‘The last will and testament of Jane Taggard als Joughin of KK Maughold. She departed this life the 12th day of April 1772, being of perfect mind and sound memory at the making hereof. She committed her soul to God and body to Christian burial. She bequeathed all her body shaped clothes, linen and woolen, unto her only daughter Anne Taggard. Item, she left six pence to each of her two sone John & Daniel. Lastly, she nominated, appointed and ordained her son William Taggard sole executor of all her worldly effects of what nature soever to be by him enjoyed immediately after his father’s decease. Witnesses: Ewan Kneal, John Kerruish.
At a Chapter Court holden at Lezayre May 26, 1772, the executor is sworn in court in form of law and hath given pledges for the payments of debts and legacies namely the witnesses of the will.’
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