These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1603 e 313 McILLREA Annas QUAIN [not 100% sure of year]son Thos Mcillrea exor;dau-i-law Alice Bell;names Jo Corkill, Will Brew, Henry? Brew; witt Jo Corkill clark, Will Brew? 1613 e 146 WHEATSTONE Katherine [1st in 2nd batch[bottom margi = rh corner decayed]]husb Thomas Wheatstone exor;wants burial in churchyard Kk malew in or near grave of Margret Leathome; ch Elizabeth Kelly, Patrick Kelly;step-dau Jayne;mentions croft in Castletown 1613 e 147 KELLY Robt dated 5 ? Feb 1612; wife Margrett;son-in-law Wm Cowle;unnamed sister(dau in Kk Braddan + Santan);names John Tubman, Richard Corkill (mostle bequests of sheep) 1620 e 140 STEVENSONE Elline d [] Mar ? 1620;sis Joan;ch Jane, John Brideson + Thos? Bridson, Lawrence(land after fa's death), Nicholas (last 2 jt exors);husb alive; [?is this elin bridson als stevenson? ] 1620 e 181 Fargher Ann KELLIE d 22 Dec 1621;unmarried ch Margt, Marrie?, John, Christian + Ellyn Fargher; some ua; husb alive + some unnamed married ch; inv notes that Christian + Ellin are ua + notes other ch as Tho, John, Margt, An + Maly Fargher; inv £31 13s; 1633 A w calester ann kneene d 12 Apr 1634;no goods free to prove a will 1633 A w kynaige edward d 7 Apr 1634;unnamed wife;no goods free to prove a will 1633 A w NORRIS Isabel d 13 Apr 1634;sis Jony? exex;pledge gilbt norris 1633 A w quiggin Clement Mcylrea sis Alice;husb Hugh Quiggin exor;names Margrett Beck? (+ child);inv ;pledge Gilbt Mcila? 1634 e 046 LOWNY Robart d 20 Feb 1633;wants burial in malew Churchyard;ch Thomas + Margt execs;bro Thomas Lowny;sis Sisly[Cicely] Lowny;wife alive 1636 A w TAGGART William [very damaged with significant loss - conserved]d 12 Apr 1636;unnamed eldest son;ch Jo, Nicholas + [?ellinr ?Alice] jt execs,unnamed unmarried daus;[annexed note 1661 - much of lh side missing[]llr Taggrt one of ye exor above sd.. acks ye corn .. her ye sd ellin .. brother sonne Wm Taggart 1636 e 207 TUBMAN Ann STANLEY dated 3 Feb 1636;ch Kathrin, John, Mathias[Mathew in codicil], Elin, Jony;gch John, Mary, Kath + Margrt Tubman; 1636 e 209 TUBMAN Thomas [lh margin lost on film[]dated 17 Jan 1636;wants burial in fa's grave in chancel of Kk Malew;ch John(eldest son);brother's son(a firlet barley);sibs john'(+ dau;), Kathran Tubman, Mathew, Jaine, Elin; unnamed ch execs;father in law John Fargher;bro-in-law John [Stoale?]; George Whetston;brother? Mathew Tubman (last set names were wanted as supvs to ch);names Wm Brew;extensive inv 1637 A 57 HARRISON Thomas d 8 Sep 1637; only bro Nicholas admr; inv £3 1637 A 61 TAGGARD Nicholas d 12 Aug 1637;bro Humphrey + other sibs jt execs 1640 e 201 BRIDSONE Kathren KELLIE d 17 Sep; ch Jo:, Kathren, + Isable Bridsone jt admrs;husb alive;inv 1640 e 204 BELL Magrett HARISONE d 19 Apr 1640;son Henry Bell admr - next of kin supv;inv 1640 e 204 GARRET Elinor WHETSTONE née STEVENSON dated 28 Oct 1641;ch Tho Whetstone(all land inc Billown etc), Elizth Whetstone, Will Garrett + Kath Garrett jt execs;bro Tho Stevenson;mother alive;dau-i-law Ellin Whetstone als Tunman; some dispute re goods;claims;1659: recites Kath Allen wife to Mr Tho Allen ministr decd becoming bound for goods due to Kath Garrett by decease of her mo - Kath Garrad accepts £3 1s 1640 e 204 TAGARTT Nicho d 3 May [1640?] Humphrey Tagart 'next of kindred' admr;inv = 1 cow; 1640 e 211 CALISTER Margrett [loss of lh margin];d 27 Apr 1640;ch Thomas,[dau? = jaine],Jaine(exex),Margt; 1640 e 212 Corras Jo d 5 May [1639];pauper 'nil habet' [?page is dated 1639 but follows page headed 28 May 1640] 1640 e 212 HARISONE Kathren STEVENSONE d 1 Mar [1638?];ch Ann, Coony? + Alice Harrison admxs - next of kindred supvs[[?page is dated 1639 but follows page headed 28 May 1640] 1640 e 212 MOORE Issabell d 7 May [1639];pauper 'nil habet'; [?page is dated 1639 but follows page headed 28 May 1640] 1640 e 212 SHIMIN Issabell d 11Apr [1639];pauper 'nil habet';[?page is dated 1639 but follows page headed 28 May 1640] 1640 e 213 TUBMAN Margrett d [] Mar 1640;sis Ellen,?Jaine;mother alive exex (+ to be good unto litle Tho Samsburie ^Tubman ?^ above all ye rest);inv in father's will 1642 A w ARTHUR Hugh dated 24 Oct 1642; unnamed sister in Peel;ch Giles(heir - best looms wool + linen gear), Hugh, Philip(youngest) + Nicholas - Hugh + Nicholas (?not married yet as Giles was to give each a bowl of corn for their marriage)- sons jt exors; wife alive 1642 A w Quott Ann TAGGARD d 22 Dec 1642;ch Alice?, Jo, Adam, + Wm Quott jt execs;inv 1642 e 8 Patton Anthonie d 8 Jul [1642?];only son Caesar admr - Jo Caesar + Jo Waterson supv;wife alive;claims inc Arthur Caesar;inv; [some pages further on is a will ]dated 4 Jul 1642;son Ceaser (portion due from bro Wm + Thomas Patton) - wants Mr Deemster Christin overseer;wife Elin Patton (house etc) - noted that this will exhibited 15 Mar 1642 [sic - ?1643]] where noted that court for want of info proceeded to decree + noted this will + Deemster Christian to be called to be overseer 1642 e 9 Moore Isabel d 6 Dec 1642;ch Jo:, Edward + Mary Moore admrs;inv 1642 e 10 Tatloe John d 14 Oct 1642; unmarried dau Mary admx - not in country thus her bro Tho Tatloo sworn (10 Jun 1644);inv inc half croft in Castletown- [half of most items ? wife alive] ch + his own [goods?] - noted ch by 1st wife are Edward + Wm Brew 1642 e 14 Warbarton William dated 21 Oct 1642;to be buried Kk Malew;gch Mary Brew?;decd dau Elizth (her heirs begotten of John Thompson);son-i-law John Thompson exor; 1642 e 15 Shurlocke Jony Carran dated 17? Aug 1642;son John Shurlocke,Ciceley Moughtin als Shurlocke;son-i-law Wm Moughtin (promised some goods in his handfasting bargain) 1642 e 16 Quayle John dated 12 Aug 1642;gch (c/o Wm senr - Ellin, mrgery, Alice + Thomas Quayle)ch Thomas, Elizth, Wm junr (exor - no corne to give as given all in m/c to eldest son);names Cath Cormoad (also witness + Ann Quayle);inv 1642 e 17 Cayne Tho dated 6 Sep 1642;unnamed ch (all under 21yrs); unnamed wife; 1642 e 18 Knackill Margt Corrin dated 17 Jul 1641;bro's dau;unnamed sis;names Willm Sansbury;husb Donald Knackill exor;inv 1643 e 203 McYLRIAH Ellin STOELL d 22 may 1642;ch Kath + Jane Mcylrea jt admxs;inv 1644 A w BRIDSON Katherine TAGGART dated 4 Dec 1644;ch Henry + Marriot jt execs;names Ellin Churghie;inv 1644 e 314 Quiney Kathren d 15 Mar 1643;sibs Wm, Nicho + Christian Quiney adrmrs;inv (small) 1645 e 372 CAINE Gilbt [top of page + much rh margin lost] unnamed children(their tuition);wife Isable Bridson? [part lost], unnamed brothers; sisters Christian Caine, Oates Caine; inv inc oxe, old horse,sheep,goats 1645 e 372 CLOAGE Kathrin [rh margin lost in binding] d 20 [] 1645;ch Willm, Jane + Margt [] admrs - aunt Issabel Cloage (next of kin) supv; 1645 e 380 Kinley Margrette Bell [lh margin lost in binding]undated - inv dated 7 Nov 1645;ch Christian Kinley (+ child);[?son] Jo Kinley exor;inv 1645 e 384 Moore Alice CROPPER d 26 jun 1645;ch Anthonie, Richard, John + Alice Mo[] admrs;husb alive;inv names Alice Cropper als Moore;pledges Tho Moore + edward [??] 