These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available. Over 95% [466/474]wills are summarised here (I think nearer 99% as some included in Lawson's index seem to be misread entries from indices.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1700-1 A 45 KELLEY Maryod d 15 apr 1700;;names mary quayle, elinr kewish;2 unnamed bros;unnamed ua children (2 sons(younger son) at least) - 1734: anne caine formerly w/o Jon Carret the heir mentioned by Marriod Kelly (testatrix) acks from fa-i-law Philip Carret £1 15s in ful satisfaction of beast left the heir; Note in 1701 epis wills re isable tear als carrett by Sam wattlewoth that 40s due to ch in fa's hands Philip Carrett who married shortly after her death Isable Teare who d after a yr intestate - her only ch by a former husb was admtr + her mo's goods were added to fa's inv with consideration to the 40s 1700-1 A 46 COWLEY Thomas d 12 mar 1699/1700;nephew[sic] margt kelley;names thos cowley, jon corlett;dau margt + jony jt exexs woth wife; 1700-1 E d CURLET Joney STEVEN d 10 Nov [?1699];ch wm,silvester quayle admrs - next of kin tho stephan, anne Stephen + Phinlo Stephen supvs;husb alive ;1708: Bro John has half inv 30s 6d;displaced is ack dated 14 Mar 1704 Jo Corlet acks from bro Thomas Steane £3 due after death of Corlet's wife + also the 4t pt of all the small things mentioned in will of Patt quayle (1698) to Wm Quayle my eldest son [?Joney's 1st husb Patt Quayle with 2 sons, then 2nd John Corlet (?no ch] 1700-2 E w KELLY Alice QUALTROUGH d 11 oct;son phil,nich,steph;other ch;husb + ch jt execs;ch ua uncles wm qualtrough + wm crane 1700-2 E w McYLREA Anne KNEEN bur 4 nov 1700;mo alive;sis jony;bro wm;husb alive 1701 A 55 CORLETT Elizabeth [?crain] rh margin lost - als Cr...];d 10 mar 1701/2;son robt,nicholas;dau ann,elinr exex;;wm corlett clerk + tho Corlett Broughjarg to be supv of ch but refused - next of kin Wm crain sworn 1701 A 56 COWLEY Margery d aug; see philip 1701 A 56 COWLEY Philip d 8 nov ;(wife margery pre decd him);ch john(eldest),margt,mary + philip (close-e-kenish between them);if ch should die Finlo Corlett(corvally) to enjoy land - Robt Killip + thos corlett to be overseers; 1701 A 57 GAWNE Ellin cowley d 4 mar 1701/2;son wm curlett,thos curlett;dau ann + mally curlett;gch ellin steane;husb robt gawn exor 1701 A 58 KELLY Mally corlett d beg mar 1701;stepdau ellin kelly;son thos corris;husb Wm kelly(land that came by him) jt exor with son Thos corris 1701 A 59 CRINNILL John d mid feb;ch jony + cath (?ua next of kin john tear karlane supv) 1701 A 60 CORLETT Joney cotter d 6 jan 1700/1?;husb john;sis nelly,cath;mo isable christian als cotter exex;names wm kelly,goddau isable cowle;exex gives right to dau nelly cotter;1703/4: dispute John Curlet + sis-i-law nelly cotter - arbitration 1701-3 E d GARRET Isabel TEAR d 8 oct 1701;only dau mariod tear - uncle John tear supv;husb alive - note by Sam Wattleworth re Marriod Kelly (d 1700) dated 1705: that 40s due to ch in fa's hands Philip Carrett who married shortly after her death Isable Teare who d after a yr intestate - her only ch by a former husb was admtr + her mo's goods were added to fa's inv with no consideration to the 40s 1702 A 35 Steone Thomas d 24 nov 1702;niece ellin steone;wife cath steone als quayle;bro robt steane;nephew robt steone,patt steone;bro wm (purchased parcell of land in the hill) 1702 A 36 CRY Isabel mcnameer d end of feb 1702;husb edwddau bahe + bessy jt exexs;husb gave a yoke of oxen to his son at the Dooly[Dollaugh?] and she had no satisfaction; 1702 A 37 KNEEN Bahee curlet son thos,wm;dau jony(abroad) exex 1702-2 E 105 w COWLEY Thomas [full] 1702-2 E 110 d craine Margaret SKALY d 21 may 1702;4 ch patk,jony,wm + mary craine;husb john crain;uncle john skelly;no effects;note filed as margt skaly 1702-3 E d QUIRK Dorothy d 24 jan;in house + under care patk kewish;no relns appeared 1703 A 29 KILLIP John d 2 nov 1703;gson philip curlett;son-i-law wm curlett(half Ballamoney? - had m/c by which would be exor);servant dan daughardy; 1703-1 E d QUAIL Jane d 29 jan;sibs philip,john + ann jt admrs of what came by mo and Hester + Wm (both ua) admrs with them of such goods as came by father 1704 A 12 staine Averick d 16 dec 1704;son micheal exor,patk; 1704 A 13 COWLEY Michael d 21 dec 1704;sibs isabel,nicholas,thos,averick;names several owing money inc jony mcnameer als saile;mo + bro john cowley jt execs 1704-2 E w crain Patrick d 14 oct 1704;dau margt (is owed £5 of her portion);son thos(+wife) exor 1704-2 E w CRY Margaret d [blank] sep 1704;sibs joney,cath,wm exor 1704-2 E w KILLIP William d 27 Oct? 1704;[added note on will (+others in Bal prov'd 10 Nov 1704 - also other corrections]dau mally;gch Mally killip,Wm Killip exor;+ names several debtors 1705 A 47 STEAVEN Thomas d 11 jan 1705;ch john,joney,isable,margt,robt(if he came for it),[lost],thos + philip exors; 1705-1 E w CALLIE Anne crain d 29 sep 1705;ch wm (40s + lamb bought with godfather's money),mary;bro wm craine;husb exor (May 1709 noted been sick ever since probabte) 1705-1 E w CORLETT Thomas d 17 Oct 1705;son philip(half crop + 3 draught beasts nominated to him by grandmother, + ballatesson flat provided he redeem it - to pay £30);other unnamed ch;wife exex 1705-1 E w KILLIP Patrick d 21 jul 1705;wife ellinr;ch philip (purchased land known as Catnys),John 1705-1 E d TEAR Thomas d 16 dec 1705;unmarried ch Thomas,cath,margt,ellin,philip & Ann jt admrs some ua;wife alive; ch at age are Gilbert, John,Thomas, Cath + margt + wife are supvs 1706 A 8 QUAYLE William d 10 Oct 1706;ch Wm,david,jane Mary admrs - david+mary ua;wife alive 1706 A 35 COWLEY Ann d 15 mar 1705/6;sibs thos, cath;husb alive (to pay children of Ballnecree);sis cath,jony cowley,margt cowley;bro John Caly, Wm Caly,thos cowley(+ his ch);names Jony Macleyharane,ann cowley d/o uncle Thomas,ellin Cowley, Margt Cowley,anne corlet, + jony corlet Ballnecree;sis-i-law Ann Stain;reported that sis Cath said to her that she had paid more than thomas;thomas caly exor;John Corlet h/o jony cowley acks 20d + large pott; 1706 A 36 GARRETT Patrick dated 20 may 1706;names Philip garrett, john garrett,ewan garrett exor;names debtors 1706-2 E w COWIL Thomas d 2 sep 1706;unnamed wife + 2 ch jt execs;inv £1 13s 6d;posthumous dau Mary decreed jt exex 1706-2 E d CURLETT Dorothy CHRISTIAN d 9 jun 1706;ch ewan, robt + anne - next of kindred Jo + Margt Christian supvs;husb Mr Tho Curlet + John Christian(League) sworn - other supv ua;note that inv is £40 which is in hands of Mrs Ann Christian gmo of admrs 1706-2 E w McCARAIN Jony d 24 aug 1706;uncle michael maccarrin(+ son tho), john caly, tho caly;godson Robt Curlot;names margt kneen, will caly, jony kewn, ellinr caly, abigale stean;mo(right in intack close woods + close kepaugh + whatever linen left by will of An ? Cowley); 1707 A 11 KEWISH Ann kemain? d 26 mar 1706;dau Mary(eldest),ann,dorothy;son Wm;husb Patk exor; petn by Patk that youngest ch only 6mnths[poor copy re 'als'];1712/3: Mary acks from step gfa wm cannell;1726: ann Wainwright als Kewish w/o John acks;1727: Wm acks from fa 1708 A 22 Kneene William d 5 jan 1707;son wm,john;dau cath.margt (youngest - exex);wife alive 1708 A 23 STOEN Elinor craine d ladyday [25 mar] 1708;son phinlo,thos,john,wm (exor);dau-i-law margt stoen;gdau cath mcylkerrane,ellnr stoen 1708 A 57 CRAIN Thomas d 18 feb 1708;sis joney kneal als crain (half steer in hands anne curlet),ellin cannel als crain;gdau cath killy;nephew wm.john + thos caley;niece cath caley, mary + ann curlett;gdau ellinor kelly exex;debtors Wm Crain glack, tho tear ballaneddin; 1708 A 58 CRY Patrick d 2 mar 1708;dau bessy,mary;wife alive + jt exex with mary ;gson patk cry;son-i-law philip garret 1708-1 E d COWLE John d 9 nov 1708;ch john,dan + margt;wife alive 1708-2 E w TEAR Anne CANNELL [damaged margin]d 28 jul 1708;husb thos (+ his son thos);son adam mcBwee?;son Wm;gch alice;stepdau elinor tear;her son thos(if he came to country & made a demand cut off with 6d);dau Cath exex - husb thos should not pay any sums due to her former husb; 1709-3 E d CALLISTER Christian d beg aug 1709;dau cath admr;husb adam 1709-3 E w McYLVORREY Jony MOUGHTIN d 28 jun 1709;son patk(lands to descend to him),thos;dau jony,margt;son wm mcylvorrey(in ireland 6d);patk + margt jt execs;husb alive 1710 A 11 COWLEY John d 17 jan 1710;dau ellinr exex;list of creditor + debtors;wife cath;inv £2 19s 0d 1710 A 12 CANNELL Jony mcbooy d 13 feb 1710/11;only son henry quayle;husb alive 1710-1 E d CORLETT Robert d 7 jul 1707 in Barbadoes; effects in hands Mr John Murrey,Mmerchant,Liverpool;court had some difficulty in determining next relns thomas,wm curlet, daniel mcylrea + Ann christian (wm mcylrea refused + sis Ann Christian did not appear) 1710-3 E w BODAUGH William d 13 aug 1710;wife(garrett's meadow);ch thos(eldest - lands in ballaugh + jurby),thos junr, ellinr,mary;wife alive 1710-3 E w CORRAS Thomas d 29 sep 1710;uncle John corras dyer, wm corlet,wm corras(son john corras),james corras(dau margt curlet als corras) exor;kinsman Patk curlet;adam caine owed him 10s;worked some days in harvest for Thos caine; 1710-3 E w KILLIP Elinor COWLEY d 6 jul 1710;son Philip(lands) exor,john 1711 A 32 COTTIMAN Philip [very faint + unreadable] wife alive;dau jane 1711 A 33 McYLREA Thomas bur 14 mar 1711;balnecooley;unnamed son-i-law in Oolikkan in Braddan;son wm;other ch thos,jane + wm;son john;wife + dau jony jt exexs 1711 A 34 COTTIMAN Catherine d 22 feb 1711;bro John (+ wife);mo(sworn exex)+ fa alive;sister in ireland; 1711 A 35 CLARKE Bessy COWLEY [faint + not very readable] jt will ;dated 14 nov 1711;husb robt d 9 or 10 yrs ago;names Thomas Curlet of Brooghjarg,ch of philip cowley Balnelargy?;robt 1711 A 36 CALLISTER Mally quark dated 24 dec 1711;only