in inv);unnamed dau in Dublin(pd 6d of her mo's goods), margt exex;son robt +  john(small piece of land near John Gellin's house + croft in lane at Ushley-ma=halloo), wm;owes john kewn 20s borrowed to put son Robt to trade (robt acks 20s to be given to his master);exex being young her mother sworn; [thus 2nd marr?]
1712-2 E      d  QUACKIN      Mary        SANSBURY     d 26 Apr ;dau Margt, Jony quackin jt admxs according to their m/cs; husb Robert having sole title to effects during life sworn;
1712-2 E      w  QUINNEY      Christopher              dated 3 Nov 1712;Castletown;wife alive;ch John, Wm (half house + garden between then, unnamed dau (had other half of house in m/c)
1712-2 E      w  SHIMMIN      William                  dated 18 dec 1711;Castletown;ch Wm(nortth end of house from the entry with upper end of garden + the warping house), Robt(south end + lower part garden + horse house - the well betwixt them) - conditioned that they stay at home to assist their mo, rest of ch (6d ea);wife Mary exex
1712-3 E      w  BOARDMAN     Robert                   dated 9 Jan 1712;castletown;ch John(eldest son - house + garden after decease of wife), Robt, Elizth;wife Anne als Tear exex;wants Mr Thompson + his bro-i-law Wm Tear to be overseers
1712-3 E      w  CAIN         Averick     QUIRK        declrd between easter + may last 1712;husb wm exor;6d to all others;witnesses asked if she would leave anything to brothers - no;mother alive;bro john quirk claims; dispute between Wm Cain (malew) + John Quirk(kk german) + Wm Quirk(+ wife margt quirk)
1712-3 E      w  Quackin      Thomas                   dated 24 Feb 1712/3;son John exor,daniel(6d);
1712-3 E      w  TAGGART      Christian                [noted at top John Taggart's + his wife's will - Malew 1712=13] ch John(eldest son), Anne (last 2 jt execs), Wm, Jony + cath (land to maintain children for 5 yrs - land incs bought + mortgaged);bro Philip Cannell;list of debts from various parishes owed for limestones;pledges Wm Quaile(Kerrowloar), Wm Quaile(cobler)
1713   A 18      GICK         William                  dated 10 Jan 1712;ch Wm(eldest son - mothers goods in Dauby), Margery, Mary (last 2 eldest daus jt exexs)John, Elizabeth(last 2 youngest ch);bro Thomas;witt John Bridson, Kathren Gick
1713   A 21      QUALTROUGH   John                     d 17 nov 1712;wife exex
1713   A 22      BELL         Elinor      MACKLREA     [full]dated 3 feb 1713/4;ch mariatt,thomas,elizth,chatrin + john (jt execs);gch chatrin,wm,christopher,margt;dau-i-law jony
1713   A 23      BELL         Ellin       McYLREA      [full]mislaid m/c Thomas Bell + his first wife Margt Bridson - testrx of Ballacharry requested witts to make deposition
1713-1 E      w  BELL         John                     damaged corner missing;deposition dated 26 May 1713 by John Woods vicar of Malew that John Bell s/o Thomas Bell Castletown stated on day he went to England 5yrs ago that he bequeathed all goods to his father;confirmed by david hutchin who went to Derbyhaven with John Bell the evening he went off island
1713-1 E      d  CHRISTIAN    Sarah                    damaged corner missing;d 7 may;only child John Quackin - illeg ua admr ;Sarah als illeg thus goods soley at disposal of court decree the same for childs maintenance till reaches 14;
1713-1 E      w  GELLING      Isabel                   see John
1713-1 E      w  GELLING      John                     damaged corners missing;bur 17 apr 1708;wife isabel als shimin exex - isabel d 12 nov [1712] - son wm gelling
1713-1 E      d  KENEDY       Thomas                   d 17 mar 1712/3;ch arthur, ann, eliz, matthew + david - only elizth + david in Island;wife alive; - seems to be disputes + difficulty in resolving his debts (esp to Thos Looney carpenter Castletown)  but several pages damaged
1713-1 E      de TAYLOR       William                  Deed of Gift of estate dated 16 Jun 1710 to beloved friend Hen Clucas + wife Isable als taylor of Botown? (where he was born) - they to maintain him - accepted as will
1713-2 E      w  QUiRK        Robert                   d 25 jun 1713;ch richd;Robt(eldest), Mary,Margt jt execs;wife jane;inv [see also SSS Oct 1729 22]
1713-3 E      d  TAyLOR       Ann         ROWE         d 22 Nov 1713;Mrs Anne Taylor als Rowe, Castletown ;bro John Rowe(deputy Govr) + sis Mrs Frances Rawlins als Rowe(in England) jt admrs;a Mr Henry Rowe (presumed earlier to be dead) appeared + sworn jt admr with bro;Mr Henry LesQuire obo stepson George Stowell claims;Henry Rowe claims 17guineas lent 24yrs ago;inv;PoA from Henry Taylor senr + junr of Liverpool to Nicholas Christian (who appoints John Quayle Castletown as atty) to handle effects of Ann Taylow wife to Henry Taylor snr + to take admin of effects of Alice Taylor mother to Henry junr who d in England 17yrs ago and to object against Mr Henry Rowe's claim for 17 guineas; Henry senr + one of ch required to attend or send Proxies;much paperwork
1713-3 E      w  THOMSON      William                  d 22 jun;capt wm thomson;dau elizth (part of Pickards closes + whitestone ballalough);stepson anthony halsall (+ his bro + sister);wife margt;bro john thompson Ireland claims - dispute;dispute re rent of Lanness + ronaldsway (went to staff of govt);
1714   A 7       LOONEY       Thomas                   [castletown]dated 24 jan 1714/5;ch thos,elizth (?out of isle), cath jt execs;wife alive;uncle thomas looney;claims;account of arrears in salary book + some problems re Mr Parker receiver genl;+inv
1714-1 E      d  BRIDSON      Margaret    CAIN         d 10 may;ch wm snr,wm junr + tho - all ua half uncle Patrick Quaile sworn;inv 10s 1d;patk quaile dead by 1719;wdw of Patk Quayle paid isabel gellin als moor 3s 4d for use of Wm jnr when he comes of age;1729: thomas paid 2s 6d from uncle Henry Bridson + due 5d from aunt jony bridson + 6d from Patk Quaile's widow
1714-1 E      w  CASAR        Robert, snr              dated 3 Jun 1713;Ballahick;only ch Robt;wife Lettice als Baxter exex;several claims inc Margt Curlet relict Charles Quaile (+ supv of his child)
1714-1 E      w  COATE        William                  dated 14 Dec 1713;gch Elizth Bridson(house after death of wife);dau eals[alice] Coate, Dorothy (w/o Richd Bridson)exex;wife alive;pledges Robt Bridson(Ballagarry) + Henry Crebbin(Rushen)
1714-1 E      w  FRENCH       Matthew                  dated 11 may 1714;Castletown; of Cork ireland;'base, false, unjust + disobedient wife Jane (1s);ch jane French, Martha Lawrence, Valentine(exor - in Ireland Richd Reece to act for Revd Mr Valentine French)
1714-1 E      w  SHIMMIN      Nicholas                 d 14 Oct 1713;wife Isable;ch Jony(younger dau), Anne, Nich(husbandry gears + a press in the house), other 3 ch jt execs;one witt disputes some of will - ch jony ua, robt inacable of oath were present; All 4 ch appt admrs
1714-1 E      d  WILLIAMs     Catherine                d 17 apr; orphan;bro nich -ua - mother sworn;inv in fa will 1706
1714-2 E      w  TAGGART      Robert                   bur 11 July 1714;ch Jane, Robt, Mariot + Christian (last 3 jt execs);wife Margt als Kelly;bro-i-law John Kelly;mentions heir of estate
1714-2 E      d  TAYLOR       Alice                    dated 3 nov 1714;d 17 yrs ago in england;husb Henry now of liverpool;4 ch charlotte, henry, margt + john - all in Liverpool;power of attorney to Capt Nich Christian of Ramsey
1714-3 E      a  BRIDSON      Christopher              d 28 Dec 1714;Ballagary;witt John Cain + John Callister cannot 'in regard of length of time' recall all details;Robt Bridson obo fa Thomas Bridson + Kath Brydson d/o sd Christopher + her son Henry Moor agree - Kath to have half goods + her proportion due to Henry Moor by death gmo Jane Brydson als Rimmer;robt obo fa Thomas + henry moor to have equal shares in other half;Kath to have house in Douglas;noted also purchased abbey land Knock-e-briew
1714-3 E      d  THOMPSON     Elizabeth                d 5 Nov 1714;step-sibs Anthony, Henry + Cath Halsal jt admrs according to will of father Mr Wm Thompson (lib 3 1713); Henry + Cath surrender admin to Anthony (ie resign interest in Pickard's Closes + the Whitestone in consideration of £10)
1715   A 9       MADDRILL     Thomas                   dated 13 apr 1715;son wm(eldest),thomas(youngest);son-i-law thomas goane[gawne];wife jane;son thomas + son-i-law jt exors;
1715   A 10      HARRISON     Christin    CUBON        dated 29 jun 1715;cordiman;ch mary,tho,wm(eldest son),john exor;husb alive
1715-1 E      d  BELL         Thomas                   d 28 May [1715];Ballacharry;ch John, Wm, Christopher, Margt + Cath jt admrs - John Callister + Ewan Skially husbs of daus;wife alive;
1715-1 E      w  TAGGART      Catherine   QUINNEY      d 21 may 1715;husb Wm Taggart exor; next relns 6d ea;witt John Quaile, Alice Taggart [m Mal 16821107 - ?no ch]
1715-2 E      d  CUBON        Catherine   CAVEEN       d 7 july 1715 in Malew but buried in Kk Arbory; 6 g-children john, robt, ellin tho nich & wm quaile
1715-3 E      w  BRIDSON      John, snr                d 20 Dec 1715;Monymoar;wife alive;ch Margt, Richard, Alice, Nicholas(+ 2 ch), Anne (last 4 jt execs);noted that eldest son [?john junr] had had a m/c;
1715-3 E      d  CUBON        Jane        CLAGUE       d 18 jan 1715;only ch Thos Cubon admr - aunts Ellin, Marriot + Christin Clague supvs;husb alive;
1715-3 E      w  PRESTON      John                     dated 21 Jan 1715;wife Isabel;ch Wm(mill + houses), Eliz(eldest dau £20), Alice,Jane, Christian, cath(youngest dau) + John (last 5 jt execs but pass to Wm who is to pay for goods + funeral costs);1718: Tho Quackin(h/o Alice) acks Wm 
1715-3 E      w  QUAILE       John                     dated 31 Jan 1715/6;mason;gch -unnamed son + dau of Tho Rattcliffe;son Wm + John(small tools in quarry equally between them);wife + son Wm jt execs;seems some problem with witts court decrees ch Wm, John, Christian  Ann quaile jt admrs;pledges Tho Ratcliff + Wm Quiggin;
1716   A 15      BRIDSON      John                     [full]
1716-1 E      d  HALSSAL      Arthur                   d 6 Apr 1716;porter Castle Rushen;5 ch Richd, Arthur, Margret, Jane + Anne jt admrs - 2 ch ua;wife alive
1716-2 E      w  FARRANT      Catherine   FARGHER      dated 21 sep 1716;ch John(eldest son - bought land to descend as heirship),ann + Isabel (jt share of 8d rent called Caine's land), Wm;notes house are all newly rebuilt;husb John exor(to have lands during life)
1716-3 E      w  LESQUIRE     Henry                    [full]
1717   A 17      WATERSON     John                     dated 25 Feb 1715/6;d 23 inst[?feb]ch Ellinr(houses + garden) exex (but out of Island), Cath, Isabel;unnamed bro(+ ch);wife sworn exex as dau absent
1717   A 19      HUDDLESTON   Silvester                [full]dated 2 mar 1716/7;constable castle rushen;stepdau Eliz Corrin (d/o John corrin + eliz corrin als woods);son charles;kinsman wm uddleston(dublin);wife eliz huddleston als tubman exex;capt John Corrin had m/c 
1717   A 61      TAUBMAN      Thomas                   [Full]Bowling Green;dated 10 Jan 1717/8;son Matthew
1717   A 62      KENNAGHT     Gilbert                  d 15 Jan 1717;ch John, Ann, Elas [?alice], Wm, Christopher;unnamed gchild (?s/o Christopher as he was left 6s + gch 1s whereas all others 7s);wife + son John jt execs;
1717   A 63      VONDY        Catherine   CREBBIN      [full]d 25 jan 1717/8;dau cath;son john;husb alive
1717-1 E      w  HARRISON     Margaret    STEVENSON    dated 19 feb 1716/7;ch thos,cath,+ ch on her bearing;sis amy;husb alive;witt ellinr bell als shimin,eliz bell;;thos quaile tailor claims;inv goods wm + mrgt harrison
1717-1 E      w  KEWN         John                     d 27 apr 1717;wife margt(money in hen corrin's hands);son robt,john (dead by probate);dau jony
1717-1 E      w  KEWN         John,junr                d 4 may 1717;bro christopher(if he return to island);sis jony
1717-1 E      d  REDDIcH      John                     d 13 may 1717;colonel john ;wife margt relinquishes genl sumner;no reln aopears;inv;gov + mrs horne pays his debts
1717-1 E      w  SHIMMIN      Isabel      CLARK        dated 21 may 1717;dau jane(dwelling house),elizth,?lettie = lettice + distinct elizth,gson ewan;son-i-law wm christian(h/o eliz sheep in dauby);pledges tho stole, jo bridson schoolmtr ballasalley;1726: jane kewley als shimin acks re goods her sis lettice;inv states ballasalla
1717-2 E      w  GELL         John                     dated 7 may 1717;c'town;unnamed stepfa;unnamed child who d. 6 may ;inv
1717-2 E      d  KILLIP       William                  d 8 aug 1717;a poor idiot;bro patk
1717-2 E      d  LOONEY       Thomas                   d 23 aug 1717;sergeant;only dau hannah crow;debts exceed assets house in mortgage [see Old Mal Mort 68]
1717-2 E      d  MADDRELL     James                    d 2 jun 1717;ch ro,thos,margt
1717-2 E      w  WOODS        Mary        CORRIN       dated 22 oct 1717;son john (his fa dead),wm exor(houses c'town + peel)
1718   A 17      QUINNEY      Mariod      bridson      d 18 Nov 1718;sis Mary Bridson;husb John Quiney jt exec with Mary [?m Mal 16810620 ?no ch]
1718-1 E      w  TAYLOR       Thomas                   dated 25 Mar 1718;Thomas Taylor(Harry) bur 23 Mar;ch Wm, Jony, John(crop + gears after decease wife, Jane Knnen als taylor exex (her husb sworn);wife alive
1718-1 E      d  THOMPSON     Christian   RATCLIFF     d 22 Nov 1717;ch Eubonia, Ellnr(w/o Edwd Hinley), Richd (an idiot)+ John Thompson jt admrs - surrender admin to father to discharge debts (which they suppose to be considerable) + maintain bro Richard;pledges Capt Tho Redfern + Robt Ratcliff;claims, inv;
1718-2 E      w  Costean      Jony        MADDRELL     dated 18 Jul 1718;kinsman Patrick Maddrell;bro's 3 sons (one in Ireland);husb John Costean;son Henry Kelly (supposed to be dead having been long abroad)
1718-2 E      w  McYLERA      William                  d 24 May 1718;sis's dau Margt Talor als Harrison(w/o Wm Taylor) exex (incs a certain piece of land in the flatt during her life then to her dau Isabel);cousin Joh + Thomas Mcylrea
1719   A 5       COAT         Elinor                   dated 11 May 1719;ch Alice exex, Dolly;gch Isable Bridson
1719   A 6       BRIDSON      John                     dated 9 May 1719;Ballasalla;ch John(eldest son - houses, lands etc),Jane, Henry;wife exex (but sick)
1719   A 7       WATERSON     John                     dated 24 Mar 1718/9;Castletown;ch Eliz(w/o John Kneen - house between west gable and partition on east side of street door + proportion of garden - the same as given them in m/c), Margt(to have rest of house after mo's decease), unnamed other ch(6d ea);wife Bridget;son-i-law John Kneen(looms - he to pay funeral costs)
1719   A 30      CRELLIN      Joney       comish       dated 24 Dec 1719;ch John, Robt;husb Rich exor
