Index to Wills

The majority of these transcriptions appear by courtesy of Joyce M. Oates who has transcribed many in the futherance of her own genealogical research - in some cases the spelling has been modernised (eg contractions expanded). In some transcription errors still remain (handwriting and the vagaries of microfilm, render some sections very difficult to read - generally indicated as xxx in the transcription). (The rest are usually my own transcriptions- other sources are acknowledged in the transcription).

A summary of Archdiaconal Wills for 1637, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1665, 1675 ( a full transcript of wills), 1680-1689 and 1690-1699 + another summary file gives names mentioned in some 50 earlier wills (1628-1815) - summaries of some 10000+ wills are available.

A modern take is shown in the "Other People's Money" entries from the Norris Press Year Book 1931 to 1938

Other material is sometimes included amongst the wills - some presentments involving financial agreements etc are indexed seperately.

For a discussion as to the role of Ecclesiastical courts and their part in Probate see under Genealogy - Brian Lawson has put together a very convenient on-line index to the wills in both courts - <>(follow research link).

Some letters of Administration for Manx-born intestates in Liverpool are also available

Index to Testators

A  B  Ca  Cl  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  XYZ

[Manx Note Book]  [Family History Index]

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© F.Coakley , 2006