These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available. 99% of the [437/440] wills are summarised here
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1750-1 A 19 KILLIP Jane CRAINE sons Jn & Rbt; only dau Ellinor; gdau Alice Killip; gch John & Cath Quayle; dau in law Esther Killip; son Tho (has children) 1751-1 A 24 COWLEY Ewan d 3 apr 1751;son andrew;dau alice (w/o Ewn kinred [m Bal 17381007];wife alice als kneal exex (not able to travel - son andrew appt) 1751-1 A 25 COWLEY John Balne larghey;dog dated 12 nov 1750 to wife cath als killip;dau Mary Cowley ('her dau ' in will) 1751-2 E w CANNELL Alice CORLET d dec 1750;dau Alice(+ her son + dau), Margrt Crain als Cannell exex(w/o Patk Crain) 1751-2 E w COTTEMAN Thomas d 9 Aug 1751;cousin Phil Cottiman;sibs Philip, Cath (w/o Philip Kneen) jt admrs;[?wife + ch dead] 1752-1 A 22 QUAYLE David d 12 nov 1751;wife jane als brew exex; 1752-1 A 23 CRAIN Isabel KILLIP d 23 jun 1751;ch thos,alice,isabel,(w/o philip craine)margt, john(exor);gch danl + margt cannon (1787 ack: of lamb from exor John Caine both dead c/o mary w/o danl cannon(also decd by ack);+ bro tho);husb john;names margt d/o john bridson(parish clerk); 1752-1 A 24 KEWLEY William d 9 jan 1752;son wm + john exors 1752-1 E d CORLET Grace tear als RADCLIFFE d 24 dec;son thos,wm,silvester(of kk patk by 1753) 1752-2 A 58 CAIN Jane d 11 feb 1752;sis alice crain als cain(w/o john crain):unnamed child to be taken care of by alice 1752-2 E d CAINE John d 28 may;ch thos,john,wm,ellinor all ua uncles wm corlet,thos cain swornwife alive;inv;agreement by supv to mother margt camaish;1773: ellr caine acks stepfa danl corkill 1752-2 E w COWIN Margaret CRAINE d 24 feb ? 1752;son-i-law charles cannell(h/o mary)(her right to crop ballaluig left by her upwards of 20yrs in possession of wm caj[lost at edge] + also crot faile lonan 7d rent) execs 1752-3 E d CORLETT Robert d coast guinea oct 1751;only son john 1752-3 E d TRoLLAG Catherine COTTEMAN als mcnameer d 21 oct 1752;ch thos,wm,richd,margt,ann,cath + mary;husb john;inv;gilbt stephan claims cost of maintaining poor girl mary 1753-1 A 14 KELLeY Jane d feb 1753;'neeice' jane kegg that took care of her in her infimities exex;philip h/o jane 1753-1 E d CAIN Ellinor CLARK d 18 dec;dau joney,alice both ua uncle danl caine(jurby) supv;husb Pat;many claims;inv'pledges Danl Caine (Jurby) + John Corlet(Kk Michl town);claims inc Philip Craine for £1 10s but proves 18s 7d being interest on mortgage dated 5 Feb 1744;Cath Siddleton proives £ 2s intererst on boand dated 11 Nov 1751;Ann Caine claims £2 14s re bond 8 jan 1750/1;inv 1753-2 A 52 CRAIN Esther corlet d 18 apr 1753;son thos (eldest),danl,pattk(youngest),philip,john;dau christian;husb + son thos execs;husb dead by 1757 as patk acks both legacies 1753-2 E d COWLEY Mary QUAYLE d 22 may 1753;ch thos(of weak intellect),john,ann - all ua incle + aunt wm mcylvorrey + cath quayle supv;;inv;1771: ann acks wm corkill h/o cath quayle supv;husb patk; 1753-2 E w CROSS Mary CAINE d 21 may 1753;son john;husb john exor 1753-3 E w CORLET John d 10 aug 1753;ch john, thos,jane + ellinor;wife exex;no relns on fa's side appeared;1773 john + ellinr ack stepfa patk kelly;1773: patk kelly h/o jane acks;1776: thos acks 1753-3 E d CoTTEMAN Daniel d abt feb 1753 on coast africa on board Salisbury of Liverpool(thos mastone cmndr);sibs john,thos(abroad) + ann;annexed lettrs (all from liverpool) 1st from danl corlett + matthew curphy Liverpool to mother Mrs Cottiman , 2nd letter philip cottiman says 3 coopers dead - ship coming home from barbadoes, 3rd letter wm cottiman to uncle announcing safe return names mother as bridget and names danl corlet taylor as help in getting wages once ship returns in 3months or so and states letter may be sent to stepfather;annexed memo that some effects left in care philip cottiman taylor liverpool - memo made by John Cottier(now Ramsey) made before Danl cottiman sailed 1753-3 E w CRAINE Margaret CANNELL d 11 oct 1753;only ch john - ua but no reln on mo's side appeared;stepson wm craine;husb patr exor 1754-1 A 18 COWLEY Mary d 28 jan 1754;sis cath,esther,margt;mo cath killip exex 1754-1 A 19 QUAILE William d 18 jan 1754;son wm,thos;dau ellinr;wife alive (given bees) 1754-1 A 20 KILLIP Mary d 28 nov 1753;bro john (+ son wm,dau ann,cath);fa wm;bro wm (in liverpool) 1754-1 A 21 TEAR Thomas d 23 nov ;wife alive (?preg);names Patrick Caley (Vollagh - shares sheep) + Thos Stephan (Ballaugh);mo Margt Caley (exec);1761?: Matth Kelly (Ballachawn) now h/o widow Margt Teare als Cowley; 1754-2 A 48 CAIN William [?bur]d beg apr 1754;sis ellinr cain;mo margt exex 1754-2 E d CORLET Robert d 15 apr 1754;smith;ch thos, david, wm, esther(w/o john craine), mary, margt + elizth - john,robt + cath had dowries;inv 1754-2 E w COWLEY Alice KNEAL d 23 may 1754;ch alice kinread als cowley,andrew(her support in old age) exor 1754-2 E w Crain Catherine KILLIP d 4 jan 1754;ch john,wm,thos + dan crain,joney crain,jane,richd,nichs,margt,averick;unnamed gch;2 unnamed daus-i-law(w/o john,thos);dau margt + cath crain exex 1754-2 E d KELLY Ann KELLY d 28 may 1754;ch patk + ann - both ua uncles gilbt + wm kelly, danl corlet supv;husb john;pledges gfa patr kelly + john bridson parish clerk;inv;1766: patk + ann ack thos stephen + thos quayle in whose hands goods secured 1754-3 E w CALEY Catherine d 24 oct 1754;sibs mary caly,ann corlet(w/o thos)(to have benefit of land till son at age paying 10s pa)exex;only son john corlet(her right to a daymoth of hayland called kabbagh in lezayre + a chest of curragh fir);1764 john corlet acks aunt ann corlet 1755-1 E d KELLY Daniel d 15 nov 1754;ch ann,danl,thos(ua) - uncles by fa's side Wm Kelly + Wm gawn;wife alive;inv inc that of shop 1755-1 A 16 CRAIN Thomas d 21 jan 1755;glack;son thos(eldest - crop,team etc),john(10s),Danl(£4)Patk(£4) - Patk+Danl to learn trade;dau christian (mo decd) - jt exec with thos;bro robt,Philip;names Edward craine 1755-2 A 46 CORLET Thomas d 6 Apr 1755: Ann Corlet als Caley his last wife; dau Catharine the Corvaly's wife; son Thomas 1755-2 A 47 CALISTER Jane QUAYLE d 1 nov 1755;bps dsm;son thos,wm,patk (exec);dau cath 1755-2 A 48 CANNEL John d beg apr 1755;bishops demesne;dau cath,margt;,anne;wife isabel (jt exex with anne);gch patk,isable cannell; 1755-2 A 49 CRAIN Ellinor HARRISON d 26 mar 1755;son thos,john;dau jane brew;gson phil cotchman (jt exec with jane brew); 1755-2 E d CORLET Philip d 4 mar 1755;ballamoaney;ch wm(had m/c),cath kelly als corlet widow, ann tear als corlet(w/o thos),margt; dispute margt stating other had dowry;another son thos died in jamaica;ch of cath kelly - dan,ann + thos(supv Wm corlet) - cath's will arch 1756-2; 1755-2 E d KNEEN Joney d 4 feb 1755;nephew thos+ wm kneen;only goods are small parcl in Ballaugh called croit-y-creen rent 1.25d 1755-3 E d BRIDSON Thomas d 4 may 1755;ch christopher (resides in Ireland),elizth;wife alive 1755-3 E w CORLET Ann d 29 aug 1755;husb robt corlet,curragh,lezayre;dau Mary(her pt of Rush Close lately purchased Mr John Garret) exex ,elizth(w/o wm tear) 1756-1 A 16 CROW Margaret d 1 nov ;son wm cain exor 1756-1 E d FAYLE Margaret TEAR d 8 feb 1755;ch edwd,margt + barbara tear by prevb husb,Thos,alice + esther by a latter husb; 1756-1 E d LEWN Isabel CRAINE d 20 sept 1753;ch wm,thos,elizth,paul,patr + ellr - last 3 ua; 1756-2 A 41 QUAYLE Thomas d feb;nash yoan;made 14 dec 1752;son wm;dau mary (w/o robert killip),margt (w/o wm moore),cath (w/o john quayle),ann;wife Mary als cry; 1756-2 A 42 KELLY Catherine CORLET declared 11 feb 1756;decd husb danl;ch dan,thos(youngest son),ann;fa philip (decd);bro Wm (to be overseer ua son thos);dan + ann execs 1756-2 E d KILLEY Thomas perished by sea 12 yrs ago in west indies;uncle wm killey + aunt grace Killip als killey (w/o Thos [mLez 17211128]) admrs;petn by John Carrown (native castletown now resident Ireland) states had aunt Joney Carrown who m John Killey [m Rus 17180916] by whom had son Thos who was exor to both fa + mother + after their decease wemt abroad - John has sibs cath,jane,elizth + sarah carrown - petnr + 3 sisters for some yrs past transmarians + their fa Wm Carrown survived nephew Thos;court makes John Carroon + sis co-admrs 1756-3 E d GAWN Thomas d 3 may 1756;ch patk,ellr,mary + joney(w/o wm goldsmith) - all at age 1756-3 E w QUAYLE Patrick d 9 aug 1756;ch wm,patk,thos + stephen;wife cath als mcnameer exex; no next of kin of fa's part appeared 1757-2 E d CAINE Thomas,jnr perished by sea 14 feb 1757 on coast of scotland;sibs john,wm,philip + cath;fa thos 1757-2 E d KILLEY John d 12 may 1757;dau mary + ann 1757-3 E w CORLETT Thomas mariner now of kingston jamaica;£300 to churchwardens ballaugh;aunt elizth skillicorn;s/o wm corlett;petn re wardens in 1782 1757-3 E w STEPHAN Margaret KILLEY d 12 may 1757;only ch patk;sis mary killey exex 1758-1 A 22 CANNELL Ellinor COWLEY d 13 nov 1757;husb John (Aer);names Bahee Mylvorrey (w/o nephew Wm Mylvorrey) exex as took care of her in sickness 1758-1 E d CANNON Isabel KNEAL d mar 1756;only ch margt ua ;husb wm;inv 1758-1 E d KELLY John d 15 may 1757;native of ireland;ballaneddin;ch wm,david + elizth;pledges john corlet ballatersyn + john craine dollagh-veg;inv 1758-2 E d CAINE Margaret COWLEY d beg apr;4 ch john,wm,philip,cath;husb thos 1758-2 E w CORLET Catherine KELLY ballamoaney-beg;servant jane cottiman;niece Cath kelly(now living with Mr Henry Corlet);gch christian, danl,thos,john + patk crain,isabel corlet;ch anne(w/o thos tear), wm, mary clarke(dau cath)(w/o john).margt corlet exex;names john tear writer + witness;1760?