These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1616 E 100 LOOWNYE Willm [lh margin lost on film]dated 22 Mar 1617;sis Annas Lowny;ch Donald + Kath jt execs + their mother supv; 1616 E 244 LOWNY Thomas d 26 Jan;ch John(6d), Ann(6d), Thos + Donald (jt execs) 1620 e 443 FARKER Margrett d 20 Aug [1623?];poor unable to pay clark's silvr 1623 E 037 LEWNY Elaine MOORE headed 1623;sibs John Moore, Elizabeth Moore; husb James Lewny exor 1623 E 040 LOWNY Margret COWINE dated 6 Mar 1623?;ch Wm lowny, Donald Lowny;sis [?sis-in-law]Margrt Cowine, Malie Lowny 1623 E 042 LOWNY Kathrine GALL [date mostly lost 24 ..]ch Pat Lowny(exor),Mariot + Jony Lowny, Philip + Wm Lowny; names Kathrine Lowny, Margrt Gill,James Lowney,Ellin Moor, Margt Callye 1624 e 092 Fargher Margrat d18 Mar 1623;poor 1625 e 247 FARGHER Annas KEWLEY [some loss in inv] d 11 Sep1625; intestate ;court decrees her unmarried ch viz Thomas, Kathren + Ellyne? Fargher admrs - husband alive; inv notes rest of crop in possession of the [] Philip Fargher 1628 e 066 FARCHER Phillipe [some loss in lh in binding on microfilm]d 15 Nov 1628;son Wm Farcher;ch Tho, Katherine + Ellinr execs;mentions miln ; inv taken by Wm Fargher, Wm Cowine + Sr Jo Moore[vicar] include a fishing boat wch daus sold to brother Thomas - ends with decree that if any man claims debt from Philip to claim within 14 [days?] 1635 e 115 FARGHER Thomas dated 30 Apr 1635;ch Finlo + thomas farker jt exors;bro Robt + Finlo - to be overseers;wife alive 1637 A 16 LOENEY William d 24 Aug 1637;ch Wm, Jo, Isable + Philip jt admrs (some ua) wife alive 1637 e 331 MOORE Ann dated 7 Sep 1637;sibs Philip Moore(exor), Kath Moore;cousin Margt Woods;mother alive; inv £5 1640 e 236 OATS ..ble ch Jo + Will Oats 1640 e 239 FARGHER Jo dated 5 nov 1640;umarried ch Phillip, Mariott + Ann Fargher admrs;inv 1651 e 009 CHRISTIN Jony QUALTEROUGH dated 8 ? Nov 1649;cousin Sr James Moore;Bro Wm Qualtrough ch patk, cath, james? - last 2 jt execs - Sr James Moore + Wm Qualtrough supvs; 1651 e 011 SKILLICORNE Mariott COLLEISH [p19]dated 12 mar 1650;husb ? Philip Skilicorn exor;unnamed ch 6d but ch Ann, Jony ? + Mariot Skillicorn claim;Philip Knackil also claims 12s + firlet barley ; 1651 e 041 KEWLEY Willm [page 90]dated 11 Jan 1657;ch Wm(20s + to be good to my poore wife), Philip senr(sheep in Knock-y-chood?),John(my right of BallaCowle + Balla Will as heirship in regard that I bought it in my now wife's tyme), Michael, James + Philip [?junr] - last 4 jt exors but wife to have tuition til thery came to age[?last 4 ch by 2nd wife?]; Witt Thos Bankes, James Moore clerk, Don Christin 1654 e 343 MOORE Phillip dated 12 May 1652;wants burial in father's grave in chancel Kk Lonan;wife (miln in Laxa[Laxey] + croft in the how + my part of boat and netts etc during life); ch Sr James Moore(had m/c), Phillip + Hugh jt exors;names Jane Bancks (signs name) 1654 e 344 LOWNY Donald d 26 Feb 1653;ch Jony, Margt,Donald + Christian (ch at age supv of ua children);wife alive;Jony Lowney sworn admx in trust [?wife or dau];inv £2 4s 6d in hands of joney;pledge Wm Skillicorne; Tho Calow(Kk Maughold) claims 25 bowles oats, cowll/ of a boate? and roof or timbers of 2 houses gone to decay thro said Patrick Lowney deceased 1654 e 344 QUALTEROUGH Willm d 1 Apr 1653;unmarried dau Alice admx (other ch married); wife alive; inv £2 5s 4d 1654 e 344 QUARKE James by information d 3 years ago - intestate - next of kin wm, margt + Jony Quark admrs - goods in custofy of Wm Quark until it be known whether sd James being in England is alive or not; Wm quark to bring inv 1654 e 346 MOORE Katherine GILL dated 19 Sep 1652;wants burial in mother's grave in chancel Kk Lonan;ch Sr James Moore(my part of croft in the How, miln in Laxa), Thos, Elizabeth, Philip + Hugh(jt exors), Jane;gch Kath Barrie?;sis's dau Kath Clarke 1654 e 349 CLUAGE Phillip sis Ann Cluage exex; bro Donald(in England) jt exor if he returns; father alive; names Kathrine Kackill + Patrick Kerrowne (both wtts);inv £3 3s 1654 e 349 Fargher Tho [split across 2 pages - ? 