1719-1 E      jw Corrin       Richard                  jw rich + ann als cubon;dated 14 mar 1718/9;son john(4 yds of their little croft adj mr ross's haggard,edwd,nathaniel,wm;dau ann;(jt exec with wm );dau-i-law ann corrin als calcott,margt corrin als quay;ann corrin dead
1719-1 E      d  STOLE        Thomas                   perished by sea 26 mar 1719;ballasalla;6 ch margt,tho,eliz,cath +john (ua);inv
1719-2 E      w  CORRIN       Jane                     dated 2 Jul 1719;bro Henry exor;all other relns(6d) inv 20s
1719-2 E      d  QUIRK        John                     d 6 yrs ago at Plymouth - sailed on HM Expedition then HM Hector;father Robt Quirk (sworn);sibs Wm, Paul, Margt, Ellin + Isabel jt admrs
1719-2 E      d  WOODS        Deborah     SHAW         d 10 mar 1718/9;ch jane(w/o Wm Birket 'who has not been known to have been in europe about 2 years past';,john,leonora,joseph + ellinr; husb alive
1720-1 E      w  BRIDSON      Jane        CURREY       d 28 Apr 1720;ch John(vessels in house), Jane Harrison exex, Henry;gch Margt Harrison(Cow John Quackin had);names Jane Callister
1720-1 E      d  BRIDSON      Thomas                   d 24 Feb 1719/20;ch John, Robt + Wm jt admrs (as appears from mo's will 1713 John had croft etc).court noted that Wm defective in intelligence
1720-1 E      w  HARLEY       Nicholas                 dated 8 May 1720;capt Nicho Harley;nephew Mr Nich Cribb(Liverpool) exor; Capt Farrell to see him buried;Capt James Cornah acted for Mr Nich Cribb + Capt Simon Farrall;
1720-1 E      d  HARLEY       Sarah                    dated 2 May 1705;jt will Nicholas Harley + wife Sarah;mutual exorship; husb Nicholas sworn
1720-1 E      w  WOODS        John                     deposition by witnesses dated 20 Apr 1720;testator stated left to his dau Mary's dau that she had before she married Jon Cain her present husband (child named as peggy wilson)+ explicitly excluded other ch with 6d ;wife alive - she + Nich Woods also sworn ;codicil added that Jo Woods,tinker, taken sick at Wm Faile where asked re his will + asked re son Nicholas + daus that are married in Kk german (to wch he said they had got enough of his goods), a dau in Rushen m to a Kewn (house + croft - but later implied they were heirship)
1720-2 E      w  BELL         Ann         QUIGGIN      d 7 sep  1720;son thos(had m/c)exor,wm;dau ann
1720-2 E      d  BRIDSON      Margaret    TAGGART      d 17 jul 1720;husb john;only ch margt ua next relns james tubman(h/o jane taggart),wm quine(h/o ann,wm creer(kk braddan h/o cath) + henry taggart supvs;(noted that as quine + taubman's wifes are of half blood then if child dies are only to have half  portion promised by Wm Taggart + former? wife to sd John Bridson, other half to supvs who are of full blood);1722: noted that admx's gmo to pay 15s for apparell; 1740 edwd stephen h/o margt;
1720-2 E      w  CREJEEN      Lewis                    d 22 jun 1720;ch john,ell,isabel;
1720-2 E      d  FRIzELL      James                    d 7 jun 1720;ch mary,john,danl,james,andrew,david + henry;no relns on fa side in island;wife alive;inv;john 1732  states andrew gone out of island;
1720-2 E      d  MURREY       David                    d beg apr 1720;s/o mr david murrey, late c'town;no reln;mr richd reece one of nearest in right of wife refusing;capt nich christian prin creditor;1723 hugh corkill liverpool claims
1720-2 E      d  RATCLIFF     Robert                   d 25 sep 1720;ch cath,robt;wife alive
1720-2 E      d  ROSS         Elizabeth   WALKER       d 29 sep 1720;12 ch wm,eliz,robt,thomas,john,andrew, mary,james,philip,grissell,isabel,margt + james;husb revd mr ross states debts considerable £80 due from scotland
1720-2 E      d  SAINT        Richard                  d 6 apr 1720;only ch jony ua uncle john saint, aunt elizth saint;wife alive(?isabel als kermod as signs agreement);house in west st called wm saints house
1720-3 E      d  RIMMINGTON   Robert                   d 13 sep 1720;of lancashire;no reln;mr richd reece appt;inv + costs
1721   A 7       FARGHER      Thomas                   d 23 Apr 1721;shenvalla;son Thomas - jt exec with wife;ch ua wife sworn - next relns to be sworn supvs - John, Richard + Elizth Fargher uncles + aunts later sworn;inv
1721   A 8       KELLY        Jane        Looney       [Castletown]dated 11 Feb 1720/1;names cath Radcliffe, Jo Clague(her late husb's coat), Dan Clague, Ellen Clague, Abigail Kelly, Wm Clague exor;
1721   A 9       TAGGART      William, snr             [full]made 6 mar 1720/1;ballakew;ch henry,john [#32842],alice,ellinor,margery;gson wm taggart;;some ch ua (hen + cath at age);son john acks;wife margt exex(her exex wm kewley);1726: ellinor w/o wm cowley acks from mo margt kewley als kelly;1741: margt w/o hen christian;
1721   A 10      TAGGART      William                  [full]
1721   A 41      BRIDSON      Ann         mylrea       [full];
1721   A 42      DUCKAN       William                  dated 12 Feb 1721/2;dau Margery;wife Jony exex
1721   A 43      DOUGHERDY    Joney       Blackburn    d 1 Jan 1721/2;unnamed sister;mother alive;bro Daniel;husb exor;names Mr Ingoldsby;
1721   A 44      Duckan       jony                     dated 12 Feb 1721/2;ch Gilbert, Jony, Margery, Margt, John senr, John junr (last 4 jt execs); gch Ellen, Mary Kelly, Jony Duckan
1721   A 45      [Killey]     elizabeth   quayle       [damaged];[bur Mal 17220118] dated Jan? 1721/2;father(all dowry he was to give), unnamed husb(all goods he brought into marr + half share with her mother of those bought since ;sis Margt, Cath;mother exex
1721   A 46      CROW         Hanna                    d 1 Feb 1721/2;ch John, Tho(6d if ever he came), Sarah exex;wittneses noted that she had been much disorded in her intelligences for some year but she was as sensible as they had known her to be in any of her lucid intervals
1721-1 E      w  BELL         John                     [poor copy]d 11 May 1721;Ballanank?;ch Thomas exor - other unnamed ch
1721-1 E      w  Cain         Margaret    QUAILE       d 25 mar 1721[will dated 3 may 1721];dau-i-law ellin cain als bridson;gdau margt + ann cain;ch jony,margt,wm (exor);exor dead by probate + his wife sworn pledges John Bridson(Ballavarran) + her bro John Bridson;
1721-1 E      w  CAIN         William                  d 7 may 1721;crossag;dau margt(eldest - mo dead),ann,jane;son wm(heir);wife elin ;1758 ann acks mo ellinor ,her sis jane dead;
1721-1 E      d  QUAILE       Thomas                   d 27 feb 1720/1;fa Wm(Kerrowkeil);sibs John(eldest bro), Robt, Wm + Mich + Ellinr jt admrs of all goods that descended by mother + gmo;half sibs Rich,charles,margt + cath not decreed admrs
1722-2 E      d  GIBSON       Mary        HARLEY       d 28 sep 1722;ch dorothy + wm;husb alive;pledges Tho Harley + Capt Tho Redfern;
1721-2 E      d  KYnRY        Ann         KENNAGH      d 24 jul 1721;only ch philip kennaugh ua relns john kennaugh, wm kennaugh + margt clague;husb alive;noted relns poor + ch very young
1722   A 7       LEWIN        William                  d 28 Jan 1721;BallaGrangee;ch Wm(half crop, team etc, loom), Jane(exex) - ua supv Robt Lewn + Jon caine;wife Margt als Duckan;bro Robt;names Christopher Bell his wife's half brother;inv; heirs goods in hands of Jo Bell (Ballanank) + ch John + Mary, goods of younger child Jane in hands of Jo Cain(Renshant) + Robt Lewn;Oct 1733: Wm at age, June 1738 jane at age + acks goods due by fa = mo's death
1722   A 8       LEWN         Margaret    duckan       d 18 feb 1721;only son Wm(her half crop),unnamed dau[Jane] £4 - her(the testator's) stepfather John Bell to be supv + his ch John + Mary Bell  jt exors who are to have benefit of land + maintain + educate ch;
1722   A 9       BELL         Catherine   frier        dated 6 Mar 1721/2;son John Bell exor
1722   A 10      MARTIN       William                  dated 17 Mar 1721/2;master John Harrison;names Thomas Harrison, Deborah Lettice Harrison (these two were the best I loved in the house), Nich Woods, John Corrin;bro Thomas + John with bro-i-law John Fargher jt exors
1722   A 11      CAIN         Margaret    taggart      d 10 Apr 1722;ch Jane Bell,Tho, Edwd Cain exor;gch Richd Bell, John Bell(Balnkilley), Tho Bell, Wm Bell, Ellin Bell;son-i-law John Bell(BallaCharry);dau-i-law Mary Cain, Ellin Cain;niece Margt Bridson als Taggart;sis Ellin Taggart;maidservt Margt Quay, Mary Craine
1722   A 12      QUIGGIN      Ann         jick         d 22 Apr 1722;ch Marriot, Wm, Robt, John, Thos exor
1722   A 31      HARRISON     William                  dated 5 Oct 1722;[of the Hill]ch Else(bees), Margt(Bees + son wm), Thos + Cath jt execs - son-i-law Thos Fargher + his bro Nicholas Harrison supvs;god-dau Margt harrison(Bees);Thos Fargher(BallaCroak) claims £10 + yearly interest;inv inc 3/4 of a boat + netts etc;1729: Wm + Cath at age
1722   A 32      TAYLOR       Henry                    ch Matthew, Nicholas, Tho exor;gch Matthew, John
1722   A 33      barry        eliz                     m/c thos stevenson + jane barry - Old Mal Bun3 49 - Mr Thomas Stevenson sworn
1722   A 48      PATTEN       Thomas                   d 15 years ago in arbory;s/o Mr caesar patton C'town;sis Mrs Cath Pool als Patton, Mrs Margt Parr als Patton;no goods in island but only house in C'town mortgaged by him but reddemed by mo Mrs Elizth Patton + later refurbished + repaired by uncle John Key  as jury found it ruinous rebuilt walls,roof + slating(+money from Mr Parr Kk Bride);Mr John Key left £10 to his nephew Thomas Patton which was recevd by sister Mrs Cath Pool in London
1722   A 51      QUAYLE       Mary                     d 29 nov;tolt-a-will;heir John quayle (his sister Margt);dau jane,ann(w/o Tho Cowley - pd all due by death of husb);sis isabel;some ch ua;
1722-2 E      d  ANDERSON     James                    d 13 jun;miller;ch wm,jane(these 2 in ireland),james + robt;wife alive
1722-2 E      w  CORNAH       James                    jw steward for earl james
1723-1 E      d  ANDERSON     Jane        LAZIER       d 26 May 1723;ch James, Robert, Wm + jane jt admrs (only James in Island + sworn)
1723-1 E      w  CORRIN       William                  dated 8 Apr 1723;Castletown;wife Ann(pregnant - my part of house + garden) exex;ch Thomas, Elizth(£14)
1723-1 E      w  KNEAL        Mary        RATCLIFFE    d 1 May 1723;vh Wm + Issable jt execs
1723-1 E      d  SHIMMIN      William                  d 12 Apr 1723;ch charles, Wm + Robt by first wife + Mariott, Nicholas, Thomas, John, Ann + Edward by latter wife Kathrine Shimmin als Comish jt admrs;Charles out of Island, Wm + Robt (in regard great charges of younger ch) surrended admin to stepmother - she + her son Nicholas sworn; Charles arrived back - was summoned to court + promised to take charge of 2 ch (stepmother having maintained them for 40weeks) but lately made his escape without paying anything - court decrees that those to whom Cha Shimin's estate of houses in Kk Malew is set to pay 30s to stepmo (Jo Bridson junr Ballasalla to pay 15s;inv
1723-1 E      w  SLATER       Richard                  dated 17 May 1723;capt of Castletown;sons Miles + John - residuary legatees;wife (goods during her life)
1723-1 E      d  TAYLOR       Catherine   QUACKIN      d 18 Fen 1722/3;ch Jo, Wm + Jony jt execs
1723-2 A 85      CANNELL      Philip                   d 17 Nov 1723;of Kk Michael but d in Malew;niece Joney + Cath  Taggart;sibs Wm,Anne,John(+ daus);names Wm Quaile(Baark, Kk Michael), Joney Quaile(heiress of Baark + husb Jo);nephew John Taggart(Racky) exor;several debtors named
1723-2 A 86      SHIMMIN      Charles                  d 22 Nov 1723;nephew Charles McCraa, Robt Shimin(purchased lands formerly belonging to house)Charles Mylrea(+ 2 ch - jt execs);neice Isabel Radcliff;;names Charles Mylrea(s/o Charles - purchased land called the Creggans - if he dies without issue to Elizth);sis Elizabeth;neighbour deemster Moore;later clause states land to Robt incs Leanee Strue, Croyt-ny-brooey + the B[] in Croyt-ny-Rucky + also house called Chamber Heer;inv
1723-2 A 87      GELLIN       Mary        KIRMEEN      dated 4 jan 1723/4;son wm,robt;dau margt exex;inv [2nd w/o Wm Gellin]
1723-2 A 88      WATTERSON    Joney       OATES        [full]
1723-2 A 89      BELL         Christopher              [full];dated 4 Jan 1723;Ballacharry;sibs John, Wm, Margt + cath jt execs ('having no other relations')
1723-2 A 90      KIinley      Charles                  undated;bro Wm;wife + ua child exor - deemster Moore + Mr Robt Caesar to be overseers
1723-2 A 91      GAWNE        William                  [full]made 19 nov 1723;cregneash;ch henry(purchased lands in Cregneash),ann,cath;1730 cath now cath waterson als gawne;
1723-2 E      d  CAVEEN       Catherine   BRIDSON      d 17 Sep [1723?];sis Elizth Bridson admx - sick and appts John Callister to act - he states admx gave half benefit of admin to her neice Jane Bridson;costs
1723-2 E      w  CRAIN        Thomas                   [lh margin lost on microfilm]d 27 Sep [1723];nephew John Crain?;ch John, Tho, Richard exors
1723-2 E      w  CREEN        Margaret    KILLIP       d 6 aug 1723;dau Ealye [?alice] (now in ireland);son nicholas  + richd harrison(his dau cath) jt execs with husb;husb tho (he + nicholas dead by probate);Witt Margt Carrin als Quaile, Isabel Karran als Quban;
1723-2 E      w  CREEN        Thomas                   d 5 sep;nephew john cain;son john,tho + richd,nicholas harrison
1723-2 E      w  Cubbon       John                     d 10 Oct 1723;ch Ann, John, Isabel, Robt + Thomas - jt execs - Thomas Callister(Castletown) to be overseer;wife alive; all ch ua - uncles Thomas + Edmund Cubbon supv
1723-2 E      w  Cubbon       Margaret    CorriN       dated 27 Sep [1723];widow;ch Elizth Kneen? (half the house + croft in Arbory - other half belongs to Henry) exex , Henry Cubbon(6d), Isabel
1723-2 E      d  HOLME        Archibald                d 6mths ago in guinea;sibs tho,robt,jo,david,rebecca,margt + elizth
1723-2 E      w  KEWN         Margaret                 undated except Malew 1723 at top;unnamed sister (6d);unnamed sister in law + for her husband  my bro no legacy other than what I left you;bro John exor;
1723-2 E      d  KINLEY       William                  d 25 jul 1723;son charles,wm(had m/c);inv
1723-2 E      d  LACE         Elizabeth                w/o capt henry lace d 3yrs ago in liverpool;ch john,ellin,elizth;elizth only one on island refused prin creitors john wood + tho taubman;inv
1723-2 E      d  LESQUIRE     Elizabeth   COTTIER      d 26 sep 1722;ch george stole,jane fleetwood (w/o edwd);1723 frances slater widow claims
1723-2 E      w  Maddrell     jane                     dated 5 Nov 1723;ch Wm, Joney, Thomas exor; Thomas dead by probate -  Wm + Jony sworn
1723-2 E      w  MADDRELL     Thomas                   sibs Wm, Jony jt exors;bequeated 14s to those who sung psalms at his mothers lodge [funeral?]
