Summary of Wills - Lonan 1700-1749

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful abt 355/373[95%] are here- [full] indicates a full transcription is available.

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1700-1 A 1       KILLEY       Bahye       CLAGUE       [1st on film rb523]d 22 Feb 1700/1;husb Jo Killey(half of team,crop);ch Phill, Wm, Ann (1st 3 jt exors), John - bro James Clague + Phill Moore supvs
1700-1 A 2       KISSAGE      Philip                   [some damage]d 23? Mar 1700;sis dau Jean Kissag;sibs Wm Kissage + bes[?bessie] Kissage jt execs
1700-1 A 3       GARRETT      Christian   COWN         dated 19 Apr 1700;husb Wm Garrett exor
1700-1 A 4       COWIN        Ann         [quay]       d? 4 Mar 1699;husb Thomas Cown;ch Thomas, Philip Cown jt exors - her bro's John + Thomas Quay supvs;inv £8 13s 6d
1700-1 A 5       KISSAGE      Elizabeth                [damaged corner] d 12 [] 1700;dau [];bro Wm Kissage(Douglas) exor
1700-1 A [5]  w  KISSAGE      Philip
1700-2 E      d  LOONEY       Christian                d - Jun;;bro Daniel exec but admin surrended to illeg ch Js ? Cown  (he)
1701   A 1       ?[?Quark]    female [?Margt]          son philip, james,edw during his minority;3 ch exec james edw joney
1701   A 2       CHRISTIAN    male[?Thomas]            ch james xtian, margt, isable,wm,thomas,jane ;wife isable
1701   A 4       QUINE        Dorothy     SHIMIN       [damaged corner]dated 2 Mar 1700;ch Thomas, Margt, Jony;servnt maid Margt Mallevorry;husb John Quine exor
1701-1 E      d  COWN         John                     d 16 mar;uncle dan loony admr
1701-2 E      d  KEWLEY       Catherine   FARGHER      d 20 aug;4 ch wm,mary,elizth + philip;husb alive
1701-3 E 663  w  COWN         Robert
1702   A 1       Kewley       William                  [significantly damaged]d 22 Jan [last - headed at top 1702 ];ch Phill(youngest), Wm, Ellinr Cowine als Kewley, Phill Kewley(eldest son - noted as ye elder in decree);son-i-law Phil Cowine; gch Thos, Jon [], Mary [], Wm Cowine; bro James 
1703   A 1       KELLEY       William                  [damaged]wife margt als kerran;ch wm,john,james, ann;2 ch ua;
1703   A 2       KNAKILL      Jane                     [damaged]dated 24 mar;son gilbt(qtr of a fishing boat),thos(6d);gch cath knackill;dau jane,ann;gilbt + ann jt execs
1703   A 3       LOONEY       Bahee       lawson       dated 27 dec 1703;dau mary looney als clarke,margt clarke(youngest);son wm(a poor orphan);son-i-law dan looney;stepdau jane looney;husb danl exor;fa richd lawson
1703-1 E      d  QUALTROUGH   William                  d sep 1701 on return from west indies;mariner;only ch mary now living with her gmo in orkney (docs to show wm m to elizth flett of stromsey);fa dan qualtrough; appears to have been exor of father;;?fa danl had 'love child' pd to jo quiggin malew
1705   A 1       BREW         William                  d 6 Jan 1705;wife Margt als Kelly;sibs James, Phill;ch Issable + Margt jt exexs - us father Gilbt  + mother supv; inv £3 4s
1705-1 E      d  COWN         Daniel                   d mid Nov [1704];sis isabel cown admx
1705-1 E      d  KNEALE       William                  d 17 May 1705;ch Dan, Philip, Henry + Jane jt admrs - all at age;wife alive
1705-1 E      w  PARR         Henry                    dated 21 jun 1705;d 9 june;Son John (land, mill, mill tools + 'iron crow') exor,henry(to be kept at school - 1708 acks same),thomas;wife alive
1705-1 E      d  QUARK        Christian   QUAYLE       d 1 feb  [1704/5];only child Mary Quark admx ua - 3aunts + uncle sworn - Jo, Anne, Isabel + Margt Quaile
1705-2 E      d  QUARK        Jane        CLAGUE       d 20 Jan;ch Phinlo, Issable + Margt Quark - uncle Philip Cluag supv;husb alive - inv + acct in 1706 - Phinlo eldest - acct given in by husb Jo Quark and Phill Cloage
1706   A 28      QUALTROUGH   William                  [full]
1706-1 E      d  KEWLEY       James                    d 21 Mar 1705/6;ch Mary, Philip + Elizth jy admrs;inv £3 4s 6d
1706-1 E      d  KEWLEY       Philip                   d 24 Feb 1705/6;ch Margt (eldest)+ Nelly Kewley jt admxs - next of kin Nelly Kewley*w/o Wm Quaile) supv;wife alive;fa John Kewley; inv 9s 4d
1706-2 E         QUARK        Jane        CLAGUE       see 1705 will - this is accts
1706-3 E      w  MOORE        Philip                   d 27 May 1706;gch Phill Stoale;wife Mary als Cloage (1/4 crop of Ballagaane tenemt) jt exex with daus;names Isable Stoale;ch Elizth, Ann;stepson Phill Brew, James Brew (some dispute with stepsons)
1707-2 E 024  w  LOONEY       Daniel                   [Full];'old Dan Looney';Cath Corkill living in Maughold;Ann Callow his sister's dau;son James
1708   A 1       QUAY         Jony
1708   A 2       LOWCAY       Margaret                 [full] mar ag dated 11 may 1702 re elizth dau rev Henry Lowcay  + margt and wm s/o anthony whiteside
1708   A 43      LEWN         Margaret                 d 25 nov;ch danl,philip,harry(in ireland) + jane
1708   A 44      QUALTROUGH   William                  jt will wm + dorothy als shimmin;raby;no issue
1708-1 E      d  LOONEY       Jane        CORRIN       d 25 jan 1707/8;ch wm + margt
1708-2 E 079  w  KNAKILL      William                  dated 12 Jul 1708;Brondle;ch Daniel(half team etc - at age), Jas?[?Jon], Jane, Wm, Isabel, Phill, John,Joney + Mary (4 youngest jt execs) - uncle Phil + John Knackil to be supvs;wife Jane als Moore;Danl + John Kakil supvs;inv £4 10s
1708-2 E 095  w  QUINE        John                     dated 29 Sep 1705;Brondill;wants burial in fa's grave within church of Kk Lonan;gch Tho Quine(half a beehive now being a stack in the farm),John Quine, John Crelling, John Faile exorson-i-law John crelling;ch Margt, Jony
1708-2 E 099  w  JAMISSON     Mary        KEWLEY       dated 24 Jun 1708;ch John Kermod( + 2 ch),James Kermod, Isable Jameson exex;husb Thos Jameson
1708-2 E 102  d  QUAYLE       William                  d 22 Jul [1708];ch Wm, Philip + Margt jt admrs - all ua next relns Philip,Robt, Margt, Alice, Christian + Jane Quaile overseers;wife alive (+ by consent of supvs has tuition + goods) - pledges her father Jo Kewley + Richd Quaile
1709   A 19      COWINE       Daniel                   dated 9 mar 1708/9;ch isable,daniel(dead - money owed to ann). phill(not compos mentis),ann;wife ann (to have farm with half to Phill at her decease if he has enough witt to manage) - dau Ann jt exex
1709-2 E 201  w  KEWLEY       Isabel      SKILLICORN   dated 28 Sep 1709;names Bahy Corrin als Lowey w/o Wm, Margt fargher als Gell;gch Nicholas + Cath Lowey;mentions gch an illeg son of Wm Kewley + a dau by marr Dorothy Kew:;husb Phil Kewley;dau-i-law Dorothy Qualtrough als Shiming;ch Margt Craine als Qualtrough ;gch c/o of Wm Craine + Margt Qualtrough - John, Patk, Wm, Isable + Dorothy Craine - execs with their mother;Wm Kelly (obo ch Nich + Cath Kelly)  what was due to his wife;1727: Dorothy Kewley(w/o Hugh Killey) acks paid from Philip Kewley + wife Jony
1709-2 E 203  w  BREW         Mariot      COTTEEN      dated 7 Sep 1709;husb Gilbert Brew exor
1709-3 E 230  d  BREW         Alice       christian    d 3 Feb 1709[?1709/10]ch Alice, Isabel + Philip jt admrs - next of kin Tho Quine supv;husb Phinlo Brew;invgiven in by husb + Thos Quine(Braddan)
1709-3 E 230  d  KEWLEY       Philip                   d 17 Jan ;sibs James, John + Ellin jt execs of all goods that came by mother; Wm + Philip Kewley jt admrs with other 3 of what came by father
1709-3 E 235  d  CANNELL      Isabel      JAMESON      d 18 Jan 1709/10;[indexed orig as Isabel Jameson with Cannell als .. inserted];only child Isabel Cannell admx ;testatrix has no sibs living + no relns appeared - the father is required to take custody of child + tuition + to have goods;inv £1 8s;the father ye child - James Cannell has really acknowledged to be truth before vicar
1709-3 E 235  d  SKILLICORN   Jony        KERUISH      d 27 Nov [1709];ch Jo + Mary jt admrs - no relns appearing husb sworn;husb John Skillicorninv £3 5s 10d;added parcel of land bought by her + husb known as Ballarragh wch cost £15 10s purchased from Christopher Bell;Robt Keroush + Jo Cor[] supvs;Chr: Bell claims 20s
1710-1 E      w  RATCLIFFE    Henry                    dated 18 may 1710;laxey;mr john parr laxey exor incld right to tuckmill peel side