2 Tho's ] ch Philip the elder + the younger, Ann,Margt, Wm (exor); - other page has ch underage - wants supv Sr James Moore, Philip Moore, Philip Moore(Ballnanay?) + Wm cowin;sis Kath Fargher; inv 12s 6d 1654 e 349 SKILLICORNE Christian KNEALE d 6 Sep 1655;husb William Skillicorn exor;unnamed ch;inv 34s 1655 e 427 CLOAGE Ellin STOALE d 30 Jun 1655;ch Robt Curleod, Tho Curleod, Isable Curleod; husb Phinlo Cloage; court notes that not all children given goodsw and appoints then jt execs with their father and her bro Jo Stoale + elest dau Ellin Cloage jt supvs [see also m/c of Robt Curleod in LibCanc 1670 10] 1658 e 038 FARGHER Ane SKILLYCORNE [page 88]d 2 May 1658; only son Phil Fargher admr - at age (he had a m/c);inv 20s; Phil gives James Kermod(Douglas) as security; various claims by Wm fargher, Robt Allen?, excrs of Wm Kewley, Kath Fargher 1662 E 476 w LEWNEY Donald d 20 jul 1662;wife to maintain his mother;son donald exor [?ua]; 1675: Donald at age;includes m/c donald lowney + bahy lowney (copy from lib canc) dated 26 jul 1652; Patricke Lowney + wife [?Eliz Kermod who signs after him] obo Donald Lowney;Wm Lowney obo sis Bahy Lowney; to marry at Kk Lonan before michalmas next;Phillip Lowney + wife Maggret Knakle give their right to ground called Ballamore rent 7s 2d on condition they main our [?father] Patr;Patricke + wife to give half crop if young couple pay debts + give one bowle [?of barley] + half firlet wheate;Wm Looney to give 2 oxen, 1 cow;witt James Kermod, James Skillicorne, Donald Lowney, Wm Kerush, John Woods;Phill Lowney acks contract made to his brother Donald Lowney; 1661/1 A w FARGHER Philip d 23 Mar 1660/1;wife Ellin als Callister; sibs Bessie, Ann;bro's son Wm (exor), Tho; inv incs looms; 1663/1 A w MOORE Thomas [page 33]:d 20 Jan 1663/4; ch Mary, Ann, wife alive 1665 e 386 KNEALE An [page 98]d 7 aug last;sis Elizth + Kath Kneale jt admxs - father alive + guardian 1666 e 163 FARGHER Wm [poor photo]dated 19 Mar 1666;ch Phil(exor), John, Ann, Wm + Marriot 1666 e 422 MOORE Mary BANCKS d 20 Mar 1667/8;all gch vizt c/o Ro Stevenson, James Moore + David Murrey jt admrs - all her linen as all crop given in m/cs 1667 A j77 w FARGHER Ann moore d 13 Feb 1667/8;husb Philip (her pt of boat + he to pay Jo Murrey what was due;1/4 of miln to pay other debts);ch Wm(half crop),Ann (at age), Jo + Marriott(last 2 jt execs) - wants husb supv of those ua; 1674: John at age + acks father 1671-2 e 748 COWINE Isabell KNEALE d 7 Aug 1671;sibs Jane(her clothes + to stay in house til May + have custody children), Dan, Wm;ch Tho(gears etc as left in fa's will - in arch book);if Dan and the heir would not agree then Wm was to take him on and John Kewley jt overseer;1676: Marriot Cown now at age + acks fully satified re goods of mo + father 1672-1 E 003 d HOGG William d 1 Apr 1672;sons Henry + Wm jt admrs - both at age but Wm living in Ireland; inv £2 14s; 1672-1 E 009 d FARGHER Isabel d 7 Nov [1671]only ch Bahy?;husb alive; next of kin Jony Knaycle; ?husb William[v dark on microfilm] 1673-2 E 235 d LOONY Daniel d 3 Nov 