ch wm(left 15s of her own towards nursing) exor - Mally's bro John supv;sis Margt;bro John;husb Wm 1711 A 37 CURLET Katherine CHRISTIAN dated 9 nov 1711;brooghjarg;son wm,robt;dau nelly;gch katy,wm vandy (+ other ch at alk mill);husb john exec 1711-2 E w BODAUGH Donald d 23 may 1711;sons philip,donald,wm exor;dau jony,margt;gson donald boddagh;philip boddaugh claims for 4th pt of goods due by death of father Wm Boddagh [bottom of will worn + not easily readable] 1711-2 E w GAWN William d beg May 1711;wife Ammy;son wm exor;dau margt 1711-3 E d CANNELL William d 10 dec;only son john; 1712 A 17 KILLIP Jony jt will Wm Killip + wife Joney;Joney d 2 Apr 1712 + Wm d 12 Apr 1712;son Wm(eldest),thos(the croft);dau Jane exex 1712 A 17 KILLIP William see jony 1712 A 18 COWLEY Thomas d 27 mar 1712;dau Nelly(eldest - close-y-killip lezayre),ann,?jony;son Thomas(?heir),nicholas(youngest);wife [Margt] alive;bro Wm+ Nicholas(to be overseers of ch);nephew henry cowley;1726: ellinr(nelly) w/o thos christian(onchan);wife Margt married Patk Cannel (decd)[m Bal 17141003,bur Bal 17250116] 1712 A 19 CLEARK Robert d 20 apr 1712;names Phill Corlett(Broujarg - half share fishing boat until his exor was able to enjoy),John Corlett (Brougjarg - due a sheep by will of his wife lately decd), Phill + Margt Cowley;niece Kath Clark;dau averick (jt exex with Kath Clark);Cath clark claims agt exors of Robt + wife 36s 1712 A 20 CURLET William d 4 apr 1712;Bishops Demesne;ch margt, jony, mary;wife margt exex;bro Philip;cousin Robt Curlet to be overseers;inv £5 18s;1727: Margt at age acks from mother margt corlet als Mcylrea what was due from father + by death of sister Mary;1733: Wm Cain h/o Jony acks from mmo-i-law margt Brew als Mcylroy + what was due by death of Mary 1712 A 21 KELLY Margaret kewish some loss rh margin on film]d 4 apr 1712;dau [?ja ?Is ..],cath exex;son-i-law john cain;sibs joney,philip,nelly;witt James Cain, John Mcylvorrey 1712-1 E 638 d CURLETT Catherine CHRISTIAN d 2 aug 1711;sibs tho, wm, margt, jane, margery jt admrs - all absent + some ua - father robert christian - husbs legacy 20s 1712-2 E d CURLET John d 30 jan 1711/2;7 unmarried ch tho, alice, anne, mary, robt, Tho jnr, Isabel + Patr jt admrs - all at age;wife alive;pledges for wife wm corlett + her son Thomas snr;annexed agreemt between ch + mother joney als cowley - many debts, mother feeble + antient + it would soon reduce her to poverty to take out of her hands such small sums - thus agree not to demand them - mother to pay funeral costs + bring up son Patk until age 14 if she lives to that time 1712-2 E d Killip Philip d 6 may 1712;ch john + ellin jt admrs - uncle John Killip supv;wife alive - pledges Wm Cry + Tho Stephan; 1712-2 E w Stephan Elin CRY d 2 jul 1712;son philip (right in Close Woods in Lezayre)+ thomas jt exors;dau jony, isable;gdau ellin killip;names little mary Stephan;dau-i-law isable stephan als curlet 1712-3 E d COWLEY Margret d 11 jan 1712/13;ch gilbt, mary, patk, jane + margt - all at age but surrender to genl sumner who is to sell effects + pay debts proportionally 1712-3 E w COWLEY William dated 15 jan 1712/13;d 4 dec 1712;dau margt;stepdau jony thompson;son thomas cowley exor;pro patk cowley;names wm cowley(listy);wife alive 1712-3 E w KILLIP Patrick dated 11 dec 1712;married ch wm, thomas, margt, ellin, cath + john (1s ea - and are fully satisfied for what due by death of mo);ch nicholas (as yet unpaid),ewan(roofs of houses),isable(daymoth of hay in close-y-lvolly wch I took in mortgage for 10s);ewan + isable jt execs;wife alive;[bur Bal 17121224 - bishops turbary] 1713 A COWLEY Mary quayle in defuncts but ?will; 1713-1 E d CURLETT John, snr d 4 jul 1713;broughjarg begg;son robt;wife alive (legacy due by m/c);one pledge is john curlet bro to robt;annexed agreement between 3 sons john,wm + robt 1713-3 E d QUAYLE Jony COWLEY d 23 mar 1711;ch philip,wm;husb alive 1714 A 19 THOMPSON Margaret craine [poor copy]d 6 apr 1714;names john crain(Balnehowin 20s),wm crain(Peel 20s),cath cannon, mally lace, alice lace 1714 A 20 BODAUGH Robert d 7 mar 1714;ch wm(eldest son),jony,ann (two yougest),danl, marrgt, nelly + bahy jt execs;wife alive; 1714 A 21 CAIN Jane killip d last day [31] mar 1713;ch wm, john, cath;sis cath;aunt jony cain;names john cain, jane cain, isabel cowley,christian sittleton,cath cowley,john mcylvorry;husb exor 1714 A 22 CORRAS Joney tear [poor copy]dau nelly,ann,cath(+dau alice brown);son john + dau elinor + ann jt execs;sis isabel1720: cath brown als corris(+ dau alice brown) ack legacies from mo 1714-1 E w KILLIP Thomas d 17 may 1714;bps demesne;son wm(half roofs);dau margt ua;wife alive 1714-1 E d McYLREA William d 22 feb last;orphan;sibs tho, ellin + jane + halfsibs john, wm, margt + Cath jt admrs - all at age;goods 20s in f's will 1714-1 E d SKALY Margaret ?copy from lib 2 1702;d 21 May 1702;4 small ch admr;husb john + ch uncle John Skaly attested no goods after debts paid - Jun 1714: Patk Craine now alleges more goods than debts required 1714-2 E w Cowley Jane CURGHEY d 14 aug 1714;ch thomas,margt(sheet bequeathed by father), jony exex;9yds of linen in house to provide burial linen - rest to be divided amongst 2 daus;note by court that Jony Thompson exex surrenders right to bro tho cowley (she to have half the cow) 1714-2 E d McYLVORY Philip d beg Nov 1714;ch wm(in ireland (Dublin)- money acked by Alexr Battersby C'town),thos, margt (w/o John Curghy) + joney;Wm in his ack mentions brother John Clague 1714-2 E w STEPHEN Finlo d 2 Jul 1714;names Jon Cowley(+ dau);ch Thomas philip;wife mary als cowley exex;inv 15s 4d 1715 A 23 KNEEN Elinor tear d 28 mar 1715;husb michael;sibs thomas, cath;only ch jane exex;annexed note that husb michael, if he has no son, then dau jane to have lands but if there is a son then she is to have no part - if Jnae has no issue then to decend by any [half]sisters;[there is a m/c ref'd - Old Bal #40];exex ua uncle + aunt thos + cath tear;Philip Curlet claims in behalf of fa-i-law Wm Kelly of Kk Marown 20s 1715 A 24 COWLEY Thomas [poor copy]d 2 dec? 1715[bur TC taylor 3 dec];ch ellinr, anne, patk exor;son-i-law wm quayle;sevl mentions of sheep in creg moar; 1715-1 E w BODAUGH Patrick unnamed 2 daus at age but incapable - to be assisted by John Curghy + Wm Callow;wife alive;incs m/c patk with Mary Cowley als Cain dated 15 may 1710;disput re widows share of goods - contract states 1/3rd 1715-1 E w CORRIS James d 10 jun 1715;son john;dau margt(w/o Finlo Curlet) - residuary legatee;wife alive - surrenders exectrship to son-i-law Finlo they to maintain her; 1715-2 E d STEANE Philip d 14 feb 1715;ballamoar;ch ellinor, wm,philip + patk(ua);debts great 1716 A 40 MYLREA Daniel deed of sett Danl (deemster) + wife Margt to son Dan;lpurch land in jurby (8d rentt Rushin close end of lough-ne-greagh to run as inheritance along with Dollaugh + Corraig's land)sons thomas,wm 1716 A 41 MYLREA margt written with deed (#40);dau ann christian;gch margt + mary Christian 1716 A 42 CURLET William d 17 nov;2 unnamed ua ch;wife alive 1716 A 43 STEPHAN Isabel tear d 20 nov 1716;ch wm(exor),elinr,philip & patrick 1716 A 44 TEAR John d 30 nov 1716;ch margt,john (close-y-killey, close-y-cannell ,thos(their - rough-beg in lezayre);fa thomas tear; Thomas (ch gfa) + ch mother agree that exors should have £4 instead of exexship + whatever is due by contract to their fa + mother; 1716 A 45 STEPHAN Catherine quayle dated 9 jun 1716;cousin thomas stephan;joney stephen als cowley exex;names several others 1716 A 46 KELLY Ann [?check jurby heading]d 9 dec 1716;ch john(6d),Jane,ann,gilbert,daniel exor;names John gell,Patrick Kelly(now in ireland) 1716 A 47 KNEAL Joney kelley d 18 jan 1714/5;husb john;dau jony kneal exex;gdau ann;court notes eldest dau had a mc; 1716-1 E d TEAR Anne d 20 may 1716;sibs john,philip,thos, gilbt,margt + ellen;inv in fa will 1705;funeral charges 16s 1716-2 E w STEPHEN Robert d 26 sep 1716;wife exex;bro wm(if his son marry a reln of wife + she approve then whole to fall to couple after wife's decease) 1716-3 E d STEPHAN Patrick d 27 nov 1716;half-bro michael quaile + next reln Wm Stephen jt admrs 1717 A 38 CANNELL Mary seacome d 13 mar 1716;husb alive (jt exec)gch wm kewish, ann + dorothy, mary kewish (jt exec with husb + residuary legatee) 1717 A 39 COWLEY Catherine fail dated 7 nov 1716;ch john(land + houses),nicholas exor;other unnamed ch(6d);annexed agreemnt by nicholas to surrender any right in Lagbane + Lackyn to bro John 1717 A 40 TEAR Thomas [faint on film];d 15 apr 1717;miller squeen;ch margt, barbara,edward(heir);wife alive;father exor;names mary cannel, Michael kneen;tho tear snr declared before witnesses (the contract being lost) that he gave him ? were half his goods + sd thos tear snr's wife owned she had given young couple half her goods.[?thos tear jnr m margt kneen Bal 17091223 - in ch bapt tc jnr squeen 1717 A 71 CALLISTER Gilbert [faint on film]d 14 nov 1717;3 ch by former wife - wm, jon? + Mally?