1723-2 E      w  MOORE        William                  dated 5 Sep 1723;Castletown;bro John(what was due to him in England);mother Frances Bell (whatever was due to him in Island)
1723-2 E      w  QUAILE       Ann         CRELLING     d 1 Aug 1723;ch Jane(youngest), Henry, Ellin, Margt, John (last 3 jt execs);husb John
1723-2 E      w  QUAILE       Robert                   dated 12 Jun [?1723];noted that niece Isabel Caveen als Waterson(w/o Wm Caveen) was given half house in m/c with other half at his decease;Wm Caveen exor;
1723-2 E      w  SHIMMIN      Nicholas                 d [] May [?1723];unnamed wife (house);bro Charles;ch Robert (all bargains had from Charles - paying £10; Robt about to leave Island + court agrees kinsman Mr Jon Watterson(Ramsey) to act; Ewan Looney + wife claim (some dispute) + other claims
1723-2 E      w  SHIMMIN      Thomas                   d 8 Aug 1723;ch Gilbert,Thomas, Wm, John, Isabel + mary jt execs;?wife pregnant;
1723-2 E      w  TAGGART      Margaret    kinvig       dated 4 Dec 1718;ch Thomas, Margt, Wm (exor)
1723-2 E      w  WALKER       Charles                  [Castletown]d 11 Sep 1723;ch James(broken walls over against dwelling house) + other unnamed ch;wife Ann;wiits note that James(eldest son) was left house over agt dwelling house in lieu of his mother's goods - James sworn overseer of other ch and accepts will on condition his stepmother free him of all charges for her ch;stepmo Ann Walker als Jones allows her bro George the way to her garden by the gable of his house George to pay for opening a door out of her shed into sd garden
1723-3 E      w  BRIDSON      William, ju              dated 28 Sep 1723;son of Wm Bridson(Tailor);sibs Ellinor, Will [? 2 Wms in fam], John;wife Cath als Cubbon (+ possible posthumous child) - noted that widow has the child Cath Bridson - Jo, Wm + Ellinor supvs
1723-3 E      d  CLAGUE       Ann         KELLY        d 14 Dec 1722;ch Jo, David, Humphrey, Wm + Ellen jt admrs;husb Wm;inv - noted that fa paid apprentice fees for Wm + David
1723-3 E      w  WOLFENDEN    Francis                  dated 6 Dec 1725;unnamed sons(10s ea if they came);names John Saint + Tho Taubman(Whitestone) jt exors;claims in Alice Quiggin 4s 4d for house rent;disbursements etc
1723-3 E      w  WOLFENDEN    Thomas                   dated  3 Apr 1712;father Francis Wolfenden exor if doesnt survive [part unreadable on my copy]
1724-1 A 17      COSTEAN      John                     dated 26 mar 1722;castletown;nieces wife of john corrin ballagawn, wm cowley coulby arbory;nephew wm clague (son wm left house in c'town);wm clague jnr exor but ua
1724-1 A 18      SHIMMIN      Richard                  ch Thomas;wife alive;son-i-law John Bridson exor;names many debt due to him;
1724-1 A 19      SHIMMIN      Margery     quackin      d 3 Mar 1723/4;ch Ellin(eldest dau - house + croft in Ballasalla), isable;husb stephen shimin exor;sis Jane Quackin;1736: Tho Gell (h/o Isable) acks from her fa, likewise Ellin
1724-1 A 20      CLAUGE       Elizabeth   quorke       dated 3 May 1724;nephews[sic] Cathenne + Dorathey Clauge, elinor kermode,margery quorke;mother alive;sis christian;sis-i-law mary quorke;names Ann Clauge (who lived with her);husb Robt Clauge exor
1724-1 A 21      DUCKAN       Joney       clark        dated 14 mar;4 unnamed ch;husb Wm exor;1727:David Duckan acks father
1724-1 A 22      QUALTROUGH   Issable     CREJEEN      dated 24 Mar;widow John Qualtrough;gdau ann Quay;dau Marjory;son wm exor;names isable quiggin
1724-1 A 23      SHIMIN       Catherine   curghy       declared 13 Mar 1723/4;ch Robt exor, Nicholas
1724-1 A 24      CRY          Philip                   d 6 Apr 1724;house + garden in Douglas to be sold to pay debts;ch Kath(houses etc in Castletown),John(to be put to trade), jane - jt execs;wife alive
1724-1 E      w  LOONEY       Elizabeth                dated 12 Jun 1724;sis-i-law Isabel Kewley (+ 2 daus);leaves money for ale to those who come from Marown to her funeral;Mr Jo Taubman + his bro Matthew exors;later codicil cahnges severl items + mentions unnamed ch(12d ea);accounts from Isabel Kewley inc diet when her sister last returned from Ireland + mentions paid by Mary Gill
1724-1 E      w  NELSON       John                     dated 6 May 1724;weaver;cousin edward Nelson(£6);wife Alice als Mclawearah exex
1724-2 A 100     QUALTROUGH   William                  Castletown;sis son Edward Quay(£20 put out for his life then to poor);names Wm Pigott (lives in outhouse);sis dau Isabel;sis margery;sis dau Ann Quay exex(her bro Robt)
1724-2 A 101     BRIDSON      William                  dated 5 Dec 1724;taylor;gch Cath Bridson(d/o Wm lately decd - ?who is decd );ch Ellin,Wm (afforesd - ?why if decd), John; dau-i-law Cath Bridson als cubon(a chest on wch his late son Wm put a lock on);roof of house only to Jon Bell(Ballakilley
1724-2 A 102     CAINE        Catherine   skillicorn   dau jane looney;husb philip exor
1724-2 A 104     COTTEEN      Elizabeth                d 10 Dec? 1724;ch Margt(her pt of dwelling house),other unnamed ch(6d ea);husb Robt Cotteen exor;
1724-2 A 105     WILLSON      Mary                     undated;Ballasalla;gch Andrew (money to son James to help in putting him to trade);ch James Wilson exor
1724-2 A 106     WILLSON      Jane        [samsbury]   d 15 Dec 1724;sis Kath(+ dau), Anne;son John exor - Wm,Cath + Anne Samsbury supvs ;husb James;
1724-2 A 107     WAiNWRIGHT   Mary        bridson als harrison [full]
1724-2 A 108     QUALTROUGH   Isabel      BRIDSON      d 28 dec 1724;dau ann,margt,alice;son richd,nicholas;son-i-law richd kinley,wm teare;gson christopher Bridson;son John Bridson exor;
1724-2 A 109     CALLISTER    Elinor      shimmin      d 4 Jan 1724/5;gch Kath(d/o John);ch John(her pt of long croft),Thomas Callister exorother unnamed ch(6d)
1724-2 A 110     FARGHER      Elinor      harrison als ? made 22 nov 1722;kilbrick;wants to be bur Peel with former husb Richard Harrison;gch richd + alice harrison; cousin Jane Stevenson;gdau elin bridson (ballavarane) d/o Ann;gdau Eliz + Margt Moor;dau Ann Cowin;gson Charles Moor;gson chas moore dep richd Tyldesley;gson wm stevenson,gson james young;son henry harrison (mentions Knockaloe);dau-i-law ellinor harrison;gdau ann kewish;son-i-law charles moor;4ch henry,margt,mary + majery + gdau alice harrison execrs;chas moore dep gov;
1724-2 A 111     QUAILE       Sarah       looney       undated;husb John Quaile;ch Elizabeth, Thomas jt execs;mother isable looney (to be supv) + uncle Ewan Looney later sworn;sis Margt Looney;names Mary Bridson, Eliz faile;inv;1736: Cath Quaile acks from Ewan Looney 10s re goods of John Quaile junr s/o Sarah Quaile als looney Bilown (ewan being supv + his exor);
1724-2 A 112     WATTERSON    Elizabeth                d 11 Jan 1724/5;ch John, Nicholas, Robt, isabel exex
1724-2 A 113     WATERSON     John                     dated 12 Jan 1724;servant at Ballacharry;sibs Silvr,jony;master John Bell exor
1724-2 A 114     QUA[quay]    Robbart                  [full]
1724-2 A 115     CAIN         Ann         creer        dated 6 jan 1725;husb john(houses etc in castletown)
1724-2 E      d  CALCOTT      Ferdinando               d 27 Jun 1724;carpenter Castletown;ch Cath, Robt, David + Ferd jt admrs - ua;wife alive + sworn;inv £1 5s + 15s of tools sold by widow
1724-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Patrick                  d 3 Oct 1724;son Robt, Wm exor;gch Katrin, Ann Clague, Ellin Clague
1724-2 E      w  QUAKIN       Jony        taylor       undated;ch Tho (eldest son), John exor;bro John Taylor(+ dau);dau-i-law Margret Corris?;
1724-2 E      w  SHIMMIN      Isabel      CLUCAS       dated 20 May 1724;ch Robt,Ann,Jony(last 3 jt execs), Nicholas;dau-i-law Jony;gch Wm,John
1724-3 E      w  CALCOTT      Turner                   d 14 Dec 1724;castletown;parents alive(£10 of money settled on him from sale of Ballalough);sibs Arthur, Cath + Elizth execs - they acquit any interest to parents;
1724-3 E      w  CORRIN       John                     dated 22 May 1724;merchant, Castletown;ch Elizabeth(elder dau - houses where I now live which came by wife Eliz als Wood + £300), Ann(other dau - houses in Ballalough + houses beyond the bride in Castletown);mentions estate Colby(Arbory);wife Elizth exex - wants Tho Stevenson(mercht C'town) + John Taubman(bowling green) overseers;wife states goods will not discharge legacies - ch thus decreed admrs
1724-3 E      d  COTTIER      James                    d abt 6 yrs ago;s/o Henry Cottier decd;no will appearing court decrees uncle Edwd Cottier prin creditor admr;inv an old cellar now in ruins on wch admr has paid Lords rent 1s for 46yrs
1724-3 E      d  GILL         Mary                     d abt 5 yrs ago in Ireland;d/o Revd Mr Ewan Gill decd;bro David, Ewan, John + Edwd Gill jt admrs - all out of Island their aunt Isabel Kewley als Gill, widow, sworn
1724-3 E      d  HOAR         John                     d 20 dec 1724;4 ch living + another on her bearing + a child by former wife - the debts exceed estate + genl sumner to admin;note that relict Margret Hoare als Walker, castletown, surrenders effects to genl sumner + unnamed ch; 
1724-3 E      i  Rothmel      John                     dated 8 Mar 1724/5;wife alive;nephew Charles Hamilton exor but surrenders to bro John, John Hamilton;byron Fox obo himself, sibs Wm Fox + Cath Tear + Robt Fox(decd? + his ch) for £12 19s 7d, Jane Stole als Kewish claims 2s;inv headed Castle Smithy + half a qtr's salary of £1
1724-3 E      d  WAINWRIGHT   Elizabeth   WALLY        d 25 Jan 1724/5;ch Mary, Jon + Eliz (last 2 ua) jt admrs;husb John sworn
1724-3 E      d  WAINWRIGHT   Robert                   d 26 Dec 1724;Langness;4 ch by former wife + 5 by latter;widow expects debts to exceed estate + surrenders admin to genl sumner;Eliz (eldest dau) sworn overseer of ch uaNov 1725: Eliz + Rose ack for Mo's goods
1725-1 E      w  CARR         Joseph                   d 3 yrs ago;petn by creditors that estate much abused;states that Mr Carr's bro in London stated £20 sent over to pay debts but not seen by creditors - petnrs Caesar Brew, Wm Carowne, Wm Ingoldsby, George Stoale, Solomon Mercer;decree states d 16 nov 1722;+ noted great many claims - genl sumner to handle
1725-1 E      d  HUTCHIN      John                     d abt 7 yrs ago in Guinea;s/o Patrick Hutchin decd;sis Marjery Hutchin admx (reserving right of bro Wm if still living he also being beyond sea);no inv but qtr of a house
1725-1 E      d  LOONEY       Thomas                   dated 16 Jun 1725;d Barbadoes abt a yr ago;s/o thomas Looney late of Castletown;sis Mrs Eliz Brown (w/o John)+ Mrs cath Watkins (widow) jt admxs - effects to be secured for 3yrs in case Tho not dead
1725-1 E      w  QUAY         Jony                     dated 24 Apr 1725;names James Crellin, mason, exor
1725-1 E      w  RATCLIFF     Catherine   LOONEY       d 12? may 1725;ch eals[alice](what was due to her was paid - 6d to her + to her husb), thomas(h/o cath [?cath quayle #2497]), ann(+2 ch).elinor(30s in hands of robt looney) + john + henry jt exors;gch cath;names elizth quaile;husb alive (a henry ratcliffe countersigns)
1725-1 E      w  ROWE         William John             dated 30 may 1722;comptroller;son-i-law mr moore;4daus susannah,deborah,elizth + ann;sons-i-law john adams, capt wm mercer (h/o susanna) (claims by mercer inc house called 'world'd end' in chester + great meadow malew)
1725-1 E      w  Wybrants     William                  dated 27 Apr 1718? ;intending for England;wife Eliz exex;ch An + Eliz
1725-2 A 103     CREER        Gilbert                  art of marr dated 8 oct 1722 between gilbt creer castletown labourer (obo dau ann) + robt faile labourer balladoole;wife elizth
1725-2 A 105     TAGGART      William                  [full]d 17 dec 1725;[cleycur beg from bur reg]wife ellinor als quine;wife pregnant + 2 youngest ch;his bros robt+john cain supvs;
1725-2 E      w  PICHARD      Jony                     dated 26 Jul 1723;Mr Solomon Mercer to see her buried;gdau Alice Ledwick(house etc + broken walls where she now lives);ch Henry + John  Pickard, Cathrine Clague (jt exex with Alice Ledwick);inv
1725-2 E      d  QUAYLE       Thomas                   d 2 Jun 1725;sibs Robt,Charles,Anne jt admrs - all out of island + their uncle John Long (who buried the defunct)sworn
1725-2 E      d  SLATER       Miles                    d 26 Dec 1724;ch Richd, Miles jt admrs - uncle John Slater supv;wife alive;uncle John slater to take on eldest son as apprentice when aged 15 without any fee
1726   A 12      HARLEY       Mary                     [full]dated 12 dec 1726;castletown;unnamed husband [thomas] exor
1726   A 13      BRIDSON      Thomas                   d 11 mar 1726/7;ch wm(eldest + heir),ellin,john,jain(jane);ch ua;wife margt als taggart;inv;uncle wm bridson supv
1726   A 14      SCOTSON      Roger                    dated 9 jan 1714/5;castletown;about to leave;mo margt;claim mrs margt calcot agt exors of her nephew for £6 rent + her + her bro edwds share of house
1726   A 15      YOUNG        Norris                   d 3 dec 1726;names john taubman, henry kermod,david kenedy;dispute with wm sedden re ownership of house
1726-1 E      d  ADAMS        Ann         KINNISH      d end apr 1726;ch margt, john, wm + charles - 3 ua + margt surrenders to father;husb alive;1741: marjory duckan als adams indebted to stepson chas Adams
1726-1 E      d  ALLEN        Hannah      REECE        petn by Ellinr Reece that dau Hannah dead some 16 months + she has the burden of her ch as son-i-law is in England and appears no probability of his return;decree states hannah allen als reece d abt 16 jan 1724 - husb robt who with ch hannah, cath + george declrd jt admrs - next relns within this isle both remote and numerous  many have not appeared court is constrained to appt genl sumner;many some substantial claims eg by Wm Murrey, Wm Sedden + john Stevenson
1726-1 E      w  COTTEEN      Ann                      d 7 jun 1726;bro's son Robt Cotteen(garden adj to Saint's garden), bro's dau Margt Cotteen exex but reserving to her bro John all her rights during his life;cousin ellinor hutchin(broken walls adj dwelling house);[see henry decree] annexed note re house that  isabel cotteen als cown left half to ann and if she die without issue to isable's gfa Ferdinando cotteen - Robt Cotteen insisting on right to house by lineal descent is to take action for recovery in temporal courts
1726-1 E      d  COTTEN       Henry                    headed henry cotteen's decree dated 14 jun 1726; robt cotteen next bro born after Ferdinando to whom their gmo Isabel cotteen als cown bequeathed half dwelling house (arch 1695-1) sattes believes eldest bro Henry to be dead + is decreed admr to Henry - [see also Ann Cotteen]
1726-1 E      d  CREER        David                    see john
1726-1 E      d  CREER        Elinr                    see john
1726-1 E      d  CREER        John                     john,david +ellinor creer of castletown died intestate;next relns john + wm creer braddan uncles;dispute john+wm creer + john cain castletown re house of christopher creer + wife anne - john cain to pay  john creer for his qtr £3 provided sd john cain shall marry creer's niece jane creer.
