These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1750-1 E d CORLETT John d 21 apr 1750;ch simon,bahee,isabel,jony;john kneal h/o bahee ;wife alive;[part of will missed from film];john kneal resigns exor to sisters but they to provide for wifes son john kissage now abt 5yrs old [?illeg bapt And 17431125]; 1750-2 A 37 CASEMENT Thomas d 1 Jan 1750 [?1750/1];ch Christian(unmarr), Thos(exor) 1750-2 A 38 CREBBIN John [full] 1750-2 E c LACE Margaret m/c thos lace may 1740 [NSS May 1740 24]husb Thos exor 1751-1 E d TEAR Ann SAYLE d 27 jan 1750/1;ch John,elizth,joney + marjory;pledges Phillip Cottier Lezayre + James Tear andreas 1752-1 A 26 WATERSON Mary d 23 oct 1751;husb wm exor;dau margt,jony(if she comes herself to Island);gdau margt crow,cath crow;sons john,wm;names cath sayle Ballachurry;additiional testimony by witness that husb to have benefit of land then decend to issue of daniel crow by margt his wife(d/o mary) 1752-1 E d KANEEN William d 12 jan 1752;only dau cath ua;wife alive;thos lace next of reln supv 1752-1 E d KEWN Silvester d 11 jan 1752;8 ch John, Philip, William, James Bridget, Margt. Joney and Elliner;all at la 1752-2 E d CANNELL Elizabeth COTTIER d 21 dec 1751;only dau jane;husb john 1752-2 E d KNEEN Ann TEAR d 6 jun 1752;sons danl kneen(by former husb),thos kneen by latter husb ua;inv 1752-2 E d RADCLIFFE Charles d 12 feb 1752;ch George, Philip + Samuel (ua); by 1765 philip mariner in RN decd ;dec of settlement 13 dec 1739 re ch of Cath Radcliffe his wife;ch uncles Wm kneale + John cleator; 1753-1 A 16 WADE Ann Brew bur 20 nov 1752;un-named husb + ch;sis esther;dau bahee (not eldest);mo + mo-i-law alive;aunt alice brew;1764 daus alice + esther ack from aunt esther lace als brew; 1753-2 A 53 RADCLIFF Isabel SAYLE made 29 mar 1753;d 30 mar;sis margt (+ other sibs);husb stewn [stephen] radcliffe;deposition by joney christian that isabel left 30s + another 30s to sis margt vizt thos sayle's wife; 1753-2 A 54 KINRY John made 16 mar 1753;dau cath,margt, joney (margt + joney exexs) ;un-named gson;son john;wife joney; 1753-2 A 55 CHRISTIAN Joney SKINNER d 10 feb 1753;dau jony + cath;son wm,john,gilbt;dau-i-law mary christian;un-named sis;husb john exec;1776 joney mcylcarane als christian acks 1753-2 A 56 TEAR Thomas made 23 feb 1753;dau alice (her mo dead),margt;names wm fargher overseer of alice + margt;dau ann exex 1753-2 E w LACE John chk bk;made 17 jan 1751;capt john lace;dau joney (when she goes to Regaby),jane;son wm;son-i-law john kneal h/o ann;wife alive 1753-2 E w LAWSON Richard made 25 may 1753;son david,james;dau margt,cath; 1752-3 E d JOHNSON John d 19 sep 1753;only dau margt admx; - ua gfa john johnson;pledge christopher johnson(ramsey) + james radcliffe(sumner andreas);wife ann als crebbin;undated[?1766] petn by margt d/o john Johnson decd that wishes to marry underage, needs guardians approval so nominates 2 who agree; 1754-1 A 25 RADCLIFF Philip [full] 1754-1 A 26 CORMODE Catherine GARRET d 20 dec ;ballaquane;son john;dau cath;sis margt;husb danl exec;bro-i-law john cormode; 1754-1 A 34 COWN Margaret LEWN ?check out of sequence = 14 ? 1754-2 A 49 RADCLIFFE William [full]d 4 apr 1754;made 21 may 1752;gson ;philip radcliffe;gdau ann radcliff;gdau mary;gson charles radcliffe;only son thos exec;wife alive;names wm lawson 1754-2 A 50 CORLET Thomas d April 1754: dau Joney (a minor), step dau Catharine Cowle, wife Catharine Corlet, John Corlet son of 1st wife of Thomas (& of age by 1767); John Corkill is son in law of wife Catharine (the stepmother of son John) 1754-2 A 51 McNAMEER John [full] 1754-2 A 52 FARGHER Catherine TEAR d 20 feb;son philip (eldest),wm (both ua)husb wm;sisters ann,alice;aunt margt 1754-2 E d KINLEY Averick KINREAD d 12 apr 1754;only son saml 1754-3 E w KINREAD Philip d beg aug;son john (land described),thos (exec);neighbour thos lace;wife joney 1754-3 E w RADCLIFFE Jane LACE d 20 may 1754 - died soon after husb wm;neice jane lace;names wm lawson,ann radcliffe,wm radcliffe,jane kneen,cath quay;bro henry lace;nephew danl lace exec; 1754-3 E w RADCLIFFE Margaret BREW d jul last;ballakelly;daus margt + esther;son thos (exec),philip,wm (ramsey),john;names mary kneale;sis joney brew;husb philip (decd);1763:john mcnameer h/o margt 1755-1 A 17 MARTIN John d 26 dec ;Knockadoony;son john (to send bros to be coopers),philip,nicholas;dau ann;wife joney;names cath lawson money due by former wife's will;wife was exex of her mo Ann;ack by gilbt kermod 1755-1 A 18 KENEEN Alice d 12 [];names Philip quay,jane radcliff;son wm quay (a child) + joney kewin execs;john h/o joney kewin;inv 1755-2 A 50 RADCLIFFE James [full]d 26 feb 1755;belfast;dau margt,ann,ellen;son wm 1755-2 A 51 RADCLIFFE William d 26 feb 1755;dau margt (not 20),ann;son wm;wife alive 1755-2 A 52 QUAY Philip made 21 Feb 1755;ch Cath, Alice - Jon Sayle + Dollin Cain to be overseers;bro-i-law John Cain;wife exex 1755-2 E TEAR Mitchell perished by sea on coast scotland beg mar 1755;sibs wm,philip 1755-3 E w RADCLIFFE Mary CHRISTIAN d aug;son thos,john (exec),james;dau ann + un-named 2nd dau; 1756-3 E w KINRY Ann CREBBIN d 6 jul;sons ewan + thos(ua);sis mary quark;husb alive 1756-3 E d RADCLIFFE Philip ophan of Philip Radcliffe (ep will 1754) + Margt Radcliffe (ep 1754)d 7 Nov;sibs by fa's side William, Thomas, William, John, Margaret + Esther (all except Wm to share in mo's goods - [2nd marr of philip]);1763 John Mcnameer h/o margt Radcliffe sis of Philip 1757-1 E d COWLEY Catherine KNEEN d 25 nov 1756;5ch john,christian,wm,thos + cath ua unc + aunts wm thos christian + cath & esther kneen supv;husb john;inv 1757-1 E d RADCLIFFE Margaret d 9 oct 1756;sibs john,thos,joney + ann radcliffe;ewan knry h/o joney;john tear h/o ann; 1757-2 E w RADCLIFFE Alice d 1 may 1757;daus joney + ann;son john exec 1757-2 E w SKINNER Daniel d 9 jun 1757;son danl,wm,ewan;wife alive 1757-3 E d CaMAISH Stephan perished by sea end sept 1757;3ch isabel,margt + stephen;wife alive 1757-3 E d CORMOADE Thomas perished by sea 20 sept 1757;sibs john,bridget + ellinr 1757-3 E d KEE Patrick perished by sea end sept 1757;sibs john,wm,danl (h/o dorothy),elizth + alice 1758-1 E d BREW Philip d 4 mar 1758;ballaclucas;ch alice,marjory + margt ua uncle john brew of the gilcagh;wife elizth;inv sale; in petn widow mentions 7 head of cattle; 1758-1 E d TEAR Joney CAMAISH d 7 oct 1758;2ch wm + jane,james (eldest had mc);wm corlet h/o jane 1758-2 A 70 TEARE Daniel d beg apr;dau joney (ballaquayn);youngest dau cath,margt,elinor;sis Alice (a potato butt) 1758-2 A 71 s WADE Ann made 1746: articles of marriage between Wm Brew & Anne Brew als Teare and their dau Ann Brew & Ann Wade and son James Wade 1758-3 E w CAMAISH John d 1 oct 1758;dau cath curlett als camaish;wife joney als Morrison execx;names thomas teare, wm skinner;claim by alice camaish;[joney radcliffe als mcylvorrey m And 17351118] 1758-3 E w LACE William d 29 aug 1758;ballavarry;dau Margt,joney,margery;names Mrs Allen'wife ann exex;1768: wm radcliffe h/o marjery 1758-3 E d RADCLIFFE Thomas d 20 may 1758;'natural born idiot and cripple';only sis joney w/o danl skinner; 1759-1 A 18 KELLY Catherine Mylecharane [full]d 12 nov 1758;son patk kelly;gdau cath callow;dau isabel (w/o Ewan Callow);son thos Mcyllechrane 1759-1 A 19 dg RADCLIFFE James 'in my old age';son wm 1759-1 A 21 RADCLIFF Ann KNEALE d 21 jan;son wm;dau ann,elinor,margt (execx) 1759-1 E d CLEATER Margaret KNEAL d 14 nov 1758;3 ch wm,robt + danl (ua);son john under sentence of excommunication;inv 1759-1 E d COWLE Thomas d 2 feb 1759;4 ch thos,chas,joney + margt all ua uncle chas cowle;wife bahee als teare;inv (inc 2 bowles rice);1760 son thos late deceased 1759-1 E d SAYLE Andrew d in minority 15 yrs ago;goods left by joney kaneen als cowle (1735);sibs danl,ann + margt 1759-1 E d SAYLE Joney RADCLIFFE d 13 dec 1758;4 ch thos,danl,margt + ellinor;danl lace h/o ellinr 1759-2 A 75 CORLET Joney d 3 Apr 1759: brother John Corlet; Isabel Kneen & Joney's uncle John Kneen 1759-2 A 76 KANEEN Daniel d 9 apr 1759;wife joney;son michael;gdau margt kaneen;gson wm kaneen;dau christian cannell (w/o charles cannell kk michael),dau esther lace (w/o peter lace);son danl (heir) exec 1759-2 A 77 CORLET John d 7 Apr 1759: Dau Ellinor Corlet, dau Elizabeth Corlett; dau Mary Corlett (exec) 1759-2 E d CAMAISH Joney MCYLWORREY d 21 dec 1758;dau joney radcliffe (by former husb + w/o danl skinner) 1759-2 E w CORLET Catherine CLEATER d 23 may 1759;son thos (+ his wife);ch