1710-2 E      d  KEWLEY       James                    d 8 apr;ch francis, christian, james, margt, jane + wm - only wm + jane in island but ua;wife isabel
1710-2 E      d  SKILLICORN   John                     d 24 mar;ch tho,margt,isabel - all at age;wife alive;
1710-3 E 372  d  KEWLEY       Mary                     d 28 Oct [?1710];sibs Philip (ua) +  Elizth jt admrs;
1711   A 1       MOORE        John                     dated 28 Dec 1711;Ballakilly;wife Jane als Cloage;ch Tho(half team etc),Cath (ua) Elinor(eldest dau - not exex but to have a share) - wife, Tho + cath jt execs;
1711-1 E 405  d  Cown         Philip                   d easter last [1 Apr 1711];ch Tho + Philip jt admrs;wife alive(5s in respect her great age + want of sight)
1711-1 E      d  LOONEY       William                  d 27 Feb [1710/11]; unmarried son John admr;wife alive;pledges Wm Looney + Philip Kneale
1711-2 E      w  CORRIN       James                    dated 6 Jul 1711;wife Ann als Cloag;ch John (to be supv of sibs), Wm, James, Margt + jony jt execs
1711-2 E      w  KISSAG       Margaret                 [undated]bro Wm(5s + all right she had to his dwelling house);bro's ch Isable + Margt, Wm;names Tho Skillicorn, Patk Waterson;Isable Skillicorn exex
1711-2 E      w  KNEAL        Jane        MOORE        d mid Oct 1711;ch Jane Kneal, daniel, Philip, John, Isable, Jony + Mary Kneal (6d ea), Wm exor
1712-1 E      w  BREW         William                  d 6 May 1712;ch Margt, Isable;wife Ann als Lowey;stepdau Isable Quark;gson John Sayle (s/o John Sayle) + Isable Quark jt execs;
1711-2 E      d  MOORE        Ann         CORRIN
1712-1 E      d  COWN         Ann                      d 14 may;ch philip,ann;
1712-2 E      w  CORRIN       Bahee       LOWEY        [damaged rh margin lost]undated;bro Robt (+ his dau);sis? Ann Lowey exex;names Eliz Quark
1712-2 E      w  CORRIN       William                  [damaged significant rh margin lost]d Jun 1712;unanmed ch - his bro Tho Corrin + bro-i-law to be supvs; Thos Corrin + [] Costen h/o Kat[] next relns on fa's side supvs;inv;1731: Wm Carown h/o Margt Corrin acks Philip Corrin
1712-2 E      d  CORRIN       William                  [damaged rh margin lost]d 17 oct;laxey; Jo Corrin + Ellin Fargher (half sister) admrs of goods aquired by his own industr
1712-2 E      d  COWN         Elinor      cotteen      [damaged lh margin lost]d 27 Jun ;ch ellin, Eliz, Anne + Dan jt admrs - they surrender to father
1712-2 E      d  FARGHER      John                     [1st in bk2 - not on microfilm]d 20 Apr 1712;ch Philip, Wm + Margt(ua) jt admrs; wife alive (sworn with Philip + Wm);inv;Margt acks bro Philip of Baldrine due by death of father
1712-2 E      d  SKILICORN    Daniel                   [damaged lh margin lost]d 18 jun;sibs John, [] ,Philip, Ellin jt admrs
1713   A 1       MOORE        Catherine
1713   A 2       JAMETON      Thomas
1713   A 3       QUARK        Jane
1713-1 E      w  LOONEY       Jane                     [Full];fa alive;bro Dan,Wm,James;sis Elinor; (execx but in Ireland)Bro Dan's two sons Dan + Tho;names John Callow;aunt Ann;names James Callow;
1714   A 1       KNEAL        Ann                      bur 29 feb 1713;unanmed [?illeg] son;sibs Wm kneal,margt Kneal, jane carrrooin,margt(son robt);names ellinr carroin;Wm + Margt execs;legacies to child to be prized and left in hands of father Jon Gelling - he sates inv £1
1714-1 E      d  CORRIN       Elinor      KEWLEY       d 17 Mar;ch Philip, Margt, Alice, Wm + Daniel Corrin jt admrs - ua - uncles Wm Kewley, James Kewley + aunts Dorothy, Cath + margt Kewley supvs;inv £9 14s 8.5d
1714-2 E      w  QUAY         Edward                   dated 22 May 1714;gch John + Ellinor Cotteen - Jon Quay + Robt Killey supvs of gch;ch Margrett Cotteen als Quay exex;
1715   A 1       SKILLICORN   Thomas                   d 27 jan;son thomas(elder),james,john,phillip;gson thos skillicorn;dau cath(elder),ann,ellinor;john,phil+elinor jt execs;
1715-1 E      w  Creil        Thomas                   d 25 may 1715;dau christian,ann;son daniel
1715-1 E      d  QUILL        Ellin       CURLETT      d 24 mar;son philp,james + wm admrs - philip deaf+dumb;husb alive
1716-1 E      d  COWN         Margaret    CANNALL      d 14 Dec 1715;ch Tho + Philip jt admrs - at age
1716-1 E      d  QUARK        Finlo
1716-2 E      d  QUAILE       Jane        Knagle       d 8 nov 1715?;son james, wm, john - husb robt;many debts
1716-3 E      d  KERMOD       Ann         KELLY        d 4 nov ;only ch margt - us gfa John Kelly;husb john (has to surrender lands has in mortgage from Nicholas kelly to clear the £8 due to child as cannot get suffient surety)
1717   A 1       KEWLEY       Michael                  m/c john kewley
1717   A 53      CORLETT      Margaret                 d 10 Jan 1717/8;ch Christian, Cath, Thomas, Gilbert jt execs;gch Margt + Mary (c/o Philip), Wm Kewley;husb alive
1717-1 E      d  SKILLICORN   Thomas                   will in fragments thus much lost - of egneish;childs christening money in hands of uncles john skillicorn + tho chri[stian];1724 new pledges capt jo oates junr + philip kewley gretch;list of debts;debts inc rent behalf widow margt quine,james quark + robt quail manservants,thos kneal serv;margt quine als kewley debt;1729 ann quackin als skillicorn acks from thos christian + jo skillicorn
1717-2 E      d  LOONEY       William                  d 7 oct 1717;ch wm,anne,danl,mart,jane;ua but next reln on fa side defective in his understanding thus mo (assisted by her 2 bros), 2 of ch are cripples;uncle jo loony;one admr anne loony pd by mother 1725;1725 another of admrs dea
1717-3 E      d  QUAILE       Elinor      KEWLEY       d 24 jan 1716/7;ch philip,wm;next reln margt karran als loony;debts excced assets(15s)
1718-2 E      w  LORRANCE     William                  [bur Lon 17180831]d 9 sep 1718;son-i-law wm costean exor;dau ann;gdau marriad;gch wm costean
1719   A 24      QUARK        Elinor                   [bur Lon 17191111]bur 12 dec;mo alive;sis christian,jane (w/o richd faile;husb john;only dau mary exex;1746: braddan mary quark acks uncle richd fail
1719   A 25      Knacle       John                     d 4 feb;son philip,jon exor;dau mary + other unnamed daus;nephews dan,jon + wm knacle;dau-i-law margt knaile;wife alive 6d;
1719-1 E      d  KNEAL[?kneacl]  Ann      MOORE        [?bur]d 25 mar;ch john,wm next relns mo side wm stole + philip brew overseers;husb alive;?name as wm kackill acks from fa dan knackil + stepmo kath
1719-2 E      w  CALLISTER    Margaret    CLARK        [bur Lon 17191008]d 8 oct;husb danl exor;young heir daniel;
1719-2 E      w  SKARFF       James                    [bur Lon 17190818]dated 17 aug 1719;cousin heir of ballascarffe john scarff;only son james exor
1720   A 1       HOGG         James                    [bur lon 17200229]d 2 feb;son philip;dau eliz exex;unnamed young gdau;
1720   A 2       TEAR         John                     [bur Lon 17200407]d 6 apr 1720;baldoone;petn by wife ann she misunderstood law;inv + claims;1724 nich kinnish h/o heiress
1720   A 36      MOORE        James                    d 9 dec 1720;capt james;son james(eldest + 4 ch);john,thos;wife ellin;mentions legacy due in London;dau ellin,margt,mary(out of isle)
1720   A 37      COWNE        Jane                     [?bur]d 10 dec 1720;bro dan;mistress mary quine als fayle exex;names john quine junr,alice kermeen
1720   A 38      KEWLEY       Philip                   [?bur]perished at sea 2 yrs ago;only sis elizth kewley;claim by edwd kewley obo son james
1720-1 E      d  LOONEY       Daniel                   [bur lon 17200301][note in defuncts that James Looney son of Daniel als dead]d 29 feb;ballamoar;dau ellinor (by 1st wife) + wm (by second) jt admrs - both at age but Ellinor out of island and Wm incapable;Danl looney heir sworn admr in trust;debts exceed effects;nellie looney in ireland, wife grace als casement;ellinor returns agrees long court ruling + agreement wch names Edward Clarke? (Kk Andreas) as uncle to Wm [a Mary Loony als Clark  signs with Grace Looney als Casement re debts and lands]Grace has interest in some intacks in Lezayre - Grace to resign any right in Ballamoar (except mortgaged lands) to Dan
1720-1 E      d  LOONEY       James                    d near coast of Spain abt 5 yrs ago on board HM The Royal Oak;father Danl Looney(mason, Lonan);sibs Danl, Wm + Ellin jt admrs - court added what goods due by death of mother shared between Danl + Ellin - Wm only a half-bro;