1645 e 385 Quarke christian SHIMINE d 10 Oct 1645;only child Margt Quarke admx; 1646 e 550 CRISTIAN Will headed 1645;ch Donnell(eldest, lands etc) + 3 unnamed sons + 2 unnamed daus;wife Kath exex;inv 1646 e 552 BREW Will d 18 Apr 1647;dau Alice + margt admxs;(Alice at age, Margt ua unnamed Aunt supv);inv 1646 e 553 CARRETT Arement CAISMT nee f [some loss] d 7 May [];ch Tho Caisment + Marie [] by former husband + Margt Carrett by husb - ch admrs 1646 e 607 MacYLREA Ales BELL [some loss to lh margin]d 30 mar 1646;gch Jane Bridson;ch Finlo Macilrea, Thomas Macilrea, Isabel - 4ch John, [], Hugh and Isabel (the cow betwixt them for my funeral expenses), my 3 ch John , Thomas + Isabel Macilrea jt execs; 1646 e 610 BRiDESON John dated 12 mar 1645;ballasally;ch elizth(had m/c),harry 1647 e 162 QUILL Alice GARRETT ch Jo Quill,Ellin Quill jt execs; 1648 e 320 BARRY Margrett MOORE dated 30 May 1643;chJohn(to be left whole lands in Santan because it came for exchange of lands), Kath, Mary - jt execs - Sr James Moore, Thos Banckes, Philip + Hugh Moore supvs;mother alive (the gold ring she gave me);sibs James Moore, John Cesar, Philip? Moore + Hugh Moore freely surrender any legacies 1649 e 499 TAGGART Humphrey [very damaged major loss of top half];wife alive;Wm Taggart + Jo Fargher to be supvs;ch Wm + Ellin exors;inv;Aug 1656: Robt Taggart acks filial portion due by death of father Humphrey Taggart; annexed note [partly lost] there is only [] 2 children Wm + Ellin Taggart 29s. 1649 e 513 McILREA Gilbt [lh margin lost in binding on film]d 23 Sep 1649;dau [name lost] exex - Mr Willm Huddleston overseer;inv 38s 1651 e 020 BARREY Robert [p25]dated 24 Dec 1650;wants burial in parish church of St malew as near as possible to decd wife;ch Kath(£40), Mary (£40)+ John(farme in Santan); long 3 page will - mentions tithes of Kk Lonan to bro [?bro-i-law] Sr John Moore;wants cousin Wm Huddleston + bro John Caesar to be supvs - notes that the £40 to each dau incs mo's part;wants son to be brought up by bro Hugh Moore, Kath to her gmo + aunt Issable, Mary to bro Sr James + his wife;nurse Xp[tian?] Cowne;serv John Duckan;cousin Anthony Halsall, Richd Tyldesley;several others named 1651 e 035 MACILLREA Jane PoA dated 27 Dec 1658;Jane(Kk Malew) appoints bro-i-law Thomas quaile(Malew) to recover all money etc from Eiling Bell wife of my uncle John Mcylrea decd and what was due by death of my gfa Thomas Stowle and his wife and what due by death of my father + mother Finlo Mcylrea and Ellinge Stowle his wife + any other money [see will of Wm 1657] Jane obtains £3 0s 10d + 15s 7d from Ellin Bell als Mcylrea; 1651 e 035 McYLLERIAH ffinloe [p 29];[headed at top 30 Jan 1650];ch Kathrin(oldest dau), Jaine(youngest - 'his right in part of the broken crop of Corne in the haggarth') exex; inv includes old looms;note by John Mcylleria (being supervisor) as to what he paid out re brother Finlo 1653 e 242 CAINE Mally QUACKIN d Mar 1652; ch Jo + Marriad Caine jt admrs - agreement dated 17 Mar 1652 - Will cayne + wife Mally als Quackin[Quiggin] to son James Cayne + Mary Cayne all their goods equally after their decease 1654 e 289 LOWNY Jony TAGGART d last michelmas;ch John,Mary, patrick, Tho, Margret (last 2 jt execs);husb John Lowny;gch john lowny; execs at age 1654 e 291 LOWeY? Ann d 25 apr 1654;Elling Norris admx;inv [?is this Lowey rather than Lowny] 1654 e 292 LOWeY? Issable crobin d 13 Oct [];5 ch Wm senr, Wm junr, margt, Jony + Avrick Lowny [?is name Lowey?] admrs - next of kin on mo's side Rivhard Crobin supv;1658: Katherin Lowy? overseer of youngest child by will of Wm Lowy (recorded 1658) who hath the sd Jony + her fathers part [a Wm Lowy is recorded 1658 in Rushen] 1654 e 296 McYLLERIAH John names Tho Bell,Thos Caine(+ his children);son Thomas Mcylleriah(his pt of 3 oxen + horse - wife to have use during her life + team to be kept together);wife Elinor als Bell (jt exec with Thomas - wife to have lands + tenement);Kathryn + Ellin Illrea sworn supv;inv £10 2s wch includes half plough; Ellin Mcylrea als Bell pledges for inv £7 12s 2d to son Jo Bell + Nicholas Gelling s/o Jo Gelling;6 Jan 1658 Thos Mcylrea acks rct 1657 e 534 McYLREA Wrn Bro Jo Mcylrea;names Mrgrett Lowy?, James Shimin, Jo Corrin(+ dau), Phill Costean 1665 e 261 SHYMYNE Jane [start of book - 1664-1665 pencilled - ?1665 - verso cover court dated 15 Jun 1665];[badly damaged - date lost]Husb Robt Shymin;son Wm + Thos Shymin exors;inv £4 19s 8d;1701: Wm Shimin sole living exor - fa + mo dead 1665 e 262 TAYLOR Henry [very badly damaged]son Tho Taylor; sister [?of whom] Ellin Taylor supv ;wife alive;inv 1656 e 469 BELL John [28]dated 13 apr 1656;wife Margt als Callister;ch John(not yet 21),Margt + Ellinor jt exexs;Margt to have lands etc until son reaches age of 21;indebted to Marriot Taggart 29s whereof paid 10s twice + 6s for keeping of her child - rest of money to be paid if she will come for it;Jo Bridson + Tho Bell supvs 1656 e 470 TAGGART Christian BELL [29][v diff to read on film]d 26 Jan 1655;ch Ellinor Taggart, Wm Taggart (jt exors);Henry + Robt taggart to maintain the exors in the farme or tenements for three years -Ellinor to go to tuition of Alice taggartbro Jo Bell in Ireland;inv £7 5s 4d 1658 e 619 HARRISON Robt bur 25 Aug 1658;wife alive(the purchased land from tho Bell to dispose as she saw fit);ch Nicholas(eldest son - had m/c - 3?ch),Phillip + Ann jt exors; inv £16 2s 7d - several claims inv dispute by Christian Bell(unable to travel) that her son Robt Harrison owed her 20s; dispute by Phillip that nicholas held back some apparell - went to court 1658 e 628 HARRISON Jaine inv only - 32 3s 9d 1659-6 e 046 ARTHUR Richd dated 21 Apr 1660;brother [?alexander] in Ireland; Hu Arthur sworn exor;Witt Xpher Harrison, Wm Harrison; inv has pt of a house? in Peel 1659 e 099 WHETTSTON George dated 27 Apr [1659];ch Anthony, Richard, Ales[Alice] exex; inv 5s 6d 1659 e 107 HARRISON Issable BELL d 8 Jun 1659;husb Tho Harrison;gch John Kinish,Isable Kinish, Jo Harrison(half the ground + crop) exor;ch Jane?;pledges? Tho + Nicholas Harrison; Jo Harrison claims agt exors for benefit of a m/c given by her to son Jo Harrison + by death of sd Jo Harrison 1661 E 178 w TAGGART Jane BRIDSON [prev photo Thos Harrison mal]dated 22 Jun 1661;only child Mary Taggart (£4 + all clothes);husb John Taggart;wants bro Gyles Bridson + William Taggart supvs 1663/4 A w SANSBURY Ellin d. c.20 Febr 1664/5 bro William Sansbury, sister in law & her son Thomas, Thomas Stole, sister in law, Henry Stafford, grandchild Henry Stafford, Sam Ratcliffe owes her money 1664 e 097 CORRIN Anthony headed 1663;ch Edward(half house + garden), James, Marie + Ellinor jt execs; inv; claims by John Caesar + Tho Quartin? obo his wife 1664 e 151 STANLEY Thomas d 28 jan 1663;major thos stanley;ch james, thomas, richard + unnamed dau - all in england - mr charles stanley has letter of attorney;wife alice als lewis;claims inv john norris hatter 40s local money, john ottiwell 1665 A w TAGGARD Ellin KEWLEY dated 20 Feb 1665;aunt Ann Fargher;neighbour's dau Kath Killey;sis Averick Keawley;husb John Taggart;dau Ales