These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - [324/642] they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1700-1 E d CORTEEN John d 12 Mar;5 ch Jane, David, Kath, Margt + John (ua); 1700-2 A 82 BLACK Catherine dated 12 Mar 1699/1700;bequest to poor of Peel + Ramsey;sibs Jo, Hu, Jane - all jt execs;names several 1700-2 A 83 CURLET Joney d 24 Mar 1699;sibs Daniel Curlett, Mally, Robt;names Kath Curlett(d/o brother);names Kath Callow als Kerrush, Ellin Joughin als Creen;brother? (xd thru) exor; 1700-2 A 84 Curlett Isabel Christian d 22 Mar 1699[/1700];husb exor;ch jane Christian(her part of fa's goods),Margt (ua);sibs Jane, Gilnow;step-dau Katherin;inv names in deductions Catherin Curlett(her part of mo's goods) 1700-2 A 85 KISSAGE Mary [Ramsey][faint on film + not all easily read]d 6 May last;ch John (+ his sis Kath), Maly[? Kaths dau?];her [?is this sis Kath's] husb Jon Kenish exor; his dau Kathrin 1700-2 A 86 CALLOW Margaret COSTEN dated 16 Mar 1699;ch Wm, Danl(eldest) + John Joghin, Kath (+ goods in lieu of their father's good) exex but tho of age court appts half bro Wm Joughin; 1700-2 A 87 JOUGHIN Elin CREEN d 23 apr 1700;ch wm,margt,jane kissage;other 2 dau margt + ann;husb exor 1700-2 A 88 CHRISTIAN Christian CURLET d 26 Feb 1699;husb Edmond Christian;ch Robert(half crop, team etc), Ewan(youngest son exor - ua);sis Jane;names Mary Corkill, Margt Cottier;1712: Ewan at age 1700-2 A 89 KENISH Ann COTTEEN d 28 mar 1700;dau isable,margt(exex) 1700-2 A 90 QUAIL John [full]d 10 jan;ramsey;ch elizth,margt(w/o nicholas christian)+ john;wife esther 1700-2 A 91 COSTEN Margaret TEAR d 18 Nov;ch Robt(her pt of crop), Wm, Ewan(her pt of fishing boat),Jony,Robt(+ ch) -1st 3 jt execs; 1700-2 A 92 kneacle Elizabeth COWLE d 11 Mar 1700;sibs Kath, Jony;husb Wm Kneacle exor; names many other females 1700-2 A 93 CHRISTIAN Hanna BENNETT dated 5 Jan 1700;husb (her pt of fishing boat, + Loughan Moore);ch John,Margt - jt execs - John ua father sworn jt with Margt; Aug 1701: Margt acks from father Edw 1700-2 A 94 CALLOW Ann d 23 Jan 1700;gch Isable Ratcliff;dau-i-law Margt;ch James, Wm + John Corlett;names Kathrine Corlett 1701-3 E w CORKILL Joney CALLOW d 19 May;dau Jane , Ann, Elizabeth;3 gch Wm, & Margt Callow + Margt Corkill; names Margt Kermod;husb Wm 1702 A 44 CALLOW John dated 19 Feb 1702;son-i-law John Corlet(was paid in full excet 1s 1d + 7s due to sale to him by me by decease of his wife Christian);gch Thomas Quaile, Christopher Corlet;sis Moury Callow;dau Margt (w/o Tho Quail)exex;pledges Xtopher Callow + Wm Callow; 1702-2 E 124 w ALLEN Jane wants burial in late husbs grave chancel kk maughold;son saml;dau-i-law mary;gch kath allen;dau eliz(sons francis,jon christian?),cath,isable(decd);son fran[lost] allen,thomas exor 1702-3 E d QUAY Robert [damaged rh margin lost + paper folded on film]d [date lost];only dau Isable Quay admx; 1703 A 47 QUAYLE Thomas d 1 jan;niece ann quayle;son [] quayle ua;wife margt als calow exex;bro john kelly in kk michael; 1703 A 49 KERRISH John d 11 dec 1703;wife exex 1703 A 50 SAYLE Philip d 18 Dec 1703;names Philip + patk Sayle(6d ea);ch Wm Sayle + Christian Sayle jt execs 1703 A 51 CORKILL William [damaged]d 27 Apr;wife alive;ch Wm, Danl Mary(half of heffer 'twixt him + Corkill moar),Margt Isable(choice of sheep in Tallow-queene), Alice (wm,mary,margt + isabel noted as of age);unnamed master; inv £8 13s 11d 1703-2 E w CHRISTIAN Jane KEWISH [Ramsey] dated 11 11 Sep 1703;ch Jon(my part of houses + gardens etc + meadow in mortgage at Casmt Claugh bane?), Jane, Mary (daus ua), Jony(sheep at Ballecregan); husb Wm Christian exor; 1704 A 27 CORKILL William d 7 apr 1705;ch Cath(6s), Wm, John exor - tuition of son to Mr Christian(Lewaigue) + Hugh Charran;names Jon Corkill(clagh-bolley) 1704 A 30 KERRISH Robert d 15 apr 1704;son robt(croft in glanwillin + has sons);dau joney,jane; ch jt execs;john skillicorn claims obo his wife. 1704-2 E w WATTLEWORTH Margaret CHRISTIAN Ramsey;d 9 Aug 1704;husb John Wattleworth exor;unnamed ch(10s ea);claims in Capt Nich Christian agt exors of his sis Margt 1704-3 E d JOUGHIN William d 1 Jun 1705;unnamed 3 bros + sis jt admrs 1705 A 72 WATTLEWORTH Edward [full] 1705-1 E d CORTEEN Jane callow dated 20 Feb 1705;decree states d 4 Dec 1705;d 10mths after marr to William Corteen + left one infant dau 'of whom she dyed in having';her portion was spent on buying black cattle + difficult to unravel; husb reaches agreement withher bro Jon Callow (only next in kindred in Isle to her) - agrees with Wm + Jon Callow to set £10('manx' value) for use of sd child;1732 Jane Corteen the admx acks £9 3s 7d (16s 5d pd before) from uncles Wm + Jo Callow;1735 acks from stepmother Cath Corteen als Kewley; 1705-3 E w Callow Willmitt(female) HUES dated 1 Sep 1705;sibs James, Mary,;landlady Mary Curghy;husb Thomas Callow (away from Island) - his sis Ann Callow(exex if husb fails to return) - Ann sworn;list of debts + names many (gifts of clothing);inv 1705-3 E d CALOW Catherine quark d 20 Jul last[?1705];ch Ann + Margery Callow jt admxs - Margery in Ireland; pledges her bro[?bro-in-law] Wm Calow + Wm Cremeen? 1705-3 E w CORTEENE Margaret [damaged rh margin lost] d 23 Oct 1705;ch Ewan(female hemp), Robt(the male hemp), John(sheep in Ball=Allin) -jt exors; 1705-3 E d HOG Catherine [damaged rh margin lost]d [] Jul [1705?]ch Wm, James, Cath, Jane + Mally jt admrs;husb alive 1706 A 53 CHRISTIAN John [full] 1706 A 57 CORKILL Isabel dated 26 nov 1703;nephew danl corkill;bro wm(3 ch ed,cath + joney);sis ann(4 ch);bro wm callow + sis ann exec 1707 A 26 Garrett Edward [full] 1707 A 48 FOX Thomas [full] 1708 A 35 CALLOW Ann CHRISTIAN [full]d 4 apr 1708;widow;son robt(eldest),john;dau ann,margt,mary + jony jt exexs;gch wm callow balnakieg,abigail;sis jane 1708 A 39 COSTEN Ann cannon d 26 mar 1708;only ch margt ua aunts margt + isabel cannon;husb alive;1734: wm quayle h/o margt acks from fa-i-law ewan costean 1708 A 39a xtian[christian] margt callow d 7 jun 1708;ch bessy,isabel + john 1708 A 40 COWLE Catherine d mid sep;no reln in isaland taking care of herd but maintained by wm callow ;son john 1708 A 72 CHRISTIAN Edward d 17 Jan 1708;nephew Samuel Christian, Philip Christian(one pair of