[blotted] cath kelly now of liverpool (attorney Richd slater) acks margt corlet;1772:wm corlet notes release by sis margt of obligation under m/c of 1749; [there is a petn by wm corlet (ballaugh) that had an illeg ch by kath kelly who sometime ago left Island leaving ch in hands of nurse who wants wages - wm is a beginner in world and depends on daily labour and has no reln that could maintain child- cath owed money by david crellin + margt corlet; - there was an agreement in spiritual court] 1758-3 E w CRAINE Patrick dated 27 feb 1754;dollagh beg;dau mary cowle,ellinor craine,margt craine,jane,ellinor exex;wife dead her exex was margt both daus lived with him 1759-1 A 15 COWLEY Jane BREW d 1 jan 1759;made 11 nov 1756;son patk(land camodel beg),wm;dau cath;husb john exor;sis-i-law margt cowley;son daniel born post making of will;ch ua uncles (mo side) thos corlet, wm brew 1759-1 E d BODAUGH Thomas d 11 dec 1758;3 ch wm,john,philip all la;wife alive 1759-1 E d COWLEY Ellinor TAGGART d 17 jan 1759;8 ch danl,jane,ellr,john,wm,thos,robt + cath,hannah w/o thos fargher had dowry,margt w/o wm quayle had dowry;husb wm;inv;1804 arthur mughton h/o cath cowley ack + also excr of ellinr cowley;1808 philip boddagh h/o jane cowley acks; 1759-1 E d COWLEY Patrick d 10 dec 1759;miller;4 ch ann,thos + john by a former wife + mary; all ua;supv john + mary cowley (unc + aunt);wife alive;inv;1766 john at la,1769 ann at la 1759-1 E w McYLWORREY Bahee made 18 sep 1758;daus ellinor,isable;son patt;husb wm 1759-1 E w MYLREA Daniel deemster;deed of surrender of thomas mylrea + rose,wm mylrea + ellinor,wm callow + ann, alls ch of dal mylrea + wife lucy + decease of their sis margt,lucy + dorothy + bro danl;inv 1759-1 E w STEPHAN Catherine COWLE d 19 sep 1758;neighbour ann cowle w/o cousin matthew cowle (+dau ann);son john;gson john mylrea;sons nicholas,john exec;one witt margt corlet sis to ann cowle one of the legatees 1759-2 A 71 KILLIP Isabel dated 19 apr 1759;jt will Wm Killip + wife Isabel;dau jony(youngest),isabel,margt;son john,wm;her niece mary crane(+her sis cath);dau margt + isabel jt exexs;1781: john kneen h/o jony; 1759-2 A 72 KELLY Jane McCALLUM dated 27 mar 1759;late from Co Down now residing in Peel;son david kelly,wm kelly(exor);dau elizth McCormick als kelly;bro John McCallum(in Ireland);david kelly obo an HM ship of war (?if alive) wiife margery als shanks acks the legacy; 1759-2 E d CANNELL Patrick d 16 apr 1759;bishop's turbery;4 ch john (abroad),patk,christian + cath;inv 1759-3 E d CLARKE Isabel CRYE d 8 jun 1759;dau margt,jane(w/o john mylrea had dowry) 1759-3 E d CORLETT Mary CORLET d 25 mar 1759;ch mary,margt,john,stephen,thos,wm (last 4 ua);husb john;inv 1759-3 E d COWLEY Nicholas d 9 aug 1759;only son thos 1759-3 E w COWLEY Thomas d 7 aug 1759;ballaghurn;nephew tho cowley(wife cath, ch john, ann);godson patk cain owed a guinea left 4s 6d + pat to pay remaining 20s;wife ann als quayle jt exex with nephew thos 1759-3 E w STEPHAN John d 18 jul 1759;son wm;dau bahee,christian,ellinor - 3daus jt exexs;gch esther;son-i-law dan joughin (loom);wife jony;pledges edwd + thos stephan 1759-3 E w TEARE John d 11 may 1759;ballaneddin;ch philip,wm,patk,jane,mary,margt + dorothy,thos(abroad),jony kinread als tear,john(eldest heir + exor);wife mary;1760: wm stephenson h/o jane 1759-3 E w TEARE Thomas dated 1 apr 1759;ch gilbt,ann,danl;wife alive 1760-1 A 32 CANNELL Isabel CASEMENT d jan;widow of john;bishop's domain;dau ann,cath,margt;gch patr + isabel cannel;son john exec 1760-1 A 33 CORLET Mary CHRISTIAN d 21 jan 1760;husb john;maid servant jane corlet neice of husb;niece abigal(eldest dau),esther)eldest dau);sibs richard + ann christian (of ireland) execs if living otherwise nieces abigal + esther d/o decd bro john; richard + ann relinquish to bro-i-law john for £16 each;john dickson down patrick ireland acks legacy from aunt Mary;1764 Mathew Orr s/o Thomas Orr h/o Abigail d/o John Christian certified as alive.;Esther (eldest d/o john) m James Orr (english town co down)and had children - eldest Margt 1760-1 A 34 COWLEY Gilbert dated 5 dec 1759;ellan a voddee;son patk;dau mary, cath + Ellinor;wife cath exex;ch ua next relns on fa's side richd curghy(braddan) + Patk Cowley; 1760-1 E d CANNEL John d nov 1758 on board Prince Eugene of Liverpool(cmndr Thomas Kewley) on coast of guinea;mariner;sibs patk,christian,cath;mo ellinor widow 1760-1 E d GARRET Ann CAINE d 22 dec 1759;ch ann,isabel,jane + margt all ua uncles mo side john caine + thos cannell supv;pledges wm quayle carpenter,wm cowley ballhionch;husb philip;inv 1760-2 A 68 CRAIN William d beg apr 1760;wm Crain(beg) weaver;sons (4 eldest) john,wm (loom) .philip + danl;3 mar daus joney, jane;son nich;dau margt exex + cath 1760-3 E w COWLEY ann will of husb thomas epis 1759 also accepted as will of ann 1760-3 E w TEARE Marjery CHRISTIAN dated 5 may 1760;only ch john(house etc in Douglas) ua;niece isabel cottier als corlet,jane corlet als corlet;stepdau cath quane als tear;names thos crain(glack - his dau cath);husb john exor 1761-1 A 17 CORLET Nicholas d 16 Dec 1760: John Coughin of Ctown, Wm Mylrea of Ballaugh; Wm Killip of Lezayre; Wm Quayle senor of Lezayre; Michael Kissage of Lazyre; Thomas Cowley of Ballaugh; John Cottiman of Ballaugh; John Mylcaraine of Ballaugh; David Crellin; John Mylrea; John Tear of BallaNeddin (deceased); Robert Cowle; John Corlett senior of Lezayre & his son John Corlet junior; Thomas Corlet of Reis; bro in law John Stephen of Peeltown; Michael Mylcaraine his godchild; brother Ewan Corlet; brother William Corlett of Braddan, dau Elinor Corlet; dau Margaret; wife Margaret Corlet als Stephen exec 1761-1 A 57 CRAINE Margaret made end feb;husb john exor;only son john;dau isable(dead by 1762);serv jane killip;sis mary,ellinr;sis-i-law alice 1761-1 A 58 GOLDSMITH Leecy PATTEN d 14 dec 1761;dau mary quayle als clark;gson philip stephen;wm quatle grandau's eldest son;dau cath stephen als clark exex 1761-2 E d CHRISTIAN Ewan 1761-3 E w GAWN Thomas d 17 oct 1761;ch margt,thos,wm(ua),stephan(ua);wife mary als kelly exex; 1762-1 A 19 CLUCAS John d end dec 1761;uncle robt corlet exor; 1762-1 A 20 CORLET Margaret corras d 29 Nov 1761;widow; son Robert Corlet, son Wm Corlet, son Adam Corlet, son James Corlet (exec), Margt Crain wife of John Crain junr 1762-1 A 21 BODDAUGH Averick COWLEY d 23 nov 1761;son wm,john;gdau margt boddaugh;niece elinor cowley;names bahee cooil;husb thomas exor 1762-1 E d COWLEY Jane TEARE d 11 july;only son thos ua uncle philip teare; 1780 thos cowley jnr formerly of the smithy but now of the Bollaugh in Ballaugh (mariner) acks from guardian philip tear of ramsey 1762-1 E d CRAIN Isabel d 17 jun 1761;orphan in minority due goods by mo isable arch 1761-2;only bro john ua;fa john 1762-2 A 61 CROSS Margaret d 15 mar;sis jane caly exex (w/o john caly);names michael caine; 1762-2 A 62 CALEY Isabel CORKILL d 13 apr 1762;only dau elinor;only son wm;fa wm corkil;husb thomas exor; 1762-2 E d QUAYLE Mary CRY d 10 apr 1762;next of kin fa side cousins german wm + richd cowley;bro wm quayle by mo side (mo still living 2nd husb f/o wm quayle) 1762-3 E w McYLWORREY Catherine Kneal d 14 oct 1762;ch john,jony,cath,thos;husb john exor 1763-1 A 26 GAWN Catherine COWLEY d Christmas 1762;ch cath(youngest dau - land sufficient to build a house), Margt(eldest dau), Robt exor;husb Wm 1763-1 A 27 CORLET Eleanor CALEY wife of Ewan Corlet of BallaCry: dau Margaret Corlet (md by Jan 1769 to John Kelly of the Moaney gholiagh, Michael); son William Corley, son John Corlet, dau Ellinor Corlet (dead by Dec 1790 & appointed sis Jane as her exec), dau Jane Corlett (md Wm Cain by 1790) 1763-1 E d FAYLE William d 27 nov 1762;ch thos,alice + esther all at age;pledges john kneen(carpenter) + wm kelly both ballaugh 1763-1 E d KNEEN Margaret CLARK d 7 jan 1762;only ch margt - ua uncle john mylrea supv;husb john;1810: john cottier(h/o margt) acks fa-i-law john kneen; 1763-2 A 65 SKEALLY Margaret KELLY d 20 feb 1763;husb wm;gson wm skeally;dau jane skeally exex; 1763-2 A 66 BODDAUGH Mary CORLET d 3 mar;husb robt exor;child on her bearing;her right to purchased close ellan-e-voddee;only dau ellinor(intack rush close geall;son robt;mo-i-law elinor kneal 1763-2 E w BODAUGH Catherine CAINE d 28 may 1763;son wm(her pt of house - dau cath);dau-i-law ann boddaugh;son philip exor 1763-2 E w CALLISTER Grace WOODS d 28 apr 1763;husb thos exor;ballachurn;ch ann,isabel,tho(heir);nephew thos cannel an idiot;pledges David Corkil + Patrick craine both of bishops demesne 1764-1 A 12 CRAINE Nicholas d 16 jan 1764;wife margt als killip;niece joney cannel;sibs john,wm,philip,danl,margt corlet(w/o james),joney cannel(w/o john),jane tear (w/o gilbert)+ cath cowley(w/o thos);claims etc 1764-2 A 52 CORLET Mary BREW made 22 mar 1764;bro wm brew(kewleys land);croft + house to husb during natural life after to niece cath cowley(ua d/o john )(her bro pat cowley);names isabel caine(now w/o wm cowley);agreement john cowley + husb 1764-2 E d CRENILT Joney d 28 apr 1764;nephew thos cowley exor 1764-3 E d MYLREA Joney KINREAD d 9 oct 1764;ch jane,danl,mary(w/o wm kaighin),ellinr,elizth(infirm + unable wholly to support herself),john + wm(ua);husb john 1765-1 A 24 QUAYLE Patrick d 15 decr? 1764;dau cath corkill,ann cowle,margt bell exex(w/o thomas);gdau ann cowley 1765-1 A 25 KELLY Patrick made 2 feb;son-i-law tho quayle(h/o alice),thos stephen;son patk;dau margt stephen;gson patk gelling;,patk kelly;gdau jane [];son + sons-i-law jt exors 1765-1 A 26 CORLET William d 31 Dec 1764: (bachelor), dau Isabel Corlet (illegitimate); fa John Corlet 1765-1 A 27 GAWN Mary KELLEY [full] 1765-1 A 28 CALEY Alice QUAY [poor copy]hus thos;bro-i-law thos caine(son henry);bro henry quay(dau cath);names patk quay(peel);son-i-law wm caley;mary caine(w/o thos) + isable quay jt exexs 1765-2 A 70 STEPHEN Margaret KELLY [poor copy]ch? thos,patk;husb thos exor 1765-2 A 71 McYLCARANE John d 4 nov 1764;ch john,michael,thos,wm(exor),elinor,cath + isable;[?missing #72-77 1765-2 A 78 TEARE Mary father John Tear Ballaneddin;mother mary;sibs dorothy,philip,wm,john;cousin dorothy christian (balla ceasssey? bride),jane exex 1765-2 A 79 CROSS John made 4 apr ?;sis jane;father john exor 1765-2 E d CLARK Esther TEARE d 25 jan 1765;9 ch bahee(w/o john corkill),thos,wm,patr,john,robt,danl,richd + esther(last 5 ua);husb john;1791: acks from robt clark exor john clark;inv 1765-2 E w COWLEY Thomas d 23 apr 1765?;dau esther;wife alive;dau margt + cath jt exexs;1772: david crellin wdwr exor esther cowley(dau) 1765-2 E w COWLEY William made july 1763;s/o thos of smithy;went abroad coast of guinea 1765-2 E w McYLWORREY John d 8 may 1765;son adam;gdau eleanor , isable mcylvorrey;dau elinor corlet;son philip,john,wm exor 1766-1 A 22 CRAINE Margaret d 1 mar 1766;sis isable killip (son paul);names very many (clothes + yarn etc);bro thos craine exor 1766-1 A 23 CALEY John d 2 nov;cammodel beg;son john(lands),thos(cowle's croft);wife jane exex;dau jane(croft lheim(?keim) reinney where john cross now dwells);agreement to children confirming bequests dated 1770 jane now remarried patk callister 1766-1 E d CRAINE Daniel d 28 jun 1765;formerly Ramsey but late ballaugh;only ch jane (absent) - admin to uncles(by fa's side) Phil + Wm craine, John Cannell, James Corlet, Thos Cowley + gilbt teare;inv inc right to 3 pts fishing boat - effects £1 2s - other items mention pt due to Joney Cannel d/o John Cannel by will of her uncle Nichs craine (danl was exor but d before execution of will)- debts exceed estate 1766-2 A 71 BODDAUGH Thomas d 3 apr 1766;son john,wm exor;gdau margt boddaugh; 1766-2 A 72 CAINE William d 18 apr 1766;wife margt;son wm exor 1766-2 A 73 KELLY William [full];d 16 apr 1766;bishops turbarry;bro john kelly;sis ann gawn als kelly (w/o wm);wife's nephew john keig;wife jane als keig 1766-2 A 74 STEPHAN Jane MCYLCARANE m/c philip steven (s/o wm steven ballamoar husb of Jane) + cath mcylecarane d/o jane);objected to by john mcylecarane s/o jane steven als mcylcarane by prev husb but he accepted 30s 1766-2 E w QUAYLE Isabel COWLEY d 11 may 1765;dau cath corkil, ann cowle + margt bell(exex)(w/o thomas);gdau ann cowley 1766-3 E w COWLEY Thomas d jul 1766;ballachurn;ch john(eldest - qtrland ballachurn),ann,danl;left books in house for benefit of children;wife cath als crain exex;1791: ann moughtin als cowley acks from john (inc her share of legacy to bro david) 1766-3 E w CRAINE Robert d 5 nov 1766;bro philip;names thos craine exor 1766-3 E w KEWLEY Alice TAGGART d 15 aug 1766;husb john;dau mary,jane,ann;son michael,wm, anthony(jt exor with husb john);some ch ua;gdau elinor killy;1773 Patr Quayle h/o Ann acks from father John 1767-1 A 17 CORLET Robert made 18 Feb 1764: grandson William Tear, dau Elizabeth Tear als Corlett (md William Tear senior); Margaret Tear the wife of grandson William Tear; grandson John Tear, gson Silvester Tear, gsons Thomas & James Tear, gdaus Ann & Elizth & Margt Tear (Ann & Elizth living in Peeltown in 1784); gchildren Ellinor & Robert Boddaugh; Ann Tear md Jn Christian by 1784 1767-1 A 18 GAWN Margaret COWLE d 27 jan 1767;husb john exor;dau esther;son john;pledges wm cowley + thos corlet(dyer) both ballaugh 1767-1 E w TEARE Ellinor d jul 1766;bro danl tear;only dau elinor cowley exex(w/o thos) 1767-2 A 51 GELL Catherine KEIG dated 29 jan 1767;ch john,mary,cath exex 1767-2 A 52 STEPHEN John d 6 jan 1767;sibs gilbt, wm;'the boy Mary Killey his wife had' (witnesses understood meant his son;John mylrea + cath cowley jt exors;both execs resigned to Gilbt Stephen;land in curraghs prized tp 10s rent yearly 1767-2 A 53 KILLIP John of the Bishop's Demain: died 8 April 1767: bro Tho Killip bro Rbt Killip; sis Ellinor Quayle als Killip; nephew Jn Killip; wife Ellinor Killip also Corlet. Jn Quayle husb of Ellinor is of Camal [?or Lammal]. Widow Ellinor Killip als corlet remd Thos Caine by 1772. 1767-2 A 54 GAWN Philip d 3 apr 1767;wife margt exex 1767-2 E d CRAINE Patrick d feb 1766 on coast africa on board Renown of Liverpool capt pickering comndr;mariner;s/o thos craine;sibs thos,philip,christian 1767-2 E d QUAYLE Silvester d 18 may 1767;ch phinlo,margt (w/o wm bodaugh)+ elizth(w/o john cannel) 1767-3 E w CORLET Nicholas names eliz tear;godsons wm craine,wm corlett + john tear;neice averick craine als corlett exec;petn by wm corlett, john corle + thos corlet + ellinor killip als corlett his bros + sis + wm cannell on behalf of wife ellinor cannell als caine + philip boddagh obo wife eliz als caine + philip garrett + ann caine william craine h/o averick has come to some agreement;wm tear h/o eliz tear;1768 thos caine h/o ellinor killip;1772 thomas corlet late of liverpool but now of this isle acks from wm craine 1768-1 A 26 CHRISTIAN Margaret MYLREA d 13 jan;widow of ewan;dau margt,isabel,kath,alice,anne,esther execx;gdau kath creer;son philip;bro wm mylrea;names joney crain als stephen 1768-1 E w CROSS John d 19 sep 1767;dau jane exex;names henry quayle(wearing apparel if jane willing to give it) 1768-1 E w GARRET Alice d 18 mar 1768;bro wm garrett;sis cath garrett exex 1768-1 E d STEPHAN Gilbert d 24 jun 1767;only ch margt;pledges patk caley ballaugh, wm corlett fourtowns kk michl 1768-2 A 65 COWLEY Mary d 31 mar 1767;illeg ch Wm Stephen(£4 - ua);mother esther cowley + sis cath jt exexs;1777: Thos Stephen (balla caine) acks £4 from Thos Cowley Ballacrye[Wm stephen bapt Bal 17671129 illeg c/o thos stephen + mary cowley - annexed note that legacy paid to father of childThos his father - appaeas that Anthony Kewley + Daniel Stephen exors in trust of Thos Stephen decd had sued for the £4] 1768-2 A 66 QUAYLE Mary d 4 apr 1768;widow;dau ann exex 1768-3 E w CALLISTER Catherine CAINE dated 16 jul 1768;husb patrk exor;bishops demense;son ralph,thomas,john,patk,wm;dau jane,margt;pledges phil brew jurby + patr caine baugh-michael uncles ch ua 1768-3 E w CORLET Mary KILLEY d 1 may 1768;husb john exor;ch ann,cath,matt;ch ua (no relns of mo appeared) 1768-3 E w CRAINE Philip d midsummer;glaik;sis's dau w/o charles cannel;nephew + niece thos + cath craine execs; 1769-1 A 20 TEARE Catherine d 1 jan;son