These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.Some 75% summarised [1141/1423]
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1750-1 A 2 BRIDSON Thomas made 19 jun 1749;dau mary(house douglas);wife elizth als stevenson; 1750-1 A 3 CHRISTIAN Thomas d 10 apr 1750;chjohn + nelly;wife exex 1750-1 A 4 KELLY Marriot art marr 28 jan 1739 wm crain + wife ann als clague braddan obo dau cath and margt kelly marown obo son john; 1750-1 A 5 KEY Catherine KILLEY husb ewan;names anne moore;mo alive;sis isabel;neice cath moore exex 1750-1 A 6 HIGGINS Elizabeth peil son philip;dau mary,jane;husb philip (house) exec 1750-1 E d BYRN Garrett d May 1750 in Dublin - for some years resided in Douglas - prin creditors Mr Wm Murrey, Mr Philip Finch + Capt Paul Bridson;claims Thos Artur £120 ;Island creditors claim preference for natives 1750-1 E w OATES Thomas d 9 may 1750;sons Robt + Wm(youngest sons), richard(heir);dau esther exex;wife(croft + house called small croft for life);1767: Robt Creer h/o esther 1750-2 A 26 CORKIL Peter [b reg has b'creggan]d 9 Nov 1750;ch Wm(10s), Richd(10s), Esther (14s) - all ua - uncle Henry Looney supv (along with their mo);wife exex; 1750-2 A 27 ALLEN Margaret BRIDSON [full]w/o john;fa + mo alive;un-named sibs 1750-2 E d CARRICK Bryan d end Jun 1750;Douglas;prin creditor John Christian admr 1750-3 E d CARan Thomas [full]d 6 nov 1748 on HM Ship Deal Castle; fa Henry 1751-1 A 2 PENNANT Mary MOORE dated 26 Feb 1750/1;relict Edward Pennant, late of Rhyill, County of Flint Wales but now of Douglas;ch Edward (my doamond ear rings + brilliant hoop ring + his father's picture set in gold), William(rose diamond ring);cousin Mary Holt(loose diamonds, diamond ring + clothes);friend Philip Higgins(gold repeating watch) exor;pledges Thos Christian gunner + Anthony Calister (both Douglas) 1751-1 A 3 CURGHEY Dorothy dated 19 Nov 1750;Douglas;sis Jane Moore als Curghey exex - Jane dead before probate her admrs Thos, Elizth. Ann + Jane decreed admrs 1751-1 A 4 FAYLE Catherine KINNISH d 9 Feb 1750/1;husb John Fail (Douglas) exor;sis Joney,Mary(+ ch Margt,Elizth,Cath, Thomas(+ his wife), John,Alice); 1751-1 A 5 CORKILL Margaret KEWLEY d 11 Mar 1750[?1750/1];ch Jane, Cath, Thomas,Edward - ua - supv John Kewley(BallaFreer) + John Stevenson (uncles by mo's side);mother alive;sis Ellinor;maidsert Mary Kelly;husb exor 1751-1 A 6 KILLEY Robert dated 19 Mar 1750/1;ch John, Robt, Philip, Isable, Elinor + Jane (last 3 jt exexs);pledges Ewan Kerruish + Christopher Fitsimmons (also witnesses); 1751-1 A 7 KINLEY Margaret d Feb 170/1;Ballaquayle;unnamed sister on sandside owed her 11s;son Robert Christian exor - Ewan Kerruish(Douglas) to have care + tuition; 1751-1 A 8 BRIDSON Jony recites agreement dated 6 Sep 1736 [SSS May 1747 50] by which Jony settle all effect on Henry (son Robt) + Jane Bridson at her decease - they to build her a house;by 1751 Henry + Robt dead - Jane Bridson exex - pledge Mr Thomas Christian(Ballahutchin) 1751-1 E d CORRIN Ann CREECH d 22 mar 1751;3 ch James Mary & John (all ua) uncles Robt Creech,jnr, John Quine;husb John (?ack is John Robt Creetch); fa Robert Creetch; 1751-1 E d COWLEY Philip d beg dec 1750;3ch Elizth,John + Cath;wife cath als christian;ch ua Patk cowley,john cowley,wm Cowley + John Goldsmith (bros's + bro-i-law to philip) 1751-1 E d GILL William left Island about 12 yrs ago;d some time past in River of Seville, Spain;mariner;s/o Wm Gill late of Braddan;sibs Robt, Thos, Edwd, Wm [?2 wms?], Eliz jt admrs - Edwd (only one present) sworn; 1751-1 E d GORDON Abraham d 9 Apr 1751;prin creditor Richd Hampton admr; 1751-1 E d KELLY Ellinor QUIRK d 19 Feb 1750/1;only sis Ann Christian als Quirk admx 1751-2 E d SIDEBOTHAM Peter d 13 apr 1751;hm officier within this isle;douglas;admr john gill c'town;many small claims (inc wm corlett apothecary for letting a vein) 1752-1 A 3 GELLING Thomas dated 20 mar 1750/1;ch daniel (age 16), jane,letitia;wife alice exex;pledges Thos Christian ballahutchin marown, thos Christian gunner douglas; 1752-1 A 5 CAIN William d 13 jan 1752;ch daniel,elizth,mary (exex) [note there is also a 2nd copy mislabelled #7 same contents except date 15th ] 1752-1 A 6 CANEL Ann KELLY d 1 nov 1752;ch margt + ann(ua)(jt exexs house + garden on sandside of house), cath(to be given 20s by 1st 2 daus), John(to be put to trade),james(6d); 1752-1 A 7 CAIN William d 30 dec 1751;wife ann exex;ch wm, david + ann 1752-1 A 8 CHRISTIAN Robert dated 6 jan 1752;aunt mary crannill exex(w/o John Crenilt); John Crenilt acks to have rcvd from Ewan Keruish guardian of robt all goods due by will of mother margt Kinley (her inv is included) 1752-1 A 9 LEECE Isabel M/c Robert Moore + Christian Hampton - SSS May 1744 49;son-i-law robt moore exor;dispute with nicholas leece - robt to pay 20s to nich's sister's ch 1752-1 E d CREAGH David d 14 oct;douglas;son martin refused;tho christian douglas appt;wife alive;claims;inv 1752-2 A 36 CREER Alice QUINE d 16 apr 1752;son robt,thos;dau jane (exex),isabel,ellinor (yongest) 1752-2 E d DESMARETTE Abraham [badly torn ] no relns ;inv 1753-2 E d McYLREA Robert d abt 4yrs ago on board HM ship of war the Worcester (attested Canterbury dated 13 Apr 1751);only bro Thos Mcylrea admr 1752-3 E d CANNEL Philip d 19 jan 1750 at anguilla west indies;due goods by death mo nargt cannell als christian (ep 1736-1);fa wm;only surv bro john cannell admr(but abroad) - fa wm refused to be admr - prin creditor john christian appointed 1752-3 E dg CANNELL William dg wm(carpenter douglas) + wife elizth als ratcliff to son joseph(now of Peel);two sons charles + hugh already have part house + garden on sandside; 1752-3 E d CANNELL William d jul 1745 in jamaica;due goods by death mo nargt cannell als christian (ep 1736-1);fa wm;only surv bro john cannell admr(but abroad) - fa wm appt 1753-1 A 3 WATERSON Isabel QUAY d 29 nov;2 ch un-named ua ;step-dau margt waterson;husb robt;pledges wm cottier braddan,philip cannell douglas;1776 dau esther acks from Mary Waterson (?2nd wife) + states other child died ua 1753-1 E d CANNELL John perished in a well on sand side on 8 Feb 1762;bro Wm + Thos jt admrs who relinquish to his nephew Thos Cannell + obo his nephew's son Wm Cannell;inv 1753-2 A 24 COWN Elizabeth KINLEY d 19 apr 1753;husb thos;sis mary kinley;dau ann quilliam als cown (house douglas) exex 1753-2 A 25 CREECH Dorothy CORRAN d 12 jan 1752;son robt (flat lately purchsd john corrin),gilno,danl;gch (ch of john corrin);dau isabel,joney,mary;gch john + mary corrin;husb alive 1753-2 A 26 LUTTERAL Mary FITZGERALD w/o richard;douglas;owes £1000 to abrhm tobin;bro-i-law john lutteral + husb execs;witt edm fitzgerald,aba Tobin; 1753-2 A 27 BRIDSON Margaret d 1 feb 1753 ;douglas;niece ellinor taggart exex 1753-2 E d KEWLEY Ellinor KILLEY dated 22 May 1753;only dau Isabel - ua - uncle James Killey supv;husb John;pledges Willm Caralagh (kk Braddan) + John Kewley(kk Marown);Isabel dead by dec 1755 - next of kin to Ellinor by mo's side Elizth Killey 1753-3 E w LEWN Alice KEWLEY als fitzsimons als christian dated 25 Sep 1753;Douglas;names John Christian;unnamed sibs on Island - names bro Tho Christian;dau Jane Kewley (ua) exex;John Kewley (Ballafreer) + sd Thomas Christian to be supvs of Jane;husb Wm Lewin named in court decree that by inv(dated 18 Apr 1748 in Arch) of Jane's father Wm Lewin to pay over various mortgages 1754-1 A 2 WATERSON Margaret moore d 18 Dec 1753: husb alive; son Christopher exec; son Robert Waterson; granddau Margt Croghan; grandson Thomas Waterson; granddau Margt Waterson; servant Esther Cowin; pledges Mr Thomas Fargher & Mr. John Moore of Balnyhow. Daniel Croghan & wife Isabel enter a claim against exec of Mgt 1754-1 A 3 dg karraLAGH Ann kewish douglas;son-i-law john gawne houses etc 1754-1 A 4 SAYLE Edward d 22 mar 1753;bro thos,michael;sis ellinor,margt;wife margt;stepson john kelly s/o margt sayle als bridson;inv + sale 1754-1 A 5 KEWLEY Mary COWLE d 6 dec 1753;son john;dau margt (who has ch),mary;dau-i-law margt kewley;son wm exec;john kewley marown h/o mary,wm caralaugh braddan h/o margt + john kewley douglas ack 1754-1 A 6 BERMINGHAM Andrew douglas;dau isabella;wife cath als guest;witt robt moore,ewan callister jnr,ambrose wilson,richd wilson jnr;joseph barwise claims £25 + many more;petn by wife that she is prevented from leaving by claims;inv much spirits+ book debts 1754-1 A 7 ALLEN John [full] 1754-1 E d QUINE Jane LOONEY d 1 Nov 1753;ch Robt + John Quine jt admrs - ua - uncles(mother's side) Wm, Thos + Henry Looney supvs;husb alive 1754-1 E d SIMPSON Benjamin d beg jan 1754;douglas;from yorkshire;ch matthew + ann - both ua but no relns on island;wife mary als deacon (pregnant);1755: mary now w/o henry jackson - court notes debts exceed estate and only assets are house + backside which court allows to be sold/mortgaged 1754-1 E d WALSH Edward d 18 dec 1753;shoemaker;only son edward - ua aunt cath servise als walsh + gfa(mo's side) thos bridson supv;wife ann als bridson; 1754-2 A 33 INGOLDSBY Mary douglas;son wm,james;dau margt,ann (6d),ellinor,esther 1754-2 A 34 jw MERRIDEW Robert wife sarah als scot;;inv sale;wife petns that after a year & a day affter settling all claims she should be able to leave - joseph barwise grocer whitehaven proves a claim - many claims 1754-2 A 36 CLAGUE John wife eleanor;no provn for ch ellr,john,cath,isabel,wm + henry all at age 1754-2 A 66 KELLY William art marr dated 7 oct 1751 john gill onchan obo son wm + wm kelly braddan obo dau anne; 1754-2 A 67 CALLISTER Anthony d 7 jan 1754;douglas;5ch henry,hugh,anthony,ann + elizth;wife elizth als chapp'ol ? 1754-2 E d JOYNER Robert mariner late douglas d coast of africa on board the 'little faster' of Liverpool(cropper cmmndr) decree admin from Rev Abel Ward (archdeacon chester + rural dean warrington)sibs john(abroad - poa to Thos fargher),charles + ellinr(w/o john mcCoy) 1754-3 E w CHRISTIAN John dated 19 mar 1754;douglas;friend wm grahams exor;effects will not pay debts + funeral - however court recovers £32 cash from thos fargher malew 1754-3 E jw CORRis Margaret CHRISTIAN dated 21 sep 1753;jw silvester + margt;mo cath cath corris;syl survived wife but by deed of gift 18 sep 1754 settled effects on bro thomas 1754-3 E dg CORRISS Silvester dated 18 sep 175?[lost] douglas;to bro thomas;other sibs john + margt 1754-3 E w COWLE John d 25 jun 1754;cooper;dau elinor cowle by 1st wife(w/o john cowin who in 1757 acks from thos corkill - names 1st wife as bahy);4 ch by 2nd wife bridget, ann, margt + john; all ua; wife jony;bros wm + charles cowle to be guardians;inv;1769: ann cowle acks from uncle john cain kk michael;1769 bridget fizackerly als cowle w/o james f. of liverpool acks from uncle john caine + john teare 1754-3 E w CREER William d 26 aug 1754;bro robt,john,james;sis jane,anne,cath,isabel,margt;uncle thomas; (sheep given to most);fa exor 1754-3 E d GORDON Alexander d 14 mar 1754;house painter;no relns;inv displaced incld small parcel gold leaf + a sign 1754-3 E w HAunTON Robert d 10 oct 1754;wife jane exex;son george (+ his only sister isabel) 1754-3 E d KELLY Catherine d 3 may 1748 in kk lonan' d/o thomas + jane als clark due goods by decease of fa + mother - only sister of whole blood jane kelly admr;pledges John Cowle(Lezayre) + Adam McBooy(Kk Michael) 1754-3 E w KELLY Margaret dated 25 apr 1754;douglas;friend philip higgins (house);cousin margt kneal;names margt watterson d/o robt waterson;friend marriot smith exex 1754-3 E w QUALTROUGH John dated 12 Jul 1754;wigmaker;douglas;dau jane ua uncles wm + ewan qualtrough;wife alive 1755-1 A 1 BRIDSON Jane CORLET [full]; 1755-1 A 4 QUILLIAM Jane d 4 jan 1755;only dau elizth mansfield;bros john + philip quilliam 1755-1 E d COWLEY Dorothy CUBON d 10 Dec 1754;ch Dorothy + Margt jt admxs - both ua - uncles (mo's side) Thos Cubon, Robt Cubon + Gilbt Cubon supvs; husb Patr Cowley; decree notes that Gilbt has his own + sister Isabel's share of goods 1755-1 E d FEARON Samuel d 10 Dec 1753;late of Liverpool;no reln within Isle - prin creditor Phil Higgins admr; inv includes 2 mapp books + 'print copper plates' 1755-1 E d FITZIMONS Edmond d 25 Dec 1754;late Douglas;no person accepts admin - genl Sumner Capt Daniel Lace appt;inv 1755-1 E d WHITE John d 14 Jan 1755;shopkeeper;no person accepts admin - genl Sumner Capt Daniel Lace appt;inv 1755-2 A 28 KISSAG Elizabeth QUIRK Deed of gift [= SSS Oct 1745 34] dated 21 Jan 1744/5;Wm Kissack + wife Elizabeth als Quirk give to son John Kissack half dwelling house, backside + garden in Douglas adj Mr Charles Wattleworth on west, John Kelly on north, Thos Moore + Silvester Kewish on east rent 9d - other half to be possessed at death of longest survivor;Witt Ewan Kerruish, Christopher Callow x; son John exor 1755-2 A 29 BRIDSON Alice [full]; 1755-2 A 31 COFFy James d 30 Mar 1755;ch Sarah ua;wife Martha als Beat exex 1755-2 E d COWLEY Dorothy Orphan;d abt beg May 1755;d/o Dorothy Cowley als Cubbon - uncles + aunts Wm Cubbon, Thos Cubbon, Ro Cubbon, Gilbt Cubbon + Isable Oates als Cubbon 1755-2 E d COWLEY Margaret Orphan - see Dorothy 1755-2 E d CREER Catherine TURNER d 9 Feb 1755;only son John Creer admr - pledges Wm Faile + John Quilliam(both Marown) 1755-2 E w KELLY Averick CREER d 4 may 1755;dau-i-law marjory Kelly;gdau Elinor kelly,bahee cowley;gch via Robt Kelly (inc Mary d/o robt kelly + mary cowley Bra 17461228);son thos,johnwm;son-i-law john quine 1755-2 E d KNEALE Jane CASHIN d 4 Jan 1755;only child John Kneale admr - ua - uncles John Quine + Daniel Callister supvs - pledges Nichs Quirk(Braddan) + Thos Skillicorn(Lonan); husb Nichs Kneale;1779: John Kneale acks John Quine + Philip Callister(exor Danl Callister);inv includes £1 10s 'in hands of gmo" 1755-3 E w CUBON Esther CORKILL d 18 Oct 1755;ch Wm(half crop, 2 plough beasts + gear), Cath, Elizth, Patience (exex) 1755-3 E d KEWLEY Isabel d 14 Apr 1755;orphan d/o Eleanor Kewley als Killey - goods in mo's will Ep will 1753 bk 2; next of kin Elizth Killey admx;pledges John Oates(onchan), John Kewley(Braddan) 1755-3 E d QUINE Daniel d 15 Aug 1755;ch Mary, Samuel, Jane + Edwd jt admrs - last 3 ua + Mary incapable of admin but supv - wife sworn 1756-1 A 5 COWLEY Catherine FLEXNEY jw John + Cath Cowley als Flexney;ch John + Wm (dwelling house between them at death of longest liver - south or kitchen end to be John's Parlour end Wm's garden to be divided), Mary (yard at west gable + garden running from south east corner to Lake hedge),Judith;John Cowley widower sworn exor + states property will descend as per will 1756-1 E d KISSACK John, junr d 19 Jan 1756;merchantsis Isabella(sworn admx), Susanna(w/o Gilbt Kaighin) + Rachel jt admxs;inv;mother alive;claims inc Dr Gillespie + nurse for 5 nights - funeral expenses 'being looked on to be something extraordinary for a person of the deceadant's fortune' 1756-1 E d LONGFORD James d 13 Jan 1756;late of Ireland;no person appeared to take out admin - genl sumner Capt Danl Lace appt 1756-1 E d MURRAY Alexander no relations within this isle; died falling overboard 'Lady Charlotte' of Liverpool (Capt James Oates) 1756-1 E w REILEY George dated 18 Jan 1756;Douglas;ch Edward Ryley, Nancy;wife Ann exex but fearing effort + that debts exceed estate relinquishes to her ch;inv;claims pays 50% 1756-2 A 24 ROGERS John complicated deed of gift 1756-2 E w CASHIN Thomas d 3 May 1756;of Kk Conchan;sis Joan Creer als Cashin + Elinor Cashin jt exexs but if wife was with child sd child to be exec;names Wm Kelly 1756-2 E d CORLETT William d 14 Mar 1756;apothecary Douglas;only bro John Corlet admr - but abroad thus aunt Ann Watkins als Corlet sworn; inv 1756-2 E d HARRISON Robert d 1747 west indies;s/o isaac harrison + mary als heywood;due goods by decree of parents bk 2 1739;john davys h/o ann morison next of kin on fa's side(goods by fa) + thos heywood,eliz murrey,margt green + ellinor Heywood next of kin on mo's side 1756-2 E d KEWLEY Elizabeth see wm 1756-2 E d KEWLEY William wm + elizth c/o wm kewley(arch will 1748) + mo (bk 3 1753) d in minority wm 13 mar 1747,elizth 15 feb 1748;only suv sis jane kewley - ua john kewley(ballafreer) + thos christian supv 1756-3 E jw CALLOW Jane MYLREA George + jane callow als mylrea;dau Mary stuart w/o charles (douglas prop lately purchased from admrs Ewan corlett);bro John Mylrea 1756-3 E d CORRIS John d 23 Oct 1756;mason;ch John, Thos + Cath Corris jt admrs - all ua - uncle + aunt Thomas + Margt corris supvs; wife alive; 1757: Jon Sandforth becomes pledge for his mother Margt Corris 1757-1 A 4 TARLETON Edward late of liverpool;dau jane;wife mary als skinner;inv detailed room by room;petn by pledges that wife 'a stranger' since married david taylor;claims inc £50 by [dr] abraham vianna 1757-1 A 6 CORKIL William d 22 Jan 1757;gdau Jane Corkill;son Thos(exor) 1757-2 A 29 MOORE Mary KAGHIN [full]made 4 feb 1757;neice emalea [amelia] halsay,mary brew als halsay,mary hutton als kaghin;names margt kewley als garrett (+son wm),susan kaighin als kissage (dau isable),cath gelling als kelly (dau cath fayle),cath corlett als christian,ann corlett als gelling;silvester halsay [halsall] exec 1757-2 A 33 MOORE Edward Douglas: 3 sisters Elinor quoen[?] als Moore, Cathrin & Margaret Moore; wife Catharine Moore als Caine; pledges Thomas Moore & Simon Halsall (both also witnesses) 1757-2 E d BRIDSON Elizabeth d 24 jan 1757;only dau ellinor 1757-2 E w CALLISTER Thomas dated mar 1740;thomas (glazier) + wife hester als feagan;2 ch born after will esther + thomas no reln on fa's side;inv 1757-2 E d CORRASS Catherine kennish dated 20 feb 1756;widow;ch john + margt;1757 margt acts as supv of ch of bro john ch (orphans) 1757-2 E w HORSFALL Mathias dated 12 apr 1757;shopkeeper;wife sarah + her dau sarah pikerman (w/o alexander pikerman) 1757-2 E d KELLY James d 14 jun 1756;only ch james ua unc+aunts wm + robt kelly + robt craine h/o cath kelly;wife christian;inv 1757-2 E d KILLIP Thomas,jnr perished by sea beg nov 1756;prin creditor john stowel jnr;inv 13s 8d 1757-2 E d SMITH Marriot friend philip higgins (house rent wm cannell on north,john []on on south,capt edwd fletcher on east lds rent 2d) 1757-2 E d WOODS Francis carpenter,co of lancaster;d 12 apr 1757 douglas;sons wm + john ua unc john woods;pledges thos cannell kk mich + john garret lezayre;inv 1757-3 E d BELL John perished by sea off coast of england 1 nov 1756;only ch james ua unc john corkan;wife alive;pledges wm caine miller polroish + ro bankes onchan;inv [?john bell + cath corkan 2 ch Ewd 1750 + james 1752; ?marr] 1757-3 E d BERRY James perished by sea off coast of england 1 nov 1756;no person appeared 1757-3 E d CANNELL John perished by sea off coast of england 1 nov 1756;ch john + isabel;no admr appears;wife alive;inv 1757-3 E d CANNON Charles d 14 jun 1757;3ch john,chas + christian;inv 1757-3 E dg CHRISTIAN Mary christian dated 1754;see thos 1757-3 E dg CHRISTIAN Thomas dated 1754;only ch thos 1757-3 E d CLAGUE John d 11 jun 1757;aghallan;son john,wm (had dowry);wife alive 1757-3 E d KEWLEY Daniel mariner;departed 40 yrs ago;1737 deed assign to uncle edmd kneale who died 1747 with son wm admr 1757-3 E d KEWLEY John d 10 jul 1757;sibs robt,thos,esther + mary;wife alive 1757-3 E d KILLIP Thomas,jnr perished by sea off coast of england 1 nov 1756;only ch david ua uncle thos craine kk andreas supv;wife cath;inv 1757-3 E d RADCLIFFE David perished by sea off coast of england 1 nov 1756;no person appeared;wife alive;inv 1758-1 A 3 KNEALE Philip [full];d 17 jan 1758;douglas;son wm (his half sis letitia neal) exec;wife alive 1758-1 E d FISHER David perished by sea on coast of england 1 nov 1756;mariner;no relns appear;prin creditor wm quayle;wife alive;long inv (pt displaced to start of book) 1758-1 E d KELLY Margret CORLET d 7 jul 1758;sibs wm + ann corlet (w/o john kelly);inv 1758-1 E d KERMODE Ann d 14 jun 1757;sibs patr,jane + margt kermode;john kelly h/o jane;pledges thos cannell carpenter + patr cooile porter both douglas; 1758-1 E w LEWNEY John d 24 jan 1757;daus margt + cath exexs;wife alive 1758-2 A 38 LAWSON Richard d 1 apr 1758;douglas;son richd (land north of island),patk,david,john;bro james,david;dau joney execx (w/o anthony lawson);wife alive 1758-2 A 39 HALSAL Margret KELLY [full]d 14 feb 1758;douglas;son philip;dau cath mallin als kewley,mary brew als halsall;husb simon 1758-2 A 40 w FAYLE John [damaged rh corner missing]dated 12 Jan [];ch Thos(the Leney Roie rent 4d, intack called Couldin 3s), Ann, John, Jane, Wm, Alice; wife Mary 1758-2 A 41 w QUINE Margaret QUIRK d 28 Mar 1758;ch Thos(her pt of crop, + his son)); son-in-law Thos Clague exor; names Ann Clague, Isabel Cowley(ua) 1758-2 A 42 w CALLOW Isabel MOORE d 8 Mar 1758;ch Isabel(her pt of house on sandside);husb Robt Callow exor; 1758-2 A 43 BREW Joney [full];d 1 feb 1758;nephew john radcliff;nieces margt + esther radcliff;cousin john quark;nieces margt + joney keroon (ua) (kk braddan) execxs (d/o john keroon) 1758-2 E d CHRISTIAN David mariner d 8 yrs ago coast guinea;only sis mary christian (w/o gilbt hampton) 1758-2 E d CLAGUE William s/o wm clague will 1738;d 22 feb 1740;two bros john + thos clague 1758-2 E d GAMBLE John merchant;d 5 mar 1758;sons wm + walter ua no reln wife jane;inv 1758-2 E d GELLING William left isle 30yrs ago;only bro paul; 1758-2 E d HAMPTON Catherine KELLY d christmas 1757;only son thomas 1758-2 E d HARRISON John mariner;d 18 yrs ago coast scotland;goods from mo 1727 ann kewley als cooper;sibs chas,ann,joseph + wm kewey with mary