1720-1 E      d  QUAILE       Catherine   KNEAL        [bur Lon 17200426] [br has als knacle]d 13 Apr 1720;ch Robt, Philip, Alice + Jane Quaile jt admrs - sons sworn;
1720-2 E      d  KELLY        Margaret    KERRAN       [1st on ew31]d march ?[dark];ch john,wm,james,ann all at age
1720-3 E      w  clague       Margaret    Brew         [?bur]d 25 jul 1720;son john,phinlo;dau jane;phinlo + jane jt execs;
1720-3 E      d  KILLEY       John                     [bur Lon 17201226]d 25 dec 1720;7 ch john,philip,wm,james,ann,mary + jane;some ua;wife alve;1735 jane corlet als killey acks;
1721   A 1       KNEAL        Ann                      [bur lon 17210319]d 16 mar 1720;dau ann christian,jane christian;son john,patk christian (croft kk santan crot ny moaney);husb john;dau isable,jane + ellinr kneale exexs ua son patk christian supv;
1721   A 35      SKILLICORN   Isabel                   [?bur]d 19 dec 1721;son henry(estate ballaraugh if he would accept otherwise to her son jon),jon;dau-i-law esable;dau cath,esable christian,ann;gch d/o thos christian;son john + gson john skillicorn jt exors
1721   A 36      QUINE        John                     [bur Lon 17211222][very faint + edge decayed]wife joney als cowen;son + heir john;bro gilnoo;younger ch wm? + margt execs with bro-i-law dan christian(cleps) + fa john as supvs;sis mary christian;a posthume is dead as is wife;depositions from witts
1721-1 E      w  CLAGUE       Christian   CAIN         [?bur]d 4 jun 1721;husb stephen;mo exex
1721-1 E      w  QUAYLE       William                  [bur Lon 17210602]d 31 may 1721;bro philip(son robt),john(sons phil,wm,thos),richard,john exor
1721-1 E      d  TAUBMAN      John                     [bur lon 17210216]revd mr john taubman vicar;d 15 feb;only dau elizth
1721-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Mariot                   [bur Lon 17210502]d 1 may 1721;bro finlo clague+ ch finlo + jane execs,tho;sis cath(son john),mary
1721-2 E      w  KELLY        Ann         HOGG         [bur Lon 17210720]d 19 jul 1721;only dau margt - ua uncles jon hogg,philip tear; mo alive;sis margt,marriod (suit of clothes bought from dublin);bro john;husb wm exor
1721-2 E      w  LAWSON       John                     [bur Lon 17210430]d 28 apr 1721ch isable,wm ,robt(croft);unnamed ch abroad
1721-2 E      w  QUAYLE       Isabel                   [bur Lon 17210725]d 27 jul 1721;husb wm exex;unnamed sisters
1722   A 1       KNEALE       Philip                   [bur Lon 17220425]d 24 Apr [1722]sibs Jane, Wm exor, Danl, Ann;niece Margt Kneal;names many debtors inc Isabel quay als moore(Andreas?) who owes last yrs wages + 6s of this yrs;
1722   A 2       CLAGUE       Thomas                   [bur Lon 17220409][poor copy]d [] apr 1722;dau elinr(parcel of abbey land in skinscoe after death of wife), isabel, annwife alive
1722   A 27      QUINE        Jony        cowen        [?bur Lon 17210224]buried 4 Jan 1722;sis-i-law Daniell Cown's wife;sibs Danl, Mary;father Robt Cown;ch Jo(eldest son - qtr of  a steer with his uncle Gilnow Quine - otherwise 6d as had considerable pt of her goods by her consent to his fa's will)), Margt + Wm(younger son) jt exors - uncle Danl + aunt Mary supvs;goods in hands of supvs Dan Cown + Robt Quyne
1722   A 28      QUARKE       Christian   christian    [bur Lon 17230118]d 17 Jan 1722/3;ch Philip;husb John Quark exor
1722-2 E      w  KERMOD       William                  [bur Lon 17220525]d 24 may 1722;son wm(eldest croft, boat),john,thos;unnamed dau;wife + wm jt execs - wm ua uncle james kermod;1726 wm acks stepfa nich cown, his sister mary dead;
1722-2 E      w  KNAKILL      James                    [bur lon 17220527]d end may;wife margt exex
1722-2 E      w  LOONEY       James                    [bur Lon 17220601]d 31 may 1722;only son wm(to surrender right to house + garden at laxey bourne 6d rent);dau margt exex(w/o wm quaile);?wife alive(or was it wm's wife who agreed to surrender to margt)
1722-2 E      d  SKILLICORN   Isabel      COLLEISH     [bur Lon 17220424]d 23 apr 1722;dau isabel (unmarried) admx;other ch thos + margt had m/cs
1723-1 E      w  KEWLEY       William                  [bur Lon 17230512]dated 7 may 1723;son wm (heir), james (if he comes);gch wm,philip,james (sheep on shleaw roiy);wife exex
1723-2 A 68      JOUGHIN      Elinor                   [bur Lon 17231215]d 19 Dec 1722;sibs Bahee, Jony, Margt, Cath, john, Alice exex;kinswoman Jony Kneacle;Mistress Jane Fargher als Cottier;names those oweing money to her;kinsman John Kneal(Ballabeg, Andreas) + noted that a good part of her linen was in uncles house in Ballabeg(Andreas)
1723-2 A 69      KEWLEY       James                    [bur lon 17231103]d 2 Nov 1723;BallaCoar;ch James(estate - has half other half after death mother);wife Ann als Oats exex;names schoolmaster's dau;
1723-2 A 70      KERMODE      John                     [bur Lon 17231111]d 10 nov 1723;ch ellinr,christian,john,james,wm,mary + patk,thos;wife ester exex;some ch ua - ellinr+christian at age;
1723-2 A 71      CLAUGE       Philip                   [bur Lon 17240809]d 7 Nov 1723;wife Dorothy exex;ch John, Philip(sheep in Raa), Thomas
1723-2 A 72      CLAUGE       James                    [bur Lon 17231109]d 8 nov 1713;bro Wm(share of boat + nets),nich,patk;parents execs - fa thos sworn
1723-2 A 73      Cotteen      gilbt                    [bur Lon 17231117];d 16 nov 1723;son john(heir);dau nelly(eldest);wife margt als quay exex - john brew + Phil Cain overseers of his 2 ch - they refused + wife sworn - next rel Philip Cotteen;2 unnamed daus mentioned in inv
1723-2 A 74      COTTEEN      Margaret                 [?bur] d 6 jan 1723;husb Philip;3 daus Ann,jane,mary;gson paul gelling
1723-2 E      d  CALLASTER    Margaret    CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17231031]d 31 oct 1723;ch tho killey, jo scarffe,philip + mary callister;mary in england;tho + jo leave admin to half bro philip
1723-2 E      d  CORRIN       Elinor      MOORE        [bur Lon 17230915]d 15 sep 1723;ch gilbt, jane,cath next of kin tho + cath moor supv;husb alive
1723-2 E      w  KNAKELL      Margaret    CARROON      [bur Lon 17230713]d latter end july?;sons william + william garrett;gch wm garrett,ewan,daniel + elish garrett;son ewan garrett exor;[?buried aged 100 as Margt Carroon];
1723-2 E      d  Mcylroy      Margaret                 [bur Lon 17230528]d beg may;son john admr other ch had m/cs but our of island thus ye bro + sis richd + margt sworn;
1723-3 E      d  KNAKILL      Margaret    CALLISTER    [bur Lon 17231119]
1724-1 A 1       CORRIN       William                  [bur Lon 17240214]d feb 1723/4;wife margt als moor jt exec with John corrin (?son)
1724-1 A 2       KEWLEY       Edward                   [bur Lon 17231231]d 30 dec 1723;dau jane,joney,margt;son james(has ch),philip;wife alive
1724-1 A 3       CANNALL      Elizabeth                [?bur]d 3 jan 1723/4;unnaned son + dau;3 unnamed sisters (inc ann,alice,margery);step-sis in dauby;bro thos;husb robt
1724-1 E      d  COWN         Elin        KEWLEY       [?bur]d 1 apr 1724;ch phil + tho;husb alive
1724-1 E      d  Cown         Thomas                   [?bur]d 15 feb;son gilbt refused prin creditor john quay(santan);inv
1724-2 A 78      KERMODE      Daniel                   [bur lon 17250118];d 14 jan ;dau cath exex
1724-2 A 79      FARGHER      Philip                   [bur Lon 17241126]d 24 nov 1724;son John(heir);unnamed other ch;bro-i-law john cottier (to oversee his ch);wife jane als cottier exex
1724-2 A 80      BREW         John                     [bur Lon 17241228] d 24 Jan 1724;Barroos;son + heir John;wife Magery Brew (als Kinley);sons Philip,wm,Thomas
1724-2 A 81      BREW         Philip                   [bur Lon 17250208];d 8 Feb 1724;Ballalurg;sister Jane Stole als Brew of Ballagawn (10s in hands of exec of John Brew);bro James;wife Ann als Cotteen;names Philip Stole of Ballagawn,John Gelling Onchan
1724-2 A 82      KERMOTT      Catherine   claige       [bur lon 17250121];d 20 jan 1724/5;husb john;son james quark;dau cath(w/o John Cain);gch wm cain,john quark;dau isable quark exex
1724-2 A 83      CUBBON       Ann         kneacle      [bur Lon 17241227]d 25 jan 1724/5;[note in will Ann Kneacle? als Cubbon];husb John Cubbon;son thos(eldest)john;dau ann,jane;ch except heir execs but ua ;1725: philip Kneacle claims;