1726-1 E      d  INGOLDSBY    William                  d 23 sep 1725;7 ch ellin, turner, mary, margt, ann, elizth + richd;mary, margt + ann out of island;husb richd
1726-1 E      d  SHIMMIN      John                     d 10 apr 1726;ch thos, john, ellinr + wm - last 3 ua;wife alive;dau jane by former wife had a contract (+ agreed not to have any pt in admin) but is sworn with widow + thos;1726: isabel shimmin claims agt admrs of gfa;annexed agmt between jane shimin, widow billown, + her bro Tho shimmin and elinor shimin mother of Thos that ellinor has crop + cow etc and to maintain ch
1726-2 E      c  McYLREA      Elizabeth   BRIDSON      M/c dated 10 Nov 1722;John Callister(Ballasalley) obo son John;Elizabeth Myclrea als Bridson obo dau Elinor Myclrea;to marry at parish church within a month;Callister to give all houses etc at decease;Mylrea to give all goods - young couple to maintain her; witt John [] x, John Corrin x;;accepted as last will Eliz Mcylrea als Bridson;[noted on cover accepted as last will 1726 ];went thru Abbey Court
1726-3 E      d  LOONEY       Thomas                   s/o Robt Loony(late of Ballasalla) being out of Island several yrs - his sis Christian Looney reported her sis Cath Loony in Dublin stated he had been dead several years + that she Christian had heard nothing to contrary for 7 yrs;
                                                            sibs Robt, cath + christian jt admrs;court order for Robt Looney(Ballasalla) to pay sis Christian Serjeson all due by death parents Robt + Alice Loony;Robt queried whether Christian (who had been out of Island 23yrs) was his sister but several neighbours made oath that she was
1727   A 34      ROTHMELL     Catherine   FOX als QUALTROUGH [full]mc dated 14 may 1717 for dau cath fox to be w/o robt tear (bro to revd Mr Walker);husb john (names property inc broken walls);son byron fox
1727-1 E      d  STOLE        Ellinor     TUNMAN       d 24 mar 1675;gch george stole + jane fleetwood als stole
1727-2 E      w  BRIDSON      William                  d 12 jul 1727;son wm,thos;dau cath(her goods);wife alive;1730cath bruen als bridson acks mariot bridson relict her bro tho
1727-2 E      d  CLOWEs       Thomas                   d 21 oct;ch ellinr,mary,dorothy + martha - no relns of father in island;wife mary als shaw;inv;debts
1727-2 E      jw KEWN         Catherine                see tho
1727-2 E      jw KEWN         Thomas                   dated 12 feb 1723/4;dau elizth exex,sarah;son john
1727-2 E      w  MYLREA       John                     d 25 sep;fildraw;gson thos mylrea;son thos;wife exex;1728 dau ann cain als mcylrea claims - also cath mcylrea claims
1727-3 E      d  CHUDLEIGH    Robert                   d 24 sep 1727;wife jane als roberts;ch jane,georfe + elizth;griffith beven h/o dau by former wife declines admin prin edw cain + robt quirk;margt holmes claims for wages;inv
1728   A 4       GELLING      George                   d 24 dec 1727;castletown;former wife left her half housebto his gdau if she looked after him but she did not;dau etc 6d;wife joney als quay exex with a stampt apron to his gdau if she came for it
1728   A 34      TAUBMAN      Thomas                   [Full]WhiteStone;wife alive not named;property Cathrins + Pickards closes;witt Matt: Taubman, Robert Quay;Matt Taubman nephew + not allowed as witt;claim by Mrs Cath Halsal sis of Rev Mr Anthony Halsal;
1728   A 36      MORRISON     Margery     holt         made 10 jan 1728/9;dau christian calcot als morrison (house dau frissel lives in + cottier's cellar),mary;gson henry , andrew  + david frissell;[relict dr daniel morrison][full]
1728   A 37      QUAY         Margery     QUALTROUGH   d 2 jan 1728/9;dau amy,margt;other ch robt,edwd,cath.isabel,anne 6d ea;?thomas moore's wife also a dau[full]
1728   A 41      QUAYLE       John                     d 11 jan 1728/9;clycur;dau margt quayle jnr exex;[full]
1728-1 E      d  COAT         Elinor                   castletown;widow dg gdau elizth coat dated 5 mar 1725/6;by 1728 gdau = w/o nathianiel mollineaux;pledges ewan looney jnr;son thos coates;some dispute
1728-1 E      d  COTTIER      Margaret    KILLEY       d 15 apr 1728;ch henry,jony,anne,margt,john;hen + anne out of island;inv
1728-1 E      d  HARRISON     Jony                     d 16 apr 1728;ballajeray;ch margt,john,elizt,mery + nich(ua);agrrement jony late w/o nich (alive)
1728-1 E      w  PRESTON      Isabel      QUINNEY      dated 2 may 1728;widow;dau jane kneal;gdau isable kneal;gson john + james;son wm;names margt cottiman;dau alice
1728-2 E      d  FITZGERALD   William                  d 2 aug;capt wm fitzgerald;ch thos,john,esther - last 2 ua;wife alive;detailed cost of carpentry + building of new house in castletown + other jobs (some involved timber from yard at smelt house derbyhaven + also some timber from castle gates (work done by John Norris - disputed bill for over £20 - pd by 1736);
1728-2 E      w  KNICKELL     Marjery     CAIN         d 1 aug 1728;sis-i-law cath radcliff;son john(in dublin) exor; - next rel thos cain sworn(john back by nov 1729);names sarah mcylcreest,jony Callister
1728-2 E      d  LEWN         John                     d 1 mar;son john(in dublin) + robt jt admrs;wife alive
1728-2 E      w  WALKER       Catherine   CAIN         husb john;2 unnamed daus(house at redgap + her pt of the bridge-garden;Jony Callister(her pt of house in castletown) - will disputed on basis witt tho cain too close a reln - court decides dau margt hare als walker + cath maddrell als walker (w/o thos)jt admrs
1728-3 E      d  CRELLIN      Samuel                   d 7 Nov;will declrd invalid due to death of one wit John Steane;ch Tho, Mary, Ann + Margt jt admrs - Pat Crellin(his bro's son ) supv;wife alive
1729-1 A 21      LOONEY       Ewan                     d 20 Mar 1728/9;gch Elizth +  Thomas Quaile;son Ewan (half his working tools);wife exex
1729-1 A 25      QUALTROUGH   John                     d apr 1729;dau elizth,margery + 3 other dau;inv
1729-1 E      w  DUCKAN       Jane        TAGGART      [some loss of rh margin]d 24 May 1729;sis' dau Elin Bridson;bro's dau [] Taggart;husb's sis Jony;unnamed sibs execs;husb alive;mother alive;exors Robt, Marriod [], Christian sworn pledges Capt Wm Bridson, John Quayle
1729-1 E      d  KILLEY       Jane                     dated 11 Jul 1729;d london abt 3yrs ago ;sibs John(sworn admr), Charles, Isable + Margt Killey;no effects on Island
1729-1 E      d  KISSACK      John                     d 25 nov 1728;miller;ch isabel,ewan,john,ellinr,robt + mary (all except isabel ua);wife mary
1729-1 E      d  QUILLIAM     Bahee       KILLEY       d 4 mar 1728/9;ch philip + robt quilliam,jony killey(had marr portion);husb john
1729-2 A100      QUAILE       John                     d 13 nov 1729;son john;gson john quayle;son-i-law nicholas bridson;gson wm bridson;dau elizth;pledges john quayle ballakellay,john hutchin (c'town)
1729-2 A101      QUAILE       William                  made 12 jan 1728/9;kerrowmoar;son john(+his son john),patk,thomas(exor)[full]
1729-2 A104      READ         James                    d 12 dec 1729;names elizth looney als bridson,ewan looney exec;wife alive;inv
1729-2 E      w  QUAYLE       Jony        MADDRELL     husb John(my half of boat);son-i-law Nicholas Shimmin(h/o Jony), Nicholas Bridson(? h/o Kath);son John(+ ch), Ann Bridson(of moany more), Elizth(exex);gch Elinor Bridson,Wm Bridson(moaney more) [see Old Mal Bun1 60]
1729-3 E      d  CALLISTER    John, senr               d 20 Sep 1729;ch Jane, Edwd, Ellinr, Robt + Danl jt admrs
1729-3 E      jw Corrin       Richard                  jw rich + ann als cubon;dated 14 mar 1718/9;son john(4 yds of their little croft adj mr ross's haggard,edwd,nathaniel,wm;dau ann;(jt exec with wm );dau-i-law ann corrin als calcott,margt corrin als quay;ann corrin dead; Richd buried 16 Oct 1729 court accepts earlier will
1729-3 E      d  CUBON        Margaret    NORRIS       d feb 1728 in Dublin;sibs Jony + Isabel Norris (now in Dublin) jt admrs;Jony Clarke als Norris(Dublin) agt other admrs for costs of 9mths attending her in sickness
1729-3 E      d  KNICKELL     Ann                      d 30 Oct [1729];orphan - only c/o John Knickle decd - uncle Charles Knickel admr - goods in fa inv;agrmt Charles Knickel + Wm Corrin(+ wife Ann als Lewin) have agreed Corrin surrenders title to house etc on payment 14s
1729-3 E      w  MOORE        Ann                      d 11 apr? 1729;Castletown;ch Cath(has pt of house left by fa - mo wants her to sell to John otherwise she is not to get legacies), John (to pay sis 10s for his mo's pt of house)exor,Robt;Cath pays 11s + acks legacies
1729-3 E      w  MYLREA       Thomas                   d 23 Dec 1728;Ballaquaile;niece Elizth Norris;sis Bessie Norris,Cath Myclrea exex
1729-3 E      w  TAGGART      William                  nephew Jon Taggart;,niece Issable Taggart;sis Margt Farrant exex;bro Tho Taggart
1729-3 E      d  VONDY        William                  d 24 Nov 1701;no decree found;dau Elizth(w/o Robt Knickle - [m Mal 17250406]), Margt + Joney jt admxs
1729-3 E      w  WOODS        Isabel      NORRIS       dated 11 Mar 1728/9;widow;bro John Norris;names Wm Bridson(Oristal), Capt Wm Bridson(+ daus Anne + Margt);Capt Wm Bridson exor;sis Jony to have house if she lived in it during her life;
1730-1 E      d  KERMOD       Ann         COSTEAN      d 8 apr 1730;ch wm,robt,tho + margt all except wm(absent) ua uncles jo kermod + wm costean supvs;inv;1734 wm acks from uncle wm costain;1742 robt acks from aunt margt costean als quirk for goods due by death fa + mo;
1730-1 E      d  MYLREA       Elizabeth                dated 20 aug 1729;fildraw;d.o.g to dau issable quackin als mylrea
1730-2 E      d  BREW         John                     d aug 1705;elder son john brew c'town;sibs richd,mrs margt fitzgerald,ann quirk(w/o robt) + cath brew;inv of house in west st rent 1s + cowhouse garden adj to mr taubmans house in water st rent 3d belonging to late dec john brew + wife ann;
1730-2 E      w  QUORK        William                  d 15 jul 1730;son paul,nichols,wm;dau christian kermode exex
1730-3 E      d  CREER        Alice       BATTERSBY    d 18 dec 1730;ch robt,walter,margt,henry (all ua);ch aunt jane ;husb john;1757: robt died in minority,walter d beyond seas pledges thos cannell kk michael + uncle wm creer braddan;
1730-3 E      d  KILLEY       Christain   BATTERSBY    d 10 jan 1730;ch alexander,hen,james,jane,wm all ua ;husb henry;inv
1730-3 E      d  NORRIS       John                     d 10 may 1697;no will;only surviving dau jony clark als norris;son john utterly refused;inv half house + garden - settlement with dau isable lib 3 1697/8 subs found + decree voided
1730-3 E      w  QUAGGIN      Alice       GELLIN       dated 17 dec 1730;bro wm,robt;stepdau jane;names wm gelling's dau Jane;mo alive;husb exor (equal shares with mo - her husb also alive);[Wm Quackin + Alice Gellin m Mal 17300425 - no ch]
1730-3 E      d  QUAY         Mary        CORRIN       d29 oct 1730;ch edwd, mary + Anne admrs, tho + Margt had contracts;inv;1731 mary bridson als quay 
1730-3 E      d  ROSE         William                  of dublin;d 9 jan 1730/1;no relns;bryan fox prin creditor;inv;fox sells admr to wm moore who sells goods in dublin (some court proceedings)
1731-1 E      d  herd         Jane        SHIMMIN      d 22 jul 1731;ch henry,jane all ua uncles Robert + Nich Shimin (to be sworne on return from England)supv;husb Henry;claim by Mr Wm Whalley Liverpool;Vessel Jane schooner of Isle of Man cmndr Capt Henry Hurd was prized at £30;1744: dau jane takes admn for goods of bro Henry
1731-1 E      d  PULLEN       Rebbeca                  d 12 mar;late city london;no rels prin creditors tho marleyt,robt maddrell;inv
1731-2 A 37      SAINT        Jony                     son john(h/o ellinor),richard(money to go to england to buy glass);ch aunt Boardman (sold wm saints house);dau elizth(house in west st joining to hos quay) exex;gdau jane saint (west st house if parents did not leave her the peel house),elizth
1731-3 E      d  BATTERSBY    Ann         McYLVORRY    only dau jane plaice;husb alexander
1731-3 E      d  BELL         John                     ballanank,d 22 feb only ch margt;uncles christopher, wm bell aunt mary corrin als bell;wife alive;wm bell about to embark for liverpool;1751 john bridson h/o margt bell;
1731-3 E      d  CAVEEN       Daniel                   of ballasalley coming in a fishing boat from liverpool 8 nov last being a tempestuous day other 5 men perished;4 ch margt jane,wm ann wife alive;aunt cath caveen, ann caveen come late from dublin
1731-3 E      d  TAYLOR       Henry                    sometime of castletown but late of Liverpool, (late officer in port of liverpool bur chapel of our lady & st nicholas on 19 nov)  d 19 nov 1724;3 ch henry & margt taylor + charlotte lloyd als taylor husb john lloyd of wigan; taylor's houses in c'town being in a very decayed & ruinous condition part fallen down; affadavit fron john tenements divided into several dwellings
1731-3 E      d  TAYLOR       John                     younger s/o henry;died in america;elder bro henry + 2 sis charlotte & margt; mother alice d 1714
1732-1 A 11      CREEN        Joney       harrison     d 13 apr 1732;dau joney;husb richd exor;names john creen;
1732-1 A 12      QUARK        John                     d ? mar 132;ballasallywife ann exex;unnamed ch;
1732-1 A 13      TAGGART      Alice       LOONEY       [full];d 25 mar 1732;husb john;sons robt,wm,john;daus christian,isable;
1732-1 A 14      BRAMWELL     William                  d 7 feb 1731son ambrose place exor;solomon mercer claims re bellow, ropes winding up ore