Taggart exex;witt Alezs Kissage als Cowley, Katherine Killey als Norris, Franke: Keawley (her mark), Edward Brew;inv (extensive) 1665 e 378 TAGGART Isable SHIMIN [page 91]d 20 Apr 1665;ch Christian + Alice Taggart admxs;husb alive;inv £2 12s 1665 e 436 KARRAN Christopher [page 140 - headed May 1664 tho title 'Curia habite Saint Marie de Castle Rushin March 22 1665';uncle Tho Kerran;aunt Mary Costen als karran;mother Ann Karran als Bridson exex; 1666 A w BELL Marriad DUCCAN dated Feb 1666;husb Henry Bell(crop, team etc);cousin Cath Bridson;sis-i-law Jane Bell;bro Phinlo Duccan exor;bro's dau Marriott duccan;names many;inv £4 13s 4d 1666 A w BRIDSON John, senr dated 4 Dec 1666;Aristle[Oristal];gch John Bridson(lands, team etc), Ellin Bridson, Tho Bridson, Hen Bridson;dau-i-law cath Bridson als shimine;son Tho Bridson(all his wearing clothes + hat),Christo Bridson, Wm(in Ireland) jt exors;names Christo Bridson(in Ireland ? = son but Christo is sworn)Cath Bridson d/o Tho, John s/o Tho;names Robt Quay(+ wife) + several others;inv £1 17s 1666 A w BRIDSON Thomas dated 8 Nov 1666;Breckvolley;names Mary Taggart d/o John taggart;[?bro] John Bridson(Castletown owes 34s being due to brethren by death of fa);dau Mary(eldest dau - house),Marriott exex - uncle Christopher Bridson supv;wife alive 1666 A w CLERK Issable CUBON buried 9 Jan 1666;ch John Clarke, Tho Clarke(had m/c), Christian,Wm + Daniel jt execs - next of kin(mo's side) Finlo Cubbon supv;husb alive;inv 35s 1666 A w PRESCOT Humphrey dated 20 Sep 1666;son Edward Staine? + wife Alice execs;'pauper nihil habet' 1666 A w QUALTROUGH Catherine CLARKE dated 22 Oct 1666;husb Daniel Qualtrough;child Isable Qualtrough exex;father Thomas Clarke supv of child;claims inc Will Calow(Maughold), Donll Qualtrough(Lonan); [there is a petn re Don Qualtrough not adhering to m/c by Thomas Clarke - Don Q + now wife Margt als Killey?will not trouble them - m/c annexed ] 1666 A w STOLE John dated 14 Nov 1666;ch Martin(his part of house + croft), Dorothy exex - Robt Corrin(+ wife) supvs; wife alive;inv 3s clear 1666 A w STOLE Margaret dated May 1667;names John Qualtrough + wife execs;unnamed sis' dau to have flax in ballasalla; 'pauper nihil habet' 1666 e 007 LOWIE Margt KEWN [loss of rh margin] d 26 July 1666;only child jo[] admr - ua;husb alive;inv 1666 e 476 GICKE Margt d 28 Sep 1667;only dau Ellinor Kermott (at age)admx; inv 7s 1666 e 476 KEWLEY Christian QUAYLE d 7 Sep [];unmarried ch Robt, []senr, Jo sunr, Isable jt admrs; husb alive;ch at age supv of those ua; 1666 e 681 QUIGGIN Jony BRIDSON headed May 1666;ch hugh,tho, john quiggin,william quiggin(her half of field rent 12d - he had other half by m/c), issable + kath jt exex;inv incs her pt of purchased land 1s? single rent 1666 e 824 CHRISTIAN Richard [page 86]headed 1666 (inventory dated 24 Sept 1666);only dau Ellinor exex - ua;Sis Christian Christian;wife alive 1668 A w WATLEWORTH Mary BREW [full] 1669-7 E 277 d COMISH Ann KERMOtt d jan 1669;sibs john, wm,alice + cath kermott refused admin;husb finlo comish;inv £1 4s debts inc funeral costs £1 5s 9d [? annexed agreement dated 1 nov 1666 re dispute between Tho Kermott(Kk marown - balla???lay) + John kermott plwwright kk malew re intack rent 12d bought by father for benefit of sd Tho and sold by thos with consent of both parties, that John was to pay 12d yearly for sd intack ] 1671-1 E 648 w CLARK Margery CANNEL [date lost] gch Isable Qualtrough;Elinor Gellin exex;names Katrin d/o ho Clark, Katrin Clarke w/o John Shimin (in gill), John caughin(Kk Michael), John Quiggin, Danl Clark, Tho Clark, Issable Quiggin; a displaced m/c henry Kaighin + Ellin Gellin [gdau Match Cannell + her exex] 1671-1 E 660 w CHRISTIAN Ewan dated 19 Apr 1671;[Ronoldsway;doubted if goods would extend to debts;only child Eliz Christian exex; - wants deemster Edwd Christian(Milntown) + Tho Parre(clerk) + Tho Stole supvs;aunt Mrs Christian w/o uncle Major Christian;sis Mrs Mary Stanley als Christian;stated had borrowed £100 of his uncle to redeem goods belonging to farm;note by Edwd Christian that father John Christian + uncle Nicholas Christian stand bound for inv of cousin Mr Ewan Christian and undertakes to be accountable for goods; Many claims etc - inc 27 Apr 1672: Charles Christian obo bro Mr George Christian claims agt Ewan Christian their bro 40s of estate Ronaldsway for 8yrs + of Cornah Milne(Maughold) + other things left by gfa Mr Ewan Christian;detailed inventory; note that Mr Wm Curghey engaged [?= owed] to Wm Christian(Staneburn, Cumberland) in sum £10 + sent bill to Ewan Christian decd + he owing John Ottiwell gave him this bill, Curghey ordering John Ottiwell to pay sum to Wm Christian - Ottiwell now claims £10 + wants speedy execution as Curghey being now ready out of Island; 1671-1 E 691 w STOCKAN Robert dated 14 Apr 1671;bro's ch (unnamed) 6d if they came;wife Coony exex;inv;dau sworn admx as wife sick 1671-1 E 692 KISSAGE John d 14 ... [blank];inv 1671-1 e 693 SHIMINE John d 1 Apr 1671 in England;4 bro + 3 sis (all unnamed) admrs;several claims;inv states Clerk of Kk Malew;goods in dep governor's house - delivered to edward Shimin admr + John Ratcliff (admr in his own behalf + childn )inv includes + mare = follower on the calf, profit of Christian's ground + unspecified purchased ground £7 17s;accts 1671-1 E 692 d QUINEY Thomas d 20 May 1671;only son William Quiney admr;inv 1671-1 E 694 w MADDREL John bur 10 Apr 1671;should be buried by his son John [?is John dead];ch James(houses after his mo's decease), Jony + Charles (jt execs with a share to James);inv 1671-1 E 695 w DUGLAS Thomas dated 12 Mar 1670;ch John, Ann, Elizabeth;wife exex;inv 1671-1 E 696 d HARRISON Alice [rh margin lost in binding]d 11 Mar 1670;sibs Walker + Nicholas Harrison, Cath Harrison(in Ireland) jt admrs 1671-1 e 696 PRESTON Dorothy CARRETT dated 28 Apr 1671;dau-i-law Christian Preston;son Wm(she desired him to contunue in the house with a pillow there);gch Margt Preston, John Preston, Dorothy Preston;husb William Preston exor;names Ellin Shimin als quayle;inv 1671-1 E 696 d STEVAN John d 9 Mar 1670;infant; s/o Wm;next of kin [] Watterson als Kneale admx;goods in mo's decree 1671-1 E 697 w QUIGGIN Nicholas bur May 2? 