The last will and testament of Margaret Moore als Quayle who departed this life about the 27th day of January 1760 and being of perfect mind and sound in memory at the making and uttering hereof. First, she committed her soul to God and body to Christian burial. Item, she left to her daughter Anne the sum of forty shillings. Item, she left and bequeathed to her daughter Elizabeth the sum of forty shillings besides an half year old heifer. Item, she left to her youngest daughter Joney the like sum of forty shillings together with an heifer of two years and a half old. Item, she left to her sister in law Abigail Moore a gown and petticoat. Item, she left all the rest of her wearing apparel both linen and woollen to her three daughters above mentioned equally betwixt them. Lastly, she nominated, constituted and appointed her loving husband William Moore and sole executor of all the rest of her goods movable and immovable whatsoever excluding all other craving friends with six pence legacy each. Witnesses: Gilbert Mylecreest, Martha Kelly.
At Chapter Court holden at Balnyhown, 20 June 1760: The executor is sworn in Court in form of law, and has given pledges for payment of debts and legacies namely the Revd Robert Brew and Patrick Kneale, the tuition of the children and their goods is in the mean time committed to the father, and the next of kin to the testatrix to be sworn supervisors. A true inventory of the legacy left by Margret Moore als Quayle of KK German to her children under age being appraised by four sworn and near, vizt. John Quirk, John Gell, Samuel Mylechreest, and John Crellin. Recd 9th Aug 1781, by, at and from the hands of Catharine Moore als Mylechreest my stepmother the sum of two pounds and two shillings Manks and also a heifer and sheep which were left and bequeathed unto me by my father and mother William Moore & Margaret Moore als Quayle. [signed her mark] Elizabeth Moore.
At KK Marown August 9th, 1781, Elizabeth Moore the subscribing party acknowledged to have received the aforesaid legacies from Cath. Moore her stepmother. Before me [signed] William Clucas.
January 7th, 1782: Recd by, at and from the hands of Catharine Moore als Mylechreest my stepmother the sum of forty shillings in legacy bequeathed me by the will of my mother Margaret Moore. I do hereby acquit release & discharge the xxx of my stepmother of said legacy as witness my subscription the day and year above written. [signed her mark] Ann Moore.
At KK Patrick, June 7th, 1782, Ann Moore the subscribing party acknowledged to have received the foresaid legacy from Cath. Moore her stepmother, before me [signed] Thomas Cubbon.
July the 4th 1785: I do hereby acknowledge that I have recd from my stepmother Catharine Moore of KK Malew the full and just sum of three pounds and eight shillings Manks being the amount of my share of my mothers effects and also in full of all accounts. I say received this by me [signed her mark] Joney Moore. Witnesses: William Quayle, John Shimmin.
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