gilbt exor,danl;dau ann;gdau margt tear,cath tear 1769-2 A 56 STEPHEN Edward d 27 feb 1769;wife margt;3 daus leonora, jane + anne 1769-2 E w CORLET Catherine KAIGHIN d 6 may 1769;husb john;cousins c/o wm kinley (arbory);names ann garret(w/o richd, lezayre),neighbour ann corlet widow;names others;michael cross exor (to possess after husb's death);dispted will by daniel corkill, richard corkill + others the alledged next of kin and that fraud had been used to procure will but court upholds will;Michl Cross lived with her + husb - according to depositions as a serv and a taylor before this - cath corlet for some time previous visited with a tedious illness and cross prevented access to her friends;depositions inc Patk Corlet,weaver, aged 28 who stated that Elizth corkill a reln had lived as a serv + taken care of her , another witness Nicholas Mylrea ,yeoman, aged 22 - also describes how they gave a memo to parish clark who then drew up final will - apparently she didn't want her husband to force her to leave everything to him;- long court case 1769-2 E w TEARE John dated 10 aug 1769;dau cath quane als teare,ann;son philip,john exor;gch (c/o alice tear als cannell,widow),mary tear(d/o john);son-i-law john quane exor-in-trust until son john returns to Island (there is a note that has liberty from Mr James Francesly for abt 1 month until proceeds to West Indies ;john teare(casteane) h/o ann acks from John Teare(ballaneddin) 1769-3 E w CORLETT Catherine d 15 aug 1769;husb john;son wm,danl,john exor;names margt quiggin; 1769-3 E w COWLEY Catherine KILLIP d 14 oct 1769;dau esther(eldest - close-ne-leanna);dau cath (w/o wm kneen)+ margt (w/o math kelly)jt exexs 1769-3 E d QUAYLE Phinloe d 25 jul 1769;only son john admr 1769-3 E w QUAYLE William made 5 may 1769;ch margt,alice,allinr + john,patk,danl,wm;joney,cath;wife margt exex;1789: john callister h/o joney quayle + cath quayle ack margt quayle,patk,danl,margt,alice + ellinr also ack 1770-1 A 19 KELLY Jane keig d 26 nov 1769;john keig exec;names several wives 1770-1 A 20 CRELLIN Esther cowley d 10 dec;dau margt crellin (ua);son john;husb david exec;supv aunt unnamed;1788 margt acks uncle thomas cowley;inv;also [mis numbered 21]agree thomas cowley of the smithy ballaugh and david crellin re bringing up of margt 1770-1 A 21 STEPHAN William mar agr:wm steven ballamoar son philip and jane wife of sd wm and her dau cath mcylcharane dated 1 apr 1752;john mcylcarrane s/o jane steven als M decd by a form husband 1770-2 E w COWLEY Ellinor CORLET d 15 may 1770;w/o john of the miln ballaugh;daus ann + isabel;bro patrick cowley;sis margt corlett;supv patrick corlett; 1770-2 E w COWLEY William d 24 jun 1769;son wm,other ch;wife isable 1770-2 E d KILLIP Thomas d 25 mar 1770;3ch alice,margt + ann + son wm (dowry) 1770-3 E w CORLET John made 8 oct [?1770];wm kewley exec (who gives up right in croit ne gonnin to bro stephen corlett 1770-3 E d CORLET Margaret STEPHAN d 2 jun 1770;ch margt + elinor;david crellin h/o margt 1770-3 E w CRAINE Patrick d 10 jun 1770;wife margt;son wm,john exec 1770-3 E w GAWN Peter d beg jun 1770;names elizth brew d/o wm brew;fa exec 1771-1 A 17 McYLVORREY Ann craine d 18 jan 1771;names cath mcylvorrey,john, thos + philip mclvorrey (?ch) son jon exec 1771-1 A 18 CURGHEY Matthias rector ballaugh;wife cath als allen (land + mortgages);sis elizth curghey;niece elizth macrea als christian (+ her son john);niece cath ross als christian;niece margt christian;bro-i-law thos christian;kinsman robt curghey; [full] 1771-2 A 64 CALLISTER Isabel d 27 feb;w/o thos corlett bps desmense exec;son dollin (h/o elizabeth),thos (her pt of house roof) h/o margt;cath cowley,mary cowley 1771-2 A 65 SKEALY William d 3 apr 1771;sons thos + wm;dau mary,jane (execx) 1771-2 A 66 CORKIL Catherine cowley d 4 apr 1771;w/o thos;mother elinor cowley (execx);dau esther ua;thos cowley uncle 1771-2 E721 d CRAINE John d 22 mar 1771;ch philip,mary,anne + john;some ua eldest mary supv;wife alive;inv 1771-2 E728 d CRELLIN David d 17 apr 1771;sons thos + david 1771-3 E w GARRET William made 21 may 1771;wife margt;thos gill 10s if he came for it;niece ann kewley exex 1771-3 E d STEPHAN Mary KELLY d 27 may 1771;only dau cath(w/o philip crellin) 1772-1 A 21 CORKIL Jane d 2 jan 1772;dau mary,margt,cath;son wm,john,thomas;husb danl (her part of croft) exec 1772-1 e d boddagh margaret killip d 28 nov 1771;ch wm,philip,ellr(w/o tho key),danl(eldest)+margt(w/o thos callister) had setts 1772-2 A 64 KNEEN Daniel d 19 mar 1772;sis anne,joney,esther,margt exex;niece mary craine d/o sis margt; 1772-2 A 65 CORLET William Ballaterson, Ballaugh, made 21 Jun 1770: sons John & Wm & Thomas & Patrick(exec), daus Esther & Cath 1772-2 A 66 dg CALEY Margaret made 3 may 1770;to patk cannel + wife mary als caley kk michael + ellinor caley ballaugh; (land intack close-chalow adj thos clucas[?on east],a lane on north, ewan c[] northwest,danl clark west + john of ballacain south 1772-2 E w CAINE Mary d 25 oct 1771;dau ann,cath,margt,jane,ellinor;gdau cath caine,ann killip;son john;husb michael who consented in manx 'da ta mee karail ooilley';1778 thos killip h/o ann 1772-2 E w CORLET Ann LEECE d 3 may 1772;petn by wm + christian corlett c/o ann - 8 ch w,john,thos,david,matthew,christian,anne + ellenor 5 ua;husb john exor but he died 30 may unsworn as exor + other child too young + unsure;will witt margt corlett als craine;alice corlett;pledges for husb thos corlet jurby,robt cowle ballaugh; 1772-2 E d CORLET John d 30 may 1772;wdwr of ann;ballatersyn;accounts,claims,inv many pages 1772-2 E w Craine Thomas carbadyl mau;gdau jane corlet(d/o thomas);son john,philip(heir at law + guardian of children),land called acre?(acre of ground in ack);dau isabel w/o thos cowley of the smithy;wife jony exex;1773 john craine acks from cath craine widow philip 1772-2 E w TEAR Ann CORLET d 3 may 1772;son thomas(eldest exor),philip(still an apprentice);dau cath;dau's son thos crain;husb alive;witt jon callister(also pledge),alice fail;other pledge mr philip garret ballabroii;1785 cath craine dau acks(+also for son thos) 1772-3 E w CAINE Catherine [?caine] made 6 sep 1772dau cath;mo-i-law margt caine;husb wm exor;fa michael caine to be guardian 1772-3 E w CORLET John d sep 1772;son wm,danl,john exor; 1772-3 E w STEPHAN Joney KEWISH d may 1772;son wm;dau bahee,mary,christian + ellinor jt exexs 1773-1 A 20 CORLETT Thomas d dec 1772;loughdoo;sons philip, wm,john exec,thomas (20/- as he had learnt a trade + his master paid);dau cath ua(meadow boale bane);wife joney 1773-2 A 54 KNEAL Stephen d 12 apr;logh doo;wife ellinor;son david,stephen exec; 1773-2 A 55 BREW Catherine looney d 12 feb;son christopher (eldest),robt,wm,philip;dau cath,margt,elizth (youngest);husb wm execx 1773-2 E d KNEEN Joney McYLWORREY d 4 apr 1773;sibs john,thos,cath 1773-3 E w KELLY Esther COWLEY dated 5 aug 1773;husb thomas exor ;dau anne,cath,esther,jane,margt,mary;1784: john gawn h/o jane,wm corlett h/o ann 1773-3 E w Quayle Elizabeth CORLET d 31 aug 1773;names margt(eldest d/o wm boddagh);dau margt boddagh als quayle,elizth cannell als quayle(w/o john) exex 1774-1 A 28 GAWN William d 15 jan 1774;son john,wm(jt exor with john),thos,danl;dau alice,ann,cath,jane;gson john cainunnamed wife 1774-1 A 29 STEPHENS Mary CLARK d 12 jan 1774;husn john exor, ballacaine;dau mary,alish + isabel;son john,wm,philip,danl,patk;gson wm stephen(guardian danl) 1774-2 A112 KILLIP Jane d 20 mar;bros john + paul;bro philip (+ dau);sis joneysis ellinor w/o thos cowll,sis margt w/o thos corlett;fa john;sis alice + joney;mo alive 1774-2 A113 CALLISTER John d 6 apr 1774;son thos;daus esther,cath + ann (curragh land close-quayle);wife cath als corlet;son john exec;wm corlett h/o esther;robt corlett h/o cath 1774-2 A114 COWLEY William d 17 apr;son wm;dau elinor + cath execx 1774-2 E w CORLETT Thomas d 3 may 1774;'hommy';son thomas(land etc + timber for lofting his house),john;dau mary,jane;bro danl;wife jane als craine;bro-i-law thos clark;ch ua uncles john corlett,wm boddagh,thos clarke,phil corlett,john crain,danl corlet 1774-2 E w KNEEN Margaret QUAYLE d 18 may 1774;husb edwd;sons john,wm,thos(eldest had sett) 1774-3 E w CORLETT Jane gawn d 23 jun 1774;husb thos;son john + danl(jt exors),wm,philip;dau ann,margt;names jane w/o thos clark,cath w/o adam cottier (dau margt) 1775 E d KEWISH William snr d 23 dec 1774;son thos (admr),wm + charles(both mar portions) 1775-1 A 26 MYLREA Daniel [full] 1775-1 E d CORLETT Thomas d 16 jan 1775;(corris);ch thos, robt, wm + john Corlett jt admrs - ua uncles (fa side) john,robt + david