1671;will made 8 Apr 1669;gch Nicho Quiggin, []arn? Shimin, ssable Shimin;dau jane Quiggin exex;inv 1671-2 E 761 d ALLEN Marrian RICHIE d 24 Mar 1670;next of kin (none in Island) admrs;husb alive;inv 1671-2 E 762 d SEDDEN Ann NELSON deed of gift dated 26 Aug 1670;widow castletown gives to son Humphrey Sedden(Castletown) all my part of houses, gardens at my decease + debar any children from claiming;witt George Stowell, Tho Parre; accepted as will;inv; 1671-2 E 764 w HARRISON Nicholas dated 4 Nov 1670;of ye Hill;ch Tho, Wm, John(+ ch) + Jony jt execs;mentions debts due inc from Tho Tunman joiner and Margt Cowley als Harrison;gch (c/o John)Tho, John, Mary + Eliz Harrison;inv 1671-2 E 765 w KILLEY Hugh Castletown;ch Daniel, Wm + Cath jt execs;inv 1671-2 E 767 w RATCLIFFE Jane SHIMIN dated 23 Jun 1671;fa alive;fa-in-law Jon Ratcliffe;unnamed child;husb alive;pledges Hen Ratcliffe + Robt Shimin;inv;anneded note that William Shimin(lymekiln, Malew) indebted 25s to son-i-law John Ratcliffe;further court proceedings name husb John Ratcliffe, Wm shimmin gfa [to child?] + edward his son that if child die under 14yrs her goods equally divided between fa + next relns - Wm Shimin to bring up child on his own charge + have half goods.1680: Edward shimin overseer of sd Jane Ratcliffe's child ack'd Christian Bridson als Quinney late wife of John Ratcliffe + her previous husb Giles Bridson £5 16s being clear inv of Jane Shimin 1672 A w FARGHER Richard dated 14 jan 1672/3;brethren in Ireland;sis margt;wife alive;queries if wife with child;;children of bro thomas exors;several names imc debtors;margin of will lost 1672 A w MOORE Alice QUIRK mother alive;sibs Eling, John;unnamed husb + chind(ren?) 1672 A d QUAIL Jane McYLREA d 13 jan 1672/3;left margin lost;ch john,thomas,[lost],margery;next of kindred on mo's side supv;husb alive 1672 A w TAYLOR Isabel MOORE eldest son thos (his ch john,wm,joney);other 2 unnamed ch exors; 1672-1 E 022 d CoRRIN Margaret christian nee CORKISH [missing will - to be added + annexed m/c] note that Tho Quayle, Hen + John Corkish for themselves wives etc have resigned their interest in goods of Margt Corrin als Christian to fa Wm Corrin who obliges himself to keep the child; annexed letter from Dublin by Kath, Margt + elizabeth Corrin to their father stating they would not disturb him for anything but would not agree to sale of house and are angrey that their gmo's tenancy was sold - note also writen to uncle Henry Corrin that they would not demand anything of their mo's good [?are these the child of wm by 1st wife] 1672-2 E 094 d TAGGART Henry d 1 Nov 1672;ch Christian(married but did not have any goods) + Alice jt exexs - both at age;inv; 1672-2 E 096 w GELLIN Christopher [lh margin lost] dated 20 [] 1672;sibs richd, jane, edwd, robt,nicholas(ch wm,ellin),margt (exex - referred to as Margt inyneah);godson John Bell(s/o Thos);wife alive;bro-i-law john Bell;inv 1673-2 E 254 w TAGGART John dated 1 ? Aug 1673;two unnamed sons (eldest half crop, gears etc), youngest exor; - goods in hands of wife to manage farm until the heir? be 14;wife refuses to agree to will + to get no benefit - court appoints Cath + Marriod Taggart supvs;1691: Nichs ? Taggart at age;other admr Wm Taggart acks;inv - seems some dispute? as administration delivered by a straw [ie given up] and general sumner to handle, creditors etc to claim within a month 1673-2 E 256 w TAGGART Alice DUCAN dated 1 Oct 1673;son John Taggart (half crop etc);husb alive;dau Alice, Jony, Mary; names Alice Quaile d/o Jo;Alice + Jony jt exexs - testatrix wants her bros + sis supervisors;witts Ro Taggart, Ann Quaile;inv £6 8s 8d - some due to Wm Taggart, Ro Taggart, Mary Taggart 1674-1 E 304 d LOWNY [Looney] Robert d 25 Jan 1673/4;ch Thos, Robt, Isable, Cath + Christian Lownie - some ua; wife alive + supv of ua ch; 1674-1 E 304 d TAGGART Phinlo d Nov 1673;dau Cath, Marriot jt admrs - both at age;wife alive 1674-2 E 408 w TAYLOR Catherine [Sant als Bordman] dated 16 Aug 1674;ch John Sant, Will Sant + Cathren Christian als Sant jt execs 1675 A w CAvEEN Isabel HARRISON headed 7br 1675;dau isabel(+ her ch),christian(decd),margt(last 2 unmarried);son wm(eldest);husb danl; 1675 A w CESAR Margaret CLERK son arhur;buried in chancel; 1675 A d CREDEEN Averick kinread d 29 nov 1675;only dau isable;husb alive 1675 A w KEWLEY Elizabeth GELLIN headed dec 1675;bro john gellin;sis alic gellin;husb pat kewley;had m/c; 1675-1 E 548 BARRY Margaret HUDDLESTONE dated 13 Oct 1669;husb John exor;dau Elizth - kinsmen Charles Stanley, John Otiwell + John Wattleworth supv;sibs Robt, silvester, John + Charles huddleston, thomas huddleston + sisters?(6d);cousin Charles Stanley;witt John Wattlewort, Alice Kissage als Cowley;charles stanley + john ottiwell dead by probate - Silvester Huddleston + Sr John Huddleston appt 1676 a E 028 w Baylie Margaret tubman d 12 sep 1676;dau elizth + alice;mother alive; husband exor 1677-2 E 084 c TAGGART Ellin BRIDSON m/c john callister + cath taggart dated 2[?12] Nov 1674;John Calister obo son John Calister;Ellin Taggart als Bridson obo dau Cathrine Taggart;to marry as soon as possible;Callister to leave John as much of his goods as any other of his children save the youngest;Taggart to leave all goods at decease - young couple to maintain her;witt Tho Bridson x, John Shimine, Edward Shimine x, John Bridson x, Tho Parre;accepted as will Ellin Taggart als Bridson 1677 1678 A w BRIDSON Jony QUAIL dated 6 Mar 1677;husb alive;bro Nicho Quail, Jo Quail, Tho Quail;names Margt Bridson, John Bridson;ch Gilb (what she had herself by contract bargain), Marriod(only dau) exex;inv;1705: Mariod acks father Gyles Bridson 1678 A w GELL Margaret MOUGHTY dated 30 Jan 1677;fa-in-law Robt Gell;maidservant Isable Shurlock;names Margt Hick, Philip Brew; sibs Henry Moughtie, Alice Crideene als Moughtie;husb Wm Gell exor; 1678/1 A w FARRANT Margaret TAGGART dated Feb 1678;husb John Farrant; ch John, Margt (exex - her part of bought lands);gch John Farrant, Ann Farrant; inv (inc purchased land called Coolkchally);1707: Thomas Woods + wife carter Woods ack now satisfied re land by exor of John Farrant 1678/1 A c QUAIL William m/c wm gelling + alice quayle dated 25 apr 1674; wm gelling sworn exor 1678/1 A de SHIMMIN elinor quayle deed of gift between Segt[?officer of Abbey Lands?] Robt Shimin (Castletown) + late deceased wife Eliinor als Quayle - if Elenor predeceased Robt was to have all her part of goods - wearing clothes left to her brother's children, likewise if Robt predeceased she was to have his part of goods; witnesses' (Tho Killey + Hen Stafford] deposition dated 15 Jun 1677 that said deed was to be their last will + testament [part of court comment last at bottom of page (but a second copy a page later noting that 1st copy obliterated) - query if witnesses saw Elinor agree]; accepted as will by court and Robt sworn admr;detailed inv (stated as that of Ellr Quayle wife of Robt Shimin) 1678/1 A w TAGGART Mary BRIDSON dated Jan [1678];husb Wm exor; ch Wm(+ 3 unnamed ch - a Jane d/o Wm named), unnamed dau(w/o Jon Caine of Tottabi), Jony Taggart, Issable Taggart; gch Jane Caine, Jo + Robt Moore(s/o of Gilbt of Sulbrick), Hen Nelson,unnamed d/o Gilbt Moore;great [spinning?] wheel to be kept in house for use of her husband's son and daughters [?was Mary a 2nd wife?] 1678-1 E 238 d shimin john d 20 [];inf sibs Wm + Marriot jt admrs;goods in fa's inv 1678-1 E 239 d STEveNSON Alice MOORE d 3 Jan 1677; unmarried ch Richard, Mary + Ann admrs - married ch overseers;goods in hands of eldest bro John Stevenson;inv 1678-2 E 309 w Crebin Isabel HARRISON bur 11 Aug;gch Mary fargher, Tho Fargher;son-i-law Tho Fargher;ch Isable Fargher, Ann Crebin (benefit limed land in ballaGarray), Wm Crebin(gears, crop);Wm + Ann jt execs 1678-2 E 309 w QUAY Margaret QUALTHROUGH bur 28 ul 1678;sibs Margery, Ellin(+ dau);husb's sis Margt Quay(in Ireland);husb Tho Quay exor; 1678-2 E 310 w CORRIN