‘In the name of God, Amen. I Alice Bridson wife to Capt Paul Bridson being weak in body but of perfect sound memory blessed be God for it, do make my last will and testament in manner as following. First, I commit my soul to God and my body to Christian burial. Secondly, I leave and bequeath to the poor of the town three pounds. Thirdly, I leave and bequeath to my four sons John, Thomas, William & Paul Bridson forty pounds each. Fourthly I leave and bequeath to my four daughters Elizabeth, Cathrine, Ann & Jane Bridson sixty pounds each. Fifthly, I leave and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Harrison my black silk gown. Sixthly, I leave and bequeath to my sister in law Cathrine Bridson ten pounds. Seventhly, I appoint and leave my husband to be guardian to my children and their goods in his hands until they come to age. Lastly, I constitute and appoint my loving husband Capt Paul Bridson whole and sole executor of all the rest of my goods moveable and immoveable of what kind so ever in witness whereof I here unto set my mark to my name. [signed her mark] Alice Bridson. Witnesses: Christopher Fitzsimons, Ewan Kerrish.
At a Chapter Court at Douglass, June 9th, 1755, Capt. Paul Bridson is sworn executor in form of Law as also supervisor of the children under age pursuant to the will of the testatrix and hath given pledges for payment of debts and legacies, namely Christopher Fitzsimons & Ewan Kerruish.’
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