john,wm,cath + ellinor;gdau cath corkill;dau isabel;gson john kissage;son simon;dau joney execx 1759-2 E d GARRETT Catherine CRAINE d 26 apr 1759;sibs andrw,wm,esther,john + joney;husb wm;[m And 17561218 ?no ch] 1759-2 E w KEIG John d 21 may 1759;wife margt (?2nd wife);son thos (heifer left by his mo),john;philip + jane ch by later wife ua;inv 1759-2 E d KEWIN James d 30 may 1759;8 sibs john,phil,w,bahee,ellinr,joney,dorothy + margt;john clark h/o joney 1759-2 E d RADCLIFFE John d 14 may 1759;4 ch philip,thos,john + joney;inv 1759-2 E d TEaRE Isabel KNEALE d 10 mar 1759;ch john + ellinr,isabel had dowry 1759-3 E w CAINE Patrick d 22 aug 1759;dau joney(close charen);wife exex;pledge wm cannell(ballaugh),john gill smith 1759-3 E w KANEEN Alice CLEATER d 13 aug 1759;gat-e-whing;nephew john cleator jnr;bro john cleator snr;husb john dead;dau cath ua uncles john cleator,danl tear + robt cannell;1763 cath at la chooses wm radcliffe of ballaradcliffe;1770 david christian h/o cath;inv 1759-3 E w KEWIN Joney KNEALE d 1 Jul 1759;ch John(her right in Archdeacons close), Bahee(Robins Croft), Wm(£5), Philip(10s), Joney(10s), Dorothy(10s)Ellinor(exex); pledges John Kewin + John Radcliffe(both Andreas) 1760-1 A 38 LACE John [full];d 1 feb 1760;Ballaseir;dau christian;gch john+ joney cormoad (c/o john);son john;gson charles lace,wm lace,joseph lace;dau margt (w/o wm kneale);gch margt + jane kneale;son arthur;wife alice sick (also died a little before john) 1760-1 A 40 KANEEN Joney LAWSON d 4 feb 1760;son michael;dau-i-law margery,joney;gdau margt kaneen,cath kaneen,joney cannell;dau esther w/o peter lace,christian w/o charles cannell;son danl;1770 bahee oldest dau michael; 1760-1 A 41 TEARE Philip d 4 January 1759: son Thomas Teare, son Paul Teare, dau Joney Teare, son Philip Tear, son Nicholas Teare, son Daniel Teare, son in law Thomas Corlet; son John Teare, dau Alive, wife Catharine Teare als Sayle 1760-1 E d COWLE John mariner,left 20 yrs ago no acct;sibs chas cowle,margt scarf als cowle admrs 1760-2 A 70 CHRISTIAN Patrick d mar 1760;s/o danl christian ballacoary;bro wm (wife nelly),thos;sis cath;unnnamed young sister; 1760-3 E d RADCLIFFE Philip perished by sea on hm princess louissa aug 1757;bros george + saml 1761-1 A 60 SKINNER Ann SKEALLY d 22 nov;parents john + maevel[?mabel];dau bahee;husb christopher exor;names others 1761-1 A 61 CHRISTIAN Margaret BREW [full];d 16 nov 1761;husb john;sis isabel,bahee; 1761-1 A 62 CHRISTIAN Alice TEARE d 18 May 1761;names many but no relationships given - inc Ellinor Tear, Ellinor Tear junr, Margt Tear, Alice Tear, James Tear, Joney Tear(exex), Cath Kneale, John Kneale, John Corlet 1761-3 E w KIPPAx John dated 20 jul 1756;Brington Huntington;archdeacon of Mann;unnamed sons (ell settled);dau mary exex;wife alice als milne;alice + mary appt John Quillin (castletown)as attorney (PoA notes that Rev Danl Gelling acted as curate of Andreas) 1761-3 E d QUARK John d 22 oct 1761;ballayockey;sibs danl,edmd,mary christian als quark(w/o danl);inv 1761-3 E w QUARK Mary CHRISTIAN d 29 oct 1761;sis bahee crow als christian exex;names joney skillicorn als brew,margt christian; 1762-2 A 65 LAWSON Catherin QUIRK d jan 1762;ch bahee,ann,margt,james,john (pt of martin's chappell);husb david exec 1762-2 A 67 RADCLIFFE Philip [full];son Tho, son John 1762-2 A 68 RADCLIFFE Joney SAYLE dau Joney, son Wm, son Sam, dau Xtn, dau Esther, son Jn, sis in law Xtn Clark 1762-2 A 70 jw LACE Jane CHRISTIAN [full];danl + jane als christian;ch jane,cath,esther,mary,christian + alice;dau elizth w/o danl gelling,ann (eldest - ballavodan);danl's bro charles + wm 1762-2 A 71 FARGHER Philip d end apr past;cassmullin;gdau joney s/o son thos;gch patrick' s/o Wm;gson philip s/o wm,john s/o thos; 1762-2 E d TEARE James d 3 may;2 ch James + Isabel 1763-2 A 68 CRAINE Esther KILLIP [full]d 17 feb 1763;son andrew(+his son),john, wm;dau joney,esther exec;names wanton's wife of Douglas,jane + esther radcliffe;husb dead;wm crebbin h/o esther;dispute between wm crebbin + arthur + wm craine 1763-2 A 69 GARRET William d 4 mar 1762;son john(lands from Corlish yarg),phillip,wm;dau ann + wife joney als christian jt exexs 1763-2 A 71 WADE Daniel [full] 1764-1 A 13 LACE John d 25 nov 1763;wife joney;son michael;dau esther(w/o john tear);names land in lezayre;other ch dan,john + margt 1764-1 E w CLARK Christian RADCLIFFE made 24 jun;names cath tear,joney radcliffe,christian radcliffe,philip radcliffe,elizth kewn;sis-i-law eleanor radcliffe als tear;bro wm exec 1764-2 A 53 JOHNSON John d 16 apr 1764;gson john johnson;names thomas christian m to dau-i-law to give unto gdau margt johnson + little beast;gdau margt johnson exex ua uncle edwd johnson her step fa thos christian;1773 john johnson died before fully paid appointed mo elinor christian sole exex who acks from edwd christian h/o exex margt johnson;inv 1764-2 A 54 TEARE Eleanor SKINNER d 1 feb 1764;son gilbt;dau cath(w/o wm killip) exex 1764-2 E d QUark edmund mariner departed 30 yrs ago sibs daniel quark & mary christian als quark 1764-2 E d QUIRK Mary QUIRK d 10 jun 1763; 3 ch john joney & ann 2 y ua;john quirk uncle;husb wm 1765-1 A 31 BREW Joney TEARE d 2 Feb 1765: sons Steven & Phil Brew; sis Cathrine wife of Jn Garret; sister Esther; husb Steven; also James Wade & James Dowan overseers of children 1765-1 E d CORMOADE Bahee CORLET d 4 apr 1764;only son danl 1765-1 E w KNEAL William d 12 nov 1764;bridge;son john,wm exor(dead 11 nov predecd fa court decrees john only bro 1765-1 E w KNEALE Catherine TEARE d midsummer last;son john,wm exor;wm survd testx but now ded - bro john 1765-2 E d BREW William d 23 jan;only dau esther w/o daniel lace; 1765-2 E w LACE Alice BREW d 25 may 1765;names esther w/o danl lace,jane sayle w/o thos sayle exex;nephew wm brew;bro's gch (vizt c/o john cowley ballaugh);stepson henry lace 1765-2 E d SAYLE Ann CRAINE d 3 jun 1765;ch thos + joney(w/o john radcliffe who accepts £5 from thos + fa-i-law philip sayle) 1765-2 E w TEARE Ann RADCLIFFE d 20 oct 1764;eldest dau Ann;dau alice;sons dan + john;husb john;uncle james radcliffe supv 1765-2 E d TEARE Catherine CLEATER d 8 apr 1765;only dau cath(w/o John Sayle) admx 1765-3 E w KNEEN Thomas, jnr d 6yrs ago Island Granada (deposed by Edwd Christian Ramsey);s/o thomas exec determined to voyage coasts of africa;bro Danl;1783 fa dead widow cath exex 1765-3 E d TEARE Alice d 4 feb 1765;spinster;nephew philip + wm faragher jt admrs - too young their fa wm 1766-1 A 28 CORMOAD Joney CREBBIN [full];made 7 apr 1760;son thomas (philip cowle's croft),danl,wm;dau eleanor 1766-1 A 29 COWLL John [full];d 12 jan 1766;names john sayle (east smeal),nicholas tear;nephew arthur brew;mary kinry execx 1766-1 E w CHRISTIAN Marjery d beg Aug [?1765];husb dan christian;ch Dan Lace, Wm Lace(+ wife),Bahe Lace exex;names Wm Christian(+wife),Margt Christian; 1766-2 A 76 SAYLE John made 13 nov 1765;(board of loft then unnailed to beams);wife joney als joughin;fa danl sayle;bro danl sayle;bro-i-law thomas quirk;eldest child margt but wife pregnant (son john);bros danl + wm sayle supervisors;parents of joney sayle als joughin were john + joney als crenilt;1772 john corelett h/o joney sayle;inv 1766-3 E d ELLISON Philip left island 10yrs ago + shortly afterwards perished by sea;sibs john + lucy 1767-1 E d BREW Ann TEARE d 2 oct;only dau esther w/o daniel lace 1767-1 E w TEARE William d 22 Sep 1765;dau ellinor(yarn in house), John(exor) 1767-2 A 55 GARRETT Christian GOLDSMITH [full]d 27 feb 1767;dau May (w/o wm kneal kk bride),son John,Joseph,ewan;gsons wm lace,joseph garret;dau isabel (w/o john lace) exec;names jane garret;husb dead;1769 Mary garret als Wilson w/o John Garret now residing Ellan Foot (Mary Port) Cumberland acks from John Lace 1767-2 A 56 CHRISTIAN Daniel [full]d 14 apr 1767;ballacorrey;son thomas;dau-i-law Ellinor christian;dau cath execx 1767-2 E w CHRISTIAN John d end jul 1767;sibs gilbt,cath(w/o john radcliffe),wm,joney(mcylcarane als christian);fa alive;wife cath als tear exex;names Dan Christian ardonan(40s from mortgage money on land he lived on when redeemed);1781: dan christain acks robt corlet h/o cath corlet als christian als tear; 1768-1 A 30 LACE Daniel [full] Deemster;wdr (wife Jane Christian)dau Anne (eldest + exec),Jane, Catharine, Esther, Mary, Christian & Alice [?bapt];dau Eliz w/o rev Dan Gelling;bros John, Charles & William 1768-1 E d CHRISTIAN John no account above 30 yrs sis joney + eliz;stephen corlet h/o