christian als harrison jt admrs 1758-2 E d KILLEY William mariner;d 27 mar 1758;3sis jane,isabel + elinor;wm kermod h/o jane;ellinr colleish als killey;inv 1758-2 E d MURREY Robert d dublin;merchant;no relns ;prin creditor george moore peel 1758-3 E d CARROL Arabella MARSHAL d 4 jun 1758;only ch elizth ua aunt jane livingstone suprv;inv 1758-3 E w COTTIER Catherine CREER d 17 sep 1758;dau margt;husb philip;step_dau elinor cottier;son robt + dau margt execs;thos kelly h/o margt 1758-3 E w KELLY Dollin d 12 sep 1758;all charity money collected for him in church to john quine + his wife;dau ann exex;names john carran + wife 1758-3 E w KELLY Robert daus margt,elizth + jane;son john, matthias;wife exex;robt creer w/o elizth,wm caine h/o margt 1758-3 E d KEWLEY Ann BREW d 13 aug 1758;ch wm,james + margt ua uncles wm kneale + john brew;husb john 1758-3 E d PERKIN John d 23 sep 1757;formerly north wales;died by fall of piece of timber on his head;no person appeared - wm christian dpt gnl summer appnted;inv 1759-1 A 5 MOORE Catharine CLUCAS [full]made 9 nov 1758;widow;douglas;dau cath merryman;gdau cath kowen;dau ellinor cannell,margt moore execx;pledges patk corlet + charles cannell; 1759-1 A 7 KISSACK John [full]tobacconist;douglas;daus isabella,rachel + ellinor,susanna kahin;gdau bella kahin; 1759-1 E d COWLEY Ellinor CAINE d 7 Nov 1758;ch cath, john, ellinr, thos, margt, isabel + jane jt admrs - last 4 ua;husb John;inv £3 4s 1759-1 E w CRAINE Alice KENNISH d 27 sep 1758;husb alive(her part of purchased land called the Cowan);ch John,Ann + Ellinor;step-dau Margt Craine;dau ann + Ellinor jt exexs;witt William Gellin x, Margt Waterson als Curphy x; 1759-1 E d FINCH Elizabeth d 8 dec 1758;sibs michael, cath Taplin als Finch, Margt Christian als Finch(w/o John Christian) jt admrs - 1st two abroad John Christian sworn;pledges Capt Wm Christian Kk Maughold, Matth Christian Douglas 1759-1 E d GAWN Ann GARRET d 14 jan 1759;ch john,ellinor + margt jt admrs - all ua uncles + aunts by mo's side Danl Costean, Philip Skillicorn, Danl Garret, John Garret, James Garret + Alice Garret supvs;husb Anthony;inv 1759-1 E d KILLEY Richard d 17 dec 1758;only dau Ellinor admx;pledges John Christian carpenter, Matth Christian butcher (both douglas) 1759-2 A 41 CREER Patrick d 26 dec 1758;dau mary,jane,ann,marjery;son wm,robt;wife alive 1759-2 E d ACTON Richard d 14 feb 1759;daus mary + elizth both out of isle no one appeared prin creditor thos moore;inv 1759-2 E d CREAGH Martin d 23 may 1759;uncle patrick creah 1759-2 E d FAYLE John d 23 jul 1758 on hm ship the bedford at care briton n america;ch ellinor + margt ua aunt cath fayle;pledges john gelling + paul fayle;wife cath 1759-2 E d FLETCHER Jane STEVENSON d 16 apr 1759;2 ch grissel + mary_ann ua uncle john stevenson;inv + sales 1759-2 E d GRAHAM Joney QUINE d 11 feb 1759;ch margt, ann + john ua aunt eleanor stevenson als quine supv;husb wm;pledges john cannell + phil quine;inv 1759-2 E w QUIRK Margery d 17 may 1759;son thos quiggin;names judy kneal;husb nich quirk;pledge john stole pc 1759-3 E w BAIRD William wife margt als cannon; (houses in douglas);bro alex;1759 alex braid dead + heir in scotland; 1759-3 E w CHRISTIAN Margaret d 27 jun 1759;widow;names thomas mcnaughton exec 1759-3 E mc COWLEY Catherine mc wm gelling obo son wm + cath cowley widow obo dau cath; 1759-3 E d CROAGHAN John perished by sea 24 sept 1759;4 children john wm ann elizth, 3 later underage - wm croaghan uncle;wife alive 1759-3 E d HEAD William d 29 aug 1759;ch peter + henry ua uncle by mo's side george yoward (no reln fa's side) refuses;wife elizth 1759-3 E w HEYWOOD Thomas nunnery;wife hester als reeves;son peter (eldest);names cath watkins als looney of c'town;son robt,thomas,john,calcot;substaial claims 1759-3 E d HOWARTH Sarah SEDDEN d 1 jul 1759;ch robt,john + sarah ua but no reln apear;husb wm;inv 1759-3 E w LACE Philip d jan 1759;douglas;dau jane carring;gdau jane carring execx ua;inv 1759-3 E w PENNETHES Jane daus elizth slater als pennethes, judith;husb raymond 1759-3 E d SAVAGE Robert d 7 sep 1759;only ch margt ua uncle by mo's side thos cannell (none on fa's side within isle);wife mary als quayle;inv; 1766: petn by mary boarding als savage als cannell claims ignorant of law names claimers robt brown + gerge shemeld brewers 1759-3 E d WHITESIDE William d 7 dec 1758;sibs robt,edwd,anthony + cath (last 3 abroad);inv includes much spices etc (grocer ?) £329 + owed £622 (list of debts - many merchants etc) 1760-1 A 4 jw COSNAHAN Margaret Cæsar [full]rev Joseph + Margt;dau jane;son julius;margt had twin daus (margt + ann) but very weak;robt ceasar (uncle mo's side) supv 1760-1 A 6 ALLEN Henry [full];douglas;bro richd;wife jane als oates [m Onc 17561124 ?no ch] 1760-1 E d COOILE Thomas perished by sea 3 nov 1760;ch margt,ellinr both ua next relns fa side patr Coole,john garret(h/o mabel cooile),cath Clague als cooil,wm Quayle(h/o joney cooile);wife alive 1760-1 E w GELLING Paul d end aug [1759];son nick;wife isable exex;witt + pledges Richard + John Gelling 1760-1 E d HIGGENS John John Higgens d 1747 west indies,mariner;wife Ann als Japson d Dublin same year;only ch Wm a transmarine - uncle Thos Higgins(doulas) sworn;pledges Naths Banks,robt corlet smith both douglas;reprt of jury can't find any effects except land passed over to Thos by deed dated 26 sep 1744?; 1760-1 E d LEECE Nicholas d 10 jan 1760;bro robt;[full] 1760-1 E w LEWES Benjamin of whitehaven;wife isabella;fa nathienel lewes of Parton;dau isabella 1760-2 A 50 QUALTROUGH Anne DAWSON douglas;friends philip cannell + john kelly guardians to dau jane; 1760-2 A 51 BRIDSON Christian [als taggart] [full]d 18 apr 1760;only dau ellinor;son christopher 1760-2 A 53 BRIDSON Catherine douglas;sis elizth brew;niece margt craine;servsnts jane caley + christian quark;bro capt Paul Bridson;[full] 1760-2 E w CANNELL John dated 26 jun 1754;douglas;mariner;kinsman mr wm quayle(houses mortgaged to him - he paying £30);2 bros coultry + wm_charles(ua) jt exors 1760-3 E w CAINE Margaret STOLE d 25 jul 1760;sis alice,mary;son john(house when he reaches 16) - uncle + aunt patk kermod + alice stole supv;husb dan exor; 1760-3 E d COOKSON Charles d 20 oct 1760;late of Leeds;d Douglas;prin creditor James Mellin 1760-3 E w CREER Isabel FAYLE d 10 sep 1760;husb gilbt exec;ch danl,thos,wm,paul,philip,john 1760-3 E d CUBON Charles d 3 may 1760;only bro john cubbon admr - reliquished rights to son-i-law Robt Quirk 1760-3 E w KELLY Ann d 16 oct 1760;sis isable creer (cow called glassag);names wm johnson(cow called stately);bro wm,robt,patk (+patk jnr);mo alive;bro-i-law thos quine 1760-3 E w KEWLEY Ann d 6 sep 1760;names cath creer,mary kerruish,margt crellin,thos kelley miller kk marown;john creer marown exec 1761-1 A 24 CORLET Bridget made 9 Mar 1761 a few days before her death: Jane Quorke widow (exec) 1761-1 A 25 WATKINS Ann CORLET bro Patrick Corlet (md); bro Robt Corlett (has son Jn in London); bro Thomas Corlett (dau Cath who md James Corlett in Balyxxx; dau Mgt; son Pat; son Wm)cousin Francis Shoggerow; miece Mary Cannell; niece Ann Mylevorrey; nephew Thomas Corlett; niece Ann Richmond; niece Isabel Burton; nieces Ellinor & Elizth Corlett; niece Mgt Callow; nephew Wm Corlett; Alice Crow md to Garrett; Mgt Quine wife to Jn Quine; niece Cath Xtn wife to Nich Christian; nephew Wm Corlet; neph Richd Hancock (son of Peter & Alice Hancock); niece Mary Corlett; Mgt Curphey wife of Richd Curphey; cousin Ellinor Woddey in C'town; Patrick Cowle he uncle's son; nephew Wm Corlett; cousin Ann Quine; Elizth Cannell dau to Jn & Mary Cannell; Mgt Quine wife to William Jocken 1761-1 A 26 KELLY Margaret last on film 1761-1 A 27 jw CLARK John dated 14 mar [?year v faint];jw john clark tailor douglas + margt als curry;son danl;gson danl clark,robt clark(two small houses sandside for some yrs lett wm creer + wm cannell;),gdau margt clark(our dwelling house; 1761-1 A 28 ROANTREE Margaret dated 8 apr 1756;widow,douglas;gch frances,alexander + george glaster; (their mo frances w/o alexander);no reln on island 1761-1 A 29 STOLE Isabel KNEALE d 16 mar 1760;cath corteen d/o edmond corteen - ua fa appt but dead by probate his bro thos 1761-1 A 30 CREER Daniel d 2 nov 1763;son john(ballalough marown,ballacain braddan);wife jane als cashen;dau jane;neighbour john freer guardian;inv 1761-1 A 32 Kelly Alice KEWLEY d 25 feb 1761;ch john,wm,nicolas;husb wm exor;witt thos kelly,alice wainwright;john shimmin one of next of kindred on mo side + philip cottier s/o wm cottier uncle to testatrix object re one witness near reln reach agreemt with wm - the objectors sworn guardians;inv;depositions inc from elinor teare who bought some burnt gineva + sugar for her (0.5d worth) 1761-1 E d CORRIN Matthew d 11 feb 1761;periwig mkr;only bro george (abroad);fa john;prin creditor john christian 1761-1 E d RUSSELL Edward d 13 feb 1761;house painter;no rels appeared james kelly summner 1761-1 E d VASHON Simon d 29 mar 1761;douglas;no relns;prin creditor robt ceasar...(long decree) inv 1761-2 E d CURGHEY Jane CARALGH d 24 may 1761;ch wm, thos,robt, jane(h/o anthony gawn), richd, & isabel;,margt(w/o christopher waterson had m/c) 1761-2 E d KELLY John d 10 jan 1761;chjohn admr,wm(had m/c),mary(w/o john freer) 1761-2 E d KILLEY Isabel CAINE d 1 nov 1760;ch robt,edwd both ua uncles john + philip caine;husb robt;inv 1761-2 E d QUIRK Elizabeth MOORE d 23 dec 1760;ch thos,ann,john,cath + robt - all ua uncles john + thos moore + thos corlet with cath sayle als moore supvs;husb alive 1761-2 E d CORTEEN Edmond d 6 may 1761 by fall at douglas quay;ch cath + ann ua uncle thos corteen supv;wife alive 1761-3 E w BeRTON Thomas sons wm,elias + george;wife elizth berton discoll execx;debts etc 1761-3 E d CANNELL Hugh d dec 1760 at gibralter,mariner on board ship errington capt barrows master;;bros joseph + charles;pledges john cottier douglas + john caine hatter of peel; 1761-3 E d CLAGUE William d 1 Feb 1761;Ballacutchel;ch Wm, Robt, Ann (w/o Michl Quayle), Cath, Margt + Isabel jt admrs - Thos(eldest son had m/c);pledges John Stole senr + Thos Cannell(Carpenter) both douglas 1761-3 E w FINCH John dated 24 Apr 1761;ch Elizabeth, Jane, Margt (1 guinea ea), unnamed son + heir(to give £40 to each dau when possess);'whereas my circumstances cannot allow to make better provision for my said daughters, and that my estate is free from any incumbrance except a setting of a part .. given to our brother and Paul Kelly for a term of years in order to defray sevrll debts which we have contacted - it is my request that the sd persons not to be disturbed or molested of the said setting untill the sevll repaid' ; wife Elizabth Finch als Corlet exex; Court notes son John (the heir) + dau Margt ua - guardians to be sworn 1761-3 E d FISHER Rebecca d 4 Nov 1761;widow;no relns appeared - Capt Thos Moore prin creditor admr;inv 1761-3 E w FITZsIMONS Isabel moore als ? made 4 Mar 1761: 4 children Wm & Christian & Elinor & Elizabeth Fitzsimons; 2 eldest dau Sophia Clark als Moore & Cathrine Moore (Ewan Keye's wife left her a legacy earlier); husband Christopher Fitzsimons (remd to Isabel xxxx; son in law Daniel Clark; son William Moore 1761-3 E d JOHNSON William [full]d 16 sep 1760;dau jane + elizth;john joseph Bacon h/o jane 1761-3 E w JOYNER Esther MOORE als KeLLEY [full];douglas;husb richd;son richd moore (shop + concerns),peter moore (tuck miln - al;dridge's miln);dau esther moore (house wherein james Mellin lives),margt joiner 1761-3 E d QUIRK Margaret QUARK d 1 Aug 1761;ch Paul + Cath jt admrs - both ua - uncles(mo side) Phinloe + Robt Quark supvs;husb Paul;inv 1761-3 E w WaRrINER Richard mariner formerly of Lancaster;sis eliz dixon widow;inventory 3 parcells play parts sold to mr johnson; 11 wiggs, 13 play pamplets 1762-1 A 3 w LEWN Ann CLAGUE d 20 dec 1761;dau jane;husb tho;names cath + elinor d/o robt lewin;son paul (+wife),matt (+wife) execs 1762-1 A 4 w JOYNER Thomas [bur 17 nov 1761]joyner douglas;dau margt (abroad),elizth harrison als joyner(house + seat in douglas chapel by her mo's will) exex w/o james;pledges thos fargher malew + john christian cooper douglas 1762-1 E d CREER Patrick perished by sea 22 dec;3 ch cath ann esther all ua;uncles wm + robt creer; hugh cannell h/o ann creer, richd shimmin h/o majory creer + jane + mary creer to be charged as supv; petn by wm + robt that debts exceed estate excluding dwelling house; (main debt £15 to wm kelly); 1762-1 E d KELLY Catherine CHRISTIAN d 9 jan;6 ch ellinr thos robt cath wm john all ua uncles tohn thos robt christian + robt lewney h/o ellr christian; husb robt 1762-1 E d LEWN Robert mason;d by fall from douglas quay; 6 oct;6 ch robt ewan cath thomas, wm christopher;eldest son alledged to have dowry by contract;wm xtphr absent; 1762-1 E w MOYLAN Mary of Cork;sis cath moylan;witt richd lawson peter benett ?;pledges thos cannell carpenter, ja harrison stationer both of douglas 1762-2 A 30 LEWN Robert [follows from 1761 on film];d 1 feb 1762;ballagarry;son robt(heir),ewan;dau anne,elizth;wife margt exex 1762-2 A 31 w CREER Joney COWLEY d 24 feb 1762;names mary cain,margt kneen,jony kelly,ann cowley;dau-i-law elinor creer;gdau jane creer d/o danl;son patk (+ daus jane,ellinor),robt (+wife);gson john creer;husb wm exec 1762-2 A 32 w CALLOW Christopher [full]d 24 mar 1762;cooper douglas;wife margt als corlet;un-named ua ch; sis Elizth + margt callow supv;pledge Joseph richmond + Patk corlet both douglas 1762-2 A 33 STOLE Catherine [corkill als d 27 Mar 1762;son Thos Corkill;gch Thos, Jane,Cath + Edward Corkill;dau Mary Christian als Corkill exex (w/o Matthias Christian) [m John Stole Bra 17390203 as Cath Corkill als Corrin, 1st husb Richard Corkill m Bra 17200123] 1762-2 A 34 CLAGUE Ellinor MCYLREA d 7 Apr 1762;ch Jane exex, Margt;husb alive; names Cath Clague 1762-2 A 35 FAYLE John, senr dated 7 Sep 1759;Douglas;ch John(+ wife Jane als Kelly);names Thos Cannell(married to gdau) exor;names John Feal (Ballalaugh),John Callow(old sumner), Margt Quay(Ballacragin) [Thos Cannell m Jane Fail bra 17530807] 1762-2 A 36 BARRET Esther d Apr 1762;Douglas;cousin + friend Gilbert Tear (Douglas) exor;names Elizth Quilling, Roger Hoit[Roger Hide is a witt?], John Christian(BallaCallow), Esther Garret; 1762-2 A 37 SLATER Elizabeth PENNETTES [lh margin lost on film]dated 25 Jan 1762;bro Peter Pennattas exor;mentions chancery court action in Ireland re will of mother 1762-2 A 38 CLARK Alice GARRET dated 28 jan 1762;father alive;sis-i-law mabel Garrad;sibs John + Daniel Garrad jt exors, James(6d),unnamed sis(w/o Danl Costean);names Mary Mcylvora,Jane Bridson,Ann Kergeen (a horse for drying clothes) 1762-2 A 39 w SHEMELD George dated 15 may 1758;george + sarah als freeman als pane;dau sarah freeman (property in dublin);sons george + josiah shemeld 1762-2 A 40 w MOORE Margaret [full];Douglas: sister Ellinor Cannel (2nd husb Charles Cannel[md 1757]; 1st husb [Tho] Kewin[md 1745]); sis Catharine Merriman; nephew Thomas Kewin; niece Catharine Kewin 1762-2 E d ASH Frances d 30 may;only ch eliz ua no rels nichs kewley stepfather of decd;inv + sale 1762-2 E w CAIN Ann GAWN douglas;date 16 may 1762;son wm garden adj robt creer's house + thos stevenson's concerns;son david + dau ann colwell als cain gets house; 1762-2 E w CALISTER Adam d 13 sep 1761;douglas;dau elinor christian;wife alive;son unnamed;court decrees ch john elinor + christian jt exec ua but no reln appears; pledge philip kelly taylor douglas;inv 1762-2 E d CONNOR Ambrose late of douglas merchant d at Rush co. dublin 12 june;indebted;3 ch;prin creditor capt james oates;large debts;long inv + sale - large amount of tea;petn by hugh connor of douglas that ac made a will + appointed thomas arthur + himself as exec - response states AC also dealt in brandies using money advanced by james oates 1762-2 E w CONNOR Thomas date 27 may 1761;douglas;dau ann (not ye 18);dau cath, son john;wife alice;1786 cath connor acks from henry nelson ( pledge replacing charles stuart) 1762-2 E d COWLEY Mary KELLY d 1 jan;only surviving child margt 1762-2 E w CROMWELL Richard date 26 nov 1756;quarry master + marriner;wife margt; late of liverpool (+ deanery of Warrington) 1762-2 E w CUBON Joney GARRET douglas;d aug 1761;niece joney garret, niece margt garret;husb thos;dau ellinor kewn;dau christian cubbon now out of island;nephew david cooil 1762-2 E d FAYLE Mary douglas, spinster;d 20 mar;surviving bro + sis did not appear;thos stole principal creditor, inv + sale 1762-2 E d GOLDSMITH William douglas d 31 may;3 ch isabel ann cath all ua robt dal goldsmith + wm quayle h/o ann goldsmith supv;inv 1762-2 E w KELLY Ann gdau ellinor clague;son robt;gdau margt clague;son wm + daus;dau mary;dau cath;gdau cath quay;wm quay's son robt;son thos exec 1762-2 E w STOWELL Mary GENESTE made 11 may 1762;w/o john shopkeeper douglas exec;dau esther (not 21);sis cath geneste;bro's sons lewis,john + danl geneste;lewis jnr uncle supv 1762-3 E d COWIN Robert d 28 oct 1761;2 ch mary margt cowin;robert waterson h/o mary; margt off island;inv;jury of inquiry 1762-3 E w CREER Gilbert d 30 jul 1762;son danl,thomas,paul,wm,john philip 1762-3 E jw FINE William [full]wm + doorothy late douglas now Ballahot;dau jane hynes(white lyon inn Douglas),sarah clark (concerns laxey),christina kelly,ann, (now wife of Thos Durie)elizth moore;son-i-law john clark 1762-3 E w PENETTES Raymond dulas;son peter + other ch; and if he should go to france my right to what my father left me; also any share if any of wife's fortune currently at court in ireland;;mother judith penettes; 1762-3 E w STEPHENSON Daniel major merchant's will long inv much correspondence 1763-1 A 4 w BREW Mary HALSAL [full]w/o james douglas;dau cath (mary's fa's concerns) ua bro-i-law of mary Wm callow supv;serv maid ann shimmin;names margt quinney;pledges matth christian butcher + danl cannell (also witt) 1763-1 A 6 w LEWN Robert d 10 Jan 1763;ch Robt - ua (no relns appear mo supv);wife exex 1763-2 A 34 w CANNELL Ann MOORE wife of Philip Cannell the elder of Balykermeen: son William Corran, son Paul Corran, son Robert Corran, son John Cannell, Margt Cannell 1763-2 A 36 w HAMPTON John [full]d 23 mar 1763;son john,robt,wm,thos + joseph execs with dau cath;wife ellinor als bridson;1770 wm cretney h/o cath 1763-2 A 38 CREER Robert dated 29 Mar 1763;ch Robt, Elinor (exex) 1763-2 A 39 LEWN Thomas d 23 Nov 1762;Creg-e-cowin;ch Robt(eldest - had m/c),Wm, John, Thos, Gilno, Danl, Paul, Matthias, Jane - last 8 jt execs, John, Thos + Danl abroad - other ch relinquish admin to bro Robt 1763-2 A 41 MADDRELL Marjery mc robt maddrell + esther woods [SSS May 1740 51];robt madddrell exor 1763-2 A 43 w CURGHEY Margaret CUBBON d 12 January 1763: sister Joney, husband John Curphey, sister in law, mother alive 1763-2 E d CORLET Edward mariner died havannah in island of cuba aug 1762; sister whole blood Bridget Corlet wife of Thos Maddrell; mother Isabel dead; Cath Corlet sis of half blood 1763-2 E d CURGHEY Daniel d 16 nov 1762;clerk douglas chapel;ch robt,wm.elizth;robt+elizth abroad; 1763-2 E d MURREY Robert left island aug 1756 + shipped himself onbaord mercht ship of glasgow + not heard of since - presumed dead;wife isabel als stole believes him dead;only ch john admr ua - no relns on fa's side 1763-3 E d CAINE Catherine KILLEY d 3 mar 1763;sis margt,ann + isabel killey + fa charles Killey (exor of her bro edwd killey who survived her) 1763-3 E w CHAMBERS Richard deed of gift dated 19 Nov 1759; to wife Margaret Chambers als Nicholson (exex) all estate (otherwise unspecified) at his decease ; Witt Corne? McKeogh, Michl Dowd 1763-3 E mc FINCH Margaret = SSS May 1756 53 - m/c of John Christian + dau Margt Finch;accepted as will of Margaret Finch - John Christian sworn exor 1763-3 E w KELLY Margaret CALLOW d 10 Oct 1763;ch John, Jane (both under 21); husb Wm exor; bro's son Edwd Calow 1763-3 E d OATES Robert [more tba]Nicholas Kerran,taylor,Liverpool one of admrs - PoA to Robt Freer - one witness Edward Kennagh,mariner on sloop called 'New Success'; 1763-3 E w SHEMELD Sarah PEAN relict george shemeld,brewer;sis mary jackson;uncle josiah bryon merchant dublin;john bell h/o sarah freeman; 1764-1 A 2 w HAMPTON Elizabeth QUINE [full]d 10 nov 1763;son mathias,nicholas,robt;dau margt,isable (+ch),cath exex;pledges husb thomas + robt cottier marown; 1764-1 E d CANNELL Jane KELLY inv;husb patk 1764-1 E w COWLEY William dated 24 mar 1760;waever douglas;wife ann als ravenscroft;son john (off island;dau elizth,jane,mary;son wm exor;pledges nichs quirk braddan,john clark douglas carpenter 1764-1 E d EDGECOMB John mariner;perished by sea coast wales 1 dec 1763;no relns appear no effects found 1764-1 E d KELLY William mariner late douglas;d 30 jul 1762 on passage guinea to jamaica;4 sis christian(w/o john clark),cath,ann + elizth; 1764-2 A 27 w CREETCH Robert made 22 mar 1762;ballacoan;son robt (eldest),dnl;gson danl,john creetch;wife mary exex 1764-2 A 29 w HANTON Isabel CANNELL d 1 jan 1764;douglas;husb nicholas;niece cath forbes,jane cowley,eliz cannell;sis elizth cowley als cannell,mary cannell;bro john (+ wife);sis-i-law jane cannell;son john exec 1764-2 E d CAINE Ellinor CORRAS d 8 may 1764;only dau ann kewn als corras admx (w/o wm) reliquishes to kinsman robt brown (deed has wm kewn jurby ,rb douglas re sister elinor cain als corras 1764-2 E d CURGHEY Jane LEWN d 23 Jan 1764;no rels appear - Paul Kelly prin creditor 1764-2 E w DRUMGOLD James late of dublin, dau jane ua,wife jane