[?nelly];wife alive(roof of house during her life - then to son Thos who is to pay 15s due to Ld Bishop);states he recvd just 2s 4d by death of mother;ch thos + margt jt exors [?bishops demesne - bur mic 15 nov bps demesne] 1717 A 72 CORLETT Jony stephan d dec 1717;ch wm killip(eldest son) exor, thomas curlet(houses etc that came by his father), isable(her half of mortgage money in Crains close), wm,robt,jony, nelly;states 3 daus to share her linen;if thomas prove a spendthrift then isable to have half;1731: john cally h/o isable;1731: wm killip + doncan corlet stepfa of sd wm agreement [doncan corlett m jony stephen als killip Bal 16981210 where noted dc s/o danl curragh;js wdw will killip curragh]; 1725: Robt Killip(ballaugh), Michael kneen(h/o Joney als killip) + thos Quayle(h/o ellinr als killip) ack satisfied all due by deaths of fa + mother + discharge wm killip(exor of mother);thos + isable corlet ack; 1717-1 E w KINRED Thomas d 7 may 1717;no goods;wife alive + unnamed h 1717-2 E d KEMAYN William depart 16yrs ago;no acct;nieces + nephews mary,an,dorothy + wm kewish, their fa patk kewish 1717-2 E d QUAILE William d 9 sep;only bro silvester 1717-2 E w STEPHAN Thomas dated 8 jun 1717;carbiddle;ch jony,cath exex;son-i-law wm quayle; 1717-2 E w STEPHENSON Ann KELLY d 18 oct 1717;ch john quayle,margt quayle,wm quayle;what was left by husb to return to his own ch;there was a m/c for wm 1717-3 E d STEPHEN Gilbert d 26 nov;ch margt,ann + john; wife alive + jt admr with daus as 'son being scarcely at age' 1718 A 9 TEAR Thomas d 14 apr 1714;ch john,alice exex;wife (croft called crott y volly during her life) 1718 A 22 COWLEY Grace gawn d 23 dec 1716;son wm kelly;dau margt curlet,elinor;son-i-law john quayle + wife ie her dau margt quayle als cowley 1718-2 E w KILLIP William d 7 oct 1718;names ewan + wm Killip,john sharp(son of Douglas) + sevl others;mother + sis Margt jt exexs;left his best coat to pay for drink at marriage of sister 1718-2 E w LOONEY Daniel d 3 jun 1716?;ch john, mary (3yds of russet cloth ea),ellinr exex(w/o Philip Kaighin);names jane + Wm cry + others;inv £1 12 6d 1718-2 E w STEPHAN Jony COWLEY d 7 aug 1718;sis isabel;son thomas;gch thomas caley;dau nelly;husb wm exor 1718-3 E d CALLISTER Thomas d 18 jan ;ch thomas + wm jt admrs - both ua next reln John saile supv;wife alive - she keeps goods + brings up ch but if they die 20s to be paid to John Saile (his wife Cath agreed) 1718-3 E d CRAIN John d 17 oct 1718;7 ch patk,jony,wm,mary by former wife,isabel,tho + wm;goods will not extend;john skealy overseer of 1st wifes ch; ch by former wife want their share of intack land - ageemnt by 2nd wife ellinor harrison als crain 1718-3 E w TEAR Thomas [very faint on film]d 7 [?apr ];squeen;ch thomas, cath(20s due by mo death of wch 6 or 7s paid);gdau jane kneen(not yet 14), margt + barbara jt exexs - commited to their mo + his wife [?2nd marr] 1718-3 E d SKALY Margaret 1st wife john crain - extracted - d21 may 1702;admrs patk,jony,wm + marysupv uncle john skaly;husb john - no goods debts discharged; 1719 A 13 KAIGHIN jony cain ? d 21 feb 1716;[v faint on film];ch margt,cath,ann + wm jt execs;husb alive; 1719 A 14 GAWN Robert d 29 mar? 1719;names ch of wm stephen(john, gilbt + wm);stepdau ann curlet;stepson wm stephen;names nelly stephen;son thomas gawn, wm gawn exor;gdau bahy gawn;Pat cannell + wife owe him 35s, Philip Garret glanshoggil 2s 4d?; 1719 A 35 CALLISTER Margaret kinred d 5 dec 1719;ch thos + margt execs 1719 A 36 CURLET Grace d 16? jan 1719;corvalley;mo alive - 20s to husb that he provide her with a winding sheet at latter day;bro's dau ellinr curlet;only dau mary exex;fa dead as ellinor curlet sues for goods due by death of fa left in grace's hands; 1719-1 E d STEPHAN John d 31 mar 1719;ballyvolley;6ch margt,isabel,joney,ann,john,thomas ;wife isabel + 2 eldest sworn 1719-2 E w CANNELL William d 1 jun 1719;names christian cannel, wm corras;bro adam(+ his son), patk(son john - his violin);nephew patk cannell;names Patk kewish(3 ch wm, ann + dorothy), poor lad thomas cowley;godch wm curlet, margt tear;niece mary curlet;names mary kewish exex;names mary corlet d/o john corris 1719-2 E d CURLETT Mary d 7 apr 1719;orphan - ua;sis margt + jony jt admxs;goods in fa Wm's will - funeral costs 4s 8d; 1719-3 E CAIN Margaret husb gilbt made oath that no effects remaining after funeral expenses 1720 A 22 McNAMEER Margaret curlet d 17 apr 1720;states all her husband's good would not pay debts thus bequeathes her pt of lands to him;ch danl, cath, ann(6d) + jony(6d); all ch at age + consent 1720 A 51 CORAIG John d 5 dec 1720;names 2 sons of daniel cowle - wm + mathias;son thos;danl cowle exor; 1720 A 52 CORLETT William [parish] clerk of Ballaugh;cousin widow caine to see all things done + ordered in the house at his funeral;ch wm(eldest son),cath, john(half team vizt bullock at glack wth 2 in the plow + cow in plow to be taken out + also all monies in the Knockan)sister Cath;nephew thomas curlet;if Wm recover 1d rent he sold to Wm Cowley then he left sd Wm Cowley as much land in Croft-ne-cony in lieu;cath (w/o john cannell)+ john jt execs;annexed agreement between heir + execs - john to have croft, wm complete team, cannells the cow bought from ballakinley 1720-1 E w COWLE Ann TEAR d 15 may 1720;dau cath(+ 2 sons Tho + Nich?);Kath mcylrea als cowle sworn exex 1720-2 E w CALEY Jony COTTIER d 24 jun 1720;dau isabel(eldest),margt,cath;son thos;gdau margt cleator;husb alive 1720-2 E w COWLEY Mally BwEE d 8 jul 1720;son thos;dau nelly;ch patk + joney(w/o thos gawn) jt execs;husb alive 1720-2 E d KILLIP Margaret CAIN d 20 jul;only dau margt (w/o dan boddagh) admx 1720-3 E d FLANNIGAN Jane CROSS d last summer [dated feb 1720/1] in dublin;husb James;relns in several courts decline admin - gnl sumner to handle;claim by Ewan Killip for work done (weaving 38yds huccaback 1.5d/yd) 1720-3 E d LOWEY Alice CREBBIN d 13 nov 1720;sibs John + Jony (w/o Philip Christian) jt admrs;husb alive 1721 A 21 KEGG John d 15 mar 1720;ch nelly, mary, john, bessy;wife alive;nelly + mary jt exexs;1732: john kinread h/o nelly 1721 A 22 CRY [elinor] CALEY d 19 mar 1720;ch cath, ellin + elizth jt exexs;gch wm quayle, patrick + nicholas curlet;john skillicorn + Wm Curlet h/o 2 exexs;annexed agreement between execs 1721 A 23 CALLISTER Adam d 12 apr 1721;bro dollin callister(son thos);sis joney;unnamed gch (6s ea when at age to receive money);wife exex 1721-1 E w BODAUGH William d 9 may 1721;ch jony, ann,wm + margt;pat crain owed 7s 6d, Finlo Stephan Knockold 40s;bro Philip;wife exex 1721-1 E w KEGG Elinor KELLY d 28 apr 1721;dau mary,joney,nelly exex;stepson john kegg;1732 john kinread(lexayre) h/o ellinr exex acks from john kegg 1721-2 E w CRAINE William d 17 aug 1721;glack;bro john;son thos(heir),wm(had sufficient goods);dau jane,margt;ch robt,philip (these 2 to be put to trde)+ alice execs 1721-2 E w GARRETT Ewan d 11 oct 1721;ballaneddine;ch philip (exor),alice,joney, jane, mabel,wm, john,ewan,anne, cath(last 4 ua);wife alive 1722 A 20 CRAIN Margaret curlet d 31 mar 1722;sibs joney, wm;sis's dau alice sayle;names wm crain, jony crain + sevl others;husb nich crain(+ his dau mary crain) jt execs 1722 A 21 MOORE Gilbert undated;wife exex;john + wm killip exrs of Mary Moore als killip former wife of gilbt surrender right + title to crop gerars etc unto exex cath moore als shimin she paying £3 + bowl of meatcorn to John + £3 3s to Wm;witt tho corlet genl sumnr, Jon shimmin x; 1722 A 22 COTTIMAN Thomas d 12 apr 1722;forrestors lodge;ch daniel,wm(exor);wife alive;pledges wm kelly + Wm Kelly snr 1722 A 39 CLERK Ann gawn d 21 nov 1722;ch john, thos, bessy,margt, alice;gch john + thomas clerk;dau-i-law bahee;husb patt;bessy + alice jt exexs 1722 A 40 CURLET John d 1 jan 1722;ch elizth,robt(croft after wife's death)exor;wife alive;witt pat cowley, silvester cowle (m to Corlet's only dau has consented to will) 1722-1 E w COWLEY Mary d 28 feb 1721;sis nelly,isable;mo exex;owed 4d wage ballachranane, loughchrout a qtrs wages 1722-2 E w CANNELL Averick CLARK d 28 feb ;ch mary, cath,margt,patk,john;gch mary kaighin(4yds fine linen),john kaighin, thomas cannell;names anne curlet;husb patk jt exor with son john but surrenders to son patk, mary thinks goods left her somewhat larger than estate can bear + resigns to bros; 1723-1 A 14 COTTIER Mary d 13 nov 1723;uncle wm caly;fa wm cottier;names margt (sis of Pat)+ pat Caley(h/o sis ann als cottier) + their dau Margt - her right of close in curragh);pat caley exor;unnamed bro + 3 sis; 1723-1 A 15 KILLIP Isabel d 9 dec 1723;dau ann crain;son wm crain,phinlo crain exor;gch pat craine;one wittnes was thos Stean now dead;?husb wm killip,senr;[isabel crain als Garret m Bal 16981201] 1723-1 A 16 Cain Jane WOODS d 12 jan;bro's dau ellinor woods,henry woods dau;husb gilbt caine exor [m Bal 17201119] - note indexex as Jane woods 1723-1 A 17 CRAIN John d 20 dec 1723;sis ann;nephew john crain exor; 1723-1 A 18 KNEEN William d 11 dec 1723;bro thomas;mich kneen exor + surrenders to kinsman Thomas Kneen 1723-1 A 19 STEANE Thomas dated 17 feb 1723/4;fa wm;wife pregnant - child to be exor if lives 1723-1 A 20 GARRETT Bahey d 4 jan [1723/4];names adam cannell senr + junr;nelly cannell exex;names others 1723-2 A 103 TEAR Alice CHRISTIAN [full];d 24 dec 1723;son john;dau alice exex 1723-2 A 104 COWLEY Edmund d 28 dec 1723;ch john(sheep in the Knockean);sis joney,bahy;wife ellin als colister exex; 1723-2 E w CLARK William dated 18 oct 1723;ch john(eldest son not yet 21),thos exor - ua - john, thomas, Alice + elizth clark sworn;wife alive;inv includes dead's pt of Crott-y-quayle crops 1723-2 E d CURLETT Catherine SHIMMIN d trinity sun;only dau cath;husb john 1723-2 E w GOLDSMITH Jony CHRISTIAN d 2 nov 1723;son thos, john + robt jt exors;husb alive 1723-2 E w KELLY Averick QUAYLE dated 2 dec 1723;d a week after husb wm;sis nelly;names ann craine;dau nelly exex 1723-2 E w KELLY margt JOHNSON d 26? oct 1723;dau ann(+ her dau isabel), jony, cath(pot she brought with her to house), james, margt, john,wm ;gch ellinr corkan;dau cath + jony exexs;husb wm;1724: Wm corrin obo wife cath als corkill claims £4 1723-2 E w KELLY William d 20 oct 1723;dau margt,nelly exex;wife alive [her will dated 2 dec 1723] 1723-3 E d CRAIN Patrick d 11 feb 1723/4;next relns refused admin - gnl sumner to handle;list of claims(abt 18s) 1724-1 A 51 CRAIN Elinor tear d 14 jan 1723/4;dau mary(feather bed + new smoothing iron),ellinr;son thomas,nich,patk,gilbt,wm,danl (jt exec with dau mary);gdau elinr,elin crain;husb thos;dau-i-law margery 1724-1 A 52 