1724-2 A 84      TEARE        John                     [bur Lon 17240131]art agreement [date lost but ack 6 may 1724] between John  + son Thos - john by reason of old age + imbecility settles on son half estate (Baldoon),Ann Teare widdow consent to give half crop + gears when heir comes to age;[?why is Ann widdow ?mo of John + gmo of Thos]- accepted as will of John 
1724-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Philip                   [bur Lon 17231109]d 8 aug 1724;ballanow ?;son john(douglas jt exor with gson john),thos;gch john,thos,nelly clague,
1724-2 E      d  QUARK        Daniel                   [bur Lon 17241005]d 5 oct 1724;ch mary,john,margt (ua);wife alive
1725-1 A 1       COWN         Ann                      [?bur]d 20 Feb;dau Margt,mary,isable;husb exor;bro Philip Cown
1725-1 A 11      [clague]     Margaret    BREW         [bur Lon 17250421]d 13 apr;mo alive;sis isabel;husb alive;only dau margt ua - aunt Isable brew;in burial reg as margt clague als brew
1725-1 E      d  COSTEAN      William                  [bur lon 17250609]d 7 mar;laxey; sibs Ewan Daniel Philip + Mariot (w/o Jo Kelly);wife alive
1725-1 E      w  KEWLEY       Margaret                 [bur Lon 17250509 d 7 may 1725;bro james (has ch);sis joney + jane
1725-1 E      d  KNEALE       Philip                   [?bur]d 14 apr;only son john
1725-1 E      w  LOONEY       William                  [bur Lon 17250518]d 10 may 1725;poalgilley;mo jane als kneackle exex;witt isable cowin als brew;mary cowin
1725-1 E      d  QUARK        Philip als Phinlo        [?bur]d on board 'lancelot + jane' of london in chester water capt cook comdr;sibs james,danl,margt + margt quark;danl+margt junr ua
1725-1 E      d  SKILLICORN   Margaret                 [bur Lon 17250528]c/o tho decd d may ua;mo margt carran als kewley;next relns fa side john skillicorn,jo quayle,tho christian + ann quackin;costs etc
1725-1 E      d  SKILLICORN   Thomas                   [bur Lon 17250512]see margt
1725-2 A 97      KISSACK      William                  [bur Lon 17260110]d 10 jan 1725;son wm(houses + land laxey);dau isabel,margt,alice  exexs;wife alive
1726   A 1       CALLISTER    Elinor                   [bur Lon 17261226]d 25 Dec [1726];names Jony Killip als Cown, Ann Fargher als vandy, Robt Lowney(+ wife);relns (6d)friends Philip Callister(Ballakey), Philip Cown senr(Gretch moar), Thomas Fargher + Robt Lewney to see her buried + to share goods Philip Callister + Philip Cown exors;Thomas Fargher s/o Thomas Fargher states he heard testartrix as per will except for 6d to relns - court states to enjoy 4th part [some text lost] - John Cannell(Onchan), Wm Quileish(Maughold) + next relns of Ellinor Callister(Lonan, decd) decreed admrs of 4th part
1726   A 2       callister    elinor                   not a will - John cannell (onchan) + Wm Quilleash(Maughold)  + other next relns of Ellinr Callister (Lonan) deceased are decreed admrs of 4th part of goods other 3pts disposed of by will (archdeacons official already judged)
1726   A 3       KEWLEY       William                  [?bur]d 20 Feb 1725;ch John(eldest son, lands + goods that were btwixt him + his mo-i-law), + William jt exors;wife Ellinor;father alive; exors ua - Thos Quine (obo wife),Jo:Kermod, Wm Cown, James Kewley, Thomas Cown + Jane Cown als Killip [?w/o Jon Killip] supvs;wife has tuition - agreed by supvs to have goods + put to trade ;inv 
1726-1 E      d  COTTEEN      Philip                   [bur lon 17260224];d feb 1725;2 daus jane w/o John Kelly, Mary w/o Jon Gelling; the right of Anne Knakil a dau is reservd
1726-1 E      w  KINNISH      Alice       CRAIN        [bur Lon 17260513]d 14 may 1726;gson john corteen kk maughold;dau-i-law christian kinish als tear;names ann tear als goldsmith,christian kinnish;dau ann,ellinor;gdau cath coteen;husb john exor
1726-3 E      d  LOONEY       Christian   KERMOD       [bur Lon 17261218] d 18 dec;only son Jon;
1726-3 E      d  QUAYLE       John                     [bur Lon 17261230];d 30 Dec [1726];ch Philip, Wm + Thomas jt admrs - all at age;wife alive;Wm + Thomas surrender to bro Philip for £3 each
1727   A 1       MOORE        Margaret                 [?bur as Margt Corrin als Moore Lon 17270218]d 18 feb;names dan kneal'(+ wife),cath corrin,thos moore,isabel brew;john killip + jon corrin jt exors
1727   A 17      KNAKILL      Mary        QUYNE        [?bur as margt Quine amagary]will has margt quayne als knakill;d 17 nov 1727;dau mary;gson john quine;gch wm ,margt;dau-i-law alice;son gilnoo exor
1727   A 18      QUYNE        John                     [bur Lon 17270709]d jul;ch gilnoo quyne + mary christian als quine(w/o danl) jt execs;wife dead (see #17)
1727-2 E      w  CALLISTER    Daniel                   [bur Lon 17270612]d 11 jun 1727;bro philip;wife margt + john callister execs
1727-2 E      w  CALLISTER    Philip                   [bur Lon 17270630]d 20 jun 1727;son philip(eldest dau margt),john
1727-2 E      w  KEWLEY       Margaret                 [?bur ] d 24 may 1727;w/o philip;niece isable corteen,elinr corteen,margt corteen;godsons wm cown gretch vore, Jon Kewley of Egneash ;sis dorothy of ballamoney braddan;sis-i-law isable kewley;niece margt corrin;mary clague w/o phil cown;maid jony corkill + names many others
1727-3 E      d  KEWLEY       Jane        BREW         [bur lon 17271200] d 14 feb 1727;gretch veg;'tedious sickness';3ch james,jane + jony (only 1 in island);1728 son philip claims;
1728   A 24      QUINE        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17281229]dated 23 dec 1728;thomas snr glanroij;dau jonyson john,thomas,gilbert exot;unnamed gch;nephew john fayle braddan;wife mary
1728   A 25      KNAKILL      John                     [bur lon 17290205]d 3 feb 1728/9;son john(eldest);ch thos,margt + cath jt execs;dau-i-law ann christian
1728   A 26      KNAKILL      Mariod                   [bur lon 17280613]d 12 jan 1728/9;gdau isabel kewn,isabel knakill;son john(eldest);dau-i-law margt knakill;gch jony knakill;dau cath;husb john exor;husb dead by probate john kewn h/o margt appointed
1728   A 27      COWLE        Isabel                   [bur Lon 17290119]d 17 jan 1728;names mary cain(+her dau ann);son john,gilbert exor
1728-1 E      w  SCARF        Margaret    SKILLICORN   [bur Lon 17280409] d 9 Apr; only son James;Pledges, John Hogg and Wm Costean
1728-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Isabel      SKILLICORN   [bur Lon 17280601]d 30 may 1728;ballagrow;son thomas(younger),john(oldest);husb thomas;dau elinor exex
1728-2 E      d  CORLETT      Patrick                  [bur Lon 17281004 - ballaugh]d 9 oct 1727;son david exec(dau margt fargher als corlet excd by m contract) but david assigns to sis + her husb john fargher
1728-2 E      w  COWNE        William                  [bur Lon 17280608]d 7 jun 1728;son wm(eldest),nicholas,robt;gson wm cown;gdau ellnr;wife ellr exex;only dau mary;son wm claims half team etc belonging to ballacannell
1728-2 E      w  KEWLEY       Margaret    KERMOD       [bur Lon 17280608]d 11 jul 1728;eldest gch john kewley;youngest gch wm kewley;dau-i-law elinr;husb john exec
1728-2 E      w  KEWLY        John                     [?bur lon 17280909]husb of above margt;d 15 sep 1728;various people named;gson john kewley (ua) exec supv wm cown,wm kewley,tho cown,jon killip
1728-3 E      d  COWLE        John                     [?bur Lon 17290112][damaged will - corner eaten]d 12 an last;[?bros] Jo(out of Island) + Gilbt Cowle jt admrs;clear inv 11s 9d
1729-1 A 2       SKILLICORNE  Isabel                   [bur Lon 17290304]d 3 mar;bro thomas(his ch margt,elinor,john,ann);sis margt;many others named;thos + margt execs
1729-1 A 3       LOWNEY       Daniel                   [bur lon 17290330];d 29 mar 1729;ballamoar;son danl(heir - purchased land kk lonan - exec);other ch mary,james,jane,cath,anne,thos(if he come);danl to give a bier to parish when he cut down trees in laxey garden
1729-1 E      d  COWEN        Daniel                   [bur Lon 17290412 - marown][damaged]d [lost too dark] ch Philip, Thomas jt admrs - next of reln Phillip Bridson supv;wife alive - ch give up their rights to her;inv £2 11s