joney;[full] 1768-1 E d KNEALE Ann d 19 jan 1768;spinster;sibs john,mary + cath kneale 1768-3 E d CRENILT Margaret SAYLE dog dau cath cowin als crenilt (w/o thomas)as only ch that has staid to to assist me;other ch elizth w/o john cottier lezayre,margt w/o john carin rushen,maichael crinilt 1768-3 E d KNEALE William d 20 sep 1768;ballabeg;ch tho,philip + margt 1768-3 E d LACE Esther BREW d 6 oct 1768;ch wm,patr,danl,jane,anne + mary all ua next of kin danl,john + alice wade;husb danl;inv 1768-3 E w skinner Joney RADCLIFFE d 28 jun 1768;sons wm (heir,pt of boat + new nets),daniel, John;dau joney,isabel;husb danl exec;ch wm + danl at age;[full] 1769-1 A 24 KEIG Margaret CORKISH als crye d dec 1768;names james radcliffe (+ wife);son philip keigg ua;dau elizth corkish;dau ann (owed some of her fa's goods),jane keigg execx;james radcliffe h/o cath radcliffe als corkish dau of margt supv; 1769-1 E d LAWSON Edward mariner,left island 19 yrs ago + account died coast of Guinea abt 18yrs ago;sibs patrick,david,john + joney (w/o anthony lawson);pledges wm mcnemeer + james lawson (both andreas) 1769-3 E w CHRISTIAN Ellinor d 30 Jun 1768;ch Margt(her part of Crot-ne-voagh), Wm;husb Wm exor;servt maide Cath Cleater;names Wm Lace(+ dau), Danl Lace(+ dau Elinor), Rich Christian(+ dau Elinor) 1769-3 E d CLEATER James d 11 aug perished by sea at herring fishery;ch james,john + ellinr - all ua uncle + aunts wm,margt + alice cleater;wife jane 1769-3 E d CLEATER John d 11 aug perished by sea at herring fishery;ch john,james,cath,ellin (or alice) + wife pregnant;guardians William, Margt & Alice Cleater;wife margt[full] 1769-3 E d RADCLIFFE John d 21 may 1769;admin Wm Cubbon sumner general 1769-3 E d TEARE James perished by sea 4 Aug 1769 (herring fishery);only bro john 1770-1 A 22 KEIG Philip d 27 nov 1769 at house of bro-i-law james radcliffe of andreas;only sis jane by fa + mo's side;bro wm 6d (would strive for 6d if not left anything),thos,john;half sisters by fa's side elizth (of ballaugh),isabel (maughold);half sisters by mo's side elizth + ann corkish (both in england);exec bro-i-law james radcliffe + wife cath; 1770-1 E d CRAINE Joney CORLETT d 25 dec;only ch philip ua unles wm + danl corlett;husb philip;agreement between uncles + fa;inv 1770-1 E d MARTIN Philip perished by sea at herring fishery 12 aug 1769;sibs john + anne 1770-1 E d QUIRK John perished by sea 11 aug 1769;7 ch wm,john,patr,danl,math,robt + jane;5 later ua;wife alive;inv 1770-2 A 53 SKINNER Marjery cregeen d 25 March 1770: eldest son Wm, dau Mgt (md Tho Radcliffe 1772, Andreas), dau Joney, 4 daus; 2 youngest dau Cath & Joney; Mary Crejeen of Jurby; husb Wm Skinner; youngest son Wm; dau Ann; son Daniel; Joney is underage 1770-2 A 54 WADE Catherine cowley d 15 apr 1770;son philip (lands ballavartin),michael,james (h/o ann),john;husb james;names joney w/o edmond crow;husb + son john execs 1770-2 A 55 KNEEN Mary corlett d easter sunday;dau joney quaggin als kneen(w/o thos),mary; exexstep-son john kneen 1770-2 A 56 FARAGHER James,snr d 23 dec 1769;ch cath (w/o danl cormoade + her son john),james; 1770-3 E w HARRISON Isabel CALLISTeR d 15 jul 1770;dau ann;bros thos + wm;husb ewan exec;thos + wm guardians of ann kinley ack; 1770-3 E d KEWIN Thomas d 20 sep 1770;wife esther ch thos + elizth ua but no reln appeared;wife pregnant - posth dau elinor ;later philip kewn + john kneale two of next relns excepting matths + jane kewinhis sibs who are young and weak of judgement) sworn;inv;1779 thomas chooses uncle john moore as guardian;agreement in 1780 re land rent + concerns in ramsey;1777 petn that widow esther squandered 1771-1 A 21 CRENILT Isabel cottier d last day dec 1770;step dau joney crinilt;dau elizth crinilt,cath crinilt;son thomas,wm,daniel;husb daniel ch ua uncle john cottier + wm cottier;acks + inv 1771-1 E w MOORE Charles made 15 oct 1770;ballacamaish;son charles,john,wm,ewan(last 3 to be sent to trade);wife joney als camaish;dau joney (land in close chirrim),esther 1771-1 E d RADCLIFFE Joney SAYLE d 12 jan 1771;ch Philip, Alice, Anne, and Thos Radcliffe ua;uncles (mo side) Philip Sayle, Thos Sayle & John Teare;husb john;dispute (re land manured marle-clay);1791: john kinry h/o ann 1771-2 A 70 TEARE Catherine sayle d 30 feb 1771;son john,danl (his dau ann),philip,paul,nicholas,thos tear her dau wife of thos corlet dau joney w/o wm cowley 1771-2 A 71 CHRISTIAN John d 14 apr 1771;son richd;son-i-l wm cleator;john tear s/o philip (his loom);dau christian;wife averick jt execx 1771-2 E737 d LACE Daniel d 5 may ? 1771; ch margt + cath by former wife,danl,ellinr,wm,john+ewan by latter wife;4 latter ua richd lace h/o margt + john kneale h/o cath guardans;wife alive;danl lace chooses wm radcliffe kk andreas supv;1784: thomas christian junr slegaby h/o ellr(at age nov 1775) 1771-2 E746 d CROW John d 8 may 1771;sis margt,cath,mary + anne;cath + anne off island;inv 1771-2 E752 w RADCLIFFE William,snr d 13 may 1771;made 28 june 1769;son samuel (close-y-vator nr craig),wm (eldest) exec;daus christian + esther,joney w/o thos kneale 1771-2 E756 w TEARE Daniel made 13 may 1771;names thomas kinread,john tear snr smeal,john tear junr,daniel kneen;sis alice tear (w/o wm +dau jane);godchild joney c/o patrick fargher;wife mary als kneen(land dowyn);dau cath sayle als tear(w/o john kk michael)exors - to put a decent stone on his grave; 1771-3 E d CORMOADE Daniel d 3 aug 1771;sis bahee + cath; 1771-3 E w COWIN Thomas d 16 aug 1771;dau anne,cath (both ua uncles john howland + wm cowin supv);wife cath als crinilt exex 1772-1 A 23 COWLE Daniel of Kiondroghad andreas but now ramsey;neice jony w/o wm craine leodeat (sons patk + wm christian from prev marr),cath christian widow ballakie kk bride(son wm),isabel w/o andrew craine ramsey;names mathias kewn + sis jane;gch of sis joney who was married in regaby + her son patk kneale;nephew john kneale regaby;names james wade;only now living bro charles cowle ramsey exec#24 = Petition of John Kneale re: Will of Daniel Cowle (his Uncle) that danl in illhealth fell under influence of bro charles 1772-1 A 25 SAYLE John d 12 feb 1772;sis bridget w/o thos harrison;names alice w/o thos sayle the craig(son john),margery christian;wife cath als kneale exex 1772-2 A 69 JOUGHIN Isabel d 14 mar 1772;bro-i-law Ewan Howland (h/o Margt als Joughin [#18253]);mo Joney;sis Joney exex 1772-2 A 70 JOHNSON John d beg mar 1772;jane christian d/o uncle thos,margery christian d/o uncle danl;half-sis margt w/o edward christian (of kk onchan);cousins john + thos christian;mo elinor christian exex 1772-2 A 71 SAYLE John d 2 apr 1772;son danl;gsons john + danl sayle jnr;names john radcliffe,margt radcliffe;gdau anne sayle;dau briget sayle;wife dead as £7 due to dau margt from her mo + £3 to anne;margt + anne exexs 1772-2 A 72 CORMODE Mary d 20 apr 1772;names mary kewn;bro wm cormode (+ his ch);names joney cormode,margt d/o danl cormode,elinor cormode,joney d/o bro john cormode;dau joney christian exex 1772-2 E w CAMAISH John d 2 may 1772;declrd 1 may;gson charles moore(curraugh lezayre - his sibs john,ewan,wm,joney);wife bridget als sayle exex;only dau joney moore;1785 wm lace h/o joney moore acks from charles 1772-2 E w Cowley Nicholas made 5 nov 1771;names cath sayle a beehive,charles cowll s/o john cowll little press;two ash trees in n of garden to be sold to pay for coffin;danl christian exor but refuses in open court prin creditor wm radcliffe appointed but later relinquishes to danl;petn by wm radcliffe that intitled to land by sale + mortgage 1772-2 E d JOuGHIN William d 28 nov 1771;then surviving daus joney + issable(d since death of fa - her will sis jane exex);petn by ewan howland 'his fate' to have m. margt joughin eldest d/o wm + wm's son called john went abroad but no news complains that joney has sole admr esp as he + wife had a contract bargain + wants joney to put in inv. john d on coast of guinea - danl kaneen swears both went to liverpool abt 6 yrs ago - some time after wm joughin shipped himself on board a small sloop belong to mason & mart ? merchts bound for guinea and died there not worth 5s at time of death; 1772-2 E w KINrY Margaret d 4 may;gch marjery kaneen;names margt kannen;neice christian lace;son danlkaneen exor;witt danl cowle + mitchall kaneen 1772-2 E d TEARE James d 18 nov 1771;ch wm + esther both at la 1772-3 E w KNEEN John d 29 may 1772;wife margt;ch john,isabella;1824: ann widow john kneen junr decd acks 1772-3 E w TEARE James d 22 