CORLETT Thomas ballacaine;dau isabel(eldest),ann (jt exex with gch wm Corlett + isable stean);wife alive;wife's cousin wm corlet;;list of debtors; 1724-1 A 53 GAWNE William dated 11 mar 1723/4;son wm(eldest not yet 21),john,anthony(part of looms);dau margt(eldest),cath,ann;wife exex - her bro Pat Corlet pledge 1724-1 A 54 TEARE Thomas d 21 feb 1743/4;ballavolley;unnamed eldest dau heiress;other unnamed ch,dau jony exex ua - uncle john teare supv;wife alive;sibs john,margt(to be supv) 1724-1 E w CRAINE Finlo d 26 apr 1724;ch patk(eldest son),isable, margt, ellin, thos + john jt exors;sis anne (due by death of her mother);wife alive;ch at age but sick and unable to attend - stepfa Wm killip had pd the court fees[?is this father-i-law as wife margt killip]Oct 1724: Patk + ellin raine Corvalla sworn overseers of their brethren, john craine exor ua;inv of ua John (note that uncle Wm Craine claims pt of a steer);Nov 1724: tho craine exr at age recvd his pt in kind has surrended to uncle Wm Killip 1724-1 E d GARRETT Philip d 24 dec 1723;late sumner of parish;ch wm + jony jt admrs;wife alive 1724-1 E w McYLREA Daniel dated 25 mar 1721;wants to be buried in wife's grave;dau anne (?sons tho + wm curlett);son daniel exor; 1724-2 A 142 CROSS Jony KELLY declrd nov 1723,d 15 dec 1723;husb mich;son John(h/o jane als cannell);dau cath;gch Mich + Mary Cain [c/o john cain + margt cross m bal 17160302] 1724-2 A 143 CORLETT William undated;Ballacry;son Patk(heir),michael,john,wm,ewan,thomas(abroad - if he be alive),philip(Balnemonney - owedd his fa Wm a qtr of crop);dau margt(youngest - exex unless she marries without consent of mother);wife ?elinor as signs agreemt with philip ;philip reaches agreement with widow + margt that claims + counterclaims balance; 1724-2 A 145 COWLEY ann jt deed of gift Philip + wife Ann dated 16 dec 1723 to son-i-law Wm Creer(Douglas - h/o joney);witt Gilbert Cowley x,john mcylvorey x;Ann dead Philip sworn exor; 1724-2 A 146 COWLEY John d 29 jan;dau margt,ann,cath,isabel - jt execs ua;sibs Nich + isable to supv ch;wife alive 1724-2 A 147 KELLY William agreement dated 26 Oct 1724;Wm Kelly + wife Ann als Quaile and Philip Garrett + wife margt als kelly (all ballaugh); Wm agrees inheritance(?lands) to return to the? own? exrs of both (excepting her linnen etc to be at her disposing) - Philip to give Ann a butt of wheat + butt of pease during her widowhood - the kellys give 3 half firlets of barlay at sowing time;claims by James Quayle, Jomes Corkill, Cath Corrin als Corkill;; Widow Ann notes James Corkill debt as per contract, James Quayle + wife Joney, Wm Karran debt by contract of his wife and former husb;Adam Cain moar 9d 1724-2 A 148 CRAIN William ballabeg;son John,Patk + youngest 4 ch ua;wife alive;ch john,patk, isabel + dorothy sworn;1739: Patk acks from John;1744: cath crain acks bahee Crain als kneal exex of John Crain;1739 John Crain acks debt to sister Margt Katyn of Dublin; 1724-2 A 149 TEAR William d 5 feb 1724/5;unnaned ua ch;unnamed wife;pledges Nich Cowley + Tho: Bodaugh[full] 1724-2 A 150 GAWN Ann curlett d 11 feb 1724;son wm(eldest - her pt of land),john,anthony(half loom - other half left by fa);dau cath(eldest),ann;wm + cath jt execs;witt thos gawn x,ellinr crain als harrison x;3 ch ua john,ann + anthony 1724-2 A 151 CURLETT Joney cowley d 14 feb 1724;dau mary,jony,isabel, alice,ann; son thos junr,thos senr,robt,patk;gch isabel crowe,john moore;ch patk,thos junr + mary corlet jt execs; 1724-2 A 152 McNAMEER Joney d 25 mar 1725;husb Wm exor;son John,wm;gch John's daus;Wm Mcnameer,son to her husb, be used after his father's discretion; 1724-2 E d KILIP Nicholas d 8 nov 1723;sibs wm, thos, margt, nelly, cath, ewan + isabel killip jt admrs;isabel half blood has no right to goods due to decd by death of his own mother 1724-3 E w QUAILE Ann KEWISH d 29 dec;ch wm, jony(eldest), ann;husb john exor;wants James cain + Wm Killip as overseers of her eldest son;witt margt cain als cross x, ann quaile als cain x;witt ann quaile objected to as too close a relative as brother's wife of named exor; court decrees 4 ch wm, jony, patk + anne quayle jt admrs - eldest dau was ua at making of will + even now weak in judgment;Mar 1728/9: Wm quayle Glandow,ballaugh acks from overseers;1725: jony quayle acks;inv 1724-3 E d TEAR Margaret dated 26 feb 1724;d a yr ago;only bro john admr;pledges John tear(his stepfa) + wm Stephan 1724-3 E d TEAR Thomas d 15 jan 1724;gson john tear admr but he surrended admin to Tho Corlett genl sumner who is to bring an inv + pay debts proportioanlly;claims by john tear + wife jony als [? - ?jony als tear als cain widow of john tear] 1725-1 A 42 KILLIP Catherine quayle son wm (his fa dead);dau cath;kinswoman ann collin;husb thomas 1725-1 A 43 CANNELL Patrick d 4 apr 1725;bps demense;dau mary;son john,pat(exec) 1725-1 A 44 McYLVOR Thomas d 16 apr 1724;fa-i-law Jon Crain;bro Pat;only dau mary exex ua - uncles Patk Mcylvorrey + John Curghey;wife Margt als Crain 1725-1 A 45 CORLETT John d 9 mar 1724;son john (ua);dau cath,margt;bro wm;wife alive 1725-1 A 46 QUAYLE Joney stephan d 20 dec 1724;dau ellinr,cath - ua aunt Cath Stean;some problem in that Joney originally left utensils in house to daus and exex to husb but witnesses pointed out problems better to leave daus money thus 20s ea or 10s if husb wanted but husb refused exec on these terms - thus she left him lands for 21years 1725-1 E d CANNELL Patrick d 16 Jan 1724;sibs john, philip, mary + Leonora(w/o tho cannon) jt adrms;wife alive;Tho + Jony Cowley obo themselves + sibs claim £17;admrs surrender admin to sis-i-law margt cannel widow and her son thos cowley Margt to pay 10s to others 1725-1 E w KILLIP Isabel STEPHEN d 17 may 1725;ch john, thomas, wm, robt; names isabel caley,avarick kinred,ellinor w/o adam cannell (each to have petticaots etc);husb john exor 1725-2 A 121 COWLE Jane boddaugh d 7 Dec 1724;bro's dau Alice Bodaugh;dau Margt Quay exex;husb alive 1725-2 E d CALLISTER Jony NORRIS d mid harvest 1725;son adam,john,thomas eldest had m/c) 1725-2 E d callister william [not sure as to which fam this refers]dated 21 may 1725;Thos Callister + wife Grace, ballacurn, ack from stepfa Daniel Tear to have recvd bro William Callister's goods (£1 15s 6d) which they are to account for to sd bro or his assigns when he comes to age - pledges John Tear(parish clerk) + pat craine; remainder of goods in hands of Daniel Tear + wife elinor - pledges Thos callister + Patk + Daniel Craine(former pledges tho crain + wm curlet discharged) 1725-2 E d COWLEY Mary CRAIN d 10 oct [?1725];only ch Mary admr - ua - next relns patk, gilbt, danl + Tho Crain supvs;noted that Mary + husb not been married for a year + a day; child Mary d 3 feb 1725 [?1725/6]- uncles patk, gilbt, dal, nicholas + tho crain + aunt ellinr tear als crain jt admrs [?m Ger 17230610 but would be longer than year+day]] 1725-2 E d COWLEY Thomas d 20 nov 1723;sibs john, isable quayle als cowley jt admrs; 1726 A 24 CLERK Alice d 24 nov 1726;nephew thos clerk (the 30s due her by her mo's decease by contract of thomas's fa + mo);sis bessy;bro john,thomas;fa patk exor 1726 A 25 CORLETT John d 20 jan;son john jt exor withunnamedwife;bro wm 1726-1 E w BODAUGH Alice KINNISH ch joney(+ 20s due from fa's goods),anne,mary,margt, jony, danl,wm killip,wm(youngest) - youngest son + dau wm + margt jt execs; 1726-2 E w CALY ellinr KILLIP d 3 oct 1726;ch ellinor(meadow in lezayre adj close y nollan),john(close y Callow ballaugh + her pt of Deemster's curragh in lezayre),isabel;husb john exor;noted that mich mcylcarane owed her £4;1752: thos clucas h/o Isabel Caley acks 1726-2 E w CORLETT William d 7 aug 1726;bps demesne;son john(roof of houses);wife mariot als saile exex;children john + elinor ua - aunts Anne Kaighin + Mally corlet supv;noted that children's pt was 2/3 of inv 1727 A 11 STEPHAN Thomas d 11 mar 1726;knockhold;bro John(pt of Crott-y-karran for life to pay a debt - johhn refused land to heir;wife alive;dau cath,ellinr + anne exexs;unnamed heir)inv;1752 John Bridson h/o cath acks from mo-i-law 1727-1 E w COWEL Mary KEIG d 27 apr 1727;bro john keig;sis jony,rosie,nelly exex;husb john 1727-2 E d CORLETT Esther THOMSON d 27 mar 1727;brooghjarg;ch thos,jane,anne,mary + jony all ua except heir;husb philip;inv;deductions allow £3 10s to aunt mary banks if she demand the same;1740 Patk vandy h/o dorothy vandy als thompson acks from philip corlett father of admr of esther corlet 1728 A 15 COWLEY Patrick d 9 apr 1728;son thos(eldest) exor,patt(to pay arrears of rent owing);dau jony gawn als cowley(+3 ch - note cowley als gawn in will),cath,ellinr;dispute between thos + patk re rent - thos agrees to pay rent + lands to be divided 1728 A 59 COWLEY Alice gawn d 14 jan 1728;gson james reily;dau averick exex;1729: John Kewley + wife clain agt execs of Wm Cowley + wife Alice als gawn 1728 A 60 COWLEY William d 2 jan 1728;ballacurn;son john;son-i-law John Kewley;dau averick exex;wife alice stated she intended to leave all to Averick 1728 A 61 CLAGUE Joney garret d 1 feb 1727/8;dau cath,jane,nelly (w/o Jon Cowle)exex; 1728-2 E w COWLEY Jony made 4 sep;d 25 sep 1728;sibs ann(2 daus),thos,mariott(+dau),wm,ellen;parents execs;witt pattk Cowley,nich cowley (also both pledges) 1728-2 E w CRAIN Jony CORLETT d 29 jul 1728;names ann curlet(all her shaped clothes),margt crain,margt corlet;son john,wm exor,robt,philip; 1728-2 E d STEPHEN William d 20 oct 1728;only dau eli[rest lost on film] w/o tho caly 1728-3 E d QUAILE Margaret STEPHEN d 10 dec 1728;sis ann;mother alive;husb philip + ch margt,mary,cath + john all ua - aunt ann stephen supv as no exor named 1729-1 A 54 BODDAUGH William d 22 apr 1729;sis joney boddaugh, ann boddaugh,bahee,elinor;bro daniel exor 1729-1 A 55 TEAR Joney crain d 15 feb 