1679;next of kin Gilbt Brew + Issable Brew admrs;4 sworn men of inv includes 2 wm Looneys! - 16s 1676 a E 024 w CHRISTIAN Catherine FARGHER bur 7 Aug 1676;sis Christian Cluag;names Margt Gell;bro Thomas Fargher;husb James? Christian;inv 1678-1 E 235 w Kneale christopher d 12 jun 1678;[name is given as Knackill xd thr each time + Kneale overwritten] son Donald exor - wm kneale to be overseer(+ 1/3 of goods + all if Donald dies ua);inv inc half roof of half a house;1682: Don Kneale at age + acks supv Wm Kneal 1678-1 E 236 w Waterson robt bur 16 Nov 1677;ch John, Kath - both ua - uncle Richs Waterson + aunt Usley [sic] Waterson supv;wife Alice als Christian exex;inv 27s 1678-1 E 237 w Farcher wm [rh margin lost] d 25 Nov 1677;only unmarried and at age dau Ann admx;wife alive 1678-1 E 237 w Quine margt d 20 Nov 1677;only sis Mariod quine admx;inv (v small) 1678-2 E 307 w Cotteene Margaret bur 10 Oct 1678;sibs Tho Cotteen, Ellin, James Killey( his fa Oates Killey (decd)), Mariott (+ husb), Ann Cotteen (jt exex with Issable Kennish + Wm + Kath Brew);names Isabel Kennish; Gilbert Brew fa-i-law Cath + m Brew (being ua) sworn as other 2 did not appear;inv 1679-1 E 009 d FARGHER Ellin cowine d 6 Feb 1679;ch Thomas + Wm Fargher jt admrs;husband alive;inv 1680/1 A w CORRIN James d 24 jan 1680;son wm,james;wife exex 1680/1 A w LOONEY Alice CANNELL d 10 apr 1681;names donald looney;son james;dau elllin exex; 1681 A w MOORE Jane FLETCHER [damaged top + rh corner + margin]ch Daniel + Wm(youngest son)(jt exors), james, Phill, Thomas, Alice; names Sr Tho Thwaites, Margarett Thwaites; bro Mr James Fetcher (to be supv of Wm); noted at charge in repairing walk miln at Laxey + + had received no benefit since new wheel had been made - that the walk miln erected and built since she married capt James Moore and it was her portion that [] for erecting it; Exor Wm dead before probate 1681-1 E 272 d SKILLICORN Issabel unnamed ch;Philip Kneale declares no goods 1681-2 E 355 w QUAILE William d 1 Jul 1681;ch Phill, Wm(half a qtr of land + 10d cottage rent bought from Donald Knackil), Richd, John, Christian, Margt (+ children);;wife Alice als Knackill exex;gch (c/o Phill Quayle);inv 1681-2 E 356 d LOONEY William d 7 July 1681;unmarried ch Gilbt, Philip(an idiot) + James jt admrs;inv;James sworn + Gilbt to be sworne by Mr Robinson[?wch parish];wife alive + has goods of Philip; 1683-1 E 605 d QUILL Margaret d 24 Mar [?1682/3]bro James Quill admr 1683-2 E 669 mc CLOAGE Jony KNAKILL [2nd circuit starts here - patk headed Oct 1683 = m/c of John Quarke + Jane Cluage accepted as will 1684-1 E 006 d LEWNEY James d 15 may;orphan;next of kindred Jon Quark admr of goods that came by mother;goods in mo's inv 1671 1684-1 E 008 mc CLOAGE Bahee LEWNEY m/c Finlo Clague + Isable Clague;dated 4 Aug 1677;to marry when they come to years of discretion 1684-1 E 011 w CALLIN Issable KEGEENE d 7 Jun ;neighbour Essie Skillicorn;son + heir Philip Callin ;dau Mariott Callin(youngest ) + Mariot jt exexs;husb Gilbt Callin;bro Willm Keggeene;pledges Don Loony Ballamore + James Skillicorn; 1689-2 E 118 d callow Margaret LOONEY [?name Looney als Callow ?]d 21 Oct;ch James, Thomas + Ann jt admrs (all at age) ;husb alive;inv £4;Dan Looney enters claim agt Margt Looney for 1/4 of crop[?is Dan the husb?] 1690-1 A w CALLIN Gilbert bur 13 Apr 1690;ch Philip, Jony, Mariod + Wm Callin (last 3 jt execs) - some ua Thos Skillicorn supv wth the chils at age on ye fa's side and Aunt + uncle on ye mother's side Wm + Margt Keggeen;Witt Tho Skillicorn + Gilbt Skillicorn 1689-2 