These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1628 e 129 CALLOW Christopher inv dated 2 jun 1629 precedes badly damaged will;dau Mrgrett exex;son tho; brother Tho;names Jo Callow 1628 e 130 KINNAGE John d 28 Nov ;no goods 1628 e 131 CALLOW Donold very badly damaged - looks like an marriage contract wch mentions Wm Corkill who signs, Christopher callow signs, margery? kerush als ca[], - court note dated 1628 + annexed will of Donald Callow who d 30 9ber[november]- sister Mariod Callow;names Elizth Callow exex;bro Wm Callow supv 1633 A j017 w costeen Ann lowny als TAGGART d 22 Jan 1633/4;husb Gilno Costeen;dau Margt Lowny 1634 A w ORUM Eleanor d 22 Apr [1634];ch Joney Callow, Donald Callow + John Callow jt exors; 1636 e 289 CORKILL Issabeil [lh margin lost] d [] Mar 1637;names Isabell [] exex 1636 e 293 COSTEN Doncan d 24 Apr 1637;ch John(his pt of plough),donald, maria(exex);inv 1636 e 294 CORLET Wm dated 1 Apr 1637;wife Joonnie Cowle exex;names Robt Kerush(prcell of ground I gave him in bar?yane?, Robt + Katherine Callow, W Keruish, Christopher Cowin, Katherine Cowine;inv 1637 e 387 CORKILL John [rh margin lost on film] d Sep [];sibs Wm + Mariott Corkill admrs - next reln on fa + mo's side [?supv];legacy to mother; 3rd? pt of inv inc with father's inv 1640 e 169 SUMPTER Wm d 28 apr on shipboard going to france;aged 18;eldest s/o Wm Sumpter merchant Ramsey;sibs peter, margery, kath, bessy + jane - some ua 1641 e 537 CHRISTIN Robert not a will but PoA to son to handle wife's will(that of Jony als Standish) 1643 e 094 ALLEN Thos vicar;d 1 Aug 1643;son Robt ;unnamed dau 1643 e 095 CORKILL Robt dated 8 Jul 1642;names Mariot Corkill, John Corkill, Robt Caloe;his bastard son Phillip Corkill; bequeathes to his son begotten by him his goods and to his wife her own; inv 1645 e 443 STOLE Will [some loss] d 2 [] 1644;ch isable, tho + john jt exor;inv 1645 e 444 CLOAGE Obadde inyCHLOGGERE d 15 Oct 1644; only dau Christian clague admx;inv 1653 e 223 CORKe [?mic or mau][lh margin lost]d 20 aug;sis jonie corke admx; 1658 A 692 LOWNY [Looney] Philip d 2 Feb 1657/8;only son John admr - uncle(fa'side) Do: Lowny supv;wife alive;inv (states d 4 Feb) mentions unnamed bro + croft on his lands 1661 E 135 d camash Margaret KNEAKLE [damaged lh margin lost]d 24 Jun 1661;ch Kath + Bessy Camash jt admxs - ua - next of kin mo's side [] Kneal overseer; husb alive 1661 E 135 w Clucas Mary CORKIL [rh margin lost]headed 1660 ; husb Ewan Clucas (saying she had brought nothing to []) exor;sibs Isable Corkle, Ewan(+ wife Mariod) + other unnamed 6d ea;inv 1661 E 136 d CORKIL John Ramsey;inv £4 13s;[?will]; 1670: 2 daus at full age Kath + Anne ack all due by death of fa + mo 1661 E 141 w LOWNY [Loone William [rh margin lost]dated 25 jun 1661;dau marg: Looney exex;wife christian [Co..];eldest son? (part fishing boat + netts)gch wm + Kath Loony 1661 E 142 d FREAR Bahy [rh margin lost]orphan d [] years ago;mothers [bros] + sis admrs - Wm Quarke, []Quarke, Choaly Quarke + Bahy Quarke ; inv in mo's will 1666 e 428 CORKLE Edward headed 1667? [?1668 as last fig looks corrected] d 20 May of this inst;4 ch at age Wm, John, Ann + Kath jt admrs;wife alive 1669 e 224 mc CHRISTIAN Edward m/c John Christian + Margt Ayscough;dated 19 Jan 1669;Capt Tho Ayscough + wife Margery obo their dau Margt (age 16.25); Edward Christian + wife Ann obo son John;to marry forthwith; Edward settles all houses + gardens on northside of the street + half their lately