jun 1772;son james.john exor;dau joney (w/o john kewin decd),cath;wife joney(all yarn or spinnning manufacture) 1772-3 E d TEARE Joney SAYLE d 4 sep 1772;son john,james;dau cath joney had m/cs 1773-1 A 22 TEARE Joney crinelt d 6 jan 1773;son john tear;dau-i-law mariod tear;joney d/o son wm tear;names elinor corlet;dau mary tear (balla-quaine's croft + debt thereon);son philip,wm (+his son wm);husb wm exec;son danl (eldest - old croft + the loughan) - some dispute between danl + husb 1773-2 A 59 QUIRK Bahee lawson d 24 feb 1773;son philip;dau-i-law isable quirk;son thos,james;dau joney execx;husb andrew;names joney corlet 1773-2 A 60 kanneen William d 2 apr 1773;wife margt;names michael kanneen h/o majery,bahee k.,thos h.,margery h.,john h.,michael h. jnr,stephen h.,charles h.,cath tear;wm h. exec; court sd mich,charles + joney incomp thus john + stephen k. + john kneale h/o bahee kaneen gaurdians;majery kaneen widow + john quirk h/o majery ack 1773-2 A 61 dg COWLEY Mary quark widow (of nich)dau mary christian als callister w/o danl christian only child;john christian eldest son of mary cowley acks;1748 deed of attorney margt christian late of city of london appoints bro john christian curragh lezayre 1773-2 E d CHRISTIAN Alice GAWN d 8 mar 1773;ch thos + bahee,john(had setl) 1773-2 E w CHRISTIAN Daniel d beg may 1773;son john (exor),thos;dau margarey,cath;wife alive 1773-2 E w RADCLIFFE Thomas d 7 may 1773;ballaradcliffe;son john,charles,thos;dau jane;wife esther 1773-2 E d SAYLE Daniel d 28 apr;2 ch danl + wm, daus isabel w/o wm skinner + margt w/o thos quirk had settlements 1773-3 E d CHRISTIAN William d 24 sep 1773;ch john,cath,elinor,jane + joney all ua uncles richd christian, philip tear wm cleator;wife joney;1784 christopher looney h/o cath ack from step-fa wm christian;1791: john garret + elinor christian co-exors joney christian ack;inv 1773-3 E w CORLETT Thomas d 16 jun 1773;son thos(6d),edwd(6d);dau joney(6d),margt(6d),cath(6d);wife anne;sons wm+ john exors;(some ch had marr setls) 1773-3 E w COWILL Catherine CROW d 10 jul 1773;niece elizth crow;dau-i-law margt crow als howland ;names margt gill widow;eldest son robt,patk exor;husb danl;gson robt cowle 1773-3 E w HARRISON Joney RADCLIFFE made 6 apr 1773;dau joney (w/o thos kneale),margot (w/o daniel cowle);gdau joney crinnoll;gson wm harrison,thos harrison;dau-in-law joney w/o john;son john exec 1773-3 E d KNEALE Ann CANNELL d 17 jul 1773;ch john,wm,joney,hester,columb (had marr poryion) 1774-1 A 32 KNEEN William d 20 nov 1773;son john,michael,danl;wife mary exex 1774-1 A 33 KEWIN Catherine KNEALE d 5 dec 1773;gdau mary garrett;dau cath quilliam;son john garrett;husb john exor 1774-1 A 34 TEAR Ellinor TAYLOR d 4 dec 1773;dau cath,margt,joney + bridget;gdau joney harrison;husb james exor 1774-1 A 35 TEAR Catherine RADCLIFFE d 25 jan 1774;gdau cath wade;dau isabel(w/o danl wade),cat (exeex);son danl;gdau cath tear(d/o sd son danl) 1774-1 A 36 RADCLIFFE Jony CLEATOR d 20 jan;dau joney(only ch jane christian);gdau jane radcliffe(d/o philip);son john,thos (exor) 1774-1 A 37 CHRISTIAN Averick CRAINE dog dated 22 nov 1773 to son-i-law philip tear(h/o christian) 1774-1 A 38 TEAR Catherine d 10 dec 1773;sis margt kinry als tear(her dau joney),joney tear,bahee tear;fa james tear exor;names philip craine + others;mo dead 1774-1 A 39 SAYLE cath MCYLCARANE husb Christopher ballachurry;son + heir Wm,john ;dau margt,isable;sons-i-law wm Radcliffe, john sayle;friend + kinsman Rev Thos corlett (vic lez);dau alice radcliffe,cath sayle,esther kneale;gdaus joney + anne kee;gson wm s/o wm radcliffe;son-in-law patrick kneale (h/o esther) exec;claims etc 1774-1 E d DUGDALE James d 30 jan 1774;millwright;ch rich,mary,joseph,david (by former wife),saml,sarah + mary (by latter wife);5 last ua;wife sarah;inv;sale(most bought by widow) 1774-1 E d KNEALe Joney SAYLE d 3 dec 1773;ch thos,phil,margt 1774-2 A116 RADCLIFFE Margaret [Skinner] d 6 jan 1774;son thos;husb thos;sis joney;sis ann + cath skinner;godchild ch of ewan skinner;fa wm skinner;bro danl skinner;christian w/o ewan skinner 1774-2 A117 CORKIL Esther CANNELL d 13 feb 1774;son john,thomas (exec);dau-i-law margt corkill 1774-2 A118 BREW Margaret d 6 mar 1774;esther w/o bro thos;sis joney w/o wm kneal;elinor w/o bro richd 1774-2 A119 SAYLE Christopher ballachurry;son wm;dau cath w/o john sayle;son wm;dau margt;son john;dau esther w/o patk kneal,alice w/o wm radcliffe;gdau anne kee,joney + cath kee;dau isabel; michael lace h/o margt kee supv of ann + cath;james kennish h/o isabel sayle 1774-2 A120 KINREAD Joney d 19 jan 1774;son john,thos exec;dau-i-law jane kinread; 1774-2 A121 LACE Elizabeth d 19 jan 1774;son danl;dau alice,margt w/o john kneale;husb thomas 1774-2 A121a TEAR John #dup# follows after #121;d 22 feb 1774;bro nicholas;sis margt martin 1774-2 A122 KINREAD Joney d 19 jan 1774;son john,thos exec;dau-i-law jane kinread; 1774-2 E d CAMAISH Alice TEAR d 11 jan 1774;husb wm;brethren john,thos,philip,danl + jas teare admrs 1774-2 E w CHRISTIAN John made 28 dec 1773;son-i-law john radcliffe(h/o cath);son wm(loom),gilbert;dau jony(w/o thos mylecharane);gch john,thos + wm radcliffe;gdau margt radcliffe;gson thos mylecharane 1774-2 E d COWLE Joney COTTIER d 7 may 1774;dau margt (w/o thos tear) exex,ann(eldest had marr sett) 1774-2 E w SKINNER Daniel d 16 may 1774;ch joney isable+ john yearling left by decd mother;bro's dau bahee skinner;son danl;mentions tuck mill;wife lucy als ellison;ch wm + danl by former wife; [full] [prev wife joney als radcliffe] 1774-2 E d TEAR Alice GOLDSMITH d 3 dec 1773;ch alice,cath + jane 1774-2 E w TEAR Daniel d 8 may 1774;ballacunner;son-i-law danl wade;gdau cath wade;son danl;dau cath exex 1774-3 E w KNEAL Andrew d 29 jul 1774;son john;dau cath;names wm quirk + wife mary;wife joney(her dau jane kinread) exex(down in andreas,curragh lezayre) 1774-3 E w KNEAL Michael dated 27 apr 1767;abt to depart island;sibs adrew(exor),wm,patk,isabel(w/o john gawn),cath(w/o saml kinley),joney (w/o wm fargher) 1774-3 E w RADCLIFFE Isabel CAINE d 1 aug 1774;son john,wm,james,charles,philip (stall an apprentice),thomas;husb john exec 1775-1 A 28 CHRISTIAN Thomas d 3 nov 1774;dau bridget(w/o thos lace;gdau cath christian;son john,thos (exor) 1775-1 A 29 TEARE Mary LACE [Full];d 9 Dec 1774: 6 sons Jn, James, Dan, Phil, Charles, Wm; husb James Teare; dau Ann Tear; dau Joney (md John Martin); gchild Jn & Mary Martin; Charles & Wm ua 1775-1 A 30 DOwAN Ann sayle d 12 jan 1775;dau margt cormode(w/o thos);names mary quayle,wm kneens poor girl - a gdau to sis joney;dau ann decd;husb james + dau margt execs 1775-1 E d KANEEN Daniel d 19 feb 1775;3ch margery,wm,isbl (ua) supv on fa side john + anthony lace + chas cowll;wife margt;inv 1775-1 E d KANEEN Mary [?marg d in minority july 1773;entitled under gmo Margery kinney als kaneen als brew ep 1772-2;sibs wm,margery + isab - same guardians as in danl kneen 1775-2 A 61 SAYLE Thomas d 14 mar 1775;smith;gch wm radcliffe,thos sayle;dau margt w/o wm radcliffe,jane w/o thos kinrade;wife jane exex 1775-3 E w CRINALT Mary [kneen] d 15 jul 1775;names joney crenilt,elizth crenilt;mo mary kneen;names cath kneen;husb danl;dau ann;son john;bro's child milchael kneen;uncle michael + wm knnen guardians 1775-3 E w KELLY John d 11 aug 1775;son patk,wm (abroad);dau cath exex 1776-1 A 38 CORLETT Stephen d 12 dec 1775;bro's son Danl corlett (croft - Croit-ny-errey);wife joney (answered in manks scummey lhiamys);names Wm freer,danl corlett, robt wade;nephews wm corlett,john corlett;wife joney corlett als christian;disputes with robt wade [m And 17380709 ?no ch] 1776-1 A 39 TEARE Jane d 7 jan 1778;sis dau elizth + mary sayle;sis bahy sayle;bro john tear exor;patk sayle her sis son;names james allen 1776-2 A 88 SAYLE Philip d 18 Feb 1776: son Philip, Thomas, gdau Ann (dau of Tho); gdau Ann (md Tho Radcliffe), Bahee (md Jn Lawson).1776 thomas radcliffe h/o anne acks 1776-2 A 89 CRAIN Joney cowell leodest;son wm christian;husb wm;sis isable crain (w/o andrew crain),sis cath christian (of kk bride);maidserv elizabeth mylevoirrey;3 nephews james,wm + john crain; son patrick christian exec 1776-2 A 90 SAYLE Mary curphey d 1 feb 1776;gdau margt sayle (d/o son wm);dau issable skinner als sayle (w/o wm);sons wm + danl (jt exec with isabel) 1776-3 E w COWELL Charles d 18 aug 1776;ch wm,john,ann + jane;eldest son charles;wife isable execx 1776-3 E w DOUGHERTY William made 12 mar 1770;dau margt (land