1729-1 E      w  COWEN        Thomas                   [?bur][damaged - rh corner lost]deposition by John Cannell + William Cowen that abt 1o years ago being servants to John Quay(BallaCrogga, santan) - Thomas Cowen, being near relation to our son + Master, the sd John Quay, intended then to go to sea with Thomas Quay s/o Wm Quay of Laxey to whom he hired himself, the sd Thomas Cowen ordered John Quay(BallaCrogga) to take us and secure what goods fell due by death of his mother Ann Quay als Cown (Kk Lonan) + declared if he did not come to recive the same then he left same to John Quay, the sd John Quay paying 5s to his brother Daniel Cowen; court notes Tho Cown alledged to be dead + Jo Quay declared [?admr] rest lost
1729-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Finlo                    [bur Lon 17290817]d 16 Aug 1719;ch Finlow(eldest son), Robt;gson Thomas Looney;wife Isable Claigue exex (sick at probate + Finlo sworn)
1729-3 E      d  QUAYLE       Richard                  [bur Lon 17290919]d middle Oct;only son Wm admr - at age
1729-3 E      d  SKILLICORN   John                     [bur lon 17291227];d 26 dec 1729;only son john admr;pledges wm quayle + james colleish
1730   A 1       MOOR         Mary        clague       [bur Lon 17300409]d 7 apr 1730;gch phil stole;leaves a coverlet in house for covering corpses to whoever has occassion for it;dau jane;gch james,wm ,thos mary stole;son james;gch danl+ ann brew,john brew;dau jane(w/o dan knakill) exexs;danl kneal claims re marr contract with dau ann dated 25 may 1713;
1730   A 27      MOORE        Mary                     [?bur lon 17301202]Balldromey;bro James (his eldest dau Isabel, Mary);sis Ellin Skillicorn als Moore;sis Margt Kewley als Moore (?names poor Ewan Garrett,Cath Waterson + Ellin Fargher)[Full]
1730-1 E      d  CORRIN       Christian   QUINNEY      [bur Lon 17291103]d1 nov 1729;ch wm (at la as sworn),jo + cath;husb alive
1730-1 E      d  QUARK        Jony        SAILE        [bur Lon 17300221] d 20 feb;ch finlo, margt + robt - overseers jo,wm,jane,ann,margt + isable saile;husb john;pledges tho christian + james cannell - tho christian wants husb to give indenity replaced [? no money until crop sold] -  replaced by thos son edmund christian;
1730-2 E      d  KILLEY       Catherine   SKILLICORN   [bur lon 17300819] d 14 aug;ch wm,james + jane
1730-2 E      w  KNAKILL      Philip                   [bur lon 17300610]; d 11 jun;son wm,john;wife alice exex
1731-1 E      w  CORRIN       Jane                     [bur Lon 17310504]d 3 may 1731;son phill(eldest);husb exex;pregnant;john scarf uncle to orphan
1731-3 E      d  BREW         Catherine   CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17311106]
1732-1 A 1       mOLLEYWY     Isabell     MOORE        [?bur Lon 17311106 - worn entry at eop]
1732-1 E      w  FAILE        James                    [bur Lon 17320509];d 8 may 1732;of laxey;bro danl;sis in kk marown;wife mary; wife's dau margt kneal als kelly
1732-2 A 57      COWNE        Philip                   [bur Lon 17321224]
1732-2 A 58      CHRISTIAN    James                    [?bur]of county of city of dublin;wife margt;only son john;patrick christian bro to mary christian my prev wife;bro philip christian;sis margt christian;witt mathew coulson + george wilmot
1732-2 A 59      CORLETT      Mary                     [?bur]
1732-2 E      w  CALLOW       James                    [bur Lon 17320622];d end jun;dau cath;son john,wm exec
1732-2 E      d  QUARK        Thomas                   d in west indies ;s/o john sibs john wm christian mary isabel margt jane
1732-2 E      a  Quay         Robt                     dispute re robt quay laxey + son-in-law hugh wartley late of ireland now laxey re rq sending for hw;rq's sons who died abroad;arb jno allen curate lonan;rq sent for hw + small  promised to do handsonely by them
1733-1 A 1       QUARK        Ann                      [bur Lon 17330311]d 11 mar;dau margt;son john exec
1733-1 A 2       MOORE        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17330125];wife elinor als kelly;ballacotteen;dau ann,mary;son philip;
1733-1 A 3       KEWLEY       Alice       CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17330208] made 5 dec 1732;son wm,james;dau dorothy;gsons wm kewley agnaish,john corteen talloqueen;gdau dorothy kewley,margt cortteen gsons philip + james Kewley;dau kath w/o wm corteen tallowqueen kk maughold execx
1733-2 A 64      SKILLICORN   Jony                     [bur Lon 17340208];d 6 feb ;husb thomas;son john (abroad);dau jane;son philip + dau margt execs
1733-2 A 65      BREW         Isabel                   [bur Lon 17331102]d 1 nov 1733mo margt kelly; - other names tbd
1733-2 A 66      BELL         Jony        VONDY        [?bur]d 14 nov 1733;names thos fargher + wife ann exors;legacy to heir brettney jurby;
[side note at start suit of wm gill re goods of robt murray decd 1st h/o isable gill present wife of sd wm]
1733-2 E      d  CANNELL      Thomas                   [bur Lon 17330717];d 21 jul;only dau anne ;next rel mary cannel w/o john killey;inv 1764 john corjeage h/o ann cannell d/o thos cannel recvd from richd cowin latter h/o cath cowin widow of sd thos cannell spoke of her son silvester moore,son-in-law richd mollvery;inv;
1733-3 E      d  CLAGUE       Daniel                   [bur Lon 17340108]  d 8 jan ;only son wm ? torn 
1733-3 E      d  CLAGUE       Finlo                    [bur Lon 17330817] d 20 aug;will torn;only dau jane kinley as clague;pledge phinlo clague her bro
1733-3 E      w  MOORE        Jane        CLAGUE       [bur Lon 17330904] d sept 1733;will very black;gdau cath clague d/o [] clague;son thos moore;gson wm clague s/o stephen ;gson philip clague, gdau anne clague; gch at graue gilbert + cath corrin;dau cath clague als moore;
1734-1 E      d  KENNISH      Nicholas                 [bur Lon 17340830] 
1734-1 A 1       SAYLE        Margaret    BREW         [?bur Lon 17340313 - mary in BR]d 12 mar 1733/4;son john(eldest);dau ann,jane,isabel;,margt exorgdau mary quill
1734-1 A 2       SAYLE        John                     [bur Lon 17340306]d mar;dau margt;gdau jony quill,elinor sayle;son john exor
1734-1 E      d  PARR         Henry                    s/o john parr;d on board hm ship princess caroline in the downs abt 27 jul;sibs alexander margt mary abraham isabel john wm;
1734-1 E      d  STOLE        Philip                   [bur Lon 17340317];d 17 mar;2 ch wm + isable ua james,thos + mary stole suprv; (their fa alive) wife alive;inv;fa wm;1757 appears james stole settled accts with (eliz xd thro + overwrittn ) isabel murrey als stole re decd bro wm;robt murrey mariner now abroad h/o sd elizth;1757 wm lately dead  share due to isabel
1734-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Mary        CHRISTIAN    [?bur] d 18 may 1734;sis dau cath quine who lived with her;sis margt christian;names cath kermod,john clague jnr,ewan christian onchan;husb john
1734-2 E      d  KINNISH      Nicolas                  [bur Lon 17340830] d 30 aug 1734;2 ch nich + margt kinish;next relns aunts ellin clague + anne corteen;pledge thos quine brondal,philip tear lezayre
1734-2 E      w  KNEAL        John                     [bur Lon 17341004]  baldrommey;d 25 sep 1734;dau isable,jane;james knight h/o isabel
1734-2 E      w  KNEAL        Jony        CLUCAS       [bur Lon 17341004] d 3 oct; son danl,patrick,wm ;cousin anne fargher als vondy;sis mary;names margt knakill als cottier;sis-i-law jane lowney als kneale;husb wm
1734-2 E      w  MOORE        John                     [bur Lon 17340507] d 5 may 1734;only son james;wife eliz als kewley;dau margt + isabel;inv;1776: john clague h/o margt kewley & wm kewley h/o isabel moore daus of john moore discharge sd james moore;john clague acks bequeast to his sd wife of wm kewley husb of isabel moore exor of eliz moore
1735-1 A 1       KEWLEY       Philip                   [bur Lon 17341225];dated 21 dec 1734;son john(eldest),philip,wm;dau margt,cath,ellinor,jane(?no explict bequest 'he was weary + hoped her mother would serve);wife joney + son john execs;beqyuests mainly sheep
1735-2 E 004  w  KERMOD       John                     [bur Lon 17350518]d may last;son james(lands etc);only dau esther;wife isabel als cannell exex
1735-2 E 007  d  TEAR         Mary        KNACKLE      [bur lon 17350411]d 10 apr last;ch thos,jane,margt,mary + christian jt admrs - all ua uncles(mo side) wm,danl + philip knackle + aunt jane callister supvs;husb thos (see bk 3 1737)