1732-1 A 15      SANSBURY     William                  dated 25 mar 1732;departed to england for fishery;wife ellen exex;unnamed ch;fa thos;
1732-1 A 16      STOLE        Thomas                   dated 26 feb 1731/2;wife margt exex;unnamed ch (in acks 1745 thos + isabel)supy husbs of sisters john kewley + nich taylor;kath stole als shimin of ballasalla claims;1745 ch ack alice quirk exex john quirk supv;inv
1732-1 A 17      SHIMMIN      John                     d 18 feb;ch john,robt uncle wm shimin supv;wife exex
1732-1 A 18      SHIMMIN      Isabell     crere        dated 2 feb 1731/2;son-i-law john crebin(4 ch elinor crebbin,ann cubbin,elizth.margt);inv
1732-1 E      d  BRIDSON      John                     glover of ballasalla;3 ch john thos & cath;next rel on fa's side eliz loony als bridson;widow keeps 2 aunt takes cath;25 oct 1732 jo stole in right of his wife the relict;inv
1732-1 E      d  BRIDSON      John                     d 3 may 1732;of curragh;ch richd,jane,cath + wm jt admrs;wife alive
1732-1 E      d  CLUCAS       William                  of barrool;7 ch tho wm ellin isabel ann phinlo henry;wife alive
1732-1 E      d  CORRIS       John                     d 20 mar 2 ch edward anthony;ua Carles Pigot next rel on fathers side;wife alive;inv
1732-1 E      w  COTTIER      Robert                   d 4 may 1732;son john(houses etc);dau joney (unmarried - jt exex with john);other unnamed ch 6d;
1732-1 E      d  HUTCHIN      Elinor      CURRY        d 17 apr 1732;son wmdeclares no effects but will pay all debts);Jo Woods claims £8 5s 4d
1732-1 E      d  JICK         John                     d 24 apr ch cath jony isabel;isabel out of island
1732-1 E      d  KELLY        John                     eldest s/o john kelly of c'town died on coast of holland about 18 years ago;3 ch eliz abigail & deborah all in ireland their mother christian kelly, her bro james curlett; inv in decd mother averick kelly als taylor inv
1732-1 E      d  KEWLEY       Alice       KARRAN       5 ch tho mary wm paul ellin;husb wm
1732-1 E      d  MOORE        Charles                  supposed perished by sea coming in a boat from Liverpool abt 8 Nov 1731;capt charles; s/o deemster;4 ch margt, Tho, James + Jo Moore - all ua - uncle James Moore, Aunts Ann, Margt, Elizth(w/o Tho Bridson) + Cath Moore(w/o Patr Xtian) supvs;pledges for widow Capt Jo Christian milntown + Mr Jo Garrett of Ballabroy;;wife mrs jane moore als xtn sister to capt john christian milntown; dispute inv etc; Court May 1735: Capt Chas Moore abt to depart Oct 1731 impowered wife to go on with finishing of house + other out buildings;debts exceed estate (90% payout - estate £29 debts £32); 1733: Capt John Christian accuses sister of having wasted and embezzled estate + misapplyed the same, Bishop Wilson requires her to submit goods to John Christians within 24hrs or risk imprisonment;1732: Chas Moore deemster agrees that as there is a £50 mortgage on part of Castletown miln (belonging to his gchild[Thomas]) + a £15 alienation fine that 2days plowing at red-gap in Mrs Jane Moore's hands be set at best advantage to discharge debts - Deemster Charles will maintain heir;
1732-2 E      d  MAnT ?       Nicholas                 relict mrs anne mant had money sent from england to pay debts then 'publication having been made at the church stile' she is about to depart
1732-3 E      d  CRIbb        Nicholas                 of liverpool died abt 10 years ago;2 sons richd & peter
1733-1 A 17   w  QUAY         Margaret    FARGHER      [Full]
1733-1 E      w  BRIDSON      Thomas                   going off island;bro of jo;left to jo's dau catherine;bro john exec
1733-1 E      w  CAIN         Jane        LEWN         bur 9 may 1733;reashaint;son thos(eldest), wm;ch isabel, paul(ua) + w(ua)m jt execs with husb John;;dau isabel
1733-1 E      d  FELLOWS      Jane        BARKER       no rels;bishop gave 9 guineas to cover claims
1733-1 E      d  LLOYD        John                     of wigan d 3 june 1732;only son jo;wife charlotte loyd [als taylor]
1733-1 E      d  TAGGART      Margaret    CRELLIN      d 8 apr 1733;ch hen,thos + margt  - next of kin [not easily readable] .., james crellin,Nich quayle + jo Cain?;husb alive
1733-2 A 75      BELL         John                     dated 7 Nov 1733;d 29 Oct 1733;Ballanank;ch Wm(youngest son), Christopher (not to break mo's will);gch Issable (+ others unnamed - ack notes 3 gch ack'd for by Christopher);son-i-law Wm Corrin exor;
1733-2 A 76      TAUBMAN      Margaret    NORRIS       [Full]Whetstone;d 13 Dec;sons Thomas, John;dau Elinor,dau Margret Tynesley;dau Eliz Preston;
1733-2 E      d  ADAMS        William                  4ch by former wife margt jon wm charles,2ch by later gilbt cath
1733-2 E         CHRISTIAN    Elinor      KNEEN        4 ch cath anne ellin mary;wm christian & mary kneen uncle & aunt;husb ewan
1733-2 E      d  KEWISH       John                     d 13 aug 1733;ch john,jane stole als kewish jt admrs
1733-2 E      d  KINLEY       Jane                     d 28 dec last;sibs john,wm,jony mylrea als kinley widow,christian kermode(w/o henry) als kinley,isabel robinson(in dublin)
1733-2 E      d  QUORK        Nicholas                 5ch nich jane paul john wm;next rels fa paul quork & christian kermod (w/o wm);widow's mother cath bridson & bro jo bridson
1733-3 E      w  TAYLOR       Thomas                   (mannanagh) d 1 jan 1733;son thos dau cath;pledge thos taylor (harry), j taylor jnr
1733-3 E      d  WATERSON     Mary        CORRIN       d 6 nov 3 ch marjery jane mary;uncle jo corrin aunts ann cath (w/o jo kelly) & christian corrin
1734-1 A 7       NORRIS       John                     [full] d 6 apr 1734;ballasalley;son thos (exec),wm
1734-1 A 11      GELLIN       John                     [full]
1734-1 E      w  CALCOTT      Elizabeth                d 17 may 1734;sis cath;parents turner + ellinor calcot execs - they to take her infant child;names ellinor crebbin;
1734-1 E      d  COWN         Jony                     d 29 mar 1734;sibs tho, elizth, alice(w/o John Gell) + jane - they surrended admin to Capt Wm Cubbon in consideration of him maintaing the illeg child he had by Joney
1734-1 E      d  GELLING      John                     d 16 mar 1733/4;ch nich + cath jt admrs - edwd refused in court;cath weak in judgement - decree void by substly found will
1734-1 E      d  HARRISON     Elinor                   Deed of Gift dated 15 jul 1724; Ellnr Harrison(castletown w/o Hen Harrison) to son Richd + his wife Elizth;court Oct 1726;[=NSS Oct 1726 4 - ?no clause requiring them to maintain her]
1734-1 E      d  HARRISON     William                  being out of island 12yrs + no acct;sailor;s/o John Harrison shoemaker;sibs John,elizth(refered to as isabel in one place abroad) + cath(w/o james clucas)
1734-1 E      d  KENIAGH      Margaret    CAIN         d 30 mar 1734;son edwd admr (Wm other son had m/c)
1734-2 A 50      HARRISON     William,snr              dated 28 dec 1734;cordiman;son john (in 1726 of ballafadda arb),wm;dau mary,jane (jt exex with wife )
1734-2 E      d  BELL         Thomas                   d 28 sep 1734;shoemaker;ch wm + thos - ua uncles + aunts john,richd,christian (w/o john kewn)+ ellin bell overseers;wife alive;Henry Ratcliff fa of wife to be sufficiently maintained - petn by Wife ellinor that her fa gave a deed of gift upon certain conditions but overseers have renounced them - annexed agreement widow to maintain youngest ch, childs gmother to take oldest ;annexed DoG - Thos Bell glassing + fa-i-law of same place dated 21 feb 1733/4;
1734-2 E      d  BRIDSON      John                     d 18 may 1734;Balnagranjee;ch john,wm,alice,tho + isable;wife cath;pledges wife's bro John Costean + her son John Kinvig (both arbory)
1734-2 E      w  KNICKEL      Robert                   dated 23 jun 1734;son charles,robt;dau Isabel;;bro john killey,john knickel;robt + isabel execs - ua - wife alive + overseer
1734-2 E      d  Nelson       John                     d 25 jun 1734;castletown;dau cath shimmin als Nelson(houses + gardens - her dau ellinr) exex (w/o pat shimmin)
1735-1 A 13   w  TAUBMAN      Elizabeth                [Full]Bowling Green;d 29 Mar;names Eliz Taubman, Elinor Taubman,Margaret Butler;d-i-l Eliz Taubman;son John;d-i-l Mrs Margaret Taubman;son Mathew;son John; (somewhat confusing will)
1735-1 A 15      KENNAUGH     Marriot     QUALTROUGH   d 22 mar 1734/5;son john (+wife),wm;dau margt(youngest dau dorothy);son-i-law thos fargher exec #32611
1735-1 A 16      CORLET       Thomas                   dated 17 mar 1731;late astons Quay Dublin;master Porter;houses + gardens Chruch St Castletown (purchased from nephew Henry Morgan + lately in possession of Thos Quirk + son Wm Quirk shoemaker);waife Alice (to have houses during life) exex;dau margt + elizth;attested to by Charles O'Neill paruckmaker dublin
1735-1 E      d  DAYSON       John                     rh margin lost on most documents]d 3 Mar 1734/5;ch Benjamin, John (both sons abroad), Margt ua;wife Margt states debts too much + refuses admin;prin creditors Wm Harrison(Arbory) + Mark caine(Castletown);claims;inv
1735-1 E      d  HEYLAND      John                     [rh margin lost];d Dublin 40yrs ago;only dau Mrs Elizth ?Hitchinson als Heyland w/o hartley now in this Island)
1735-2 A 45      TAYLOR       Thomas                   d 29 dec 1735;sis cath bridson,cath tayler exex(?=same cath)
1735-2 E 030     Kinley       Ellin       Corrin       d 10 jun 1735;ch wm,christian(w/o henry kermod),isabel;
1735-2 E 032  w  MERCER       Rhoda                    Castletown
1735-2 E 036  w  MADDRELL     Robert                   c'town;son robt(land scarlett,house at the cross),wm (house nr old chaple),john (woodes house),charles (cornah mills),thomas (house maddrell's bridge),daus unprovided for (?unmarried) margt,elizth + alice;son james;son-i-law wm qualtrough (of kentraugh); claim by mr john taubman obo tho allen of london, other claims by capt nich christian + john quayle obo charlott loyd widow + her children, john allen + wife margt, henry taylor + ch;
1735-3 E 14   d  ThoRP        Jane        nee Woods    error Thorp not SHARP; castletown
1736-1 E 218  d  STEVENSON    Richard                  d 6 Nov 1735;castletown;sibs Thos, John, Christian + Margt Stevenson jt admrs;Margt + Christian out of Island Mr Thos Stevenson sworn
1736-2 E      d  BELL         John                     d 1 Aug 1736;weaver;ch Tho, Jo + Ellin(in Ireland) jt execs - Jane having had a m/c;wife Jane als Kissag;1749: John + Ellin ack paid all due by death of fa + mother
1736-2 E      w  BRIDSON      John                     dated 17 Apr 1736;Ballasalla;clerk parish Kk Malew;bro Henry(now in Dublin);nephew John Bridson(who lives with me);wife Margery exex
1736-2 E      d  CLAGUE       John                     headed 4 Dec 1736;out of Island 8 yrs - assumed dead;bro David + Wm(abroad) jt admrs
1736-2 E      d  GELLIN       William                  d 3 sep 1736;ch Wm,Ellin, John, Robt, Tho + Nich(ua) jt admrs ;wife isable;bro Robt Gellin(mention of a house + garden bought from him - [?is this SSS May 1736 103 in wch Ann Gellin w/o Robt who was convicted of felony + to be 'transported' sold to 'nephew' Wm];pledges Jo Cottiman, Jo Taggart;
1736-2 E      w  GREEN        Edward                   dated 27 Jul 1736;fa Robt Green(the cowhouse);sis Elizth Kissag als Green;wife Eliz als Nelson exex
1736-2 E      w  QUINNEY      Catherine   KEGGIN       d 14 Sep 1736;sis Ann Keggin;mother alive;husb John Quinney exor;
1737-1 A 13      HARRISON     Margaret    KERMOD       d 7 Mar [1737];nephew John Kermod;unnamed husb;names John Gell, Christian gell als Kermod + Cath Alexander(w/o Hugh) jt exexs
1737-1 A 14      CALLIN       Ann                      d 9 May 1737;gson John Crow(to be put to trade + son of John Crow);dau Margt Callin exex
1737-1 A 15      STEVENSON    Catherine                dated 18 feb 173?;d/o late major richd stevenson, balladoole;sis mary day(ch john griffith,frances day),jane allen,margt quayle;bro + sis allen,bro quayle,sis quayle;inv of shop(fabric etc)
1737-1 A 16      KERMOD       Catherine                d 22 Jan;ch Ann (w/o John Looney) exex Silvester(her pt of house he now lives in called Norris Young's house), Henry;husb (her pt of house during life then to dau Ann)
1737-1 E      w  SHIMMIN      Mary                     dated 13 Mar 1736/7;widow, Castletown;ch Elinor(w/o Nicho  Bridson)house I live in formerly called Shimmin's houses for her great care in attending me) exex, Wm(did not perform conditions in fa's will), Hannah(6d), other ch (6d);
1737-2 A 47      COTTEEN      John                     dated 20 Sep 1733;Castletown;ch Richard(half croft - he paying Mr Thomas harley £3 mortgage), Robt, Margt (exex), Jane (6d); gson Henry
1737-2 A 48      SKINNER      William                  d 19 Nov 1737;Castletown;sibs John, unnamed sis(6d);dau Elizth exex - ua - uncle John Skinner supv;wife alive;inv; [? trade inv several parcels of reed eg a reed of 1100, but also shuttles, stuff gears, wollen gears = also owes money to a bleacher Joney Kneen]
1737-2 A 49      HOARE        Margaret                 ch Walker, John, Cath (the houses at Red gap between them + also house in town) + Christian + Elizth(both ua - other ch overseers);ch to look after her Aunt Ann Walker
1737-2 A 50      RAttCLIFF    Cathrine    QUAYLE       [full]d 25 nov 1737;eldest son robt, thos (to be bound to trade);dau cath,isabel,alice;husb thomas;sis-i-law ellinor bell;sis margt mccrea;