in lez);son danl,edmond,wm;wife margt als joughin execx 1777-1 A 29 BREW John [full] 1777-1 A 30 SAYLE Jane d beg dec;widow;gson thos sayle;gdau jane radcliffe;dau margt w/o wm radcliffe,jane w/o thos kinread;son wm exec;jane d/o wm 1777-1 E d CAMAISH Bahee sayle d 27 dec 1776;only ch joney moore als camaish (widow) admr 1777-2 A 39 QUARK John [full] 1777-2 A 40 CROSS William bur And 17770409;d 9 apr 1777;son wm;dau joney;wife elizth als tear exex;joney ua uncle patrick cross supv;son wm sues;inv 1777-2 E w LAWSON David d 5 may 1777;son wm,john;dau bahee,margt,anne;names thomas fargher exor 1777-3 E w FARGHAR James d 2 aug 1777;dau ellinr,joney ua,ann ua;son gilbt,thos,philip exor;wife anne 1777-3 E w SAYLE William d 31 aug 1777;ballacurry;sis margt,isable(w/o james kennish);bro-i-law patk kneal;his illegitimate ch joney sayle(1784 acks from wm clucas psm);wife joney als quayle exex;bonds willed to ch of wm radcliffe + of john kee;chas s/o wm acks + john,joney,cath,anna kee + michl lace h/o margt kee; 1778-1 A 64 CORMODE Cathrine FARAGHER d 13 feb 1778;husb danl (snr);dau joney,margt, elinor fargher;son danl,john 1778-1 E d KINREY Mary keig d 25 apr 1778;husb thos admr 1778-1 E d KNEEN Margaret cowle d 27 apr 1778;ch danl,james + ann all ua uncle chas cowle supv; husb danl;inv 1778-1 E d RADCLIFFE Ellinor TEAR d 14 mar 1778;dau marg admr;other ch joney,ellinor + cath had marr dowry 1778-1 E w SAYLE Catherine dated 16 mar 1778;dau aver (w/o richd kneale),cath (w/o thos christian),joney (w/o andrew joughin) + margt (w/o wm camaish);son wm exec;names cath quirk,john quirk;god child cath sayle; 1778-1 E w SAYLE Catherine expressed 10 jan 1770; niece esther radcliffe;names wm kneale, margt kneale, joney kneale widow (the roof of the house);niece christian w/o thos corkill;joney w/o bro wm sayle;nephew wm radcliffe (+ his son wm);margt + ann d/o John radcliffe;thos kneale h/o joney kneale agrees to be exec 1778-1 E d WADE Esther brew d 10 may 1778;no issue;husb james admr pledges phlip wade(his son) + philip sayle 1778-2 E d CHRISTIAN Cath spinster sis to thos d 28 feb;see thos 1778-2 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d 26 feb 1778;bach;sibs john + margery jt admrs 1778-2 E d CORLETT Thomas d 14 may;ch thos,edmond,cath + elinor,john + wm had m/cs 1778-2 E d KNEAL Margaret d 16 oct 1778;ch john,wm,margt + mary ua;husb john;inv 1778-2 E d LACE Esther ?missing from film - marked in defuncts 1778-2 E w RADCLIFFE Esther [quark] dau ann (w/o wm cleator),mary (w/o gilbert tear),esther (w/o thomas allen) + jane (w/o pat christian);son john,charles radcliffe (legacy by his fa);god daus jane + ann radcliffe 1779-1 A 49 BREW Ann MARTIN [full] 1779-1 A 50 JOUGHIN Charles dated 3 dec 1778;dau cath,anne;gch joney(d/o son andrew),charles(s/o andrew((bees);son andrew exor;john joughen h/o anne;wm craine h/o cath 1779-1 A 51 STEPHEN Ellinor vondy dated 16 nov 1778;w/o wm now of kk andreas;dau esther,elinor(w/o thos grahams) exex 1779-1 E d CANNELL Margaret bell d 18 jun 1778;only ch christian cannell;husb thomas 1779-1 E d CHRISTIAN Margery spinster;bro john 1779-1 E w KNEALE Esther bro john,sis joney (decd ? ),bro wm, names mary kneen, joney mcnameer,mary christian;bro columus execr 1779-1 E d KNEALE Joney d 16 apr;bros columb, wm + john; 1779-1 E w KNEENE Catherine tear d 13 dec;husb john [m And 17780228] 1779-2 E w BREW Joney made 5 aug 1779;d 17 aug;son wm;4 little ch;2 dau anne isabel;dau margt;son richard if wm will not come for it;husb alive;1806 wm gell h/o jane brew; 1824 thos stehen h/o margt brew;isabel cleator als brew widow 1779-1 E w KNEENE Catherine tear d 13 dec;husb john [m And 17780228] 1779-2 E w BREW Joney made 5 aug 1779;d 17 aug;son wm;4 little ch;2 dau anne isabel;dau margt;son richard if wm will not come for it;husb alive;1806 wm gell h/o jane brew;1824 thos stehen h/o margt brew;isabel cleator als brew widow 1780 A 57 RADCLIFFE Margaret CLEATOR declrd 6 nov 1777;grandniece joney d/o nephew john cleator,grandnephew wm cleator;nephew john cleator craig exec 1780 A 58 CREBBIN Barbara Crowe d 1 feb 1780;ballacrebin;son john,andrew,mathias (if he comes),james;neice margt crowe;husb john exec;1788 mathias supposed to be dead (his son john claims); 1780 A 59 LACE Charles,snr d 13 mar 1780;ballacrebbin;son charles (close homm);gson charles;gdau ann + mary;wife mary als brew exex;1790 son charles dead widow jane; 1780 A 60 RADCLIFFE Thomas liverpool,joiner;bro john ratcliffe mason kk andreas,bro james;sis ann,judy;names john elton liverpool cooper;witt wm sayle + james crebbin both shoemkrs liverpool 1780-1 E 845 w CRINoLT Daniel dated 12 apr 1780;son wm (heir);daus jony,cath,margt; son-i-law john kneale;gch elizth kneale;wife joney exex 1780-1 E 849 w COWLE Joney kneen d 12 may 1780;names john s/o danl wade,mary w/o wm quirk,wm tear's poor girl jane tear,edmd quark,jony crinolt;bro thos kneen,stephen kneen,john kneen decd (+ wife margt, dau isable);step daus joney radcliffe als cowle (w/o wm) + cath cowle exexs 1780-2 E 692 dg TEAR Nicholas to sis margt martin [see earlier petn] dated 12 nov 1777 1781 A 39 LACE Ann widow of wm ballavanny;dau ellinor w/o thomas corlet,jane w/o john tear of smeal,margery w/o wm radcliffe,mary allen,gson thomas allen,ggndson thomas allen;gch ann cain w/o thos callister + her sis mary,mary d/o wm radcliffe,gson wm corlet; daus ellinor,jane,joney margery;acks from thomas allen,thomas callister h/o ann cain,thos kewn h/o mary cain + wm corlet 1781 A 40 RADCLIFFE William made 15 mar 1781;wife joney als tear;son wm (eldest - qtrlands andreas + lez),thos;dau joney,margt,anne;sis-i-law margt tear;man serv ewan cowle;guardians john cleater,philip tear + thos radcliffe;court names uncles thos kneale + thos corkill 1781-1 E w HOWLAND Margaret kneale dated 11 may 1786;widow patk (kk bride)to son + heir ewan (only child) - lands inc knights croft(4d lords rent) 1781-1 E w KEE John dated 11 apr 1781;dau cath,ann,margt,joney (w/o michal lace);bro's son john kee;son john exec 1781-1 E w SAYLE John ballabaane;made 5 jun 1781;wife cath (meadow adj barne craigey recently purchased) exex;ch john,wm,thos,christopher,cath,elizth + jane; 1781-1 E d SKINNER Margaret caley [?bur]d 29 nov 1780; no issue;husb wm 1781-1 E d STEPHEN William late of whitehaven;d 10 may 1781;fa wm admr 1781-2 E d JOUGHIN Catherine d 14 aug 1781;spinster;bro wm;sis joney w/o wm corkill exex;nephews john + wm corkill;niece joney corkill;court decree names sibs john,wm,joney 1782 A 53 BREW William made 25 nov 1781;sis's dau esther radcliffe;bro-i-law robt kneale;sis christian(w/o wm kneen);mo alive;fa thomas exor 1782 A 54 BREW Margaret d 25 dec 1781;dated 17 nov 1781;widow,ramsey;son james;dau leonora (w/o wm cry [#4293]),margt(w/o john caley),ann,jane;son arthur + 2unmard daus execs;arthur in business in london 1782 A 55 KNEALE Joney d 12 mar 1782;son john,thomas,wm,joseph + james;dau mary;husb thos exor 1782 A 56 CORLETT Ann made 3 jan 1781;dau cath;names wife wm radcliffe,esther corlet;son john exor 1782 A 57 SAYLE John dated 2 jul 1781;dau mary,elizth;son patk,james,john (jt exor with elizth);wife bahee als tear(field called lough drugaig);patk lace h/o elizth 1782-1 E dg CLEATOR Mary cowle dated 9 dec 1777;philip + mary als cowle to dau joney 1782-2 E w KEWIN Elizabeth RADCLIFFE d sep 1782;husb philip exec;dau elizth,joney 1782-2 E d LACE Daniel jt decree danl + margt entitled to goods by death of fa john lace kk andreas 1761;d 16 mar 1782;sibs john,michael,esther(w/o john tear) 1782-2 E dg LACE Joney dated 8 mar 1782;relict john lace kk andreas;son john (3 parcells of land the leany voar,south gate + kewleys gate in lezayre + other land 1782-2 E d LACE Margaret see daniel 1783 A 32 WADE James declrd 30 nov 1782;gson peter wade[#27508 s/o john];son philip(dau cath #4218),james(dau cath #18109),john,michael(ballaleigh) exor;names jane caley 1783 A 33 CLEATOR Jane [?kneen] dated 20 jul 1781;son john,james(exor);mo alive;sis christian sayle;dau elinor 1783 A 34 CORLETT Alice teare dated 13 jan 1779;husb thomas (nr the craig) exor;son john(resid heir),thos,philip;dau margt 1783 A 35 HArrISON Joney d 20 jan 1785;dau jane,joney,alice,jane (feather bded thick not yet made but sd dau to mix old feathers with some new that were in the house);son john,thos (exec) 1783 A 36 BRew Easter dated 5 nov 1782;cronkbeg;dau judy;son thos;3 daus christian,margt + easter;gdaus easter radcliffe + jane kneal;names eleanor brew