(from MM / LDS 0106367 ) - courtesy of Averil Roper
Conchan 1714 This is affirmed to be the Last Will & Testa : : ment of Ann Kissag alias Gelling, who departed this life about ye 14 of July last, being in per : : fect mind & memory at ye making thereof, First she committed her Soul to God & her body to Xtian burial, She left to her Son John Kissag half an heifer : to her two Sons Wm & Paul Kissag a quarter a piece of ye sd. heifer. She left to her Grand : : daughter ^Margt^ Kissag a white petticoat an handker : : chief an a quaife. She left all ye rest of her apparel Linnen & Woolen to her daughter in law Marjory Kissag alias [ Creere ] Lastly She constituted & appointed her loving husband Wm. Kissag whole & Lawfull Extr. Of all & rest of her goods moveable & unmoveable whatsoever Testes { Margt. Mc Leroy } Probatum est & Solvit 1d { Marriot Cown } jurati The exr. Sworn in Form of Law Pledges are Wm. Cannon & Jon Kissack
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