These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1700-1 E w RATCLIFFE Catherine d 15 jun 1700;son john(the elder), john (the younger),philip;dau cath(jt exec with john the elder); 1700-2 A 49 TEAR William [full] 1700-2 A 50 TEAR Margaret GAWN [full] 1700-2 A 51 SKINNER Ewan [?bur]bur abt 5 Dec 1700;ch Jony, Nelly, Ann, Gilbert (exor);bro John;son-i-law John Sayle 1700-2 A 57 CROW Alice d 7 Mar 1699;son John Goldsmith exor;names Christian Gawn, Philip Teare 1700-2 A 59 CREBIN Ann MARTIN [full]bur 16 mar 1699;husb wm;names kath crebbin;unnamed dau(dead by probate) + son exor 1701-3 E d WADE Joney COWLE d 27 Apr ;only unm ch Alice admx;husb alive 1702 A 40 Keey William bur 23 Jan 1702;ch unnamed eldest son, Jony, Margt, alice;sis Alice;wife Alice als Brew jt exex with Jony;claims 1702 A 41 LACE Alice d 5 Jan 1702;ch Patrick;gch Wm Clater, jony Clater, Ann + Alice Clater;son-i-law Stephen Clator + his wife Cath execs;names Bahee Keey; 1702 A 42a kenneen patrick d 18 Sep 1702;ch unnamed son(half crop etc), Alice, + 2nd unnamed dau;wife alive + jt exex with daus;sis Isabel (his wife to pay her 7s for her part of a cow);1704: sisters Isabel + Christian Kenneen ack from Patk Kenneen + his wife pd 24s due to their sister Margt ;Isable Keneen acks from wife of Patk Kneen; 1702-1 E 064 Wade Jane Cormod bur 1 May 1702;ch John;sis Kath;names Jane Xtian als Wade;husb Philip Wade exor 1702-1 E 065 Tear Daniel [signigicant loss]d 28 Nov [?1701];ch John(at age) + Jane jt exors;wife alive - goods in her hands pledges Michell + Tho Cowle 1702-1 E 066 Kelly Isabell Kneal d 29 May [?1702];ch Isabel + Alice Kelly jt admxs - eldest dau Alice supv;husb alive;inv £1 2s 1702-1 E 066 Kenneen Christian Kelly [significant loss of lh corner]d 9 Jan ;3 ch [],[] and Alice jt admrs; 1702-2 E 116 w SKINNER William bur abt 5 jul 1702;son dan,wm;dau cath,ann;ballavarry;wife elizth als tear exex;ch ua 1702-2 E 117 d sail mary lost] [rh margin lost]bur 22 sep 1702;son wm,philip exor;gch jony;dau jony 1702-2 E 118 d christian charles ?under bride - no par given but refered to as native kk bryde(xd thru);d london 6 mnths ago;sibs jo:,isabel(w/o robt moor),alice(w/o wm kewley) jt execs 1702-2 E 123 d CURLETT Jane [will torn]d kk braddan march last;sis ellen curlet ua jon skinner sworn supv; 1702-3 E w JOHNSON John bur 6 may 1703;ch margt(eldest),jony,john,xtopher,edw,mary;wife alive 1702-3 E w LAWSON Bahee KEWIN bur 8 jun 1703;dau nelly,jony,bahee;gch jony lawson;son james(pottles of corn to be paid in rye + barley),edwd;husb ricd exor 1702-3 E d LAWSON rach: ? KEWISH d 10 mar 1701;next relns sis jony + margt kewish both ua;uncle wm 1702-3 E w McNAMEER Daniel bur 19 may 1703;friend john crinnell;dau jane + cath 1703-2 E d KINLEY Mary COWLE d 24 sep;ch John(off island),sam(a servt at hire) + ann(sick);husb John 1704-2 E w BASTON William d 24 apr 1704;step son John Kinred; Dan Dowan's wife next of kin on mo's side; wife cath; 1705 A 56/7 SAYLE Isabel TEAR [full] 1705 A 60 TEAR Gilbert [full] 1706 A 12 TEAR Stephen [full] 1706 A 13 KISSACK Robert [full] 1706 A 42 WADE John d 11 dec 1705;sons philip + john;names cath tear als brew; 1707 A 13 LACE Thomas [full]d 15 apr 1706;son stephen,wm;bro danl;wife cath 1707 A 14 TEAR John [full] 1707 A 40 CAMAISH John d 18 jan 17??;daus bahee (eldest - lands), ellin;wife alive;fa alive + his sister to look after him; pledges Wm Camaish + Phil: Quirk 1707-3 E w COWLE Joney LAWSON d 1 jul 1707;ch donald(eldest),john,jony;husb john exor;youngest ch still at nurse; 1708 A 26 WADE Daniel d 10 jan 1707;son michael;wife alive;son john heir ua;other ch;land ballough part of ballachirm 1708 A 27 TEAR John [full]d 7 sep 1708;dau joney;ch john(heir)jony,thos,cath,ann(ann brew als tear);john + jony by prev wife; 1708 A 60 KNEEN Marjery CAINE d 26 oct 1708;dau mally(wade als kneen);gch jony wade;son edmond exor;husb alive 1708 A 63 JOUGHIN William d 1 feb 1708;ch (unmar) john,margt,joney,ellin,alice + cath;wife alive 1708-1 E w RADCLIFFE Alice MARTIN d 3 may 1708;sis-i-law bahee martin;names cath christian,margt saile,lettice tear;;nephew john martin;bro john, henry martin;mo-i-law isable kneale;only son thomas exor - two bros supv;husb wm;1727: Tho acks from fa Wm 1709 A 10 camaish Joney SAILE d 10 apr last;husb john camaish ch bahee, ellinor (ua);1714: Philip brew h/o bahee acks from john sayle 1709-3 E d GOLDSMITH Philip perished by sea 10 aug 1709;ch christian,margt,isabel,John + Philip;wife alive;inv 1710 A 13 LACE Henry seaman,absent for some year;sibs wm,john,thos + michal jt admrs;pledge