w/o richard ;husb thos 1783 A 37 SAYLE Daniel d 14 mar 1783;unnamed ch ua;wife jane;uncles thomass sayle + john radcliffe supv; 1783 A 38 CORKILL John made 25 mar 1783;dau elizth('new ground');son-i-law mark skinner;gch cath;wife exex 1783 A 39 KNEEN Thomas dated 28 feb 1782;wife cath;names jane cleator 1783 A 40 SAYLE Patrick made 8 nov 1782;sis mary;,elizth(exex)bro john;mo alive 1783-1 E w CANNELL Thomas bur 3 june 1783;declrd 30 may;wife margt exex 1783-1 E w COWLL Margaret son thos(if he come),john;dau isabel(w/o danl sayle),elizth;husb danl exor 1783-1 E w CRINILL Joney COWELL declrd 13 may 1783;son wm;dau joney,cath,margt exex;son-i-law john kneale(h/o elizth + dau elizth) 1783-1 E w KANNEEN Margaret made 24 may 1783;names thos radcliff peel,john mcnameer,danl tear ballacunner,wm radcliff knock-e-chree,Isable w/o danl wade,john cormode balnalough,bridget w/o wm garrett,ester w/o john christian,margt crow,joney kaneen + others;wm lace ramsey + cath tear andreas execs 1783-1 E w KNEeN Joney made 26 may 1783;sis margery kneen,isabel,anne martin;son patrick kaneen [chk?] exec,names philip quayle,danl howland,margt kaneen,ann cowle; 1783-1 E w KNEEN Thomas made 20 jun 1760;being determined to go a voyage to sea towards coasts of africa;bro danl;fa thomas;in 1765 'not certain if alive' and will filed; 1783 thos kneen snr dead 1783-1 E w LACE Christian declrd 19 oct 1782;sis-i-law isabel lace;names judy cormode;wm + joseph lace jt exors 1783-1 E w RADCLIFF William d 22 jun 1783;ballakelly;son charles,wm,robt,wm,bella,anne,mary,robt + betty;dau jane execx;wife alice 1783-1 E d TEAR Ann KNEAL d aug 1782;two ch wm + esther;wm had settlement; 1784 A 114 LACE John d 12 dec 1783;balneseur ?;son wm,joseph jt exors 1784 A 115 TEARE Philip d 10 jan 1784(will made 9th);dau joney,ann,margt;son wm + john exors 1784 A 116 CORMODE Daniel d 15 feb 1784;dau Margt,joney;son-i-law Wm quark;son-in-law Philip Fargher;son john,daniel;names mary corlet,john kneal of the Bridge 1784 A 117 TEARE Alice d 17 jan 1784(will made 14th);dau joney,ann,margt;sons wm + john exors 1784 A 118 GARRET James d 26 jan 1784;son-i-law daniel tear;names philip tear;3 gch;son patrick;wife married als faragher + patk jt execs 1784 A 119 KNEAL Margery d 10 jan 1784;sis ann,isabel;names margt kaneen;patk kaneen exor 1784 A 120 CREBBIN Catherine LAWSON [1st on mm film] made 25 jan 1784;widow;ramsey;names margt camaish, ellinor cleator;niece ? cath killip;son charles crebbin exec 1784 A 121 BREW Richard dated 31 jan 1784;four little children;mentions flatt of land ballavastine to be sold;son wm if he comes;dau margt + isabel exexs (also supv ua ch);1824: richard brew acks from thomas stephen(h/o margt brew) + from isabella cleater 1784 A 122 BREW Jane d 7 feb 1784;dau ellinor,jane;decd fa philip brew(legacy was in hands of mo);ch upon her bearing;husb john exor; 1784 A 123 KNEALE Margaret radcliffe [full] 1784 A 124 CORKILL Esther LACE [full] 1784 A 125 McKISSAGE Ann made 18 feb 1784;husb gilbert;gdau mary(d/o james tear);dau cath tear,jeane kinread;son ross,quailley,robt;husb + robt(ua) jt exors;gilbert dead by probate son-i-law mathias kinread appt 1784 A 126 KNEALE John made 28 feb 1784;legaby voar;son john(exor),thos,wm;dau jane 1784 A 127 KNEALE Joney LACE [full] 1784 A 128 NEMEER John [full] 1784 A 129 McKISSAGE Glbert declared 4 mar 1784;son quayle,robt,ross,john;dau cath(w/o james tear);son-i-law mathias kinread + son robt jt exors 1784 A 130 CANNELL Robert d 18 mar 1784;son john;dau cath clarke,mary;wife marriot (jt exor with mary) 1784 A 131 McNAMEER William made16 mar 1784;d 24 mar;dau joney;son john,wm(jt exor with mo);six children;1788: danl ,joney + john dawson(h/o elinor) ack;1790: john acks;1803 margt acks;1807 stephen camaish h/o isabel acks 1784 A 132 SKINNER Daniel d 16 mar 1784;sis anne,joney,cath(w/o wm moore);names thomas radcliffe sister's son(thomas h/o ann);bro wm skinner junr exor; 1784 A 133 CHRISTIAN Bahie [full] 1784 A 134 CHRISTIAN Catrine d 1 mar 1784;names mary christian,mary lace,callom kneale + wife;niece j w/o john cleater execx 1784-1 E d BREW Elizabeth tear d 16 feb 1784;ch robt patk thomas 1784-1 E d christian john d 26 mar 1784;ch john wm thos elinor jane + elizth;john + elinor la;wife jane;inv 1784-1 E w CHRISTIAN William d 16 may 1764;son wm;s-i-l danl howland[ h/o margt];names thos casement;wife cath; exex 1784-1 E d CORLETT Edward [full] 1784-1 E d COWLE Bahee teare d 17 mar 1784;ch charles joney margt;wm kaneen h/o joney 1784-1 E d COWLE Jane spinster;d 4 dec 1783;mo isable;sibs charles wm[?bapt] john ann 1784-1 E d COWLL Daniel d 24 dec 1783;ch robt + patk;robt marr contract dated 30 jan 1758; 1784-1 E d KNEALE Thomas d may 1784(but claim states 21 june);wife died in childbed 2 yrs ago;6 ch john,thos,wm,joseph,james,mary (all xcpt mary ua);bro-i-law josheh garret,philip kneale;sis of wife esther radcliffe;wife's bro-i-law thomas corkill all sworn guardians;claims;inv 1784-2 E w CLEATER Ann dated 2 sep 1784;ch Wm,thomas,John, Charles, Margaret, Jane, Esther + Ann ;husb Wm;Thos Allen + Wm Radcliffe in will as guardians 1785 A 62 KNEALE Isabel dated 9 feb 1780;dau margery (w/o patk kneale + ch john,wm,patk,isabel),isable cowle;gch jane cowll,charles,john + ann cowll,ann, isable + jane kneale,wm lace;son patk exor;dau isable dead by 1791 her exor son john;gdau jane cowll dead by 1791 1785 A 63 CORMODE Ellinor dated 10 jan 1787;dau cath(w/o danl tear),bahee w/o patk cormode exex;husb patk;gch eleanor cormode,elinor tear;names christian krmode 1785 A 64 JOUGHIN Ann joughin dau Alice [md Patrick Brew]; son Philip; dau Ann [wife of Philip Faragher]; husb John Joughin; son John 1785-1 E d BASTON Catherine KINREAD als CALLISTER 1785 petn by William Kinread of Killey-brickey (Lezayre) - Wm Baston d 1704 (wife Catherine Baston als Kinread ) dispute over land boundary + discovery that he should be heir to more (Cath Baston his gmother but no will/decree issued between 1704 and 1731 ) decree names Wm + Ann kinread gch; 1785-1 E d LACE Peter d 27 may 1785;2ch wm + christian; 1785-2 E d LACE Charles d 16 nov 1785;2ch charles + isabel (ua);uncle Wm Lace + gfa Wm Radcliffe supv;wife Ann who petns for release of income; 1785-2 E w RADCLIFF John d 26 may 1785;dau esther (ua);wife margt execx;bro thos;fa alive;uncle thos radcliffe supv 1785-2 E d RADCLIFFE Joney wade als COWLL d 15 mar 1785;6 ch john wade (by former husb);William, Daniel, Philip, Thomas and Margt radcliffe;husb wm; 1786-1 E d CORLETT Jane killip d 16 dec 1785;husb wm admr 1786-1 E w LOONEY Catherine [christian] made 6 may 1785;widow formerly douglas;sis elinor christian,jane christian,joney;aunt cath crebbin;mo alive;bros wm + robt christian;uncle john crebbin;sis-i-law ann christian;bro john christian exec 1786-1 E w TEARE William made 29 nov 1784;ballakinnag;nephews wm + john tear;neices joney,ann + margt tear all ch decd bro philip;wife margt exex;petn states d 9 aug 1786, sumner charges wm clague of onchan (?next of kin),john clague + thos kaighin both of douglas 1786-1 E w TEARE William d 14 may 1786;dau alice (alis) gawn als tear,cath,elizth garret als tear,jane exex;son wm;names edmond crow;jane not being competant wm garrett (as reqsted in will) + bro wm tear maughold appointed guardians;inv 1786-1 E w WILSON Henry mariner, whitehaven;bequeathed to ann w/o wm sayle (£7 from sale house penrith i9n trust for natural son henry ua),fa henry;sis sarah sail,sis ann sail;witt wm kneale + john sayle;petn by john sayle + wife sarah 1786-2 E d KINLEY Samuel d 26 mar 1786;ch john,wm,cath,alice + jane 1786-2 E w RADCLIFFE John made 20 oct 1786;son charles,john exec,other unnnamed ch 1786-2 E w REDHEAD Isabel ch James + Elizabeth;names jane kneen;husb Isaac exec but he paases exc to his fa Robt + James Brew; 1787 A 61 CORLET Joney CHRISTIAN dated 18 apr 1786;john christian her nephew's son;wm + joney christian c/o sd john christian;widow lucy skinner [lucy ellison widow danl m and17710427]; names danl corlett + margt corlet his bro's wife;thos s/o thos + joney moore;cath + ann d/o sd thos moore [18142 thos moore + joney radcliffe]; james quirk blind man;joney quirk d/o wm quirk;nephew john christian (exec) 1787-1 E w CHRISTIAN Gilbert dated 18 may 1787;son wm(croft cronk glass curragh),john,wm + thomas (last 3 jt exors);dau joney,esther(w/o philip radcliffe);ballacross lease to wife; 1787-1 E se HOWLAND Margaret kneale dated 11 may 1786;widow patk (kk bride)to son + heir