1737-2 A 52      CRELLIN      Isabel      TAYLOR       d 28 Nov 1737;ch Wm(land + houses), John, Patk,isable (last 3 jt execs) - all ua;husb Patk;names Ann Taylor, Mary Stole, Margt Curlett;if ch die then goods to descend to John Quayle + Wm Stole(Ballasalla) - they are also supvs + father of the ua ch;Wm Fairbrother obo bro-i-law Robt Keggeen claims £13, isable keggen also joins claim;inv
1737-2 A 54      NORRIS       John                     [full]d 23 dec 1737;carpenter castletown;names elizth bridson als qualtrough + her sis margt qualtrough, john woods,capt john bridson;wm woods + alice ledwick execs;disputed will
1737-2 E      w  BELL         Thomas                   jw Thomas + Frances;dated 22 May 1737;mutual exors; - Frances exex;
1737-2 E      w  KILLEY       Elizabeth                d 1 Oct 1737;sis Margrt Vondy(the spance? or parlour of house), Joney - jt exexs and margt was to take the girls;mother alive;unnamed dau;son Robt Nickell(20s);unnamed husb (rest of house during the setting); Jo Killey noted as husb of Jony + sworn with Margt
1737-2 E      w  PIGOTT       Frances                  [Castletown];dated 2 Aug 1737;jt will charles + frances;mutual execs;agreement by Charles that France's sister Elizth Quay(5s) ,kinsman Robert Stole(5s), Joney Kinley(4s)decree dated 20 Oct 1737;
1737-2 E      d  StANLEY      Allen                    d 9 Oct 1737;Collector;no reln or creditor appeared - Capt Wm Christian genl sumner to handle;one claim by James Parr who made coffin
1737-2 E      w  TAGGART      Thomas                   jw Thomas + Margt Taggart;mutual execs;ch John(use of house where he lives during life of longest liver), Isable(house where they now live at death of longestr liver) - wife Margt sworn exex
1737-2 E      d  THORNLY      Mary        KENEDY       d 30 May 1737;Castletown;ch Cath, Margt, Jane, James + david Kenedy jt admrs - all ua uncle(mo's side) John Frissel supv; court notes that yearly profits of houses + land to be equally split between John Frissel + Elizabeth Calcot (aunt of ch on fa's side) who is to keep half ch;
1737-3 E      d  RATCLIFF     Isabel                   d 7 dec;orphan d ua;sibs robt,tho, cath + alice jt admrs of goods left by mo Cath Radcliffe (proved 31 jan in arch reg)
1738-1 A 20      SHARROCK     Margaret                 dated 24 Jan 1737/8;husb Wm;dau Ann exex(all goods either in England of IoM);
1738-1 A 21      BELL         Christian   Harrison     d 14 Feb 1737/8;ch Anne, Margt,John9only son);husb Thos(land called Nonk Fildraw to descend to John)exor;
1738-1 A 32      CRELLIN      John                     dated 23 Feb 1737/8;bro Robert exor;left house adj to Harrison's gate to the poor of Castletown;witt Alice taggart, Margret Hudgin;list of debtors
1738-1 A 33      WATERSON     Robert                   d 20 Mar 1737/8;Castletown;bro's daua Cath Waterson, Eleanr Quay als Waterson;Wm Clague exor;witt Alice Webster x, Eleanr Gell x
1738-1 A 34      STOLE        Robert                   d 10 Mar 1737/8;dau Susanna(smithy + garden after wife's death);wife Susanna
1738-1 A 36      ARCHER       Sarah       Brown        dated 7 Jan 1736/7;now of Castletown;husb Thomas exor;
1738-2 A 80      TAGGART      Alice                    dated 25 Mar 1731;dau Alice Preston;unnamed heir;son-i-law William Mcylchreest (+ wife Cath als Taggart) exor;husb Nich Taggart - he consents to will same date (mutual exec in that survivor has goods during their lifetime); Nich died before wife
1738-2 A 81      CORD         William                  of Dublin
1738-1 E      d  CAIN         Catherine   BELL         d 10 jan 1737/8;only son john
1738-1 E      d  GELL         Ellin       QUAILE       d 16 nov 1737;ch ann humphrey als gell,philip,alice,ellin all out of island;husb of ann richd humphey
1738-1 E      jw MOORE        Margaret                 dated 8 aug 1734 JW with husb Charles deemster;abbey Ballaysalley;gson thomas (or who shall be heir);unnamed ch;son charles(+ his ch);gch james wilks (10s), anne bridson(40s) - charles has margt as exex;margt has husb as exor - also leaves clothes to dau Margt;witt Robt Maddrell, Thos Harley, Wm Curghey, Thos Bridson;claims May 1739  inc Mrs Mary Tyldesley £10, Mrs Ann Ratcliffe £5 5s, Tho Bridson(santan) £12 for wife's legacy
1738-2 E      d  ALLEN        Thomas                   [full]late c'town d in london;3 ch hannah,cath + george
1738-2 E      w  BRICE        Stephen                  [full]
1738-2 E      d  BRIDSON      Ellin       SHIMMIN      d 16 jul 1738;ch anthony,wm,mary,david,cath + nich;inv
1738-2 E      d  CARDIFF      Patrick                  perished by sea bay of biscay 4 yrs ago;no reln or creditor
1738-3 E      d  SHIMMIN      William                  d abt 20yrs ago in England;s/o Wm Shimin weaver;late of Castletown;sisters Margt, Hannah(w/o John Moore), esther + Marjery - all except Hannah in Ireland
1739-1 A 10      CROSS        Ralph                    dated 10 Apr 1739;Castletown;sibs Philip,Epenetus,Barnabas;names Rich ratcliff;Aunts Amelia + Esther Curghey, Eliz Curghey (?d/o Ann Slater left 5s);uncle Wm Curghey exor
1739-1 A 11      PRESTON      Jane        CAIN         d 29 Dec 1738;gson James Ratcliffe;dau Elizabeth Ratcliffe exex;witt Robert Kewn + Robert Clague(dead by probate)
1739-1 A 12      ARTHER       Catherine                d 3 Mar 1638/9?;sis Jane;mother exex
1739-1 A 13      GILL         John                     d 17 Feb 1738/9;wife mary exex;ch Alice + unnamed son;
1739-1 A 14      QUALTROUGH   Catherine   TEAR         d 26 mar 1739;husb thomas(house etc in ballasalla);dau margt;names isabel shimin
1739-1 E      d  KILLY        Jony        VONDY        d 16 Mar 1738/9;only dau Isabel Killey admx - ua - aunt Margt Vondy supv; husb John; - followed by a much neater copy + inv £3 1s 9d
1739-1 E      d  MADDRELL     Catherine   WALKER       4 children  cath richd sam thos;husb thos
1739-1 E      w  MOORE        Charles                  dated 2 jan 1738;ballasally;wishes to be buried in fa's grave in chancel of Kk Malew;gch Thomas Moore, James Wilks(£5);son-i-law pat Christian (h/o Cath);ch James, ann, Elizth + Margt;gch Margt, James + John Moore (c/o son Charles) jt execs - Thomas Harley + Robert Caesar to be guardians and overseers gson Thomas Moore sent to school for five yrs to come and no way impeded in his education;codicil jan 1738 Thomas to have house in Billown;Henry Clucas h/o gdau Ann Bridson;June 1739: Margt Moore chooses uncle Major John Christian as guardian
1739-2 A 45      FARGHER      Joney       SAiNT        [bur 20 Nov 1739]d 18 nov;uncle jon saint;(his dau eliz),thos caine (+ wife mary - houses in c'town) execs;aunt jane karran,eliz waterson,margt walkington;1747 annexed ack from thos cain + wife mary from edward cain die to jony by death her mo isabel cain
1739-2 A 46      QUAY         Thomas                   [bur  7 Nov 1739];dated 22 oct 1739;castletown;ch thos,mary,wm,elizth,susannah;wife exex
1739-2 A 47      CUBBON       Thomas                   [bur  2 Feb 1739];d 1 feb 1739;gdau elinor;wife exex
1739-2 E      w  CRELLIN      Mary                     dau ann,margt son thomas,dau mary
1739-2 E      w  KENNEDY      Jane        BRIDSON      bro wm if he came for it;aunt elleson als quark
1739-2 E      w  WOODS        John                     vicar;4 ch by former john jane leonora ellin;;wife jony + 4 ch deborah thomas eliz charles
1740-1 A 15      Wainwright   Robert                   of Langness d 22 Feb 1739/40
1740-1 A 16      MOOR         John                     error ?ref
1740-1 E 32   d  QUAY         Robert                   hatter;wife ann;dau margt ;debts need mortgage of a house
1740-2 A 73      QUAYLE       John                     d 10 nov 1740;[full];wife elinor;ch john(heir), ellinor,elizth,cath  ua(3dau exexs),wm,ann + Margt (talloo-ny-cluce betwen 3 youngest);uncle robt quayle supv;1752: ann chooses step-fa thomas stole;1748 cath w/o john shimmin
1740-2 A 74      MYLREA       Charles                  mo alive; names land; bro john snr;thomas; bro john jnr;
1740-2 A 75      LOng         John,jnr                 fa + mo alive;un-named sis
1740-2 A 76   mc KILLEY       John                     art of marr date 22 june 1739, john killey malew + margt waterson arbory;house + garden in ballahott lane adj ballahott's land;2nd marr ? as mentions dau called isable;his sis margt vandy; [m arb 17390701 - no ch found]
1740-2 A 77      KNEEN        Thomas                   d 27 nov 1740;dau joney,son richd;wife alive; [see m/c SSS Oct 1733 35]
1740-2 A 78      JUICK        Elizabeth   QUINNEY      nephew thomas cubbon;
1740-2 A 79      QUINNEY      John                     d 11 jan 1740/1;wheelwright, ballasalla;names margery callister ballacreggan rushen (aunt's dau),thomas bell sis' son,w/o thomas tear sis'  dau,john kissack bro's son;sibs wm,jane [full]
1740-2 A 80      CUBBON       Isabel      cubbon       son john, thos
1740-2 A 81      FARGHER      Thomas                   unamed ch;wife kath; kath infirm son wm accepts exec
1740-2 A 82      QUAYLE       Catherine                castletown;nephew wm corrin;sis ann corrin;ann corrin dead  her exectx eliz quayle
1740-2 A 83      BRIDSON      William                  named cath killey;dau isable bridson,son robt,wm;wife anne;
1740-2 A 84      CORRIN       Jane        BRIDSON      named ellin breasur ?,cath waterson;husb alive
1740-2 A 85      cowell       Ellinor     brew         art of marr robt cowell kk malew + ellinor brew  santan;[m San 17110505]
1740-2 A 86      CORRIN       Ann         QUAYLE       eldest son thos;son wm;dau eliz
1740-2 A 87      CORRIN       Henry                    art of agreement  14 dec 1721 hen corrin + amey corrin als stevens [m 17070624] on re eldest son hen, mentions land + their part of miln in arbory;other ch unamed;eldest dau ellen has house in c'town;
1740-2 A 88      TAYLOR       Catherine   CUBBON       d 10 dec;2 sons thos + hen;husb alive; unamed gdau;wit anne cotten (now sick) + margt cotteen
1740-2 A 89      GELL         Thomas                   d 10 dec ;son robt
1740-2 A 90      KEWN         Robert                   d 29 nov;son john,dau margt;mentions tools belonging to new walk miln;wife alive;dau jane + child upon her bearing; dau ann;their grandmother's will mentioned;land ballashimmin;guardians john bridson ballachrink + robt quayle weaver
1740-2 A 91      SHIMIN       Ellinor     [cain]       ballalig;son wm;dau cath quayle;son charles quayle
1740-2 A 92      TAYLOR       Margaret    HARRISON     d 16 dec;husb john;daus margt + christian;son wm;mentions cloth they were spinning;son john;gson patrick;dau isable;mentions flax;total of 4 daus viz ann isable margt christian exec
1740-2 A 93      LAWSON       William                  d 9 dec;bro edward;names richard gill, john joughan,cath christian + her sis mary;indebted to robert wainwright's widow;+ many other debts;sis-in-law dan cowl's wife;his wife's son john (?2nd marr)
1740-2 A 94      BRIDSON      Catherine   RADCLIFFE    d 17 nov 1740;names wm son of wm quayle;dau ellen;husb robert
1740-2 E      d  ARESKIN      John                     Erskin bur 3 Oct 1739
1740-2 E      w  BRIDSON      Catherine   COSTAIN      ballagragey;dau alice son heir john
1740-2 E      w  LAWSON       Mary        CREEN        d 15 sep 1740;husb wm;son john cain;niece cath, mary christian;sis cath cowl;?dead by 1741 as edwd lawson exec of wm
1740-2 E      w  MARTIN       William                  mariner liverpool;b-i-l john konnell dublin, sis margt konnell his wife;bro thos ;landlady alice woodward liverpool
1741-1 A 34      SHIMIN       Nicholas                 dated 10 mar 1740/1;grainaby;unnamed heir [?wm];son robt,john + charles (jt exors);dau isable;1764 john waterson h/o isabel [full]
1741-1 A 38      BRIDSON      Catherine   QUAY         d 24 mar 1739;husb cuthbert exor;sis dau sarah bridson;
1741-1 A 40      HARLEY       Thomas                   dated 3 mar 1740;wants to be buried in grave of decd wife in chancel kk malew;dau jane;nephew thomas redfern;sis jane,elizth wilson (+dau agath)wife elizth(houses etc life interest - resid legatee thomas redfern);step-dau eliz martin,ann corrin;1744: jane harley now of workington;[full]
1741-1 A 42      GELLIN       Mary        SHIMIN       d 21 mar 1740/1;son wm(the croft) exor;dau (unnamed);gson alexander
1741-1 E      w  CORLET       Ann         QUIRK        d 2 may 1741;dau jane;unnamed son (john in decree)
1741-1 E      d  KEWLEY       Jony        GARRET       d 14 dec 1740;ch john,ann,philip,robt all ua uncles + aunts philip,wm,john,ewan,alice,jane + cath garrett;husb wm;inv
1741-1 E      d  QUAYLE       Thomas                   d 30 mar 1741;ch robt,thos,isabel,wm all ua uncle patr quayle;inv costs incd childs coffin + coffin for another child
1741-1 E      w  QUIGGIN      John                     d 8 may;bro tho;sis isable;names tho quiggin,robt quiggin,patt quaile + margery adams execs
1741-1 E      d  QUINNEY      Catherine   CORKIL       d 2 feb 1740/1;ch john,thomas (abroad),caesar,cath + wm;husb[?john decd by 1749] alive;1749 charles cott[lost] h/o cath;inv;deed of settlement john quinney casnehowin to son john dated 29 apr 1741;1745 wm quinney son of dec john + cath  reay to depart isle
1741-2 A 116     SHIMIN       Thomas                   mason;legacy to poor of kk arbory;late wife isable als moore;son robt + wife margt (mentons art of marr);son wm + wife bahee hath behaved himself very undutiful cut off and prop left to dau eliz watterson;son john's children;gson thomas watterson house in c'town, another house situate between mr hartleys & thos woods.little houses in ballasalla to gson daniel waterson;bog croft in c'town to gsons robt & wm sons of robert;gson john waterson mort mortgage on tuck mill at peeltown;gdau margt waterson;codicil dated 22 jan 1741/2 - died abt 8 days later;wm waterson h/o dau  eliz who is execx;1764 john waterson gson acks; 1764 john clark of arronag arbory acks from mo-i-l elinor waterson on behalf wife margt;