thos cowle senr; 1710 A 14 KNEEN Alice Lawson [als Corlett?] [bur And 17101129 as Alice Kneen als Corlett]ch Edw Lawson exor, James Lawson; husb alive 1710 A 15 KNEAL Ellin skinner [v faint on film]d 17 Dec 1710;ch Mary, Isabel, Ellin, Ann, Bahie; husb alive 1710 A 16 CRENILT Catherine cowle d 17 Feb 1710/11;only child Daniel Crenilt - ua;husb Wm Crenilt exor; leaves care + tuition of Cathrine Cowle to her mother Joney Tear; names several ; husb agrees that child should have purchased lands at his decease;annexed note dated 1731 that Danl Crenilt who is most related to Cath Crenilt and acks stepmother Joney Crenilt als Tear for what ever goods fell due to Cath by death of her father Wm Cowle 1710 A 33 WADE Jane CHRISTIAN d 1 nov 1710;only son robt at age;husb alive 1710 A 34 BREW Margaret WATLEWORTH [full] 1710-3 E d BREW John d 6 may 1710;4 ch Philip Mary William + alice 1711-3 E d KNEEN John d 20 dec;only son daniel;wife alive 1712 A 24 FARGHER Jony MARTIN d 14 mar 1712;son john + other child;sis cath;husb refuses children + goods aunt on mo side supv;1733 john only surv ch 1712 A 25 RADCLIFFE John [full]d 12 dec 1712;ballakelly;eldest dau cath;ch philip,cath + margret;fa-i-law philip brew;wife alive 1712 A 28 MARTIN Henry [full]d 22 apr 1712;sis-i-law isabel,joney;mo alive;bro john;wife cath (2nd marr to Wm Christian + dead by 1731);ch execs but one dead by probate;inv;1731 wm h/o dau Ann 1712 A 30 MARTIN John [full]d 3 may 1712;dau jony(+ her daus);son-i-law John Tear;son John exor;wife alive 1712 A 39 LAWSON James d 13 apr 1712;ch John(Crockannan? + caple vartin + pt Cannell's croft),richard(looms - to instruct youngest bo in trade),2 unnamed daus; 1713 A 46 LACE Catherine COWLE [full] 1713 A 48 QUAY Christian howland dated 29 oct 1713;4 unnamed ch;unnamed sibs;husb wm exor; 1713 A 49 WADE Mally KNEEN d 12 jan 1712;son james (croft after husb's death);2 daus Jony + Alice 1713 A 50 LACE Thomas d 27 jul 1713;bro wm,john,mitchell jt execs;unnamed aunt 1713 A 52 KNEEN Jony CASKILL d 13 aug 1713;sis cath(dau marriad crebbin),marriad(dau bahee),christian(unnamed daus);mo-i-law alive;names others 1714 A 27 TEAR Jony LACE [full] 1715 A 31 TEAR Mary kewn [full] 1715-1 E TEAR Jony KEE dated 9 May 1715;husb John Tear;ch Daniel(her part of lands + intacks etc), James(had m/c), Jony Tear;, Alice (exex) gch Cath, James, John 1716 A 48 LACE Jony KAIGHIN d 24 mar 1714;son andrew,john(had m/c);husb danl 1716-1 E w CLEATOR Philip d 22 may 1716;son john,wm,philip;gch philip 1716-1 E w RATCLIFF Isabel KNEAL d 22 may 1716;son wm;dau cath;witt cath radcliffe als keey, Nelly kneen als xtian;dau cath died a week afterwards;husb alive 1716-1 E w RATCLIFFE Catherine d 31 may 1716;husb thomas;dau cath(shaped clothes to be kept for her);names cath radcliffe als keey;nephew thomas radcliff;ch thos, john,cath,wm + david exors (sev ua) 1716-2 E d QUANE Jony perished by water abt May 1716;sibs wm quane (in Ireland),anne tear als quane(w/o Wm);inv in will father Wm Quane (kk bride) 1716-2 E w RADCLIFF Dorothy GARRETT d 20 jun 1716;dau jony;son wm,john exor;husb alive;fa Wm Radcliffe(pledge) 1717 A 73 LAWSON James d 7 jul 1717;sibs john,richd,david,margt,jony;mo cath exex 1717 A 74 KNEAL Margaret JOUGHIN [full] d 6 dec 1717;son wm;sis bahey joughin;dau mally kneal exex;names John Kneal + John Ratcliff taiors;witt Cath sayle als Mcylcrane,anne lawson als crenilt 1717 A 75 QUIRK Catherine cowle [full]d 25 nov 1717;only ch john - small infact edmund cowle,john kneen + john joughin uncles by their wives,elin cowle,john cowle snr + john cowle junr supvs;husb mitchel (sons john cowle senr + john cowle junr);Child dead by june 1718 1717 A 76 JOUGHIN Bahy names bahy cowle als joughin,jony garret als joughin,margt joughin,pat tear(+dau),john camaish(blind child);kinsman john joughin(son wm) exor 1717-1 E d BREW Margaret SAILE d 17 feb 1716/7;unm son philip admr;wm kermod claims re goods due by m/c 1717-2 E w CURLETT Richard d 8 jun 1717;ch bessy(in ireland - 50s + a new white blanket not sewn together),john(dau cath),mary cain als curlet,margt exex;;1718 bessy now elizth mylrea als curlet; 1717-2 E w KNEALE Margaret COWLEY d 20 jun 1717;names jony cowley,joney kneale als caine,ann kneale(?dau) + many more;unm sis ; 1718 A 24 WATTLEWORTH Samuel [full]made 24 nov 1718;son henry, john (knockrushen), charles (assisted him in ministry);dau esther thomason als wattleworth, margt garrett;gch samuel, mary, jane thomason;sis margt christian als wattleworth 1718 A 25 WATTLEWORTH Jane BARTON [full]made 10 mar 1718/9;bur German 