purchased lands - half now + half at decease of longest liver;Ayscough to give £30; Witt John Wattleforth x, Rich Fox - some dispute at death of Edward - 2 sons John + Edward agree with mother that house on side + street equally between them - John + wife to have old dwellling house + chamber, Edward to have street chambers, brewhouse + garden + cattlehouse + shop on southside of street; mother to give 5s to ch of her dau Margt; land in portleague equally between them, purchased lands to John + mortgaged lands to Edward 1670-2 E 463 w CARRAN Patrick d 4 Oct 1670;ch Margt, Robt (exor), Christian;gch Robt Corkill; owed 3 stooks? of oates + 3 of barley from Daniel Corkill;stated he had satisfied the ?said Corkill [?= Daniel] what had been promised in m/c;pledge Dan Corkle 1670-2 E 466 w Christian Tho d 20 Apr 1670;infant; brother(s?) + sister jt admrs; 1670-2 E 466 w CORKILL William d 26 Sep 1670;ch James, Margery(exex);bro Henry (?bro to testator or to James); names Daniel Corkill(his old clothes) 1670/1 E 624 w costeene Alice KNEEN dated 29 Apr 1670;Ramsey; ch Bessie+ her dau Margt), John + Margt Cos[] 1670/1 E 625 w CORKLE Margaret coleash jw [name lost in margin] Corkle + Margt Coleash his wife having no ch nor any reln to look after them - husb's goods repayed to his bro Robt Corkle and Margt's to James Colesh and his sister Mart with condtn they were to maintain her - Margt d 16 Apr and James + Margt decreed admrs; 1670/1 E 626 d CHRISTIAN Robert d 27 Nov 1670;Ballure; ch Ewan, Dan(ua), Joney, Margery and Ann jt admrs;son Robt(eldest) claims agt his fa's admrs;inv;a later agreemnt names dau Margery + deceased sister Isable; mother dead;10 Jan 1780: Ann Christian acks from Wm Cubon (Baronry) obo bro of Robt Christian 1670/1 E 626 d Costen Catherine d 16 May 1670;half bros John + Wm Cubon admrs 1670/1 E 630 w CORKLE Margaret [lh margin lost on film]dated 27 [] 1670;only son edmond;bro Edm Corkle; inv £3 8s 6d 1670/1 E 631 w lawson Jony CHRISTIAN d 26 Apr 1670; ch Rich,John,Margt,Kath(in Ireland),Ann(exex) 1670/1 E 631 w SAYLE Jane norris Ramsey;unnamed 2 ch; husb alive; her parents dead;inv £2 12s 6d 1670/1 E 632 w CORTEEN Mary CHRISTIAN d 21 Mar 169/70;Ramsey;sis Ellen Callow, Esabel Christian, Ann;reln Richard Cowle;husb John Corteen exor; names Robt Sayle, Ewan Christian(+ their ch); note of money paid by husb to named poor ;inv 1670/1 E 633 w CURGHY Margery KNEAL [damaged rh margin lost]d 27 Nov 1670;Ballure;ch [?some missing],Ewan, Dan(ua), Joney + Ann jt admrs; Son Robt claims agt his fa's admrs;inv; a later agreemnt names dau Margery + deceased sister Isable; mother dead; ack by Ann Christian from Wm Cubon(Barony) obo his bro Robt Christian 1670-2 E 466 d COWLE Catherine STOLE d 20 Jul 1670;ch Richard + Margery jt execs - both at age 1671-1 E 672 d CORKILL Donol d 20 feb;only ch Robt+ postume;gfa + uncle Wm Corkill to ch sworn supv;1670/1: robt charan claims agt admrs of dan corlke re death of mother (stated as ann quine maughold in book 1668);1675: bro Wm Corkle supv to bro Dan's childe pays 11s 11d to Robt Charan debt appears annexed to will Ann Quine (Maughold) 1668 1671-1 E 673 w LEWNY William ch Daniel (6d);wife exex;court notes no provision for ua ch thus decreed jt execs;inv incs deals[boards] of the barge + rigging + herring netts 1671-1 e 673 CORKLE Edmond d 6 Feb 1770;Ramsey;kinsman Ewan Christian (6d);names Edmund Sayle(6d); wife exex (+ post death goods to Ewan Christian + Edmund Sayle being' most