als stowill;uncle john stowell as no rels fa side 1764-2 E w TEARE William 1st on gl714;merchnt douglas,6 ch wm, john,robt edw thos george;wife charlotte;large claims john murray, joseph smith + eliz smith als murray, revd thos murray, transmarines staples & crawfield of dublin, thos greg of belfast 1764-3 E w CAINE Elinor d 14 aug 1764;sis margt;;ch john,james,philip + anne - + ch out of island thos,paul + wm;names elizth clague;hus thos exor;pledges john kelly(of mill in marown) + john cain(his son) 1764-3 E d CANNEL William d 18 may 1764;cooper;ch coultry + wm jt admrs 1764-3 E d CREER Henry left isle 14yrs ago + d at goree Coast of Guinea 5yrs ago;s/o john creer + alice als battersby;prin creditor margt clark(douglas) described as widow - made stricted search but could find no effects 1764-3 E w Kane [Cain] Catherine dated 14 may 1760;husb john exor;unnamed ch (6d); ann d/o son Robt 1764-3 E d Kelly John d abt 1 yrs ago on coast of guinea;native douglas late mariner on board "hope" of London(john teare cmndr);sibs robt,thos,wm,joney + elizth 1764-3 E w KEWLEY John made 17 jun 1764;labourer douglas;ch james,margt,isabel,wm (croft lonan) wife isabel als myloroi ? exex 1764-3 E w WILKINSON Ann dated 24 aug 1764;nunnery mills;husb john exor 1765-1 A 4 LEWN Margaret CHRISTIAN d 20 Nov 1764;Ballarga?;ch Robt(qtr of intacks + half he had by death of father), Ann,John,Margt, Elizth, Ewan + Alice jt execs;names Margaret Fatle? (Algare 10 due from Jane Lewin);unnamed gch; pledges Robt Lewin + Wm Corran;1770: Robert Kelly h/o Elizth Lewn + acquit Ewan Lewn + Robt Lewn h/o Alice Lewin 1765-1 E d ARNOLD Sampson of county of suffolk;richd yerborough chf creditor 1765-1 E d CHARLES Elizabeth LewHELLIN w/o capt wm charles mariner;one ch cath ua;uncle william lewhellin abroad fa roger lewhellin appt as exc to eliz lewhellin and her dau eliz charles 1765-1 E w CLARK Sarah FIENS w/o john;6 ch john,jane, james, joseph,edward & thomas 1765-1 E d CRAINE Elizabeth formerly of kk braddan, late of dublin died march last;bro & 3 sis by whole blood john crain, jane curghy als crain, mary leech ? als crain, joney craine;sis by half blood catharine kelly als craine; 1765-1 E d GAWN Anthony perished by sea 12 nov;3 ch margt & willm by prev wife;wm by a later;all ua uncle john gawne;inv 1765-1 E d MAXWELL John d 1 nov;2 ch james eliz ua ;mo eliz;principal cred wm merry (?meiry), petn that wm m intended to depart - pledges wm kelly douglas, cooper, danl clark peel;long inv - snuff 1765-1 E w WILSON John John Wilson baker;petition re simple will;wife isabel (Isabel Kermode m Bra 3 Feb 1751/2) appoints john quillin ;bro thomas wilson malew says john totally deprived of reason during last illness long court case between bro Thomas Wilson and wife - witnesses Thomas Key taylor & schoolmaster age 56 ,Frances Cain (Frances Rose w/o Charles) aged 23, lived next door;Ann Lowee aged 35 prev servant now washwoman; Hugh Alexander bro-i-law to John Wilson;John Moore mason aged 35;John Crebbin labourer aged 26 of Castletown but resided in Douglas 4 years;Thomas Stephan shopkeeper aged 42 near neighbour;Thomas Caine mason aged 40;Patrick Roxborough mason aged 28 neighbour;Robert Kissack boat carpenter aged 40;Nicholas Quirk, yeoman Braddan aged 41 said Thomas Key was licenced schoolmaster in Braddan but NQ and other wardens had presented him for neglect of duty 1765-2 E w BRIDSON Joseph student & temporary reader kk bride;parents alive fa john bridson 1765-2 E d CORRIN James only ch james ua uncle wm;wife dorothy ? 1765-2 E d CURGHEY Robert perished at sea on coast of england 1 nov;only ch jane ua thus john curghy, pat currghy margt curghy & john fargher uncles & aunt 1765-2 E w WANDESFORD Osborne Sidney wants to be buried onchan;;son christopher of dublin, wife cath; mentions benfits from finding longtitude - cousin tho ramsden upper brook st london;dau lucinda; mentions serving maid jane cotter; james morrison of douglas gardiner; richd lawton & maxamillian bonvillett of douglas;inv many books 1765-3 E dg CANNEL Elizabeth RADCLIFFE w/o wm carpenter;wife eliz als radcliffe;d-o-g of 1749 to son joseph now in peeltown;two sons hugh charles;lands on sandside both of 7d lord's rent 1765-3 E d CANNELL William carpenter; d 18 dec;3 ch wm thos jane;aunt jane cannell on fa side;;wife alice 1765-3 E d LEWN Robert robt jnr granted at york; of ballacreetch;late a sailor from Liverpool dying on coast of africa - later 1770 petn asks for this to be voided as based on false info 1765-3 E d NORRIS Mary COWLEY 4 ch john richd margt eliz;john of lawful age;husb john;pledges robt corlet smith robt cowle cooper both of douglas 1765-3 E d QUINE Ann COTTIMAN 6 ch robt wm john jane margt ellinr;robt wm of lawful age;husb patrick 1766-1 A 1 McKNEALE Rose d 20 jan 1766;ch mary,john;husb john exor 1766-1 A 2 KELLY William d 16 nov 1765;douglas;wife exex 1766-1 A 3 QUILLIAM John d 4 dec 1765;douglas;ch wm,isabel,jane;son-i-law jon(?sam) cashin;dau-i-law jane sharlican;son robt exor 1766-1 A 4 GELLING Dorothy dated 11 jan 1764;widow david gelling knockatroddan;son paul,john christian(by former husb);best friend john christian cooper douglas with whom now dwells + his bro-i-law henry thompson exors 1766-1 A 5 TAYLOR William dated 24 sep 1765;douglas;son antikell now in dublin(inc my maps and prints);margt wittan exex;inv (inc carpenters tools + wood + parcel old books,maps tc 1766-1 A 6 MOORE Richard [full];douglas;fa-i-law thos christian (jurby);wife Ann;(?unborn ch);bros Robt + Peter,sis Esther Crebbin (w/o Wm crebbin) 1766-1 E d CHRISTIAN Ann CASHIN 3 ch wm ellinr eliz all ua; uncles john corkill, wm cashin, ewan karran, wm cannell; 1766-1 E d CLARK Elizabeth CHRISTOPHERS only sis mary christopherson resident out of isle;widower john clark 1766-2 A 44 KILLEY Charles d 7 feb 1766;unnamed ch exors - court states thos kermod h/o margt, wm gelling h/o ann,edwd taggart h/o isobel 1766-2 A 45 BYRN Hester [kermode] d jan 1766;widow,douglas;bro john kermode marrown (to give her son thomas a new pair of shoes yearly during his apprenticeship);only dau margt exex ua uncle john kermode;no reln of fa on island;inv;bur kk marown 1766-2 A 48 jw CORLET Catherine CHRISTIAN [full];patrick + cath als christian;dau cath,ann,margt corlet als callow (younger) 1766-2 E w CRAIN William petn wm twice married 1st catherine cannon by whom dau cath m. john kelly of kk marown; 2nd ann by whom 4ch john jane mary & joney;s-i-l patrick curghy;long court case 1766-2 E w QUALTROUGH Jane phillip cannel in whose care i am; 1766-2 E d THORNTON Richard d 2 yrs Jamaica;mercht late liverpool but possessed of effect on island;prin creditor Nicholas Christian 1766-3 E d ASPENEL Margaret FAYLE sibs john jane mary alice;thos kelly h/o jane 1766-3 E d BRIDSON Thomas douglas mercht sibs wm paul eliz cath anne & jane 1766-3 E d CALLISTER John mariner;s/o robt died coast africa brig sarah of liverpool capt joseph ward;uncles ewan & henry callister; henry callister resident in america;affadavit by clement chambers now of douglas mariner 1766-3 E d CHRISTIAN Nicholas late of douglas mariner perished by water in Thames london 3rd jan last;2 ch thos & nicholas both ua; ewan christian gfather;wife margt 1766-3 E w KELLY Robert son robt; mathias;dau joney cath mary w/o james crow;margt Avrick;son patrick;r1771 ichd hawkins h/o joney kelly 1766-3 E d KEWLEY Margaret CORLET 3 bros edw wm thos 1766-3 E w STEVENSON Ellinor w/o paul;son john,son wm;dau anne;gson wm;gdau cath;ann wm's dau her gtgdau;dau margt extx;robt gelling h/o margt 1767-1 E d GELLING Ellinor CHRISTIAN d 2 feb 1767;ch thos,john + cath - all ua uncle rev John Christian supv 1767-1 E d KARRAN Mary CASHIN d 8 may 1766;son robt,ewan jt admrs but unable to secure pledges;husb Ewan;1766: sons discharge father as rcvd £3 1767-1 E d QUIRK Philip d 5 dec 1766;sibs john + jony(w/o wm kissack) jt admrs 1767-2 A 27 GELLIN Isabel MOORE [Full] d 30 Mar;sons Nicholas,Robert; dau Isabel w/o Thomas Oates [#10831 but ?bapt]], Esther w/o Wm Moore ; gdau Cath Oates 1767-2 E d RICHARDSON John d 16 jul 1767;douglas;ch john,agnes(w/o John Fearon) + ann(w/o wm hardwick);dau margt(w/o wm shaw had m/c) 1767-3 E d CAROON Dorothy spinster;2 sis margt + joney (judy);john gelling h/o margt[m Bra 17670228] 1767-3 E d CLARK Thomas douglas;d 4 sep;only dau anne w/o robert looney [m Bra 17560420] 1767-3 E w CLEATER Stephen house carpenter douglas;bro john claytor 1767-3 E w FERGUSON Robert off St crowx shoe maker ;legacy to danish church + hospice of sd isle;will mentions four negroes ; william charles mariner + master of brigatine Wolf of Douglas + thomas young mate of sd vessel said that rf shoemaker of st croix wanting to return there was passenger from Port of christian; died on board; oginally from whitehaven but made fortune in st croix 1767-3 E d KEWLEY John d 20 jul;only ch elinor kewley w/o thomas corlet 1767-3 E w KILLEY John bro henry's 3 ch john christian + margt;landlord john kelly, wife judith & dau cath lewney;names mary wilson + others; nephew henry killey 1767-3 E d McCREA Alexander d new york;12 jul last;;only ch john McCrea ua + no reln on island - wife eliz mccrea als christian; pledge thos christian of ballahutchin her father,wm cottier kk braddan clothier 1767-3 E d MURREY Robert native of douglas; resides in dublin died there some years ago (1750) creditor george moore - possibly still some goods outstanding;charlotte tear relict + exec of wm tear late of douglas who was sole legatee + exec of will of wm murrey petns that robt was indepted 320 to her;property called beary kk german; 1767-3 E w OATES Joney d 7 feb 1766;gdau esther kewley [?ann oates + wm kewley];un-named daus;dau-i-l margaret oates;son james 1767-3 E dg SAYLE Margaret widow;douglas;dau ellinr kelly;house + concerns in douglas;sons jo + robt,dau margt jean,sis ann dawson 1767-3 E w STEVENSON Paul d 16 jul 1767;son wm;dau ann killey als stevenson;;son john exec 1767-3 E d WILKINSON John miller nunnery miln;petn by creditors;inv + list of debts £700 but inv only £144 with £28 clear after rent + wages 1768-1 E w CLARK Isabel dau margt clark exex (her bro john) 1768-1 E d GELLING Margaret KEWLEY d 30 sep 1767;ch thos,david,margt - last 2 ua;husb charles;inv (gives margt as als kone ?) 1768-1 E d KELLY Ann d 12 jan 1768;ch john + margt(w/o phinloe clucas) 1768-1 E d KERMOD Ann HUTCHIN d 13 feb 1768;son john (transmarine)(wife barbara sworn)admr ;dau isabel(w/o thos stephen),christian(w/o chas moore) had setts 1768-1 E d MOORE Philip d 8 oct 1767;ballavair;unm ch philip,richd,john,margt,ann + cath - all at age;wife margt als corkill;annexed agreemnt;1786: john,margt quirk als moore + ann quirk als moore ack 1768-1 E w QUILL Jane SAYLE d 28 jul 1767;douglas;gch charles creer,jane + mary creer jt exexs 1768-2 A 49 MOORE Mary [Birkett] [full] 1768-2 E d CURGHEY Margaret CAIN d 30 apr 1768;ch james, wm.jane,cath,margt,isabel,esther, anne + elizth (last 3 + wm ua);husb thos;inv 1768-3 E d BAKER John d 11 aug 1768;douglas;no next of kin appear;alice martin atty for prin creditor john martin;inv sale 1768-3 E d CRAINE Christian KINLEY d 14 apr 1768;ch wm(abroad) + ann(w/o chas cowle),other h john + ellinor(w/o john clague) already provided for;robt clague admr in trust + prin credr of wm craine also sworn 1768-3 E d STEPHENSON Catherine KELLY d 18 oct 1768;8 ch wm,john,cath,margt,jane,elizth,ann + ellinr (last 4 ua)husb john 1769-1 A 1 CREER William [badly damaged will]d 19 nov 1768 ;son wm;dau elinor;wife cath 1769-1 A 2 FAILE James dated 3 Feb 1767;friend Robt Lewin(Ballagey, Braddan) exor cutting off any relns with 6d; 1769-1 A 3 LAWSON Leonora C[] [damaged] dated 30 nov 1768?;2 ch [richd]+ thos;husb exor;ch ua only surv ch richard - uncle thos cubbon (peel) 1769-1 E d CHRISTIAN Margaret FINCH d 17 oct 1768;douglas;ch john,michael + jane - all ua ;husb john;pledges gilbt teare(douglas), john stevenson(miller Braddan) 1769-2 A 31 QUANE William [#6 xd thru]d 10 mar 1769;ch john,isabel quilliam als quane (both are paid mo's legacies),margt calow als quane exex (w/o Robt) 1769-2 A 32 CAIN John [#7 xd thru]declrd 19 mar 1769;ch john,thos,robt,charles,cath;bro wm cain exor 1769-2 A 33 BRIDSON Thomas [#8 xd thru]d 21 mar 1769;douglas;ch margt(dwelling house + 12s to repair house),isable (w/o danl cain)+ emma jt exexs; names John lowney + ch,david quayle 1769-2 A 35 KELLY James d 9 Nov 1768;ch Willm, Patrick;names Catherine Curghy, Elinor Cosnahan; wife exex 1769-2 A 37 GELLING William [#12 xd thru]d 12 feb 1769;ch wm,john,esther + cath;wife cath als cowley exex;(will dated 3 jun 1769) 1769-2 A [37.1] QUAYLE William [13]d 13 feb 1769;ch thos + 3 other unnamed ch ua (as thos eldest sworn supv);wife cath exex 1769-2 E d CAINE Jane COTTIER d 2 sep 1768;ch wm,john + margt, alice(w/o james kelly) had sett;husb wm 1769-2 E d CANNELL Isabel d nov 1767;spinster;only sis margt moore als cannell admx 1769-2 E d CORLETT Patrick d 5 nov 1769;douglas;ch cath(w/o nicholas christian), anne(w/o Joseph Richmond - he beyond the seas) + margt(resident Ireland) jt admrs;nicholas christian relinquishes to Anne;pledges nicholas christian = John Cowle(fidler) - both douglas; 1769-2 E d FINCH John d 25 Jan 1767;Douglas;sis Isabel Corlet (w/o Michael Finch) and Elinor Finch(w/o Hugh Cosnahan) jt admrs - Michael Finch + wife beyond seas + admin at request of Hugh Cosnahan commited to Thomas Stowell; 1769-2 E d HUTCHIN Christian COTTIER d 17 may 1769;ch paul,john,margt + isabel - last 2 ua;husb paul 1769-2 E w SAMPSON Ellinor murray d 7 aug 1769;dated 8 apr 1769;douglas;relict michael sampson;dau jane holland,susanna curphy(w/o john - exor);witt thomas durie,john clark + edward moore; 1769-3 E w GENESTE Lewis wife hester;merchant douglas;son lewis (eldest);dau cath norman w/o johnathan;boats (cumberland based coal trade) Grey-stock, the Mary Gould and the Brother 1769-3 E d KEWLEY Margaret LEWN d 21 jul 1769;only dau ellinor kewley(w/o thos corlett) 1770-1 A 3 HIGGIN Philip douglas;eldest dau mary (dwelling house wherein patrick tobin lives inc brick stable);dau jane (own dwelling house);wife sarah;will torn [] higgin one of execx daus died before probate 1770-1 A 4 HUNTER Catherine knipe dated 11 dec 178;douglas;house in ramsey;sis margt nuttes douglas widow;nephew john cotter;niece margt lewn als cotter w/o john 1770-1 A 5 BEARD Mary [corlet] w/o robert;parents wm + eliz corlet [?Wm Corlett + Elizabeth Stanley];dau elizabeth(eldest),ann;son wm [can't find bapt];bro alexander corlet;inv 1770-1 A 6 KELLY Marjery kenneen dated 24 dec 1769;w/o thos;5 daus marghery,bridghert,elinor,catharine + margtt;gdau ellinor cowley 1770-1 A 7 COSNAHAN Ann CORRIN [full] 1770-1 A 8 CREETCH Simon d jan;son robt;dau alice w/o wm cannon;witt frances + james oates 1770-1 A 9 CROW John d 6 nov 1769 in lonan;of kk braddan;sis isabel,margt;names widow of patrick cubbon kewage;niece ellinor crow;;bro wm;wm caistel h/o margt crow 1770-1 E d BROWN Margaret COSNAHAN d 16 june;daus margt + eunice, other dau Anne now wife of thos stowell already provided for [?bapt of ann ?c.1738] 1770-1 E d BROWN Robert d 29 dec 1769;daus margt + eunice ... 1770-1 E w CHRISTIAN Robert liverpool;wife esther daus cath + christian;witts thos kneal + thos cashin + john crosbie (?of liverpool);uncles wm + thos christian to the orphan [?bapts of ch] 1770-1 E d ERSKINE Ann CHRISTIAN d 20 jun 1769;2 daus ann + elizth erskine 1770-1 E d GELLING William d 10 nov 1769;4 ch john,charles + elizth gelling + cath clague als gelling (w/o robt) [m Bra 17671205];other ch wm gelling + ellinr w/o john darey (? davey) already provided for [m Bra 17621026] ;john + elizth abroad inv;petn states elizth now at service in Holland; 1770-1 E d STOLE Isabel CORRIN d 9 nov;only son thos stole;pledges nichs quirk braddan + wm cubbon kk marown 1770-1 E d WATERSON John d 6 dec 1769;son christopher;other ch robt + isabel already provided for; 1770-2 A 32 MccANDLISH Ann clark d 8 apr 1770;w/o thos blacksmith at the brow of the hill in kk braddan;bro edmond clark (ramsey),james;sis margt clark 1770-2 A 33 KARRAN Elizabeth kewley d 18 apr 1770;ch eliz,john thomas;husb philip 1770-2 A 34 QUIRK Nicholas dau cath (mortgage in john kelly joiner's house situated on sandside);wife execx 1770-2 E d KILLEY Catherine GELLING widow ;left to george callow,smith, all estate;witt andrew connor + john bridson 1770-3 E w BRIDSON Mary COTTIER son wm;mo-i-law jane als kewin;husb thos 1770-3 E w GELLING Catherine d aug 1770;dau jane (her gmo margt cannell);names margt cannell + margt quayle;husb charles exec relinquishes to dau jane ua thus uncle hugh cannell guardian;inv;1789 jane murphey als gelling acks 1770-3 E w KERMOD Patrick d 11 aug 1770;douglas;wife mary als stole 1770-3 E d QUAY Dorothy [norris] mar art agreed between wm quay douglas + mary keig rushen re her dau dorothy norris dated 15 nov 1743;ch relinquish to fa wm - philip + mary keig als quay,esther + cath 1771-1 A 1 CUBBON William d 5 jan 1770;son wm;daus elinor,ann,christian,margt;gsons wm + jn quay;gson wm cubbon;wife alive 1771-1 A 2 MOORE Peter will 1767 intending voyage west indies;of Douglas, Peter jnr;sis Hester w/o Wm Crebbin 1771-1 A 3 PATTERSON Isabel w/o robert (exec);made 23 dec 1776; 1771-1 A 4 CURGHEY Elizabeth [Full] 1771-1 A 5 MOORE Christian hampton widow of the Bodreney, Braddan, died 20 Apr 1776: son John Moore; son Robert Moore; dau Cath Hampton alias Moore (md Joseph Hampton) [see Archd will 1775 #8 Braddan of Robert Moore] 1771-1 A 6 SHIMMIN Mary clague d 21 feb;balla-garry;mo elinor clague;inf child philip shimmin;wm shimmin;patrick cowin + margt clague uncle + aunt on mo's side suprv;petn by husb that one witness jaine quiggin is a feeble sickly person who may not survive; sumner served patrick cowin h/o alse clague (sis to ms) [mixed up are some 1787 acks wm + ann hasting rcvd aunt margt christian re gfa thos christian marown 1771-1 E w KERMOtt John dated 29 apr 1770;cordwainer,douglas;wife barbara exex 1771-1 E d TAGGART christopher wife elizth als christian;ballacrink;d.o.g dated 10 apr 1769 son danl christian who is to maintain couple 1771-1 E w WEIRE Robert dated 9 nov 1768;nunnery mills;wife cath;2ch since making of will both ua but no reln;inv,sale;petn by john heywood rw owed £82 rent of ann rent £101 8s brit 1771-2 A 29 FARGHER Elizabeth w/o paul; douglas d 17 mar 1771;2 sons phillip + james 1771-2 A 30 CRAINE William tayler douglas;wife joney 1771-2 A 31 FREER Bahee bridget;son john;husb jno; 1771-2 A 32 CARRALAGH Isabel curphy carrolly;son richd,thos,john,wm,edward (exec);witt joney quine als moore,dorothy looney als corkill 1771-2 A 33 FAILE Nicholas d 16 mar 1771;sis alice fayle;names ann + cath cannell,ann fayle,thos key;left to alice cannell als fayle his quarterland of ballachuinck to maintan his sis jane fayle and land to descend to her eldest ann cannell (her sis cath);1771 wm cannell h/o alice 1771-2 A 34 CLARK Margaret douglas;d 22 mar 1771;bro john; 1771-2 A 35 HOLDEN Christian w/o wm of douglas;made 29 mar 1771;niece christian kerruish;names aluce quayle w/o thos; 1771-2 A 36 CANNEL Isabel tromode;son-i-law thomas cowley h/o elizabeth;dau mary young;son john cannell exec 1771-2 A 37 LEWN Jane gdau jean (jane) radcliffe;son john (if he comes for it)step dau alice lewn (bequeath to her from fa wm);thomas radcliffe exec 1771-2 A 38 KEWLEY Gilbert d 17 apr 1771;gson john corrin;son robt;names danl colvin;gdau jane corrin;son-i-l james corrin + dau jane; 1771-2 A 39 MORRISON James gardener;son john,matthw,lewis;dau leonora,kitty (cath) ua;wife margery alive;inv 1771-2 A 40 CORKIL Peter d 16 mar 1771;douglas;thos corkil ballaughton exec 1771-2 A 41 KILLIP William mariner;d dec 1770;son wm ua;wife ann als quayle; 1771-2 E d BODAUGH John perished by sea 26 mar 1771;5 ch chas,jane,thos,john + wm ua uncle wm boddagh;wife mary;inv 1771-2 E d CAINE John perished by sea 26 mar 1771;douglas;sibs james,ann,mary + margt;fa thos;inv 1771-2 E d GELLING Ann KELLY d 3 dec 1770;douglas;3ch john,philip + ann;philip on voyage to liverpool;husb john 1771-2 E w KEWLEY John d 10 may [?march as edge v dark],labourer douglas;wife jane (dwelling house) exex 1771-2 E w MURRAY Elizabeth relict wm murray;nephew john heywood 1771-3 E de ADAMS Margaret mowells als kelly husb james;dau (by former husb) margt mowels ;sis ann kelly dublin 1771-3 E w ALLINGHAM Archibald nephew jas bevanes;sis ann bevans exex;friends robt quayle + michael collins;inv + cash from long list for his practice in his lifetime 1771-3 E w BRIDSON Paul son wm,paul;dau jane,cath 1771-3 E w CLAGUE Christian [killey] d 22 aug 1771;husb thomas exor, douglas;ch john,robt,thomas + wm;mo + fa alive;sis jane,margt killey (appointed supv to ua ch); 1771-3 E d HAMPTON Nicholas d 26 jun 1771;only son john 1771-3 E d KENNIAGH Edward perished by sea on coast ireland 17 mar 1771;4ch john,ed,wm + joney ua uncle thos kenniagh;wife cath;inv 1771-3 E d KILLEY Henry d 17 mar 1771;only ch jane ua uncle wm kelly guardian;wife jane;inv 1771-3 E w LEWN Jane KELLY d 7 may 1771;son robt(eldest),john,ewan;dau margt,elizth;husb robt 1772-1 A 3 McCANDLISH Alexander d 28 dec 1771;serv maid cath cowley exex;apprentice edwd gill;witt james kayll + robt quillin;claims;petn by cath that sumner devoured 12 bottles of ale remaining from funeral + locked up house apart from kitchen giving cath difficulty in feeding pigs + cow;inv inc bellows,anvil, horseshoes £39 14s + sale £45 + funeral costs 1772-1 A 4 dg GELLING Catherine made 17 jan 1772?;widow now douglas formerly ballavargher;to dau ellinor darcy ?