ewan (only child) - lands inc knights croft(4d ld rent) 1787-1 E d LACE Thomas d 25 jan 1787;ch michael + alice(w/o patk lace),margt kneal(decd - her ch john,wm + margt kneal);petn patk lace german;inv + sale;petn michael lace kk andreas debts exceed effects wants to sell small intack in lezayre;claims etc 1787-1 E d TEARE William d beg feb 1787;ch daniel,wm,philip,john + mary (w/o john corkill in decree);petn danl tear (eldest) + wm corkill(w/o mary) 1787-2 E d JOUGHIN William d 29 oct 1787;bach;fa Andrew 1787-2 E w KANEEN Joney JOUGHIN w/o daniel;dau margt (w/o edmon kneale),joney (w/o thos christrey),cath (w/o robt moore) 1787-2 E d KINLEY Margaret cammaish d 12 jul 1787;husb john 1787-2 E w MYLREA William dated 21 oct 1783;archdeacon;dau lucy (had marr contract);dau cath;son danl;sons thos + wm received legacy from uncle;sons james + basil (money from sale of lands);wife elinor als gell (lands in german,kk patk + peel 1788 A 44 KNEALE Richard [?bride not andreas]crosby bride;dau joney,margt,cath (w/o john caistel);wife ann;son richard 1788 A 45 CORMODE John decd 28 dec 1787;dau cath,ann,margt,elinor;son thomas;wife ann execx;petn by andrew craine ramsey + john + joney cormode re fa john; 1788 A 46 COWLE Ewan son john (for his apprenticeship)dau margt;wife margt execx 1788 A 47 SAYLE Joney d 18 apr 1788;bro in law thomas cammaish + wife cath exec 1788-1 E d KINREY Catherine RADCLIFFE d 1 mar 1788;only ch cath (ua) husb thos 1788-1 E d MYLREA William bach (s/o rev wm mylrea) ;formerly of Liverpool d 14 nov on his passage from coast of guinea to the west indies [ie slaver];mo ellinor; sibs Daniel, Thomas, James, Basil , Lucy Quayle als Mylrea (w/o john) + Cath;petn by john quayle c'town + bro revd dan mylrea (andreas) 1788-2 E057 w CHRISTIAN Mary made 4 feb 1788;son thos,patrick;dau margt (+ son charles joughin to go to trade),anne (+ her son danl christian to go to trade), mary + ann daus of cath garrett (dau of her husb);jony d/o wm quirk;james quirk s/o andrew;dau ann's ch - robt,thos ann + jane;dau cath garrett;husb danl 1788-2 E060 d CORKILL Joney JOUGHIN d 18 dec 1787;3 ch wm,joney w/o john caine) + ann (w/o hugh calcot) 1789 A 62 COWLE Isabel widow;d 26 dec 1788;son charles,wm (went abroad);gch john + jane cowle;sis margery kneale w/o patrick;serv mary kneale;names elizth + sarah tear;son john exec 1789 A 63 COTTIER Margaret sis joney w/o arthur lace (sons arthur + wm,thos [fam #38043]);bro wm cottier + sis esther execs 1789 A 64 RADCLIFFE Philip [full]; 1789 A 65 WADE John d 14 dec 1788;wife ellinor;unnamed ch some ua 1789 A 66 JOUGHEN John son Phil; dau Joney wife of John Corlet; dau Cath; dau Ann wife of Phil Fargher; dau Alice wife of Patr Brew; eldest son John 1789 A 68 FARGHER Ellinor tear late andreas now bride;made 18 oct 1788;names alice callow;gneice cath + margt sayle;gnephew john sayle;neices cath sayle w/o william sayle ballalargey + isabel christian w/o william christian ballakey; 1789 A 69 RADCLIFFE John [full]; 1789 A 70 FARGHER William made 20 feb 1789;dau cath;;sons philip + wm;wife joney;son thos + dau cath execs;thos ua;inv 1789 A 71 SKINNER Ewan d 1 feb 1789;dau christian,ann;3 ch from home - john,margt + bridget;;son wm exec 1789 A 72 KILLIP John [full]d 26 mar 1789; 1789-1 E973 d BREW Arthur d nov 1786;philadelphia penn north america;bach;sibs james,leonora,margt,ann,jane;inv 1789-1 E997 d SAYLE Daniel d 25 apr 1789;ch danl,thomas,wm,james,philip(ua),ann,joney + elizth;john heir had settle;inv 1789-1 E1003w LACE Charles d 25 oct 1788;dau ann,jane,mary,elizth;son john,wm,,charles(eldest);wife jane exex;some ch ua 1790 A 39 CLEATER Margaret LAWSON dated 19 jan 1789;son john,james;dau alice (excx) 1790 A 40 CORMODE Bahee dated 24 jul 1794;bro patk;sis margt callow;names elinor + cath cormode;patk cormode jnr exor 1790-2 E w SKINNER William d 16 aug 1790;dau jony,anne,cath;son wm exor;thos radcliffe h/o ann;wm moore h/o cath 1791 A 57 RADCLIFFE William [full]; 1791-1 E w CORLETT Esther CALLISTER made 8 jul 1789;son wm;dau cath,anne;husb wm exor 1791-1 E w CREBBIN John,snr made 11 dec 1788;balacrebbin;son john(carpenters tools),andrew,mathias(abroad if he comes - his sons john + thomas),james;john + andrew exors;other named bequests;1792 james crebbin acks from liverpool 1791-1 E w HARRISON Ann dated 11 oct 1790;sis mary;cousin cath harrison,alice harrison;names jane knox;fa exor 1791-1 E d SAYLE William d feb 1791;bach;mo cath;sibs thomas,christopher,elizth + jane;bro john + sis cath(w/o patk christian) having relinquished rights 1791-2 E w CHRISTIAN Joney d 28 oct 1791;ballachurry;dau anne,jane;son robt,thos,david,danl (exec) (mentions legacy from her mother) excr tender yrs uncle patk christian;inv; (only 4 ch mentioned in decree david + danl missing also in will 'her four children));patk christian asked to be discharged (pledge his fa dal christian) 1791-2 E w GARRET Philip d 24 oct 1791;fa john;bro ewan;mo judy garrett exex 1791-2 E d KNEALE Catherine CHRISTIAN d 27 oct 1790;ch john,cath + isabel;other ch patk + joney had mar contrts;husb stanley 1791-2 E d KNEALE John d 21 may 1791;ch john,wm,margt;inv 1792 A 48 BREW Ann w/o patk;son thomas mylecharane,john mylecharane;dau ann w/o danl corlett + jane mylecharane 1792 A 49 RADCLIFFE William [full]; 1792-1 E d CHRISTIAN Ann d 14 may 1792;spinster;sibs john(off island),danl,wm,cath 1792-1 E w CORKILL Catherine COWLE made 19 aug 1791;dau elizth(new lands in downs quarter),cath(w/o mark skinner (exor)- dau joney);names elizth w/o danl wade[?=dau elizth] 1792-1 E d KINLEY Catherine d 20 mar 1792;ch john,wm(off island),cath,alice + jane 1792-2 E w LACE Isabel d 16 oct 1792;ballasear;son joseph (his fa dead + she was exec with his bro wm lace);gch charles + isabel lace;gdau margt lace;names judy cormoade,ann lace,margt knean;son wm (exec) 1793 A 68 LACE Arthur d 12 dec 1792;son arthur,thomas,wm;wife judy exex- wife judy dead by probate - son wm exor 1793 A 69 LACE Joney see arthur;d 1 dec 1793;son thos(h/o isabel),arthur,wm(h/o judy) exor 1793 A 70 MOORE Patience CLARK w/o charles (ballacamaish);son charles,wm,robt 1793 A 71 KERMOD Catherine lawson made 2 feb 1793;son nicholas,wm(decd?),james;dau-i-law jony kermoad als brew;nich + james exors 1793-1 E335 KERMODE Gilbert dated 9 sep 1791;son james(eldest),nicholas;wife cath als lawson exex;cath dead by probate her sons james + nicholas exors;petn by james + nich(mariner) that som 15yrs ago their bro wm was on board a privateer and some money was deliverd by mr wm lees of liverpool to mr wm callow douglas thence to james brew guilcagh and after gilbts decease wm not having been heard of for 14yrs obtained money 1793-1 E337 d DOWAN James d 1 apr 1793?;only ch james too tender yrs;wife mary admr 1793-1 E338 d SAYLE Thomas d 29 jul 1792;ch john+margt(admrs),thomas + joney had mc 1793-2 E w CORKILL William declrd 24 jun 1793;dau jony,ann;son wm exor 1793-2 E d RADCLIFFE Thomas d 30 jul 1793;bach;fa Wm 1794 A 64 KNEEN Elinor cormoade dau isabel;nieces judy's & margt's children;son-i-l stephen kneen 1794 A 65 jw LAWSON John wife bahee als sayle; 1794-1 E w DAUGHERTY Margaret contested will - pages of court proc. 1794-2 E w LAWSON James made 1 feb 1794;son john;dau isabel, gdau mary tear;wife isabel als moore 1795 A 66 CORKILL Isabel made 7 dec 1792;w/o thomas exec;son john,thos,wm;dau ann 1795 A 67 TEARE James d 1 dec;declrd 13 oct 1792;ballaquane;son john,james,danl,philip,charles exec;son-i-law john martin;dau ann;1803: john tear h/o ann tear 1795 A 68 ds CORMODE Daniel made 15 jun 1793;to son wm 1795 A 69 KILLIP William declared 20 dec 1794;son john;wife cath;dau anne,ellinor,joney + jane 1795 A 70 CHRISTIAN Ann d 8 jan 1795;son thos,john;dau jane,marg;john + jane execs 1795 A 71 SAYLE Elizabeth corlett made 6 jan 1795;son thos ,james,philip;dau joney,anne,elizth ;philip + 3daus execs;court says philip + joney weak in intellect ;inv 1795 A 72 QUIRK Isabel sayle made 4 dec 1794;son john;dau-i-law ann tear;husb philip exec 1795 A 73 COTTIER William made 13 apr 1784;sis joney (w/o arthur lace),esther + margt exexs;margt dead by probate;petn of widow cath als skinner that exec esther witholds her property 1795 A 74 KANEEN Daniel dau margt w/o edmon kneal;dau joney w/o thomas christney;cath w/o robert moore;son wm 1795 A 75 CLEATER Ann d 25 feb 1795;son wm (meadow land fair-roie),john (if he comes for it);names s/o danl lace decd pauper;dau margt exex 1795 A 76 TEARE John made 29 jan 1795;dau