herring nets); sisster Isable;names Margt + Jane Killey, Ellin Cloyge,Isable + Elizth Christian, Cath Christian als Allen (+ 3 ch);sibs John, Robt, Christopher + Isable jt execs 1708 A 73 CHRISTIAN Ayles d 26 Dec 1708;gch Jon Christian(s/o Edmond - feather bed she lay on);ch Margt, Richard, Edmond (her part of Clegh-bene in Lezayre), John (lat 3 jt exors) 1709-3 E d CATTIN Philip d 16 Aug 1708;unmarried ch Ellen, Bessy, Mary, Margery, Cath + Margt jt exexs 1709-3 E d FOX Thomas d Jan 1705;mariner on board H M Bristol then in East Indies;sibs John Fox, Margery Christian, Margt Cowle jt admrs;pledges Capt Nich Christian junr(Ramsey) + Mr Rich Fox(gunner Peel Castle) 1710 A 24 KELVIE Mary [Full] 1710 A 25 COWLE Margery d 27 jan 1710;son silvester curlett (house in Ramsey);dau kath curlett;sons dan,robt + nicho curlett; 1710 A 26 WOODS Margery [full] 1710 A 27 STEONE Margaret Cown d 4 Feb 1710/11;ch Margt Cath Steone admxs -Cath ua, Margt sickly - their father sworn; Cath's aunt Mally Cown later sworn 1710 A 37 KELVIE Jane [Full] 1710 A 38 MARTIN Catherine camaish [Ramsey]d Mar 1710?;ch Dorothy, Cath, Isabel, Ellin + Hugh jt admrs - Isabel + Ellin abroad others sworn; husb Edward Martin 1710 A 39 BLACK Henry [full] 1710-3 E w QUILEASH William names Bro's ch - phil(jnr),james,ellinor,isable,margt;names alice skillicorn,tom skillicorn(baldrine, 3 sons),john skillicorn(+2 daus);wm quillieash exor [full] 1711 A 54 CORKILL William d 1 Nov 1711;father Wm Corkill;unnamed step-mother;sibs Daniel, Jony, Ewan exor;names John Taggart 1711 A 55 SUNTER Jony COSTEN [full]d 16 feb 1711/2;dau margt(eldest),jane exex;husb john 1711 A 56 CORKILL William d 8 Dec 1711;Balnejora;ch Ewan(half crop due by morther's death - other half jt with stepmo), Jony;wife Margery (jt exec with Ewan); inv £4 16s 6d 1711 A 57 COWNE Ann camash dated 19 Nov 1711;ch Mariad, Edward (exor), Joney, Ann, Philip, Wm 1711 A 58 CHRISTIAN Ann quaile [Ramsey][tight hand not always readable on my copy]dated [] Mar 1710/11;son-i-law Wm Wm Quay + wife Kath;son Hugh Christian, Margt, Isable + Mary (last 2 jt exexs) 1711 A 59 CASEMENT Ann callow [Ramsey]d 22 Dec 1711'husb John Casement;ch Elizth, Isable,John, Daniel, Anne, Margt - jt admrs - 2 ch ua (Elizth, Isable + John sworn) 1711 A 60 CHRISTIAN Elizabeth ALLEN [full] 1711-3 E d CREECH Joney d 11 nov 1711;sibs robt,jo:,simon,elizth + alice jt adrs 1712 A 50 KNEALE Philip [full]d 29 dec 1712;son edmund;dau margt;bro mitchell,john(son michael);1726 Edmund Kneal settles with stepfa Thomas Baillie(ramsey) 1712-1 E 668 d CORKILL Elizabeth d 17 feb;only bro John admr(wife jane);annexed jane kerruish als christian mo of elizth d 9 apr John corkil admr + wife jane sworn on his behalf 1712-1 E 670 w CHRISTIAN Ewan dated 27 may 1712;Lewage;wants burial in chancel Kk Maughold in grave of forebears;sibs Christian(Lewage + ch Mary), John(?decd + son Euan), Edward(?decd + son), Margery(+ her son Christopher); nephew John Christian exor;cousin? Sam Alle, Fran Allen, Kath Allen 1712-2 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d 13 nov 1706 on board the "Milford Galley" in H.M. service;native of Ramsey;sibs edwd,cath(w/o edwd curlet) + elizth(w/o Wm Christian) - all at age 1713 A 58 CHRISTIAN John [full]dated 20 dec 1713;sibs eliz,cath,edwd,thomas,francis;fa nicholas jt exor with bro Francis 1713-2 E w CORKILL John d 23 Sep 1712;Bro Wm Corkill,bro Ewan Corkil 1713-3 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas inv - supposed to have died in H M service 7yrs ago;fa edwd christian decd;mo elizth als allen also decd;exors edwd christian, wm christian + edward Corlet 1714 A 40 KNEALE Elizabeth Martin [significant lost rh margin]d 2 Jan 1714;Foleaw;ch Wm(half crop etc + that given to her in contract), Isable, Elinor , Esther (youngest dau) -ua;husb Daniel 1714-1 E w CORKILL Ewan d 12 May 1717;Ballgorry;near reln Robt Corkill;bro Will Corkill;wife Joney 1741-2 A 166 CHRISTIAN Margaret CORKILL d 27 Mar 1741;Ramsey;husb Wm exor;ch Wm(only son -her part houses + garden in Ramsey belonging to husb Wm), Jane Christian; 1715-2 E w ALLEN Samuel dated 2 jul 1715;ch henry, robt, francis, john, barbary, mary + cath;wife mary als dobson exex; 1715-2 E w KERMOD Richard d 4 oct 1715;gson john kermod;gch wm + isabel kermod;names margery kerrish (for trouble in taking care of him);son wm exor 1716 A 75 CHRISTIAN Joney KERROWSE dated 8 sep 1716;relict rev John Christian;kinsman Wm Kerrowse blacksmith(lives with her for last 9yrs) exor 1716 A 79 CALLOW Robert [full]made Jan 1716 [bur 8 nov 1716]dau mary;son wm,john (both in dublin),christopher;son-i-law wm corkel 1716 A 80 CHRISTIAN Ewan [will torn]gson john kissag;dau ann koormeen als christian;wife ann als gill exex 1716-2 E c COWLE Daniel inc m/c dan kneal + isable cowle dated 7 feb 1709; dan kneal son-i-law exor 1716-2 E d Guttery Alice wattleworth d 19 oct 1716;ramsey;son john wattleworth;husb john guttery exor; 1716-2 E KERRISH Daniel d 15 jun 1716;dau isabel,cath,margt,jane(exex) 1716-2 E w KERRUISH Ewan d 26 jul 1716;bro john,robt;wife + 2 ua daus; 1716-2 E d QUARK Catherine KINNISH d 21 oct 1716;sibs wm,ann,alice;mo margt; 1717 A 52 BLACK Ellin Christian d 9 Apr 1717;buried nigh husb grave kk Maughold;names Hugh Black merchant ramsey, Mary Sayle widow;cousin Jane Knipe;dau Katrine Curghy; Witt James Knipe + Jane Knipe als Black; 1717 A 80 CORKILL William d 24 [nov]1717;unm son philip admr;dispute between philip + his sis Margery cown als corkil(w/o Edward - son wm) 1717-1 E d KERRUISH Robert d 18 feb 1716/7;ch jony,mary,jane,isabel + ewan;supv wm kerruish,dan lace, christopher calow + wm cowle;wife alive;inv 1717-2 E d CASHEN Gilbert d 9 sep 1717;ch wm,jane,christopher + ellin 1717-2 E w CHRISTIAN Edmond d 1 sep 1717;son edwd(youngest),ewan,robt (their mo dead);gch robt christian;niece jane casement;1723 edwd christian acks elizth christian relict robt; 1717-3 E d CHRISTIAN John d 29 Dec 1716 on board HM ship the Shrewsbury; s/o Wm Christian(Ramsey);sibs Jane + Mary Christian jt admxs;pledges fa Wm Christian + uncle Robt Xtian(Lezayre); Mary accepts half of lower house, Jane to have half of house where father lives, they are to share hJohn's salary pd in England 1718 A 13 CHRISTIAN John d 6 apr 1718;gch wm christian, isabel corlett, john corlett;dau elizth corlett als christian,isabel kerruish als christian;son john 1718-2 E w CALLOW William otherwise brown;d 20 jun 1718;chk ?inc mc stepson robt cowne 1718-2 E w LOONEY William d 18 Jul 1718;sons John (houses + croft + fishing line),Wm;John's ch Wm, Ann, Margery,betty (confused as reads like John's children but says if John should die childless? - are Ann Margery + Betty Wm snr's daus);wife Jony;'if Wm be masterfull and not learn a traid as his neighbours seeth ..) 