[dorsey] + husb john both of douglas 1772-1 A 5 Key Catherine dated 28 jan 1772;sis cath cannell;cousin joney key;sis-i-law cath key;bro christopher;mary hampton + cath her dau;;bro thos key exec 1772-1 A 6 LEWIN Jane creer d 2 feb 1772;sons thos,robt + john;dau elizth,margt,mary;husb gilno exec 1772-1 E w BRIDSON Paul capt paul;son wm,paul;dau jane,cath geneste;witt Christopher fitzsimons + hugh cosnahan;[full] 1772-1 E d CAINE William d 17 nov 1771;4ch wm,john,alice + margt;james kelly h/o alice + wm craine h/o margt 1772-1 E d COWLEY William d 18 nov 1771 by fall off quay in douglas;7ch wm,thos,patk,john,isabel,jane + robt all ua uncles patk,thos + robt cowley;fa thos cowley (also prin creditor);wife mary;inv,sale + some dispute re fam selling goods 1772-1 E d FAYLE Elizabeth KEWLEY d 29 oct 1771;6ch john,thos,mary,elizth,cath + isabel all ua uncles thos + patk kewley;husb john;inv1799: philip quayle h/o elizth,alex mcclure h/o cath;patk crain h/o mary,nicholas christian h/o isabel 1772-2 A 42 CREER Catherine cannell d 2 jan 1771;douglas;mary creer w/o thos creer exex 1772-2 A 43 jw ADAMS George george + mary als kenny mutual execs;dau bridget adams als mcannelly;son john(exor) ,maurice,george 1772-2 A 44 CORLET Elizabeth stanley w/o wm corlet douglas baker;made 12 nov 1771;gdau elizth beand ?;son alexander corlet exec but is blind - husb wm guardian;inv 1772-2 A 45 KELLY William d 8 feb 1772;douglas;wife margt;son robt (to have shelter in my dwelling house),thos exec 1772-2 A 46 ds CANNEL Thomas dated 10 nov 1766;house carpenter douglas to phillip cannell 1772-2 E d CORLET Margaret CUBBON d 18 mar 1772;ch edwd,willm + thomas 1772-2 E GELLING John d 30 jan 1772;sis margt,ellinor,mary + jane;fa richd;margt + ellinor beyond seas 1772-2 E d HALSAL Silvester d 19 mar 1771;douglas;only dau emma w/o wm Callow execx 1772-2 E d KELLY Philip d 17 jan 1772;ch danl + anne 1772-2 E w QUINE Judith d 4 may 1772;dau judith,margt,elinor;son thomas,wm;husb john exor 1772-3 E d BELL Elinor d 29 may 1772;douglas;spinster;sibs john,thos + jane;inv 1772-3 E d CORRIN Alice CORAGHAN d 12 sep 1772;ch wm,john,ellinor (2 latter abroad);inv 1772-3 E w CREECH Mary d may [?1772]dau esther w/o john cross;son-i-law wm cannon h/o alice exor (they looked after her in her declining days) 1772-3 E d CUBBON William d 26 jun 1772; sis ann,jane,margt,dorothy + cath;fa gilbt 1772-3 E w CURGHEY Richard d 7 jun 1772;son john,peter,james (their mo dead - her money went apprentice fees);wife's neice mary cowley who he brought up,her bro patk cowley;son-i-law thos callin (books + capenters rools);gsons richd callin,kames kelly;wife exex 1772-3 E w GELLING Alice CHRISTIAN dated 8 aug 1771;douglas;gch charles,margt (exex)+ christian cannon;dau ellinor;margt cannon out of isle fa john 1772-3 E md GRAHAM nichola jt will john with wife nicholai ? dated 30 sep 1771;nailer now of douglas;wife dead no issue;pledges wm callow shopkeeper + walter beaty both douglas 1772-3 E d HAMPTON Mary CHRISTIAN d 30 sep 1772;ch margt (w/o john freer)+ cath(w/o thos quirk) 1772-3 E w ROGERS Elizabeth dated 30 apr 1772;douglas;son wm(house etc in whitehaven + seat in trinity chruch whitehaven);dau ann stowell w/o john ,jane whiteside jt exexs;ack by robt whiteside of town of air 1773-1 A 3 CAIN Charles d 31 dec 1772;widower,douglas;surv son charles(house + matthews croft in braddan);son-i-law james kelly ;dau jane (to have pt of charlse's house) 1773-1 A 4 CHRISTIAN Matthias d 1 jan 1773;douglas;bro edwd (+ his ch);servs jane corkill + jane christian;wife mary als corkill exex;1775: edwd christian (of bemaghag but later of london) f/o john christian + margt w/o robt kayle acks 1773-1 A 5 Cowell Charles made 26 dec 1772;sons charles,thos,richard exec 1773-1 E dw CANNEL Margaret QUINE [? als d 24 jan;6 ch by a former husband [?John Quine] john cath isabel mary jane + wm ;wm fargher kelly] h/o cath[?m Bra 17710508];husb danl cannell [?m Bra 17630215];inv; there is a disputed will as one witt patrick cowley too near of kin 1773-1 E w CROAGHAN Ann [?clague] dat 16 may 1772;w/o wm;dau ann,son wm,dau mary,judy,son john,danl [?can't find 1st 3 ch] 1773-1 E jw HEMMINGS Esther dublin;jw with husb paul;pledges matths kewley + jon cannell cabinet maker both of douglas 1773-1 E d KNEALE Elizabeth BREW d 19 oct;3 ch robt [?can't find] hugh + margt kneale;robt of la;husb hugh;inv 1773-2 A 29 CARROON Catherine brew decld 18 feb;gdau margt gelling;dau margt;dau joney caine als carroon w/o wm exec; 1773-2 A 30 QUAY Philip d 6 apr 1773;wife alive;son robt 1773-2 A 31 CREEAR Margaret made 14 mar 1773;w/o john creer labourer douglas;dau margt;sons john + wm + dau mary execs;pledges wm crellin + james kelly both uncles both marown; 1773-2 A 32 w OSBOURNE Mary husb thos exec 1773-3 E d CLAGUE Ellinor KENnISH ballageary;d 21 mar;4 ch philip thomas isabel + esther;robt lewin h/o isabel,wm cowley h/o esther 1773-3 E w MYLREA Thomas douglas;son philip, edwd;dau margt,mary,ann;wife alive 1773-3 E w STOWELL John pc braddan;son george's 2 eldest george + thos when they reach 15;son thomas;dau jane drumgold;dau ann garrett's 2 ch john + cath garrett;;gdau jane drumgold;son john;ewan garrett h/o ann; 1774-1 A 6 CANNEL Philip d 27 nov;douglas;names peggy kelly who lived with him exex; 1774-1 A 7 CURpHEY William d 28 nov 1773;douglas;sis cath(all his books) ;names s/o james curphey(manks + eng prayer book);mo mary christian als cubbon exex (w/o john) 1774-1 A 8 QUIRK Nicholas dated 29 dec 1768;mariner;ch thos,gilbt,anne;wife cath als christian exex 1774-1 A 9 WILSON Isabel d jan 1774;widow;bro john kermode(marown) wfe ellinor;nephew john,thos,robt,wm kermode;niece margt ,dorothy alexander,margt byrn;sis joney alexander exex 1774-1 A 10 KERMOD Patience moore d 28 jan;husb robt(middle);dau margt + esther(w/o john cannel + elizth(w/o wm leece) jt exexs 1774-1 E w CAINE Catherine buried 19 aug 1773;fa john cain exor;mo alive;sis anne,margt,jane;names jane creer,isabel lutharel;sibs john,elizth 1774-1 E d CREER Thomas d 23 mar 1773;daus margt + jane (la) 1774-1 E w SEARLE Charles d 29 apr 1773;hm atty genl;rev james wilks exor;inv detailed by room inc books;debts greater that assets 30%; 1774-2 A 62 GENESTE Catherine w/o lewis [full] 1774-2 A 63 jw CANNEL Nicholas dated 23 may 1757;nich + elizth als moore douglas 1774-2 A 64 jw SHARP David dated 23 may 1757;david + elizth als moore 1774-2 A 65 jw PickerMAN Alexander wife sarah;son robt;dau sarah,isabella;ua ch isabel,cath + alexr, no reln on fa's side appearing;claims over £200 1774-2 A 66 CREER Catherine d 28 oct 1774;ballamandey;dau margt,ellinr ,elizth, isable;gson gilnoe quine;son wm exec; pledge john creer (witt) + robt bro to execr; 1774-2 A 67 LAWSON Leonora made 27 nov 1773;dau christian clark,cath,elizth,ann (+her eldest dau) execx;names Mrs callow, cath grey nancy's youngest dau; 1774-2 A 68 FAIL Jane staymaker, douglas;gch (ch of jane cannel)husb john fail (tho a poor disordered man);ann + thos cannell two eldest gch (their fa thos) 1774-2 E w Caine Jane creer als cashin d 27 jun ;husb thos caine shoemaker;will made fortnight before death;dau jane creer;son john creer;husb exor 1774-2 E d CALLOW Ann SAYLE d 27 mar 1774;husb thos d 1 apr 1774;ch peter,john,ann,mary(w/o thos callister had set);agreement 1774-2 E d CALLOW Thomas [will damaged]+wife Ann died abt same time;3 unm ch peter,John + Anne;dau mary married 1774-2 E w CLAGUE Thomas bur 17 sep 1773;ballagary;son thos (if he come),philip exor 1774-2 E se CUBBiN Thomas dated 21 nov 1763;douglas;to son-i-law william keoan(h/o ellinor)(house etc adj to mrs flaxney on south,john cannan? on west,street north,john finch east pays ld rent) 1774-2 E d KILLEY Ellinor [blank] d 2 apr 1774;only dau margt kelly now resident in north america;first cousin philip cottier douglas;inv 1774-2 E d quirk cath looney petn of thos quirk that her ch elizth hawk als quirk,john,isable,philip,gilbt + thos made jt admin when cath died 1744; the ch ua;eliz d feb 1755,john 15 may 1755,phil 5 dec 1766,isable under name ann quirk admin taken out in dublin,gilbt unheard of for 10 yrs supposed dead abroad;petn seafarer lately come home (power of aty to wife jane als moore) 1774-2 E d TAGGART Jane see john 1774-2 E d TAGGART John john + jane c/o james taggart (will 1750) with 3 sibs had right to property(rent farthing+half farthing), d jan 1750/1;prop deed 30 oct 1762 -> wm callow+ jas brew ;wm taggart cordeman served as next of kin 1774-2 E w WILLIAMSON John dated 3 may 1773;bach;shopkeeper douglas;of north britain;exex ann corlet widow wm corlet blacksmith with whom he lodged many years;inv 1774-3 E w BREW John d 15 jul 1774;douglas;wants burial in old church yd kk lonan;son wm,thos,james exor;dau jane 1774-3 E d CAINE Hugh ??not in mm index 1774-3 E w CRAINE Robert d 1 jun 1774;ballagharrey;son robt,thos,wm;dau esther + christian,cath + mary jt exexs;wife mary; 1774-3 E d CRY Daniel ??not in mm index 1774-3 E w GARRET John bur 29 sep 1774;ch cath,philip,jane;wife jane exex;ch ua uncle wm + robt garret 1774-3 E d HEYWOOD John d may 1773 at grenada on board ship John belonging to this island;had goods under fa will ep lib 3 1759;sibs robt,thos + calcot (thos + calcot beyond seas) 1774-3 E w KELLY Margaret d 4 jul 1774;dau judith garret als kelly;son thos(half a house) exor 1774-3 E w KELLY Patrick d 17 jul 1774;douglas;wife margt exex 1774-3 E d TAGGART Joney christian d 18 aug 1774;only ch margt;husb thos 1774-3 E w WILLIAMS John ??not in mm index ?conf john williamson 1775-1 A 5 CANNEL Mary d 23 dec 1774;husb john;tromode;dau elizth,jane + margt exexs;niece cath forbes 1775-1 A 6 COWLEY John d 24 nov 1774;douglas;son wm;wife isabel als kewin + dau esther exexs 1775-1 A 7 LEECE Isabel KISSACK [full] 1775-1 A 8 MOORE Robert son John Moore, grandson Robert Moore; dau Catharine Hampton als Moore, wife Christian [see Archd will 1777 #5 Braddan of Christian Moore als Hampton widow] 1775-1 E d CAMAISH Abigail hyde d 26 nov 1774;only ch cath camaish ua;uncle (mo side) thos hyde;husb alive 1775-1 E w CORKILL Jane jt will husb john;dated 15 apr 1774;son thos;(qtr pt seat in douglas chapel + houses);dau elliner,margt,cath 1775-1 E d CRAINE Margaret d 17 jan 1775;spinster;sibs robt,wm,john,ann + elliner;inv;petn to sell small piece ballneclybane braddan to pay expenses 1775-1 E w KEWLEY Alice d july last;douglas;wants to be buried peel;names mathias kelly douglas,alice kelly als geal;cousin robt kelley exec;inv 1775-2 A 39 KELLY William d 23 feb 1775;santan;son john(eldest),wm;dau cath,isable;wife christian als fitz[] exex + pregnant 1775-2 A 40 CLARK Margaret mylchreest d 9 mar 1775;husb john exor;douglas;sis mary;bro danl;mo alive;son matthias christian(? illeg) to be set to trade 1775-2 A 41 WATERSON Robert [full] 1775-2 E jw ADAMS Mary Kenny jw george + mary als Kenny (see 1772 will in archdiagonal wills) 1775-2 E w ARTHUR Thomas [full] 1775-2 E d OATES James d 21 feb ;cronk-y-berry;7 ch - james, john, wm, robt, ellinr, jane + margt jt admrs - last 5 ua James + john sworn;pledges Thos Watterson tromode + john kewley ballanard;wife alive 1775-3 E d CAMAISH John d 6 sept 1775;nunnery;no relns appear;prin creditor james spedding (atty george oates);inv 1775-3 E w CANNEL Philip dated 26 jan 1764;jt will philip(carpenter) + jane als kelly;ch thomas,elizth + john 1775-3 E w CORLETT Ann lewin ? d 1 jun 1775;husb thomas exec;dau ann quirk 1775-3 E w finch micheal mariner formerly liverpool,now douglas;ch john + cath;execs friends wm bridson + hugh cosnahan (also appt guardian) [laerge oversize will diff to read on microfilm] 1775-3 E d GAWN Elizabeth KARALAGH d 12 jul 1775;ch philip,wm,john,cath + richd (last 3 ua);pledges ewan garret + geo adams both of douglas;inv 1775-3 E w KILLEY James bur 19 jul 1775;dau margt killey (ua);wife mary als christian exex;bro wm killey guardian to child 1776-1 A 8 CUBBON Gilbert declrd 12 may 1775;dau ann,margt,jane,dorithy,cath(w/o john corkill);wife cath exex;dau margt also acks 40s left by john fayle 1776-1 A 9 jw CANNELL Robert dated 20 feb 1775;robt + ellinor als hingley;petn by ellinor that had a posthumous ch ellinor uncle john kewley + margt cannel guardians+ couldn't attend court - pledges richd hingley her fa + wm quirk lambfell;inv states tromode onchan 1776-1 A 10 jw KARRAN William dated 14 sep 1774;wm + isabel als brideson;douglas;unnamed ch 1776-1 A 11 MOORE Margaret cannel Douglas: brother's dau Jane Cannell; friend Marriad Forbes als Cowley [md to Robert Forbes] 1776-1 A 12 BREW Catherine [full] 1776-1 A 13 QUIRK Catherine christian dated 20 jan 1776;son edwd forbes exor(houses in doglas where w/o thomas quirk lives);names john callow(wife ellinor cannel?) 1776-1 E w CANNEL Margaret MOORE dated 27 Jan 1772;deed of gift to eldest son Coultry Cannell (SSS Oct 1775 32) accepted as will; 1776-2 A 51 CANNELL Philip,snr d 15 feb 1776;ballakermeen late douglas;son phil ?(heir),wm;,john exorgch wm + chas cannell;niece mary kelly 1776-2 A 52 CANNELL Thomas d 20 feb 1776;son hugh;wife margt als kneen exex;names robt kelly wearing apparel 1776-2 A 53 DAY Daniel dated 16 mar 1776;son john,george;names mary nicholon als crellin w/o john;witt jno corbett + andrw connor;geo day in england john crenilt commonly called john ncholson prin creditor 1776-2 A 54 STEVENSON Ellinor dated 13 jan 1775;widow;niece ann graham(dwelling house,shedd etc);3 gtnieces margt,ann,joanna hampton;ann beyond seas nich hampton her bro-i-law sworn;inv 1776-2 A 59 RADCLIFFE Ann bridson als moore [full] 1776-2 A 60 Cubbon Robert Douglas, cooper, died April 1776: wife Mary Cubbon als Corlet: sons Wm & Thomas who were in foreign parts; Mr. Peter Moore and Wm Cubbon their nephew of Braddan as trustees. (Robert died 1776, before wife Mary) 1776-2 E d CANNEL Ellinor d 8 Apr 1776;orphan d/o Robt Cannell and due goods as per will will father bk1 1776 - next of kin by fa's side aunts Elizth(w/o John Kewley), Jane + Margt Cannell jt admrs 1776-2 E d Corkill jane [undated or date lost at top of page];Douglas;ch Richard Karran, Jane Karran;names Isable Karran [?dau] exex (half of house]; Isable noted as not of age - court appoints uncle(mo's side) Patrick Quayle as guardian + supv of other ua ch;husb Wm Corkill;1779: Richd + Ann ack from Patk Quayle [?m Wm Corkill(of Braddan) San 17730206 as Jane Karran - no ch?) 1776-2 E d KELLY Thomas d 12 Jun 1776;Doon;ch Margery(w/o Michael Kaneen), Ellinor (w/o Ewan Lewn), Catharine (w/o Thos Lewn)+ Margt(w/o Thos Hampton jt admrs;another dau Bahee having rcvd a marriage dowry 1777-1 A 3 PATTERSON Isabel w/o robert (exec);made 23 ec 1776; 1777-1 A 4 CURGHEY Elizabeth [full] 1777-1 A 5 MOORE Christian hampton widow of the Bodreney, Braddan, died 20 Apr 1776: son John Moore; son Robert Moore; dau Cath Hampton alias Moore (md Joseph Hampton) [see Archd will 1775 #8 Braddan of Robert Moore] 1777-1 A 6 SHIMMIN Mary clague d 21 feb;balla-garry;mo elinor clague;inf child philip shimmin;wm shimmin;patrick cowin + margt clague uncle + aunt on mo's side suprv;petn by husb that one witness jaine quiggin is a feeble sickly person who may not survive; sumner served patrick cowin h/o alse clague (sis to ms) [mixed up are some 1787 acks wm + ann hasting rcvd aunt margt christian re gfa thos christian marown 1777-1 E w FAYLE Elizabeth bur 19 oct 1776;gson paul faile(price of house she sold john kelly);gdaus elinr + eliz faile;gdau ann caine;son-i-law philip caine exec 1777-1 E w KEWLEY Jane christian d 8 jul 1776;widow,douglas;cath christian w/o nephew thos christian;dau margt edmondson als christian,ellinor williams als christian execx;[ 1777-1 E w KEWLEY Margaret garrad d 28 apr 1776;gsons john + wm kewley;son wm exec;nephew wm garret;j1795 john + wm ack from step mo margt kewley widow and relict of fa wm kewley;husb wm 1777-2 A 8 jw LEWN Philip philip + joney als goldsmith;son philip;dau margt cubon 1777-2 A 9 KEGG Thomas d mar last;exec robt kelly 1777-2 E w CORKILL Thomas ballafletcher;wife alive;son thos,john,peter;dau jane;gch thos corkill + jane kelly;son wm exec;robt kelly h/o jane 1777-2 E w CUBBON Jane kinley d 10 jun 1777;widow,bealy vare;son wm (wife + ch wm,john + jane);dau ellinor fargher (her ch james cretney + elinot cottier);dau ann quay,christian cowin,margt brew;names edward caralaugh's son edward;sis-i-law isabel oats; names jane bridson,elinor clague + isabel brew;4 daus excx;john quay h/o ann,thos cowin h/o christian;1785 james cottier h/o ellinor cubbon als cottier;petn margt brew als cubbon widow 1777-2 E d GRIMES William d 1 apr 1777;ch margt,ann + john;nich hampton h/o margt 1777-2 E w KARRAN Henry made 20 apr 1777;daus margt,ann,ellinor;son robt;step ch elesebeth + george hampton;wife jane execx 1777-2 E d KEWLEY William d 26 feb 1777;only ch wm 1777-2 E w KILLEY Ann waterson d 27 may 1777;widow,douglas;gdau ann kermode;names thos ratcliffe;niece cath watterson;dau margt,isabella execx;edwd taggart h/o isabella 1777-3 E d CORRIN Mary d 27 apr 1777;ch jane + margt cneen 1777-3 E d CRAINE Ann d 1 apr 1777;ch john,jane(w/o patk curphey) + mary 1777-3 E w CREER William dated 19 may 1777;wife margt exex;10s to wm shymmins who lodged with him when comes to age; 1777-3 E w FINE Dorothy dated 6 jul 1777;'jt will fully paid'; 1777-3 E d HAWKINS Judith kelly d jul 1777;w/o richd jenkins (on board hm ship Ranger);her bro robt supported her;other relns wm kewley h/o cath,patr kelly,thos cubbon h/o mary kelly;inv 1777-3 E w KELLY Robert dated 23 jul 1777;ballacubbin;bro thos,wm;sis mary cowin als kelly,cath craine als kelly;wife margt als kindley exex 1778-1 A 6 BELL John wife Sarah, sons Jn, George both underage; brother's dau Judith; Ellinor Teare is sister's daughter 1778-1 A 7 jw KEWISH Edmond made 26 jun 1776;edmond + jane;douglas;son philip (eldest),danl;dau jane 1778-1 A 8 MOORE Philip douglas;wife mary exex 1778-1 A 9 COWIN Richard d 5 dec 1777;sis alice cubbon als lewn;niece ellinor,elizth cubbon;goddau elinor caurgage in kk michael;nephew wm cubbon exec 1778-1 A 10 CUMMENS Catherine corlet d 30 oct 1777;w/o wm,douglas shoemaker;ch david,isable collister als cummins,esther christian als cummins widow,margt cowley als cummins,elinor cummins + ary cummins;witt christopher fitzsimons + wm xhristian 1778-1 E707 d KARRAN Thomas d 12 apr 1778;ch john,wm + robt;2 latter ua;wife margt admx;inv 1778-1 E711 d Gelling Margaret d nov 1777;only ch cath;ua thos cannel,john quirk,wm corlet,mary norris + chas norris uncles by mo'side;husb wm;petn that thos cannel m cath norris,wm corlet m isabel,margt m wm gelling of douglas;wm gelling put child to nurse but left island leaving affairs confused;inv 1778-1 E729 d BAIRD margt cannon dispute + witness statements;john lewin wheelwright,wm callow shopkeeper douglas;bro thos cannon(+ son john + chistian sis to john);niece margt cannon,john cannon s/o charles cannon late of douglas,christian cannon d/o charles cannon,elizth kewley d/o paul kewley,paul youngest s/o paul kewley;nephew john cannell(+ son thos);sis cleague of crosby;3 daus of niece goldsmith + many others (all out of £200 held by mrs dorothy fines);paul kewley of the eary exor. husb wm will was 1756 1778-1 E742 d mccrea elizabeth christian d liverpool oct 1777;widow;fa thomas,gentleman now douglas but late ballahutchin but too old/infirm his dau margt christian 1778-1 E745 w cowle wm made 22 apr 1777;son john,wm,patk,charles;dau patience,elinor moore,jane,anne 1778-1 E748 jw cubbin richard dated 19 feb 1770;richd + wife margt als lewin;;ch wm,thos,richd;ch ua uncles john cubon,wm cubon + john shimmin; 1778-2 E w CAINE John dated 27 jun 1778;dau mary,elinor;gdau elinor brideson;wife elizth als halsal exex 1778-2 E w CHRISTIAN Thomas dated 24 sep 1778;late ballahutchin marown now douglas;son mathias;gson nicholas christian (s/o margt);gda jane + elizth cashin?;dau cath + margt exexs 1778-2 E d FAYLE John d aug 1777;only ch jane (w/o thomas cannell) 1778-2 E d finer Thomas d 9 aug 1778;no relns appeared prin cred danl cannell;thos finer gfa & jane ward aunt of the ch of thos finer sworn guardians;inv; 1778-2 E d LEE Grissell fletcher d bristol 2 jul 1777;w/o capt john lee;ch john_edward lee + cath_jane lee;ua;pledges john taubman snr c'town esq + edward fletcher gfa of ch - both are sworn guardians 1778-2 E w QUAYLE Leonora redfern wife of thomas quayle peruckemaker douglas;petn by thos states he has been ill + one of witts mrs cath cowley midwife had been out of town; 1778-2 E d QUIRK Thomas departed isle 13yrs ago + not heard of;bach;fa john 1779-1 A 4 GRAHAM Mary clark niece mary clark,cath + margt kelley;bro john clark;bro-i-law john kelley(jurby) exor;inv 1779-1 A 5 CRAINE Mary corkill made 28 nov 1778;ballaglonney;son robt,wm,thos;dau esther,christian,mary + cath(exexs) 1779-1 A 6 TEARE Philip Douglas: sister Margt Mylrea als Tear (md Wm Callister by Feb 1780), wife Ellinor Tear; bro James Tear; sister Mary Croaghan (daus Betty Crohane, Ann Crohane), cousin Thomas Corlet in Castletown 1779-1 A 7 QUINE John dated 13 feb 1779;balluig;son wm;dau joaney;gch john quine,joaney quine;dau margt + elinor exexs 1779-1 A 8 KEWLEY Joney corlett d 3 mar 1779;son robt;niece jane quine als corrin;son [?in-law] james corrin+wife dau mary als kewley exors 1779-1 A 9 McCONNELL John dated 14 mar 1779;of co. down but now of douglas;wife margt als mynayree? exex 1779-1 A 10 QUINE Thomas dated 10 feb 1779;the plaice braddan;dau cath;gson john corkill;wife elinor als cannell exex 1779-1 A 11 jw CHRISTIAN Jane black dated 21 jan 1747;philip christian + wife jane als black;house etc in douglas,ballachrik onchan;unnamed ch;philip dead 1747/8;eldest son philip 1779-1 A 12 LAWSON Charles dated 27 dec 1778;douglas;marinerdau ann (6d),isabel(6d);wife exex;ch ua 1779-1 A 13 MOORE John Pulrose;[full][incomplete on microfilm] 1779-1 E w DURIE Thomas 1st on film gl720 1779-2 E w CANNELL Daniel gch danl cown [? can't find],wm kennagh;in case son john comes to island;two daus husbs wm kenniagh [h/o cath] + john cowin [h/o dorothy]; 1779-2 E d CHRISTIAN George douglas;fa nicholas of rushen resigned exec to anne christian als duggan sd intestates's ?