elinor;wife margt;son-i-law john radcliffe exec 1795-1 E d CRAINE Philip d 20 feb 1795;son philip 1795-1 E d HARRISON Thomas d 31 may 1795;only ch ann (too tender yrs);wife elinor 1795-1 E d KANEEN William d abt 5 yrs ago;bach;next of kin james brew 1795-1 E d KARRAN John d 8 oct 1794;ch wm,john,james all ua;wife isabel 1795-1 E d SAYLE Thomas bach;d 27 jan 1795;in radcliffe petn states goods in hands sis elinor widow but she is not named in decree; sis mary lace als sayle + ch of decd bro danl(joney,margt,jane, elinor,ann, + isabel);petn by wm radcliffe stepfa to ch;inv 1795-2 E w RADCLIFFE John declared 3 mar 1795;bro charles;names gilbt teare, patk christian;sis esther;names thos radcliffe,wm cleator jnr,thos cleator,john cleator,ann cleator,jane lawson,esther cleator;wm cleator snr exec 1796 A 51 KANEEN Michael ballagane;son danl,thos,michael,charles,stephen,wm;dau bahee (w/o john kneal),joney,margery (w/o john quirk) (execx);names alice cleatter;wife margery; 1796 A 52 MYLREA Elinor gell dated 9 jul 1794;widow of archdeacon mylrea;son thomas(house bellown),basil,danl(clerk);dau lucy quayle als mylrea;gdau cath d/o robt quayle(her mo dead) 1796 A 53 TEAR Ann brew dated 31 aug [yr lost];w/o john tear jnr smeal exor;dau jane ua;son thomas(to send to trade) 1796 A 54 WADE Isabel tear made 4 jan 1796;son daniel(abroad - if he comes),james,michael,john;dau cath;husb danl exor;john cowle h/o cath [ m And 17921218] 1796 A 55 KNEALE William dated 11 jan 1796;bach;bro john;nephew james kneale;nieces mary+anne kneal(d/o bro columbus);names mary kneen;bro columbus exor 1796 A 56 CORLETT Thomas dated 19 sep 1795;son philip;,thos(if he comes);dau margt(w/o philip brew) exex 1796 A 57 CASEMENT Joney commitd writing 7 jan 1796;mo mary;sis eleanor,margt exex;bro robt(+wife) 1796 A 58 RADCLIFFE Philip d 9 mar 1796;son thos(ua);dau margt;fa alive;wife eleanor exex 1796-1 E d KERMOD William departed Island 20 yrs ago + no acct rcvd for last 19yrs - parents dead only bro James alive (court appts him admr) 1796-2 E jw RADCLIFFE Thomas thomas + Ann;son james,wm,thomas (exec);gdau ann radcliffe; 1797 A 78 QUARK Elizabeth dated 9 may 1796;son wm;dau dorothy + mary exexs;john cormode h/o mary 1797-1 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d june 1797;ch wm,john,thomas + jane 1797-1 E w CASHIN Elinor son wm (mill + ballacamaish + balla chrest patrick in kk christ rushen);dau jane's son wm harrison;dau jane;names anna cashin;dau sussana sayle;john s/o wm cashin + christiana sayle;husb alive 1797-1 E d CHRISTIAN Thomas d june 1797;ch wm,john,thomas + jane 1797-1 E w CORMOADE Patrick dau elinor,cath;2 gch;names poor of parish james quirk,thos christian,wm kneale,danl lace's son + wm corkill's dau;wife bridget execx;charles tear h/o ellinor (guardian of gch);wm sayle gfa + guardian of infant son of john sayle decd acks;1811 gson wm sayle acks from guardian chas tear; 1797-1 E d RADCLIFFE William mariner hm ship blenheim;d jul 1796;mo joney;sibs thos,joney, margt + ann;john tear h/o joney 1797-1 E d TEARE Philip d hm ship invincible (impressed);next of kin decline to sue - court appnts creditor john calvin ramsey 1797-2 E w WADE John dated 17 Sep 1797;ch John, Thos, Esther - some ua - Daniel Radcliffe half-bro to testator along with Joney supv;wife Joney exex;names Joney d/o Wm Corkill; [Danl c/o Wm radcliffe + Joney Cowle #18206] 1798 A 60 BREW Thomas made 19 may 1794;cronk-beg;dau christian kneen als brew;margt radcliff als brew,esther kneal als brew (+ 3 ch)son thos;bro richard;dau joney wade als brew (w/o john)execx 1798 A 61 KEWIN John d 18 jan 1798;ballajockey;mother joney kewin als tear (house in ramsey) exex (too infirm dau joney appt);bro james;sis margt,elinor,joney 1798 A 62 KEWIN Philip dated 16 jan 1798;advanced in years late of andreas but now residing sulby lezayre;wife esther als broadford (intack #215 bought oct 1762)dau elizth w/o wm myllecharane,joney w/o wm kewin 1798 A 63 KNEALE Margery made 15 feb 1798;regaby veg;w/o patrick;son wm;gson wm;dau isabel;gdau isabel kneal;isabel camaish who resides with us;dau isabel;son patrick + dau isabel execs 1798 A 64 CoRMODE Isabel w/o danl;made 22 mar 1797;daus isable,esther;son danl exec;1818: james dugdale h/o esther acks danl cormode lare decd (h/o mary);paul quirk h/o isabella 1798 A 65 LACE William [full] 1798 A 66 cormode daniel made 6 jul 1786;son thomas,danl exec;dau isable,esther,cath 1798 A 67 TEAR William made 25 mar 1798;son wm (the curragh),philip (qtr of boat);wife margt 1798 A 68 KNEALE Stanley son thomas;wife ann als christian ;mortgafe wm howland + wife bridget als curphey;wife ann execx 1798 A 69 SAYLE William made 5 apr 1798;son thos (lands),charles ,john;daus esther charlotte,hannah;wife ann execx 1798 A 70 WADE Daniel d 22 apr 1798;sons danl,james,michael,john;dau cath w/o john cowle;wife alice execx 1798 A 71 GARRET Margaret decld 5 feb 1798;names joney, margt (execx) + cath cormode,ann fargher 1798 A 72 SAYLE Margery tear dau ann;son john;husb james 1798-1 E d CAIN John perished at sea 12 apr 1798;ch john + thomas ua;wife jane;pledges wm fargher andreas,thomas fayle ballaugh 1798-1 E d CHRISTIAN Catherine HOWLAND d 4 apr 1798; sibs wm,elizth,danl(decd - dau ann (w/o saml cowle));pledges patk kneale andreas,patk kneale bride 1798-1 E d CORMODE John perished by sea 9 apr 1798;ch thomas,john,jane,bahee(w/o thomas fayle) + ann;pledges gilbert + wm fargher andreas;inv;1799 thomas caley h/o ann 1798-1 E d CORMODE Joney d 11 mar 1798;ch john,margt,joney + cath(ua);inv + sale 1798-1 E w KNEEN John dated 10 may 1798;dau margt;names thomas gawn(son john);names mary gawn,thomas gawn,stephen kneen,danl gawn,joney w/o thomas quaggin;stephen kneen + wife isable exec 1798-1 E d lord Margery d nov 1797;son john,henry(decd - ch henry + james ua - mother judith);petn by john lord patrick notes a house in peel mortgaged to thomas mylechrane now decrept;inv 1798-1 E d SAYLE Joney SAYLE d 3 aug 1797;ch john,wm,joney (w/o thomas mylcharane) 1798-1 E w SKINNER Lucy ELLISON [?bur]made 27 jan 1798;son james (money in cronk y chree);names joney christian;son danl (dau margt) exec 1798-1 e518 d McKissack John bach;departed 1788 for foreign parts;not heard of;sibs ross ,quayle ,robert ,cath + jane;james tear h/o cath ,mathias kinrade h/o jane 1798-2 e782 bannan catharine d dec 1798;ch john, william,thomas,charles,mary,elinor + cath; all ua except john;son john + fa thomas + uncle john lennaghan supv;pledges thomas radcliffe + charles joughin;inv including lease 15 guineas 1798-2 e775 christian daniel d 24 sep 1798;names john christian (hom) + jc's son john,john sayle;gch thomas,jane + ann christian (c/o of son patk) exec with thomas sayle + charles cowle guardians 1798-2 e780 crebbin judy castil dated 24 jul 1798;hus wm exec 1798-2 e761 fargher william d 13 apr 1798;ch ann,jane ua mo ann sworn;pledges wm + patk fargher both andreas;inv sale;petn by ann that estate insufficient 1798-2 e781 kneale catharine d 15 sep 1798;ch margt,mary + jane;hus john admr + supv ua ch;pledges wm fargher + robert kissack both andreas 1798-2 e778 kneale margaret d 18 jul 1798;w/o edmund exec;dau margt (eldest),elizth,ann (not 21);1809 jane kneale acks from thomas vondy h/o sis margt ;1817 ann kneale + elizth radcliffe als kneale ack 1798-2 e787 sayle john inv only 1799 A 71 RADCLIFFE Elizabeth [full]; 1799-1 E d BREW Arthur d abt 2yrs ago;no next of kin appeared;prin credr james brew gentleman 1799-1 E d LAWSON John fell over board at herring fishery july 1798;petn by creditors danl corlett + danl tear;ch john,ann +esther; uncle Patk kneale (h/o alice) andreas,wm callow maughold cousin;inv,sale etc 1799-1 E jw SAYLE Thomas crogga;dated 29 mar 1799;jt will wife alice;dau elinor (w/o thos corlet brecin lez ? - son thos,john,robt,wm,james),jane(w/o john corlet birrag - dau elizth),jony(w/o john corlet kella - ch john,thos,wm);sis mary quay jurby(her dau cath);son thos (heir + exec);petn that will not probated tho been thru court by death of rev wm clucas 1799-1 E w KNEALE Patrick declrd 2 may 1799;wife alice exex;son john,danl 1799-2 E w KEWIN Judy d 1 jun 1799;sis margt cormoad (son charles);mo alive;bro james;sis ellinor caine exex w/o wm;1822:john cormoad husb margt acks 1799-2 E w LAWSON Bahee SAYLE decld 7 aug 1799;john lawson her son's son;ann lawson son's dau;jane lawason als cleater;dau alice kneale + sons john kneale + danl kneale
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