1718-3 E d CURLETT Robert d three yrs ago;ramsey;sis cath saile als curlet(w/o wm) + ann saile als curlett 1719 A 22 PATRICK kewley d 17 apr 1719;son ja:,wm,dan;dau mary(eldest),ann,margt;wife mary als cowle 1719 A 23 CASHIN Christopher mariner long time off island;d in england;sibs john,wm,jane,ellinr 1719 A 50 KERISH Robert d 23 jan 1719;[Ballalin;goods inc boat + cooper's tools;son wm(eldest),john,robt(youngest ua);dau joney,cath;wife alive [full] 1719-1 E w WILLIAMS John ramsey;late of dinam, anglesey; 1719-2 E w CORKILL William d 6 may 1719;dau ann(mo dead);gch margt corkill exex;names margt kermod 1720 A 33 CALLOW Elener CORKILL [full]d 18 apr 1720;husb wm exor (very poor);unnamed ch; 1720 A 34 COTTIER Oates ramsey;sis mary,isable;wife margery 1720 A 35 CASEMENT John,junr d 23 feb 1719;fa john exor;sis elizth,margt;bro danl 1720 A 71 COSTEEN Ann looney d 18 jan 1720/1;dau jonny;gch ann looney,john,margary,betty + wm;jonny + ann looney exexs;[?defuncts give as ann lowny als costen] 1721 A 31 CREECH Robert d 20 mar 1720;son wm;dau cath;wife exex;some ch omitted hence jon,wm + jane appt jt admrs; 1721 A 33 Kerruish Robert [full] 1721-2 E d CALOW William d 10 oct 1721;s/o Wm Calow Ballaskeig;sis jane, margt + Isabel(ua) jt admxs;half bro Edwd Calow ua 1723-1 A 59 KNEALE Catherine kerish [Ramsey]d 7 Apr 1723;husb John Kneale (house) exor; sibs Hugh Kerish;names Betty Kerish, Cath Steene, Margery Killey; 1723-1 A 60 CRINNELL William d 2 Mar 1722/3;ch Patk, Elizth - ua; wufe alive + has tuition - pledges Wm Callow + James Corkill;sibs Margt;bro-i-law Patrick Curlet;names Will Callow, Wm Curlet(Ramsey); 1723-1 A 62 CORKILL Philip d 8 Nov 1723;sibs Wm(his share of gears, team etc), Marjery(+ her 4 ch) + Margt jt exexs; names Margt Cannan;nephew Wm Cowne;bro-i-law Edwd Cowne 1723-1 A 63 KERMEENE John d 8 Nov 1723;Callage?[?ballage];ch Wm(half crop,team etc),Danl + Jane jt execs; 1723-1 A 64 CORKILL Catherine coule made lammas 1722;ch Wm, Marjory, unnamed dau(w/o John Cashin) [?Margt], Phil (exor but died before testx and court appts his sisters Marjery + Margt); nephew Wm Cowin;niece unnamed midlemost d/o Wm Corkill; 1723-1 A 66 CALLOW Edward d 1 Nov 1723;sibs Christian, unnamed sis in Scotland, Robt(house, garden + croft);nephew John Callow exor; 1723-1 A 67 KILLEY Patrick dated 25 [lost] 1720?;Ramsey;'being acient, feeb";ch Wm (my pt of house + garden - 5d rent - if no issue to fall to son dan [?son-law as referred to later as sd Dan Gill] + dau Jane's eldest dau), other unnamed ch 6d;gch Wm Cowin(s/o Margt);son-i-law Wm Cowin, Dan Gill + jane exec 1723-1 E w CORLETT Philip dated 2 May 1721;'now old + declining';sis Jane Kneen als Corlett;nephew Edmd Kneen(s/o Edmd) exor, Wm Kneen 1723-2 A 115 KERRUISH John d 30 Oct 1723;sibs Robt + Cath (his share of gaots due by death of fa), Joney(6d 'to deprive her'), Wm;mother Joney als Costeane + bro Wm jt execs;Witt Edwd Costean, Jo cannell (both x); 1723-2 A 116 KERMOTT John [damaged date mostly lost ?5 Octbr? 1723];wife Bahee als Corin?;ch Thomas, Mary exex 1723-2 A 117 COTTINGAM Robert [damaged] d 23 Dec [];ch John, Philip, Wm , Mary exex;unnamed dau-i-law;;names Isabel + Robert of Ballnehow; 1723-2 E w CHRISTIAN Edward,snr long will + depositions re illegitimate daughter;dated 24 mar 1720/1;Ramsey;gave house in Ramsey bought off Jane Christian of 4d rent for use as a poor house - choice of 4 persons by church wardens with consent of his heirs or heirs of Ballastole;dau ellin radcliffe als christian (lands of Knock aloe in Lezayre purchased from Mrs Hester Quaile for £68 14s - during her life profits to school her eldest son silvester radcliffe; - dau margt,margery) exex;son nicholas,francis,thomas(in dublin) 1723-2 E w CORLETT Philip dated 2 May 1721;'now old + declining';sis Jane Kneen als Corlett;nephew Edmd Kneen(s/o Edmd) exor, Wm Kneen 1723-3 E d LOONEY William d 28 Sep;only sis (unn);nephew Paul Gelling;bro's son Robt Lowney;names Nich Kelly kk Marown, Wm Cashin;nephew Wm Kelly exec;witt Thos Cannell + Gilbt Crow 1723-3 E d LONEY Margaret see wm 1723-3 E d LOONEY Daniel see wm 1723-3 E d LOONEY William wm, margt + danl children of Daniel Looney(Ramsey) + ann als tear d several yrs ago + sis Cath Keruise ? als loony d in Dublin 5yrs ago - next reln Robt Keruise s/o Cath admr - but Ann Tear als looney did dispose by sale of house + garden in Ramsey to Mr James Knipe whereby her relns denied benefit; Emond Quark Pooldow lawful atty to Robt Keruish in Dublin sworn in form of law 1724-1 A 75 SUNTER[sumpter] John [full]d 17 jan 1724;Ramsey;dau Jane exex (her mo dead),margt 1724-2 E w CALCOT Marjery d 26 Jun 1724;sibs Thomas, John(if he came), Mary; mother exex 1724-3 E d CREECH Margaret KERRUISH d 23 dec;dau cath exex;son wm;pledges john loony + wm creetch 1725-1 A 85 QUARK John d 24 jan 1724;names ewan + thos corkill;only dau margt ua;wife mary als quark 1725-1 A 86 LOWNEY William d 12 feb 1724;son robt (exec),wm;dau esther;wife mary 1725-1 A 87 CHRISTIAN John d 30 jan 1724;sis elizth corlet als christian;nephew john corlett,wm christian;bro-i-law wm kerrish carradoll h/o sis isable 1725-1 A 88 baily Easter kneale als martin art of marr dated 4 feb 1713/4 between esther kneale relict phil kneale ramsey + thomas bailey of kk inner galloway north britain;accepted as will of esther bailey als martin her ch ua fa thomas baily;5 ch by her (?esther) latter husband + edmond kneal by former;inv;ch gfa jon martin objects to houses being inc;sale;1739: costs inc son john's schooling in scotland etc 1725-1 A 89 KERRUISH Joney costean d 2 feb 1724/5;Ballallon;son wm(crop etc + netts),robt (youngest);dau cath exex,jony;husb dead;bro's dau margt + ann ? costean;bro wm oversser son robt 1725-1 A 92 KERRISH Patrick dated 15 jan 1724/5;ramsey;only son thos(house + garden ramsey);unnamed wife + thos execs 1725-1 A 94 LOWNY [Looney] Mary Callow [Full];d 12 Feb 1724/5;bro Edmund Callow h/o Jane;dau Ellinor;un-named gson;husb Thomas 1725-1 A 95 CREAR Thomas d 15 feb 1724;son wm,thos,jon;dau alice,ann;wife mary;thos,jon + anne execs;thos + jon ua with wm + wife supvs 1725-2 A 142 STOLE Joney brew d 13 oct 1725;un-mar ch edwd,thos,philip + ann 1725-2 A143 CALLOW Ellinor STOCKTILL d 8 dec 1725;ballafayle;dau abigail;son wm;gson wm callow;husb robt exec 1725-2 A144 cashin catherine kermod dated 14 jan 1725;son james (money due from jon cashin jnr ballneygorry);son jon exec 1725-2 A145 CASEMENT John d 2 mar 1725;ramsey;;son silvester (houses called the shopp,garden on the mooragh);dau jane,cath + the other dau;wife alive exex 1725-2 A146 CORLETT Margaret cottier d 10 mar 1725;names mary callow als kerruish,jon cottier's wife;dau christian cottier;step dau margt corlett;kinsman jon cottier aust lezayre (her part of fa's goods);husb jon;names wm cannel kk mich as creditor on pref of his fa and his bro thomas 1725-2 E d STOLE John d 13 Oct 1725;4 unmarried ch Edwd, Thomas, Philip + Ann 1726 A 16 ALLEN Thomas [full]dated 23 sep 1726;vicar maughold;nephew john allen;sis cath christian(her ch john + isabel);sis-i-law mary allen;nephew peter corlett,henry allen (vicar lezayre - 7 ch thos, richard,saml,john,henryrobert + jane) exor;niece cath allen;cousin joney kerruish 1726-3 E d HOGG Alice KIRMEEN d 14 nov;of kk lonan;only ch philip hogg; d within a year & a day of marriage;uncles + aunts wm,jane + cath kirmeen;aunt jane quaile als kirmeen claims ;pledges wm calow for wm kirmeen,danl calow for jane quayle als kirmeen;john cashin h/o cath kirmeen; [alice prob d/o wm kermeen + jony cowle m philip hogg lon 17251112 d in childbirth;son philip bapt mau 17261114 noted as at la 19 may 1746; ] 1727 A 22 CREETCH Robert d 5 jan;son hugh,wm;wife cath als taggart;'qtrland of the herd' 1727 A 31 CORLETT Catherine CHRISTIAN made 24 jan 1726/7;Ramsey;husb Edward;only son edward;dau elizth corlet (eldest & unmaarried by 1739)jane corlet,isabel corlet,margt corlet (youngest);bro edward Christian;bro-i-law wm christian;1739/40:wm sayle h/o isabel;jane corlet now jane Llewhellin;wm wattleworth h/o margt; 1727-1 E d CHRISTIAN John late ramsey,sailor,d london 6yrs ago as john christian marriner + fa of decd john christian(fidder) make out from infro from master of vessel to whom apprenticed;sibs jane,margt + ann 1727-2 E d KELVY John [Full] 1728 A 20 ALLEN Mary DOBSON d 18 dec 1827;dau cath + other unnamed ch;husb Matth;pledges William Gell, & Mr. Robert Curghey. 1728 A 21 ROSS William [full]made 7 nov 1727;revd wm ross;fa wm alive, mo dead 1728 A 23 KERMEEN Jony cowl d 1 feb;dau jane quayle (exex),cath cashinson-i-law john cashin;gch wm kermeen,thos kermeen,john cashin,margt cashin 1728-1 E d CALOW William d 27 feb cloughbane;son edwd exec (other ch danl + jony had mc);pledges bro dan calow;bro-i-law wm calow 1728-1 E w LOONEY John d 20 may 1728;wife esther exex;son wm;dau christian,ellinor (all ch ua);step-dau margt christian;stepson christopher christian;bro wm looney;inv inc decd pt of glenshoh goods;pledges wm corteen + tho mcylvorrey;widow signed esther looney als tear [see also NSS Oct 1760 43 Esther m Wm Stoale] 1728-3 E d WATTLEWORTH John,jnr [full] 1729-1 A 81 KARRAN Hugh d 1 apr 1729;dau margt freer als karran;son ewan,thomas (money from now decd old robt creetch maughold);wife alive 1729-2 A 12 CREECH John d 13 dec 1729;wife mary;ch jon,wm + jane not left anything thus apptd co-execs 1730-1 E w MARTIN Ann CALLOW d 14 may 1730;son james corkill;gson wm corkill,edw kissag;dau margt christian als corkil,joney kissag als martin;gdau jane christian;husb edwd + dau jony execs;witts cath karran als christian, jane casement als kermeen 1730-2 E d SKILLICORN Jony d 3 aug 1730;uncle danl skillicorn admr;had illeg ch margt by edmund curghey (out of island - bro wm);pledges edmund quark + matthias curghey 1731-1 A 27 CORKILL Joney taggart als d 15 [sep?] 1731;son john(h/o jane);dau cath creetch als taggart;names isabel kermode + margt corkill;husb wm exor [full] 1731-2 A 63 CALLOW Robert d 2 jan 1731;ballafail;body to be laid in the cronkvaan [?quaker] by side of wife, wm to see a sufficient hedge made;dau abigail;son wm;sis mary,joney;sis-i-law margery callow;gch margt callow,mary callow;several debtors named;inv 1731-2 E w BANSTEAD Joseph d 3 May at Ramsey;of Aglianby in parish of Warwick,cumberland;to be buried in Wm Riggs gave maughold;names Wm Callow (ramsey, to keep books [?in trade]+ sister Rebeckah)nephew John Banstead (lands in England) exor; 1732-1 E d CHRISTIAN John perished by sea 18 dec;hall;cg patk,eliz,maergt,cath + alice;wife alive 1732-2 A 82 CROWE Ewan d 24 mar 1731;ramsey;only son ewan;wife barbary(old + feeble) 1732-2 E w CALLOW Edmund d 2 may 1731;cardle veg;son wm,john;wife jane (jt exec with john)names wm quark 7d for making grave + bringing bier; 1732-2 E d CALLOW Robert d last feb 1732;ch jane,ann + cath 1732-2 E w CALLOW William d 31 aug 1732;ballneskeg;son edwd(eldest team,gears etc + limestone hammer - ua),wm(right to Browns croft),john(youngest);dau isabel,margt junr;wife cath exex;son-i-law nicholas keanish (h/o margt);inv mentions bro John Cowll (bro of wife Cath ?) 