Archideaconal Wills 1793 #30, Santan, of Robert Callow:

Robert Callow of the parish of KK Santan on the 30th of October 1793 being of perfect mind and sound memory but weak in body declared the following to be his last will and testament.
First, he committed his soul to God Almighty his Creator and his body to Christian burial.
Item, he left and bequeathed six pence apiece legacy to all persons that should by law claim any right to his effects.
Lastly, he constituted nominated and appointed his loving wife Margeret Callow als Fargher sole and whole Executrix of all his goods & effects moveable and immoveable be they of what kind or denomination soever.
Witnesses present at the declaration thereof: John Fargher my X, Marga. Creetch als Collister my X, jurati.

At KK SAntan June 25th 1794: The Executrix being feeble and unable to attend the Court is sworn duly to fulfill the last will and testament of her deceased husband Robert Callow and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies namely John Fargher the witness and John Moore Ballnehow.

Probatum est, Wm Clucas


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