related');inv inc half house 2d rent 1671-2 E 814 w CHRISTIAN Ann d 21 Nov 1671;husb alive(10s of £4 due from John Looney + Mary Christian);ch Wm(eldest son), Ann, Margory, Jane(in ireland), John(ua), Robt - (all except Wm jt exors);names John, ewan + Kathrin Caisment, Robt Kerruish; John Casement claims agt exors of his mother for houses + lands due by m/c given by gfa + gmo Tho Christian + Isable Steene;1677: Margery, Ann + John at age ack aunt Mary Christian; 1672: Nicholas Christian claims 1671-2 e 817 d CORTEENE Dan dated 2 Sep [?1671];unnamed sibs admrs 1671-2 E 818 w CALLOW Patrick dated 2 Nov;ch Wm(heir - under 21yrs), unnamed sis;wife Jony Callow;step-dau Isable Corkle;names Wm Casement, Philip Cown;inv;pledges Wm Callow(Ballagilla), Wm Christian(Ramsey);Isable Christian als Cowle claims 11s 1671-2 E 820 d CALLOW Margaret d 20 Nov 1671;ch Ewan, Jony jt admrs - both at age; inv £2 5s 6d;pledges John Callow + her husb Wm Callow 1671-2 e 820 CANnON Marriott d 2 Nov 1671;ch John, Joney admrs - at age; 1671-2 e 820 [corkill] Jony COOBERAUGHT [w/o Edmond Corkie/Corkill]dated 17 Nov 1671; names Ewan Christian(half of her goods in house), Edmond Sayle(her part of the house) exor, isable Christian, Anny Quail, Nelie Black, Anny Corkill;owes Thomas Kelvie 2s 8d; inv 1671-2 e 820 Corteene don dated 2 Sep [?1671];unnamed sibs admrs - there is second decree at end of a later page that d 20 Aug 1671 - sibs Robt, John Isable + Marriott jt admrs ? same person 1671-2 E 822 w KERRoush esabel QUAY undated; names Edw Callow(+ dau), Margt Kelly, Margt Knickle, Ed Christian(any right in his house to him), Ann Caine;sis-i-law Bahee Costen(+ husb + child);sibs Margt Fayle(in Ireland), Edmond Fayle;unnamed husb(her part of house during life)exor;inv inc her pt of house 20s 1671-2 E 823 w Corkle Edmond [Mortgage] dated 17 Dec 1670;'long upon my bed of sickness and being in great want of relief' with my wife's approval [jony Corkle als Corbraugh] mortgage for 10s to Edward Christian(glover, Ramsey) my own half of dwelling house - if sum + interest be not paid by my exors Edward Christian to enter upon ye sd part as long as my wife bee not molested - codicil that leaves my part of house to my wife and if she ne necessitated to sell edward Christian to have first offer;Witt Edward Curghey x, Robt Fox [see also will Jony Corbraugh - no indication that this a will] 1671-2 e 825 KERMOAD Jony QUORKE [some parts lost in folds - unwilling to try to flatten] dated 14 May 1671;husb Wm;sibs Richard Quorke, Katherin, decd sibs - William + Willee;illeg son Don Qualtrough;ch Isable + Joney Kermoad jt exexs - ua;names John Kermod;18 May 1674 - Wm Kermoad told court that children lately decd "wth a most infectious and frightful leprocie" 1671-2 e 827 CURGHEY Katherin CHRISTIAN nee SUMPTER [?refered to as Cath Christian als Sumpter in inv with sister Margerie Christian];husb Edward Curghey (but lately married - to have house for 5yrs + little cellar at west end) ;ch John Christian(eldest son - half dwelling house + half of all things bequeathed to him by father John Christian), Eliz,Philip, Ewan + Robt (youngest sons jt exors);Bro Peter, Jane; gch Mart Lace;cousin Margt Christian;son-i-law John Lace + kinsman Wm Christian jt supervs ; annexed agreement between Edward Curghey, John Lace, Will Christian + John Christian; 1674-1 E 360 w CORKILL Henry dated 17 May 1674;kinswoman Margery Corkill;unnamed bro + sister;nephew James Corkill exor 