17210807;widow rev Sam wattleworth;son henry(eldest),charles (exor);gson richd wattleworth; 1718 A 26 KNEAL Margaret GAWN d 18 dec 1718;son john cormoad,daniel kneal (exor);dau mariad quay als cormaod;step dau joney cormod als kneal;[full] 1718 A 27 TEAR Daniel [full] 1718 A 29 KINLEY John d 10 dec 1718;son sam admr;wife cath als kissack + agreement that Saml will surrender all household goods except the Viol & the gun and both share debts etc 1718-1 E d KNEAL John d 24 dec [1718?];soldier, Ireland;sibs dan, henry + wm , cath Bridson als Kneale jt execs - all absent mother Christian sworn;inv small parcel land 2.5d rent in Bride + Lezayre;mother sent £4 13s 4d to purchase his exemption (£1 10s was a legacy from his fa) 1719 A 16 TEAR William [full]d 17 feb 1718/9;son john,patk,wm,thos;dau jane,margt (mo dead),margery; 1719 A 41 CHRISTIAN Margaret howlan d 10 feb 1718/9;husb richd;dau mally,bahey;son john exor 1719-1 E w QUARKE Edmond dated 3 feb 1715/6;Ballajouhan,Andreas;son John(+ half 2 daymothy hay called Mack Sailes meadow to run as inheritance);bro John Quark, Danl (to be overseer of ch);gch john,wm + danl Quark, esther quark;dau isable;wife margt als saile exex 1720 A 24 RATCLIFF Jane [TEAR] [full]son james his sis mary christian;husb john;son richard + his sis alice execrs;thos ratcliffe h/o one of execrs; 1720 A 56 TEAR Patrick [full]d 6 feb 1720;wife joney;son john(not 21),wm;dau joney;bro thomas;neighbour wm quirk;ch uncle thomas tear supv 1720-1 E d KINREAD Anne CHRISTIAN d 8 apr [1720];son thos admr;dau averick kneal als kinread had m/c;agrmt wm kneal ballaleany to bro thomas re parcels of intack (close ny knappin, clos-y-vair) 1720-2 E w SAYLE Alice WADE d 19 sep 1720;dau cath(eldest),joney;son john(heir),christopher;husb exor;names ann kneal 1721 A 25 TEAR James [full] 1721 A 26 SKINNER Nelly TEAR d 23d Mar 1720;4 (?) ch John Wm bessy daniel Xtian ? all ua;fa alive; [can find wm bessy + daniel (john pre 1711 ?) 1721 A 55 BREW Ann CREBBIN [full]; 1721 A 56 CLARK Joney CORLeT d 18 jan 1721/2;sis Mally Keuish als Corlet(£40);niece Katy [Cath] Kevish;nephew Edwd Lawson,J[] Lawson;serv maid Joney Goldsmith;husb wm exor;james Lawson + edw Lawson ack;James McHood h/o Ellin Mchood als Kewish (Lezayre) acks £40 from uncle Wm Clerk; 1721-1 E d BREW Mariot GARRET d 19 oct 1720;2 ch wm + cath brew; son John had mar contract 1706/7;1721 Philip Brew Senr (?husb)& his son Wm Brew 1721-1 E c KINREAD Thomas = Old Deed And #106 (agreement Tho Kinread + Wm Kneal re goods of mo Ann Kindred als Christian and accepted as will Tho Kinread 1722 A 23 SAYLE Philip,senr d 23 apr 1722;ch philip,margt(w/o Wm Moor),thomas,John (of the craig),joney (jt exex with wife Joney);bro wm;son-i-law james tear;pledge James Tear tailor + philip sayle dispute - left to umpires - detailed arbitartion 1722 A 24 TEAR John [full] 1722 A 44 QUARK Daniel niece Mary Christian als quark, isabel crain als quark;reln (c/o John Quark) dal,wm,john + edmond quark;names esther quark,john quark(ballavrghy);sis margt,ellinor;leaves 30 shillings to buy two pool bath [? poolvash ?] stones, one for his own grave, and his brother Edmond’s grave;sis-i-law Margt quark als sayle, Ballayoughy, exex;1723 Isable quark w/o john cain acks from uncle dan quark; 1723-1 A 29 SKINNER Catherine headed Kk Andrews 24 Apr 1723;bro Wm(+ dau),Dan Skinner(exor) 1723-1 A 37 KNEAL Margaret CANNELL d 22 dec 1723;husb john;son Philip radcliffe(unmarried),thomas radcliffe (croft to return to him after decease husb);dau jony radcliffe(to have no part of croft);gch john ratcliffe 1723-1 E d KEE John d 1 Jun;ch Jony(by a former wife), Cath + Susan (ch 2nd wife + both ua) jt admxs; wife alive;inv 19s 7d 1723-2 A 105 BREW John [full]; 1723-2 A 112 LAWSON John d 25 oct 1723;son james(eldest - to pay his gmo £3[?31] 10s that was in mortgage),john(2nd),richard;wife Cath als tear pregnant + exex;Richd Lawson,David Lawson + Bahy Lawson + Dan Kaneen agreed to give John Lawson's wife 20s to maintain ch;1725: Widow of James Lawson claims £31 10s [?is this the mortgage] agt execs of son John; 1723-2 E d KINREAD Thomas d 26 jul 1723;only sis averick kneal als kinread (w/o Wm) admx;illeg dau Margt Kinread to be rewarded at discretion of charity of exex (Thos considerably indebted illeg dau to get 40s) 1724-1 A 57 WADE John d 20 dec 1723;heir unnamed;2nd child daniel;wife pregnant ?;bro michael;wife's fa daniel kneal; 1724-1 A 59 CORLETT Joney brew widow;son john,danl,thos,stephen(jt exec with joney);if Philip Brew's execs redeem croft then money to her execs otherwise son John