[unreadable ? wife - there is a m Mal 17771116 to an Anne Elder ?] 1779-2 E d CLAGUE Ellinor clarke 3 ch ellinor, alice + margt;pat cowin h/o alice 1779-2 E w CLARK John son thomas,dau ann,emmy;wife cath 1779-2 E w CORbETT Elizabeth w/o john corbett douglas;son john,dau maryann,dau cath;widow isabel ? 1779-2 E w COTTIMAN Catherine son richard if he comes home shall by being mothers exec have the right & property of the 3 daus of aforesd of charles stuart 1 page (looks like 2nd page of will) husb charles decd dated 20 oct 1779; [the transcription of burial reg gives her age as 91 - there is a marriage of a Charles Stuart to a Cath Cottiman Bra 08 SEP 1761 + family but no obv bapt of a richard; 1779-2 E w COWIN Margaret now of douglas; sis elinor christian als cowin;sis esther killey;sis elinor christian's dau elinor execx 1779-2 E w FAYLE Ann made 26 sept 1774;names john faile ballneleaney,isable kelly (if she would stay with her and after her demise stay with bro wm some time);sis joan,isabella,alice;bro wm;sis's dau ann cannell ;names thos + elizth faile,wm kneen;bro thomas exec 1779-2 E d GELLING William 6 ch john robt wm margt anne + jane ua; uncles charles gelling, robt clague [?h/o cath gelling] + john davey ? ;inv 1779-2 E d MORRISON Margery 3ch lewis john cath;inv [?8 ch bapt] 1779-2 E w QUINE Margaret clague d 8 june 1779;eldest son robt;son john;husb robert (refers to his son john + her son john )son thos,dau margt,ann,mary joney;1790 danl kewley h/o mary [fam 30033]+ wm cowley h/o ann [?marr]ack;1813 margt lewin als quine acks [?2 poss marriages] 1780 A 8 QUIGGEN Jane caine dated 17 feb 1779;ballagary;son thos(heir),john;dau margt,jane;husb john exor;lower cowhouse to younger ch 1780 A 9 FRANCIS Margaret curphy uttered 26 nov 1779;douglas;sis cath curphey exex in trust;husb anthony(if he would come home) 1780 A 10 GELLING Isabel craine dated 15 mar 1778;ballaclyleany?;son ewan,thos,robt,john;gson wm gell;dau elizth,jane,cath;husb alive;ch john + jane exors 1780 A 11 FAILE Nicholas dated 2 nov 1779;ballawillan;wife christian exex 1780 A 12 KEWLEY Ellinor quayle dated 9 nov 1779;ballanard;dau ann,elinot,isabel;husb john;son john exor 1780 A 13 LEWIN Robert d 14 jan 1780;dau margt quayle as lewn,jane craine als lewn,elizth creer als lewn,cath cowley as lewn,elinor cowley als lewn,esther shimin als lewn,isabel lewn;wife isabel als clauge;son thos exor;house + mill 1780 A 14 MOORE Thomas dated 10 nov 1779;son thomas;dau ann walker als moore,jane quirk als moore exex(w/o thos) 1780 A 15 KNIPE Margaret d 28 feb 1780;douglas;husb john 1780 A 16 jw Grave Ann john + ann;eldest son john (estate called greenhead in thrimby in parish of moreland co of westmorland);3 sons wm,matthew + betham;2 daus jane + ann 1780 A 17 KELLY Jane kermott douglas;dau jean;unnamed other ch;husb john; 1780 A 18 GELLING Paul gdau cath gelling;step dau margt cubbon (house sandside douglas);gdaus margt + cath gelling;son wm 1780 A 19 CREEYER Robert son thomas exec;daus margt + eliz,dau isabel;wife eliz 1780-1 E710 w BREW Stephen late shoemaker douglas;impressed on the Esther cutter in douglas harbour 2 apr 1777;unle + aunt alexr stward + easther his wife [esther tear m Bra 17560629];lands in jurby (hard quarter);bro philip + wm,half sister judey; petn by alex wife's nephew , letter from thos garret that Stephen died portsmouth 4 mar 1780;charged philip brew fencible ramsey 1780-1 E716 d cowley daniel d 26 feb 1780;ch thos,robt,john,danl,jane,ellinr + cath (6 ua);wife cath;unles thos,robt + patk cowley;inv 1780-1 E719 d TAYLOR John d 21 mar 1779;douglas;nephew john gammel refused to act;creditors appt thos cannell,edw mullan,james brown,paul kelly 1780-1 E721 w QUILLIAM Robert douglas;son john;wife ann als cowin;son wm (still apprentice);dau ann,isable; (house sandside formerly robt goldsmith's adj joseph kewley on south) son robt;dau alice 1780-1 E724 w CHRISTIAN Mary cubbon d 6 may 1780;douglas;husb john;dau cath w/o thos cagin (exec);gdau ann cagin 1780-1 E726 d TAGGART William d 1 jan 1780 (late dec in petn);abbeylands,ch matthias,thos,wm,james,john + isabel ua,wife alice d/o john quine;uncles john,robt + james taggart;inv 1780-1 E732 d GENESTTE Catherine d 30 nov;no issue;husb lewis exec 1780-2 E379 w CUMMINGS John [start of 1780]watchmaker douglas;bro arthur cummings of dock head surry coal water;exec in trust robt heywood douglas;old serv alice wainwright;witt geo booth,philip finch;inv [displaced] inc watches + their makers 1780-2 E 400 w CORKILL William d 20 sep 1780;douglas;ch john,thomas + wm;wife margt als fargher;pledges peter + thomas corkill 1780-2 E401 w CHRISTIAN Alice d 11 may 1780;douglas;dau-i-law mary christian als carran;dau-i-l isabel christian als callister;sis ann cashin als cain;husb john;sons hugh,john 1780-2 E403 d GELLING Margarett d 5 dec 1779;spinster;fa richard 1780-2 E404 d CANNELL Joney creetch d 28 oct 1779;husb thomas 1780-2 E405 d HOOK John d 18 nov 1779;prin creditor john gelling douglas;inv [parly torn] 1780-2 E411 js RICHMOND Jospeh dated 4 oct 1768;wife ann als corlet;house in douglas rent 3/-;petn by widow that he died in northfolk virginia in 1765;no issue as he was a seafarer,she lived in England and has been sick for 10 yrs; 1780-2 E420 d hayes Elizabeth court case summons elizth kissag + cath lucas;francis wheelhouse appoints wife ann wheelhouse als barker as attorney re elizth heyes + joseph heyes (witt james + francis de la prymme) elizth wheelhouse m/o ann married joseph hayes of douglas and lately died intestate 1780-2 E421 p tear nicholas petn by margt martin kk andreas over 80;half bro nicholas tear bach attained a great age lived with her + deeded his effects;summner charges wm callister + wife margt callister als tear, mary croughan als tear 1780-2 E423 w faile christian kelly made 27 mar 1780;ballawillan;bro wm kelly;son robt faile 1780-2 E424 w CORKILL Ann moore dated 13 jan 1780;son john,thomas,peter;dau jane;dau-i-l wm's wife;son wm exec 1780-2 E425 w AUSTeN Thomas Bowe late of lastacton co wicklow;charles kavannagh snr + Edwd Mullan of douglas trustees;wife ellinor als gawn;bro wm fynte ? austen;inc 1780-2 E433 w COWN John made 17 nov 1780;ballacarroone;wishes burial in mo's grave in peel;exec wm faile creg-whine marown;wm faile passes exec for £17 to thos kelly kk german + wm cowin peel 1781 A 5 KELLY Robert dated 17 nov 1777;son richd;gson edward;son wm,robt 1781-1 E d CHRISTORY John d mar 1781 at anguirs ? in france;bach illeg s/o wm christory + cath gelling;deposition by wm quirk mariner;wm christory dead mo cath gelling als clague admx + robt h/o cath ;pledges nicholas hampton + robt quark douglas;petn by robt clague;deposition by wm quirk that he was in prison with him at tuigeions ? from which he was removed to angeirs ? where died 1781-1 E w COWIN Edward dated 7 sep 1780;douglas;eldest dau elinor (old house backside + garden),ann jean,isable,margt;son edwd,thomas;wife jean;1787 thos loony h/o jane 1781-1 E w CRAINE Robert ballabrunt;son robt,wm,thos,john,james;dau ann ,margt,cath;bro-i-law thos kelly;wife exex; dau cath ua;1784 john cubbon h/o ann;1784 mary widow + admx of robt craine jnr; 1781-1 E d FAYLE Christian clague als kelly d mar 1780;widow + execx of nicholas (arch will 1780);ch thomas clague by former husb + robt fayle by latter jt admrs;thomas off island,robt an idiot court appoints wm kelly braddan bro to christian prin creditor;inv 1781-1 E d FAYLE Nicholas [see christian] 1781-1 E w KELLY John d 31 may 1781;algare;niece cath clague (half sheep grazed moaney caraghyn - other half to william fayle who lived with him) exex;wife jane kelly als clague;nephew john freer; 1781-1 E d KELLY Robert d 14 jul 1781;douglas;ch nathaniel,paul,thomas + curghey all ua excpt nathaniel (too young) widow lucy asmx;gfa paul kelly sworn guardian;pledges paul kelly + mr george oates onchan;petn by lucy 1781-1 E d KERMOD Esther d 18 sep 1780;douglas;ch john,elizth,jane,ann martha + lucy only belizth at age;edwd fa agrees to put 5 guineas at interest for each ua ch;ch gfa john bridson malew + elizth sworn guardians;pledge john bridson + robt quark douglas; inv 1781-1 E d KEWLEY Susannah d 27 feb 1781;only ch john kewley 1781-1 E d QUARK William d 20 may 1781;ch wm + john both ua;wife isable admx;pledges robt + danl quark uncles ;insufficient effects john to tuition mother,wm to uncles;inv £2 19 11d 1781-2 E d CANNELL Thomas d 17 mar 1780;7 ch thomas,wm,john,ann,elizth,jane + margt;some ua;norris clague h/o ann;wife jane; 1781-2 E d CLARK Christopher bach;formerly douglas;d on board hm ship penelope;fa daniel 1781-2 E w corkill William d 4 sep 1781;douglas;sons thomas,peter;dau isabel;wife alice als cannon exex 1781-2 E d COTTIER William formerly douglas;d on board hm ship penelope;3 ch wm,margt + mary all ua;wife margt;philip cottier uncle guardian 1781-2 E d GAWN Stephen formerly douglas;d on board hm ship penelope;only ch jane ua;wife jane 1781-2 E d GELLIN Margaret caroon d 12 aug 1781;7 ch john,thomas,robt,wm.patrick,jane + ann;all ua john caroon + john gelling gfa guardians;husb john;pledges philip creer + patrick gelling both marown;1785 john son arrives la chooses john gelling + robt corlett both braddan supv;inv 1781-2 E d JAMES Joseph bach;d on board hm ship penelope;fa thomas james 1781-2 E d KAMAISH Jane kermod d 26 sep 1781;only child elinor ua;bro edwd kermod,half bros thomas + wm cannell supv;husb john camaish 1781-2 E jw MULLAN Edward douglas brewer;wife mary als mcnameer;sons thomas + edwd 1782 A 5 CREERE John made 26 dec 1781;algaar;son robt,wm,james,patrick (+ his son john),john;dau margt carneen[?danl keneen h/o margt #20373,mary corkill [wm corkill h/o maryb#10786];wife jane als cannell 1782 A 6 CLAGUE Catherine cooil dated 27 apr 1779;gch isable cowley[?#20267];dau mary,margt,jane,isable,joney;son wm,john exor(off isle mariner in hm service - wife anne exex) 1782 A 7 WHITE Abigail mutual dg sis mary + abigail dated 18 oct 1766; 1782 A 8 MERCER Margaret niece elinor mercer capel st dublin;mrs booth of douglas,miss labat;mrs margt thomson exex;pledges john cannell cabinet maker,john millar gentleman 1782 A 9 KEWN John dated 4 apr 1782;son john(land rushen),thomas;dau elizth;wife margt als cowley exex 1782 A 10 ALEXANDER Joney kermod dated 12 feb 1782;douglas;dau margt(hse c'town) exex 1782 A 60 quirk wm dated 4 oct 1782;douglas;son robt,wm;dau ann(house + concerns - to fall to her son wm corlett) exex,dau margt(did not recive mo's legacy);inv;expenses 1782-1 E d CREER Jane CANNEL d 25 may;4 ch Patrick,James,Wm ? + robt 1782-1 E d CURGHEY Ann GOLDSMITH d oct last;2 sisters Joney Lewin als Goldsmith widow + Eliz Christian als G widow;eliz infirm petns that her dau Margt Cubbon widow be appointed;pledge Wm Quayle HB Douglas + john Kneale snr Kk Lonan;petn by Eliz Quayle of Douglas spinster stating Ewan Curghy + wife Ann + son Ewan owe £8 8s; Ewan died some years ago, son did not appear; note by Dan Mylrea Kk Bride that Eliz christian infirm + insane; 1782-1 E jw FARGHAR Catherine [callin] ? petn by husb wm; she d oct last 1782-1 E jw FARGHAR William douglas;with Kath als Callin;un named ch;jw of Kath with wm;dau Ann;wm farghar alive 1782-1 E jw KAvannagh Charles,snr jw wife Christian K als Strong;son charles;dau Mary Gee als K;dated 10 may 1781;Charles is dead;pledges John Taylor of Foxdale mine in Kk Pat + Thos Mullan Douglas;claim by Thos Christian admr in trust of Wm Lawson a transmarian decd sister ? £14 12 10d 1782-1 E d KILLEY Edward perished by sea nov last;only ch Elinor 1782-1 E d KNEALE James s/o Philip + Elinor Kneale douglas;d abt 22 dec 1739 a minor;application by John Christian h/o Ellinor kneale sis to James; 1782-1 E w LEWIN John dated 27 jan 1780;dau eliz;gdau margt christian;dau margt;son robt,wm;3 ch wm mary + margt;son john if he comes;john oates h/o mary;edwd ?emnd Quine h/o margt; 1782-1 E w MULlYE Catherine douglas;husb Charles; 1782-1 E w QUAY Thomas of Douglas;2 daus Cath + isable;wife Jane Quay als Keig 1782-1 E d QUAYLE Thomas of Douglas peruke maker;d 20 Oct;9 ch john george henry joshua robert william margt ann + leonora; john ann + george off island;henry josh robt + wm ua;pledges Joshua + George Redfern uncles by mothers side;petn;inv - long 1782-1 E w QUIRK Catherine kelly d 29 apr 1782;son robt;dau Mary;mother Elinr Kelly;husb Robt 1782-2 E w BACON Jane johnson dated 28 jul 1781;husb john joseph bacon douglas exor;names mrs judith connor for care during illness 1782-2 E w CANNELL Ellinor cashin d 28 may 1782;w/o wm douglas;son thos,edwd;gch (of wm cannel smith + h/o ellinor cannell)margt + jane cannell;dau ellinor(w/o wm);gdau elinor kameash;husb exor 1782-2 E w COFFEE Martha smith als beal dated 14 aug 1780;son wm smith;dau debora browne als smith widow exex,sarah mylchrist als coffey 1782-2 E d CRAINE Robert perished by sea 4 oct 1782;ch wm + james ua;wife mary als quayle;wm,thomas + john craine + ann(w/o john cubbon) uncles + aunt by fa side 1782-2 E d CUBBON Charles perished by sea 31 jul 1781;mariner;ch john + charles ua;wife cath ;pledges peter mooore carpenter + thos creer both douglas 1782-2 E w DELGARDNO Catherine made 22 aug 1779;dau mary dalgardno;niece cath ball; 1782-2 E d DUFFIELD Mary d 26 jun 1782;spinster next of kin refused admin;prin creditor john curphey douglas 1782-2 E w GELLING William dated 14 apr 1782;balla clybane;son ewan,thos,robt,john(husbandr gears);dau elizth,cath;son john + dau jane execs 1782-2 E w GRAVE John dated 19 aug 178[];sadler,douglas;son john(house + tools) exor,wm,matthew,boatham;dau jane callow als grave,ann;no witts but wm quayle hb affirms hand 1782-2 E w KARRAN Isabel declrd 20 apr 1781;douglas;husb john;dau cath;unnamed son;wm kewley h/o cath off isle 1782-2 E d KARRAN Margaret d 21 jan 1782;ch john,wm + robt;robt only on isle too too tender of yrs thus thos quine + anthony merrin appt;inv 1782-2 E d KENNISH William bach d jamaica sept 1781;fa hugh 1782-2 E d KEWLEY Ann garrett d 15 aug 1782;ch robt,john,elzth (w/o john kelly)+ patk(+ james + ann who had m/cs);inv 1782-2 E d KILLEY Phillip d 22 nov 1781;ch robt, philip, elizth,isabel ,susannah - wife elizth admr;bro wm + bro-i-law john gelling supv;inv 1782-2 E d KISSAGE John perished by sea feb 1782(decree states dec 1781);mariner douglas;petn by simon corlett santon as next of kin within isle but there were brothers abroad;inv;effects sold by wm kelly tailor douglas 1782-2 E d MOORE Letitiah MURRAY als sampson d ireland 1780;wm callow obo sir george moore who had claims agt robt murray mercht in ireland;no relns in isle; 1782-2 E d OATES Thomas perished by sea 1 oct 1782;bach;fa richd 1782-2 E d QUAY John perished by sea 4 oct 1782;ch patience,esther,margt + elizth all of la but consent to mo patience as admr 1782-2 E w QUAYLE John dated 3 may 1782;schoolmaster,braddan;wife mary als carran exex 1782-2 E jw TEARE Dorothey dead - see gilbert 1782-2 E jw TEARE Gilbert jt will with dorothy als graham;dated 31 jul 1782;tailor douglas;dau margt barton als tear;2 daus;gson thos barton;son-i-law john wattleworth exor after decease of both 1783 A 4 CLAGUE John bur 23 dec 1782;2 younger ch margt + wm;rest mary jane john + elinr;wife alice als kewley 1783 A 5 CRAINE John dated 25 dec 1782;dau isabel,son john exec 1783 A 6 jw JOSEPH[levi] Robert snr dated 25 mar 1782;robt levey joseph + margt levey als kinnish,douglas [note no 'christian burial mentioned'];ch wm,robt,john + philip,sarah + margt;claims inc maximillian bonvilette, john ware a transmarine, jacob shanns ? a transmarine for £120;inv insignificant 1783 A 7 MOORE Philip [full] Rector of Kk Bride + chaplain of Douglas - relns widow Elinor Cannel + Elizth Black of Ramsay, nephew John Moore Ayr, Edward Moore merchant Douglas; 1783 A 8 GELLING Paul of douglas;dau ann,son john,philip 1783 A 9 COWLE Charles ballacottier;son john,charles;dau ann,isabel,son james,wm;gdau ann cowle;wife ann cowle als caine 1783 A 10 CORBETT John douglas;dau mary-ann,cath;names mrs ann lewn;son john (off island);landlord james kelly;john corbet of ireland + daniel mylrea + thomas mullan both of douglas indebted £100 to james kelly + mrs ann lewn d 21 jul 1783; 1783 A 11 MARTIN Alice gellin als smythe widow of douglas;dau jane gelling ballahutchen marown;witt john cannon,matthew simpson; 1783-1 E d CANNELL Joney GARRETT d 8 dec 1782;ch john + ann both ua;husb hugh;inv 1783-1 E w CLAGUE Thomas d beg may 1783;bro (George?) dau mary;fa jon + mo mary execs 1783-1 E w CORLETT Thomas dated 5 aug 1782;joiner douglas;ch ? wm,edwd,mary,charles,robt,lucy + elinor;son thos,john exor;wife alive;inv;widow refused to swear oath as to inv but sumner was informed by neighbours 1783-1 E d COTTIER Isabel d 25 feb 1783;ch robt + isable both ua;husb thomas (his fa thomas pledge);wm + ann callister uncle + aunt by mo side guardians 1783-1 E w CRAINE Mary CAWNE dated 2 oct 1782;hub john;dau isable;son john exor 1783-1 E d CRAINE William d 24 jan 1783;shoemaker douglas;ch wm,thomas,margt + jane all ua;wife jane als corkill refused admin;george oates prin creditor;ch uncle thomas corkil by mo side;inv 1783-1 E d CURGHEY Susanna SAMPSON d 29 dec 1782;ch john(abroad),edwd,euan,susanna,alice_letitia;most ua;husb john;wm murray gt uncle by mo side supv;inv 1783-1 E w FAILE William bur 9 jun 1783;niece ann cannell(w/o thos quiggin);nephew wm,robt cannell;bro thos faile,john faile;sis jane,alice cannell als faile exex(w/o wm); 1783-1 E w KISSACK Isabel clucas dated 17 nov 1779;widow john kissack tobacconist douglas;dau isabella exex,rachel,ellinor,susanna keahan(?kaighin) als kissack;gdau isabella keaken 1783-1 E d MADDIN Ann d 10 feb 1783;widow;no relns appear;prin creditors lucy kelly + margt taylor; 1783-1 E d OATES John d 15 jan 1783;capt john bebaloe, bach;sibs wm,cath(w/o richd allen),jane(w/o rev thos quayle) 1783-1 E d QUAYLE francis dr francis quayle departed this isle 80 years ago;petn by john curphey + charles holland (ireland) 1783-1 E d QUIGGIN Ann KEWLEY poa dated 12 jul 1783 from john s/o thomas + ann to fa ;douglas;john bound for sea;decree displaced d 22 jan 1783;ch john + elizth jt execs;inv 1783-1 E w WATTERSON Thomas d 19 sep 1782;son john;wife cath exex 1783-2 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas mariner;d 16 mar;5 ch wm,thos,eliza,cath + christian;christian ua;pledge anthony mcclean ? douglas;inv £17 1783-2 E d KELLY Thomas d 7 sep without issue but widow claims pregnant;fa patrick decreed exec;1808 thomas kelly s/o thos dec acks from mo jane;petn tk married half a year fa patrick disposed of some goods (inc selling to his own children) inv £13 1783-2 E d KELLY William mariner d 26 nov 1782;only ch wm kelly, ua;wife cath;inv £10 1783-2 E w MOORE Philip beeal-evear;bro richard,john;names john cowin currently living on ballakinish land;sis jane (her son wm); names christopher gick (s/o wm);sis caths dau esther;mo alive;sis margt + ann execx;1786 acks from margt moore als quirk + anne moore als quirk 1783-2 E w quinney margaret douglas d 17 [torn] 1783;unnmd sister 'if she come for it' mo alive;robt oates husb of mother;bro thos; names philip cottier,margt callow,emilia callow;quayley crebbin; 1783-2 E w QUIRK Isabel bro paul quirk;elinor mcgrea 1784 A 20 CANNELL John dated 10 nov 1783;bro wm,philip,thos (exor) 1784 A 21 RATleff[radciffe Catherine cowley dated 7 dec 1783;douglas;son thos;dau esther;mo margt ;husb john exor;pledges wm mylrea + thos kimmen labourers douglas 1784 A 22 KEY Thomas made 24 mar 1783;son + 3 daus (unnamed);wife isabel exex 1784 A 23 QUIRK Joney made 25 jan 1784;sis's ch;bro thomas quirk (wife cath) exors;pledges john creer shoemaker + wm quayle weaver both douglas 1784 A 24 GEALE William dated 29 feb 1784;douglas;wife elizth (+ 3 ch);ch ua;pledges james corrin mariner + james gell labourer both douglas 1784 A 25 QUAYLE Elizabeth dated 23 jan [1784?]spinster;douglas;deed of set to nephew john kewley;he to feed her etc 1784 A 26 OATES James [full] 1784 A 27 KANE[?kneen] Thomas jw thomas + cath als killip;schoolmaster;douglas;son thos,wm;witt robt clerk x(s/o john clerk castlepond ballaugh sailed with john clarke in herring season but now engaged with capt parish cmmander small brig belonginto to a fish house in liverpool), jane wattleworth x 1784 A 28 GOLDSMITH Mary craine d 4 apr 1784;dau anne,elizth;husb thos exor 1784 A 29 CAINE Dollin jw dated 14 aug 1783;dollin (mariner now douglas) + mary als neale;son wm;dau mary;ch ua;claims,inv,accts 1784 A 30 KELLY Matthias d 6 apr 1784;shipbuilder douglas;son wm(not 21),mathias (houses etc inc garden on lake + house shoreside)wife exex;ch uncle (by fa side) robt creer supv;claims (significant amounts) 1784 A 31 KELLY Matthias made + declrd 6 apr;d 7 apr 1784 son mathias exor;wife alive;2 daus 1784 A 32 KEWIN Patrick