1728;ballaneddin;dau joney tear;gdau esther tear;husb john (inc croft at Bollough);sch john + joney jt exor;ch ua 1729-1 A 56 CANNELL Adam d 3 apr 1729;cousin thos killey(kk german),patk cannell(kk michae);old serv mary kelly;fa adam cannell exor; 1729-1 A 57 CORLET Thomas dated 3 apr 1729;ballakeig;wants to be buried 1st wife's grave ballaugh;son john(+wife - crop + fishing boat),thomas,peter(maimed),robert (exec),ewan;dau margt corlett(+son john),mary (+ 2 dau by john cannon decd - their stepfa john faile baldin, 1751 dau jane w/o thomas goldsmith;1753 isable w/o paul kewley);gch wm christian;wife jane als christian (described as heir's mother);inv;1758 dispute between widow + robt corlett exor bro john[full] 1729-1 E d CORLET William d 9 feb 1728/9;ballaterson;ch ellin,averick,wm,robt, ewan + posthume Thos; - all ua next relns john cannell overseer;wife alive 1729-1 E d COWLEY Catherine STEPHAN d beg apr 1729;dau cath + isabel jt admrs - ua next reln (mo's side) ellinr quayle overseer;1732: cath at age 1729-1 E d crain Jony BODAUGH d 17 may 1729;only ch wm - ua uncles dal+thos boddagh + aunt mary boddagh;husb alive;1745 wm acks from uncles dan + thos boddagh + finlo quayle 1729-1 E w GARRETT John d 25 may 1729;glioshoggyl;wife ann als corlet (? if pregnant) exex;bro wm;father phil;1733: due by death mother marriod als kelly one bullock - ann als corlet acks £ 16s for use of child phil garrett exor of his fa john; 1729-1 E d STEPHEN Jony BODAUGH d 23 may 1729;ch philip,john + margt jt admrs - thos(eldest), ellin + margt,junr had m/cs[note 2 margts];husb alive 1729-1 E w WALKER William [rev Wm Walker]see FHSoc transcription 1729-3 E d CRAIN Patrick d end jan 1728/9 ?;only ch ellinr - ua next relns tho + isable craine;wife margt als corlet + great uncle (of ch) wm killip;thos craine obo sis isab + margt craine claims £8 1730 A 16 McNAMEER Margaret kinread d 14 dec 1729;sis averick kinread, mary;sis dau mary kelley;dau catrin;husb wm exor; 1730 A 37 COWLEY Elinor d 22 inst;son ewan(statisfied with fa's goods);dau mary cowley exex 1730 A 38 MYLEREA John dated 26 nov 1730;wife jony als corlett exex 1730-1 E w CLARK Patrick dated 21 jan 1729;son thos,john;dau elizth exex;dau-i-law bahie als crow;gson john clark 1730-1 E d CRAIN Elizabeth orphan d end aug;uncles + aunts thos,john,ellinr (w/o wm cowley),isabel + margt craine;agreement by margt crain als corlet widow + m/o + admx of late decd wm cowley with thos,john,isable + margt that what due to margt by marr with pat crain + her own houswifery since coming into estate carbadle but surrenders her interest in team;thos crain(s/o phinlo) heir of carbadle to pay her 21s/yr for her widowright 1730-1 E w McYLCARANE Michael d 4 jun;ballamoae;wife cath als stevan;son john(eldest) exor,tho ;dau ann (youngest);other ch som uanames john caly taylor (end of close y kissaig ? 'until he receive his own money') 1730-2 E d cain gilbt pauper in defuncts - inv inc shoemakers tools, no decree - widow states whole goods expanded in funeral costs 1730-2 E d COWLEY Patrick d 18 jun 1730;ch esther,cath,margt + mary - aunt anne + ellin cowley (+ their husbs)supv;wife alive;inv;1752 thos killy h/o esther,wm kneen h/o cath + mary ack from mother cath cowley als killip;inv 1730-2 E d COWLEY Philip d 6 years ago jamaica;s/o philip cowley late of ballaliarghey;sibs john,margt keig als cowley,ann callister als cowley(w/o robt);john cowley states being in bristol 6yrs ago he recived act of bro's deth 1730-3 E d MYLCARANE Robert s/o Wm Mylcarane - robt d 1701, Wm 1704 both ua;only sis Jony will Eps 1706 devised right in parcl of intack Close Woods to uncle Thos Caly (her exec) + Close Cappagh to uncle John Caly after death of mother Cath clater als Caly (d Oct 1730) - Tho + John sworn admrs 1730-3 E d MYLCARANE William see robt 1731-1 A 17 KNAIL Margaret crain d 19 apr 1731;husb philip;dau mary molevory exex ua uncle pat mcylvorrey;1732 pat m dead wife ann als crain sworn overseer;1737: mary mcylvorrey acquits ann craine + is fully satisified good will of gfa + gmo at their latter days; 1731-1 E d KILLIP Robert d 20 Feb 1730/1;sibs wm,ellin,jane of whole blood;sibs thos + isable corlett of half blood 1731-1 E d KILLIP Thomas d 11 feb 1730/1;only dau cath cowley als killip,widow, exex excepting what was settled in contract on Pat Cowley decd 1731-1 E d QUAYLE Michael d 29? jan 1730/1;only dau ellin 1731-2 A 49 BODAUGH Bahee calow ch anne(2 cows),danl (exor); 1731-2 A 50 CANNEL Margaret d 29 dec 1731;ch cath(eldest dau),margt,joney;husb john exor;1757: John Grimshaw h/o margt cannell acks fa-i-law john cannell, joney cannell also acks 1731-2 E w cowley Averick KINREAD d 4 sep 1731;als cowley xd thru;sis dau mary kelley;sis mary kinread,margt(+ dau cath maneen ?);husb thos exor 1731-3 E d CAIN Alice LOONY d 4 nov 1731;ch alice,jane,james + wm;next reln mo side margt crow als looney;husb alive;invhusb wm;1754 john cain h/o alice - her sis jane dead 1731-3 E w CRY William d beg may 1731;dau alice,isabel,averick,cath;son patk(had contract),john;gch isabel;wife jane als killip exex 1732-1 E d CORLETT Jony d 8 yrs ago;no will appearing;2 sis Isabel + ann corlet(w/o Robt corlet);Mary Corlet, widow, claims £6 expended on surgeon on Joney's acct 1732-1 E d McYLVORREY Patrick d 15 apr 1732;ch john(only one at age),thos,isabel + phillip;wife alive;1756: John,Thos + philp surviving ch ack from mother 1732-2 A 67 CALEY William d 20 jan 1732;nephew patk caly;mo dead;dau mary exex 1732-2 E w Corras William d 27 may 1732;dau cath brown,ellinr,anne;names alice tear;son john exor 1732-2 E d CURLETT Elinor CRY d 20 aug 1732;ch patk,tho,ewan,nich + john jt admrs 1732-2 E d KILLIP Mary d 23 sep 1732;bro wm killip admr of goods due by decease fa Wm) + half-bro danl + wm boddaugh + 3 half-sis jony,ann + margt boddaugh 1732-3 E w CROSS Ann d 20 jul 1732;husb michael exor;ch john,michael,phil + ann 1733-1 A 39 COWLEY Margret d 26 jan 1732/3;dau cath,jony + isable;gch margt;son john,nicholas,thos;nicholas + john exors;witt sylvester quail x,mary stephan als corlett x; 1733-1 A 40 McYLREA William [full] 1733-1 A 41 QUAYLE William d mid apr 1733; ch (3 younger) wm,john + isable;elder son ua;elder dau jony jt exex with wife Ann;witt Jon Cain x, Wm Cowley x - witts desired to be overseers but declined but declare they will do all good offices they can;1739: wm acks stepfa Wm Kerran [?no marr of an Ann to Wm Kerran found - ?error Wm Quaggin of malew 1733-1 A 42 GOLDSMITH John d 26 mar 1732/3;son thos,john,robt (mo of sons dead);wife exex 1733-1 A 43 CRAIN Thomas witnesses confirm an unwritten deed of surrender of lands to son Danl(who was to maintain him etc) by delivery of a straw;witt william craine x,joney mcnameer als mcylchreest x; 1733-1 A 44 SKELY Christian gawn d 18 mar 1732;son wm(piece of land called acre);dau nelly (+ her aunt nelly),margt;gch christian,john;husb john exor 1733-1 E w COWLEY Jane KELLY d 15 may 1733;husb wm exor;gdau margt,margery + ellinr;dau ann,marjery,ellinr;son wm;gson wm mylvorrey 1733-2 A 88 CORLETT Mary dated 26 oct 1733;bro tho(lezayre - his dau margt);neice margt garret als tear,ellinor stevenson als tear,jane quilliam als corlet,margt garret;nephew wm corlet,gilbt tear(son john),john corlet;names Gilbt teare(+ dau mary);3 married neices jt exex - paul stevenson,phil garret + ptr quilliam sworn 1733-2 A 89 SKEALY John d 2 jan 1733/4;son wm(looms + acres in the curragh - to give 40s to the 'poor thing rhat was with him');gson(patricks little boy);neighbour thos callister;dau margt exex 1733-2 A 90 KILLIP Mary CALEY d 15 jan 1733/4;son john;unnamed other ch inc 2 daus;sis isabel moore;husb wm exor; 1733-2 E w CALY John d 22 jul 1733;dau ellinr(the close - half already left by her mo),isable(to be paid £5 by ellinor,£2 by John);son John(Kiapagh? - rest of lands settled on him in mo's will);ellinor + john jt execs;1752: thos clucas h/o isabelacks from Ewan Corlet h/o ellinor; 1733-2 E d CHRISTIAN Catherine CAIN 3 ch anne wm jo;next rels pat jony mary & ellen cain;eldest child an idiot;husb wm; christian described as sd wm's former wife 1733-2 E w CLARK George d 3 jul 1733;nephew john clark(lived in same house - half fishing boat)names bahee clark als crow exex; 1733-2 E d MYLREA Ellinor QUAYLE d 34 jun 1733;ch wm,john,thos,edwd.margt + mary - jt admrs; 1734-2 A 66 CALEY michael d 12 dec 1733;gch margt +patk caly,thos tear;son patk,tho;dau isabel steane,ellinr kelly,cath cleator,margt exex; 1734-2 A 67 McYLVORREY Thomas d beg feb 1733/4;sis alice;ann mcylvorry, with whom he lived, exex 1734-2 A 68 KNEEN Thomas dated 6 dec 1734;wife bahee;son thos(jt exec with bahee),wm(croft in andreas) 1734-2 A 69 COWLEY John wife ellin;wife's son thos;son-i-law john brew;son wm('yr his first wife died') exor;son-i-law thos boddagh; 1734-2 A 70 CORLETT Jane GAWN m/c Thomas Corlet + Jane gawn Bal 17300929];Bishops demense;husb thos exor (with consent som thos)- the cow reserved in son's m/c was sold some yrs ago decd's pt 7s 6d;funeral costs £1; pledges Thos Bodaugh bane, Thos Bodaugh Gliodoo 1734-2 E w CORLET William made 19 apr 1734;ballatersin moar;ch simon Corlet + margt crain als corlet jt execs;margt craine,widow claims agt fa for ?