John dated aug 1678;Castletown;wife exex - she to give worth of house to dau;+ m/c dated 15 nov 1674;John Corrin(Malew) + Margery Kewne (Malew);to marry at their parish;if John predeceases then Margery to have his goods reserving 10s;if Margery predeceases John to have her goods (inc houses + garden;witt John G???ston x, John Corrin x 1679-1 E 016 d GELLIN William d 17 Sep 1679;ch Ellin(eldest dau) + Mary(ua) jt admxs;inv in mo's will 1679-1 E 017 w CAIN marke d 31 Dec 1679;ch Thos, Kath + Margery jt admrs - all at age;wife alive;inv 1679-1 E 017 d CAINE Ellin QUINNEY d 26 Aug 1679;only child Ellin: Caine admx - ua - Giles Bredson, Margt Quinney Kath Quinney, John Quinney(sworn obo Wm, John + Bahey Quinney) - goods with Giles Bredson, Margt + John Quinney 1679-1 E 018 d MADDRELL Jony d 30 Sep 1679;bro James + Chas Maddrell jt admrs;husband alive [? is this James Comish Mal 16790609; 1679-2 E 113 d MURREY David Mr David Murrey(merchant Castletown) d 6 Aug 1678 in England; 5 ch Ellen, Isabel, Cath, David + Susanna jt admrs - next of kin on fa's side (David Murrey, Douglas + Margt Murrey d/o John Murrey)supv of ua ch; wife alive;noted that eldest dau was out of country and next dau not capable of being an overseer;detailed inv includes 12 hogsheads of herring + casks;mentions a shop; also mentions herring at Ramsey;incs detailed costs of house reparation given in by widow ;1704: Susanna dead + Mrs Ellinr Reece als Murrey + sibs David, Isabel + Cath jt admrs 1679-2 e 114 Murrey susanna annexed to will of father david 1679 - 1704: Susanna Murrey being dead + Mrs Ellinr Reece als Murrey + sibs David, Isabel + Cath jt admrs 1680-1 E 159 w FARGHER Thomas dated 5? Sep 1680;bur 25 Oct;milner;only dau exex - wants Wm Crebin + Jo Fargher (hill )supvs;wife alive;ack'd that his mo had paid him 5s of fa's goods;inv £5 13s 7d - goods in hands of Issa Crobin [?= wife] added to inv 50s left to wife by her fa Hen Crobin payable by her bro Will Crobin 1680-1 E 160 w MCYLLRIA John dated 8 Jun 1680;son Wm exor;wife Cathrine;inv £8 6s 7d 1680-1 E 161 d caine ellin orphan;next of kin Tho [] sworn;goods in mo's inv 1679 1680-1 E 161 d SHIMIN Isabella [rh margin lost] [in defuncts Oct 1680 noted perished by sea coast of north of England]sibs Robt + Kath Shimin [by whole ..] displaced inv 1681 A c QUORK Christian KENVIG m/c dated 19 oct 1676 of Tho Bridson + Jane Conilt ?[name not clear]; giles bridson(Malew) obo son Thomas;christian quorke als kinvig obo dau Jane Conilt?;Bridson to give a cow, half a cow + 2 looms;Quork to give a cow, horse + 20s + all goods at her decease - young couple to look after her in sickness;witt Thos Cubon, Christo Bridson x, William Quorke x, Gyles Bridson x; Thos Bridson sworn exor 1681-2 E 374 w TAGGART William dated 14 Sep 1687;owes 29s 3d to Jo Corrin (being his mothers goods), owes £8 of their portion [?m/c] to Jo Caine + daughter his wife;2 daus as yet unmarried Isable + Jony taggart jt exexs - at age + sworn;note that money left + due to Jo Corrin is paid + acked annexed to mother's will in 1663; 1682 ? A w Inyreah[mcyl Ellin [some loss to both lh + rh margins]dated 6 Mar 1682;names Thomas Bell {+ his or her? daughter Joney Bell], Elizth + Cathrine Bell;gch Thomas Mcylleriah;ch cathrine, Thomas Mcylrea(exor);inv 25s 1682 ? A w SCARF John dated 8 Mar 1682;of Scarlett;ch unnamed dau in Ireland(6d),Elizabeth Scarfe exex (as only she lived with him + tended him in his long sickness);inv £3 18 inc 2 cows 1682-1 E 461 w KARRAN Thomas dated 2 Nov 1681;unnamed daus youngest(14s + house in arbory),eldest(enjoys gfa's effects) - jt exexs;wife alive + supv;parents alive;2 unnamed sisters;bro William Shimine(forgiven their half part of 14?] s he owed to his sis Isable Shimin decd) [2 daus likely Margt + Isable - wife Cath Shimin m Mal 16750109] 1683-2 E 684 d BRIDSON Hugh d several years ago;no will or decree made;relns Thomas + Jon Bridson jt admrs;inv a parcel of land 1683-2 E 685 w TUBMAN Thomas [castletown][d 1 aug 1683]dated 24 Jul 1683;wife Elizth (all goods during life);son John Brew + wife Ann als fletcher (meadow or close rent 5s - also that house now in 2 partitions that stands aver agt Edmond Knene's ? house - rent 4d + half garden from ye gooseberries trees yt crosses to Edward Stanley's garden and so buy his owne garden [] privie + [] joyning to John Saints garden on ye one side ... 1d lords rent - they may take it unto their own garden);bro John Norrys;sis Kath Tubman, sister Samsbury Norris als Tubman(6d);witt HenyleSquire, Daniel Morrison, Robert Shimin;debts;inv 1683-2 E 692 w BOrDMAN Elizabeth GALLOWAY [Castletown][d 12 jun 1683; sister Ellinor als Stevenson?;son Robt exor(inc goods due by death her mo + father;husb John Bordman - to have tuition of child;inv [poor copy] ;note dated 1 Feb 1709/9 that John Boardman + son Robt to settle accts because of said john's infirm condition - accts inc rent of Alice Teare's house etc 1683-2 E 693 d REDFERN edward d 7 oct 1683;ch Jon, Thomas + George jt admrs - some ua;wife alive 1683-2 E 694 d KEWNE Edmond d 5 oct 1683;2 ch by former wife Jon + Thomas, only child Margt by latter wife exex - ch at age supvs;wife alive;- the 2 ch age give up admin by the straw to genl sumner;inv 1683-2 E 696 w WATTLEWORTH Ann dated 4 Feb 1674/5;deed of gift to bro John all due by wills of deceased parents 1684 A w CAIN William ch John(house + crop), Mary?[?margt - v dark on film], Isable + Christian (lst 3 jt exexs);wife alive + to have tuition of ch;inv £3 2s; 1685: John Lewn obo Mariad claims 12s debt; 1715: Tho Moore + wife Isable ack what was due by death of Wm [?father of Isable] 1684 A w HINGLEY Ewan dated 30 dec 1784;poolvash 1684 A w TUBMAN Jane GARRET dau jane 1684-2 E 102 d CORRIS Issable QUAY agreement dated 9 Jul 1684;sibs Kath + Elizabeth Quay noting that Isable d within a year + day of marriage [m Mal 16830625] agree not to seek any of sis's good from bro-i-law Edw Corris whether or not child dies - Edwd is to maintain child 1684-2 E 104 d LESQUIrE Ann d 20 jun [1684];next of kin not in island - court appts husb Mr Henry Lesquire admr 1685-1 A w ARTHUR Hugh dated 28 Apr;4 ch John (eldest), Joney, Hugh & Wm exec; bro Thomas; wife alive(house etc);inv 1685-1 E 212 CORRIN John dated 6 Jul 1685;unnamed sis;names Wm Cubon, William Duccan(+ ch);uncle Jo Corris;jane Karran exex;several others either owing or owed money are named; 1685-1 E 217 TAGGART John bur 4 Mar 1684/5;Castletown;wife alive;dau Alice (houses + garden agreed between him + her decd mother);Court noted no 6d to ch thus Thos, Wm + Margt appt jt exors with their mother - half sister supv;inv;July 1734: Tho Taggart owned to be paid from his sister Margt Farrant als Taggart all his portion of fa John's goods 1685-1 E 218 RATCLIFFE Robt inv dated 12 Mar 1684/5 + court decree dated 13 Jul 1685 giving same towards maintenance of his illeg child 1685-1 E 218 TEARE John dated 1 May 1685;sibs Tho, Margery (last 2 declared exors), Will Quorke;names Paul Quork;goods in fa's + mo's inv 1685-1 E 219 CUBON Ann KEGG decln by witnesses as to will ;son-i-law Rich