bur 13 apr 1784;strenaby;son thos(youngest - property in andreas),patk(abbey land prop - sis cath + alice);dau anne;wife mary als karran 1784 A 33 KELLY Catherine karran bur 14 apr 1784;son wm(eldest),thos,robt;dau anne,ellinr;mathias corran kk braddan to be supv of thos + robt 1784 A 34 COTTIER Isabel d 17 apr 1784;master robert kelly (?skelly);names elinor cottier;sis's 2 daus;bro thos cottier exor 1784 A 35 LEWIN Thomas d 23 apr 1784;mo alive;son robt;(mill houses + land);unborn child;wife margt als creer ?;pledges her fa robt creer + ch uncle by fa side robt cowley (also supv) 1784 A 36 QUAYLE David d 20 apr 1784;weaver douglas;ch jane,wm,elinor,elizth,ann;wife cth exex;pledges thos cannell + wm quayle both weavers douglas 1784 A 37 QUAYLE Mary d 1 jan 1783;will made 10 dec 1783 ?;dau margt(youngest);husb exor;pledges charles cain barber,wm cottier tucker; 1784 A 38 JOHNSTON James d 1 [] 1784;camlork;son wm,alexander lowrie;dau joan,jane ?;mr alexander lowrie exor also sworn guardian of the children 1784 A 39 KEY Christopher d [] apr 1784;son john,robt;dau joney quine als key,jane cu[][?cubon]als key;wife cath als radcliffe exex;pledges john key + thomas radcliffe; [then misplace ? petn by christian bridson wdw wm malew 1784-1 E se CAINE Judith douglas,spinster;kinsman charles cain;mentions plot 10yrds in breadth 20 length hill quarterland ballakermeen on highway to peel 0.5d lords rent;fa john caine 1784-1 E d CALLOW Margaret fayle d jul 1784;ch robt john james 1784-1 E w Callow margaret cowil douglas;widow;son wm;daus elizth callow,margt cannell (w/o daniel) 1784-1 E w callow william son thos;? if ch by present wife;daus isabel,ellinor;wife ann als kinread 1784-1 E w CANNELL William dated 12 dec 1783;son thos;dau isable + ellinor;wife(my present wife earlier ?2nd) ann als kinread 1784-1 E w CORLET William made 1 may 1784;wife jane;pledges robert dall baker + john cain shoemaker douglas 1784-1 E w COWLEY William garyween;wife esther als clague;eldest son wm;son john;bro pat's eldest dau isabel;gdau elinr quine;daus elinr,anne + jane;3 ch philip,isabel + esther 1784-1 E d GELLING Philip mariner;d england sept 1783;ch paul,margt too tender yrs;wife margt 1784-1 E w HALSAL Catherine [kneal] made 28 aug 1781;gdaus margt + cath Callow, jane, sophia, Elizth + amelia Callow;gsons george,wm,sylvester;nephew or kinsman wm + joseph garrett;son-i-law wm callow h/o amelia exec[#11512] 1784-1 E d KAYLE James d 27 may 1784;no relns appear;prin cred robt cowley; 1784-1 E d KERMODE William d 7 jun 1784;fa robert 1784-1aE d MURRAY Elinor quayle d 1730 but no will or admin;applicnts john curphy (+ also obo charles holland) by right of wives susannah + jane daus of ellnor sampson devisee of john murray - re quayles house in douglas;;john murray sole legatee of susannah his wife and only ch of ellinor murray;dr francis quayle - his only sis mrs ellinor murray (d 1730)her only surviving ch john murray - his wife sussanah (d 1731)-john d 1741 house to dau ellinor sampson in trust for her daus susannah + jane sampson;susanna m john curphy ballakillingham,jane with charles holland ireland 1784-1 E d REED Richard d sep 1783;prin creditor paul kelly;wife cath (can't raise pledges);pledges wm cottier tuck miln braddan + john creer shoemkr douglas; 1784-1 E 944 d kARRAN Ewan otherwise carroll;mariner d west indies;letter from bro thomas (also or carroll) on hms Alfred;only ch thomas (als carrall) ua wife ellinor 1784-1 E 945 d christian margt christian douglas;d 6 apr;ch thomas + cath christian;husb wm 1784-1 E 947 d LAWSON William perished by sea 16 jan 1784 (of coast of Ireland);wife Jane lawson als christian (?pregnant)7 ch wm (abroad), Cesar, Thomas, Elizabeth, Jane, Margaret + Cath (all xct wm ua);ch gfa Thomas Christian slega by onchan + uncle Thos Hampton (both by mo's side there being no relns by fa in this isle);inv + sale 1784-1 E 965 d ALLEN Robert formerly douglas;late of london (taylor);d 7 nov 1783;mo cath fail als allen als corrin [?#10241 h/o john faile];sis ellinor karran + margt finan ? [?tinan] [?illeg s/o Henry Allen + kath corrin Bra 17490221] 1784-1 E 970 d RAWLINSON Robert formerly ulverston;bach;mariner;perished by sea dunsfannaghey on coast ireland 7 jan 1784;fa mathew of ramstead nr ulverston;pledges john lown + william kelly (gracy) 1784-1 E 971 d FAYLE Paul d 23 feb 1784;prin creditors john cannell + john skillicorn (onchan) 1784-1 E 997 d KEWLEY William d 6 apr 1784;bach;fa wm 1784-1 E 998 d KELLY William [full] - long inv;petn goods insuffient to pay debts 1784-1 E 1010 w QUINE Elinor cannell eldest son edwd;dau jane;eldest dau margt,mary,elinr;gdau ellinr quine;gson john corkill;dau cath execx [full] 1784-1 E 1012 w KELLY Margaret cowley boalilshaggil;made 28 apr 1784;son wm (3 young ch thos,pat + james [#10478]);gson wm kelly;sons thos + robt,john;dau margt;husb wm 1784-1 E 1014 w CORRIN Dorothy clague dated 29 mar 1784;names wm croaghan,judith quilliam,mary smith;mary killey;gch isabel corrin;son james corrin [?bapt] 1784-1 E 1017 w CLAGUE John wife mary clague als fayle;unnamed ch 1784-2 E w CANNELL Alice FAILE [rh margin very dark on film + not very readable]dated 29 jun 1784;Ballawillin, Braddan; ch ann(left legacy from uncle Wm Faile), wm ,robt; husb Wm(her half of estate lately purchased from Thos Kelly pt of Ballawillin rent 6s 2d deed dated 9? jan 1771he paying £44 between sons [?SSS May 1776 63] ) exor;pledges Robt Kelly + Wm Killey(both braddan) 1784-2 E d CLAGUE John perished by sea beg summer 1784;ch jane, ann + lucy_ann jt admxs - all ua;wife ann als bridson 1784-2 E d COWLEY Mary CUBBIN d 16 jul 1784;ch wm,thos,danl,john + margt - all ua(except wm);husb thos 1784-2 E d DOUGLAS Dinah [huddleston] d aprl 1784;only ch margt douglas exex 1784-2 E w fawcett George dated 2 jun 1784;douglas;wife cath als brew exex 1784-2 E d GELLING Thomas perished by sea 15 jan 1784;ch thos,charles,james, ann + fanny - all ua;wife jane;inv 1/4 of baot + 1/4 oyster dredger 1784-2 E d KELLY Catherine CANNELL d 16 Oct 1784;Boailshoggil;ch Wm, John, Thomas, Patrick, James, Cath, Elizabeth + Margt - jt admrs - only Wm + Cath at age; husb Wm + ch at age guardians; pledges Robt Kelly + Wm Kelly(both Braddan); inv (her half £22 16s) 1784-2 E d KELLY Gilbert d 5 Nov 1784;sister Ann (w/o Wm Gell) admx; pledges Robt + Patrick Kelly (both Braddan) 1784-2 E w KEWLEY Robert dated 14 Dec 1784;Ballachroink? ;ch Robt, Ann,John,Patk,Elizth,James(exor) 1784-2 E w Weldon Michael jt will michael + Mary als Lounon(?lonnon);tobacconist;dau elizth mcnamara;mary's sons Patk + hugh launon + dau ann mathews als burn als launon(her son henry burn by former husb),margt Kammell als launon 1785 A 5 FLETCHER Edward dated 11 nov 1784;ballafletcher;gtgdau carolina lee;names capt john lee,john edward lee,wm + edwd callister;sister mary callister;names sarah quirk als callister,wm+robt kelly,edward callister;dr patk scott claims; 1785 A 6 ds FLETCHER Jane dated 14 mar 1785;widow capt ed fletcher;gtgch john edward + caroline jane lee; 1785 A 7 GELL Philip dated 9 mar 1785;capenter kk german;dau margt ua(house rent);aunt jane cannell(my chest);cousin isabella cannell(house in douglas) exex,philip simpson,cath quine als quirk;john gill kenna guardian 1785 A 8 GARRET Mary d 26 dec 1784;husb wm exor ;10 ch wm,philip,elizth,john, hugh,paul,mary,ann,robt + suttcliffe?;1801 mr wm garret late of ballabroij lez;1800: hugh acks from mrs mary garrett widow + relict of fa wm 1785 A 9 KEWLEY William dated 15 dec 1784;son robt,john;wife esther als kelly + dau cath exexs;son-i-law john cain,charles cowle(h/o ann);dau isabel cain als kewley 1785 A 10 CUBBON Alice lewin d 17 jan 1785;dau margt philips, elizth cubbin;son wm exor 1785 A 11 CAINE John dated 18 dec 1784;dau margt,elizth,jane(her fa-i-law wm kewley of kk braddan),anne exex;son wm,john;wife mary 1785 A 12 LOONEY Christopher dated 4 feb 1785;douglas;with cath als christian exex;dr patk scott claims 1785 A 13 CALLISTER Elizabeth dated 29 apr 1775;dau rose;gson wm curphey;husb exor 1785 A 14 jw DANSON Isaac isaac + sarah;three ch ua 1785 A 15 CoWLE Thomas dated 13 apr 1785;mariner(mentions hm ships etc);douglas;bro richd(wife dorothy als skillicorn exex);witt george adams, thos quirk 1785 A 16 JAMES Sarah nicholas dated 7 oct 1782;widow;dau margt(elder),ann,sarah mckinvin als james;gch james + elizth blair (?blain);ann + sarah exexs 1785 A 17 CREERE Robert [full]made 20 Apr 1785;tailor;ch Edwd, Esther; wife Esther als Oates; Witt Edward Oates + Peter [?Patk] Callow both tailors Douglas; 1785 A 18 CREER John d 21 dec 1784;douglas;son john,wm;dau elinor,margt execx 1785 A 19 jw KEWLEY Alice curran wm + alice;wm weaver douglas;dau molly kewley 1785 A 20 MURREY Ann dated 29 mar 1784;spinster;douglas;names mrs dorothy cowel;sis susanna walker now in ireland exex with dr john curphey exec in trust 1785 A 21 FARAGHER Ann cubbon d 24 dec 1784;douglas;sis jane,dolly,margt;son thomas (ua) exor guardian john corkill kk german;thomas too tender yrs gfa thomas fargher exor;petn that witt cath curghey can't travel;petn by husb thos fargher junr that wife bequeathed to distant relatives to prejudice of him + child; 1785-1 E d COOIL David d 16 Feb 1785;bach, Douglas;only bro Patrick Cooil admr 1785-1 E d CORKILL Margaret CASHIN d 29 Dec 1784;husb John Corkill(Lough) ch Hugh, John + Philip Corkill + Margt(w/o Andrew Croaghan) - jt admrs but relinquish to father John Corkill; - notes Philip off Island; pledges Paul Kelly + John Corkil (both Douglas) 1785-1 E w COWLE John [full] 1785-1 E w GRIMSHAW Elinor Ellinor Grimshay, douglas;sis-i-law isable Kelly;names ellinor kelly, mary Kelly(+ dau ann);son wm grimshaw ua;husb exor; 1785-1 E d HAMPTON Margaret clague d Nov 1784;husb Thomas (petn by next of kin Wm + Philip Clague, Wm Moore + Thos Quayle a very aged man who refused to take care + tuition of the 4 small children + want court to charge him + his son Thomas)ch Sandys, Adam, Gilbert + Carter jt admrs (Sandys + Adam at age + relinquish to next of kin mo's side);pledges Mathias Hampton(Braddan)+ Thos Crellin(Kk German) 1785-1 E d KELLY Lucy [poor copy]widow;d 24 Jan ;ch Nathaniel, Paul, Thomas + [Curghy]; Paul Kelly gfa of children + eldest son Nathaniel sworn over seers of ua children [Lucy Curghy w/o of Robt s/o Paul] 1785-1 E d KERMOD Edward mariner d at sea 27 dec 1784;ch elizth(w/o Charles Norris - a seafaring man), jane, ann, martha, john + lucy; Thos Bridson + john Cain pledges + guardians - petn by John Cain + Thos bridson states ch without fa or mother [mo'ther esther bridson will 1781] 1785-1 E w KEWLEY Isabel CARRAN d 28 Dec 1784;husb William(qtrland of the Thaur? formerly pt of Ballafletcher) exor;ch (surviving) Wm, James, Margt + Jane (the heir or eldest child being only excepted to whom she left Knockrule's meadow);her fa Wm Corran + bro Matthew Corran supvs of ch 1785-1 E d LEWIN John mariner on HM ship Dictator; d 30 Oct 1784 Chatham - fa Wm 1785-1 E d LEWIN Paul mariner on board hm ship Hannibal captured by french fleet d in prison 9 jul 1782 in "Hyder Ally's Country" - fa Wm 1785-1 E jw WOODS Thomas W J dated 13 aug 1775;+ ellinor woods als cosnahan;vicar kk braddan;7 ch anne,Elizabeth, Margaret, Jane, Catharine, Elinor, and Deborah, 1785-2 E d CHRISTORY James bach douglas;d kingston jamaica 1784;mo cath clague als christory w/o robert clague exec;pledge wm clague his brother + wm skelly kk lonan 1785-2 E w FINCH Elizabeth corlet dated 26 Feb 1785;Elilzabeth Finch als Corlet;Douglas; ch John(5s), Elizabeth(one standing bed etc if she comes to IoM + resides with my son-in-law Coultry Cannell), Jane Christian als Finch (had marr dowry); son-in-law Coultry Cannell exor (+ all of her property); 1785-2 E w KNEEN Robert made 25 aug 1785;smith;douglas;wife elinor als kewley exex 1785-2 E d O'KEEFE Jacobus ireland;d 26 jul;no relns 1785-2 E w QUAYLE William douglas joiner ... 1786 A 6 GELLING Catherine dated 24 jun 1774;jt will john + cath (als kelly - her dau cath fayle by prev husb);camlork;son paul(eldest),john,jas,richd,edwd;dau ellinor;names john s/o paul creer ballyvargher;dau elinor exex w/o robert moore(peel);sumner charges james + edward gelling both c'town,richd gelling + cath faile,philip brew,john adams all douglas 1786 A 7 BRIDSON Jane made 15 Nov 1785;spinster;Douglas;bro-in-law Wm Boates merchant;friends Misses Pilkington,Strange + Blackburn of Liverpool;Ann Bridson w/o bro Wm Bridson merchant (+daus Ann + Alice) 1786 A 8 STEPHEN Thomas dated 7 oct 1785;shopkeeper douglas;son john(house occ by charles gelling, rent john cannon on east,chas cain west,street north),wm;gch cath + margt stephen(house occ wm fayle);dau cath(houses inc part on nunnery lake edwd forbes on east,lake south,street north 1/4d rent) exex;wife alive 1786 A 9 CAINE Isabel dated 20 dec 1785;douglas;sis's child elizth caine;names margt nail,ann quayle;son wm;husb danl exor 1786 A 10 QUINE Alice [?creer] dated 31 feb 1786;ballinge ?[?balliuge] onchan;dau margt cottier als quine,alice christian als quine,elizth,ann;son wm,edmd;gch edmd + elizth quine;gdau elizth;dau ann(w/o dal quark [Dan quark m ann quine Onc 17750627]) + eliz (w/o hugh kneale) exexs;wm cottier h/o margt; 1786 A 11 KELLeY Henry d 3 jan 1786;dau ann stevenson als kelley;wife joney exex 1786 A 12 KELLY Robert d 5 mar 1786;ch thomas + ann ch ua;wife eleanor als crellin exex 1786 A 13 FLaXNeY Elizabeth black dated 28 dec 1785;niece jane kelly als christian exex (w/o john kelly);gniece elizth kelly;gnephew wm flexney christian; 1786 A 14 HeYWOOD Margaret joyner dated 19 mar 1785;hudb robert;merchant douglas; 1786-1 E d BRIDSON John douglas;shoemaker, bach d 14 june 1785;fa john;jb jnr had appointed george oates of glencrudjery with power of attorney 1786-1 E w CAIN William bollinvane, braddan;son thomas, philip,danl,robt,john;wife isabel 1786-1 E d CONSNAHAN Julius d aug past;;bro joseph;sis jane margt ann + cath;wife margret als moore;pledges frances de la pryme + james kelly attorny c'town;inv + claims (many non manx names) 1786-1 E d COWLE Margaret mylvoirrey d 1 mar;without issue;husb arthur; 1786-1 E w CRINNILT Mary douglas;sister judith quarke;gdau cath crinall;son philip 1786-1 E w FINCH Matthew John of liverpool;died at leghorn by will appointed hugh cosnahan + wm bridson execrs;cath cosnahan w/o john cosnahan of douglas sister 1786-1 E w HAMPTON Thomas ballaquiggin;son sanders ?,adam,gilbert,eldest son mathias;dau isabel, dau charter ? ua execx;math hampton + nicholas hampton half brothers to sd charter are sworn;inv 1786-1 E d MOORE Thomas of douglas departed 19 yrs ago;eliz moore spinster sister died 15 yrs ago their sis ann + jane moore execx;wm walker h/o ann 1786-1 E d QUARK Elinor cannell d 22 feb 1785;4 ch thomas robert john elinor;husb robt;pledges wm kelly + wm quileish both of douglas 1786-1 E d QUAY Jane brew widow of philip;son robt;sons john quay decd + wm quay having had settlements 1786-1 E w QUAYLE William douglas;wife mary;dau ester fargher;son mark;dau margt stevenson;son moore quayle (prop in c'town + douglas where john cannon lives + near big well formerly prop of wm cannell ;codicil mentions savage's concerns douglas now in occp of philip garrett;inv room by room 1786-1 E d walkER Ann MOORE d 11 oct;3 ch thos wm jane; wm ua ;husb wm;pledges john kelly douglas ships carpenter;thos corkill 1786-2 E jw BLAIR David ch james + elizth;witt john cain + george adams;dead 1786-2 E jw BLAIR Jane see david 1786-2 E d CHRISTIAN John d 30 oct 1786;no rels appear;danl cannell douglas prin creditor 1786-2 E w COWIN Elinor cowley made 11 may 1780;husb john exec; 1786-2 E w HEYDOCK Roger made 5 apr 1784;wife sussanah als parr exex;son joseph; 1786-2 E d QUAYLE Patrick late douglas;mariner hm navy d 5 yrs ago;only ch james;wife elizth quayle als kelly;pledges james kelly her fa + john mylchreest both douglas;inv 1786-2 E w QUINE Jane made 19 aug 1786;husb robt jnr arderry exec;son thos;dau isabel;neice christian quine;uncles john quilliam + wm quine jnr;1811: isobel corlet als quine acks from fa robt 1787 A 11 CORKILL Richard d 22 Nov 1786;late of Douglas, brewer;ch Thomas, Elizth, Cath (5s ea);wife Cath exex 1787 A 12 LOONEY Dorothy [corkill] d 21 Nov;w/o Henry;son Thos + Wm;elinor w/o Thos [?m Bra 17850208 no ch]Isabel w/o Wm [?Isabel Curghy];witt Nich Quine + Wm Leece; 1787 A 13 GENESTE Esther [cubbon] [full];relict Lewis geneste;dau cath norman [m Bra 17680806 ?bapt] 1787 A 14 KELLY John dated 10 Dec 1786;John Kelly(smith, Nunnery Lake);wife Jane als Curphey (all my concerns at Nunnery Lake viz a house + garden);wife pregnant;eldes bro Tho Kelly;father-in-law Wm Curphey(Braddan) exor in trust 1787 A 17 COWEN Jane Taggart widow,douglas;son thos,edwd [?bapt];dau Isabel (Liverpool),jane Looney als cowen (w/o thos kk conchan [mar Bra 17850616 ?no ch] ),margt (not yet 21),elinor curphey als cowen [w/o Edwd],ann (exec);names robt schoffield 1787 A 21 CAIN Elizabeth [?halsal] dated 17 mar 1787;dau mary(house + garden) exex 1787 A 22 CANNELL Elinor dated 27 Dec 1786;Douglas;ch Catherine Neal als Kewn(w/o John Kneale - dwelling house where she lives) exex 1787-1 E d CANNELL Elinor KEWN d 30 jan 1787;ch thomas + cath kneale als kewn (w/o john); 1787-1 E d CLAGUE Paul d sept 1786;bach;fa thos of middle;sis ellinor (to whom thomas assigned rights) 1787-1 E sa CLAGUE Thomas see paul 1787-1 E d KELLY John d 22 apr 1787;bach;fa wm 1787-1 E w KELLY Margaret dated 12 jun 1787;husb philip shoemaker douglas exor;mo margt quiggin (4th part of house t sandside during her life);names jane kelly douglas;son john(house) ua 1787-1 E d MOORE Robert d sometime ago - a mariner s/o john moore of 'quooil in chill' marown;petn by creditor samuel harris (who ten went to england + remained there sometime - on return finds robt decd + no will but property enough to pay debt) - harris obtained admin but not aware of formalities did not get pladges - 2nd letter appoints george wilson innkeeper + dealer + joseph shaw innkeeper + shopkeeper both of douglas;next of kin refused admin 1787-1 E w OSBOURNE Thomas dated 23 aug 1774;any residue of estate left to Jonathan norman to be put in trust for son genesh until reaches age 21;petn by jonathan of douglas obo son;witt thomas norman carlisle to handwriting;pledges moore quayle shopkeeper + wm cummins shoemaker both douglas; 1787-1 E d WHITESIDE Anthony died some years ago abroad;;petn by bro robert(merchant douglas) + edward whiteside, john_george nichols s/o cath nichols als whiteside are next of kin 1787-2 E d GRIMSHAW Thomas douglas,widower,perished by sea (in douglas bay 21 sep or in petn 25 sep;principal creditor john cain;inv 1787-2 E d CORLETT William wm + joney perished by sea 24 oct 1787;ch alexander corlett + elizth baird rep of mary baird als corlett admrs;alex blind + weak in intellect,elizth of tender yrs - her fa robt baird;petn of john dinwoodie c'town state wm corlett otherwise corbett - jd representative mary corlet late wife robt baird;jd married elizth who was past 20yrs 1787-2 E d CROSS Patrick d 25 oct 1787;douglas;sis mary cowley als cross;representatives of another sis jane caley als cross viz john,thos + jane;also joney cross rep of bro wm cross; 1787-2 E d GRIMSHAW Thomas douglas,widower,perished by sea (in douglas bay 21 sep or in petn 25 sep;principal creditor john cain;inv 1787-2 E w KELLY Mary dau judy + son-i-law john stephen + (their son thos) (tann houses etc);dau lucy white lyon inn wherein robert twentyman lives + house we now live + that where wm callister now lives;gson paul kelly (house where widow curphy lives + that where peter holland lives),thos kelly (that house where robt bridson lives),curphy kelly (2 houses to west of robt bridson);other gch + property;sis isable cannell;husb paul exec (paul dead by probate) 1787-2 E d KELLY Robert perished by sea 1st oct 1787;mo joney;sibs wm jane cath elith + margt 1788 A 3 w BRIDSON John d 2 dec 1787;glover douglas;son philip;3 dau ann,esther + jane;wife ann execx 1788 A 4 CLARK John [full] 1788 A 5 CORLETT Robert Douglas, deed made 7 Jul 1787: sons Thomas (with son John), John (with son James) & James, dau Jane Corlett 1788 A 6 CANNON John d 21 jan 1788;3ch alice,charles + elizth;sons thos + john;wife margt execx;one child ua 1788 A 7 w BRIDSON John douglas;made 26 apr 1786;bequest of concerns in douglas to john s/o george oates glancruchery onchan;inv [?john s/o george oates + joney tear #30154] 1788 A 8 w HUDDLESTON Thomas d 9 feb 1788;douglas;wife execx 1788 A 9 w BREW William douglas;son wm,robt.john;wife cath 1788 A 10 jw STOWELL George wife susanna als robson;;made 15 jul 1782;mutual execs 1788-1 E d CAIN Mary d 10 mar 1788;son wm;other ch had setts;wm callister claims £20 + acquires title from wm 1788-1 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d before 1777;bro nicholas 1788-1 E w CLARKe Margaret dated 13 july 1786;son wm;dau margt exex 1788-1 E se CUBBON Thomas dated 9 jan 1788;to nephew wm cubbon(boal-y-vere)(+Wm's ch john(house douglas where john kneal dwells adj robt whitesides on north),jane,cath,ann (w/o richd cowley) [see SSS Oct 1787 70] 1788-1 E w KELLY Elizabeth see robt - alive 1788-1 E jw KELLY Robert robert + elizth als lowney;5 daus elizth,ann,margt,isabella + cath lewn als kelly; 1788-1 E d nye James d 23 mar 1788;only ch rosanna ua;wife ann 1788-1 E w OATES Robert dated 8 mar 1788;douglas;wife ann als costean (lands etc) exex 1788-1 E d QUIRK John d 30 dec 1787;ch philip,john,cath,elizth,esther + deborah - ua(or