Corlett;wife margt;1788: wm acks uncle robt + david + esther craine als corlet;states thos + robt abroad; 1775-1 E d COWLEY Esther crye d 14 nov 1774;only son thos;isabel caley claims a bed + bedclothes etc on which she lay in Esther Cowley's house 1775-1 E d Kewish William d 23 dec 1774;son thos admr;other ch wm + chas had marr portions 1775-2 E w CORLET Margaret dated 14 jan 1775;widow late balla tersin moar (not easy to read film) appoints Thos Stephen as heir - he to maintain her;2nd part (diff hand) dated 8 may 1775 states now resident Knockhole has settled all my goods on son-i-law Thos Stephen 1775-2 E d KELLY Daniel [poor copy of decree - states dec 1756? - fa dec 1755, mo 1756]petn by James Crellin(Ballaugh) obo wife ann als kelly - states bro-i-law Dan Kelly due good by death fa Danl Kelly + mother Cath als corlet - he left Island 12yrs ago d in America 11 yrs ago;Ann is sister and only next of kin; 1775-3 E w CAINE William,snr d 17 aug 1775;6d to all ch;wife isabel exex 1775-3 E w CANNEL Ann bishop's demense;son john;gson john caine;dau alice cannell als caine,ann cannell als corkan,joney cannell,margt corlet;husb pat exec 1775-3 E w CLARK Thomas d sept 1775;son wm,patk ;son-i-law john caley;wife bahee exex 1775-3 E w CORLET John declrd mar 1774;to poor an intack called cabagh;fam with which he lodged aunt ann corlett + patrick corlett,margt,stephen;aunt life interest then to poor of lez + ballaugh;petn by ann that he had intended to go to england and had made a will leaving all to her - some controversy but prev will accepted 1775-3 E w COWLE Catherine COOILE d 21 jun 1775;w/o thomas snr;son simon,patk (his son thos);gdau ann cowle (d/o patk),cath (d/o simon),elinor (d/o thos);sis bahee cooile;son thos exec 1775-3 E w COWLE Thomas,snr d 23 jun 1775;sons simon , patk;gdau elinor cowle;son thomas exec 1775-3 E w CRAINE Philip d 30 aug 1775;cormodal;only dau cath;bro john craine;niece jane corlett,cath craine;nephew wm cowley;wife cath exex;thos tear fa oth wife;john craine uncle guardian;inv etc 1776-1 A 36 CALLISTER Jane cross d 20 jan ;husb patrick;dau jane caley exex;son thos(wife mary),john(wife alice) 1776-2 A 81 CAINE Patrick art agr dated 10 Apr 1776 between wm kelly balaugh, wm bridson c'town wife alice als cain [#2517][re goods due after decease of patrick cain (fa-in-law wm bridson + mo-in-law elinor) who d 24 Feb last past;annexed agr dated 13 Aug 1785 Wm Bridson acquits Wm Kelly of any sum etc due by death of mother-i-law Elinor Caine 1776-2 A 82 CLAGUE Margaret Corlet d 26 Feb 1776: son Finloe Clague, son Robert Clague, dau Mary Clague (md Thomas Mulroy by July 1776), dau Isabel Clague (md Thomas Kelly by July 1776), son in law William Corlet (who has a dau Ann Corlet) is exec 1776-2 A 83 SMITH John d 31 mar;wife isabel execx 1776-2 A 84 CALLISTER Jane d 6 nov 1776;fa alive;sis margt,bro thomas,john,pat + wm;bro ralph exec 1776-3 E w CAINE Isabel COWLL d 7 aug 1776;husb john exec;son john;youngest daus ellinor,isabel + elizth;dau cath;;;1784 tos cannon h/o ellinor;1792 john boddagh h/o isabel 1776-3 E d COWLL Ann STEPHEN d 15 may 1776;3ch james,ann + isabella;mathis eldest son had mar set;john keig h/o ann;husb matthew; 1776-3 E d STEPHEN Mary KEWLEY d 19 aug 1776;ch john + thomas ua uncles by mo wm + anthony kewley + thos tear;husb thos;inv 1777-1 A 27 BODDAUGH Daniel d 9 apr;son philip (+ his sons);dau elinor 1777-1 E d COWLEY John d 1774 grenada WI;sibs danl,thos,robt,wm,margt,jane,hannah,ellinor + cath;thos fargher h/o hannah,wm quayle h/o margt,philip boddagh h/o jane 1777-2 A 33 Corlett elinor d 20 Apr 1777: sister Jane Corlet 1777-2 A 34 KNEEN Edward d 27 feb 1777;gdau mary d/o son thomas;sons john + wm;son thomas exec 1777-2 A 35 CORLETT Thomas (e-logh): son John (has daughter), son Daniel 1777-2 A 36 CRAINE John [full] 1777-2 A 37 KILLIP Esther kelley d 2? nov 1777;w/o thos;dau alice (house),2 girls (wiits thought = daus);gdau anne 1777-2 E w CAIN Isabel d 15 may 1777;widow;dau isable;son john;isabel d/o said john mylrea;son wm caine exor 1777-2 E w KILLIP John dated 10 jan 1774;son john;dau isable,dorothy;wife mary exex 1777-2 E w STEPHEN John d 14 may 1777;ballacaine;unnamed ch but two youngest dau alice + isabel jt exexs;acks son philip,patk;dau mary(w/o john kneen) 1777-2 E w STEPHEN Thomas d 7 jun 1777;ballacaine;son wm,thomas(exor),john;maid servant cath goldsmith;sis mary,alice,isabel;sis-i-law elinor w/o daniel;wife dead;petn by philip stephan douglas, john kneen,wm,dal,patk,alice + isabel stephen that ch ua;court appts danl stephan uncle by fa side + anthony kewley uncle by mo's side;john kneen h/o mary stephen,wm killip h/o margt kewley,thos tear h/o jane kewley + patk,alice + isabel stephan also sworn guardians;claims;inv;sale etc etc inc detailed rental for ballacaine qtrland 1777-2 E w WILKS James [full];dated 30 oct 1774;rev james wilkes;no pomp 'without the too common and useless pomp of bearers with scarfs';ch Mark, Thomas, Deborah,Elizth, and Ann Wilks (deb + eliz by former wife);eldest son james provided for by his mo's will;son + dau cubbon (my part of kk maughold mills + manuscripts in case either of my sons should settle in this isle);wife eliz als christian;son rev thomas cubbon;codicil deb + eliz since married by 1776; 1777-3 E w CORLETT John d 8 sep 1772;son john ua;stepson patk cowley;stepdaus cath + ellinor cowley;wife cath exex 1777-3 E w CRAINE Mary d 27 jul 1777;names isabel d/o uncle john kneen;aunt ann kneen;mo margt kneen 1777-3 E w KILLIP John d 10 jun 1777;ch john,alice,joney,danl(exor);wife alive 1778-1 A 51 COWLEY Mary quayle w/o john;d 23 jan 1778;dau cath,margt;sons wm,paul;husb john exec;ch ua nichs + wm cowley uncles supv 1778-1 A 52 kneale philip made 6 nov;names mark cain's dau;wife cath;names stephan kneale 1778-1 A 53 GARRET Margaret [gill] made 4 jan 1778;widow of wm;bro wm,thos (if he should come);names ann kewley w/o wm corlet exex;bro wm appoints john callow schoolmaster ramsey as attorney wm gill mariner onboard hm heart nathl crosby commander poa attested by thos howard + ewan joughin 1778-1 A 54 COWLEY Ellinor d 14 jan 1778;sis cath exex w/o arthur moughtin 1778-1 A 55 CALLISTER Catherine cowley d 30 jan 1778;sis isabel (dominey or cloak);names thos callister (dau),thos ball (wife) + others;cousin ann cowle;husb wm exec 1778-1 A 56 CRAINE John [full] 1778-1 A 57 CORLETT Thomas declrd dec 1774;gch john callister exec (s/o dau cath),esther,thomas (his apparel);names wm goldsmith barroul 1778-1 E d CALLISTER Thomas d 20 dec 1777;son thos,gson thos s/o dollin decd; 1778-1 E d CORLETT John d 17 dec 1777;bach;fa wm admr 1778-1 E d STEPHEN Phillip d 27 mar 1778;ballamoar;ch Wm,Thos, Cath, Jane & Christian;some ua uncle Wm Stephen;wife cath;christian dead soon after;john kelly h/o cath;inv 1778-2 E w cannell patrick son john;gson john cannell,john caine,robt corkan exor;dau margt corlet,joney cannell;john cannel + john cain, robt corkan +john cowle ? sworn guardians of suis joney cannell not of sound mind 1778-2 E w CLARK daniel dated 19 jan 1799;ballne cooilley;gson danl mylrea to be put to some honest trade;son-i-law john mylrea;dau margt(legacy from wife),jane mylrea als clark exex(w/o john) 1778-2 E w CORLETT Margaret dated 23 may 1778;dau ann forbes 1778-2 E w COWLEY patrick dated 13 sep 1778;names margt w/o nicholas christian(loghan, jurby),widow corlet (smelter ballaugh),cath corlet als cowley widow brom gilbt;sis margt;ellinor w/o thos corlet senr of broogjiarg mooar exex)w/o thomas) 1778-2 E w COWLEY William dated 5 jul 1778;balnecretney;bro pat(ch wm,john + elinor;names cath crain als tear widow;sis cath;wifeexex but declines + patk appointed ;1797 john + elinor ack from isabel widow of exor(?widow of patk) 1778-2 E d CRAINE John perished by water jul 1778;bach;fa philip 1778-2 E d KEIG William perished by sea sep 1776;fa wm refused adin;prin creditor wm caine - fa wm then agreed 1778-2 E w ROSS Catherine dated 22 may 1778;dau margt exex 1779-1 A 42 STEPHEN John d 29 jan 1779;;wife joney (black cattle);son thos exor but relinquished to mo;dau elinor 1779-1 A 43 Kneale Catherine caine d 6 nov court 17th petn that will being non-cup could not be proved within 14 days of death but goods in a wasting condn;names mark caine(+ ch) ballaugh +margt grimshaw kk michl jt exex;widow philip kneale late deceased 1779-1 A 44 BODDAUGH Robert dated 23 oct 1778;wife marjery exex;sons robt,john,danl;dau margery,elinor;petn d 11 nov but will non-cup thus possible delay 1779-1 A 45 CORLETT John (Hommy), made 23 Apr 1779: niece Jane Clark asl xxxx (her husb Thomas