£9 being remainder of her portion (?m/c) unpaid 1734-2 E d QUAYLE Margaret CLARK d 19 may 1734;only ch ellen boddagh als quayle admx(w/o danl) 1734-3 E d CORLETT Esther orphans;mary d 12 oct1699;esther 10Oct 1699;sis isabel (exex of half + w/o Nicho Corlet)),Robt Corlet (h/o sis Anne) who declares in court surrenders to execs of Mary Corlet relict late Thos Corlet of Ballacain 1734-3 E d CORLETT Mary see esther 1735-1 A 26 CORLETT Thomas d 1 apr 1735;ballacoig;ch john,isabel + jane;wife exex;ch ua john + robt Corlet (also pledges) 1735-1 A 27 COWLEY Mary d 22 mar 1733/4;bro edwd cowley;nephew wm cowley exor; 1735-1 A 28 KELLY Ellinor d 3 feb;gson john kelly;gdau ellinor kelly;names james kelly; husband (?tom?unlikely);son david;dau mary 1735-1 A 29 QUAYLE Margaret son Finlo (eldest croft magher close ghurrey),wm;husb alive;dau bahee,cath,margt 1735-1 E d CORKILL Elinor KELLY d 23 mar 1734/5;ch isabel, ann,david, jphn,wm,christopher + wm(1st 2 only at age);husb alive 1735-2 A 54 COWLEY William d 11 nov 1735;dau elinr cannell as cowley; dau ann quay als cowley + gdau elinr corlet as mcylvorry jt execs;son wm due 1/3 goods by m/c;names wm stephen(+ wife mary) 1735-2 A 55 CORLETT Isabel stephan d 13 nov 1713;dau margt,isable;husb nichs corlet ;ch john stephen(heir - eary lean),thos,joney(w/o thos crain) + ann stephen(w/o matthew cowle(; joney + ann jt execs) 1735-2 E 078 d TEAR Alice d 26 mar 1735;only bro john tear 1735-2 E 079 d CORLETT Margaret KELLY d mid jul 1735;son robt corlet admr 1736-1 A 16 STEPHAN Ellinor d 6 apr 1736;bro john stephan,gilbert stephan,wm stephan exor;aunt anne kaighin als curlett;mother alive;witt margt craine als curlett,jane keig 1736-2 E w McYLECHREEST Thomas d 18 sep 1736;sibs patt, joney mcynameer als mvylchreest (w/o wm)+ ann skillicorn als mcylchreest (dau margt skillicorn) jt exexs;several debtors inc exors of mary curghey als boddaugh w/o Robt curghey; 1736-2 E d STEPHEN Isabel CALY d 4 sep 1736;only ch tho admr; 1737-2 A 74 CORLET Mary PARRE dated 8 feb 1730;ballakaig;aunt mary christian,margt parr;sis-i-law eliz corlet als parr;names thos cannell;husb john exor dead by 1738 bro robt sworn; 1737-2 A 75 COWLE John d 31 jan 1737;sis margt;names thomas mcylrea,jane clague;poor of ballaugh viz thomas cowley,joney claig,wm cowin's child;wife exex 1737-2 A 76 CHRISTIAN Jane FREER d 16 nov 1737;names jane,elizth lace;isable mughtin exex(w/o patk) 1737-2 A 77 McYLVORREY Ann d 13 jan 1737;husb tho;son patt cain(had money via a mortgage on his own land),thos cain(borrowed 10s secired in mortgage on prcl called bretny;dau ann w/o dan clark,own sd dau(2 ch);gdau cath;serv maid isable cowley;son thos cain + dau mary (w/o patt canon)jt execs 1737-2 A 78 McYLVORREY Thomas d 15 jan 1737;husb of above ann;cash in gate-ne-bunt to wm cain;dau ellinor(+ her ch);only sis margt - stepch as per wife exors;1738: wm cain acks from mary relict patr cannon;1739: ellinr clark als cain m/o pat clark junr 1737-2 E d COWLEY Ann Craine d 17 aug 1737;ch john(eldest),patk, margt + philip jt admrs;pledges john tear(y volley), Wm tear(weaver);husb john 1737-3 E d BODAUGH Philip d 2 nov;ch danl, tho + margt jt admrs 1738-1 A 49 CANNEL John d 8 mar ;sons pat,cha(exor) + wm 1738-1 A 50 CANNEL Catherine cowley d 15 feb;son pat,ralph,wm(purchased land inballnelargey),cha exor;husb john (dead by probate) 1738-1 A 51 CANNEL Christen GOOLDSMITH d 3 mar 1738;husb adam;sis joney goldsmith exex 1738-1 A 52 BODAUGH Daniel d 7 Mar;son Robt, wife Elinor Bodaugh als Quayle pregnant ?; 1738-1 A 53 COWIN Joney clague d 25 mar 1738;'a poor woman';son adam owed £1 10s;dau cath cain;son john cown(his dau joney) exor; 1738-1 A 54 CRAIN Joney d 19 apr 1738;cousin joney crain,alice crain,john crain;nephew john crain;ch thos mcylrea,chn clague als mcylrea;dau jane w/o oates killey exex 1738-1 A 55 GARRETT Patrick d 21 apr 1738;sis ann;bro phi: garrett;nephew phi garrett;fa phi exex 1738-1 E d CANNON Patrick d 21 may 1738;ch cath, mary + jony jt admxs - next relns on fa's side tho, Dan, ellinr + issable cannon overseers; wife mary;inv;some dispute between widow + overseers Mary offers to give ch £3 over + above amount inventoried on condition goods remain in her hands - overseers(described by court as not of the best charity) object but court accepts petn - she gives pledges John Kee(abdreas) ,John Tear (Canane) + Thos + patk Cain her bro's + gilbt cowley (Ballaugh) + Wm vandy 1738-1 E w CORLET John dated 22 may 1738;ballakegg;sibs robt(a daymoth of hay in Close-e-volly Robt Christian of Lezayre has the other 2 - left in lieu of £10 promised to Robt at time of his marr) exor, margt corlet(+ her children), mary fail, ewan corlet;bro-i-law Wm Corlet (Ballaterson);Bro Robt's children(ann, eliz, thomas, john, margt + robt);servant maid jony corlet(his wife's gown) 1738-1 E w CORRIS John d 21 may 1738;son-i-law Robt Corlet(+ his 5 daus);gdau margt corlet(eldest d/o robt);gson thomas exor;wife alive [robt corlet m mary corris Bal 17121204] 1738-1 E d CRAINE William d 2 apr;only bro john 1738-1 E w CURLET William d 12 may 1738;sis elizth(+ son),mary;parents robt + ann execs; 1738-1 E w kinred Margaret joughin d 10 may 1738;husb Ewn;only dau w/o John Quayle exex;neice cath + hester cowle; 1738-1 E w STEPHEN Catherine CLAGUE d 28 apr 1738;husb philip exor; child on her bearing ; ;sibs ellinor cowle, wm clague;names margt kelly a blind woman(a tub of mault for Xtmas) [?marr - there is an MI in Feltham age 40 w/o Philip - no ch found] 1738-1 E w STEPHEN Thomas d 18 may 1738;ch edward(eldest), charles, robt(looms),ann;wife alive;edward to pay debts to John Stephen + john curghey(Ramsey) 1738-2 A 94 COWLEY Catherine mylrea d 10 dec;nephew tho clague;bro john mylrea;sis jane;names magt crain,joney mylrea;husb gilbt exor 1738-2 A 95 McYLREA John d 22 jan;nephew + heir(airy ween) tho mylrea exex,john mylrea,nich mylrea;bro tho;sis margt(her child),cath,jane;wife alive;his cotter jon cowley; 1738-2 E w CLARK Bahee CROW d 11 jun 1738;bro-i-law john clark;son thos;son john clark exor;names elizth + elinr mylworry, ann lace als killip, jony mylrea 1738-2 E w CORLETT phinlo d 13 sep 1738;croft after deceae of wife to fall to neighbour john crain of dollagh beg he paying money in mortgage;son robt,adam,wm + james jt exors;gson james corlet 1738-2 E w COWLE Thomas d 12 aug 1738;ch thos(purchased land pooldowee after decease wife),isable(eldest dau),mary;bro mathew,robt cowle;wife exex;ch ua gfa danl cowle,wm cowle uncle supv;1754: john caine ballakioge h/o isable acks step fa philip kelly marown 1738-2 E d KEIG Jane SKEALLY d 10 sep 1738;5 ch john(out of island),jony,jane,mary + margt;husb john 1738-2 E w KEWLEY Anthony d trinity eve 1738;fa wm exor;bro john,wm 1739-1 A 23 CORLET Christian GRIMShEY d 10 apr 1739;dau jane,ann ,cath corlet;son danl,wm,john exor;husb john d same day 1739-1 A 24 STEPHEN Isabel CHRISTIAN d 8 apr 1739;ch edw(eldest son)robt,ann exex,charles (to be taught trade 'anvavor'? by robt) 1739-1 A 25 CRAIN Jane HARRISON d 2 dec 1738;dau ellinor,margt,jane,mary(eldest exex);husb pat 1739-1 E d CAIN Ann CALLISTER d 20 may 1739;2 ch patk,cath cannel als cain w/o john;husb adam; 1739-1 E w WOODS John d 4 jun 1739;son-i=law thos callister;dau ann,alice + margt exexs;wife alive 1739-2 A 67 CAIN Margaret CROSS d 8 jan;dau mary,cath,joney(youngest) jt exex;son michael;pledges adam cain, wm cowley 1739-2 A 68 CORRAS Alice GARRET d 28 jan;gdau mally corlett,margt corlett;dau mary corlett;gson tho corlet exor 1739-2 A 69 KILLIP William d 20 dec 1739;sons thos,john,robt,patk,ewan;dau ellinor exex;wife jane 1739-2 A 70 Cannel Bahee Corlet d 24 nov 1739;only dau ann cannel;husb john exec;sis cath cannel als corlet 1739-2 A 71 MYCLEWORY Marriot COWLEY d 1 jan 1739;son thos,adam,philip(execs to pay his master),wm exor;sis elinor cowley als cannell;sis-i-law bahee myclvorrey;dau elinr 1739-2 A 72 Corlett Mary Corris d 17 feb 1739;8 ch robt,david,wm,margt,hester , cath,mary + elizth;puchased lands from marjery clark to go to heir;husb exor 1739-2 A 73 Cross Michael d 29 jan 1739;only dau ann;son wm(little),john,michael (dead by probate); 1739-2 A 74 Cross Michael d 14 feb;see michael #73;cousin john cross;sibs wm + ann execs;ann ua 1739-2 A 75 Kneen Bahee Cowle d 29 dec 1739;dau elinor crow;son tho exor,wm;sis margt cowle 1739-2 A 76 Teare Margaret Caley d 19 Jan 1739;dau margt;son michael kneen;gch barbary teare exex 1739-2 A 77 CORLET Jane CHRISTIAN d 27 nov 1739;ballakeag;sis majory;son john;dau isabel,jane(youngest);serv maid mart quayle;Court 10 jan 1739 'it being a sickly time in ballaugh';aunt margt;uncles ewan + robt corlet; 1750 john cottier h/o isabel;john corlet h/o jane corlett;1751 john the heir at la; long will + inventory 1739-2 A 78 Crain Mary [?cain] d 18 dec 1739, husb John Crain; 3 ch by former husband cath,joney + mary canan [?pat cannon but can't find 2nd marr]sis elinr;bro thos cain;nephew wm callin;sibs pat cain,thos cain, john kee, elinor clark jt suprvisors;1744 thos cain + danl clark(h/o elinor) ack from bahee crain;1739 pat caine overseer dead(his exor david caine) 1739-2 A 79 GARRET Margaret KINLEY d 26 Novr 1739;gdau margt quine exex;her cousin john killip lezayre to be guardian - he refuses no other reln thus father of exex wm quine appt;cath crain her nurse keeper;inv 1739-2 A 80 Kaighyn Anne Corlet d 21 Feb 1739/40;nephews john,gilbt + wm stephan;stepdau cath kaighin;husb wm exor 1739-2 A 81 GARRET Catherine CRY d 20 Jan 1739/40;son phil;dau ann,cath exex;husb phil 1739-2 A 82 Cain Thomas d 15 Jan 1739/40;3 ch lawfully begotten;wife exex;insufficient goods to bury the dead - pauper 1739-2 A 83 Corkill John d 16 Dec 1739;son daniel,wm exor, ewan,thos;other unnamed ch;wife alive 1739-2 A 84 Cotiman John d 20 Nov 1739, sumner;son phil,thos;dau cath exex;wife alive 1739-2 E w McYLREA Lucy dated 24 apr 1734;husb Dan Mcylrea atty Genl;unnamed ch(£5 ea);husb exor;signed + sealed 1739-3 E d COTTIMAN Patrick d 9 nov 1739;sibs philip,thomas ua + cath 1739-3 E d COWLEY Patrick d 30 Dec 1739, wife Elinor 26 Dec;ch wm,thos + John all ua Thos Cowley uncle by fa side,Thos Gawn h/o jony + Philip Cooil h/o Cath aunts by fa side + Thos Cannon, Danl Cannon + Isabel Cannon uncles + aunts by mo's side 1739-3 E d CROSS William d 1 jan 1739;ch jane,wm,patk,mary + margt (last 2 ua) uncle john cross;inv sale;1757 andrew