Archdeacon Wills 1737/8 #40, Braddan, of Bridget Quay of Douglas, died 29 Oct 1737:

‘The last will and testament of Bridget Quay of Douglas who departed this life the 29th of October 1737, being in good and perfect memory bequeathed her soul to Almighty God and her body to Christian burial, and her worldly effects as follows: First she bequeathed to widow Calling in part of the house rent two chair and a box a half dail and a crock. And lastly, she bequeathed to her brother John Quay the remainder of her goods and desired him to keep them to himself or sell them and to bury her after in a decent manner and nominated him whole and sole executor of all the remainder of her goods movable and immovable of what kind or denomination soever. Witnesses: Margret Clark, Christian Cowil.

The Executor is sworn in Court in form of Law. Pledges are Charles Moore and John Cubbon.’




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