(from 106395)
To the Revd John Moore Vicar General &c
The humble petition of Thos Gill of the town of Ramsey ; but formerly of Lezayre
Sheweth That your petr had a brother named Charles Gill, a taylor by trade, who went abroad some years ago, and settled in the Island of St Kitts, in the West Indies, where he some time ago died as by intelligence received may appear, he being intitled to a handsome fortune at the time of his decease, the interest whereof he left to his widow during her widowhood, but she having since marryed, whereby the deceadts effects devolve to his own relations and next of kinn in this isle, and as they cannot properly obtain the same untill a decree of administration of the decd's effects be first granted and made by your revd Court, and as the subject of the matter and cause is remote and requires expedition to have the same accomplished.
Your petr therefore for himself and in behalf of the rest of his brothers and sister most humbly prays your Revce to take the matter to your most judicious consideration, and to order and appoint a decree of the administration of the decds effects to be made by your revd court in a short time in presence of as many of his next of kinn as are now in this Isle, whereby they may properly sue for their rights to and in their sd decd brother's effects - and your petr as in duty bound shall for ever pray &c
At Kk Michael July 24 1777
Ordered that the matter of this petition come up to be heard at a consistory court to be holden at Bal ny howin on 31 ins whereof all proper parties & persons as also all the next of kin to have due notice & service
John Moore
[note margin of letter not visble on copy]
Dear Sir
I have been about two days ago favoured with a letter from my eldest son John from the Island of [] Kitts in the West Indies dated 1st May last wherein [] informs one by the postscrip of his letter in these words
[] There is an old acquaintance of mine in this Island
[na]mely Charles Gill who came from the northside side [sic]
[] taylor by trade, he is dead for sometime he left his
[wid]ow the interest of all he had during her widowhood,
she married again by wch she looses half of the principal
[] wch goes to his relations at home, I believe they will
[] about 500 currency should they send out a proper
[po]wer of atty I will give the same for them, the executor
[] a very respectable good men, this is all that he says
[] mentioning the executor by name. Therefore as
[] know this mens friends , desire that you will be so
[ki]nd as to acquaint them with the above, and if they
[]an to send out I shall be writing soon as my son
[] a lttle time means to return home, they must
[] administer, and get the Bishops seal of office to it
[]ay apprehension in order to testifie that they are Charles Gill's next of kindred, your compliance with this
[] consideration, will oblige
Sir yr friend, & most obedt se[]
Thos Fay[]
July 14th 1777
At a consistory court holden at Ballnyhowin in the parish of Kk German by the Revd John Moore vicar general and the Reverend Evan Christian espicopal register of this Isle on Thursday the thitry first day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven
Charles Gill a native of this Island but lately of Sandy-point in the Island of St Kitts or Christopher in the West Indies having (as by advice received) departed this life some time ago intestate - The court therefore decrees his next of kin namely his brethren John, Edmund, Thomas and James Gill, and his sisters Isabel and Mary Gill joint administrations of all his goods, rights, credits, cattles and chattles that are within this diocese ; and Edmd being now resident in the town of Antrim in the Kingdom of Ireland, Mary being in the town of Ayre in North Britain and John tho' within the Isle yet unable to attend the court - they the said Thomas and James Gill with Gilbert Kinread husband of Isabel aforesd are thereupon sworn well and truly to administer the sd goods, rights, credits, cattles and chattles of the sd intestate, to pay his just debts according to law, to return a perfect inventory to the registry of this court and to be true and just the one to the other as also to their sd absent brethren and sister in the division of the sd goods & have given pledges for the indemnity and security of the said court, namely Caesar Parr of Peeltown gentleman and the Reverend Ev Christian vicar of Kk Patrick
Decretum est
Joh: Moore
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