Corrin apparently chided her during declaration + said the house + garden set to Phil Moore for debt due to him;names Joh Kegg, Mary Kegg;dau + dau's husb to be exors; later dispute between Jon Kegg junr + Richard Corrin - agreed that Rich to pay 7s wrt qtr of house 1685-1 E 221 GALLOWAY Ursula [very faint]Castletown;dau Elin Galoway exex; great house to grandchildren; 12 jul 1708:Robt + Ann Boardman sell for 20s(sterling) to kinsman Henry Corrin + Amy Corrin als Stevenson all title to half the great house bequeathed by Ursula Galloway 1685-1 E 223 RATCLIFFE Catherin decree dated 1 jul 1685 states inventory being very small same given to mother towards maintenance of his illegitimate child 1685-1 E 224 BARRY Margaret APLETON d 6 Jun;ch Margt, Ellin + Judith jt execs - as no relns on Island husb John supv;husb claims had a m/c made between Thomas Calcot + himself 1685-1 E 224 HALSALL Richard [poor copy]d 28? May ;orphan;Aunt Jony Walls(next of kin) admx but off Island - Mrs Eliz Calcot als Walls sworn in her behalf being next related in Island; [only ch of Arthur Halsal + Mary Walls m Mal 16820211 bapt mal 16831205 - Mary dying shortly after birth] 1685-1 E 226 SHIMIN Edward made 30 Apr 1685;sibs Charles(20s on acct of his infirmity), Eliza: (last 2 jt execs),Wm(in england 6d);names Ann Woods(for care of his bro Charles);niece Isable Ratcliffe;kinswoman Dorothy Preston;list of debts owed + owing; 1685-1 E 229 GELLIN Alice Quaile ch Christian + other unnamed - her sis Kathrin to be overseer (Wm Cubbon obo wife sworne supv);husb Wm Gellin exor;court notes that no exlicit provision for youngest child made jt admr with father;1702: Wm Gellin pd dau Xtian 11s + the other 10s 6d to John Quaile for her use within 12months;inv dated 4 May 1685; 1685-2 E 303 KEGEYN Christian KEWN d 19 Oct 1685;ch Isabel(house + garden), Alice (last 2 jt exexs_,Robt, Elinor 1685-2 E 303 KEWLEY Patrick undated;wife Jane als Moore;unnamed ch (court decress then exors) - ua - Rich Horton,Jon Crellin + jon Kewley supvs;wife alive 1685-1 E MOOR Jane d 30 May;orphan;sibs Henry + Alice jt admrs;goods inv in father's will [burial reg suggest d smallpox bur 3 May d/o Martin] 1686 A w REDFERN Jane ROBINSON dated 25 Nov 1686;3 sons John, Thomas + George + neice Frances [Oaw? jt exors (Frances relinquishes right but has Janes right to 1/4 house + some rights by her mother) 1686 A w TAGGART Jony BRIDSON dated at top 21 Dec 1786;Husb Ro;ch Mary, Ellin (last 2 jt exex),Alice;inv;1690? Mary + Ellin ack 1686 A w TAYLOR Thomas dated 21 Jun 1686;ch Elizth(had all due to her), Hen Taylor exor;inv 1686-1 E 397 TAGGART John d abt a month ago;orphan - ua - bro + sister admrs;inv with father's 1686-1 E 398 Ottewell Mary foard d 17 May 1686;sis Kath, [xx];husb exor;inv with husb who died year following 1686-2 E 479 FOX William d 9 sep 1686;ensign Castle Rushen;ch Wm, Richard, Robt, Byron + Kathrin jt admrs - next of kin Mrs Dorothy Norris als Fox supv(husb deemster Norris sworn);wife alive;1726: Byron acks John Hamilton (exor Mr John Rothmel 2nd husb to relict [John Rothmel m Cath Fox Mal 16961004) 1686-2 E 480 TUBMAN Thomas dated 10 Jun 1686;wife alive;ch Margt(eldest dau, land at Ballasalla rent 12d), Ellinor (4th part of the Begg Croft near the river), Kath, Elizabeth - Margt + Elinor jt exexs;sister ?oase; inv 1686-2 E 485 NORRIS John d 2 Jun 1686;of Scarlet; dau Elr being unmarried declared admx; wife alive; inv 1686-2 E 486 GELLIN Ellizabeth d 1 Dec;orphan;sis Christian Gellin admx;goods in mo's inv;1702 father declares spent 3s 6d on this + other child's funeral 1687-1 E 548 ottiwell Thomas d 29 Jan 1686;castletown, shopkeeper;ch John, Alice + Mary jt admrs - all ua + no kindred (fa or mo's side)on Island - genl sumner appt;claims inc David Murrey(douglas) + his bro Ro Murrey(Chester) 1688-2 A w RATCLIFF Henry dated 24 nov 1688;ballaslley;gch issable ratcliffe, cath bell, ellin quaile;dau elizth bell als ratcliffe exex;bro john;housekeeper margt quay;'bequeathed to his granchild daughter to Jny Quiney Margrett Ratcliffe half a garden..'inv 1688-2 A WOODS William [full]d 15 Dec 1688;ch Thos, Carter jt admrs - ua John + Margt Woods supv;inv;1699: Thos Woods s/o Margt Woods als Farrant(late decd) acquits cousin John Farrant (who took care of Margt) all moveable goods due by my fa's will 1687-2 E 642 MOORE Thomas bur 3 jul 1687;castletown;all children (6d) except youngest Hugh who is residuary legatee;wife alive and tio have advantage of goods in her lifetime;inv 1687-2 E 642 RATCLIFFE William d 28 jun [?1687];only ch John ratcliffe admr - no relation on fa's side on Island - wife supv; 1687-2 E 644 SCARFE Ann HOULDIN dated 17 Sep 1678;sis Christian Houldin;husb John Scarfe exor;inv incs 6 glass bottles 1687-2 E 644 Scarfe edward [no will] who was buried 17 Oct [1687] inv £6 + wages for the year past ending at this Hallowtide 1689-1 A w TAGGART John ch Jony Taggart (his part of barley of croft of Ballasalla), Marie(has ch), John(croft at Ballasalla), Jane (owed some of mo's goods);names Ro Taggart;daus Marie, Alice + jony taggart jt exexs;inv 1689-1 E mc MOOR Nicholas [bur Mal 16891126];dated 10 jul 1688;Nichs Moor(Castletown) + Jane Lowney(Ballasalla) obo themselves;to marry at Kk Malew within 2 weeks;longer liver to enjoy all goods;witt Jon Parre, Thomas Looney, Jon Quilliam x, Caesar Patten;accepted as will 1689-1 E 045 d TUBMAN John d 14 Jan [?1689]Bowling Green;unmarried ch Thomas, John + Dorothy (out of Island) jt admrs - all at age; wife alive 1689-2 E 219 d BRIDSON Elinor TUBMAN d 6 Mar; husb Jon Bridson;ch Carter., Margret + Alice Bridson jt admrs - next of kin on mo's side Margt Tubman supv; 1690-1 A w RATCLIFF Catherine COTTER son thos lowney,son robt lowney;dau issa lowney now in dublin;gch Ann ratcliffe;dau christian lowney (money that is in frank lowne[] hand;clothes tto issa christian + cath her daughtershusb john ratcliffe 1690-1 E w CORRIN Ann TUBMAN [note have agreement libcanc 1684 53] 1690-1 E 277 w WAnrICK[wain William dated sep 1689;wife alive;unnamed daus(6d ea);son Robt exor;Tho Stole ackd all that was due to his wife from her parents Wm + Alice Wainwright;inv 1690-1 E 286 d GICK Robert d 14 Oct last;ch Christo + Ann Gick jt admrs;Ann at age + sworn 1690-1 E 286 d GICK christopher d 5 Dec last;sister Ann admx of all 'his' goods;inv in fa's will 1690-1 E 287 d SCOTSON Alice d 21 Feb;ch Mrs Margt Calcott, Geo Scotson jt admrs; 1690-2 E 359 d SHIMIN Jony d 23 Feb [1689/90];husb Hugh;only son Hugh admr - ua - next of kin on mo's side Jon + Hugh Shimmin supvs 1690-2 E 360 d WALKER John d 15 Mar 1689[/90?];ch John, Charles, George, Wm, Thomas + Margt jt admrs;wife alive;claims inc tyhes inc 6d cottage tyth in Ballasalla upaid from 1675-1692;;acct of money distb by Geo to sis Margt who went to Dublin june 1699 + freight of her husband;inv - added in Feb 1709 the smithy sold to trustees for Castletown Chapel £3 10s (George was left half smithy + tools in mo's will);1717: Cha acks bro Geo 1690-3 E 418 w ROTHmELL Alice QUAILE dated 4 Jan 1689;ch John(my share of the new house where he works called the Smithy), Alice exex;husb alive;inv 1690-3 E 419 w OATS Thomas bur 18 Sep 1690;son-i-law John Woods exor;no goods 1691-1 A w Kelly Christian kinsman john quay exor 1691-1 A BARRY John [full] 1691-2 E w BARRY John [full] 1691-2 A w CANNEL William d 20 Feb 1691;Castletown;wife alive;5 unnamed ch exors - only eldest son at age;witt James Madrell, Thomas Caine 1691-1 E 547 w CORRIS Sara GeLDERneau?