‘The last will and testament of Robert Callow of the Parish of Braddan who being infirm and weak in bodily health but of sound and perfect mind and memory at the making thereof did make and appoint his last will and testament in manner and form following. First, he committed his soul unto Almighty God who gave it and his body to Christian burial. He left and bequeathed unto his three daughters, namely, Jane, Mary and Isabella the sum of twenty five pounds each or apiece, likewise two quilts and two blankets each. He likewise left and bequeathed unto his aforesaid daughter Jane the feather bed, the curtains, and bedstead or stock. Lastly, he nominated and appointed his daughter Margaret Cowley alias Callow whole and sole Executrix of all the remainder of his effects movable and immovable of whatsoever kind or denomination in presence of the witness this 18th day of April 1808. Witnesses: Edward Oates, Thomas Curphey.
At a Chapter Court holden at Douglas June 21st, 1808, Thomas Cowley husband of the within named Margaret Cowley is sworn Executor in Court in form of Law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies namely the witnesses of the will.’
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