1741-2 A 117     KELLY        John,jnr                 ye glan;only ch wm (ua) ;wife isable;john mcylrea uncle on fa's side overseer;fa john kelly also sworn
1741-2 A 118     HARRISON     John                     ballasalley;nephew robt harrison;nephew christop;nephew wm harrison;names ann & margt taylor, wm stole, john quaggin;bro robt harrison
1741-2 A 119     SHIMIN       Joney                    husb john;gch john & anne shimmin;daus anne ellinor isable;son john
1741-2 A 120     KEWLEY       Mary                     d 23 jan last;mo eliz clague;names loving friend john clague of ronaldsway
1741-2 A 121     KNEEN        Joney                    d end of oct last;names nicho kneen, cath cannell, mary kneen's child;fa richard kneen
1741-2 A 122     LOONEY       Isabel      CUBON        w/o thomas;names margaret eldest dau of thomas quay of miln street; (kind neighbours) isable w/o sd thomas quay; nephew thomas taylor;names christian owens
1741-2 A 123     QUIRK        Isabel      OATES        dated 23 may 1738;castletown;dau cath(w/o thomas watterson) exors;other ch 6d [full]
1741-2 E      d  ARTHUR       Isabel      KEGGEEN      d 12 Aug last;only dau Jane Shimin als Arthur (w/o Jon Shimin)admr; Husb alive as 'her' husb + jon Shimin sworn;
1741-2 E      w  BELL         John                     undated but court dated 5 Nov 1741;John Bell,junr;wife Margrett exex;ch Mary,margt + ?2 other unnamed;father alive(+ asked to aid wife);wants David Harrison(Ballaglaney) + Ewan Looney(Ballasalla) to be supvs;1747: Mary Bell at age + acks from mo now w/o Wm Maddrell;1759: Henry Radcliffe h/o Margt Bell acks from mo-i-law Margt Bell now w/o Wm Maddrell;1775: Casar Lowry (h/o Elizth Bell one of legatees) acks Thos Quinney (h/o Mary Bell) + mo-i-law Margt Bell(w/o Wm Maddrell)
1741-2 E      w  BRIDSON      Arthur                   son john, land belthane;son richd;son thos;4 children thos arthur ricd isable;wife alive, houses in douglas
1741-2 E      d  BRIDSON      Isabel                   orphan of john & cath decd d 20 sept;full sib john wm thos alice; half sib john kinvig
1741-2 E      w  CLARK        Elizabeth                d 4 jun;mony moar;dau margt (exex jt with gdau ann quayle,jony;
1741-2 E      w  COSTEAN      Ann                      d 24 apr; in defuncts of castletown;sister margt's dau;sis isabel bridson als costean execx sick  john costean impowered
1741-2 E      d  COTTIER      Isabel      CORRIN       sibs john willm cottier
1741-2 E      w  FARGHER      Catherine                d 18 Jun 1741;ch Silvester, Cath, Jane exex;gch Margt;heirs wife Alice Fargher als Kenniagh (can pay £4 or half Reast moar + Leany Keal equally between Silvester + gda Margt)
1741-2 E      d  FARRANT      John                     orphan s/o john farrant jnr died in minority;sis ann isabel;uncles wm farrant thos taubman
1741-2 E      w  GELLIN       Nicholas                 d 21 apr;son thos;wife cath als jick exex;cath died before probate - 5ch wm(eldest),cath, isabel,ellin + tho;
1741-2 E      w  KINLEY       Jony        ARTHUR       d 28 oct;sons john senr & thomas; son john mylrea jnr exec
1741-2 E      d  MOOR         Jane        QUAY         d feb 1740;ch elizth, hugh, john, frances, jane, willm, Ellinr (last 3 ua);husb alive
1741-2 E      jw McYLCHEEST   Catherine                jw wm + cath;d 2 jul;dau margt(eldest) exex of mother's part - her sibs Wm + Margt overseers of ch ua
1741-2 E      w  MYLREA       Jony        kinley       d latter end of may;son John senr, John junr (all her lands) exor; Witt Mary Mylrea x, Margrett Caine x;
1741-2 E      w  QUAYLE       Alice                    d 30 Jul [1741;kerro moargdau Ann Quayle, Margt Quayle;ch Patt Quayle(exor) + unnamed dau;names Margery Addams?, Wm Taggart(+ wife), Eliz Bridson;
1741-2 E      d  RADCLIFF     Margaret                 orphans of valentine radcliffe goods due by decease of mother margt radcliffe als corkill;uncles by mo thos, robt richd mar jane corkill;robt richd abroad;
1741-2 E      d  RADCLIFF     Robert                   see margt
1741-2 E      w  STOle        Elinor      CLUCAS       son thos,dau susanna;husb thos
1741-3 E      w  CLARK        Thomas                   shoemaker;bro wm clark
1741-3 E      d  COSTEAN      William                  4 children john isabel wm margery; isable abroad
1741-3 E         CUBBON       Elinor                   orphan;admr of mo jane cubbon als sansbury
1741-3 E      d  DUKINfield   Charles                  baronet ? of over tarbly cheshire late of c'town; account of his running across to island to avoid debts
1741-3 E      d  fARRANT      Isabel                   orphan d/o john jnr
1742-1 A 10      FARGHER      Joney                    widow shenvalley;d o g 14 oct 1734 to son richd;other children abroad
1742-1 A 11      BOARDMAN     Jane        [Quark]      in great necessity no other friends borrowed 31/- from richard slater and made over her property to him; her dau jane boardman m christopher bridson of dublin who granted p o a to  jane bridson who sues richd slater but come to an agreement whereby rs pays them 30s
1742-1 A 12      SHIMMIN      Joney       BRIDSON      husb john;dau ellinor,gdau ann shimmin;3 daus ann eliz ellinor;if ann married vuthbert bridson she was to be cutoff;
1742-1 A 13      GELLING      Robert                   died at sea sometime after 1730;left island 1728 - reported as saying bro wm could have croft[full]
1742-1 A 14      Redfern      Jane        HARLEY       dated 10 feb 1741;son thos(house he built adj james walker's + the bed on which he lies until the death of Mrs Eliz Harley),john(6d);husb thomas (his sword);dau jane extx;names Kath Quirk, Richd Quirk + wife(6d)
1742-1 A 15      QUAYLE       Elizabeth   CUBON        dau ann quayle + son john;husb john (ua)
1742-1 E      d  SADLER       Ralph                    rev;chaplain on board  hm ship Shrewsbury mow died near Carthagehene jun 1741; fa francis sadler now of c'town
1742-2 A 64      BRIDSON      Jane                     [full];
1742-2 A 65      RADCLIFF     Elizabeth   PRESTON      [full]d 24 jan 1742;husb henry;son henry
1742-2 A 66      CREER        John                     ballasalley;dau margt isable;robt gell h/o isable
1742-2 E      d  CALLOW       Edward                   late of castletown no reln or creditor appeared
1742-2 E      d  GOLDSMITH    John                     half bro wm  + half sis alice bahee goldsmith;wm tear husb alice
1742-2 E      d  QUAcKIN      John                     ch john jony (husb thomas bridson);john abroad
1742-2 E      d  stEVENSON    Rhoda       MAKOn        w/o capt john; sis mrs mary makon;based on a lost contract appeal by mary makon and wm makon (she bought off with £50) his lost
1742-3 E      d  HOARE        Walker                   left about 4 yrs ago died upon guinea coast;decd mo margt; sibs chistian eliz ;bro john;dispute
1742-3 E      d  KNIPE        Tobias                   from near kendal;no rels creditor mrs catharine watkins als looney;letter from mr holmes dated 23 nov 1742; re sale of property etc knipe died 1 dec 1742
1743-1 A 18      QUAYLE       Thomas                   wife alive
1743-1 A 19      TAGGART      William                  baroole;son wm;wife margt
1743-1 E      d  bell         John                     balla charry;only dau elinor waterson als bell (husb henry)
1743-1 E      d  CALLOW       Edward                   d abt 3 years ago
1743-1 E         CLAGUE       William                  minor s/o john late of foxdale ;4 sisters isabel anne margt alice ;3 later ua;widow isabel ? under pat dated feb 8 1744
1743-1 E      d  COat         Alice                    d 25 jan 1741/2;only dau elinor(w/o Christopher Kinnish) admx;
1743-1 E      d  CORKILL      Robert                   mariner hampton court mow d west indies aug 1742 sibs thos richd mary jane
1743-1 E      d  QUALTROUGH   William                  d 1728 ;gch eliz & magery ;wm bridson husb eliz, robt holmes husb marg;pledge john killey weaver
1743-1 E      d  ROSS         John                     mariner hm ship the drake sloop of war; d abt 1731 fa rev wm ross 
1743-1 E      jd WATERSON     Ann                      ch john and isabel kermoad;john d 37 yrs ago, anne in her minority;2 sis ellen cath
1743-1 E      jd WATERSON     John                     see ann
1743-2 A 77      MYLREA       Isabel      GELLING      dated 11 Nov 1743;sibs Cath, Alice, Thos + Wm Gelling;husb Thos Mylrea exor
1743-3 E      d  BURTON       Mary        fargher als [Taylor]     late of dublin; ch richd wm frances anne
1743-3 E      w  CANNELL      Ann                      son john daumargt;dau cath;husb john
1743-3 E      d  HARRISON     William                  d 17? Mar 1742;Cordiman;widow + children refuse to administer;admin given to Nicholas Bridson obo Mary Harrison a principal creditor
1743-3 E      d  LONG         Isabel      STOLE        only dau ann taggart husb robt
1743-3 E      w  MErcer       Sarah                    sis abigail mercer; sis rhodda makan and her dau mary; bro wm solomon
1743-3 E      w  MOLLINEUX    Nathaniel                son thos,dau ellinor
1743-3 E      w  MOORE        Elinor      WOODS        dated 12 aug 1743;bro edward, george, thoams(+ dau), robert(+2 ch) woods;parents alive;husb samuel;pledges John bridson(glazier) + tho cowley
1743-3 E      w  QUAYLE       John                     ballnamodda ;2 ch margt jane  but other children john harry ellinr not mentioned - dispute with wife jane who claims they had contracts
1743-3 E      w  QUAYLE       William                  son john,henry,dau margt,mary's eldest son ,son wm dau joney jane catrin execs;henry is in his aprrenticeship
1743-3 E      w  SHIMMIN      Ellinor                  sis isabel, ann, bro wm
1744-1 A 7    jd QUAYLE       Elizabeth                dated 15 may 1730 + 6 feb 1736;jt deed of gift john + wife elizth;castletown;John quayle comptroller [full]
1744-1 E      w  TAGGART      John                     d 11 Jul [1742];ch john (intacks abt the Racay[?= Raggye]), Wm, Cath;Croft at Ballasalla at Shimins house to be sold for goods for Wm + Christian;wife exex;
1744-2 A 42      LOONEY       Thomas                   castletown;wife exex
1744-2 E      d  ADAMS        John                     sons of wm & ann both decd left island 9 yrs ago no account;sibs charles margt cubbon als adams ;thos cubbon husb
1744-2 E      d  ADAMS        William                  see john
1744-2 E      d  Caesar       Robert                   4 children john james robt margt
1744-2 E      d  HERD         Henry                    s/o henry died whitehaven;only sister jane herd
1744-2 E      d  SEDDEN       William,jnr              sis susanna living in england
1745-1 A 4       QUIRK        Ellinor     waterson     d 27 mar 1745;castletown;names nanny bell;sis jane;husb philip(dau by prev marr) exor
1745-1 A 5       BRIDSON      John                     d 5 feb 1744;ballavaark;ch john,wm (all ua);wife bahee als cannell;witt john cubbon,jane bell als cain;pledges john cubbon + wm cannell kk michael;ch uncle wm bridson supv[full];
1745-1 A 6       BRIDSON      Dorothy     coat         d 26 feb 1744/5;son paul(only interest not sum as 'he would only destroy it');dau w/o nicholas taggart,w/o edmond kneen,one unnamed out of island,esther,ann exex[full];
1745-1 A 7       CAINE        Jane                     d wk before candlemas;son john,thomas;dau margt,jony jt exexs
1745-2 A 35      SHIMIN       Margaret    QUIRK        son robt(whitestone houses + croft),thomas,wm exor
1745-2 A 36      BRIDSON      Robert                   dated 7 feb 1745/6;dau jane,marriod,ellinor;gdau [elizth]d/o john nowell; wife alice exex[full];
1745-2 A 58      CORRIN       Margaret    QUAY         dau margt corlett als corrin(eldest),elizth,anne(youngest);son richd,edwd,john,wm;dau-i-law isabel corrin als quaggin;husb john
1745-2 E      w  CAIN         Catherine   CUBON        dated 8 jun 1745;husb philip exor;
1745-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Ann                      made Apr 1744;husb John Clague;ch Wm, Edwd + Elizth jt execs - other ch(6d)
1745-2 E      d  CREER        Robert                   d 30 oct 1745;late kk braddan;ch wm(had mc),john,thomas,nicholas,ann clague als creer
1745-2 E      d  CRY          Jane        SKILLICORN   d beg aug 1745;dau cath(w/o edwd cain),jane(w/o james harrison)
1745-2 E      d  FLEETWOOD    Jane        STOALE       d 10 Jun 1745;only dau Elizth Fleetwood admx
1745-2 E      Mc HALSAL       Isabel      WATTLEWORTH  m/c John Wattleworth + Ann Halsal - court Oct 1733 accepted as will; son-i-law john Wattleworth sworn
1745-2 E      w  KNEEN        Alice       Cannell      d 18 Oct 1745;friend Henry Kneen, Wm Kneen;nephew[sic] Cath Cannell exec;husb Richd; John Cannel father + overseer of Cath sworn [see SSS Oct 1736 49 when Ri + Alice sold house in Ballasalla]
1745-2 E      dg WOODS        Margaret    WALKER       dated 20 may 1735;Thomas Woods,porter Castle Rushen + wife Margt als walker to dau ellinr - house(inc brewhouse etc 7.5d lds rent)  in church st - ellinr to pay a crown to all other ch;(court May 1744)
1745-3 E      d  LACE         Henry                    left island 26yrs ago no acct;mariner s/o Ellinor Lace decd;no effects save right in old house in c'town which only day Elizth marsh als lace sold to Mr Wm Curghy (appt admr)