E d KISSAGE William d 25 may;ch wm, john,mary, tho + Issa jt admrs -1st 3 at age;wife alive 1690-3 E 388 LEWNEY ?Kath [?Scarff] [significant loss of date + name - rh corner missing][looks like new book starts here]ch Xtian Looney, Gilbert [?assumed as previous words lost], Wm (exor); followed at botton of page by inv of ye above lty deceased Katherine Skarff inv £3 6s 1690-3 E 390 LEWNEY James d 19 May [1690];sibs Wm, Gilbt + Christian jt admrs; court notes Wm + Kathrine[?what relation?] appeared + took oaths;on next page inv of [lost]Looney of ???elgilley [not clear on my photo]who d 19 May £1 2s 1692-1 E 577 d KNAKILL Gilbert d 7? Mar; ch Philip, Gilbt, Thomas?, Jane + Ann jt admrs - Philip at age sworn supv;wife alive; 1692-2 E 658 w QUARK John d 20 Jul [1692];wife exex; 1692-2 E 658 d QUARK Philip d 29 Jul [1692]ch Dan, James,Philip, Cath, John + Isable jt admrs;wife alive 1692-2 E 659 d BREW William d 17 Oct; ch john + Isabel jt admrs - uncles Robt + Tho Brew supvs;wife alive 1694-1 E 127 w KNAKILL Catherine cowine dated 14 May 1694;son-i-law Richard quaile + wife;other dau Issable Knackle(linen);son Wm ;gch - ch of Wm;husb Wm Knackle exor;inv £5 2s 1696-2 E 371 w KNAKILL William dated 24 Feb [year lost in a fold on film]]ch William (all lands in Brandle + team + crop + horse bought at Maughold fair for the plow), isable(legacies bequeathed by her mo), Jon - all jt execs;gch Isable Knackil(d/o Wm);son-i-law Richd Quail 1697-1 A w CALLOW Daniel [faint + diff to read on film]dated 20 Nov 1697;dau i-law joney callow als Co??ill?;son Tho Callow exor(out of country + his bro James sworn) 1697-1 A w KEWLEY Philip d 14 Nov;gch Philip + James Kewley jt exors - ua - their fa sworn;dau Elinor Cloage als Kewley 1697-1 A w LOONY Mary MOOR dated 29 Dec 1697;bro Phil Moore;husb Danl Looney;ch Dan (eldest son)Jane, Ellinr, James - last 3 jt execs;[?reads as tho other unnamed ch ' my woine? ch - Dan + Jane supvs of ua ch];inv £6 6s 10d includes pt of a fishing boat;pledges James Callow, Robt Carran;1717: Ellinor Looney acks father for that due by death of mother + sis Jane 1697-1 A w QUARK Christian looney date 25 nov 1697/8;dau cath;step son jo quark + wife jane quark als cluage;son thos moore;husb john 1698-3 E 079 w CROW Margaret SHIMIN d 1 Aug 1696;2 unnamed ch; tuition of eldest dau Dorridy carleton to husb;husb Wm Crowe exor 1698-3 E 080 w BREW William dated 6 may 1698;father Phil Brew exor - being sick Phinlo Brew sworn 1699 A w CHRISTIAN Elin COWN dated 30 nov 1699;widow;gch dorothy kewley, cath kewley, wm kewley,ellr corran als kewley;ch (in Island) John, Isable +cath, Charles(in London);dau Alice Christian als Kewley (with whom I live) exex;son-i-law Robt Moore, John Corlett 1699 A w KNAKIL Thomas d 1 Nov 1699;ch Thos + Phill Knackill - ua - three uncles supvs;wife alive 1699 A w SKILLICORN Margaret COLLISH d 4 feb 1699;son philip,john,danold;dau ellin;sibs isabel,philip (overseer of ch);husb thomas exor 1699-3 E 129 d QUAILE Isabel GELL d 17 Jan [?1698/9];only child John Quaile admr - ua - next of kin(Mo's side) John, Wm, Patrick + Margt Gell supvs;husb John Quaile;agreement between supvs + fa that fa to bring up child; agreed that child to have £3 goods 1699-3 E 130 c BREW Philip inc m/c Finlo Brew + Alice Christian dated 1 Nov 1698;Philip Brew father of Finlo Brew being sick + unable to come to contraction;son Finlo sworn exor 1699-3 E 131 d COWIN Philip d 1 Feb;ch Philip, Tho, John + Eliz jt admrs - all ua uncle John Christian supv;wife alive
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