Clark; they have children); niece Margaret Crain als Corlet (has a 'poor child') 1779-1 E d KNEEN Catherine crebin eldest son john;husb alive 1779-2 E w CAINE Margaret mylcarane widow of wm cain;gdau cath (d/o son wm);bro thomas mylcarane;bro's son wm;names elinor w/o john corlet 1779-2 E w CALLISTER Thomas d 12 jun;ballachurnmoar;dau anne,isabel (execx) w/o hugh christian of douglas (who relinquished exec via agrement for £8 to heir Thomas 1779-2 E w CORLETT Thomas d 9 oct 1779;names james corlett;sis elinor corlett;aunt esther stephen als corlett;uncle thos stephen exec 1779-2 E d MYLVOREEY Thomas perished by sea 29 jul 1779;fa john;wife cath (?preg);petn by fa that widow refused to deliver effects;fa-i-law john caine of jurby; 1779-2 E d MYLVORREY John perished by sea 29 jul 1779;fa john;pledge danl teare jurby, michl caine ballaugh;[?misplaced doc under ballaugh re disb by fa thomas mylevorrey of ballaugh re son john of peel perished 1779]fa-i-law john caine of jurby;wife costs during childbirth 1780 A 50 GAWN Margaret kneale widow of philip;margt tear als cain w/o wm execx 1780 A 51 KELLY John ballacorraige;bro thomas; 1780 A 52 d MYLREA Ellinor caine d 21 feb ?;w/o john;mo alive;exec Wm Boddagh + Mark carine;+marr contract jmwdwr 18 nov 1765;[m Bal 17651120 - no ch] 1780-1 E840 d MYLVORREY Thomas perished by sea 29 jul 1779;fa john;wife cath admrs in trust until posthumous dau cath upon wch she became admr with widow supv.pledges thos clarke + patk cowley both ballaugh 1780-1 E841 w CORLETT Elizabeth WILKS w/o thos corlet,jnr, brooghjarg mooar exec;dau margt 1780-1 E844 d MYLVORREY William perished by sea latter end jul [1779];no issue wife joney;;pledges john mylevorrey (his bro) + john clarke both ballaugh 1780-2 E689 d GAWN Isabel cowley als smith als sayle d 2 jan;husb thos 1781 A 36 CANNELL Mary cowen d 14 mar;son thomas,david,charles,john;dau cath;husb charles exec 1781-1 E w MYLREA John son daniel,john;dau jane,mary elizth,elinor (w/o thomas gawne) excx 1781-2 E w CORLETT William weaver;lived with nephew john corlet of the knockan;nephew wm corlet;witt wm quayle,margt bell;petn by john corlet that wm d 27 oct 1781; 1781-2 E w KILLIP Mary quayle w/o robt in the ballamoar;son thomas;gdau ann (shaped clothes);dau mary exex 1782 A 49 TEARE Jane crain declrd 18 oct 1781;son john(ua);dau mary,cath;gdau ann kaighin;husb exor 1782 A 50 CORLETT Catherine christian dated 17 mar 1781;w/o wm exor,ballamona beg;dau cath,margt;son thomas 1782 A 51 COWLEY John dated 9 jan 1782;son john, nich, thos, patk, philip, david, paul(ua), wm;dau cath,margt exex 1782-1 E d CALLISTER Patrick d 25 mar;6 ch ralph, thomas john patrick wm + margt 1782-1 E d CORKILL Daniel [bur Bal 17811228] d 28 dec; sibs richd janey + cath; ann + margt ch of decd bro robert + wm john robert isabel cath + eliz ch of decd bro john;john sharp h/o of ann dau of robt [fam 8254];articles of agreement touching dan corkill of bishops demesne; richd corkil douglas, joney quark als corkil of kk lonan, cath corkil of Andreas;john sharpe Santan;wm corkill lezayre, isabel camaish als corkil , eliz clague als corkil of douglas,richard kermeen kk arbory + margaret corkil of kk malew - other party wm caine of bishops demesne;margt corkil als camaish widow + wm caine her son [m margt cain als camaish Bal 17530120 - no ch - she had several by John Caine (bps demesne - see also NSS May 1780 18] 1782-1 E w COTTIMAN Jane d 30 apr 1782;margaret w/o john cowley execx 1782-2 E w SAYLE Catherine craine dated 9 feb 1778;husb david exor;son john(h/o joney);dau ann,margt,cath 1783 A 28 dg KNEEN Thomas dated 18 nov 1782;son john; 1783 A 29 KILLEY Ann d 4 mar 1783;son james corlet 1783-1 E d CALEY Thomas d 29 may;two ch wm + ellinor 1783-1 E d STEPHEN Christian minor;d oct 1781;decree of fa philip stephen 1778;sibs wm thomas cath + jane, mo cath. 1783-1 E w TEAR William dated 8 jun 1783;ballabeg;son wm(heir - lands some in mortgage),john,thos,robt;dau margt,mary,elizth, elinor,anne;wife margt exex;1787 john christian h/o ann;1793 robt tear acks from john caine h/o exextr;1803 thomas quayle h/o elinor acks from john cain h/o margt tear extrx of wm tear decd;1812 edmund christian h/o elizth 1783-2 E d GAWN Leonora BODDAUGH d 8 oct;3 ch danl ann leonora;all ua;husb wm;margt boddagh aunt supr;inv £10 1783-2 E w KELLY Patrick dated 22 jun 1783;son robt,thomas;dau ann;son philip;wife isable 1783-2 E w MYLECHARANE Thomas nphews thomas myl,john myl,neice isabel myl,cath myl;neice elinor w/o james corlet their dau esther;thos s/o nephew wm m. not yet 18;ellinor d/o sd wm m.;sis margt 1783-2 E d QUAYLE Margaret COWLEY d 25 dec 1782;5 ch john thomas silvester william + margaret; wm + margt ua;husb phinlo. inv £23 1784 A 97 GAWN Mary dated 15 jan 1784;w/o john bps desmense;son thomas;step dau esther gawn;names w/o junior ? corlet of balaugh;sister bridget;son thomas;witt patrick cowley, john grimshaw; 1784 A 98 CORKILL William neice mary corkill (exec);bros robt john daniel + thomas 1784 A 99 MYLEVORRY Margaret STEPHEN dated 14 jan 1784;eldest dau margt;hus thos;son thos;dau aleish corlet als myl. w/o daniel;dispted + agreement 1784 A100 MYLREA Nicholas,snr s-i-l maths oates;s-i-l wm quayle;youngest son thos;eldest son nichls (+ ch wm margt) 1784 A101 CRAINE William dolloagh mooar;sons wm + robt,philip,john wm thos;wife avarick 1784 A102 CORLETT John bps desmense;5 ch ;wife margaret sister of john cain of peel 1784 A103 CRAINE Thomas glaik;son thomas,dau cath,sons robt + patrick;,john,wm;cath has children;john's sons john,wm,philip,robt + patrick; claims;note that robt craine was going to england to trade;1811: wm bridson h/o cath;1837: richard corlett h/o cath corlet als stephen;1787: patrick stephen h/o cath 1784 A104 CORLETT William dated 20 feb 1784;ballacry;dau margt, ellinor,jane,isabel;wife eleanor;uncle john kelly appt guardian;1810: john quayle h/o jane acks of widow margt tear (then corlet);john tear h/o isable,robert stevenson h/o elinor;1808: elinor stevenson als corlet deceased;john tear broughjairg husb of widow margt;wm caine h/o jane 1784-1 E w HUGHES Margaret caley made 26 mar 1784;daus mary + jane;husb john 1784-2 E w CANNON Thomas declrd 28 jun 1784;ch thos + 2 unnamed daus jt execs;wife alive 1784-2 E w COWLEY Margaret killy declrd 23 aug 1784;ch margt,isabella,ann;bro's ch thos,john + nicholas;husb exor 1784-2 E d FAYLE Bahee STEPHEN d dec 1783;husb thomas admr; 1785 A 59 CORLET Ann ?caley widow: dau Margaret Corlet; son William Corlet, gdau An Cowley, gdau Isabel Cowley; son Patrick Corlet; husb Thomas Corlet 1785 A 60 CANNELL John dated 10 dec 1784;bishop's demesne;5 ch unnamed some ua;son john;wife elizth (purchased land croitt ny gollaig) exex 1785 A 61 CAINE Margaret callister dated 24 feb 1785;names ralph callister's wife,patk kelley's wife,isabel crellin,margt w/o wm killip,thomas callister's wife of ballachurn,widow clark glaik,cath w/o wm kewley;margt callister exex 1785-1 E w FAILE Thomas d 1 may 1785;son thos ua;wife margt exex 1785-1 E w TEARE Thomas dated 25 feb 1780;ballamanney moar;ch philip(if he comes),thos(+dau cath) exor,cath(+ dau cath);1785: cath craine als tear acks;;1787: philip acks; 1785-2 E se BODAUGH Ellinor DoG dated 5 apr 1785;'long time in ill state of health;fa robert;stepmo margery als corlet (leaves gift of rush close giatt? in lezayre);mother mary als corlet;sibs robt,john,danl,margery [court may 1785] 1785-2 E w CORLETT Patrick d 30 jun ;dated 18 jan 1785;sis margt exex; 1786 A 45 FROWD Esther dated 1 dec 1785;husb robt;son john(house in ramsey),esther(crows croft Ballaugh)+ wearing apparel,silver buckles + gold ring);ch ua 1786 A 46 KEWISH Leonora kaighin widow (of Wm Kewish snr);son Charles (h/o Margaret),Thomas,Wm (exec);husb's fa Patrick (left bequest);names eleanor w/o Thomas Corlett Broughjark, Ellinor w/o Danl Stephen; 1786 A 47 KILLIP Mary killey dated 21 jan 1786;husb john;dau ann,cath(+ch),isabel(+ch),dorothy;gdau mary stephen;son john exor;1787: Philip stephen h/o Ann;1794: John Mylroi h/o gdau Mary Stephen 1786 A 48 KEIGG William dated 27 dec 1785;bal-ny-largey;ch thos,john,nelly,luke,margt,jane;wife exex 1786 A 49 CORLETT Ellinor cleator dated 8 apr 1781;ballatawen beg?;husb wm(Freagh beg-y-kewley intack lezayre) exor;son wm,thos(rush close intack lezayre);ch elinor(+ ch),jane;1793: wm Mylcharane h/o elinor;1796: John Cain h/o jane; 1786 A 50 KNEEN Thomas declared 20 dec 1785;dau elinor,isable,jane,ann + margt;wife jane (pregnant) exex 1786 A 51 COWLEY Margaret tear dated 5 nov 1785;husb thos exor;dau isabel - ua;sis