to continue there;dau joney;1755: Wm Freer (snr+junr) execs of Jony Freer als Corlet ack from John Curghey(h/o Isabel Brew d/o Philip Brew (andreas) 10s due from will Philip Brew (1708) belonging to his sis Joney Brew (=joney Corlet als brew m/o Joney Freer als corlet) 1724-1 A 64 TEARE Mally KNEAL [full] 1724-1 A 66 CANNELL Mally ?cain d 24 nov 1723;step-dau ann cannell;dau margt kelley exex;husb alive; unnamed sibs 1724-1 A 67 CHRISTIAN Richard undated;ch John(Loom), Bahy,Mally exex; 1724-1 A 68 LAWSON James d 28 jan 1723/4;fa-i-law John Cormoad;bro Ned Lawson(son Ned);son Anthony,John (other child);wife alive(can mortgage Lagg ny shure);bro Ned lawson supv;John Cormoad claims 29s 10d from James Lawson who gave him Crott-y-cowle 1724-2 A 157 QUIRK john d 24 Nov 1724;bro Philip Quirk,Pat Quirk exor;nephew Wm Quirk;niece Cat Quirk, Jony Quirk,Alice Quirk;sis-i-law Nelly Quirk 1724-2 A 158 CHRISTIAN John d 29 nov 1724;ballalane;names ann camaish (choice of 3 english crooks),mary camaish;only son Gustavus ? Christian exor 1724-2 A 159 INCH Daniel d 23 dec 1724;names mally casement als thomason;gson wm lace;dau ann;unnamed gch;wife [Alice] exex;dispute between alice + gson wm lace [see NSM May 1726 74] 1724-2 A 162 TEAR Daniel [full] 1725-1 A 59 CHRISTIAN Joney CREBBIN d 21 mar 1724;gson john christian;son john,wm,danl;dau jane exex;gdau joney,cath christian;husb philip;witt ann wade als kneal;jony kynry als radcliffe 1725-1 A 60 c CANNELL Patrick m/c John Cannel + Elizth Cottier = NSS May 1726 #13;son John Cannell exor 1725-1 A 61 CREBBIN Ellin BODAUGH d 1 mar 1724/5;dau joney cormoad als crebbin;;gch john + danl cormoad(snr), danl [?cormaod]jnr,john crebbin;husb john exec 1725-1 A 63 KILLIP Alice garrett d 20 mar 1724;dau isable (eldest - crot-mcsayle),joney (crot y nollan),cath (meadow in jurby);son wm(heir);names widow cath cleator;husb exec 1725-1 A 64 BREW Philip [full]; 1725-2 A 124 CASEMENT Margaret quark d 3 Dec 1725;gson John Casement;son John(+ wife), Thos(exor);dau-in-law Christian Casement 1725-2 A 126 RATCLIFF Margaret LAWSON [full]d 9 feb 1724/5;eldest son unnamed,dau mary;3 youngest james,tho,as + dollin;husb wm 1725-2 A 129 QUARK John made 16 mar 1724/5;son john(heir - timber + dails for new house),edmond,wm danl;dau mary;wife margt als brew; ox called cormod's ox to be sold (plow team inc cow + ox);cousin esther quark;serv maid margt quark,serv man john quark;aunt margery;ch wm,danl,edmond + mary execs all ua;inv;claims inc john kneal gravestone 3s 4d; 1725-2 A 131 SAYLE William d 31 jan 1725;wife margt als kelly;unnamed ch 1725-2 A 132 RADCLIFF Catherine SAYLE [full]d 23 jan 1725/6;only ch charles (ua);thomas ratcliffe heir;nieces cath sayle,mary woods;bro john sayle + his sister cath garret als cowle overseers;husb wm 1726 A 27 TEARE Philip [full]d 12 jun 1726;bro john tear ballachoan,wm tear,patrick tear, james tear;sis bessy martin knockadoony,alice,cath lawson als tear 1727 A 26 RATCLIFFE John [full]d 4 jan 1726/7;son james (brick kiln);dau alice (has ch),son richd 1727 A 41 CORMOAD Ann TEAR [Full] 1727 A 42 CORMOAD John [full] 1727-1 E w RATCLIFF Alice HARRISON dated 6 may 1727;son thos,michael,ewan,philip,john exor;dau alice;husb alive 1727-3 E de TEAR John d 26 aug 1727;(harry);ch danl + alice; 1728 A 17 LACE John d 16 apr;gson jon lace;sis baghey lace;son john exor; 1728 A 63 SAYLE John dated 20 jan 1728;dau jony,bahee,cath (exex);son mitchell,wm,john;gdau cath sayle;john cowle(drummer) owes him 3s + other debtors 1728 A 66 KERMAD Jony BREW d 22 nov 1728;sis margt brew;bro philip brew'only ch gilbert;husb wm;other legacies inc cath vondy; [full] 1728-1 E d KENEEN William d 24 may 1728;ch wm + cath;wife alive 1728-1 E d TEAR Catherine BREW d 6 mar 1727/8;son patk tear admr (other ch married) 1729-1 A 70 LACE Jane GOLDSMITH d 31 jan 1728/9;son wm(house + garden north side lough);dau-i-law margt lace;son thomas;gson thomas lace;dau cath,margt;husb john exec [full] 1729-1 E TEAR Catherine CHRISTIAN bur 23 May 1729;BallaConner,widow;ch danl(a qtr of crop), Alice + Cath(jt exexs);left her son Michaels Clothes + shoes to her son - daus due a qtr of crop by death of father 1729-2 A 119 KANEEN Margaret cowle d 16 jan 1729;son wm,danl;gch margery kelly (ua);dau margery,cath(exex);1741 margery kelly acks both gmo legacy + bed due to her by death of aunt kath 1729-2 E w CREBBIN Elinor RADCLIFFE d 14 oct 1729;son edwd christian(£3 15s in land called philles Cowle's croft - if he come to Island);dau margt exex;names robt christian,james radcliffe;husb john 1729-2 E w LAWSON