1732-2 E d CASEMENT Sylvester perished by sea d 20 dec [?1731];only ch mary - ua thos kerruish, margt moore + cath casement supvs;wife margt als kneal 1732-2 E d MOORE John perished by sea 20 dec 1731;ch robt,jo,ewan,wm,edwd,lewis,dorothy + jane;wife alive;claims inc 1732-3 E d CALOW William vase; 4 ch wm john mary esther 1732-3 E w KNEEN William ramsey;son edmond,gdau jane kneen dau to wm 1732-3 E d STOLE Thomas several depositions to prove marriage to ellizabeth tomison als woods 10 june 1723 ;thomas s/o wm living upon lewague's land, apprenticed to mr murrey of liverpool, lost sailing with capt markin feb 1728;only ch thomas bapt in london 27 dec 1724 st pauls shadwell mddx; lives with uncle wm stowel cleybane; depostion by nich shimin of Ballasalley but late of liverpool that he was in shadwell london house of capt thos beck;wm stole half brother 1733-1 A 61 COTTEAR William d 8 mar 1732;son james;dau cath,ellinor;wife exex; 1733-1 E w CORTEEN William tallow queen;son john (eldest);dau jane (ch by former wife);ch at age Ellinr, Margt & Isabel Corteen;ch's names are Ellin, Alice,Margt, Isabel, Gilbt, Wm, Cath & Esther Corteen. + heir Jo;wife cath;inv 1733-1 E d KaRRAN John perished by sea 22 feb 1733;sibs ewan,tho, margt kneen als karran;Ewan + Margt abroad;wife alive;claims [see m/c NSS May 1730 50] 1733-2 A 96 CALLOW James [full] 1733-3 E w CALLOW Elonr GARRETT d 20 Oct 1733;ch esther(exex - ua uncle Wm Garret of Lezayre), Wm;names Ann Garrett;claims; inv half cow + barley 1733-3 E d CASEMENT Mary d 26 Oct 1733;orphan;aunts Margt Moor(widow), Jane Kennish + Cath Cowl(+husb) jt admrs;inv in fa Silvr Casement's will 1734-1 A 40 LOWEY Daniel d 23 apr 1734;only son robt;(ua);dau isabel,ann,cath (exec with robt) 1734-1 A 42 CALLOW Christopher d 25 mar 1734;ballaglass;son edwd (eldest),wm,john;dau mary (w/o edward callow ballneskeig);wife alive 1734-2 E w CORKILL Edward d 26 aug 1734;balnascloe ?;wife ann;son james;dau joney + mary jt exexsman sert Robt Kerruish 1735-1 A 39 CALOW Christopher d 14 apr 1735;ballaterson;son ewan(eldest),robt(an idiot)christopher,wm,john;wife jane als kerruish exex 1735-1 E w CHRISTIAN Marriod KERRUISH d 7 May 1735;step-dau Ann Christian, Margt Christian, Jane Kerruish(exex);names Wm Christian + wife Elizabeth to see her buried, John Crow beg(6d) + John Corkill ne Barney(6d) 1735-1 E d CROW Barbara CHRISTIAN d 26 Jan 1734/5;only son Ewan Crow admr 1735-1 E d QUARK Margaret ELLISON d 10 Feb 1734/5;ch Ewan Corkill(by prev husb), Margt Quirk(by later husb) jt admrs 1735-1 E d Watson John d in England(sometime of Ramsey but late BishopsCastle, Cumberland);prin creditor James Knipe admr; inv 1735-2 A 60 CHRISTIAN John dated 15 Mar 1734/5;merchant;wife mary als chamberlain;only dau Anne;only son Edward exor;witt Tho Fenwick, James Knipe;exor to give a just acct to his mother now in Dublin 1736-1 A 29 CORKILL Ann CASHIN d beg april 1736;dau jony,mary jt exexs;son james;sis elizth 1736-2 A 58 CORLETT Catherine cowle d 14 dec 1736;ramsey;unnamed sibs;sis ann,margt + jane;husb edmond exor - he is a seafaring man;1737: ann crow als cowle late shellag 1736-2 A 59 LOONEY Jony COOILEISH d 26 dec;dau Ann looney,dau Majory, Eliz;son Wm [have m Mau 16940115 to Wm] 1737-1 A 30 CANNELL Margaret KNEAL d 1 mar 1736;Ramsey;ch Jane Cannell(her share of houses), James(youngest son - her part of fishing lines) (prev 2 jt execs), John Cannell(eldest son);husb John;names Mary(d/o Ewan Kneale in Glanoldin) 1737-1 A 31 KENISH John d 9 mar 1736;son-i-law thos clague(braddan);gch nich + margt kenish(in balldoon);names thos corteens 2 ch(robt + elinor);unnamed dau-i-law now married to jon kewley kk lonan;dau ann corteen + her son thos jt exors 1737-1 A 32 CORLETT John of Reign Abb, Maughold: son & heir Jn; mother Marriod Corlett (als Skillicorn), dau Jane (md 1st, John Callow; 2nd by 1767 Rbt Stowell) 1737-1 A 33 CRENILT Alice CORKISH son patt;dau ann tear,mariod tear,isabel crenill;gdau mary + joney hogg;day mary? tear exex 1737-1 A 34 CARNAGHAN Jane CROW Ramsey;d 18 Apr 1737;names Jony Crow,Tho Crow(+ 3 daus Jane, Ann + Alice),Margt Crow;gdau Jane Carnaghan;husb Robert Carnaghan exor 1737-1 A 35 KNEAL Daniel d 1 Mar 1736;Folloaue;ch Wm(heir), Elinor Kewley als Kneale, Isabel Kneale;wife Jane als Corteenserv boy Jon Corkill;gson Ewan Kneale;bro[step erased] Jon Marteen;bro-i-law John Corteen 1737-1 E w CARNAGHAYN Mary WOODS d 29 Apr 1737;unnamed sibs inc sis Ann;dau Jane Carnaghyn exex - ua;husb Robt until dau at age;inv;John Shimin noted as overseer complains that orphan was due some concerns in Ramsey by virtue of m/c given by Robt Carnaghan senr - agreed that Robt Carnaghan senr + junr to give 20s each 1737-1 E w CHRISTIAN Elizabeth QUAY [Ramsey] dated 27 may 1737;ch Elinr, John,Tho Cottier;husb exor + overseer of child ua;bro-i-law Wm Christian(abroad) 1737-1 E w CHRISTIAN Hugh d 11 May 1737;names Wm Crenill(Lonan);bro-i-law Euan Costain;sis's dau Anne Costain(Kk Maughold) exex;debts inc Anne Wade als Knaile, Bahee Corlett als Moor, Mary Quirk als Camaish 1737-1 E d CORKILL Margaret d in Dublin beg Mar 1736/7;sibs Willm, Daniel, Mary, Issabel + Alice jt admrs 1737-1 E w FENWICK Thomas dated 11 dec 1737;ramsey;names many inc ed kneen soldier,major john chruistian,capt james christian 1737-1 E d QUARK Isabel CALOW d end Aug 1736;husb Wm;ch John, Wm, Jane, James + Isabel jt admrs - Wm + Jane at age sworn + surrender to father 1737-2 A 92 STOLE Edward d 20? Dec last;wife Ann als Casement exex + tuition of ch;unnamed sibs inc bro Philip;ch Thos + Edwd; 1737-2 A 93 CURLETT Alice CALOW d 23 Jan ;Ramsey town;sis Margt Casement;husb Sillvester jt exec with dau Isabell;witt Thomas Kerrish x, Joney Quine als Callow 1737-2 A 94 CROWE Ann cowle d 7 dec 1737;ramsey;ch robt,ewan,+ edmond;neighbour isabel curghey;husb ewan exor 1737-2 A 95 KERRISH Robert d 1 Dec 1736?;ch Thos(half of house + looms),unnamed other ch(6d ea - Thomas overseer);witt Margery als Corkil exex 1737-2 E w BLACK Hugh, jnr chk this ;dated 14 july 1737;ramsey;bro john (left close ne cally jurby + lough obtained from parents) parents john + grace black execs;bro-i-law ewan martin;sis eliz flaxney,margt,jane,grace;names mathias christian;uncles james knipe,hugh black;Philip christian acks from fa + mo-i-law john+grace black obo wife's sister Jane christian als black; 1737-2 E w KNIPE Jane black dated 20 apr 1737;son james(eldest - house etc),alexander;dau dinah,cath,margt;husb james exor 1737-3 E w CHRISTIAN Ewan memo that capt James Christian of Ramsey has demands on exors of Ewan Christian and agrees to arbitration 1737-3 E w MARTIN Margaret CHRISTIAN d 12 May 1737;Ramsey;names Cath Quay;son Ewan Marteen exor 1737-3 E w WATTLEWORTH Elizabeth d 16 Jun 1737;ch Wm + Margt(land in Andreas called Giat Skinner - they to pay mortgage), John(eldest son - her part of Curragh in Lezayre - also contented to left Wm + Margt have half of parcel called the Noas + to give his bro Charles £10 tho he objects in light of curragh bequeathed him and right of testatrix now