1674-1 E 363 w COWLE Christian [faint on film] unnamed? son; sis Margrett, Cath (to be supv of child);husb Hugh exor;incs m/c hugh cowle(Kk Bride) + christian cowle (d/o Wm + Margt) - in m/c Hugh was to give 20s to Christian's sisters on marriage - wm Kirmeen obo wife jony acks 20s;Wm Cowle acks 10s obo dau Cath 1674-1 E 370 d CORKIL Isabel d 6 Jan 1673;sibs Dan + Issable Corkle admrs - at age - inv £1 10s 1674-1 E 370 d CORKLE William [damaged at top of page]d 20 [lost but next decree dated 7 Jan 1673/4] - only son Wm Corkle admr; Wm Christian claims 5s lent money 1675 A w CURGHEY Katharen LAWSON [note indexed as lawson]d 4 dec 1675;dau margt;son ewan,john,robt,thos;'3 sons robt thos + thos';husb ewan + son john exors 1675 E w CORTEEN Robert d 22 oct [1675];only child margt corteene exex - ua - wife alive + to have tuition - John Corkill to oversee; names Wm corkill ;unnamed bro + ?sisters;1695: margt at age acquits mother 1676/1 A w CORKIL William [will damaged + much missing or obscured] son john;dau elizth;wm corkil cardle + wm corkill ballnagorry supervs;in acks 1678: kath,ewan,wm,isabel,margt + Jo: corkil surrender all rights by death of wm's ch to kinsmal wm corkill 1677-2 E mc CORKIL Ewan d 10 dec;dau grace(youngest - mo Marriot martin),mally;wife alive; husbs of 2 ch ewan skayley, Dan Carrett;inc marr contract between Ewan Corkill (kk Bride) obo dau Grace + Ellin Bell (maughold obo son wm corkill) + marr contract (?4 dec 1677)Ewan obo dau mally + Patrk Cormoad kk bride obo son john cormoad; 1678 A w COWLE Jane d 6 Apr 1678;sibs Ann, Elizth, Danl, Isabel;father Patrick Cowle exor; inv 10s 1678 A w KERRISH Catherine (73) d 6 Nov 1678;bro Ewan, Robt Kerrish exor;niece Margery Kerrish;nephew Robt Kerrish;names Maryad Callow; inv £1 1678 A w QUILLEASE James d abt 25 Mar [?1678];names Mary Costen, Phillip + Will Quilleash, Kath Quilleash, John Curleod, Jo Kerrish;unnamed bro's dau (and noted by court being his nearest of kin and a very poor impotent creature);friend John Costen exor 1678-1 e 277 CALLOW Christian sis Margt Callow admx 1678-1 e 277 TEARE Thomas headed Ramsey;d 20 Feb ;sibs Gilbert, Thomas, Grace + Margt jt admrs;wife alive - admrs relinquinsh all to her she paying costs etc 1678-1 e 279 KERMOD Issabell d 30 Jul 1678;previous decree dated 18 May 1674 orphans goods due by mother was to be expended upon herself, because of her loathsome leprosie and that by care of fatther , none of kindred undertaking the charge, court decrees father be admrs and bestow same upon other infrm child - relns not to have any of goods whatsoever as neglected their obligation for 7 yrs past 1679-1 E 079 w CHRISTIAN Christian d 9 May 1679;names Mally Christian als Goldsmith, Margt Christian, Philip CurladWill Mcyllreay, Christian Curlad exex (her husb sworn); 1679-1 E 079 w LEWNEY Margaret KNEAcLE d 6 Sep 1679;son John Loweny exor; names Will Christian, Daniel Lowny;inv 18s 2d 1679-2 E 126 d corlett Cathrerin MOOR d 26 Apr [?1679];Ramsey;son Thomas Corlett + (unnamed)son-i-law + wives? admrs proportional to the severall contract bargains;son Wm Corlett admr of all rest 1679-2 E 127 d KNAYKLE Bahee dated at top 1678;d 7 Apr; uncle on fa's side (by whom goods came) Phill Knaykle admr (to be sworn by Sr Patk Thompson as he being resided in his parish) 1671-2 E 813 w CALLOW John dated 14 Nov 1671;ch (by first wife) Christian, Jony + Edward,(by 2nd wife) Robert, Elizth + Jane;wife Christian jt exex with ch by her; none of his