Kathrine KANEEN d 19 sep 1729;son david,richard;dau bahee (profitt from herring nets),joney;names james + bro john lawson 1730 A 19 GAWN Joney kneen als KE made 8 mar 1729;dau mary kneen (house + pt balladonnell)joney,elinor (w/o john crebbin);son john kneen(+son) 1730-1 E w CREBBIN Margaret d 16 may 1730;sis mary crebbin,ann,joney;brethren john + andrew crebin;fa john exor (unless he remarries) 1730-1 E w RADCLIFFE Margaret KILLIP made 19 may 1730 [whit tues];husb philip;mo joney;will on death(child)bed ;only ch wm ua;ch uncle robt killip supr(his fa wm acts);inv;ballakelly 1731-1 A 20 TEAR Jane made 13 mar;dau bahee goldsmith;dau alice;neighbour joney kneale;son wm;s-i-l john kneen h/o ann shoemaker to teach wm;cousin cath comaish,cousin joney tear;dau-i-l kath clater;son dan;bahee ua;debts exceed goods [full] 1731-1 A 21 COWLEY Jony kinred jt will dated 20 jul 1727;with husb nicholas senr;dau isabel;son nicholas (land etc to descend to his ch but if no issue then next of kin ch of robt cowle + john sayle(his dau barbary) by isabel + averick);jony has dau averick;gson john cowle 1731-1 A 21 COWLEY Nicholas see jony 1731-2 A 54 KNEEN John d 26 dec 1731;shoemaker;ch danl,john;wife ann als tear exex;names bahee goldsmith;debtors etc inc john garrett h/o cath als kneen;alice sis of bahee goldsmith,cath cleater w/o danl tear,[full] 1731-2 E d RADCLIFF Jony KINRY d 29 sep;ch james,christian ua;ch uncle john kinry supv;annex: husb philiip to have charge 1732-1 A 39 CRENILT William d 29 mar 1732;bro john ;fa danl (decd);sis joney;names margt w/o john joughin(+dau);mo lettice als tear exex 1732-1 A 40 QUANE Bahee COSTEAN declrd beg feb;ballakinney;gdau (w/o james radcliffe);dau ann tear als quane exex; 1732-1 A 41 MARTIN Bahee SAYLE dated 1 feb 1731/2;gdau bahee tear;dau joney (in ballaquane);dau-i-law elizth martin;james+alice tear (ch in Ballaquane);names james fargher(wife poor woman);son john martin(knock y doonee) exor 1732-1 A 42 KNEAL William declrd 15 jul 1732;ballacoary;wife christian als howland;heir john;ch danl,phil,cath + edmand exors;wife's dau margt casement;wm kneal eldest bro overseer ua ch 1732-1 A 43 LACE William decld 5 jul 1732;nephew patk kneal ballaleaneh exor;wife alive 1732-1 A 44 COOIL Catherine imeer d 25 mar 1732;dau cath,bahee cooil exex 1732-1 A 45 KNEALE Philip d 3 apr 1732;ballevarry;gson john lace exor ua (s/o wm lace);1732 costs (inc funeral) pd to isabel kneal overseer of ch of patrick ? kneal exex of Wm Lace Fort;1759: david cain h/o bridget lace,thos corlet h/o elinor lace,wm sayle h/o margt lace, john tear h/o jane lace, joney + margery lace ack ann lace relict wm lace re legacy from death bro John lace s/o wm lace late of ballavarry 1732-2 A 70 WADE Philip d 1 nov 1732;dau alice;names philip s/o john harrison;step dau cath cowley (that will now void);only son james (exec) 1732-2 A 71 SKINNER Gilbert d 3 Dec; dau Ellinor;s-i-l John Christian, s-i-l John Tear;gchild the heir;1762 dau Elinor Teare als Skinner widow of John Teare Ballavane acks 1732-2 A 72 BREW Philip d 16 dec 1732;bro William Brew , sister Isabel Curghey;uncle John Brew ;sis margt + bahee brew 1732-3 E d RATCLIFF Thomas d 24 nov; y vair;7 ch john,jony,jane,tho,ann,philip,margt - next relns philip ratcliff + philip kinry supv;wife alive;no relns fa side, eldest ch just at la, youngest posthumous;widow very poor 1733-1 A 50 QUARK William dated 25 jul 1728;ballayockey;upward of 16 yrs of age designed to go to England bound apprentice to go to sea;uncle richard brew;bros allege later will but not in court docs 1733-1 A 52 McYLCARANE Margaret CALLISTER d jan;names jon mellycarane an illeg s/o husb;sibs ellinor, jane,thos callister;sis-i-law jane callister;names majory cry + others;son edwd;dau isabel;husb john exor (dead by probate - edwd exor ua supv John Callister;1734: husb john will named john cowley + thos callister supv - exors of john cowley surrendered to moth cath cowley als mcylcarane + uncles thos + wm Mcylcarane;1738 widow of thos callister agrees to pay widow cowley - sphepherd is to have 3rd part of sheep for herding of them 1733-1 A 53 McYLCARANE John [see als Margt 1733] illeg son john (by isabel kinread);wife's illeg dau isable gawn;wants friend Wm Corlet as supv;son edwd exor;bro-i-law thos callister to be supv;1733: john cowley (of the Close) dead widow cath;1748 edwd acks from james cain h/o jane callister;john was exor will margt myylcarane als kinred [in 1726] 1733-1 A 54 dg WADE Jane CALLISTER dated 23 dec 1732;ballavasten;late husb philip;dau kath cowley;son dan cowley if