cowley h/o mary ack jane caley als cross 1739-3 E d STEPHAN Thomas d 26 dec;only son tho 1740-1 A 42 a GAWN John agreement to reliquish exec of his uncle Dollin Gawn to widow Mary als Corlet - she or execs to pay £3 to him (& also all debts on estate); witt Wm Corlet x,John Cain x, John Bridson 1740-1 A 43 CAINE John d 17 mar 1739;wife alive;son thomas,john(his mo dead - 20s paid to his master);dau mary 1740-1 A 44 COWLEY Catherine KERMOD d 8 apr 1740;dau isable,jony,margt(fa dead);gch patk cowley,margt + cath cowley,cath collister;husb thos exor 1740-1 A 45 ALLIN Joney d mar last;mo Jane Allin als Cowle; 1740-1 A 46 COWLEY William d apr 1740;son Patt(eldest inc purchased land in Ballaghurn),wm,phil;wife elinor exex ( to give her part of purchased lands to younger sons wm+Phil);1753: Wm cowley at age acks from bro Patt;1761: Cath d/o Wm acks 40s from Patt 1740-1 A 47 Stephan Mary Corlett d 1 feb 1739/40;son john(eldest),Wm(small pt of intack called kuidny binry ?),Gilbt,john;gdau elinr stephan;sister ann;husb Wm exor who surrenders exor to sons john,gilbt + wm 1740-1 E w BREW Margaret MYLROI d 1 may 1740;son Wm(crop + share of lately purchased Qtrland Balnalarga );decd dau Margt corlet;husb Phil;dau Mary jt execs;gdau isable cain 1740-1 E d Cain William d 20 feb 1739/40;ch john,isable + esther all ua John Cain, Thos Cain + Mary Cain uncles + aunt;1749: isable (eldest) at age;1753 Danl Corkil h/o Margt late relict of John Cain supv paid unto John + Esther one third part of their share of goods;inv - some beasts shared with father;costs include rent paid to Ld Bishop 4s 4.5d + fee to Bishop's sergt (?tenant of Bps Demesne);attached agreement dated 18 Aug 1740 between John Caine,thos caine, Mary Caine, cath Caine, John Cowley, Mary Brew and Wm Brew; witt Thos Caine + John Gawn (all sign x) - Thos + Mary two of execs of John Cain on Bps Demense do give to their bro + co-exec John Cain their share of roofs of houses (ie 2/6 parts) he discharging them from any futher charge for labour due on account of bro's children;Cath Caine widow of John settles her half upon stepson John Caine after her decease. All agree that 1/4 of crop on Ld Bishops land is right of Cath, another 1/4 prop of execs of John cain senr, another 1/4 right of Jony relict of Wm Cain + remaining 1/4 belongs to orphans of Wm; the present crop on Kewley Lusty is to be in same proportion - for future entirely property of Jony + children. 1740-1 E d Killey Jony Carroon d 13 May 1740;only son Thos;husb John 1740-2 A 112 BANKS Mary d dec 1740?;godchildren mary d/o john kaighin(kk michael), mary d/o wm skilley, ann mylrea;niece dorothy vandry?;names philip corlet exor;witt john corlet sick + weak 1740-2 A 113 CRAINE Margaret QUALTROUGH d 3 nov 1740;ch cath(cow + other goods), dorothy,john(eldest son - fa dead),margt,robt,thos,patt( jt exec with dorothy);cath relinquinshed legacies and made by consent 3rd exex; 1740-2 A 114 CORLET Marriot d 6 of this inst;bro's dau ann saile(her shaped linen);names margt bodaugh + jane callister;son john exor 1740-2 A 115 CLARK Ellinor d 2 jan 1740[?1740/1];husb nicholas;ch john(+ his wife),wm,nicholas,alice,thos + dan(6d ea),margt exex;pledge wm cain + robt corlet(smith) 1740-2 E d CANNELL Catherine d may 1740;d/o john cannel due goods by death of mother margt cannell als cannell - sis margt + jony cannell; 1740-2 E d CHRISTIAN William being at herring fishery driven of Island by violent storm perished on coast of scotland 5 aug 1740;ch wm,margt + john all ua uncles John + Patk Christian overseers who agree to maintain half children;wife alive pledge John Cannell her father 1740-2 E d KILLIP Ewan being at herring fishery driven of Island by violent storm perished on coast of scotland 5 aug 1740; sibs wm,thos,margt,cath + Isabel(w/o Ewan Kneal);wife Jane becomes admx agrees to pay 50s (40s to some) of ch.1748 Wm Kelly h/o Jane pays 40s to Margt Crain exex of Margt Killip decd;1753 Wm Kelly pays 40s to Thos Craine exor Wm Killip; 1740-2 E d STEPHAN Margaret d 26 feb 1739/40;ch thos,wm,ewan,philip + cath (last two ua);husb alive 1741-1 A 83 QUAYLE Catherine d april;father wm exor;stepmo Christian Quayle;sibs ellinr,wm,thos 1741-1 A 84 CALY Ann COTTIER d [] feb 1740;husb patr exor;son patr(purchased lands except close-e-callow);ch thos,mary,margt,ellinor 1741-1 A 85 COWIN Margaret d 1 apr 1741;husb john exor;son john,wm,thos,philip;dau joney;witt nichs corlet at sea;husb john dead by probate - dau joney exex (her uncle Wm Cowin pledge) 1741-1 A 86 WOODS Ann CHRISTIAN d 15 [?jan] 1741;dau margt + alice (jt exexs),grace;son john; 1741-1 A 87 QUAYLE Thomas d 4 apr 1741;wife joney;dau cath,alice;son wm 1741-1 E w CALY Elinor STEPHAN d 20 may 1741;husb tho exor;dau cath(ink curraugh-e-vriwoo),?elinor ua;son tho; 1741-1 E w COWN John d 26 apr 1741;son john,wm,thos + philip (each 40s inc legacy from mo);adam cain owes him 40s;dau Joney (lands lately purchased - she to discharge debts) exex;pledge Wm Cown uncle jony + John Killip lezayre;1753 Nich Mcylrea h/o Jony;1764 Philip cown being of weak judgement and the exex wanting to discharge legacies pays 30s to bro Thos 1741-1 E d CORLETT Simon d 27 mar 1740;dispute between Wm Curlet + John Crebbin + wife Margt over exorship brother Simon + their mother Margt Corlet als crain? late decd - both wills should be voided - John + margt to have £6 allowed + paid them in full of what was due her by former marriage portion + 18s due from a note to bro simon;court decrees that legacies stand - sheep to bro Wm's children;nephew Wm Corlett(his carpenters tools), Thos(10s) 1741-1 E d GAWN William d 13 may [1741];ch robt,margt,cath all ua - uncles john,gilbt + wm stephan + aunt ellinr cormoad supv;wife cath als cowley;debts excced estate widow ordered + empowered to mortgage or sell by public cant a parcell of lands - to give public notice upon the Lord's day next at the church style 1741-1 E w STEPHAN William dated 16 may 1741;son john(houses etc but not purchased land),gilbt,wm exor;;pledges john tear old clerk, john killip lezayre 1741-2 A 136 COWLE Isabel KISSAG husb danl exor;son maths, robt;mentions consideration money paid to cains;dau-i-law Ann Cowle;gch tho cowle, isabel + mary cowle, math cowle;witt Willm Cain x, Willm Fayle x;;1754: john Cain h/o isabel acks uncles math + robt cowle for legacy due from gmo, mary cowle now at 18 also acks 1741-2 A 137 CORLET John d 4 feb 1741;son philip, john exor;inv + sale inc carpeneter's tools + small parcel of land with edices thereon (£6 10s 0d);funeral costs inc 2 coffins + 2 fees 1741-2 A 138 QUAYLE Margaret BODAUGH d 30 dec 1741;husb finlo exor;2 unnamed ch (one ua) 1741-2 A 139 STEPHAN John d 2 nov last;cousin thos stephan(his mother margt), silvr quayle;niece anne stephan, elinor stephan;bro Wm stephan, phinlo;names anne quayle, jane crain, john killip, john cross + other debtors inc Robt corlet joiner, edwd stephan + sister ann;niece cath stephan exex;witt John Stephan + john crain - noted that wittness old + very infirm;pledge by cath - her bro thos stephan + wm Kelly;1764: Thos corlet(late ballaugh now Jurby+ + wife ann als stephan(+ niece to John) acks from John Bridson(arbory) h/o cath als stephan exex 1741-2 E w CRAIN Elinor d 23 jun 1741;niece margt mcylcraine;sis cath;husb john exor;unnaned ch 1741-2 E w GARRET Margaret d 2 jun 1741;dau ann,christian;son wm;husb phil 1741-2 E w KNEAL James d 30 may 1741;nephew james kneal;fa phil exor;nephew paul oates;bro phil dead 1741-2 E w McYLEACRAINE Catherine d 8 aug;ch tho(kinbbagh),margt(intack crott cly yhuury - after 6yrs when danl kelly's setting expires - if ch die then residuary legatee pat cain),isabel,wm(aprrentice),john;bro john,stephan 1741-2 E w MYLREA Jony CORLETT d 8 aug;old & feeble;niece margt clark;nephew wm clark (bro to margt)exor 1741-2 E w QUAYLE Jony STEPHAN d 11 jun 1741;ch wm,alice + cath(jt exexs) 1741-2 E w STEPHAN Philip d 20 sep 1741;sibs john,margt corlet (w/o nichs)(to be jt overseers of ch);fa finlo;aunt ann boddaugh;wife cath;ch ua;inv;bro john decd 1741-2 E w CANNELL Adam d 7 aug;niece mary cottier,cath kaighin;nephew john cannell,patk cannell exor;names john cannell 1741-3 E d CALEY John d 12 nov 1741;sis elinor,isable (w/o ewan corlet) admrs 1741-3 E w CLARK Margery d jul last;unnamed brethren in Ireland;names ewan curlet exor (has money of hers;names nich clark (h/o ellinor),isable Clark 1741-3 E w CORLET Margaret CURGHEY d 19 oct;son john,philip;husb john exor;john dead by probate - son john exor; 1742-1 A 33 CORLET Joney caly d 12 mar 1741;son john;gson wm corlet;dau cath exex, magtt 1742-1 A 34 CORLET Elinor d 15 apr 1742;dau ellinr(w/o thos boddagh)averick exex;son wm,robt,john,thos 1742-1 A 35 MYLREA Margaret CORKILL d 26 feb 1741[1741/2];cousin wm corkil;names oates killey;nephew wm cowley(+his sis mary + 2 other bros);niece cath kneal,cath lace als corkill,mary corkill;+ many others names;bro john corkill exor 1742-1 E d CALEY Margaret d 30 apr 1742;d/o patrick;sibs pat,elinr,+ mary jt admrs - sis ua,pat too young - husb patk (dead by feb 1743) then found that will proved at douglas where she died - aunt margt cally;nephew thos tear;her mo dead - her execs ua uncle patk kelly appted 1742-1 E w CALEY Thomas d 26 may 1742;land close woods + parcel of new intack to pass as inheritance;son danl,tho + mich jt exors;dau elinor.cath 1742-1 E w Cry Patrick d 2 may 1742;son-i-law james fayle;bro-i-law john cowley;gdau ann fayle;wife jony exex 1742-2 A 85 CORLET Mary [corlet] d 24 nov 1742;husb nich;cousin elinor corlet,isable cain;aunt alice cannell;names cath cowley;husb + fa wm corlet;execs 1742-2 A 86 COWLE Daniel d 2 feb [];son robt(pt of fishing boat) + matthew jt exors (lands being chattels to descend as inheritance);gdau mary cowle(to be maintained until 