relns to be injoined;1674: Christian + Jony at age + ack stepmother Christian Sayle reservering house+ croft wch came by her mo; 1671-2 E 816 w CALLOW Isabel dated 24 Nov 1671;sibs Margt(+ ch), Mally, Robert exor (noted as in Ireland + to be sworn on return);inv 3s 4d 1680-2 E 257 d christian Margaret QUIRKE indexed as Margrett Quirke;intestate;ch Gilbt Christian, Wm Christian, Tho[] Christian, Christian Christian, JonyChristian admrs but only 2 in country + 3 in Ireland(not known if living or dead) inv £5; 2 daughters in country admrs - goods of 3ch in ireland in hands of Robt Cown(Lonan - ?husb of one of sisters) + Ewan Christian(tailor?, Ramsey) 1680-2 E 257 d fayle Bahy corteen d 10 May 1680;only child Edw Fayle admr; husb alive 1681-2 E 429 dd CALTHORPE Martin [parish unclear]PoA dated 14 May 1675 to friend and Governor Henry Newell to act for Caltrop in any way re his estate as he (Calthrop) is departing Island - names kinsman Jo Fargher(Skibberike) be deputed to help; annexed page [?incomplete dated 17 May 1675 and noted on 24 Feb 1680 to be recorded] of accounts mentions sister Ellin + Ann; mother alive and states Ballalane to be sett for 4 years but after 7 years to be disposed of. [note in 1683 a martin Calthorpe is noted as master of boat taking quakers back to England - there is a burial for a Martin Caltrop Mal 16871212 - old deed And #45 is a sale by Martin Colthrop + wife Elizabeth als Christian of Ballneleany - in 1674 Martin Calthrop + mother Ellnr sued Robt Cowle(dyer) for half a close called Close kewney - Lib Canc 1674 p 173] 1685-1 E 283 CHRISTIAN Bessy d 29 Apr [1685];ch Wm, Mary? (debts discharged);bro edmond exor; court notes both Wm + Margery c/o Bessy lately decd + next of kin edmond, Wm, Wm jnr, Hugh, Samuel, Ann + Mally Christian jt admrs [bur reg of Ballafayle] 1685-1 E 283 Kelvy Thomas dated 14 May 1685;ch Will, Thos , Robt, Margt (6d ea + what is due by mo's will), John exor - some ch ua; 1685-1 E 285 CHRISTIAN John mo Christian Cloag exex;goods in fa's inv 1685-1 E 286 QUAY John d 28 May [1685], orphan;court decress half goods to mother + other half to uncle Hen Quay + aunts Jane + Cath Quay;inv in fa's will lib 1675;Henry Quay(Peel, carpenter) + Jane Quay obo myself + sis Kath Quay(Peel) ack sis-i-law Christian Quay als Cowle(Ramsey) of all due by decease bro John Quay(ramsey) 1685-2 E 365 LOONEY Katherine Quilleash d 8 jul 1685;son Philip exor - ua, husband alive;inv 5s 5d;1706: Philip Loony acks from his [?] Philip Colleish 5s 5d; 1687-1 A w LOONY Catherine NICHOLSON d 4 mar 1686;dau Ann,d-i-l Mary Teare;dau Christian,Elizabeth 1688-2 A w KERRISH Ewan uncle john kerruish;dau mally (ua) ;wife alive;pledges Wm + John Cotter [full] 1689-1 E 106 d CALLOW John d 10 Jan;ch Dan,Ro, Jon + Issa Callow jt admrs - next rels on fa's side Dan + Jony Callow suprvs;wife alive 1689-1 E 106 d CHRISTIAN John d 22 Dec;3 unmarried sons Edm, Richd + Jon Christian admrs - 2 youngest surrendered admin to Edm; 1694: Richd acks 1695: John acks ;annexed agreement between Edm, Richd + John (wittnesses Willm + Jon Christian) 1689-1 E 109 d CORLED Elinor cotteheen? headed Maughold 1689;husb alive;ch Jon, Jane + Kath (jt exexs) - noted that some ch ua; 1713: Cath Corleod only survivinbg exex; 1723: James Quill husb of Cath; 1689-2 E 243 d CALLOW Robert d 25 Sep 1689;of Crow Creen;bro John, Edward;wife Elizabeth als Christian exex; Witt Wm Callow junr, Thomas Loney (both sign) 1690-1 E 344 w CORKILL Margaret [rh margin lost]bur 17 Sep;unnamed bro's wife;bro John, Robt;ch Kath + Isable jt exexs (their fa dead) - bro John + her [] Kath + Jon Cubbon overseers;owed 3s to Margery Corkill; Witt Wm Corkill + Jon Corkill 1690-2 A w CORKIL Daniel d 4 feb 1690;Balagory;son Wm (mo dead);gch Ann Corkill (d/o Wm);names Robert + John Callow, John Quay + Richd Kermod;dau Katherine alread had settlement;gch Wm Corkill exec 1692-1 A w QUAIL Margaret KERMEEN [rh margin lost on film]only son(crop, team + gears );3 dau Kath, Ann + Marjory jt exexs - all ua Jo + Will Kermeene supvs - John Kirmeen had all goods;witt Wm Calow, Joney Kermeene;1694: David McLerey + John Kirmeen acked pd in full by sd John Kirmeen (McLerey's dau ua) 1692-2 A w BLACK Margaret [Full] 1692-2 A w CORKIL William 2 un-named bros;2 ch ua;sis-i-law isable;wife alive (?margt christian);son + heir James 1692-2 A w LOWNY [Looney] Thomas dated 20 Mar 1691/2;bro-i-law Robt Cannon exor;owed wages by Robt Callow junr;bro Wm Loonyfather alive; names Ann Cannon(+ dau Margt) 1693-1 A w CURLET Isabel d 22 Jan 1693;ch Kath, Jane Christery;names Edwd Calow; 1695-1 A w CORKIL Marger CHRISTIAN d 20 Dec 1694;ch Wm(eldest son - her half of crop etc), Ann + Ewan (jt execs); husb William (horse + a cow that was in Balnagary);cousin Robt Quay, Isable Quay; court gave tuition of ch to husband as no relns upon mo's side 1695-2 A d CREER Christian QUAIL d 23 apr;only ch alice admx - unnamed supv next of kin mo's side;husb alive 1696-2 A d KERUSH Robert d 25 oct last;8 ch robt wm ewan, isabell, kath philip, jane jony kerrish;uncle wm christian;wife alive 1697-1 A w CHRISTIAN Margaret d 10 Dec;ch Christopher(feather bed), Edward(exor), John, Robt, Isable;gch Philip 1699 A w CHRISTIAN Margery dated 7 Dec;names many inc Margery Christian(in Ireland);Tho + James Christian exors;sister Jony + Ann(both in Ireland) 1699 A w CHRISTIAN Patrick d 10 [] 1699;ch Mary(6d),Elizth,Jane + Cath (youngest daus - a cow for their share of mo's good) - last 3 daus jt exexs - all at age; names Hugh Carran + John Kissage (both witnesses);1700: Margt Quoile exex of Mary Christian her mother acks debts etc 1699 A w CORKIL Alice STOLE ch Wm, John, unnamed only dau (if she comes);husb Will Corkill exor; 1699 A w GARRET Mary dau jane corteene,kathrin;son david (fishing nets);youngest ch jon + margt; 1699 A w LOONY John d 12 nov 1699;wife alive flax + brown cow;son james colloagh;son john;gson james + other boy jo;names wm christian ballafaile;robert quay + mother;som wm 1699 A w PRESCOT John one of his majestys officers; bro oliver + another bro + lands in england 1699 A CHRISTIAN Edward [full]d 27 nov 1699;ballasaig;sis mary quorke;wife pregnant (ellin);1714 ellin acks mo + stepfa danl looney 1699 A w PRESCOT John one of his majestys officers; bro oliver + another bro + lands in england;names John Kely(£10 in his hands) 1699-2 E 374 d CANNON Robert d 8 Sep; 4 ch Ann, Margrett, Isable + ellin jt admxs - next of kin (fa's side) supv;wife alive - jony cannon one of next of kin refused + her sister bein a poor girl the wife has taken tuition + given pledges Ewan Costeen + John Skillicorn - inv £10 3s 1699-2 E d CHRISTIAN Margaret CUBBON d 20 Aug;only ch Tho Christian (at age) 1699-2 E d LOONY Robert d 2 sept;only son wm made exec as did not receive 6d at fa's death or at marriage; 1699-3 E QUINE Margaret Orphan;uncles gilnoo,tho wm + pat quine; fa decd 1699/1700
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