he comes to island; 1733-2 A 92 CORKILL William [full] 1733-2 E w lawson joney kenneen d 7 oct;husb edw;son patrick & his wfe;son james;son richd;daus ann bahee (40s contract money owing her in the maghyr moar) 1734-1 A 24 CHRISTIAN Isabel CASHIN d 20 apr 1734;ch isabel(mortgaged money in Cottier's close),thos(lands);husb Richd;sis Grace Kewley;names joney sayle, jo christian,christian fayle,john sayle;sis-i-law margt christian; ch ua [page missed from my copy] 1734-1 A 25 LACE Thomas d 2 apr 1734;son thos(eldest),john ua;neighbour joughin;uncle john lace snr;bro arthur lace;stepfa john kneen;names thos killip;wife ann als killip exex;inv;problems in that debts outwiegh legacies 1734-1 A 27 MARTIN Elizabeth TEAR d 12 may 1734;knock-y-doonee;bros john,wm,james,pat tear;sis cath lawson als tear(+ dau cath);husb john (see will 1755);nephew john lawson;sis-i-law jony tear als sayle;1735:bahee tear claims £5 legacy bequeathed by her gmo bahee martin als sayle. 1734-1 E w KENNEN Donald ?=danl kanneen;d 20 jun 1734;names several inc richd lawson miller;son-i-law john sayle exer 1734-1 E w KINLEY Samuel d apr 1734;son wm(eldest),saml;wife exex 1734-2 E d KILLIP John d 9 nov 1734;son tho admr;dau Esther Killip(w/o Tho Caine) had a m/c;wife cath; 1735 A 58 COWLE Bahee CHRISTIAN d 7 dec 1735;gch arthur + james brew,margt brew;son john exec, unnamed dau 1735-1 E w KENNEEN Catherine dated 15 May 1735;sibs Marjery,Wm (+ wife Margt), Daniel(+ wife), Wm Keneen exor;names Marjery Kelly, Bahie Kelly 1735-3 E w TEAR Jane QUANE bur 15 Sep 1735;husb Wm Tear (intacks in Kk Bride);ch Wm Tear(eldest son - exor),Jony Tear, Philip Tear(in Ireland), Michael(youngest son);maid Alice Crenilt;names Mally Quirk, Mary w/o [] Radcliff,;1751: Philip Tear acks from bro Wm;Jony Tear dead by 1750; 1736-1 A 17 LAWSON Edward, sen marriage contract dated 13 sep 1728 (court may 1729 = NSS May 1729 23)ed lawson + wife ann als crinnell obo son edw;eleanor cowle obo herself; accept as will of edward + ann 1736-1 A 18 TEAR Daniel [full]; 1736-1 E 260 d LAWSON Elinor LACE d 18 dec 1735;only ch wm ua no relns on mo's side;husb david;inv inc six kishons of putadoe at 3d per kishon;1769 wm acks fa david 1736-2 A 47 LACE Daniel dated 3 dec 1736;son andrew(if he comes);gson john lace(s/o andrew to be set to trade);dau alice;all ch except john sayle satisfied;son capt john exor;1742:cath christian als moore acks from john lace re alice lace 1736-2 A 48 LACE Alice d 30 oct 1736;sis isable(dau margt);names cath,mary christian + many others;friend capt john lace exor; 1736-2 A 49 Harrison/Kinry Jane Milican ? d 22 dec 1736, husb alive, dau margery lace als christian; wit mary ratclif, ester lace, pledge thoms radcliffe belfast, edmd kewin miller; ? bur as Jane Kinry 1736-2 A 50 CLEATER Jony CAIN d 4 jan 1736;ch john+joney(jt execs),mary,cath,isable,steven,phill;dau-i-law mary;husb alive 1736-2 A 51 kneen mary d 29 dec 1736, bro Jon Kneen wife mary, his son jon, sister elinor + her daus joney, isabel & catherine; cath wife of thos corlett + her dau catherine 1736-2 A 52 CHRISTIAN anne d 17 feb 1736;dau mary;son-i-law edwd byttle (h/o bahee) exor 1736-2 A 53 dg KNEALE Christian dated 1 jul 1731; 1736-2 E w KANEEN John d 2 jul 1736;son wm,danl(2 youngest),john(heir);names john sayle;wife exexone pledge Richd brew her bro 1736-2 E d LAWSON Edward d 14 aug 1736;miller;ch james (admr),richd,bahee + ann (last 3 had m/cs) 1737-1 A 27 CREBBIN John d 3 nov 1736;crot vinvey Vodey ?,ballahirrim;dau joney;decd wife eleanor als boddagh;son-i-law john cormoad;nephew john crebbin liverpool;1740 john crebbin now in court where stated 'looked upon to be gch of john crebbin late sumner' (by nich cowley + tho radcliffe) 1738-1 A 61 w CORMOAD Isabel CLARK d 19 Feb 1737/8;husb daniel (Baftain's land during life);only dau Cath Dawan exex;names John Cormoad (+ his bro Wm), Margt Cormoad, jane corlet als Corkil,Phil Brew (jurby), Margt Killey (Ballameinnagh);exex ua James Tear + Patk Clerk sworn;costs;petn 1738-1 A 61.1 s DOWAN James re catherine dowan dau of deceased stephan dowan; James + Dan Dowan overseers only child of decd bro Stephen - Cath Dowan (see will Isabel Cormoad) 1738-1 A 61.2 a CORMOAD Daniel agreement dated 29 Nov 1738 daln cormoad + wife isabel relict Stephen Dowan with James Dowan (uncle + supervisor of Mary Dowan now decd - 9s spent - any rights surrendered to Danl whilst has tuition of Mary's sister Cath 1738-1 E d CORMOAD Ann CLARK d 29 jan 1737/8;ch pat,margt,jane + bahee;inv inc fa's goods due to ch 1738-1 E d JOUGHIN John d 12 mar 1737/8;dau