Episcopal Wills 1744-1 Arbory, re Joney Quayle

(from MM GL 707 / LDS 0106385 )

To the Revd John Cosnahan and Edward Moor Vicrs General [of]
this Isle
the humble petition of Henry Gell and Ann Gell als Quayle
his wife
Sheweth that Eliz: Quayle sister to your petr Ann hav[ing]
by her last will and testament in anno 1720 nominated
and appointed her only daughter Jony exectx who being u[nder]
age your said petr Ann was sworn supervisor - that the
sd Joney having this year dyed intestate your Reverces upon
the 24th May last at a court then held in KK Arbory gave
a decree of Administration of the goods and chattles of the
decd to her half sister Catherine Quayle which your petr
humbly conceive (if your Reverencs had been apprized there[of])
would not have granted the same For your petrs apprehends
that the goods of such children got from father or mother
shall by law go to the collaterals of such side and only
the intestates acquisition to the half blood
Therefore your petrs humbly pray your
reverces may be pleased to grant authority
to summons the sd Catherine Quayle to the next
consistory for a hearing of the sd decree of
administration, that the same may be reversed
and vacated and your petrs admitted to be
sworn admrs to their sd niece and your petrs
as dutyfully bound shall ever pray &c

Augt 6 1744 This matter is to be heard
on Thursday next at Kk Michael, and
the petitioner has hereby authority to
charge Cath Quayle
J Cosnahan
At a consistory court in Castletown Oct 25 1744
Having taken an hearing of the matter sett forth
in the annexed petition of Henry Gell & nn Gell
als Quayle his wife sister to Elizabeth Quayle
deceas'd who was mother to Jony Quayle ^late of Kk Arbory^ who
died intestate about the 20th of January 1743
We decree that whatever goods or chattells
became due to the intestate Jony by the last
will of her mother Elizabeth Quaylwe are to
return to the next of kindred from whence
they came - namely to Ann Gell als Quayle
sister to Elizth Quayle aforesd - provided the
same can be distinguished - and remain
undischarged - and as touching what other
goods said Jony died possess'd of or were acquir'd
by her own industry the same are decreed
to her half sister by the father vizt to Cath
Quayle who is already sworn & gave pledges
Henry Gell husband of Elizth [sic] Gell als Quayle aforsd
is accordingly sworn in form of law and gave
pledges namely Mr Wm Curghey & John Moore
solvit 2s 0d 
decretum est
Joh Cosnahan
Edw Moore




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