/ dated 22 Dec 1687;ch Edward?, Tho exor (inc what her husband had bequeathed); on next page is a decree stating d 3 Feb and her unm son Thos exor 1691-1 E 548 d BELL Margaret d 1 Dec last;next of kin Kath yllera [? = Cath Mcylrea] admx;goods only her wearing apparel; 1692-1 E 592 d BRIDSON Richard [some loss rh margin + poor copy] d 28 Apr ;ch Richd, Kath + Wm? - [] looney next of kin on fa's side supv, Wm Bridson also sworn ;wife alive;1696: Wm Bridson hath goods in own hands + acquits Tho Bell + Jo Curghey 1692-1 E 596 w norris Ann CORRIN [faint + not easy to read] made? 22 May 1692;bro-i-law Wm Qualtro;dau Margt (jt exec with bro? Jo Norris);1700: Margt Bullock als Norris acks to be indebted 30s to bro John Norris for his part of our mo's goods - leaves her part of house in Castletown till he be satisfied 1692-2 E 688 w BRIDSON Christian TAGGART dau Margt,Alice;gson Thos Bridson son of Jo Bridson;son John Bridson + Ellin Quaile jt execs 1692-2 E 700 d HARRISON Margaret taggart d 12 Oct last;ch John + Mary Harrison jt admrs - ua next of kin supvs (William Harrison, + Sill Cross + John Kelly in right of wives);husb John - had a m/c by which had to maintain gfa Walter Harrison thus some goods left in his hands during lifetime of gfa then to return price of them to children;some dispute + claims;also accounts between thos parr , walter harrison + gson john Harrison involving tithes of Ballaglanney? + the Larghy, Parr owed for rent of croft in Castletown 1693-1 A w HALSALL Henry [some loss rh margin]dated 1 Nov 1693;Castletown;wife Margret (to ?maintain his mother);unnamed ch jt execs;witt David Jenkins , Ellinor Murrey x;Gib []; 1693-1 A w OATS Alice dau cath kneale exex;what was in robt ceasar's hands for half the roof of the house to be laid out in returning her to the ground and funerall'; Robt Ceasar left £12 + to see her buried;son robt knicle(6d - deserved not better) 1693-1 A w RATCLIFFE Thomas dated 8 Dec 1693;son John (£3 10s his pt of mo's goods + clothes), Henry exor; 1693-1 A w Quott John undated tho headed 1693;unnamed ch (6d ea) includes youngest daus;wants 20s sent to Dublin to put son Charles to trade;wife exex 1693-1 A w WOODS John dated 30 Oct 1693;Castletown;ch Ellin(£30 left by her mo + land etc Plessington, Lancashire - properties named),3 unnamed daus(6d ea);wife Elizth (my now wife) exex 1693-3 e 111 mc Taylor Thomas m/c John Redfern + Cath Taylor (d/o Thomas Taylor billown)dated 21 Sep 1687 - John Redfern exor 1693-3 e 112 HARRISON John d 24 Dec 1693;orphan;only sis Mary Harrison admx - inv in mo's will 1694-1 E 138 d QUORK Henry d in Ireland 3 May last;ch Margt (in Dublin) + Kath jt admxs - not but half the goods to pay debts 1694-1 A w CLERK Jony FARGHER sibs john,robt,cath;husb dan clerk;dau margt -ua jt exex with husb) 1694-1 E d BRIDSON Thomas [full]d 7 Feb 16945;ch John,Wm + Elizth jt admrs - supv Jo + Jaine Bridson;wife alive;inv inc brewing pan at 40s;claims inc Wm Harrision for 7s 6d for maintenance of Robt Shimin by agreement with Tho Bridson;1701: John + Eliz dead, Wm acks stepfa Edwd Quay 1694-1 E 135 w CAVEEN John dated 28 May 1694;ch Elizth(eldest dau) exex, Ellin, Robt(+ a sheet his mo left him) 1694-1 E 135 d SHERLOCK Anthony d 1 Jan [1693/4];dau Kath admx - out of Island her mo sworn 1694-2 A w BELL Jane GELLIN [full] 1694-3 e 187 BELL Margrett BRIDSON dated 22 Oct 1694;ch Margt(eldest dau), John, Kath, Wm + Christopher( two youngest) all ch jt execs - Wm Bridson + Thos Bell to be overseers of ch ua;husb (land til heir came to 21);witt Tho Bell, Marriott Scotson als Bell 1694-3 e 191 DUCCAN Ellin TAGGART dated 24 Oct [?1694]husb john Duccan exor;sis Mary, Alice;names Alice Duccan;husb's mother Alice Quail; 1695-1 E 211 d CALOW William d 2 years ago;of Dublin;only son John - off island - aunts Emmy + Kath Callow sworn;1701: John Calow supposed dead - next reln Kath Brew(w/o Caesar Brew) 1695-1 E 214 w NORRIS Margaret dated 4 Aug 1688;bequests to poor of Braddan + Malew;bro-i-law patrick Thomson;unnamed mo-i-law;unnamed ch of sibs;husb John Norris exor;names little Elizabeth Norris now living with me; 1695-1 E 326 SMITH James down patrick, Co Down;had goods in hands of Mr Henry LeSquire 1695-2 A c BELL Thomas m/c dated 14 Oct 1677;Thomas Bell(Malew) obo dau Ellin;Thos Tayler(Malew) obo himself;Bell to give half goods (other half except 10s at decease) - young couple to maintain him;witt Charles Moore, Thos Ratcliffe x, Tho Taylor x, Robt Lowney x, Tho Parre (only Thos Taylor + Robt Lowney survive) - accepted as will of Thos - Ellin sworn exex; 1695-2 A w QUACKIN John undated (inv dated 19 Feb 1695);ch Wm (land etc), John;wife alive + exex - pregnant court decrees him jt exor;inv £7 1695-2 A w Rothmell Charles dated 17 apr 1696?;son john;dau ellin exex;'would alter nothing of his wife's will'; 1696-1 A w GREEN Mary QUILL dated 27 nov 1696;aunt ellin sankey (dau emma);son edward green;husb robt;pledges thomas lamb,saml green 1696-2 E 416 w CAIN Katherine McYLREA dated Aug 1696;son Wm Cain exor ;bro's dau Jonu Mcylrea;gson Wm Cain 1697-1 A w QUIRK Elin dau ellin killy;bro robt quirk; 1697-1 A PARR Christian made 27 oct 1697;gson john christian dublin;sons robt,john;dau margt;decd husb thos; 1697-1 e 457 CAIN Alice KENNIAGH d oct last [1697 ? there is a burial Mal 16971023 for an Alice Cain ];ch jo,nich,ellin,alice,anne,marjory;all of age;husb alive;pledges hen taylor;wm kermod 1697-2 A NORRIS Salisbury TUBMAN [full] 1697-2 A w QUAY Robert declared abt lammas [1 Aug 1697];ch Catherine, Thos,Edward, Robt (jt exec);wife (jt exec)unnamed daus in Dublin;names Robrt (s/o Edwd Corris 6d + what was due by his mo's death) 1698-1 A w CUDDY Thomas dated 15 Feb 1698;ch Margt (5s to help her out of countrey?), Mary;wife exex 1698-1 A w FARGER Thomas d 10 Dec 1698;only ch Margrett - supv uncles Jo + Wm Fragher;bro Wm;wife Mary als brew exex 1698-1 A w OATS Anne dated 15 Feb 1698/9;ch Mary(eldest dau), John, + 2 youngest ch;husb exor 1698-1 A w QUAYLE Thomas dated 12 Mar 1697/8;Ballasalla;ch Charles (as much portion in money or goods as he had in contract with his[?tho]dau Kath), John, Robt;gch Margt + Elizth(c/o Robt);sis Kath Samsbury als Quayle;Charles + Kath jt execs;inv 1698-1 A w QUINY Elin HARRISON dated 1 Oct? 1698;son Jo Callister, Tho Quaile;husb Wm Quiney(looms, house + close, boat during his life then to son John Callister) ;husb jt exor with son Tho Quaile;inv 1698-1 A w WATERSON Richard dated 5 Jan 1694/5;Castletown;gch Richard Waterson(hill-barn + my part of garden belonging to it), Thomas Waterson(my dwelling house), Margt Waterson(house until Thomas comes to age);son Thomas (+ wife) exor 1698-1 E w CALCOTT Elizabeth walls