(from MM RB588/ LDS 0106228 ) - in a few places the microfilm does not show the edge of the page.
Douglas Decr 14th 1778 Ausicante Deo, & per totem vitam Jovente Christo - I Philip Moore Rectr of Kk Bride & Chaplain of Douglas, now in the fourty ninth of my ministration and the seventy fourth year of my age, yet of sound mind, good memory & health uncommon for this time of life - for which, & all the other blessings of my life, & comforts - I cannot too mch magnify, bless & adore the Allmighty Lord & Author of ever[sic] happiness but above all that I had a capital hand and concern in the Manks Scriptures and instrumental in the education of several ingenious, sensible & pious young men for the service of the church & other publick stations in life who still exist in living witnesses Quod non vitam perdidi oporose nihil agenda - know therefore all men by these presents:- that as the longest life must have a period, & that as I came from God - so hope & trust, through the merits of Christ, to go to God - I do make this my poor last will & testament, for as to worldly matters, I am but a poor man, in the manner following. First I commit my soul to God in Christ, the savious of the world and my body to Christian burial in a private ment, & six or eight feet deep in mother earth in the new chapel yard it may be. I leave to my two poor relations, widow Elinor Cannel and Elizth Black of Ramsay, fifty shills eng each - to my nephew John Moore of Ayr in Scotland five pounds eng and to five poor creditable housekeepers who do not receive the public charity, twenty shillings eng a piece to be given them a day after my burial, by my exr, consulting the wardens. Item to my nephew Mr Edward Moore mercht I leave the Brew= house or cellars that I bought of the late Thos Heywood esqr of the Nunnery - on condition that my said nephew, do & shall fully pay off & discharge the sum of fifty pounds Manks for which my bond or obligation remains on the episcopal registry Otherwise, & in default or neglect of such payments well and truly to be made within twelve months of my decease I then leave & bequeath the said concern to the town, as an appurtance of, and to the school dwelling house for ever. NB: the access to this concern before I bought it, was on[ly] open from the street by Coultry's gate - till, for my conviency, I closed it up with a wall & door - whereas the old boundary was a cross wall, & no door, ranging wth [] western side of the study window - to the opposite wall of Gil[] Looney's old house - nor was their [sic] originally any back s[ide] to the school house. nor access to the yard, but from the street facing ^the late^ Mr Chas Killey's house, where one Kewley now lives and the door to the yard, that way still remaining And this declaration I make to prevent disputes I believe no body now living knows anything of t[he] limits but myself Item I leave to the town, or trustees for the school & chapel, [for] the time being, & to the use of my successors, all the improvements which I have made in the house & thereon - vizt the Manks Marble chimney peices to the hearths - grates - locks - dressers th[] table, jack & rack, wth the shelves through the house the book cases & presses ^in my bed chamber^ bought of Mr Halsal at my coming to the house, after the Rev Mr Birkett - as were most of the other articles a[bove] mentioned - with the good old lock if Mr Henry Birket of C[ar=] =isle will not accept of it - as it was his grandfather's and he exp[prsd] some desire to have it. Item I leave to the house, & therein to remain, where it now is, that [] valuable & curious remain of antiquity, a painting, importing to be a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ - NB there is one of the [] date & inscription at Graystock castle now the Duke of Nor[folk] supposed to be the only piece of the kind in England I also leave & bestow as above the pictures of our late most [ex] =cellant & worthy Bishop Wilson & of his son the Revd Doctor Thomas Wilson, founders of the most pious and usefull institution - the Fund for Clegyman's Widows & Children I further leave & give to the house the great Ark, or Meal chest - in the garret over the dining room, with a lesser long chest of deal in the long garret I am thus particular abt these minutiae as remembering wth what bitter contention,animosity & expence, such trifles were disposed on the demise of our late good Bp Hildesley. Item I leave to the chapel library twenty volumes of my best books in Divinity & History - and I do earnestly recommend my Revd successor & the town wardens, as is their duty, on oath - to see, that a catalogue of them be entered in the town registry, with the other books, as there recorded by my= self. I also wish & will to leave some good useful & practical books to the parish libray of Kk Bride - at least as many as will fit the press which I bought and left there, for that purpose - I mean, as many as will fill the press with those already there, belongig to the parish - to leave more, I fear, wd be to little purpose; so little care, in general, is taken of parochial librarys. Item I leave to the future Rector of Kk Bride & Wardens the sum of Five pounds British towds purchasing them a new bell for their church - provided this be accomplished and set up, within eighteen months after my demise - otherwise to go towds such repairs of dilapidation as may be wanting NB this bequest now unnecessary now that a new bell is ordered Item to my worty friend & reation the Revd Mr Henry Corlet vicr of St Germans - I leave all my clerical habilments, from head to foot - my shirts only excepted - which I leave to my nephew John Moore at Ayre ^with all my half bound books & fragments of books & all my pamphlets - rollins hist 9 vols octavo - not the quadecimo [] To my two faithful & good servants I leave a years wages each, over & above what may be due to them as wages at my death to the years end To Mr William Christian of Ballayonsig, in acknowledgement of his own & his mothers friendly & kind behaviour to me, while I wa their occasional inmate, I leave & bestow what furniture of mine they now have, in my usual chamber in their house, they returning to my executor whatever papers or writings of mine, that may be found in the press above mentioned & wch my sd exr has the R[] whatever else of mine, there found - they may keep & use. Lastly - I leave to my nephew Mr Edward Moore the elder all the rest of my effects moveable & immoveable and I do hereby constitute & appoint him the sole executor & administrator of this my last will & testament as witness my hand this 14 day of December 1778 Ph Moore The within & above writing purporting to be the will of the Revd Ph: Moore was pub= lished, declared & acknowledged by im as such in presence of us Edw Forbes Dan Callow John Stevenson
There follows a list of books and to whom they should be given - TBA
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