Archdeacon Will 1812 #94, Marown, of Margaret Lace, died 22 December 1811:

"This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Margaret Lace of the Parish of Marown, who departed this life on the twenty second day of December Instant, being in perfect sound mind and memory when she pronounced the following words. First, she bequeathed her soul to Almighty God, and her body to Christian burial. Secondly, she left and bequeathed to her brothers John Lace and Thomas Lace six pence each. Lastly, she nominated constituted and appointed her loving and affectionate mother Elizabeth Lace whole and sole Executrix of all her goods and effects moveable and immoveable be the same of what denomination soever, and this the said Testator pronounced published and declared, to be her last will and testament, in presence of us the subscribing witnesses, this the twenty seventh day of December 1811. Witnesses: Catherine Faile, Ann Crellin.

At a Chapter Court holden at Douglas 20th October 1812: The Executrix is sworn in Court in form of Law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies, namely John Fell of Marown & Mathew Cain of Marown."




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