mary,elizth,ellinor,anne;mo alive; 1786-1 E w CORLETT Catherine dated 1 may 1786;husb james exec;corvalla;sons thos (h/o alice),james ,wm;dau ann,elizth;1800 james cks from danl boyn exec of will james corlet ;1801: alice wdw of thos legatee acks from danl boyd h/o elizth corlet exex james corlet 1786-1 E d CORLETT Margaret hughes widow wm ballaterson;d 6 jul [see wm];inv + sale;1805:thos moughtin h/o margt,wm + jane ack from john hughes 1786-1 E d Corlett William d 9 jun 1786;ballaterson;ua ch john,wm,margt + jane;uncles fa side john corlett,mo side john hughes jnr;inv 1787 A 55 Hughes John dated 20 Nov 1786;Ballamona ? mooar;dau Mary (not 22),jane;son john(purchased land) exornames Thos Boddaugh invalid,Joney Cannall invalid? d/o Patk Cannall (late of Bishops Demesne now decd),widow craine (+ child); 1787 A 56 KILLIP Robert dated 17 Apr 1786;son thos,john;dau Mary exex 1787-1 E d COWLEY Thomas d 11 oct 1786;bach;sibs john,ann 1787-1 E w COWLEY Thomas dated 19 apr 1787;dau margt,isabel,anne;son john,nicholas,thomas; 1788 A 37 CORLET Ellinor LACE [full] 1788 A 38 KNEEN Margaret squeen;bro john's dau margt + son john;her aunt anne (? her sis anne aunt to child);sis esther;neice ann kneen;sis ann 1788 A 39 KINREAD Mary CALEY declared 18 jan 1788;son thos (exec),wm,john;dau margt,anne quayle als kinread,cath cranalt;thos clark h/o margt 1788 A 40 CALEY Alice christian dated 18 apr 1788;w/o john;son john;daus jane + margt 1788-2 E 002 w CORLETT John dau mary (pt of house + garden demarcated by 'berry thorns that raise in a row + to set potatoes);son stephen,wm,matt;daus ann (w/o dan faile) ,cath (w/o john cleater), margt 1788-2 E 004 w CORLETT John,snr ballaneddin;son john (h/o mary caley);gdaus margt + elinor corlett;wife margt;names thomas craine s/o margt craine widow of ballavolley,elinor caley's blind dau,thomas cowley's blind son,margt d/o david crellin,wdow boddagh's poor son,jane dau elinor corlet;1797 wm crye h/o gdau margt acks 1789 A 49 COWIN Thomas bach;sweetheart elizth mcboyd ballasally kk malew;only bro john exec;john shimmin h/o elizth 1789 A 50 a QUAYLE Catherine macnemeer widow;son john wade who resides with her;agreemnt dated 8 feb 1786 1789 A 51 CORLETT Robert Ballakinnag, Ballaugh: daughters; wife Jane Corlet 1789 A 52 CROSS Mary w/o john (exec);dau jane (w/o robert corlet);gson john,robt + thos (s/o robert) 1789 A 53 COWLE Thomas made 14 mar 1789;wife;neice cath cowle d/o bro simon;gdau cath brew;dau elinor w/o robt brew execx 1789 A 54 COWLEY Patrick bishops desmense;ch wm,john,philip,patrick,ellinor;bro wm cowley decdc (left legacies to 5 of his ch thos,philip,wm,john + elinor);sis cath;wife isobel 1789 A 55 QUAYLE John d oct;son patk,philip,john,wm;wife cath execx 1789 A 56 jw KNEEN William kk mich;wm + cath als cowley;made 1 nov 1789;son-i-law richd clark (ch john + letitia);gson wm caine;dau ann execx,joney kneen;1824: john mylchreest h/o judith als kneen Peel rcvd from ann kelly als kneen w/o thos kelly jurby re legacy left to wife 1789 A 57 TEAR John step mo elly tear als christian;neice jane kaighin;fa gilbert 1789-1 E942 d KEWLEY John d 2 dec 1788;ballatoan;son john,patk (+ also prin creditors);other ch didn't appear in court;son john of liverpool petns - sumner chargeswm kewley,anthony kewley,wm killip,thomas teare,patrick quayle + john stephen 1789-1 E946 d STEPHEN Margaret BRIDSON d 21 feb 1789;dau leonora bridson als stephen sole admx;margt(w/o john mylecharane),jane(w/o john corlett) + ann(w/o wm christian) had marr setts 1789-2 E w CALLISTER Jane CHRISTIAN dated 11 may 1788;husb thomas exor;ballachurn;son john,thos,stephen,hugh(to be sent to trade) 1789-2 E d CORLETT John d 1784 on board Nymph sloop of war;bach;sibs thos garett,cath keanney (w/o john);petn by thos corlet that john eldest bro;john visited isle in 1781 but later was impressed 1790 A 38 CLARK John dated 22 dec ;dau bahee corkil als clark(w/o john),esther;son john,danl,thos,richard,robt exor;gson john clark;wife's sis elinor cotier;names john quayle;wife ann; 1790-1 E w BODDAUGH William dated 12 feb 1790;dau cath,ann;son thos (estate, loom etc),james,wm;wife ann exex;1805: robt clark h/o cath 1790-1 E w GAWN Alice made 12 apr 1790;bro wm gawn exec 1790-1 E w QUAYLE Thomas dated 3 jun 1790;carmodil;3 ch;bro wm;neighbour wm cowley;son-i-law wm corlet;manserv john corlet;wife margt exex 1790-2 E w CORLETT Ewan dated 22 mar 1790;ballacry;son john;dau jane,margt(has sons);gdau margt corlet(d/o son wm) (houses lands etc);exor in trust thomas corlett ballamoana beg;wm cain h/o jane;1803 margt kelly acks 1790-2 E d KERRUISH Margaret QUAYLE d aug 1790;ch wm,christian + mary 1791 A 49 KNEALE Elinor killip dated 9 Mar 1784;husb David Kneale exor (her estate of houses etc);2 unnamed daus (20s ea);1801: George Cowley (h/o Jane Kneale a legatee) acks from Cath Kneal (exex of David Kneal) 1791 A 50 GAWN Ann kelly declared 12 Apr 1790;son William exor; 1791-1 E d BREW William d 1790;bach mariner on board guinea-man Princess Royall of Liverpool;fa wm appoints son christopher 1791-1 E w CANNELL Catherine dated 14 oct 1790;names ann + margt caley(sis's dau);sis doroth exex 1791-1 E d CANNON William d 20 jan 1791;only ch margt 1791-1 E w CHRISTIAN Margaret dated 9 may 1791;d/o ewan;bro philip exor 1791-1 E d CLUCAS Thomas d 17 june 1791;only ch margt fayle als clucas 1791-1 E w STEPHENson Patrick dated 8 jun 1791;joiner douglas;wife cath als crain exex;5 ch may,cath,jean,ann + ellen;some ch ua 1791-2 E w COWLEY John dated 9 may 1791;ballachurn;dau isabel exex,cath,anne;son danl;gson john cowley(s/o danl) 1792 A 44 McYLVORREY William dated 22 jan 1788;son patk ; son-i-law paul killip;dau ellinor,isable (w/o thos kelly)exex 1792 A 45 KERRUISH Daniel dated 21 may 1791;2 unnamed ch;dau christian + margt exexs 1792 A 46 CORLETT William,snr dated 26 nov 1791;son wm,thomas exor;dau elliner(w/o wm mylecharane - meadow lez called treagh-e-kewley,jane);gdau ellinor mylecharane(d/o wm);1796:john cain h/o dau jane;1814: john cown + thos collister h/o gdaus;gdaus isabella + mary cain 1792-2 E w CORLET David sis christian quine als corlet;bro john corlet exec;ro quine h/o christian 1793 A 63 CLARK Ann quayle dated 13 nov 1792;sis eleanor cottier(+ dau cath w/o john kneale);cousin ann quaggin als moore douglas;niece ann quayle ballasalla malew;sis cath;niece elinor corlet als quayle(w/o ewan corlett lezayre) exex;1794: thos quaggin + margt kinread als caley of jurby ack;1794 john kneale h/o cath 1793 A 64 CRAINE Joney stephen made 18 Jan 1786,widow of Thomas Crain of Carmodel, Ballaugh, proved June 1793: grandsons Thomas & John Corlet; grandson George Cowley; son John; dau Isabel; granddau Catharine Craine; dau Jane Corlet als Craine 1793-1 E 32 w mylvorrey john d 22 dec 1792;dau cath + gdau cath mylevoory(d/o thos decd) jt admrs;gdau ua stepfa john fayle sworn 1793-1 E 323 w CRAIN Margaret declrd 7 may 1793;names anne killip,patk kelly(with whom I reside) exor 1793-1 E 325 w CRAIN Averick corlet dated 29 feb 1788;widow wm;son john,wm,robt,thomas,philip exor;son-i-law john killip [#4535 h/o elinor];dau ellinor;gdau elinor killip;names anne cottier 1793-2 E w CORKIL David dated 4 oct 1793;son thomas (+ cath corkill) if they come for it;dau isabel,elinor kermode;wife isabel als christian exex 1793-2 E w CORLETT William left island 1764 + not heard of since 1766;mo ann exex;petn by robert frowd re bro-i-law wm,ann dead + son patk exor,patk since dead appointed sis margt w/o robt frowd 1793-2 E w KELLY Mary dated 7 oct 1794;sharagh bane;names ann d/o john kelly;sis eleanor christian,esther,anne kelly;bro patrick's wife;cousin alice kelly;mo elinor exex 1794 A 59 CRAINE Catherine tear d 14 dec 1793;clymodil;bro philip tear liverpool(if he came for it),thomas tear(+ch);names cath christian als tear,john cowley(s/o thomas),jas corlet,margt corlet,margt corlet jnr,cath casement,cath killip,isabel killip,margt killip + many more;dau cath craine exex 1794 A 60 CORLETT Margaret [craine] dated 1 mar 1790;w/o james;niece Joney Grimshaw, niece Ann (md John Mughtin); niece Ann (md Ewan Corlet); niece Mary (md Daniel Cannon who is dead); niece Mary (md Wm Kneen); sister Catharine; brother Philip (son Wm Craine); also Isabel (md Patrick Mylevorrey) 1794 A 61 TEARE Ann dated 14 mar 1794;sis-i-law lice tear als christian(w/o robt);bro gilbert(ballaugh),danl(lonan);mary kneen als tear(w/o wm ballaugh) exex 1794 A 62 BODDAUGH Leonora stephen w/o wm;dau elinor 1794-1 E w CORLETT John curragh side;ch matthew(parcel intack close-e-vaillee)exor,john,thos;wife eleanor 1794-1 E w CORLETT William dated 17 