1735-2 E 008  d  COWN         Catherine   CLAGUE       [bur lon 17350606]d 4 jun 1735;only son paul
1735-2 E009   w  MOORE        Margaret    CORRAN       [bur lon 17350606];d 28 jun ;sis's son thos carr'sis jane,cath;cath moore her husbands bro's dau;unnamed husb alive
1736-1 A 1       KEWLEY       William                  [bur Lon 17351124] d 16 nov;son + heir wm;son john;wife isabel (changed mind in will);7 youngest ch
1736-1 E 200  w  QUAY         Margaret    KNEALE       [bur Lon 17350529]d end of May 1735;ch Christian Watley? (6d);husb Rich Quay exor
1736-2 A 30      QUAY         Robert                   [bur Lon 17370116]d 14 jan 1736;names isabel killip als qyay,mary kissage,ellinr fairbrother,widow xtian;dau cath;thos skillicorn kinscow exor
1736-2 A 31      COWIN        Daniel                   [bur Lon 17361214] d 13 feb 1736;niece margt brew (to have lands after wife's death if she stays with wife);wife margt als skillicorn; wife alleges margt brew has left her;
1736-3 E      d  CANNELL      James                    [bur Lon 17360721]d 15 Jul 1736;ch John + Isabel jt admrs;1737: Capt John Oates claims agt admrs of James Cannell + his wife
1736-3 E      w  KNAKILL      Alice       MOORE        [?bur Lon 17360728 as Alice Moore]d jul 1736;gch Cath Knakle, Mary Callister;son John Knkle(10s that Danl Knakle of Lonan owes her), Mark Knackle exex
1737-1 A 1       KEWLEY       Ann         OATES        [bur Lon 17370322]d 20 mar 1736/7;gson john brew;son james(+ his ch);dau-i-law margery brew + gson john brew execs
1737-1 A 2       GARRETT      Jane        CREETCH      [bur Lon 17370308] d 8 mar 1736;husb ewan; witt nathl curghy + john knacle
1737-1 A 3       CANNELL      Jony        CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17370414]d 12 apr 1737;step dau isabel;niece ann kelly;son john exor
1737-1 E      d  SKILLICORN   Catherine   GOLDSMITH    [bur Lon 17361108];d 7 nov 1736;ch philip,john,tho,ellin + cath;husb alive
1737-2 A 36      COWIN        Mary        CLUCAS       [bur Lon 17380120]d 20 jan 1737/8;bro john clucas(jurby)niece mary quayle als clucas;names ann fargher als vondy,ann quine als fargher,margt fargher als kneal(w/o john);bro dan(son wm);nephew robt cowin;husb gilbt exor
1737-2 A 37      COWIN        Margaret    SKILLICORN   [bur Lon 17380108] d 8 jan 1737/8;names joney d/o james skillicorn (exec - her son ?);
1737-2 A 38      CORLETT      Jane        KILLEY       [bur Lon 17371209]d 8 dec 1737;only dau jane ua;;sons wm,john,james;husb wm exor;niece isabel clague;maidserv ellinr cashen;bro john killey (her pt of the howe);ch uncles james + wm killey overseers
1737-2 E      d  BREW         Elinor      COWIN        [bur Lon 17370710]d 10 jul 1737;ch mary, margt, jane + Elizth ? jt admrrs (last 2 ua);husb alive
1737-2 E      w  CHRISTIAN    Margaret    GELLING      [?bur Lon 17370616 as Margt christian als parr]d 16 jun 1737;son john parr exor
1737-2 E      w  KNAKLE       Philip                   [bur lon 17370821]d 21 aug 1737;son philip(houses, land etc),wm(poor son to be on charge of Philip), john(younger + exor);names cath knacle
1737-3 E      d  FARGHER      Ann         CUBON        [bur Lon 17371219]d 19 dec 1737;ch simon + thomas jt admrs - both ua but no reln appears - husb alive
1737-3 E      d  TEAR         Thomas                   [bur Lon 17370906]d abt 12 sep 1737;ch thos, jane, margt, mary + christian jt admrs - all ua uncle Philip Tear + Danl Knakill, Wm Knakill, Paul ? Knakill, Philip Callister + Robt Kewley overseers;1746: thos tear acks uncle Robt Kewley;memo states relates to decree Thos Tear + Mary Tear als Kneal;
1738-1 A 1       MOORE        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17380307]d 7 mar 1737;niece cath moore;bro robt;names ann looney als kissag,james quill (to make his grave);bro thomas exor [?named twice so ?2 thos in family]
1738-1 A 2       SKILLICORN   Thomas                   [bur Lon 17380224]d 23 feb 1737;son john(all mountain land);wife margt als clark exex;dau margt,ellinor,anne,isable(younger)
1738-1 A 3       CALLISTER    John                     [bur Lon 17380417]d 17 apr 1738;wife margt als clark exex;unnamed son + heir, two younger boys to be sent to trade;son john,philip,thos;names 5 ch philip,thomas,joney,margt,annebro philip;1755 thos hogg h/o joney ack from bro-i-law john exor to his mother;
1738-1 A 4       KILLIP       Patrick                  [bur Lon 17380411] d 10 aug 1738;burial in new church yard;eldest son Patrick (houses + lands);wife isabel;dau Anne (blind);dau ellinor;son Robert;daus Margt + Isabel;
1738-1 A 5       KILLIP       Issabel     QUAY         [bur Lon 17380417] d 16 apr 1738;eldest son Phillip (Calley's croft);4 daus (6d each);2 sons Patrick + Robert
1738-1 E      d  CORRIN       Issabel     COWN         [bur Lon 17380323];d 23 Mar;ch John + Marg Corrin;bro John;
1738-1 E      d  gelling      paul                     d 6 may 1738;to be buried in gfa grave in churchyard;wife isabel als cannell exex
1738-1 E      d  LOONY        Margaret                 [?bur as margt cowin]d 9 apr 1738;sibs daniel,ann;fa wm decd;their half-sibs ellen + cath cowin
1738-2 A 73      BREW         James                    [bur Lon 17390131]d 21 jan 1738;son jon,danl;dau ann;wife + ann + danl execs
1738-3 E      d  CASEMENT     Robert                   [?bur]d 26 jan 1737;next relns neglecting to take admin prin creditor danl looney;unnamed 4 ch;widow alice als garret charged - acct of what she expended on 2nd husb robt casement;cha + tho casement overseers
1738-3 E      d  KERMOT       Robert                   [?bur]d late liverpool no acct for 20 years;dau ellin + jane - their bapt certs attched ellin 15 oct 1712 our lady + st nicholas liverpool,jane 26 jun 1715 same place
1739-1 A 1       WATERSON     Catherine                [bur lon 17390417] [continues on RB530 after #95]d 16 apr 1739;wm quayle + wife margt laxey execs
1739-1 A 2       COWN         Ellinor                  [bur Lon 17390328]d 27 mar 1739;son robt,nicholas,wm;dau mary moore als cowin exex
1739-1 E      w  COSTEAN      Christian   LAWRENCE     [bur Lon 17381124];d 24 oct 1738;dau marriot;son ewan,daniel;gdau mary costean;husb wm exec
1739-1 E      w  KERMODE      Esther      FAYLE        [bur lon 17390430]d 29 apr 1739;dau mary(land ane [lost] braddan),christian,elinor;son patk,wm (jt exec with mary);gson john sayle
1739-1 E      d  KILLIP       Mary        CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17390521] d 21 May;only ch Isabel; next relns Wm Christian + Jane Quark als Christian + Philip [];fa Thos Christian; decree has orphan to one Isable Killip, d/o Patrick Killip + deceased wife Mary ,d/o Thomas Christian;kindred W[] Quark + Wm Christian with bro Thos Christian (fa to deceased woman)
1739-2 A 35      CORLET       William                  [bur Lon 17400121];[1st on second part of  film]ballameanagh;wife margt als cashin;names wm,ann,margt(+ her mother);mo margt exex;
1739-2 E      d  Cown         Isabel      GOLDSMITH    d 25 mar 1739;ch philip + isabel jt admrs ua no relns appear; husb philip
1739-3 E      d  CALLOW       Margaret    JOUGHIN      [bur Lon 17391211];d mid dec;only son Wm;husb John
1739-3 E      d  McYLVOY      Ellinor     FARAGHER     [bur Lon 17400210]d 9 feb;only son richard ua uncle thos + danl faragher + john moore;husb richd
1740-1 E 005  d  HOG          Marriot     TEAR         [bur Lon 17400424]d 24 apr 1740;ch marriot, margt + john
1740-1 E 6    d  KNEALE       Catherine                [bur Lon 17400308]d beg mar;sibs john,margt,ann,danl + isabel
1740-2 A 65      KISSAG       William                  [bur lon 17410127]d 26 Jan 1740/1;mother Alice Kissag;ch Jane + Mary(2 youngest daus), Ann(eldest) exex;wife Margt als Parr (2s);sis Alice, Margt + Isabel to be supv of ch - wants them to have with a lttle education 'reading, knitting + sewing';left 10s to Philip Stole (or any other) who would put a stone on his + wife's grave);names several others; ch ua - Philip Stole, Richd Corrin + James Brew h/o Alice, Margt + Isabel; inv
1740-2 A 66      KISSAG       Mary        KEwISH       [bur lon 17401231] d 29 dec 1740;3 ch anne jane mary;hus wm;husb wm died and set his 3 sis alice margt isabel supervisors;philip stole husb of alice, richard corrin h/o margt
1740-2 A 67      LAWSON       Elizabeth   CORRIN       [bur Lon 17401128] 2 ch robt isabel;robt dead