jony unendowed admx; 1739-1 A 21 RADCLIFFE Catherine KNEAL [full]made 17 mar 1738;eldest son george,philip + samuel;husb alive;mo alive 1739-1 A 22 TEAR Joney KNEALE d 20 apr ;[full];son john;dau ann,alice,margt,cath,joney;husb thomas;inv (3 daus ua) 1739-2 A 86 Kinrey Jony Rattcliffe d 9 Dec 1739;dau margt,joney,alice,marjery;son ?unnamed,philip(born after will made);husb exec;hhusb poor circumstances;philip radcliffe uncle 1739-2 E w CLARK William d 9 aug 1739;names ewan kerruish,mary looney als clark,margt + elinor skillicorn (last 3 acked bt Margt skillicorn who stated margt + elinar daus),dan looney,joney quayle als kerruish (kinswoman) + several others;wife christian (her bro wm + philip radcliffe);margt skillicon + mary looney are widows 1739-2 E d RADCLIFF Catherine KNEAL will produced in court (arch wills) was actually revoked - new decree ch george,philip + samuel admrs all ua uncle Wm Kneal, John Cleator + Wm Goldsmith h/o Margt + christian the aunts;george in tuition father, philip in gmo;inv settled Oct 1753!;petn by George that needs original deed of settlement was not proved but remains lodged in episcopal registry as part of adm of his mother - needs court to release deed. 1739-2 E d tear Cath sayle d 20 Sep 1739;ch Elizth, Wm + Jony tear jt admrs - ua - next relns on mo's side Danl, Ester + Margt Sayle overseers;husb Wm (overseers surrender goods to him - one pledge is uncle Danl Sayle); 1771: Edmd Crow husb of Joney, Wm Garrett h/o Elizth 1739-2 E d TEAR Joney d beg May 1739;thre bros Wm, Philip + Michel Tear jt admrs 1740-2 A 118 BREW William [full];made 12 nov 1740;gilcagh;son john;ch philip,cath, joney,charles;wife marjery 1740-2 E w KINREY John d lammath;son michael,thomas,john,philip,ewan;dau alice;gdau margt kinry 1740-2 E d LACE John d beg 1739;ch elizth (had mc),daniel,wm,john,alice (last 3 abroad); thomas bro-i-law ?; 1741 E cowley henry [chk bk - not in index]made abt 2 years ago;son nicholas,wm;wm Cowley + Wm sayle to be overseers;wife cath; her bro John Kelly overseer;[see Eliz mcnameer 1749 ep ] 1741-1 E w CANNELL Philip made 29 dec 1739;son john,wm;dau joney,esther (exex);gdau bahee;wife alive [full] 1741-2 A 141 BREW Bahee CAMISH d about 25 April 1741: dau Cath; son Jn; husb; other children; sister Ellinor 1741-2 A 144 TEAR Joney made 17 mar 1740;dau cath+ husb john exors;unnamed gch[full] 1741-2 E d COWLE Catherine d 24 jun 1741;sibs john + esther 1741-2 E w SAYLE Bahee COTTIER d 14 jun 1741;son wm,john + thos (jt exors);dau margt;son-i-law john quark;names mary quark; 1741-3 E mc CANNELL William inc missing m/c NSS May 1735 38;son-i-law John Kneale exor 1741-3 E d CORLET Alice KELLY d 11 dec1741;son Thomas + John jt admrs (tho john at la but deemed too young);husb alive 1742-1 A 42 SAYLE Esther dated 30 mar 1742;sibs daniel(+ wife),mary,margt exex;half-sis isable,jane sayle;pledge capt Edmd Corlet, John Killey smith 1742-1 A 43 LACE William d 12 mar 1742;son wm(crot harry),philip;dau alice,jony(her uncle jack lace) exex (w/o gilbt kelly) 1742-1 A 44 RADCLIFFE Richard [full] d 2 mar 1742;eldest sons john + james + 2 other ch;wife margaret als quark;uncle James [?radcliffe] supv 1742-1 A 45 LAWSON Katherine KNEALE d 21 feb 1741;husb(fishing nett);son david,james;dau cath,margt;ch jt execs 1742-3 E w kANNEEN daniel made 2 jul 1742;bro wm;bro-i-law thos kelly;wife jane exex (dead by probate - her admrs wm kelley + his sis joney) 1742-3 E d kANNEEN Jane KELLY ALS GELLIN d 14 nov;ch john (?) kelly,jony kelly jt admrs;son referred to wm 1743-1 A 53 QUIRK Alice dated 2 Mar 1742;sibs Wm(20s due by death her fa), Eleanor, Cath(+ son +dau?);names debts inc Cath Clark w/o John Garrett;mother Joney Quirk als Kenread exex [but d before probate - her son Wm Quirk exor;1745: Cath Lawson als Quirk acks money left to her + ch; 1743-1 A 54 LACE John d shrove tuesday;son danl,wm,thomas;wife margery als christian exex 1743-1 A 55 CLEATER William dated 8 Jan 1742;noted that all land in Andreas + Jurby (qtrland + intack) other than half meadow Lough-ne-greagh(left to wife) to pass as inheritance;ch Stephen, John, william + 2 unnamed daus [?states the heir whoever it may be to pay his bros Stephen + John];wife Ann als Clucas gave consent + exex;bro John;names debtors;tho ch ua no reln on fa's side appears + wife sworn supv;1761: eldest son + heir Wm acks from mother, dau Margt acks;1763 Stephen + John ack;noted that dau Joney was lately decd; 1743-1 A 56 QUIRK Joney KINREAD d 22 mar;dau ellinr,cath lawson als quirk;son wm exor;witt philip kneale,bahee quirk 1743-1 E w