Episcopal Wills 1804 Malew #2, of Robert Redfern

(from MM GL731 / LDS 0106409 )

At a Ecclesiatical Court holden in the Parish of Kirk Patrick on the fifth day of October one thousand eight hundred and four

Castletown Insula Monae
Robert Redfern late of Castletown
in the Isle and Diocese of Sodor and Mann
Mariner, having as by advice received
departed this life in or about the month of
Febrary last past on the coast of Africa
on board the Prescot Guineaman ( - Gardiner 
commander) of and belonging to the Port
of Liverpool, intestate; And the court
having received intelligence thereof hath
decreed his two children namely George
Redfern and Elizabeth Redfern joint
administrators of all and singular his
goods, rights, credits, and effects
moveable and immoveable whatsoever, and they
being under age, Elizabeth Redfern their
mother is sworn their guardian and
supervisor, and in trust for them well
and truly to administer the estate of the
said intestate to exhibit a full, true and
perfect inventory thereof into the episcopal
registry of the said diocese, to pay all his
just debts so far as his goods and
effects will extend and the law bind her, and
to render a true and just account of her
said administration when thereunto lawfully
required and to these ends she hath given
pledges in form of law namely Thomas 
Curry of the Parish of Malew yeoman and John
Fitzsimmons of Castletown aforesaid Constable
Decretum est
Ev Christian




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