1740-2 A 68      KERMOTT      Cathrine                 [?bur] d 22 jan 1740;named cath cowin als quay, jane skillicorn, joney skillicorn;her bro's son  wm kermott;bro james kermott
1740-2 A 69      CORRIN       Ellinor     SKILLICORN   [bur Lon 17410106];d 4 jan 1740;bro james skillicorn;nephw robt lewn of kk braddan;sis margt christian kk conchan;neice ellinor brew;husb philip
1740-2 E      d  CORLET       Robert                   [?bur]d antigua 2 years ago;sibs wm,margt,ann
1740-2 E      d  COSTEAN      Philip                   [?bur]laxey,sailor,d antega3 yrs ago;sibs danl,euan + marriot
1740-3 E      d  CRELLIN      John                     [bur Lon 17410101]d 1 jan 1740;ch jane (w/o wm quayle)+ dorothy had contracts,john (deaf + dumb - goods to gilbt cowish)+ margt admrs,
1740-3 E      d  KISSACK      Jane                     [bur lon 17410120] d 20 jan in minority;d/o wm kissack late laxey;goods from mo mary als kewish;sis ann + mary ua uncles phil stole,richd corrin + james brew + wm kewish
1741-1 A 1       SKILLICORN   Philip,snr               [bur Lon 17410309]d 7 mar 1740/1;dau cath,elinor;son thomas,john(if he come),philip exor;son philip dead by probate + his exor thomas skillicorn sworn
1741-1 A 2       SKILLICORN   Philip,jnr               [bur Lon 17410310]d 7 mar 1740/1;bro thomas (intack land - exor);2 unnamed sisters
1741-1 A 3       KEWLEY       Margrret                 [?bur ] d 7 apr 1741;dau margt,son daniel;neighbour wm kewley supv
1741-1 A 4       QUAYLE       Robert                   [bur Lon 17410327] d 27 Mar 1741;ch Wm, Robt, Mary;sis Alice Quayle(half house during lufe);wife Mary exex;
1741-1 A 5       FARGHER      Margaret    GELL         [bur Lon 17410128] d 28 Jan 1740/1;ch Margt, Wm (6d ea);gch Alice;names Jane Brew als Fargher exex;Witt John Mcylyoy x, Margt Knacle als Cottier x;
1741-1 A 6       COWIN        Elizabeth   FARGHER      [bur Lon 17410128 - Laxey]d 24 Jan 1740/1;ch Jane;husb John Cowen exor;
1741-1 A 7       LAWSON       Robert                   [bur Lon 17410320]d 20 mar 1741;sis isabel (pt of boat - exex);bro wm;names edward quayle;fa charles quayle;names wm fargher
1741-1 A 8       STOLE        Jane        MOOR         [bur Lon 17410129]d 29 Jan 1740;husb Wm(her pt of boat);ch Thomas exor, James, Mary Colleaise;gch Issable Stole;
1741-1 A 9       KEWLEY       Ann         JOHNSTON     [bur Lon 17410202 - gretch veg ]declared 8 Feb 1740;ch Jane, Mary;husb James exor;inv
1741-1 A 10      KNEALE       Isabel      CAIN         [bur Lon 17410213]d 13 Feb 1740/1;ch James(her pt of crop, team etc),Mary, Christian, Jane;husb Daniel exor - pledges John Killip(schoolmaster) + John Scarf;
1741-1 A 11      COSTEAN      Margaret    fayle        [bur Lon 17410209]d 2 feb;3 ch Margt, Wm & Daniel (land bought from thos quark);husb danl;
1741-1 A 12      KEWLEY       Margaret    MOOR         [bur Lon 17410127] d 26 jan 1740/1;sis elenor skillicorn als moore (+her dau margt);nephew thomas skillicorn;bro-i-l james kewley;names margt parr;husb philip;
1741-1 A 13      KNEAL        John                     [?bur]d 1 Mar 1740/1;ch John(lands), Elizth, Joney; wife Margt als Cottier jt exex with daus; daus also supv of the orphan;
1741-1 A 14      SKILLICORN   Thomas                   [bur Lon 17410405] [will missed - TBA]exex sworn; 2 ch ua - Charles + James - 1758 Charles at age acks from John Quine h/o Margt Skillicorn exex of her mother Ellinr Skillicorn als Moore 20s due from probate [?of father Thos]
1741-1 E      w  CHRISTIAN    Daniel                   [?bur]
1741-1 E      d  CORRIN       Gilbert                  [bur Lon 17401212];d 12 Dec;sis Jane + Cath Corrin;half bro Philip Corrin jnr (ua);fa Philip Corrin;
1741-1 E      d  COTTIER      Christian   KNEAL        [bur Lon 17410105]d jan 1740/1;ch john,alice,bahee + isabel; john+isabel ua;husb john;inv
1741-1 E      d  KEWLEY       John                     [bur Lon 17401130] d 30 nov 1741;ch danl + margt (ua);Ellinr aunt + Wm kewley suprv;
1741-2 E      w  BREW         Thomas                   [bur Lon 17410930]d 30 sep 1741;son john,james;wife joney [als fayle/sayle xd thru];sis cath;sis-i-law anne fargher
1741-2 E      w  CALOW        Isabel      COwiN        [bur Lon 17411028]d 28 oct 1741;sis margt + marriot cowin;husb wm exec;unnm ch
1741-2 E      d  CRAINE       Margaret                 [?bur]died minority midsummer last 1741;c/o robt crain;goods due by decease mo cath craine als gelling;sibs christian + john
1741-2 E      d  CRAINE       William                  [?bur]died minority midsummer last 1741;see margt - 2 ch of Robt Crane Ballaligg bur 22 Jun + 22 Jul 1741 (smallpox)
1741-2 E      w  GARRETT      Ewan                     [bur Lon 17410921]d 21 sep 1741;dau isabel;son ewan (wild + mountain sheep);gdau mary rose (sheep shared with philip cowin);son daniel;dau alice
1741-2 E      w  KISSAGG      Alice                    [?bur]d 8 jun 1741;dau isabel,margt;gson wm corrin;dau alice stole als kissagg;philip h/o alice
1741-3 E      d  CASHIN       William                  [bur Lon 17410912]d sep last;goods due by decease fa james;only sis jane ua;mo alive
1742-1 A 1       CHRISTIAN    Ann         MOOR         [bur Lon 17420219 age 106]Deed of Gift dated 27 Apr 1741 from Ann Christian als Moore relict Patrick Christian, Balldromma, having no friend or relation but my loving grandson John Woods who has taken care of me these years past
1742-1 A 2       CLAGUE       Catherine   MOOR         [bur Lon 17420410]son William(her part of houses etc - to discharge a debt due to him by death of gmo);dau Cath(eldest),ann - ua uncle Thos Moore supv;husb stephen exor
1742-1 A 3       KEWLEY       John                     [?bur] [d 26 Nov;bro Thos;cousin Thos Cannell;reln Elizth Smith;father Nicholas exor
1742-1 E      d  COSTEAN      William                  [bur Lon 17410122] d beg feb 1740/1;3 ch Ewan Daniel and Marriod  (w/o John Kelly)
1742-2 E      w  QUILL        Catherine   CORLET       [bur lon 17421011]d 10 oct 1742;w/o james;dau margt,cath, alice,elinor;sisjane;names alice kelly,jony quark;son james;dau  elinor execx
1742-2 E      d  tEAR         Ann                      [bur lon 17420103]d 26 dec 1741;3sis of whole blood christian,margt + cath + sis half blood elinor sayle;john kewley h/o christian
1742-2 A 59      KNEAcLE      Margaret                 [bur lon 17421130] [chk kneacle in br]
1742-3 E      d  SCARFFE      John                     [bur Lon 17421122] d 18 Nov last; 5 ch John (eldest), Thomas, James, Philip, Daniel;dan ua, pledges Wm Kewley taylor & Wm [obliterated] B:[?] philip incapable;inv £28 ;widow margt;1749 danl + philip  surviving execrs ack from mother + sis-in-law Margt
1743-1 A 1       LOONEY       Jane        KISSAG       [bur Lon 17430311]
1743-1 A 2       COWIN        Gilbert                  [bur Lon 17430200]
1743-1 A 3       SCARFFE      James                    [bur Lon 17430321]
1743-1 A 4       COWIN        Catherine   QUAY         [bur Lon 17430329] [mfilm confused follows on from 92]
1743-1 E      w  CAIN         John                     [bur Lon 17430508]d 8 may 1743;son john;dau isable;wife jane
1743-1 E      d  COTTIMAN     Thomas                   [bur Lon 17430213]d 26 feb [will torn]8 ch [ann, thos of la] margt,wm,richd,jony,cath + mar[];wife cath alive;inv;articles of agree cath cottiman als mcnemeer + anne [torn - assume dau];
1743-1 E      d  COWIN        Philip                   [bur lon 17430124]d beg feb;will torn;2ch philip + isable philip too tender chooses robt hantan overseer;inv
1743-1 E      d  KNEAcLE      Catherine   Mcylreest    [bur lon 17430410]d 20 apr;will torn ;5ch jane,thos,danl,cath + jony ua;1774 thos  (abroard)kaighen h/o joney knacle ack rcvd danl knacle;1774 cath knacle w/o john mcylchreest acks henry gell
1743-1 E      d  QUINE        Alice       KNEAL        [bur Lon 17430405]d 20 apr;4ch thos,john,isabel + mary;unnm fa alive
1743-1 E      d  QUINE        Mary        Fail         [bur Lon 17430205]d beg feb;sons thos + john;dau joney w/o danl kneal;capt thos quine + bro john quine + danl kneal sworn;inv
1743-2 A 74      QUARK        John                     d 21 nov 1743;of laxey in inv;son john - ua uncle wm quark supv;wife elinor als killip exex;father alive (white coat + shoes + to be paid £5 due for lands);bro Wm;uncle thos christian;bro-i-law thos fargher,patrick killip(left new reed 850 [stalks?]);inv 18s(to son john)