questioned) - John,Wm + Margt jt execs 1738-1 E d JOUGHIN Alice CORTEEN d 27 apr 1738;ch margt,ann,cath,danl + wm;husb robt;inv 1738-1 E d KEWISH Thomas d 5 apr 1738;ch tho + mary - james corlet overseer;wife alive;inv 1738-2 A 113 CORLETt Joney of ramsey d 24 jan, sis anne, catherine, bro thomas, fa james, mo catherine; with isabel johnson als corkill, jane kewish als casement 1738-2 A 114 WOODS Easter last on 1st pt of film - starts lon william corlett #35 1738-2 E w CORKILL Elizabeth quay d 15 Sep 1738;husb Wm Corkill;ch Katherine, Wm(half of purchased lands bought from Wm Corlett? of Ballnegarey, Margaret (to hold lands for 11yrs then deliver to Wm) exex; Witt Mary Corkill, Margt Colkitt(dangerously ill at probate); Margt gives lands to father wm who agrees to settle on son Wm; Margt married by 1746; 1738-2 E w KERRUISH Isabel CHRISTIAN d 30 apr 1738;sis ch john + isabel corlet;;names joney d/o wm christian;cousin + near relns wm christian + isabel corlett jt execs 1738-3 E d HUTCHIN Ricahard d 30 Sep 1738?;only child Ann - ua - uncle Jo Hutchin + aunts Margt Qualtrough(widow) + Christian Tear supvs; some small claims 1739-1 A 34 CROW Catherine STIVEN ramsey;dated 3 apr 1739;husb ewan exec; 1739-1 E d COTTIER William d 21 Feb 1738/9;cooper, Ramsey;bros Tho + Wm Cottier admrs 1739-1 E d KNEEN Elizabeth CROW d 21 May 1739;only son Jo Kneen admr 1739-1 E jw MARTIN Margery see Wm 1739-1 E jw MARTIN William Wm d abt 4yrs ago + wife Margery abt 12mo later;ch Wm, Ewan(abroad), Kath + Margt (last 2 ua)jt admrs - Wm sworn - uncle Ewan Martin sworn supv - pledges uncles Ewan Martin + Edw Curghy 1739-1 E d sayle edward d abt 9 yrs ago;ch Edward, John + Cath jt admrs - all absent - their mo Cath Sayle als Kneal sworn 1739-2 A 93 WOODS John dated 9 nov 1739;of Ramsey;ch john(house),thos exor,ann(unmarried - her mother dead),esther(+ daus); 1739-2 A 94 Curghey John of Ramsey; d 1 feb 1739/40;ch elizth(eldest),cath,jane;mo alive;wife esther als quay exex;;corner missing detailing overseers;1770: jane curghey acks from edw curghey h/o esther curghey als quay for £3 bequeated by fa john ;also a voided decree as some problem with a witness 1739-2 A 95 jw Nicholson Margery of Ramsey; corner missing [?who died];choose esther sayle their cheerful servant to be unto them as their child; 1739-2 A 95 jw Nicholson Wm see margery; 1739-3 E d CALLOW Catherine CREECH d 27 nov 1739;ch margt, ann;ua uncle wm creech;one ch appears dead by probate; 1740-1 E d CALOW Edward late of ramsey;perished by sea beg of apr last;only ch anne;no relns on fa side;later bro wm callow appointed;wife alive;one claimant is joseph bridson of Liverpool 1740-1 E d CHRISTIAN John perished by sea beg of apr last; 2 ch john ellinor (both la) 1740-1 E d KELVIE John perished by sea off island of jamaica 6 years ago;only bro thomas, sis isabel margt; pledges Wm Wattleworth + Wm Kissag 1740-1 e d kneen wm perished by sea beg of apr last;bro edmund sis cath & margt;wm callow husb of cath 1740-1 E d WATTLEWORTH Charles mariner late of ramsey;perished by sea beg of jan last;sibs john wm margt;john abroad 1740-2 A 121 KERRUISH Catherine GARRET d 28 dec 1740;son john(eldest - prescots croft),ewan,daniel;niece isabel garret;sis ann garrett;husb alive 1740-2 E d BLACK Margaret CURGHY [Full] 1740-3 E CASEMENT Richard d 17 mar 1739/40? in dublin;native ramsey;no reln;relict mary als christian 1740-3 E d CHRISTIAN Elizabeth christian d beg nov 1740;late ramsey;bro by mother mr francis christian of dublin;husb wm 1741-1 A MARTIN William [chk bk/yr] 1741-1 A 99 CALOW Joney KNEALE d 15 mar 1740;dau cath,isabel,esther,joney;son wm exor [full] 1741-1 A 100 CHRISTIAN Catherine MOOR dated 5 jun 1740;ramsey;dau esther,cath,margt + elizth;husb patk exor;1766 elizth acks from fa [full] 1741-1 A 103 BLACK Hugh d 10 mar 1741;merchant;ramsey;wife jane exex;unnamed ch 12d;witt Edward johnson,wm sprainger (abroad),james knipe; 1741-1 A 104 CORKAN Thomas d 22 mar 1740/1;bro wm;sis grace;names wm christian ballnykilley half of croft in lezayre of 1d rent;wife jane corkan als callow exex but dead before probate [full] 1741-1 A 105 CORKAN Jane CALLOW d 6 apr 1741;bequests to master+mistress (sons robt+john christian,dau jane,mary);names wm christian heir ballnekilley( her husbs new unworn hat!);sis mary crow als callow;bro's dau cath killip als callow;bro james(dau joney callow,son wm);names mary cotter als quark,margt corkil als kelly, alice killey als corkil bro-i-law wm corkan;sis-i-law grace blackburn als corkan;husb dead;niece ellinor cotter exex [full] 1741-1 A 106 CORLETT Marriot SKILLICORN d 14 Feb 1740/1: son in law John Callow's 3 sons (her gchildren; he md Jane); gson John corlett; Mgt Kneen als Corlett; gdau Jane Corlett; son John Corlett & his wife Mgt 1741-1 A 107 KNEEN Christian CASKIL d 5 feb;son john;dau jane kneen;gdau mary + jane corkill;gson john cashin;husb john exor 1741-1 A 108 CORLETT Bahee RADCLIFFE d mar 1741;ramsey;sis's dau Mary Boddaugh;gch Cath Corlet;dau-i-law jane Corlet;son edmund exor 1741-1 A 109 WATTLEWORTH John [Full] 1741-1 E w CALLOW William d 9 mar 1740;fa + mo alive;bro john,james;wife;only ch wm ua uncles + aunt james,john + elizth callow 1741-1 E w CORKILL Peter d 28 apr 1741;Ballafaile;gson peter corkill;dau ann,jane quillease als corkill,dorothy quillease;son thos;son-i-law wm christian; [full] 1741-1 E d CORLETT John dated 8 apr 1741;perished by Sea may last; s/o daniel;only bro edmund 1741-2 E d CANNELL John,jnr perished by sea beg of August 1741;only dau margt;no relns appeared mo joney cannel als crow sworn overseer;james + jane tear uncle + aunt sworn supv;1761: wm killip h/o margt acks from christopher johnson h/o joney cannell als crow;inv;[full] 1741-2 E d CHRISTIAN Nicholas capt;late of Ramsey;dau Margaret (w/o Deemster John Taubman) Margery(w/o John Frissell) and Esther [full] 1741-2 E d SAYLE Patrick perished by sea 29 jun 1741;sibs philip,thomas + elizth;wife margt als curlott [full] 1741-3 E w HOWARD John Ramsey;sis Esther,Elizth (+2 unnamed in London); bro Wm [full] 1742-1 A 54 KELVY Jane [Full] 1742-1 A 56 CANNELL John dated 7 feb 1741/2;only son james (house Ramsey);wife Isabel als Christian;only dau jane;neice Margt Cannell [full] 