1745-3 E      d  QUAGGIN      Ann         SKILLICORN   d 31 jan 1744;ch john (a transmarian - no acct rcvd for some yrs),jony(w/o thos bridson)
1746-1 A 4    dg WOODS        Thomas                   DoG dated 20 mar 1735[ = SSS May 1744 59] - also accepted as will margt woods als walker [ep will 1745-2] - saml moore wdwr of Elinor sworn [m Mal/Rus 17420420 - ellinor bur Mal 17430829]
1746-1 A 6       BRIDSON      Cathrine                 made april;gibdale;dau cath keaney,elinor (a potato butt + dung on it if she would set potatoes) exex;gdau jane,margt,esther + cath bridson;gson wm bridson;dau-i-law jane bridson;son john(heir)
1746-1 A 7       BRIDSON      Mary        HARRISON     made end april;kerrow moar;son richd(heir);dau elinor,elizth,jony(son wm gelling),mary exex;gdau ellinor + margt bridson;husb alive[full];
1746-1 E      d  BRIDSON      John                     d ladyday [25 mar] 1748;Maoaney moar; ch Rich, Christopher, Robt, Alice + elinor jt admrs - other ch John, Wm, Ann + Isabel had m/cs;admin surrended to wife;pledges Wm Mcylcreest (Ballamoadey) + her son Robt
1746-1 E      d  Lace         John                     departed island 14 yrs ago - no acct;s/o Henry Lace;no effect except right in old house in castletown wch fell to him by will gmo Ellinor Lace who left to him + his sis Elizth (who sold same to Wm Curghy)
1746-1 E      d  McYLREA      John                     d beg may 1746;cooper;ch john,mary,thos + wm all ua uncles John + thos Mcylrea;wife Mary;[inv]
1746-1 E      w  MOORE        Thomas                   Thos moore smith disputed will - witnesses Robt Holmes + John Redfern that he intended to leave effects to son John except 20s ea to dau jane + ellinor + house in Miln street to gson thomas;court notes consent of  ch hugh, john, wm, frances + jane Moore - ellinor ua; John sworn;1787: thomas quayle h/o ellinior acks 20s
1746-1 E      d  TAYLOR       William                  perished by fire in Ballalough House on Holy Thursday[27 mar 1745/6];son thos + Henry(abroad) jt admrs
1746-2 A 33      CAIN         Elinor      QUAYLE       d 20 dec 1746;clycur;nephew james scoffield(c/o robt + margt + 4 other ch),john harrison(c/o margt);sis margt harrison als quayle,margt scoffield;names cath waterson als shimin;husb john exor [full]
1746-2 A 34      BRIDSON      Anne        parr         made beg dec 1746;orrystall;dau jane;names anne hingley w/o richd (+ her son edward - anne dead by probate ? as richd + orphan edward) as jt exec with margt mylchreest(w/o wm)[full];
1746-2 A 35      MERCER       Elizabeth                dog dated 31 dec 1731 to husb solomon mercer,ballahott
1746-2 E      w  BRIDSON      William                  d 12 jul 1746;capt wb;son-i-law wm mychreest ('cross of 4 ways'),richard hingley exor
1746-2 E      d  CORRIN       Thomas                   d 2yrs ago St Thomas's Hospital London;mariner left Island 5 yrs ago;s/o Wm Corrin late of Castletown;sibs wm(absent) + Elizth(w/o John Kissack) jt admrs;pledges chas cannell(shoemaker) + John Christian (smith)
1746-2 E      w  MARTIN       richard                  dated 30 jul 1744;formerly Canterbury england but now Castletown;wife elizth als Corrin exex;confirms m/c dated 8 nov 1740;signed + sealed
1746-2 E      w  REILY        Ann                      dated 13 apr 1745;derbyhaven;niece cath sullican(10 guineas + arrarel);husb michael exor
1746-2 E      d  SANSBURY     Charles                  d on H.M. ship 'Prince of Orange', buried in New London;mariner left Island 5 yrs ago;sis joany(w/o Thos Shimmin), isabel(absent) + mary jt admxs
1746-3 E         ALMOND       Margaret    Murrey       d 30 Jan 1746;late Castletown;her both brothers Mr Wm Murrey + Mr Robert Murrey jt admrs but Robt being for some time discomposed in his mind admin committed to Wm Murrey
1746-3 E      d  HARTLEY      John                     d 3 yrs ago on board hm ship the Levem ? man of war;only bro leonard;fa john decd [full]
1747-1 A 5       COTTEMAN     Margaret    RADCLIFFE    made beg feb;son john,charles exor;dau margt;gch philip cotterman,alice harrison
1747-1 A 6       THOMPSON     Margaret                 dated 11 aug 1742;son Rev Anthony Halsal;;dau cath halsal exex
1747-1 A 9       BROWN        Catherine   CORRIS       d sep 1746;husb John exor;ch Cath, Elinor, Robt;gch Cath Quinney
1747-1 E      w  HARRISON     John                     declared 25 May 1747;d 26 May;late of liverpool, native of this isle;master of the sloop called the Nelly which lately sailed from Liverpool to Ramsey laden with salt where goods were discharged but being there seized with sickness;son John (a minor);bro David,James to be supvs
1747-1 E      d  LEVINGSTON   John                     d 24 jul 1747;Castletown;ch John (admr + prin creditor),archibald, Alexander, susannah(last 2 by 2nd wife - John + Archibald supvs);claims;inv + expenses (criticised by court as extravagant + to be moderated)
1747-1 E      d  LONG         John                     d beg Nov 1746;only dau Ann (w/o Robt Taggart) admx (her husb abs)
1747-1 E      d  McYLCHREEST  William                  d 16 Apr 1747;sibs John + Isable Mylchreest admrs
1747-1 E      w  QUAYLE       John                     d 13 Jun 1747;ballasalla; ch Margt Cashell(house + garden),  Ann(6d)
1747-2 A 35      BELL         John                     d 27 dec 1747;ballastrang;gdau mary bell,margt bell,elizth bell;wife marg als callister exex
1747-2 A 36      SHIMIN       William                  d 6 Feb 1747;mason;bro Robt Shimmin (lands in Arbory called Cringell + the Garry in Ballylig Malew  + his dau Elizth(house in castletown  + croft called Croitt-y-vegg) exor;  names Thos Quayle (+ ch Castletown - noted as bro in acks), Dr Richd Cubbon, John s/o Wm Shimmin(Malew)
1747-2 E      w  BATTERSBY    Alexander                dated 26 june 1739;castletown;dau jane place(exex - w/o ambrose)
1747-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Margaret    KENNAUGH     sis alice;dau dority clague,cath clague(exex)
1747-2 E      w  NORRIS       Elizabeth   CAIN         made july 1747;ballasally;dau isable,jane (exex)
1747-2 E      d  QUALTROUGH   Thomas                   d 1 apr 1747;only dau margt
1747-2 E      w  QUAYLE       William                  d 6 jun 1747;shoemaker ballasalla;only son not 18;3 other ch;wife margt als bridson exex;;court gives relns patt shimmin,robt quayle charles,richd +margt quayle;
1747-3 E      d  BRIDSON      Jane        BRIDSON      dau anne margaret;richd hingley husb anne,wm mylechreest husb margt
1748-1 A 14      CUBBON       Alice       callister    husb robt;dau margery;no reln appears
1748-1 A 15      MOLLINEUX    James                    ballasalla;son john,thos,james;dau ellinor,mary;execs john redfern + wm kinley b'salla;witt thos redfern + wm stole;wm kinly dead by probate;one claim mentions a little miln;
1748-1 A 16      CORKILL      Margaret    quackyn      d 20 inst [however headed feb 17 1747]ch thomas (several cottages c'town),mary + jane;husb richd exec
1748-1 A 17   dg HARRISON     nicholas,sn              ballagaray;son nicholas;
1748-1 A 18      CORRIN       william                  d 9 mar 1747/8;weaver;dau issable (+ £8 left by gafa),other 3 daus;bro john;son john,thos;dau ellinor of age + wife sworn;1753: isable + elinr ack stepfa wm  bridson;dau margt;1769: wm kewish h/o joney corrin acks
1748-1 A 19      HARRISON     Jane        CRY          made 7 mar 1747;c'town;husb james;names deborah quayle;;sis cath cain;bro john;bro-i-law edward cain exec;claims,inv sale
1748-1 A 20      KINLEY       William                  d 10 mar 1747/8;ballasalla;bro's dau mary;wife alive;noted he was exec james molyneux;
1748-1 A 21      JONES        Margaret    BELL         c'town;dau margt quirk,mary shimmin,ann shimmin exex;names ann d/o wm taggart,jane d/o robt brew
1748-1 A 22      CLAGUE       Ann                      made mar 1747;names isable clague,cath clague;sis elinor clague exex
1748-1 A 23      CORRIN       Henry                    d 13 mar 1747;c'town;wife;only dau cath
1748-1 A 24      KEWN         Margaret    GELLIN       d 14 mar 1747;names john creer + wife (house + garden),wm bridson + wife margt, many other bequests inc potatoes;sis esther;john crow exec
1748-1 A 25      CUBBON       John                     made 24 mar 1747;friend thos cubbon exec;
1748-1 A 26      SANSBURY     Thomas                   d 7 feb 1747/8;son-i-law thos shimmin,draper;3 daus isabel,jony mary
1748-1 A 27      SHIMIN       Catherine                made 26 mar 1748;son thos;dau marriod exex
1748-1 A 28      BELL         Jane        KISSAG       [full];
1748-1 A 29      RATCLIFFE    William                  d 8 feb 1747/8;c'town;2 daus;wife exex (un-named)
1748-1 E      d  HARRISON     Ann                      d/o mrs jony harrison late of ballaglannah decd;bro Dvid
1748-1 E      d  KEWLEY       John                     taylor late of castletown;only son ewan
1748-1 E      d  QUIRK        Ann         brew         3 sons john robt wm,john abroad;
1748-1 E      d  ROSS         Andrew                   s/o rev wm ross; died jan last aboard Southwel of Bristol on voyage from Jamaica
1748-2 A 116     HUTCHIN      David                    wife cath redfern als taylor dead by probate - she nominated son david who is aslso dead; will inc marr contract of 1704 giving fa henry + mother margt als garret.
1748-2 A 117     HUTCHIN      Catherine                [see david #116]
1748-2 E      w  HARRISON     Margaret                 ballastephen ;dau jane 6d !;dau joney,dau margt + her children;dau anne' + children (anne husb wm cain)
1748-2 E      w  KAVEEN       Isabel      WATERSON     son wm dau elizabeth
1748-2 E      w  SHIMIN       James                    sis margt, cath;margt ua mother alive
1748-3 E      d  BOYsE        William                  mariner;perished  at sea 28 sept last wife margt boyse als dayson in childbed;son william dent boyse
1748-3 E      d  CLAGUE       William                  sailor s/o wm Castletown, died on voyage from guinea about 3 years ago;ref to will john costean arch lib 1 1744 decrees john clague orphan of david clague whole brother decd sole admir  of the houses bequeathed to descend lineally; and half brother henry clague exectr of rest;wm clague senr & son henry  sworn
1749-1 E      d  CANNELL      John                     orphan s/o john; goods from death of mother anne cannell als quay (see ep lib 2 1743) d 16 feb 1748; sis cath margt uncle thos quay
1749-1 E      d  CANNELL      John                     d 13 mar;4 children cath margt anne wm; 3 younger ua
1749-1 E      w  FLETCHER     Leonora     CAIGHIN      cousin robt clague little girl leonora and to her sis jane;cousin robert of c'town excr
1749-1 E      d  INGOLDSBY    Jony        MARSDEN als clucas perished by sea near derbyhaven 6 mar 1748;children bridget + another dau in Ireland by former husb; son john ingoldsby; ua thos clucas half uncle supv of children in ireland; husb wm;
1749-1 E      d  KELLY        Henry                    left island 40 yrs ago not heard of 30 yrs; ref will jony costean als maddrell ep lib 2 1718 + john costean arch lib 1 1744 decrees john clague orphan of david clague ;wm clague gfather of john
1749-1 E      d  KISSACK      John                     perished by sea 6 mar 1748;bro & sister whole blood - hugh robt & ellinor for effects from father john;half sibs thos kath & ann bridson;3 former abroad 3 latter ua; arthur bridson sworn
1749-1 E      d  McYLCHREEST  Isabel                   minor d 3 years ago;will of mother catherine 1741;sibs wm margt cath math john jane anne
1749-1 E      d  QUAYLE       Ellinor     KEY          children Richard Margt; pledge charles her bro
1749-1 E      d  QUAYLE       Richard                  mariner;s/o rev john quayle died hm ship the swan 9 mar 1746;3 bros robert cleave wm + sis margt
1749-1 E      w  REDFERN      Thomas                   [full]
1749-1 e      d  Wattleworth  John                     d 24 feb 1748;youngest so ceasar; rest of children having had settlements;son john;claims by john garrett & wife elizabeth re £100 promissory note since mislaid ;
1749-2 E      d  CLAGUE       John                     sailor s/o wm; left 20 years ago no account for 7 years ;half bro henry clague
1749-2 E      w  KAIGHEN      Margaret    TEAR         widow;gdau anne quark
1749-2 E      d  QUAYLE       Isabel      TAYLOR       d 19 jun 1749;ch Wm + Thos jt admrs - uncles + aunts John, Wm, Ann + Christian Taylor supv;
1749-2 E      d  QUAYLE       Margaret                 minor d/o thomas
1749-2 E      w  QUAY         Edward                   d 2 jul 1749;bro thos exor
1749-2 E      w  QUAY         Isabel      NELSON       dated 12 jun 1749;miln st c'town;son edward(eldest - houses etc) + thos jt exors;husb thomas;dau mary,margt;niece margt cannellson Edwd dead by probate;1758: john Bell h/o margt, Ja walkinton h/o isabel;
1749-2 E      d  QUAYLE       Margaret                 d jul 1748;minor d/o thomas;due goods from uncle wm shimmin 1747;sibs robt,cath + elizth
1749-3 E      d  MYLREA       William                  mariner on hm ship the Gloucester m-o-w s/o charles mylrea decd, died in hospital plymouth aug 1748;only bro charles
1749-3 E      d  QUAGGIN      John                     sailor on his maj ship the cumberland man of war; s/o john quaggin late decd died 7 or 8 years ago;only sis jony bridson als quaggin
1749-3 E      d  QUAY         Edward                   s/o richard, left 20 years ago presumed dead; sibs thomas quay, mary bridson als quay w/o christopher bridson of city of dublin
1749-3 E      d  TAGGART      Margaret    KELLY        only son robt;dau christian had a contract

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