too tender yrs) uncle wm quirk;wife christian;inv 1789 A 5 WHITTEN Margaret quay d 2 oct 1788;douglas;names christian quillam,judy clucas widow gart malew;,rebeccah clucas widow of the gart;half sister bby fa margt;names thomas s/o david clucas douglas + others; appoints paul kelly + james caelling bth douglas execs, rose kelly w/o paul late decd acts with pledge john cannell her son 1789 A 6 KILLIP Catherine d 19 nov 1788;douglas;names jane gelling,peggy christian,ann keine;witts jane rilley, kath jones;cousin john christian exec 1789 A 7 GARRET Philip douglas;son philip (house in douglas where joseph shaw lives);wife lucy execx;inv 1789 A 8 CURGHEY Isabel mrs;douglas;made 12 nov 1788;gson paul wm kelly;gdau cath law (execx but abroad),isable killey;gson thomas kelley;names daniel mylechreest 1789 A 9 COWLEY Philip d 14 jan 1789;douglas;two houses on sandside + another nr mucklesgate;son john;wife esther oates; 1789 A 10 MYLREA Catherine made 23 jan 1789;douglas;names wives of john quayle labourer,robt caine,thos quirk;names elizth quirk,wm callister + more;names margt callister w/o wm execx 1789 A 11 QUINE Robert names robt quilliam + wife,danl kewley + wife,robt quine,thos quine (sheep that lodge at glondyneenmunney);sister elinor;gson thos lewn;gson thomas quine,gson wm cowley;son john exec 1789 A 12 CORRIN Daniel made 1 mar 1789;labourer douglas;wife mary (house adj robt oates on south,philip kelly on north) 1789 A 13 HEYWOOD Hester made 20 dec 1787;relict of thomas heywood deemster of the nunnery;son peter john heywood;dau mary pasley,hester holwell;son calcott;serv judith bell;son robt exec 1789 A 14 FARAGHER Philip labourer douglas;3 ch wm,elizth,ann;wife ann als cain 1789 A 15 GELLING Elinor relict richd gelling hatter nocrule braddan;dau mary mcquire;dau eleanor mealy; (some probs with admin of husb's estate);gdau margt corlett;dau jane (w/o robt corlett) execx; 1789-1 E d CLARK Thomas minor s/o john clark (lately dead) + sarah d 19 mar 1768;mo died 1765;petn by esther clark w/o patrick (mariner in foreign parts) asking that thomas's unpaid legacy be divided names other sibs john,james,joseph (h/o petitioner),edward,jane woods als clark,sarah; 1789-1 E d CLEATOR Robert d 26 mar 1789;3 ch robt,ann + jane ua;;wife jane;inv 1789-1 E jw CORRIN James mutual exec unnamed ch; 1789-1 E jw CORRIN Mary KEWLEY w/o james;dead 1789-1 E d COWLEY Jane KEWLEY w/o john 1789-1 E d COWLEY John h/o jane;perished by sea 5 yrs ago off coast of england;only ch john cowley;pledge joseph kewley miller onchan,wm bankes shopkeeper douglas 1789-1 E d CREER William d 2 oct 1788;fa paul creer 1789-1 E d GARRET William d 21 oct 1788;bach;fa wm 1789-1 E w KELLY Paul d 28 apr;petn by edwd watterson + rose kelly als cannel als waterson widow of paul re infant dau elizth;will - dau lucy (house where robert twentyman lives commonly called white lyon);dau judith w/o john stephen;gson paul wm kelley (house in onchan wherein his fa my son robt lived + died + adj house),gson thomas (adj houses to is bro paul);servt thomas taggart;present wife 3 houses inc one captn joseph clark lives;half sister elizth w/o peter holland;rest to dau eliz - if she dies half to child of present wife by former husb, half to children of son robert;large inv ,claims,sales [note PK 2nd marr to Rose Cannell als Watterson - Onc 17870814 - one child Elizabeth to 2nd marr ] 1789-1 E d KILLIP David depted isle 22 yrs ago;bach;no intelligence rcvd;next of kin andrew craine etc (se thomas) 1789-1 E d KILLIP Thomas petn by andrew crain that thos perished by sea 34 yrs ago, house in possension of widow cath killip als christian who died recently,petr right heir at law as no issue of thomas now living;thomas born andreas;wm craine peel charged; decree nephews andrew craine,wm craine;neices esther crebbin als crane + joney crane 1789-1 E jw MOORE Eunice HINKS w/o philip moore 1789-1 E jw MOORE Philip 'of the hills';son-i-l james oates (prop in douglas - several described);son-i-l john james murray h/o dau ann;dau mary quayle w/o wm;son philip (abroad for some yrs);dau margt w/o thos moore deemster (inc house where cath kavanagh widow lives adj edwd christians concerns); dau mary quayle w/o wm high bailiff; (inc house occp by senhouse wilson + brewery, malt house kilns etc on n.east side of road douglas ballakermeen, inc pumpfield which supplies water);dau elizth oates w/o james of oatland (inc part adj to that occp by george + ross redfern);dau ann murray w/o john james murray ronaldsway but now of city of york 1789-1 E179 w Caesar Robert will names nieces with bulk to margt + her ch inc old house below town of douglas - 2 copies of will with diff codicils;[see earlier on film for petn + court]earlier petn + long court case between john jos bacon + wife ann & francis delaprymme + wife jane + wm barton tennison + wife margt; claimers inc catherina kavanagh + christian kavanagh;robt ceasar d apr; 1789 all in case involved via wives jj bacon 'bought his libel' of a false will;witt were mathias bankes knew rc 40 yrs states jane delapryme is neice + heir at law to estate ballahick?,ann + margt are sisters to jane, that rc would sell ballahick? some 8 miles from douglas; acct of death of rc;robert was bro of decd john ceasar ;matt bankes? had no fixed profession,somes went to herring fishery + kept a public house for 14 yrs;john clague is master + clague's hotel in douglas;another witt john cowin said he was husbandman for RC's farm (prev john ceasar's) rc was taken ill on visit on sunday preceeding shrove tuesday;jane macnemmer maidserv of mrs jj bacon;dr patrick scott physician,john curry surgeon; 1789-1 E321 d ASKEW Hugh whitehaven;d feb last;norris moore,gtlman + thomas corlet ironmonger douglas jt admrs;pledges wm bankes,thos witham;letter of attorney from betty askew 1789-1 E331 w ROSS Donald petn from widow cath als christian - he was master + mariner of a vessel (dolly ) trading dublin to West indies;d 22 aug;will states native of rossshire appoints thos + robt black admrs but letter from them refusing court apoints cath - witt of handwring nih christian chaplain ramsey + john cannell cbt mkr douglas;no issue;inv 1789-1 E338 w BETham Richard dau anne betham execx,son cambell betham;witt robt jelly + thos barber 1789-2 E w CANNell Thomas dated 30 jan 1786;glover + butcher douglas;ch by former + current wives left 1s;wife elizth als myleworrey (house next mr stowells stable + mr cains hse exex[m elizth mylworrey Bra 17680703 noted as wdwr] 1789-2 E w KAYLES Ann dated 15 jun 1789;wm wilson exor;kinswoman cath corlet;names ann(w/o paul cowley),margt creer,isabel cowley,margt dall,cath tear 1789-2 E w KELLY Joney KEWLEY made 6 jul 1789;widow;son wm;dau margt,elizth,cath(crop if she pays rent on croft),jane exex 1789-2 E w KELLY Judith dated 17 jul 1789;husb john(house in douglas currently in possn of dau mary(to get 5s when husb takes possn);dau cath exex,jane;son robt (both off island);1792: john cown h/o mary 1789-2 E w KELLY William,snr made 18 apr 1789;boailshoggil;son john,robt exor;dau margt(to be paid 20s each year) 1789-2 E d LESLIE Robert of calctta east indies,gentleman d 1785;only ch norman leslie ua (age 9)- his mo mary ann robertson als leslie + stepfa david robertson;pledges john colquhoun minister dissenting congregation douglas + wm nelson mercht c'town 1789-2 E d MITCHEL Israel bach;late of douglas d at sea;mo esther gawn(w/o philip) 1790 A 6 KELLY Elizabeth douglas;dau isable,ann, margt (prop in douglas divided 1790 A 7 dg CRIE William douglas;weaver;to james gell labourer house adj rent henry cain north,widow moore east,street south robert kewley west chief rent 3d 1790 A 8 CANNELL Thomas douglas formerly northwestdale (+ barke) kk michael;daus ann,elizth + isabel;son charles,thomas;son-i-law john quay;gson thos cannell;;son patrick exec;wife alive;inv + sale + extensive funeral costs buried kk michael;petn from patrick cannell states thomas married 3 times and that he patk left destitute 1790 A 9 TEARE Margaret d 11 nov;spinster;several legacies to friends;wm cannon + thos looney execs 1790-1 E w CAMMISH Robert d 26 apr 1790;douglas;appt rich caomish douglas exor(to take care of his bro in Liverpool) 1790-1 E d CORRIN James d 19 nov 1789;douglas;dau margt(w/o james casement),joney Llord(w/o henry);son john;thomas,john,judith,jane + cath quine next of kin(in right of their decd mo);inv 1790-1 E w MAXWELL Alexander dated 14 jun 1789;douglaswife sarah exex;unnamed ch of the wife;sarah refused pledges thus court appoints charles crow lezayre prin creditor as admr 1790-1 E jw QUANE Catherine TEAR dated 12 may 1790;jt will john quane carpenter douglas;son john now in e indies;dau mary;dr pat scott claims £1 1 0; 1790-1 E jw QUANE John see cath 1790-2 E w CAINE Isabel KEWLEY dated 16 jun 1790;husb john exec;dau ann,margt (both ua);sons john,thomas,wm 1790-2 E d CUBBON Margaret d apr 1790;ch john,margt(w/o john craine),ann(w/o james craine),cath(w/o wm quayle); 1790-2 E jw KEIG John jw john + margt;mariner;john dead 1790-2 E jw KEIG Margaret see john 1790-2 E d KEWN Elinor OATES d 22 sep 1790;ch charles,robt,james,jane,margt(w/o john clark);husb christopher admr;pledges john clark,george oates 1790-2 E jw LAWSON James james + cath als kelly;douglas;son edwd(eldest) (dwelling hse + workhouse + tools),james;dau ann lawson als callow (house purchased off paul kelly [see SSS May 1786 64]);gdau cath cool;dau jane cool als lawson,judy roscoe als lawson;gdau cath + ds dated aug 1790;cath to son james + son-i-law danl callow;james dead by 1790 son james ;1796 wm seale h/o cath lawson;1797 edwd roscoe (liverpool) acks ; 1790-2 E jw WATERSON Margaret see thomas 1790-2 E jw WATERSON Thomas jt will margt;dated 26 apr 1790;douglas;names ann corkan 1790-2 E d WILLIAMS Elinor CHRISTIAN d 10 sep 1790;deed of sale by husb edward to christian kelly dated 15 sep 1786; christian kelly admx 1791 A 4 CANNELL Thomas dated 16 jul 1790;douglas;wife elizth als boid exex (inc land in co down);dau ann,margt,esther;gson danl clark 1791 A 5 COSNAHAN Elinor finch dated 12 jun 1782;douglas;;names mary callow widow;husb hugh exor 1791 A 6 jw Hampton Alice dated 10 nov 1790;jw thos;ballnybunt;gch (c/o john quilliam + cath hampton);gdau (c/o oates clucas + isabel hampton) esther,margt + jane clucas;c/o evan gelling(anne,isabel + robt);son robt(eldest son robt,george + anne);son thos ( ch robt,wm + margt);gdau jane,elinor gell;son thos; 1791 A 7 CREERE William dated mar 1791;son wm (ua house sandside douglas);wife cath als kneen;witt wm killey,john creer snr; 1791 A 8 CAIN Hugh d 24 dec 1790;mariner;douglas;dau margt exex (spinster douglas) 1791 A 9 jw CANNELL Jane quirk dated 16 jul 1789;jw with husb philip;ballakermeen;dau margt quark,cath simpson,isabel (houses etc sandside adjoining rent of john finch)exex 1791 A 10 CALLOW George dated 10 jan 1786;smith douglas;son george (+ a legacy to him from uncle john callow maghenny drol ? co down);dau margt,jane (both had setts);wife margt exex 1791 A 11 QUARK Margaret dated 9 oct 1790;son robt;dau mary (w/o thos fayle),elinor clark,margt;gch margt gelling(10/6 to pay her schooling);husb robt exor 1791 A 12 CREER Margaret sis anne;neice Elizth cain;names edwrd creer;bro Patt,james(exec) creer;sis Cath + Isabel; 1791 A 13 CANNON James dated 17 feb 1791;douglas;bro thomas;sis elizth cowl;bro-i-law thomas cain;nephew george cain;bro wm,john + charles;mo ann exex 1791 A 14 KEWN William d 2 mar 1791;douglas;dau elinor;son thomas;unnamed gdaus;wife elinor als cubbon exex 1791 A 15 CREER John dated 24 mar 1790;renscault;dau cath kelly,elinor,rebekah + jane;gdau cath kelly;wife jane als taggart exex 1791 A 16 CAINE Jane christory published 4 jan 1791;douglas;dau margt caine(house exex;son thos whittam 1791 A 17 cubbon margaret quine dated 7 oct 1790;douglas;husb thos exor;dau margt(w/o john cannell),mary(w/o wm clague),isabel,ann(w/o john crebbin) 1791 A 19 MOORE Margaret relict of Philip Moore of the estate of Boilavard[?]: son in law William Jick or Gick [jmo has ? not Wm Gick md Jane Moore 4 Jun 1765 Braddan] 1791-1 E d BREW John d 11 apr 1791;ch john,philip 1791-1 E w CREER William,snr dated 23 oct 1790;awhallan;son wm ua;bro robt (jt exor with thomas corkill ooilican);petn states son wm age 6;inv + sale 1791-1 E d CUBBON Peter d 16 mar 1791;douglas;ch peter,esther,elinor,isabel all ua excpt esther;wife isabel 1791-1 E d CUBBON Robert d gibralter 1782;bach,mariner;bro wm (exor of mo alice cubbon als lewin);sibs margt philip als cubon,mary,jane + elizth;fa patk d before 1782 1791-1 E d CUBBON William d 4 sep 1791 at liverpool;formerly of kewaigue but late liverpool;petn by margt cubbon;decree names sis cath quay als cubbon,richard oates h/o sis elizth + henry kissack h/o sis margt;also robt hampton attorney of jidith quine(of co of lancaster) - judith claims she is residuary legatee;all paties consent to wm stole ballacreggan as admor;several creditors;proceedings in court til 1795;accts 1791-1 E d HEYWOOD Peter John d 2 yrs ago;wife elizth + ch mary,esther,elizth + isabella cited by creditor wm leece of liverpool to produce will court decides d intestate and appts wm leece admr;claims totalling over £1000;petm states pretended conveyance to son james 1791-1 E d MOORE Christian KERMOD d 15 may 1791;sis isabel stevenson admr(w/o thomas who relinquished right to dau ann) 1791-1 E w QUAYLE John dated 18 feb 1790;wife cath exex;petndated 27 aug 1791 by hugh caine husb of cath als quayle als cain; 1791-2 E jw COOIL Isabel crigill see patk 1791-2 E jw COOLE Patrick dated 13 jul 1791;douglas;mutual execs;patk dead 1791-2 E jw KELLY James dated 4 jul 1791;douglas;son-i-law john clague(h/o elizth),nicholas fail(h/o ann);gson james quayle;son charles ;james dead 1791-2 E w KELLY John dated 4 jun 1790;names mary cowin als lewney,2 daus of pat cowley;niece bridget cowley als kelly exex 1791-2 E jw KELLY Margaret cain see james 1791-2 E w KEWLEY William dated 29 apr 1789;douglas;son-i-law john crane;dau bella;gson wm crane;dau mary exex 1792 A 4 Lewin Robert,snr balliargey;john (cow called briggin);dau margt morrison als lewin;dau elizabeth;gson john morrison;eldest son robt (exec) 1792 A 5 NORMAN Jonathan d 17 apr 1791;wife cath;witt cath + hester geneste;court finds 3 leg unm ch -geneste norman,shuttlworth norman + edithope norman 1792 A 6 QUINE Isabel CHURPHY gson thomas watterson;dau mary watterson, jane kewley;sons samuel + edward execrs;edward off island 1792-1 E w CALLOW Emma [halsal] made 10 dec 1791;douglas;son george (house and back houses at the Sandside which my Father Silvestor Halsal purchased from late Paul Kelley + other prop),son wm; silvester;dau eliz (house purchased from James Alexander);dau Mary Anderson als Callow ;dau sophey (h+c in douglas james + eliz taggarts house);dau amelia (corlett's old house);dau Jane Crebbin als Callow ;dau ann (ua);dau Cathn Genest als Callow 1792-2 E dg FincH Philip [Full]deed of gift to Hugh Cosnahan 1792-2 E d LAWSON Anthony d 31 mar 1792;3 ch Ann (w/o Thos Quirk), Alice and Margaret Lawson 1793 A 8 OATES Richard [full] 1793 A 9 ds BREW Philip dated 18 aug 1792;'commonly called phil balldreene' to dau marjery w/o saml budd mariner(phil baldrene's house douglas adj wm callow,street + bulwark adj sand) 1793 A 10 ds WALKEr George dated 25 oct 1791;formerly 52 regt foot now pensioner kilmainham hosp ireland;niece elinor clark douglas spinster 1793 A 11 BRIdSON Ann dated 24 dec 1791;relict john bridson glover douglas;gch ann+jane,john(d/o dau jane + husb thos kelly);gch wm,philip,robt + james;dau ann + esther (both now abroad);gdau ann(d/o philip);dau jane exex 1793 A 12 WATTS Ann names peter watterson,isable kelly,matthew sympson exor;dr patr scott claims 1793 A 13 HUDDLESTON Mary kermode als stowell dated 20 mar 1793;widow;sis son john cain;elizth creere w/o rob creere (exor),esther quiggin w/o wm,elinr kinread 1793 A 14 CREER Finloe d 1 mar;bro Robert;names john callister (exec) 1793 A 15 CUBBON William dated 4 aug 1790;butcher;ch cath,wm;wife pregnant ? exex;1803: saml hill h/o cath 1793 A 16 KELLY Robert,snr ballabrew;dau elizth,ann;gdau jane+elizth;wife elizth exex 1793 A 17 COWLEY Thomas dau Isabel Cowley, son Thomas, wife Isabel Cowley als Corlet; children underage & John Cowley & Thomas Creer of Braddan are uncles of [son] John Cowley on the father's side 1793 A 18 BUCK William Powell dated 18 apr 1793; of norwich;wife lucy als kelly exex 1793 A 19 SAYLE Thomas dated 26 jan 1793;son wm;dau jane;wife ann exex 1793 A 20 jw BEARD Robert dated 1 feb 1793;robert + bridget;baker;dau elizth dunwiddie w/o john nailor,margt;nephew alexander corlet 1793-1 E110 d STOLE Elizabeth GAWN d 18 apr 1793;9 ch john,wm,james,thomas,george,elizth,ann,susan,cath ;some ua;husb wm admr in trust;claims (quite large amts) 1793-1 E112 d SOUTHCOTE michael d 10 mat 1793;ballaughton;ch henry,philip,eliza,emma ua;wife eliza + son thomas_john refused;crditors patk tobin + wm callow;claims (many);inv rm by rm;sale 1793-1 E142 w KEWLEY John d 22 may 1793;tenant pt ballafletcher;killed by overturning cart on his body;wife cath exex;unnamed ch;house in douglas;ch ua aunt elinor creer guardian 1793-1 E144 d FAWCETT Catherine niece cath brew exex but declined;creditor john stowell admr 1793-1 E151 d Fazakerly Bridget d several yrs ago;next of kin refused;petn by creditor thos killy mason douglas 1793-1 E155 jw BOOTH Sarah made 3 jun 1785;bro saml gamble dublin;dau susannah,elizth,mary kayles;gdau sarah fannin (not 21);court 29 jun 1793: george booth totally incompetant passes to wm afflick(+wife susanna booth) + james kayle(+wife mary (sole next of kin)) + elizth booth(w/o peter fannin now off island) being ch + next of kin; all agreed admin by alexander mcclure + robt moore merchants;petn by fannin + affleck states kayll refuses to give in will for probate - kayle + george booth partners in a brewery nr douglas which formed considerable part of george booths effects 1793-1 E173 jw BOOTH George dated 7 dec 1790;wife sarah exex but died before him - admin by ch (see sarah will);statement 1793-1 E184 d CAIN Charles d 17 jan 1793;ch charles,john,thomas,james,rose + judith;some ua;wife frances admx;inv acct 1793-1 E190 d ARMSTRONG Margaret hodson d 13 jan 1793;ch george,lancellotte,wm,ann + isabella;husb wm admr;pledges george redfern + john atkinson both douglas 1793-1 E191 d CHRISTIAN Dorothy d apr 1793;ch philip,margt (w/o john cowley),jane,cath,elizth + ann;costs 1793-2 E d CoRRAN John d jul 1793;bach;mariner onElizabeth of liverpool;fa paul;pledges rev nichs christian + rev john bridson 1793-2 E w CURPHEY Edward Douglas;mason;ch Edward, Jane,Catherine + Elinor;wife Elinor als cowin; 1793-2 E w KILLEY Robert worded 12 oct 1793;douglas;dau elizth(his watch);son john;sis jane coningham exex(w/o james cunningham) 1793-2 E d QUINE Esther KISSACK d 20 sep;arderry;only ch margt;agreement husb robt + guardians John Kissag, Charles Kissag and Samuel Quine (uncles) [fam 20083 - h/o isabel] security Thos Quine + Thomas Lewin; will pledges john lewin + thos radcliffe; 1793-2 E d QUIRK Philip d oct 1792;bach,mariner;mo christian christian als quirk(w/o thomas christian);sibs john,cath,elizth + esther quirk;bro john ua uncle wm quirk appt 1794 A 13 CULLEN Michael undated;douglas;unnamed wife;dau elizth exex 1794 A 14 GELLING Isabel creer delivered 28 nov 1793;w/o philip (ballafletcher);2 ch wm + margt 1794 A 15 CALLOW Ann hogg dated 15 oct 1793;jt w peter + ann als hogg;douglas;ann had title to a croft near laxey called crot-e-caley for wch she gets 8s/year;petn states peter master taylor + scourer of cloaths;petns court that he is owed considerable debts 1794 A 16 KEWLEY James made 10 dec 1793;late of Ballachroink but now of Douglas;son Robt(eldest),wm,thos,danl,james,pattk,philip; dau elizbth kewley als cain;wife kath als creer 1794 A 17 CAINE John dated 29 oct 1789;parakemaker ?;house(currently occp by james adams + mrs elizth christian);sis esther;nephew john cowley(s/o wm + isabel)(should he return) ;mo alive;friend richd gelling exor in trust 1794 A 18 LEECE William dated 10 jan 1794;bal-ne-moaney;son robt;dau ellinor;isabel,margt;gdau elizth [];gdau margt leece [ill]timate d/o son robt;gson robt s/o wm;son wm exor 1794 A 19 Quirk Thomas d 31 jan 1794;douglas;wife margt exex 1794 A 20 AIKEN Jane dated 8 feb 1794;jt will john + jane aiken;douglas;dau ann true? frue ?;son charles 1794 A 21 TOBIN Patrick [Full]; 1794 A 22 CHRISTIAN Thomas on a pre printed form for navy dated 17 may 1788;wife cath;possible children 1794 A 23 OATES James [full] 1794 A 24 CURGHEY Catherine lovely w/o wm ballacregga;son thomas,wm,richd;dau jane;gdau cath curghy;cath callister als creer my weading gown;jane urghy that lives with us;witt john callister, margt curphey als clucas 1794-1 E d CAINE Charles d Kingston jamaica jun 1794;bach;lately chief mate on "Bridget" guineaman of Liverpool;mother frances cain + sibs john,thos,james(ua),rose + judith(ua); John,thos + rose off island; 1794-1 E w CALLOW William shopkeeper;douglas;son george(houses on sandside bought from late paul kelley);fa-in-law silvester halsal (other property inc cornea mill maughold + right + title to smack Earl of Surrey trading douglas/liverpool);dau margt anderson als callow,elizbth callow,sophia callow,jane crebbin als callow,amelia,cath geneste als callow,ann ( youngest);son wm,silvester;(other douglas prop inc Ballaceses house adj house where Mrs Drumgold lives) 1794-1 E w CALLOW William snr ballachruink;son wm,john,nicholas,james,thos,edward;dau cath callow;wife cath als caine 1794-1 E d Cannell Catherine kelly husb john(shopkeeper douglas);ch thos + john ua - uncles wm kelly + thos gawn supvs;petn by husb that very great injury to have his small stock of shop goods inventoried,apprised + sold thus he will take upon himself maintenance of ch + allow £10 ea when at age - next of kin agree. 