1742-1 A 57 CALLOW Margaret claubane;son wm(heir);3 married daus,dorothy;wm + margt callow execs [full] 1742-1 E w CALLOW Jane KERRUISH d 3 may 1742;ballaterson;son christopher,ewan(apprentice - eldest exor),wm,john,robt (to be taken care of during natural life);sis cath cowle als kerruish; 1742-1 E d CALLOW John d 8 apr 1742;only bro wm 1742-1 E d CALLOW Robert d 18 sep last in virginia mariner late of kk maughold on hm ship 'The Hector';sibs edw,wm,john,mary 1742-2 A 98 CORKILL William d 6 jan 1742;son jon;dau jane,isable;wife barbary als kerruish exex;ch ua uncle john corkill;[m Mau 17311127] 1742-2 E d KNIPE James d 18 oct 1742;late schoolmaster Ramsey;sibs Alexander,margt(w/o John Cottier),dinah + Cath;alexander,dinah+cath abroad - john cottier sworn;wife dorothy;annexed is a will that Wm Howland states that Knipe left all to his wife - knipe + his fa-i-law was standing on fence - Wm Callow invited them to dinner but Knipe refused saying not well and could not eat - fa-i-law asked if made will - Knipe said yes - left all to wife. Wife refused division of goods + to be committed to prison;inv inc books (38 english books,53 latin + greek) - 1742-2 E w LOONEY William Booley Loist;d 4 Oct 1742;bros John Stole,Wm Stole, Robt Stole ;sis Margt Corkill als Christian (+her 2 ch Saml + Mary Corkill);eldest sis Christian Looney ; bro-i-l Peter Corkill + Margt his wife ;sis Elinor Looney;names John Corteen jnr Tallowqueen;step-fa Wm Stole + mo Esther;witt John Corteen,Cathrin Christian;[full] 1743-1 A 71 CALOW Joney [some loss to rh margin][somewhat confusing will - not always clear to whom the individuals were relatives of]d 27 Mar;wants burial in sis Margt's grave;names John Callow(orphan s/o Wm Callow, smith, late decd) her dwelling house + little house on backside (to fall to his sis Ann if no issue);cousin Jane Kerruish als Corteen;niece Abigal Greivas;names Rebecca Gill(?+ son), Cath Moor + many more;nephew Wm Callow(Ballafail) + John Clucas(Glanvoillen) + cousin Jane Kerruish als Corteen(Ramsey) jt execs 1743-1 A 72 KNEEN William d 30 Nov 1742;notes wife of John Cottiman owed 4s 6d(allowed 3s as legacy);only son John Kneen exor 1743-1 A 73 COTTIER Mary QUARK [last in section on microfilm - then #1][significant damage]d 17 Mar 1742;ch Wm, James(40s between them - money in hands of sister Margt Clark als Quark) - both ua;sis-i-law Elin Cottier;cousin Mary Curghey;bro-i-law Wm Curghey(Ramsey) owed £1 12s;husb James Cotter exor;1755: the 40s left to ch was in hands of sis Marygt Clark als Quark and now rcvd by James 1743-1 E d CALLOW William d 2 mar;smith;ch john,ann (both ua) - uncle john gill supv;wife alive 1743-1 E w CHRISTIAN Hugh sis Mary Christian(ramsey);wife Rachel exex;names Robert Christian of the Head; 1743-1 E w RADCLIFF Margaret d 19 May [1743];names Wm Lewhallin,Cathrin Christian;Mary Bignail exex - ua Mr Wm Christian sworn; [?bapt Mary Bignall - ?she m John Cowle Mau 17471024 - also a Mary Bignal has fam with Wm Christian in Ramsey from 1760]] 1743-2 A 92 BOYDE Thomas d 22 Apr 1744;cooper, Ramsey;will made at his going off Island to Liverpool June 1741;bro Wm Boyd exor 1743-3 E d HENDERSON William d 21 Jun 1743;king's officer at Ramsey;only son George relinquishes to prin creditor Elizabeth Bacon;claims 1743-3 E w KILLEY Mary CHRISTIAN undated;Ramsey;wants burial Maughold;names Patrick Mclevoarey(wife Elizth), Margt Kneen;sis Cathrin Quay, 'Stanley',;husb Wm Killey exor; 1743-3 E w KILLEY Mary CHRISTIAN d Jun 1743;husb John;stepson Ewan + James Killey;gch Jon Mason;dau Dorothy Mason, Cath Mason exex; 1743-3 E w Killip Robert [poor copy]d 28 Jun 1743;bro Wm, Simon(+ son);bro-i-law Wm Callow;wife Cath als Callow exex 1743-3 E d KISSACK Rachel CHRISTIAN d beg Feb 1742/3;ch Elizth, Wm, Thomas + Robt Kissack - all ua - uncles Robt Christian, Robt Cowle + Edwd Kerruish supvs;husb Robt;a Mrs Mary Christian claims 1743-3 E d QUAYLE Christian McYLROY d beg Feb 1742/3;ch Arthur + Margt Quayle jt admrs 1743-3 E d VOASE Henry d 12 months ago;late a mariner on board a ship belonging to Liverpool (Capt Hardman cmmndr);fa Richd Voase(Ramsey);only bro Richd admr 1744-1 A 34 KERRUISH Robert d 18 apr 1744?;Ramsey;son john,robt (and ann kerruish);wife exex 1744-1 A 35 KEWLEY Mary COWLE d 6 mar 1743/4;dau margt,ann exex;gdau cath stole;1803: cath kinread als stole acks;[Full] 1744-1 E w CALLOW Robert d 14 may 1744;ramsey;son-i-law danl joughin,wm kissage;gch margt + robt kissag(close croman),ewan joughin;wife margt exex 1744-1 E w CORKILL Mary d 28 Apr 1744;ch Wm(eldest son), Grace, John(exor); husb Robert Corkill 1744-1 E d CURGHY Ann WATERSON als christian d 24 feb;no one applies for admin;wm callow(ballaglass) h/o dau letitia appntd for benefit john + margt waterson transmarians - note appears that effects settled by contract on ed curghy junr 1744-1 E d KERRUISH Thomas perished on coast of scotland 15 apr 1744;ch mary + cath both ua uncle john kerruish supv;inv 1744-2 A 61 FOX John names thomas christian(ch mary,wm + bro edwd, decd by probate wife jane),mary cowle als christian(w/o john) (sister of thomas christian);1764 mary christian als cowle als bignall w/o wm (former w/o john cowle s/o john + mary cowle) [full] 1744-2 E w KERRUISH Isabel d 16 jul 1744;sis Margt Kerruish exex; 1744-3 E d QUAY Catherine d beg nov 1743;d/o Wm Quay late ramsey;sis Easther Curghey als Quay, Ann Christian als Quay 1744-3 E d STOLE James d beg feb 1743;ch james,cath,ellinor,margery - all ua uncles John Stole,wm Stole + Philip Cown sworn;wife alive 1745-1 A 26 KENISH Margaret CORKILL dated 28 May 1745;d beg Feb last;husb Wm Kinnish exor;ch Nicholas(eldest - off Island), John, 3 unnamed younger sons,Margt; 1745-1 E d CALLOW Christopher d 26 jan;bros ewan,wm(abroad),john + robt (both incapable) 1745-1 E d CALLOW William perished on coast england 20? jan 1744;only ch wm - uncle henry lace + aunt cath callow overseers;wife cath; 1745-1 E d CORTEEN John perished on coast england 20? jan 1744;thallooqueen;ch john,cath + edwd (all ua) john kerruish h/o jane (aunt fa side),1746 aunt margt corteen sworn;1748 complaints re john corteen replaced by wifes fa-i-law harry kelly;1775: dau cath comish als corcheen w/o wm;?wife cath als cubon 1745-1 E d