16 by execs);servants thos cry + bahee stephan; 1742-2 A 87 KNEALE Philip d 21 dec 1742;dau cath(w/o edmd crow);pledges Thos Caine + bro-i-law Philip Kneale; 1742-2 A 100 MOGHTIN Arthur d nov ;sibs cath, john;father Patt exor;stepmother mentioned 1742-2 E w KEWLEY Margaret KELLY d 9 sep 1742;gdau jane cannon;dau margt cannon als taggart,alice kewley als taggart;gdau margt steven als ?bridson;son john taggart 1742-2 E w KILLIP John d 20 jun;son wm,robt,john,thomas;dau isabel(ua);wife ann exex 1743-1 A 45 CRAINE Thomas d 29 nov 1742;bro john;only ch margt;wife ann craine als carran exex (states she is pregnant) - ch ua uncles + aunts patk, john, dorothy + cath crain; 1743-1 A 46 MOGHTYN Ann STEPHAN d 7 feb 1742;aunt margt corlet;bro charlesneighbour john killip;only ch patt;husb john exor;sis-i-law cath moughtin 1743-1 A 47 KEIG John d 8 apr 1742;dau joney,mary,margt, jane corkil(w/o Danl) exex 1743-1 A 48 CAINE Ellinor CRAINE d 2 feb 1742;ch cath,wm [cowley] ;sis isabel,margt craine;stepdau joney caine;own dau cath cowley;husb john + son pat cowley exors;1753 wm cowley at la;1781 cath cowley at la 1743-1 A 49 QUAYLE John d 25 mar 1743;son Finlo;dau margt(exex),cath,bahee;son-i-law robt corkil;wife alive;gdau ann corkil 1743-1 A 50 w bodaugh margaret d 14 mar 1742;cousin edwd stephan;names margt + elinor corlet (sisters);nephew john stephan;cousin isabel mxylcaraine;kinswoman margt corlet exex (w/o nicholas corlet) 1743-1 A 51 KNEEN Michael d 23 feb 1742/3;son wm(lands but to discharge debt + carpenters tools);wife exex 1743-1 E d CORLET Jane d 17 mar 1742/3;sibs John,wm,danl(abroad) 1743-1 E d CORLET Patrick d 9 mar 1742/3;only ch John - ua - uncles Ewan + John Corlet;wife alive 1743-1 E d STEPHAN Thomas d 29 apr 1743;sibs john,margt,isabel,jony(w/o thos crain) + ann(w/o Math Cowle) 1743-2 A 80 CALY Patrick dated 9 nov 1743;ch patk,ellinor,mary. margt(decd but owes him money + wants exors to persue debts);nephew Tho Tear(5s to help put him to trade);sister Margt (jt exor with Patk);bro Thomas (abroad);1774: Patk cannel h/o Mary ack'd 10s left) 1743-3 E w CLARK Nicholas son john,thomas(looms jt with john - ?has dau),qm(youngest);dau margt,eals [alice] Quillam (als clark) exex;dua's oldest girl unnamed; 1743-3 E w CAIN James d end jun 1743;dau-i-law margt cain;gson wm cain,wm boddaugh,tho + jon boddaugh,james cown;;son wm;son-i-law patk cain;dau cath,jane cown(w/o thos) + cath boddaugh(w/o thos) jt exexs;wife alive;adam caine owed him 2s 4d; 1743-3 E w CRAIN John d 2 oct 1743;ballabeg;bro patk;serv thos callister;wife bahee als kneal;2ch - one Margt - ua uncle Patk Crain supv;1757: "one of the children.. in embryo + died upbaptised", bahee died in labour (will may 1748) - margt surviving child acquits stephen kneal + phil gawn exors of her mo 1743-3 E w CRY Jony COWLE made 1 apr 1743;son-i-law thos cowley(h/o dau cath);dau mary fayle,jony mylrea(w/o john mylrea) exex;son thos kinread,ewan kinread 1743-3 E w TEAR Margaret COWLE d 10 oct 1743;ch john tear, anne quilliam(+ dau),mary costeane(+ 2 sons);other gch john tear, Cath tear, margt tear, tho tear(5s to help put him to trade);dau-i-law Kath tear;sis-i-law cath tear;husb gilbt exor 1744-1 A 22 KELLY Ann d 1 mar 1743;gdau cath gawn;dau exex(w/o wm gawn) 1744-1 A 23 QUAYLE Margaret d 30 mar 1744;sibs cath Corkil (w/o robt corkil + dau ann) , bahee, Finlo + wm quayle;fa dead;phinlo + robt corkil exors;witt ellinr kneal als quayle + Cath Mcnemeer; 1744-1 A 24 TEAR Gilbert d 11 apr 1744;son john;dau ann,mary;gch mary quilliam, john costean,margt,cath, ann + philip tear,john tear;bro john;ch john,ann + mary execs 1744-1 E w KILLEY John d 11 oct 1743;son thos exor 1744-2 A 53 KELLY Margaret CORLET d 16 dec 1744;husb patt exor;dau margt,alice;son john,patt 1744-2 A 54 MYLREA Thomas d 9 jan 1744;son john;dau mary;bro nicholas;wife isabel exex;ch uncle nicholas mylrea supv 1744-2 E d KAIGHIN William d 29 jul 1744;only dau cath corlet als kaighin (w/o john) 1744-3 E d CLEATER John d 1 dec 1744;formerly ramsey;ch john,ellinr Corlet als Cleator(w/o John) 1744-3 E KNEAL James d 20 jan 1744;minor having right to lands from will uncle James Kneal - relns of uncle Philip Kneal (bro) + Cath Crow als Kneal (sis - w/o edmd) jt admrs 1745-1 A 20 QUAYLE William d 29 mar 1745;dau peggy;other unnamed ch;wife isabel als bittle exex 1745-2 A 47 TEAR Catherine CORLET d 9 jan 1745;son philip(crop etc of Brooghjaarg by death of her mother yet still lying in fa john corlet's hands);dau margt,cath + ann;husb john exor;names tho+john tear; 1745-2 A 48 GARRET Philip d 22 dec 1745;son philip;dau ann(w/o robt kewley),cath(w/o patk mcylwee) exex;gson patr garret;gson (suceeding heir of estate); 1745-1 A 19 CRY Jane KILLIP d beg mar 1745;made 29 mar 1735;dau cath curghy,isable clarke exex,alice corlet;husb danl 1745-1 E w CRAIN Bahee KNEAL d 28 may 1745;only ch margt;serv maid joney corlet;sibs anne,mary,wm,margt (w/o Phil Gawn) + stephan execs;inv gives estate as ballabeg - valued at £8 10s pa but noone offers to tenant farm - exors to take it court allowing £6 10s pa for maintenance of orphan;1757: accts 1745-3 E d CAINE Jony KEVISH d feast st luke[18 Oct];dau jane(w/o thomas cowin),alice(w/o patk cain); 1746-1 E w CALLISTER William d 14 may 1746;son wm(if he came),john(houses + lands in ballaugh to fall as inheritance) exor;wife alive 1746-1 E w Corras John d 6 jun 1746;son wm(eldest),john;dau christian;wife jt exex with christian (to sell land in curragh to pay debts) 1746-2 A 39 KINRED Joney KILLIP d 3 [] 1746;only dau ann exex 1746-2 A 40 KEWISH Patrick made 26 dec 1744;d 18 feb? 1746;dau ann,dorothy;son wm exor;wife bahee;gson wm kewish(house,gardens + smith utensils or tools + roof + floor smithy - if he die to john,patr or Cha kewish who should stay in Island to learn trade);gdau christian kewish;servt christian stephan;1751 ann w/o Wm wainright who replies from stratford 'I cannot possibly come to London' - james oates acts; 1747-1 A 12 CORLETT William d 9 mar 1746;names thos cain,wm cowin;cousin wm corlet junr;bro-i-law john cannell;nephew wm corlet exor 1747-1 A 13 BODDAUGH Margaret d 9 Apr;Bishop's Desmense;gdau Margt Boddaugh;names Cath + Anne Boddaugh; Son Danl Boddaugh, son Thomas Boddaugh (exec) 1747-2 A 68 CAIN Elinor kelley d 28 Oct 1747;son john,edwd,mark,mathew & Patt - uncle Robt Kelly overseer;maid Anne Kinley;husb wm exor;1755 John Cain at age 1747-2 A 69 CANNELL John d 29 dec 1747;bishops domains;dau alice(w/o Edmond Crow);wife alice cannell exex 1747-2 A 70 COWIN Isabella cowil d 31 dec 1747;husb wm;only son wm ua - uncle Tho Cowle supv; 1747-2 A 71 CAIN William d 14 jan 1747/8;unnamed sibs 6d;fa Wm exor;witt Robt cowle, Eliz Tear als Corlet; 1747-2 A 72 Corlet Cath Keig d 18 jan 1747/8;son John(3 ch) exor;gdau mary corlet;gson john corlet(her part of croft);sis dorothy;bro Thos Lewn 1747-2 A 73 KELLEY Adam d 20 jan 1747/8;son-i-law wm gawn (h/o ann) exor; 1747-2 A 74 BODDAUGH Thomas d 28 jan 1747/8;son simon;neighbour Thos Callister; wife ellinor exex;1760 Simon acks from John Killip 'now husband of the exex 1747-2 A 75 STEPHAN Margaret d 4 feb 1747/8;dau ann,cath,elinor;gch jane bridson;bro's son james kneale;son thos exor;1750: Thos Corlet h/o Ann 1747-2 A 76 Kelley Ann CORLET d 7 feb 1747/8;son wm,john + thos jt exors;gdau eldest dau of thos killip;son-i-law thos killip;names margt cowley;dau-i-law hester kelley;dau jane (w/o james cain),hester(w/o Thos killip) 1747-2 A 77 CRAINE John d 19 feb 1747/8;son thos,edwd,Wm + John jt exors 1747-2 E d CALLISTER Catherine CLARK d mar ;only ch John Callister admr; 1747-2 E d COWLEY Gilbert d 9 jul 1747;ch john,patk,philip + margt; 1747-2 E w CRAIN Margaret KILLIP d 10 oct 1747;son thomas(goats);son-i-law john killip(w/o dau isabel);gdau ellinr;dau margt exex 1747-2 E d McNAMEER William d 10 jul 1747;only dau cath quayle als mcnameer (w/o Patk); 1747-2 E d MOORE Isabel KEIG d 8 aug 1747;ch john,mary,ann + thos (last 2 ua);husb alive 1748-1 A 68 KILLEY Margaret GOLDSMITH d 1 mar 1747;dau cath,ann,mary,margt;gson patt stephan (heifer shared with cath);husb john exor; 1748-1 A 69 CORLETT Philip d 11 mar 1747/8;dau ann,mary,joney;step-son silv tear;son thos exec;wife alive 1748-1 A 70 COWLEY Catherine CRINNILT d 18 mar 1747/8;only son Tho;dau mary;husb exor 1748-1 A 71 CANNON Ellinor Kelley d 7 feb 1747/8;ch wm(eldest),thos,john,dan + ellinor;husb exor 1748-1 E w COWLEY isable d 17 may 1748;sibs john, cath, thos exor;sis-i-law esther cowley;inv £1 3s; 1748-1 E w killip William d 5 may 1748;sibs thomas, cath, isabel;niece isabel(w/o john killip + ch), margt;nephew thomas crain exor 1748-2 A 127 CANNON Thomas d 6 nov 1748;ch Wm,thos,john,dan + ellinor jt execs;witt Ann Mcylvorrey als Crain,Christian corlet;inv 1749-1 A 21 CROSS Jaine d 3 feb 1749;ch Michael,isabel,jane,cath,john;husb alive - he + his son John supv of ua ch 1749-1 E w CORLETT John d 1 may 1749;brooghjarg;will made 17 aug 1746;son-i-law john tear;bro robt(xd thru);nephew john corlet;maid mary crow;gson (+heir) Philip Tear ua;gdau margt,cath + ann jt exexs - John tear + robt corlet overseers;wife alive;codicil amended overseer to bro Robt Tear as 'doubted John Tear would come 'having now married a decd ? wife';court appts john tear + robt corlet overseers;estate valued £5 2s 9d pa;inv etc 1749-1 E d CORLETT John d xmas 1747;cooper late ballaugh;uncle Mr Wm Curghy castletown (a prin creditor) 1749-2 A 43 COWIN William d 13 feb 1749;fa wm;uncle thos cowle 1749-2 A 44 KEWISH Bahee JOUGHIN made dec 1746;husb patk;niece Eliz Corras (w/o Phinlo Quayle)+ niece's husb John Tear(money in mortgage on Cooil Bane) jt execs;nephew Wm + Thos Christian(Kk Bride);stepson wm kewish;maid Christian Stephen;niece's son Tho Stephan
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