KK German: The last will and testament of Thomas Mylvorrey of Drynee
of the above said parish who departed this life about the fifth of January Anno
Domini 1740 [1740/1], and being of perfect mind and memory at the making
First, he committed his soul to God and body to Christian burial.
Item, he left to his son Thomas half of all his lands, half crops, half team,
and half the husbandry gears.
Item, to his loving wife he left the meadow in Greebey known by the name of
Leaney vaggoag, wholly to be after her own disposing.
Item, he left his said wife whole executrix, paying twelve pounds to the rest
of his children.
Witnesses Thomas Bridson, Patrick Corkill, Jurati
5th Jun 1741. It is hereby further agreed upon by the above said Executrix viz., Bridjet Mylvorrey als Crellin and her son & heir Thomas Mylvorrey, that the above mentioned meadow called Leaney vaggoag is hereby settled upon the said Thomas Mylvorrey by his mother to be possessed immediately after her decease, he paying unto her Executor or whomsoever she please to order it to, the sum of six pounds, and reserving unto herself the use and benefit of the said meadow during her natural life. And for the punctual performance hereof both parties have bound themselves under penalty of twenty pounds according to Law. In witness whereof they have here unto set their names and marks this 5th June 1741. [signed their marks] Bridjet Mylvorrey als Crellin, Thomas Mylvorrey. Witnesses: Thomas Bridson, Patrick Corkill.
At a Consistory court at KK Michael June 5th 1741, The Executrix is sworn in Court in form of Law and has given pledges her brother Harry Crellin & her son Thomas McYlvorrey. Bridget McYlvorrey the Executrix & Thomas McYlvorrey her son and heir have also acknowledged the above agreement to be their act and deed. Before us: [signed] Joh: Cosnahan, Edv: Moore.
December 14th, 1741, Henry McYlvorrey enters a claim against the executor of Thomas McYlvorrey for the sum of 2:2:0.
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