KERMEEN Thomas perished on coast england 20? jan 1744;sibs wm,john,margt,ellinr + jony 1745-1 E d QUARK James perished on coast england 20 jan 1744;ch John + jane both ua - next relns half sis by mo Margt(w/o John Costean) + ann Kerruish overseers;wife alive; 1745-2 E d CALLOW John d beg aug 1745;only son john 1745-2 E w CHRISTIAN Ewan d aug 1745;only son james(meadow balneclaughbane lezayre);wife cath als corlet;dau cath + elinor jt exexs;sibs john,wm,ellinor callow als christian,dorothy cross als christian;exexs ua next relns wm callow,wm christian + john christian sworn 1745-3 E d CHRISTIAN Dorothy CALLOW d 12 Feb last[1744/5?];Ball[lost on film as edge curled up but Ballure would fit];son John + Robt jt admrs - ua - uncles Wm, Edwd + Thos Callow + John Black junr with aunt Margt supv;husb John; pledges Mr Arthur Cowle + Wm Christian (Ballaterson) 1745-3 E d FOX Thomas d 44yrs ago;native Ramsey late of London;no goods other than houses + lands settled by agreement epic 1672-1;next of kin nephew Thomas Christian s/o John Christian + Margery als Fox admr;pledges Thomas Cain (kk Michael), Dan Tear(Jurby) 1745-3 E d KINNISH Nicholas perished by sea about candlemas [2 Feb] 1744/5;sibs john, james, thomas, peter + Margt - last 2 ua 1746-1 A 16 CALLOW William d 15 apr 1746;son wm(heir),edmond,danl;other unnamed ch;wife cath als lace exex;1758 dau jane acks [full] 1746-2 A 48 COSTEAN Ann LOONEY d 17 jan 1746/7;widdow in Ken:ne:hennin;bro wm;only son + heir wm (worried a spendthrift?);dau margt exex 1746-3 E d COWLE Charles perished by sea abt 28 Oct 1745;ch matthias, jane, mary + mark jt admrs - all ua - uncle Wm Cowle overseer;wife cath als casement;pledge wm cowle(uncle) + wm curghy (smith ramsey);1779: Philip tear + mary als cowll, jane cowll ack from mother Cath cowll als casement 1746-3 E d HILL Margery TAGGART d feast of St Andrew [20 Nov 1745] in Dublin;sibs john taggart, cath creech als taggart jt admrs 1746-3 E d JOUGHIN Mark perished by sea abt 28 Oct 1745;sibs daniel, james, wm, margt, cath + anne jt admrs;father daniel;wife alive 1746-3 E d TEAR John perished by sea abt 28 Oct 1745;only ch wm admr - ua uncle james? quark overseer - wife alice (with cinsent James + his sisters Jane + Isabel) to maintain child till age 10 1746-3 E d TEAR William perished by sea abt feast St Simon + Jude [28 Oct 1745]only bro Thos admr(abroad) - mother ann Tear als Taylor sworn admx;inv + claims;1750 Thos Tear acks 1747 E w CALLOW Catherine STEVAN made 27 may;dau margt;son wm,jon exec 1747-1 A 18 KERRUISH John d 3 feb 1746/7;son john(croft),ewan + danl jt exors; 1747-1 A 19 KERRUISH William d 14 mar 1746;ballallen;dau cath (as yet no issue),anne,mary;money due by mr watterson's will;wife cath als curghey exex 1747-2 A 100 CORTEEN Ann KENNISH dated 2 mar 1747/8;son danl,wm,edmond (prev 3 execs),robt,thos (wife ann - corn of ballecrink);dau cath 1747-2 A 101 LOONEY Esther d mar 1747/8;names John chambers,eliz kerruish als christian,isabel christian, jane corkan als christian,margt christian als cowle;bro robt (exor),wm (wife magery loony);witt margt christian als cowle,jane corkan als christian; 1748-1 A 104 CORKILL Isabel Ballnejoarey;husb ewan; 1748-1 A 106 CAIN Charles d 26 feb 1747/8;niece mary cain,ellinor gill als cain;sis-i-law margt cain als gill;names robt christian + wm cain (off island) jt exors; 1748-1 A 108 KNEAL Jane CALOW [full] 1748-1 E w KELVIE Catherine Blackburn [Full];d 2 Jun 1748;3 ch youngest James;Aunt Eliz Clague;husb Thomas;maid Jane Kneal;ch uncle Wm Clague; [husb remarries ? as Eliz step mother mentioned 1748-2 E w CORKILL Isabel dated 17 Aug 1748;d/o Wm corkill;sis joney;mo mary;pledges ewan corkil, jon kneal 1748-3 E d KERMEEN Richard [full] 1749-1 A 29 mc CORKILL William [full]Ballnyjoarey;1727 mc between Daniel Corkill s/o late Wm + Elizabeth Corkill d/o Wm (the testator) + Grace Corkill; 1749-1 A 31 CASHIN Margaret CORTEEN d mar last;son thos,wm;dau cath,margt (execx);gsom wm kinrey(?);husb john 1749-1 A 32 LACE Ewan [full] 1749-1 A 34 GELLIN John [full]d 28 jan 1748/9;wife joney als brew; 1749-1 E d ALLEN samuel d 24 jul 1749;s/o revd Henry Allen vicar Maughold;bro rev thomas allen, richd,john + henry 1749-1 E w KISSAG John d 17 oct 1748;port-e-willan maughold;names mary corkil als harrison w/o james;sibs thos, elizth,wm,Robt + edwd exors;robt dead by probate 'and since the decease of his son john appointed his 3 ch thos,robt + elizth his exors' - some ua 1749-1 E d KISSAG Robert d abt 16yrs before father above[john d Oct 1748] due goods from mother Jony Kissag als Martin; only bro from mother Edward admr;pledges James Corkil + son Wm Corkil (both Maughold) 1749-1 E w KISSAG Robert d 17 oct 1748;port-e-willan maughold;names mary corkil als harrison w/o james;sibs thos, elizth,wm,Robt + edwd exors;robt dead by probate 'and since the decease of his son john appointed his 3 ch thos,robt + elizth his exors' - some ua 1749-1 E d KNIPE Dinah d feb;ramsey;sibs alexander, cath (both abroad)+ margt(w/o John Cottier) 1749-1 E d MARTIN Ewan d 22 Jan last;6 ch Edward,edmond,wm,margt,grace + jane;wm + jane ua;wife alive;1754 edwrd acks from wm christian h/o margt 1749-2 A 46 jw BLACK Grace John & Grace Black of Ramsey: dau Mgt Black; son Hugh Black (dead); son Jn Black; dau Ann Martin, Elizth Flaxxx[?]; Jean Xtn; dau Grace Xtn (her son Edwd); gdau Ann & Grace Martin; gson Hugh Black; cousin Diana Nipe; cousin Jean Christian. (Grace died before Mr. John Black of Ramsey) 1749-2 E d CALLOW John perished by sea oct 1748;next of kin - ch of decd sis Mary Curgey als callow (margt + John - both ua - fa Edward Curghey) 1749-2 E d CORLETT jane CANNELL d 23 jul 1749;ch cath, margt + lucy - all ua uncle james Cannell overseer;husb edmd 1749-2 E d COSTEAN William d beg May 1747;only sis Margt costean 1749-2 E d KERRUISH Catherine Quark see robt 1749-2 E d KERRUISH Robert robt + wife cath als quark d 4yrs ago;no surviving ch;only dau ellinor by dg 15 june 1737 gave her goods to friend daniel sayle (ramsey) - sd Daniel admr;[full] 1749-2 E d KISSAG Robert d 16 years ago;minor due goods by death of mo Jony kissag als martin (fa just dead);only bro by mother Edward Kissack
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