may 1794;ballamoaney beg;names margt moore widow sulby;margt craine widow john craine,Elizabeth Boddaugh, Widow of Thomas Boddaugh,Jane Kneen Widow of Thomas Kneen and Joney Kneen Widow of John Kneen ;son thos;dau mary, isabel, cath, margt 1794-1 E w STEPHEN Thomas dated 31 dec 1790;names elinor kneale(parcel late purchased qtrland bregganyuanoanaghey ?),elinor corlet(who resides with him);wife esther als corlet exex 1794-2 E w CORLETT Margaret Skillicorn declared 18 sep 1794;ballamoney beg;4 sons William, John., Thomas + Philip;dau Margt;husb thomas 1794-2 E w CRAIN Bahee husb john exor;ch nicholas(parcel lands at carlane called gatt?),thos,philip,danl,wm.elizth,james,henry;1 ch ua 1795 A 61 CRAIN Letitia made 16 nov 1793;glaick;daus now born or may appear 1795 A 62 CORLETT Thomas dated 1 nov 1794;corvalla;sone james (eldest - intack curragh steon yhorlish yubbon lately purchd from aunt margt corlett);ch thos,john + cath;wife alice als stephen exex;;bro-i-law danl stephen;neighbour wm tear ballabeg guardians;petn by alice 1795 A 63 quayle Catherine d 12 dec 1794;son philip,john,patk exec;petn by patk summer charges john quayle,philip quayle + elinor corlett als quayle from lezayre,wm + wm quayle ballaugh 1795 A 64 CRAIN Esther corlett made 3 nov 1794;dau ann corlett als crain,mary cannon exex 1795-1 E w CRAINE Daniel ch unnamed;if his eldest son should not become heir to his grandfather's estate;wife christian;wm craine uncle of ch;1832 john craine acks;1832 thomas fargher h/o isabella;1832 henry craine s/o daniel acks 1795-1 E w CROSS Michael dated 17 feb 1795;sis cath;dau jane;names james kneen(dau anne widow),mary + margt corlet;nephew thos corlet who resides with him exor; 1796 A 47 dg HARRISON John dated 13 mar 1783 to son philip + wife elizth;late ballakynry arbory now brooghjairg begg ballaugh;dau eliz w/o philip tear brooghjiarg;son richd;dau margt + jane; 1796-1 E w CANNELL Charles dated 26 apr 1796;son david,charles,john;dau dorothy exex 1796-1 E w CORLETT James dated 23 May 1796;dollaugh mooar;bro Wm(mortgage on Cannon's close Thompson),Robt(late decd);nephew Phinlo Corlet;niece Mary Corlet(w/o Wm Corlet Orrisdale Kk Michael);names Wm Craine(ballaugh - wife Jane) nephew to late decd wife left all property (inc late purchased Magher Moar) etc but to pay £100 in legacies;names John Craine snr Dollaugh beg, John Grimshaw(wife);Phinlo Corlet + Mary Corlet jt execs;names several poor Thomas Boyd idiot, Margt Crain poor, Elinor Caly blind dau, margt d/o David Crellin,Thos Cowley's blind son; 1796-1 E w CORLETT Jane made 11 may 1796;husb John;son thos,wm;son robt;(?decd);2unnamed gdaus d/o dau Jane(20s each), Margt corlet d/o Robt;dau jane;dau mary,cath + margt jt exexs;John Corlet father of 2 gdaus acks 20s each; 1796-1 E d CORLETT Margaret 1796-1 E w SAYLE David dated 23 nov 1795;son john;dau anne,margt,cath(w/o John Cown ballaugh) exex;gson john cown 1796-1 E w TEARE Mary christian dated 10 nov 1796?;widow John Tear Ballaneddin;son john,thos,philip,wm;dau dorithy(w/o John Curghy lezayre),jane Stevenson (widow Nicholas Stevenson) exex 1796-2 E w CANNELL John dated [8] jun 1796;son nicholas,patrick;dau joney (w/o John Grimshaw);wife joney 1797 A 74 STEPHAN William dated 19 apr 1787;ballamooar;nephew thos stephan,wm stephan (jnr) exec;niece jane stephan (jane brew als stephan acks) 1797 A 75 CRAINE Isabel dated 16 may 1795;w/o philip;gson dnl craine s/o son dan late decd;son wm;dau isable exex 1797-1 E w BRIDSON Thomas bro robt cashen;names mary gawn;mo isabel cashen w/o wm wm cashen lezayre;aunt ann keig w/o john keig ballaugh 1797-1 E w CORLETT John 3 daus mary, cath + margt;dau jane;son robt,thomas,wm (exec);wife alive;1798 john corlett h/o jane 1797-1 E w CORLETT Thomas,jnr brooghyjarg mooar;son thomas;3 daus elinor, elizth + isabel;wife pregnant;wife isabel;bros in law thomas corlett ballamona + daniel stephen both ballaugh;1825: charles cain h/o isabel corlett, + elizth corlett ack;1825: henry corlett h/o elinor 1797-1 E w CORLETT William joiner;nephew john corlet (ballaleineh ? ballaugh);niece christian quine als corlet w/o robt quine peel;niece ann corlett;sis esther w/o thomas stephen;niece ellinor corlett;bro thomas (+ son wm); interest on £5 to methodist preaching house;danl boyd h/o ann corlett;1803 trustees of methodist ph thomas cottier + john killip 1797-2 E d CAIN Isabel d 26 mar 1797;ch by former marr Wm Kelly admr [bur reg isabel cain als kelly as cannell - 1st m to John Kelly m mic 17400617, 2nd m Patk Caine Mic 17530227] 1797-2 E d COWLEY Isabel d oct 1796;husb wm admr 1797-2 E w COWLEY John bro george(now in england - to pay £3 for land);mo isable exex (w/o thomas) 1797-2 E d RADCLIFFE Ann CLARK d 10 aug 1797;only ch esther ua;husb richard;fa thomas clark; 1798 A 52 COWLE Ann quayle dated 5 jan 1798;son thomas,patrick;dau-i-law w/o thos cowle;husb alive;dau ann (exex) 1798 A 53 TEARE William d 29 mar 1798;formerly andreas late ballaugh;bro john;names margaret wm cowley's wife;bro's son wm tear,bro's son philip tear;names molly clark als tear w/o john clark;;sis' daus isable + elizth curghey;sis jane stevenson als tear [exex],dor curghey als tear (w/o john);names wm corlett,john christian;left curragh in ballaugh to poor 1798-1 E w CAMAISH Ann dated 24 may 1798;bro-i-law thomas collister;names ann w/o wm corlett exex,wm s/o wm corlett 1798-1 E d CLUCAS Isabel CALEY d 25 apr 1798;only ch margt corlet als fayle als clucas;pledges thomas + danl corlett ballaugh 1798-1 E w COLLISTER Isabel [full] 1798-1 E w KNEALE David dated 14 jan 1798;curragh;dau anne (w/o thos naile kk braddan),jane(w/o george cowley liverpool);son thos;wife cath;bro stephen 1798-2 e749 w craine philip gson danl (s/o danl decd)(lands etc lieh cherrue);son wm;dau isabel exex (more land) w/o tho corlett; 1798-2 e752 w corlett catharine callister dated 11 jun 1798;dau jane;son robt,john;husb robt exec;mo alive 1798-2 e754 w corkill margaret cain dated 11 nov 1796;dau eleanor;son wm cain exec(+his ch wm,thomas,kath,jonny + margt);james tear h/o eleanor 1799 A 57 BREW William dated 18 oct 1798;names christopher + robt brew, danl cowley,philip brew;dau elizth,cath (exex);1 guinea for preaching house of ballaugh; 1799 A 58 MYLREA Mary d 26 jan 1799;of jurby;names cath quine als tear, jane tear;sis elinor tear als mylrea exex (w/o Danl) 1799 A 59 wilkes elizabeth [christian] [full];widow ramsey;relict rev james wilkes;son james high bailiff of ramsey exec 1799 A 60 CORLETT James of the Corvalley, Ballaugh, made 9 March 1791: son James, son Thomas (md Alice, he died by 1801, left 3 ch James, Tho, Jn), son Wm, dau Ann, 6 gch, dau Elizth w/o Daniel Boddaugh exex 1799 A 61 CORLETT Elinor ?McYlvorrey widow of John Corlet of the Curraugh: son Matthew, son John, son Thomas, grandson John (son of Mat), dau in law Jane Corlet (wife of John), wife of son Thomas, Jane wife of grandson William Corlet 1799 A 62 CORLETT Thomas dated 2 mar 1798;son thos (late decd),wm,philip;dau elinor w/o danl stephen 1799 A 63 BREW Christopher dated 2 jan 1799;sis margt cowley als brew;,elizth,cath;bro robt;,philip(his pt of close-e-chonoly lezayre + purchased land in ballaugh) exor;wife jane 1799-1 E d CALEY William bach;d oct 1798;fa patk but too infirm thus sib john admr 1799-1 E w CANNEL Elizabeth QUAYLE dated 17 oct 1798;widow of john;dau margt, ann + jane (exex) 1799-1 E w CLEATOR William dated 17 feb 1798;cooilcam lezayre;son thos,philip,john exec;dau margt,mary 1799-2 E w CAIN Michael dau jane;gdau mary caine;dau margt;gson john quayle [?c/o thos quayle + ellinor #6200];dau nelly exex 1799-2 E w CALEY Isabel KILLIP dated 25 may 1799;w/o wm;dau ann (not yet 21);son wm abroad;sons thos + john;1808 thos quayle h/o ann 1799-2 E w CALEY Patrick dated 8 jun 1799;son john;dau mary (not 20);wife ann (exex) 1799-2 E d CORLETT John bach d feb;mo cath cowley als corlett;bro half blood patrick cowley [#6036];sisters mary cowle als cowley,cath cowley admrs;wm h/o mary;petn by patrick cowley bro by mo's side that his mo embezelling effects and not paying debts;inv 1799-2 E w GARRETT Philip dated 26 dec 1796;eldest son philip;dau margt;son matthias;dau jane,isabel,anne;jane corkil als garret + ann corlett als garrett ack;isabel kaighen als garrett;margt craine als garrett 1805 1799-2 E d KILLIP Patrick d 30 aug;fa wm killip 1799-2 E w KNEALE Stephen dated 8 may 1799;loughdoo;son stephen (not 18);dau ellinor;serv christian clague;wife cath exex + supv of ua ch; 1799-2 E w QUAYLE Margaret 24 aug 1799;w/o wm cronkowle;dau criss
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