1743-3 E      d  COWIN        Margaret    mcylroy      [bur Lon 17430623]d 23 jun 1743;son philip,thomas jt admrs
1743-3 E      d  COWIN        Philip                   [bur Lon 17430710]d beg jul 1743;ch ellinor,margt + esther - all ua - uncles Capt Thos Quine, Mr John Killip, Wm + Thos Cowin;wife alive
1743-3 E      d  QUARK        John                     [?bur Lon 17431123]d 30 may 1743;dau Mary by a prev wife + 3 ch Finloe,margt + robt;
1743-3 E      w  QUAYLE       Philip                   [bur Lon 17430528]d 28 May 1743;bro's son John Quayle;bro Wm Quayle;friend Margt Kelly,widow, exex;witt Jane Kinley als Clague, Joney Kneal;pledges John Killip(Schoolmaster) + Finloe Clague
1743-3 E      d  QUINNEY      Ann         CLAGUE       d 20 may 1743;stepson Philip Corrin exor;;dau margt taggart;names cath quark;
1743-3 E      w  STOLE        Philip                   [bur Lon 17430521]d 20 May 1743;ch Philip(not 20), Alice, Jane, Joney;wife Alice als Kissackexex + to have tuition of ch ;names Phinlo Clague(brown jacket + shoes for making grave);bro-i-law Finloe Clague sworn overseer of ch
1744-1 E      d  KARRAN       Gilbert                  [bur Lon 17430515]marr contct dated 14 jan 1717/8 margt skillicorn als kewley (lonan)+ gilbert karran(marown);mentions aigness tenement;1744:ch thomas ,jane + jon(ua)
1744-2 A 37      BREW         Phinloe                  [bur Lon 17441226]d 26 dec 1744;son philip,james;wife alive;had ch by 1st wife
1744-2 A 38      QUILL        Elinor                   [bur Lon 17450126]d 26 jan 1744;dau margery;son wm,thomas;husb wm exor
1744-2 A 39      CLAGUE       Isabel                   [bur Lon 17450127] d 26 jan;agneash;dau mary;son finlo,rob;gch margt looney;ch robt + mary jt execs
1744-2 E      d  CHRISTIAN    Thomas                   [bur Lon 17440929 - bur onchan]; d 20 sep;4 ch thomas,anne,margt + wm (all ua) uncles Philip + Thos Caine ?;1744 James Kewley uncle sworn supv; later Philip christian named as admr
1744-2 E      d  KNACKLE      Daniel                   [?bur]d 14 oct 1744;vh jane,dal,jony,cath + thos(abroad) some ua uncle philip knackle;inv
1744-2 E      w  LOONY        Daniel                   [bur Lon 17441009] d 9 Oct 1744;names John Looney;Elinor Moore Widders ? Widdow (choice of 2 trees),Christian Neale;step-fa John Corrin;names James Scarffe + Philip Moore, Paul Cowin, Wm Kewley;sisters Cath,Ann + Ellinor; smooth gravestone from John Skillicorn;
1744-3 E      d  QUAYLE       Catherine   SKILLICORN   [bur Lon 17440803]d aug last;sons philip,wm + thos;pledges philip + wm Kewley
1744-3 E      d  SKILLICORN   Jane        KEWLEY       [bur Lon 17441120]d st andrews day;sibs john,philip + wm kewley,elinor(w/o john clague),margt (w/o wm kewley)+ cath
1745-2 E      w  KNACLE       Dorothy     CRELLIN      [bur lon 17450518]d 18 may 1745;son john,wm,nicholas;dau ann,jane;husb wm exor
1745-1 A 1       CLAGUE       James                    [?bur]d 12 apr 1745;sis dorothy,margt,bro john,wm,thomas exor
1745-1 A 2       QUARK        Jane        CHRISTIAN    [bur Lon 17450422]d 20 apr 1745;dau jane (to live with her fa),isabel,margt,mary,christian;son wm(+ 2 daus);husb john exor
1745-2 E      d  CLAGUE       Robert                   [bur lon 17450523]d may 1745;sibs finlo,ellinor(w/o wm looney),mary
1745-2 E      w  KNACLE       Dorothy     CRELLIN      [bur lon 17450518]d 18 may 1745;son john,wm,nicholas;dau ann,jane;husb wm exor
1745-2 E      w  SKILLICORN   Ellinor     moore        [bur Lon 17451009]d 8 oct 1745;son thomas(heir),charles,james;only dau margt exex
1746-2 A 18      COWIN        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17461205]d 13 dec 1746;dau ann christian als cowin(w/o thomas),jane,ann + mary execs;son john;wife alive
1746-2 A 19      MOORE        John                     [bur Lon 17470106]d 5 jan 1746/7;names john s/o philip skillicorn of laxey(houses etc karne vaan 5d rent);wife bahe als fargher;philip skilicorn exor;
1746-2 A 20      QUILL        James,junr               [bur Lon 17470111]d 10 jan 1747/8;stepson john callister,thomas;dau joney callister;own son james quaile;fa james;wife margt als callister exex
1746-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Ellinor                  [bur Lon 17461001];d 26 sep 1746;dau isabel;dau Mary (Molly) Cowin als Clague ;husb thomas
1746-2 E         CLAGUE       Thomas                   [bur Lon 17460922]d 28 [?20] sep 1746;dau isabel,molly cowin als clague,anne(w/o thos callow),mary,elinor;(isabel + ann jt exexs)
1746-2 E      w  FAIRBROtHER  William                  [bur Lon 17460504]d May 1746;laxey;wife elinor exex
1746-2 E      d  KEWLEY       Margaret    KEWLEY       [bur lon 17410330] d 25 mar 1742;only ch margt ua; uncles John + wm kewley + john clague h/o elinor (aunt);husb wm; ack confusing as refers to bro wm (bro of john ?)
1746-2 E      d  PARR         Abraham                  left island 10yrs ago + d on board hm ship Buckingham abt 5 yrs ago;s/o John Parr Lonan;sibs alexr,john,margt,mary + elizth all absent + out of island;fa John appt;pledges Wm Quayle + Philip Cannell carpenter kk Michael;decree at Bishopscourt
1747-1 A 1       STOLE        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17470408] - note this bk displaced;d 3 apr 1747;ch Thos, Wm, James + Jane (30s each);father Wm Stole;wife Margret als Xtian exex;Bro James Stole + James Quilleash(h/o Mary the Aunt) overseers of ch, uncle John Killey also sworn supv
1747-2 A 21      MOORE        Ellinor     HARRISON     [bur Lon 17480129] ;d 26 jan 1747/8;Balldromma;son John (has children);gson Thomas Skillicorn (of Skinn?),gdau Margt Skillicorn;sons Capt James Moore + Thomas Moore (of Douglas); [Full]
1747-2 A 27      KNEAL        William                  [bur Lon 17480131]d 30 jan 1747/8;dau margt Fargher; son Danl(exor),Wm+Patk(abroad);gson Wm Kneal
1747-2 E      w  CLAGUE       Phinlo                   [bur Lon 17471007]d 4 oct 1747;wife ann als stole;;unnamed ch;court names jane, anne,ellinor(eldest)
1747-2 E      d  CORRIN       Catherine                [bur Lon 17470306];d beg Mar;sibs Philip + Jane Cowin als Corrin (w/o Wm);pledges John Brew Grawe, John Killip schoolmaster
1747-3 E      d  QUILL        Philip                   [bur San 17471208 - a dumb man]d 10 dec 1747 in santan;dumbman;bro james,wm;inv
1748-1 A 1       CAIN         Mary                     [bur Lon 17480318] - will almost lost  - thos fargher exor;
1748-1 E      w  SCARFFE      John                     [bur Lon 17471022] d 22 oct 1747; 2 ch (+ wife pregnant); wife Margt;pledges Thos Fargher & James Scarf;1750? Danl Scarff & Philip Scarff Bros sworn suprv
1748-2 E      w  CHRISTIAN    Isabel      SKILICORN    [bur lon 17480906];gdau isabel killip (houses etc in Laxey);bro capt skillicorn;names alice lewney;husb thos exec
1748-3 E      d  scarffe      Thomas                   d 14 oct [?1748] son philip, daniel jt admrs
1748-3 E      d  TEAR         Thomas                   [bur Lon 17480703]d feast st john;sis mary,jane;d in house wm kneal sworn admr
1749-1 A 1       CORRIN       Jane        KNAcLE       [bur Lon 17490316]d abt 16 mar 1748;dau cath,ellinr,ann hantone;gdau jane hantone;husb john exec
1749-1 A 2       CLAGUE       Dorothy     CASHEN       [bur Lon 17490327];son john,philip,thos exec
1749-1 A 3       QUINE        Gilnno                   of kk lonan;d 12 apr 1749;2 ch by latter wife margt;
1749-1 A 4       QUARK        William                  d 11 apr 1749;5 ch wm,christian,esther,mary + john quark;fa john;wife mary;1st 2ch of age;
1749-2 A 35      MYLERoI      Richard                  [bur Lon 17491207][rh side of page crumpled + v dark on microfilm with some loss ] d [] dec 1749;ch Richard (lands to be + stand as inheritance + if he sells or mortgages the other ch to share equally), Thos, Wm, Margt, Isable, Cath , Anne, John (if he contests his stepmo for crop then he has all due to him);wife Mary exex; ?supvs? David Mclroy, Cath + Isable Mcylroi + Thomas Cottier(h/o Margt Mcylroi)
1749-3 E      d  COWIN        Thomas                   [bur Lon 17491012]d 12 oct 1749;only sis jane
1749-3 E      d  McYLCHREEST  Mary        MOORE        [bur Lon 17491212] d 1 dec 1749;kk german;sibs wm,henry, david, isabel (w/o Robt Banks)+ eliner(abroad - returned oct 1750) jt admrs;fa Capt Jas Moore;[?m Lon 17481206]

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