Archdeacon Will 1713/4 #46, Andreas, of Catharine Lace als Crebbin als Cowle, died 2 November 1713:

"KK Andrews: This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of Catherine Lace als Cowle, who departed this life the 2nd November 1713, being in perfect mind and memory at the making thereof. Imprimis, she commended her soul unto God, and her body to Christian burial. Item, she left with her husband Daniel Lace her part of the house, and cow, and her part also of bed clothes; otherwise upon his refusal thereof to have twenty shillings with a kerchief also. Item, she left her said husband and her daughter Jony Crebbin to be equally concerned in the crop, half to each. Item, she left her part of the bought land to her said daughter Jony Crebbin. Item, she left to Bessy Cowle a petticoat, a waistcoat, a pair of bodice, and a smock with half a yard of linen. Item, she left to John Cowle drumner 14 pence that was in his own hands. Item, she left to Thomas Sayle three shillings. Item, she left to Marriad Crebbin a white petticoat, two coifes, and half a yard of linen. Item, she left to the said Marriad Crebbin and her brother William Crebbin a sheep betwixt them, with a neckcloth to the said William Crebbin. Item, to Cathrine Caiskil a kerchief. Item, she left the benefit of Crot ny Aipey to the said Joney Crebbin her daughter during her life, and then it was to return and fall due to William Crebbin her brother’s son[should this be her son’s son??], and if he should die before that time to the second child or next heir in the nature of heirship. And she desired her said husband Daniel Lace to give his part accordingly, which he consented to do, if the occupant thereof would five him some days work. Item, she left to her servant man John Kneal a neckcloth. Item, to JOny & Bahee Cowle a coife apiece, with an old petticoat to the said Jony Cowle. To the witnesses six pence apiece legacy. Lastly, she appointed and constituted her said duaghter Jony Crebbin sole Executrix of all the rest of her goods moveable and immoveable whatever. Witnesses: Dan Cowle, Wm Crenilt.

The Executrix sworn in form of Law.

The husband Daniel Lace has consented to the will, particularly to xxx Crott ny Ayrey as desired by the Testatrix, of some days work be given him. The Inventory prized according to Law, amount in dead’s goods 0 pounds 18 shillings 00 pence; The Recordti[?] part; The quick good’s half 2:00:08; More quick goods added 0:16:00; Total 3:14:08. The crop to be added. Pledges in form of Law are William Crenilt and Daniel Lace the husband of the decedent. December 5, 1713: Note, that it was agreed betwixt Daniel Lace & his stepdaughter the Executrix, that they should be equally half and half the crop of corn for this and the next year, and also are all linen and woolen husurfory xxx the man worked the land and the woman the woman the husurforyy, vizt., flax, hemp, and wool. Before me Sam. Watleworth."




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