1794-1 E d COTTIER Ann GARRET d mid jul 1793;of douglas but died kk german;husb wm + son thos out of isle;son john declined to sue out admin;bro-i-law patk corkill(who petns that buried her at his expense) + alledged prin creditor appnted admr;pledges wm graves + ahab sayle 1794-1 E w gICK Margaret KILLEY als clucas dated 29 oct 1788;widow;son ewan killey (if he be alive & shall come 5/-)son wm killey exor 1794-1 E d HAMPTON Thomas d 4 mar 1794;ch francis,robert,william + margt;wife margt 1794-1 E w LEWIN Ann declrd 15 sep 1794;sis margt mesienge ?of ireland,alice lewin douglas (widow),elizth kelly;bro ewan lewin braddan,john ;petn by john lewin gives margt mylevorrey als lewin w/o john; 1794-1 E w QUAY Esther d 8 sep 1794;late douglas;illeg ch elizth tarney (ua);sis patience cowle als quay,margt cowley als quay,elizth cottier als quay;margt cubbon + elinor key witts & guardian to child (they refused - uncle richard cowin + wm cowle sworn;fa of child thomas tarney sworn guardian;inv + sale 1794-1 E w WHITTAM Margaret parr dated 12 jun 1793;husb thos (stay maker, douglas) exor;ch thos,elizth mitchell,margt,aley(alice),nathem(son),george_john, john_parr(eldest - coren mill tuck mill Laxey rent 7s 9.5d - she has mortgage) 1794-2 E w CORLETT William d 8 jul 1794;bach;niece Molly living with Nicholas Neale(h/o Mary);sibs Danl Corlett,margt craine als corlet,johncorlett,ann boyd als corlet,phiip;nicholas neale exor;[Nicholas kneale(wdwr) m mary corlet bra 17630524] 1794-2 E w KELLY John made 16 may 1793;jk jnr neighrebeg;son philip,wm,robt,thos,john ;dau ann,margt cath ;gson john callow;wife isabel als brew 1794-2 E d kelly margaret cain d 20 aug 1794;douglas;ch charles + elizth(w/o john clague) 1795-1 E jd BEATTY Sarah w/o wm 1795-1 E jd BEATTY William douglas butcher;petn by mathias simpson;joseph shaw + wife + walter next of kin no attrmpt to admin 1795-1 E w CHRISTIAN Margaret [curphy] w/o daniel;douglas;son robtdau eliz,cath;gdau jane quilliam; house + back house 1795-1 E d CLARKE John bachelor private in fencible; s/o margt clarke (widow of James Clarke at time of petn), her son thomas abroad in king's service;bros tho wm + sis margt, wm of tender years 1795-1 E d CORKILL John [bur reg lough gardener - see SSS May 1792 54]d 2 Feb 1795;ch Hugh Corkill + Margt (w/o Andrew Croaghan) jt admrs; pledges Wm Cubbon + Thos Keig(both Castletown) 1795-1 E d HARPER William d 29 Jan 1795; douglas, 3ch joseph, thomas_charles and eunice amelia harpur ua - mo margt;inv + sale 1795-1 E w KERMODE Edward dated 27 Feb 1790;douglas mariner;wife cath als christian exex; 1795-1 E w KISSACK John dated 27 Jun 1793;douglas, mariner;wife Eizth; dau eliz , jane twentyman als kissack exex;2 adj houses in Douglas known as the Muckle's gate+ empty ground at the Muckle's gate + dwelling house near mkt place adj John stephan's house 1795-1 E w LEECE Amelia spinster;neice jane leece;nephews wm robt + john;bro john of santan their father;neice elin drinkwater als leece;bro wm of liverpool;sis brew neice jane leece by bro wm;nephew john jones if heard of;witt grace amnestey, jane drumgold but proved by only 1 witt . 1795-1 E w QUINE Thomas 2 youngest daus jane + cath; owed money by death of mother their uncle john curren douglas;son john dau judy death of gfa james curran 1795-2 E w HYNES Jane dated 2 Jul 1791;widow, Douglas;relict Patrick Hynes; sis Anne Durie (widow Thomas Durie) exex 1795-2 E d PROCTOR Anthony [?burial ];no next of kin;prin cred alex mcclure 1796 A 5 KILLEY Jane dated 17 aug 1795;w/o john exec;son john;dau jane,margt;ch ua 1796 A 6 KELLY John dated 31 oct 1795;shoemaker douglas;dau margt kelly;son edwd,philip (whatever may arise fro execship of thos cannell) exec 1796 A 7 CURGHEY Margaret craine made 16 nov 1795;douglas now in braddan;ch thos,wm,john,mary + margt;husb wm exec 1796 A 8 SMITH Thomas made 5 dec 1795;publican douglas;wife elizth als kay;;ch elizth d/o of 1st wife,sarah with 2nd + ch ann,george,wm + margt 1796 A 9 JOiNER John dated 7 apr 1795;tailer ? douglas;names cath woods w/o thos woods mariner douglas (house);esther w/o john camace;sis isabel (1/-); 1796 A 10 CURGHEY Thomas dated 30 nov [];late braddan now douglas;wife esther als creer als oats 1796 A 11 ANDERSON Margaret callow dated 26 mar 1796;w/o james now of douglas (house left by fa wm callow purchd from james alexander + other houses + stock in trade)6 sisters cath w/o lewis geneste,jane w/o rev charles crebbin,sophia w/o wm leece,elizth w/o thos stowell advocate + spinsters amelia + ann; 1796 A 13 drake james dated 1 dec 1795;native ireland at present in douglas;son hugh (eldest);other ch patk + mary;names deborah brown als smith (all effects in isle) exex 1796 A 14 dg McYLCHREEST Christian shimmin son-i-l thos cain + wife grace;nephew charles lace late of ramsey; 1796 A 15 cannel philip petn by paul bridson + isable als cannell his wife re philip + jane cannel ballakermeen both decd; 1796 A 16 jw CANNEL Philip philip + jane als quirk;dau margt quark als cannell;dau cath simpson als cannell;dau isabel execx (houses douglas adj john finch) dated 10 jul 1789;jane died 1791 1796-1 E w CAIN Thomas dated 9 Jun 1795;Douglas;ch Jane, Margt (+ children) + Cath; wife Jony exex 1796-1 E w CORKILL William Decree states Wm Corkill, mariner (late of Workington) did by late will(English court - large format + unreadable on microfilm) appoint Edward Quine (Quin in one section - mother states of Douglas) , mariner(Workington) exor - he appearing in Manx court refused to act + court on her petn appoints Sarah Corkill mother of sd Wm admx; will mentions 1/32 share of one vessel + 1/16th pt of another - also noted that edward Quine had already collected money + disposed of assets 1796-1 E d COWLE Isabel d 5 Mar 1796;Douglas;ch John, Elizabeth, Jane + Elinor jt admx - John + Eliz of afge but too tender yrs - their fa John Cowle admr + supv of the ua ch;, Wm Moore(uncle by mo's side) also appt supv; pledges Robt Cowle (his father) + Wm Cottier(both Marown) 1796-1 E d COWLEY Thomas mariner, dept Island abt 17yrs ago - no accnt for 13yrs - next of kin mother Cath Kelly als Cowley als Lewin + sibs Robt, John, Daniel, Jane, Elinor + Elizth jt amrs 1796-1 E w CUBBON William dated 26 Nov 1791;Knock Bane;ch John(20s), Margaret Crain als Cubbin(20s), Ann (w/o James Craine) + Catherine (w/o Wm Quayle)jt exex 1796-1 E w GALE Elizabeth dated 28 Sep 1795;husb William exor; ch Wm(eldest son), Robt, John(infant), Caterine + Elizabeth; 1796-1 E d HAMILTON Elinor Cooileish petn by Corporal Dan Hambleton 2 batt RMF that my Elinor d 22 Jan [1796] and because I may be called away on service make over all goods to 6yrs dau Ellinor now living with James Stowell (Lonan) - court decrees Elin admx + fa Dan supv 1796-1 E d KELLY Matthias bach; departed Island abt 20 yrs ago - no account ever been heard - sibs Robert Kelly + Cath Kelly(w/o Edward Brown) admrs; pledges Wm Keley + Patrick Kelly (both Braddan); petn stated he was tailor, Douglas 1796-1 E d MOORE Edward d Dec 1795;Douglas;ch Mary + Ann Moore - Ann ua + Mart too tender yrs - their mother Margt Moore admx + supv, James Bancks als supv; sumner also charged Robt + Jane Cain 1796-1 E jw SHAW Joseph jw of Joseph + Jane Shaw; dated 18 May 1796;mutual execs; dau martha (under 21) [Joseph bur Dsg 17960531] 1796-1 E w STOWELL John Douglas;(prop + ballacreetch, wine in cellar);son wm,john;wife alive;sis-in-law susannah stowell (+ annuity to cathrine cannon);niece jane brown (+her son john);niece cath cosnahan + son joseph (house barn etc erected on part of John vinches landside);niece susannah (brick house on bulwark built by her fa) + her son George Blewn; Mary current wife of son wm;wife alive and objects to will; 1796-2 E d HAMPTON George d 22 jun;ch robt,joseph,jane + george all ua;wife joney 1796-2 E 0767 w KELLY William [last on gl727]dated 25 Mar 1793;William Kelly(miller, Pulroish) - ch Jane, Mary + Catherine (6s ea), Thomas; Wife Joaney als Moore exex - she sworn + appt guardians of ua ch 1797 A 10 FARGHER Ann dated 5 dec 1796;widow douglas;dau ann exex,elizth;son wm 1797 A 11 McYLCHREEST John d 9 nov 1796;daus (unnamed);son-i-law john cowel[?h/o elizth];son danl;wife exex 1797 A 12 KELLY Jane clague dated 20 nov 1796;widow of john kelly algare [?m Bra 17620810 ?no ch];niece cath kelly als clague exex(w/o john)[?m Bra 17860603] 1797 A 13 GREEN Mary [bur Onc 17961218 als roberts] dated 7 may 1796;widow ballabrooie;dau mary w/o george hayley;wants quaker burial 'like my ancestors without the parade of paul scarf or husband;'? george died 20th june wife mary a stranger [bur noted at Bra 17970619] 1797 A 14 CLUCAS Catherine [garret als stephen] d 8 jan 1797(sunday);w/o nicholas abbey lands;son john garrett,wm garrett;dau cath garrett,elinor garrett; [m nicholas Bra 17860228 ?no ch - cath garret als stephen was widow philip garrett] m mar 17571214] 1797 A 15 CAIN John dated 2 jan 1797;laborer douglas;dau isabel killy als cain,jean (house sand side douglas),margt cain,ann cain;wife margt exex 1797 A 16 HAMPTON Jane quayle dated 7 jan 1797;son john,nicholas;dau isabel,elinor,cath + jane;husb john exor;ch ua 1797 A 17 BRIDSON John dated 27 mar 1793;dau margt exex(w/o charles cowle [m Bra 17670303]),ann,elizth;gson wm+john cowle,hugh alexander [s/o james + elizth bridson m m Mau 17670712];son-i-law wm hanton(wife decd without issue 1797 A 18 KELLY Robert dated 26 aug 1796;dau margt cowley als kelly(house - her dau margt + jean - w/o john exex);son john 1797 A 19 CUBBON Margaret d 10 apr 1797;widow;bro's dau elizth gelling;names wm gick malew exor;claims 1797 A 20 QUAYle Catherine [?karran] dated 3 dec 1796;dau jane kissagg;bro gilbt karran;sis jane karran;gdau mary mcgoungle;dau eliner fargher exex 1797 A 21 CURGHEY Ann killip dated 20 mar 1797;husb richard exor douglas;son wm(eldest),richd,edwd;dau jony;gdau jane curphy;gson wm curphy;dau-i-law judy curphy 1797 A 22 QUIRK Thomas dated 24 apr 1797;dau mary;wife cath als hampton exex 1797-1 E w cain ann cannell d 29 may 1797;dau sarah;husb wm 1797-1 E d cain sarah pikeman petn husb wm cain ship carpenter;3 ch robert maragret sarah all ua;wm cain gfa on father's side and cath pikeman aunt overseers 1797-1 E w CLUCAS Hugh braddan;d 14 june 1797;wife jane als creere [m Bra 17931022] 1797-1 E d DRUMGOLD Jane [stowell] widow;only ch jane brown als drumgold [petition unreadable on microfilm] 1797-1 E d GARRETT Daniel douglas;wife ann;ch john & danl; john off island, danl ua 1797-1 E w LLOYD John of n wales but now of douglas;fa edwd lloyd 1797-1 E jw McCLURE Alexander renscauilt - alive 1797-1 E jw McCLURE Jannet mcgullough dead - no fam info 1797-1 E d PIKEMAN Sarah [horsefall] widow;4 ch alexander, sarah, isabella cath;wm cain h/o sarah ]; 1797-1 E d QUINE Isabel [?stephan] douglas;only ch isabel;husb john;philip stephan gfa of orphan;[?m San 17950830] 1797-1 E d STARKINSON Lawrence petitn by wife of peel ;husb departed life at sea leaving 4 ch john jane ann eliz; ls formerly of town of douglas but recently a carpenter on the 'Africa Ship Eliot Captain Man' 1797-1 E jw StuARt Catherine alive 1797-1 E jw StuARt Charles died;4 ch john charles esther barbary 1797-1 E d TWENTYMAN Jane no ch & no next of kin on island; husb robert [there is a marr Joseph twentyman to Jane Kissack Bra 17830522 - no ch found 1797-2 E d CAIN John perished by sea some time ago;bach;formerly douglas late mariner on 'Niper' sloop of war;mo Franes Cain; sibs thos,james,rose,judith; 1797-2 E w CASHIN Ann cain dated 6 aug 1797;sibs john,pat, hugh cain;names judy w/o anthony lawson; 1797-2 E d COSTEAN Robert d 29 Jun 1797;ch Thomas, Margt, Mary + Jane - all ua wife Ann supv 1797-2 E w CRELLIN Margaret dated 4 Oct 1797;douglas;sibs Matthias (eldest bro), James, Philip,Ann Lawson;mother alive;sis-i-law Jane Crellin(widow) exex 1797-2 E w HAMPTON Nicholas undated;cooper, Douglas;ch Robert,Nicholas, Margt, Ann, Judith, Elizth, Cath ,Eleanor, Fanny(youngest dau my part of house etc);gch Wm, Jane + Margt Shortrige;cousin Jane Cain;niece Judith Oates;wife exex 1797-2 E w LAWRENCE Thomas dated 6 jul 1798(?);douglas;dau elizth,eleanor;wife eleanor exex;bro geo lawrence surgeon,liverpool 1797-2 E d LOWRY Hamilton petn by Wm Oates(Douglas) that Hamilton Lowry(Downpatrick) d Nov considerably indebted;decree notes no next of kin appeared - Wm Oates admr 1798 A 12 GELLING Robert dated 8 jan 1790;ballaotes;son john(eldest),robt,paul;wife margt als stevenson exex 1798 A 13 CURPHEY Richard dated 11 oct 1797;douglas;son wm(eldest),richd,wm exor 1798 A 14 CREBBIN William [full] 1798 A 15 CALLISTER Mary kelly dated 28 aug 1797;douglas;son john;bro john kelly (balloosallagh jurby)dau elinor + christian exexs;mathias kelly h/o elenor,robt clague h/o christian 1798 A 16 crELLING Margaret fargher dated 12 feb 1798;son philip;mo alive isabel;husb philip 1798 A 17 WATERSON Christopher sis isable; thomas watterson s/o nephew thomas ; wife margaret alive;names mary meson w/o james meson who d. abroad;neice esther watterson;names wm curghy s/o Thomas Curphy Croft vaeth;isable watterson d/o nephew thomas waterson 1798 A 18 CLUCAS Jane CREER made 1 jan 1790;widow;fa robert creer ballamoddey exec 1798 A 19 KELLY Ellinor CORTEEN made 29 mar 1798;w/o john kelly snr neighrey-beg;dau cath,ann (husbs wm creetch maughold + thos caine braddan 1798 A 21 AGER Ann mylrea dated 14 jul 1797;dau ann;husb john(off isle) + dau jane jt exors 1798 A 22 CORLETT Esther [gelling] husb John Corlett, son John, dau Margaret, dau Mary, dau Esther, dau Jane, son William, mother Catharine Gelling; 4 daughters, maternal uncles of the children William and John Gelling 1798 A 23 CORKILL Thomas dated 12 may 1797;douglas;cath lyons + her son robt ballandine douglas jt exors 1798-1 E dg ADAMS James dated 22 jul 1782;baker douglas;wife cath als barber als service als walsh.;ch john,cath;gson james adams;witt andw connor;george adams 1798-1 E w BREW James d 19 jul 1797;house in douglas called silvester halsal's house adj philip brew on north + street or steps on south to nephew george callow;nephew john brew; niece elinor + ameliah? stowell;witt peter moor,kermotte stowell 1798-1 E d CAIN Robert d abt sep 1797;ch judith,jane (w/o thos christian) 1798-1 E d CANNON Elinor d oct 1797;douglas;ch christian cannon,margt barry als cannon;pledges john adams,john christian both douglas 1798-1 E d CLAGUE Ann d dec 1797;spinster;mo ann gelling als clague;sis mary (w/o hugh alexander),margt,jane clague; 1798-1 E d CORLETT Sarah d 1 aug 1797;ch robt,john,thomas,william,joseph,ann,jane,mary + elizth; (elizth + joseph ua);husb robert 1798-1 E w CORRAN Jane banks dated 27 sept 1774;jt will wm + jane als banks;son mathias(eldest),wm,john;dau anne 1798-1 E d COWLEY Isabel d 4 may 1798;spinster douglas;sibs wm,john,philip,eleanor quine als cowley(w/o edward),ann carine als cowley(w/o henry),jane + esther; 1798-1 E d CRAIN William d oct 1797;ch wm,john(ua),margt,cath;wife margt 1798-1 E d GIBSON Jane d 6 feb 1798;late of dalton but d. in douglas;sibs anne gibson,elizth brookbank als gibson(w/o bernard brookbank gilleath?),john ginson(decd - ch wm,thos,james,george),cath (decd - ch john taylor,esther sudle als taylor,betty caton als taylor,ann jackson als taylor,margt taylor,jane taylor); pledges john clague innkeeper;john colquohoun dissenting minister both douglas 1798-1 E d MATTHEWS Alexander d 16 sep 1794 at quimper gaol france;ch john (ua) + lucy;wife ann;pledges thos quiggan,paul bridson 1798-1 E w ROGERS Ann d 9 may 1798;douglas;friend christor briscoe;witt deborah gelling 1798-1 E d WHITEHURST Thomas d 20 jan 1798;rev thos w. late of douglas;no next of kin resident;prin creditor wm armstrong douglas;claims inc dr pat scott + george redfern 1798-1 E d WILLIAMSON John d 29 sep 1797;surgeon douglas;no next of kin appeared;robt cleland prin creditor (jw d. at his house(?hotel));inv inc medical books etc,sale 1798-2 e632 w courtney maria dated 23 Jan 1798;Douglas;4 ch thos,richard,ann + sophia_isabella;names thomas whaley esq exec;witnesses John Curry, Valentine Goold, Tho Stowell;pledges thomas dawson esq + john atkinson watchmaker both douglas;[court KkPatrick 27 Sep 1798] 1798-2 e659 w cubbon thomas dated 7 feb 1798;Douglas;dau mary clague als cubbon w/o wm ,ann crebbin als cubbon w/o john ,isabel exex;john clague w/o isabel 1798-2 e656 w cunningham james dated 2 mar 1795;Douglas;wife jane exex [?jane corlett m Bra 17860215] 1798-2 e663 w kermot thomas dated 16 sep 1798;Douglas;4 ch ann,thomas,john + wm;names margt cubbon + margt lewin;wife exex 1798-2 e657 w killey thomas dated 23 jun 1798;Douglas;weaver;names james kelley patrick;sis mary cannell exex (+ her son robt) 1798-2 e666 d rankin catherine [morland] d 14 aug 1798;Douglas;4 ch john,charles,freers [bapt Dsg 17940503],dorothy;husb freers;pledges j g smith, wm kindson both douglas 1798-2 e665 d sedden peter d 21 apr 1798;Douglas;no next of kin - wife elizth 1799 A 8 OATES William [full]made 13 aug 1798;bach;bro edwd exec;bro-i-law john gelling (draught + measurement books) 1799 A 9 CHRISTIAN Catherine kewing dated 24 mar 1794;douglas;husb patrick; ch thos,dorothy,cath + elizth,ann + elinor;thos killey h/o dorothy,john kinread h/o elizth;inv;richd cooil h/o elinor 1799 A 10 CORLETT Ann widow of Douglas, made 14 Feb 1795: dau Jane wife of John Smart of London; son Robert Corlett (wife Sarah); dau Ann Place widow; Ann Corlett wife of Wm Corlet (boatswain) [Ann Corlett md 3 Jul 1758 St Peter Church Street, Liverpool, Lancashire, to William Place] 1799 A 11 CLUCAS Miles [full] 1799 A 12 CALLOW John dated 4 feb 1799;advanced in years;dau christian exex;5 daus 1799 A 13 CHRISTIAN Elinor dated 3 nov 1798;douglas;dau margt (dwelling hse douglas where wm sutton resides with thatched house adjoining),elinor (hse adj to margt + old tholtan adj to garden purchased from john hair),dau mary (house adj the house I live in);son thomas (dwelling house) 1799 A 14 CREBBIN William uttered 7 mar 1799;dau margt(eldest),cath (cow called stately),esther (youngest + exex);un-named only son;gch hannah + wm crebbin; 1799 A 15 COSNAHAN Hugh [full] 1799 A 16 MORRISON Thomas dated 11 mar 1799;labourer douglas;wife elizth als brownell exex 1799 A 17 CANNON Catherine dated 1 apr 1799;douglas;names margt + charlotte d/o wm fail douglas;names thomas cannon's wife;niece margt cannon exex 1799 A 18 WILSON George dated 6 apr 1799;innkeeper douglas;wife frances exex;ch elizth,frances,john,robt,george 1799 A 19 jw FARGHER William dated 15 oct 1795;mariner douglas;jt mutual will wife eleanor als quirk [m Ger 17800921 ?no ch] 1799 A 20 jw CAMAISH Margaret dated 15 jan 1798;jt will husb john tailor douglas;gdaus margt + ann carron (c/o john + margt als cmaish),gdau cath carron;daus ann + margt;gch john,wm + cath carron 1799 A 21 CANNELL Elizabeth douglas;mo jane cannell (house currently occp by wm wilson known as mrs beands ? hse);unnamed sibs 1799 A 22 SKILLICORN Joney Douglas: nephew Pat Brew, smith 1799-1 E w CANNELL Margaret FINCH jw dated 13 aug 1784; husb coultry cannell;dau margt + elizth 1799-1 E869 w KELLY Jane dated 9 oct 1790;sibs john + mary gick;youngest step-bro john kelly (to be sent to trade);fellow servant peggy;step-sibs john + cath quayle;aunt ann christian (nr peeltown);mistress elizth moore exex (w/o edward) 1799-1 E871 d SIMMONS Thomas bach,mariner native england;petn by alexander leang that ts boarded with him until he caught smallpox of which he died after 2 weeks; 1799-1 E875 w stOWELL Jane dated 2 may 1799;w/o john exec;son john,james;sis judy curphey,isable stowell 1799-1 E877 w CRAINE John dated 30 apr 1799;son robt (heir);dau esther kewleys als craine;wife margt als cubbon exex 1799-1 E879 w COOILE Isabel CRENILT dated 17 may 1799;widow of patk;;names cath w/o matthew simpson + isabella bridson als cannell w/o paul;friend matthew simpson exec 1799-2 E jw BRIDSON William wm + ann als cosnahan both douglas;ch ann,paul,alice,john + hugh 1799-2 E w CANNELL Margaret dated 2 aug 1799;mo jane exex 1799-2 E d COWIN Elinor CREER d feb 1798;ch john, wm + margt all ua;husb danl;uncles philip + m creer 1799-2 E w CUD Elizabeth SKILLECORN w/o john exec;un-named ch; 1799-2 E w GELLING Charles jt will wife jane dated 23 apr 1798;mariner douglas;dau mary mcadams wdw frances mcadams mariner;(house strand st) 1799-2 E KEY Evan made 18 jun 1799;shoemaker, douglas;dau isabel (eldest, lands + houses strngford braddan), margt + elinor kewin,cath (house in douglas bounded by Philip Moore pulrose on west, john Kelly east);gdau eliz kewin (house robt corkil dwellks adj prop John Stephen + vacant ground adj Robt corkill);wife margt;nephews john + robt key;pledges ewan key marown, john key douglas 1799-2 E d THOMPSON Mary d 23 sep 1799;ch frederick_craven_powney_walker,richd_barry,mary all ua;husb john 1799-2 E d WILSON William decree dated 30 May 1799;d 12months ago;prin creditor James Kayll admr; 1799-2 E w WOODS James dated 29 Apr? 1799;Douglas;ch George, Ann(w/o Charles Norris);bro-i-law patk Quirk;wife Isabel exex;claims
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