richard calcot & her ch as extrs 1698-1 E mc kneale John john kneale & ellinor quackin both of malew 15 jan 1673; jo & margt quackin parents 1698-2 A w McYLREA Catherine BELL dated 25 Apr 1699;husb Thos Mcylrea(land + tenement if he thought fit to continue there);dau Jony(committed to care of bro John Bell + Jony Kinley als Corrin (w/o Tho Corrin) as overseers and to take child into their tuition);sibs John Bell, Margt Bell(not to be entrusted with her child or goods), Ellin, Elizth;sis-i-law Kath Mcylrea;mother alive;names Jony Harrison 1698-3 E 087 w McYLREA Martin undated;gch Jo Mcylrea,3 unnamed gdaus;only son John exor 1698-3 E 089 d TEAR Thomas d 18 Oct [1698]ch Thomas, Wm, Jo, Cath + Isabel jt admrs - aunt Marjery supv;wife alive;1700: Tho Bridson acks Madge Tear the supv;inv 1698-3 E 089 d WATERSON Patrick d 5 Feb ;only son John Waterson admr;wife alive 1699 A w CALCOT Margaret dated 1 Jan 1699;son robt (at age);sis ellinor;dau eliz;;husb alive 1699 A w FARRANT Margaret nephew john farrant; 1699 A w HARRISON Nicholas dated 27 Nov 1699;Cordaman;gch Jane Quaile, Philip Harrison, Wm + Christian Quaile;ch Jony, Mary, Wm(only son exor); 1699 A w KEWN Thomas d 31 Dec ;Ballasalla;unnamed wiife + unnamed ua ch; 1699 A w MOOR Alice SHERLOCK dated 21 Dec 1699;dau elin coat;d-i-l frances moore;dau christian;son hugh moore; 1699 A w QUAIL John date 7 jan 1699;2 dau ellin cath, son john; land Gary near silverburn mentions lime;wife alive; mentions sons but only names john 1699 A QUAIL Thomas d 11 Feb 1697;wife Elinor exexwife's ch [?= stepch] mary, Jane, Kath Caine(+ her son Thomas), Thomas Cain;names John(s/o John Quail, Ballatrollag);own dau Margery(in Ireland - if she came), Ellin Quail(not compos mentis);wife appoints her eldest dau Ellinor to be her exex; 1699 A w QUAY John dau eliz;sons; 1699 A w QUORK Mary CORKISH [castletown]d 5 Dec 1699;husb Thomas Quork (6d as he had made his will at his going to England);ch Wm (out of Island) + jane exors; 1699 A w RATCLIFFE William [castletown]being destitute of any friend to look to me in this my old age - b-i-l john nelson 1699-1 E 114 dg BRIDSON Jane lea deed of gift dated 27 Apr 1697;Jane Bridson als Lea, widow, Castletown, being aged and through sickness weak in body gives to dau Alice Bridson all houses etc;witt Richard Parr, John Broadman sen x; 1699-1 E 117 d ATKINSON Margaret QUIGGIN d 26 May [1699]gdau Margt Atkinson admx - ua + her mother sworn overseer) 1699-1 E 117 w RADCLIFF Ann GAWN declared 30 May 1699;husb Wm Radcliff exor 1699-2 E 241 w CREER Christopher made 10? Jun 1699;wife Ann;ch John Daniel + Ellin jt execs (house to fall to them after mo's deceease) - uncles John + Wm Creer supvs 1699-2 E 243 w QUAY Catherine KNEAL dated 24 Oct 1699;bro John;husb John Quay;unnamed child 1699-2 E 244 d Caroon William d 12 Jun [1699];ch Wm + Jane jt admrs - Wm in Ireland so Jane sworn;wife alive 1699-2 E 245 w BRATHWAIT James made 12 Jun 1699;3rd pt of what he has in England + that in Island to wife + ch (Norris + tho?);wife Eliz exex + states goods insufficient to meet debts; 1699-2 E 246 KISSACK Ann CANNELL dated 4 Jul 1699;ch Ann (elder) + Issable(land + goods in north side jt betwixt them) - jt exexs;noted that buying + building walls in Castletown cost her £5 + that was to be divided between the 2 daus;1701: house mentioned sold to Eliz Calcot for £3 12s whereof 20s paid to aunt Margt Elsemore for maintaining ch till 14;1702 Margt Elsemore widow acks remaining £2 12s from Cath Killey (to whom Eliz Calcot sold house + garden);undated petn by Ann Kissack that shortly to depart Island + wants goods of sister still in minority secured [reply dated 30 Jan 1700/1; 1699-2 E 252 w KNEAL Thomas dated 19 Oct 1699;ch Edward(40s due from payment of the house from John Quaile) exor, John;friend Thomas Keneen; 1699-2 E 255 w stewan Margaret CRELLIN undated;dau Jane Stewan exex - ua - next of kin Jony Quay supv;1711: Jane Boodagh als Stewan(w/o Wm)acks in the inv of mo Margt Crellin;some dispute re Philip Cottiman (security for goods) + Wm Boddagh - noted agreement + also inv of admx's fa Wm Stewan 1699-2 E 256 TAGGART Margery BRIDSON [some loss at bottom of page] unnamed son's wife;dau Ann(not yet at years of discretion -all her cloathes), Jane;son-i-law James Tubman;bro Wm Bridson(+ son Wm);names Jony Taggart, Jane Samsbury;gch Wm Taggart;husb exor; 1703: Wm Taggart heir acks paid all due by death of mother;1706: Wm Quine (h/o Ann) acks paid from father Wm Taggart except that the heir is obliged to pay her towards her marriage;1712: Wm Taggart states paid all due by his wife's will;1713 : decree signed by Bishop Tho Wilson noting that long, tedious + costly dispute between supvs of Wm Taggart junr and Isabel Harrison mother of ye sd Heir left to deceased Wm + succeeding heirs by his mother's will; - Wilson states that perishable items such as crop + team descend only to first heir + ye sd Wm Taggart's children have an equal share in husbandry gears etc 1699-2 E 260 d PIGGOTT John d 21 Jul [];unmarried ch Wm, Charles + Ann jt admrs;wife alive;admrs + Mrs Eliz Calcot the other sister transfer admin to mother; 1699-2 E 261 w McYLREA John dated 25 Sep 1699;son John(house + croft);unamed daus 3 eldest + youngest;wife Elizabeth exex 1699-2 E 262 w PRESTON Dorothy dated 11 Aug 1699; sibs John, Wm, James + Jane (jt execs) 1699-2 E 263 w SCOTSON George dated 1 Jun 1699;unnamed bro;sis Margrett Calcot;son Roger(house + garden) exor;wife alive + sworn overseer 1699-2 E 265 w QUINNEY Thomas dated 24 Oct 1699;ch Tho(looms + lands),elizth, jane;wife Ellen als Harrison (jt exex with ch) 1699-2 E 267 w Quinney William dated 20 Sep 1699;bro's son Tho Quinney(looms);bro John,Thos(+ dau isabel);names John Callister exor 1699-3 E 143 w HARRISON Jane CAESAR dated 1 Oct 1699;eldest dau alice, unnamed youngest dau exex;sis margt,bro charles,mrs margt cosnahan, robt ceasar junr;husb alive;Robt Caesar senr+ Cha Moore overseers;inv (adds 4th part of team after death of gfa + gmo of exrs 1699-3 E 150 dg WOODS Jane deed of gift dated 6 Jul 1697;Jane Woods(Ballasalla) gives to kinsman + kinswoman Daniell Wood + his sister Jane Wood my house + garden (+ household stuff etc) - they to come and maintain her + pay her just debts;witt Wm Cain, Tho Quackin, Jno Kneale + Robt Harrison (all x); accepted as will + tho Samsbury sworn exor [a Tho Samsbury m Jane Woods Mal 16660127 - ?same] 1699-3 E 151 d CALLIN Marriod d 9 Sep [1699];sibs Philip + Jony jt admrs - Jony in Ireland so Philip sworn 1699-3 E 152 w QUALE Elizabeth Keneen als c dated 25 Sep 1699;ch Dollin Cain, Margt Cain, dorothy quaile, Patr Quaile, Wm Cain;step-ch Cathrine Quaile, Robt Quaile;husb Nich Quaile exor; 1699-3 E 153 w CORRIN Jony KINLEY made 17 Oct 1699;ch Jon Corrin(her pt of bought land),unnamed eldest dau - Ellinr, Isable, Jony, Tho + Wm jt execs - her bro's Tho Kinley + Christopher Bridson to be overseers;husb alive;agreed by husb + overseers that ch to get £10 ea as come to age;names many owing debts inc Jane Waterson als Woods
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