Episcopal Wills - 1741-#2 Maughold, John Cannell

(from MM / LDS 0106376) - courtesy of Averil Roper

Maughold.  Novr. 12th  1741

          John Cannell Junior of Ramsey perished by
          Sea about the beginning of August last
          Intestate ~ The Court upon Intelligence
          thereof hath Decreed his only Daughter _
          Margt. Cannell Sole Adminr. of all his _
          Goods movable & Immovable whatsoever
          who being under age ~ And no relations on
          the Deads part appearing ~ the Child with _
          her Goods is Committed to the Mother _ who is _
          Sworn Overseer in form of Law - And has given
          Pledges Vizt. ~ Edmd. …… Gill Glan Dalyn _ Ewan
          Crow Gary _ & Ewan Crow Vore. ~

Solvit _ 3s " 0d       James & Jane Tear the Uncle & Aunt
                                 Sworn Supervisors. ~

                   Decretum est _

C. C.                                   Joh : Cosnahan
                                            Edw : Moore 

At KK Michael July 9. 1761

Willm. Killip husband of Margt. Cannell sole Adminr. of
John Cannell within named came this day to the Registry
& acknowledged to have received from Christopher Johnson
husband of Joney Cannell als Crow the Mother & overseer
within named all & every the Goods & Chattels due to the sd.
Margt. by the decease of her father John Cannell, & hereby
acquits & discharges the sd. Johnson & his wife with all
others of the Same - Witness his subscription  -
before me
          Ja : Wilks Ep. Regr.                    William Killip

4 pages of Inventory not copied 


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