CHRISTIAN Daniel d 30 Apr 1743;dau Cath,joney;names James Wade, Thomas Cowle;stepson Wm Teare exor; 1743-1 E d RADCLIFF Jony TEAR d 20 mar 1742/3;ch philip,wm,christian,elizth (h/o philip kewin) 1743-2 A 85 CLEATER Catherine d 28 Nov [1742];only son John Cleator(+ wife Elinor -crop + also bakestone + swine-trough);dau Cath(eldest), Mariod, alice exex;names Bahee Cormoad; 1743-2 A 86 KILLIP Joney MARTIN made 31 Dec 1742;ch Wm, John Kneen exor;sis Cath Christian 1744-1 A 26 LACE Alice BREW made easter 1743;son philip radcliffe,wm lace;dau margt,cath exex(w/o danl tear);nephew wm;gch in ballacunner;inv [full] 1744-1 E d KNEEN Henry d end apr 1744;ch jane, christian jt admrs - ua - aunt Jony sworn;wife Cath;pledges Thos + James Radcliff 1744-1 E d TEAR Ann d 10 may 1744;sibs ch - wm tear junr, james + alice radcliff,letice + mary tear,philip sayle,john tear; 1744-1 E d TEAR John perished on coast of scotland 15 apr 1744;sibs james,wm + jane(w/o wm corlet) 1744-2 A 55 LAWSON Katherine TEAR made 25 nov 1744;son john,james(+eldest dau),richard(needs taking care of);dau cath (fa dead) exex;neighbour wm tear;bro wm tear; 1744-2 E d LAWSON Edward d 8 aug 1744;sons edwd + [?john];wife alive;inv 1744-2 E d RADCLIFF Thomas d 12 mar;only son wm;pledges philip+james radcliffe 1744-3 E d CLARK William left island 20yrs ago - no acct;s/o Thomas Clark decd;only bro John - surrenders to Margt Clark his bro's dau;;pledge patk clark,John Clark aforesd; 1744-3 E d CRENILT Lettice TEAR d 12 jan 1744;only dau jony joughin als crennilt exex(w/o John) 1745-1 A 23 BREW Margery made 3 mar 1744/5;gilcagh;dau jony,cath;son philip (exor),john[full]; 1745-1 E w CHRISTIAN Elizabeth CASHIN ch John,Mary (w/o Danl Lace) exex; 1745-1 E d CHRISTIAN John d beg apr 1745;John Christian (Philip) - ch john,wm,thos,ann + jony(ua) 1745-1 E d LACE Daniel departed Island 40 yrs ago presumed dead;heir of Ballaquane;next of kin Margt Crenilt d/o Patrick Crennilt + Isabel als Lace (sister of decd) 1745-1 E w TEAR John d 25 dec 1744;y droghad;only dau cath (w/o Wm kneal) exex 1745-3 E w KNEAL Averick KENRED made dec 1745;cousin margt quark als kenred(+child);son stanley exor;husb wm 1746-1 A 15 BREW Grace CAIN d mar last;son wm,dau christian;sisters margt brew, joney brew;husb thomas 1747-1 A 14 RADCLIFFE Charles d 10 apr 1747;fa wm;bro thomas;step-mo jane radcliffe + bro thos execs ;others named;inv[full] 1747-2 A 86 TEARE William made in April about a fortnight before May;Ballakinnag;3 sons Michael(20s), Wm(had marr contract),Philip (exor) - their mother dead;mentions 3 parcels of intack viz Garret's Croft(12d reant), Knock-e-kneal (3d rent)+ Cowley's curragh(0.5d rent) with mortgage on them of £4 7s which he reserved out of Wm's contract money till he or his exors be paid consideration money; Nov 1755 bro Mitchel dead + his 20s split between his sibs 1747-2 A 87 FARAGHER Joney QUIRK d 26 dec 1747;son patrick (meadow in the lane),son thomas,son wm;names james fargher snr; 1747-2 A 88 FARRAGHER John d 29 dec;of the Ayre;fa James alive;sibs James,philip,mariod,cath;step mother;wife marriod als crebbin alive;sis-in-law ellinor + ann;names wm crebbin,charles crebbin,daniel sayle;wife dead before probate;pledges john tear + thos radcliffe (ballaradcliffe) 1747-2 A 89 FARRAGHER Marriod CREBBIN d 5 mar 1747;names mary w/o daniel sayle (cloth at tuck miln),charles crebbin,joney d/o john quark,mary quirk wm teare (e Derry),wm kneale columb's wife;bro's son wm crebbin exec (ua but Wm Kneale columb to act as guardian) 1747-2 A 90 ag JOUGHIN Bahee bahee joughin + son charles (profits of John sayle's estate of Larivane), son john c'town 1747-2 A 94 Kneale joney Martin son richd;cath w/o dan tear;dau Mally 1748-1 A 78 SAYLE Ewan d feb last;Craig;daus elinor,margt;son danl,thos (exec);wife alive 1748-1 E d KINRY Philip d 17 feb 1747/8;ballakaneen;ch margt,thos,jony,alice + philip kinry (ua);inv 1748-2 A 132 KNEAL Robert dau cath;sons john robt,patk exec;mo mary kneal als corkill alive;wife cath als corlet;;younger ch omitted - emond,wm + isabel; 1748-2 E d CORKILL Jony CRENILT d may 1748;ch robt,jony,wm + john;all at age;claim by John Tear for not keeping some houses on farm of Smeal and that fences in dire repair 1748-2 E w SAYLE John d end may 1748;larrivane;son wm (not 21);dau cath,ann,joney,margt;wife cath als Moore exex;1769:andrew joughin h/o joney 1749-1 A 23 BREW Margaret [full];d/o james brew Gilcagh;mo alice execx; 1749-2 E w RADCLIFFE Mary QUARK only son john;sis cath;fa alive;husb wm;
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