KK Michael Articles of marriage concluded condescended and agreed uppon betweene John Kelly ^of the pish of KK Michael and his wife Marry Kelly als Quaile for and in behalfe of their daughter Jane Kelly one the on partie : and John Quayle and his wife Bahie Quaile als Cannell of the same pish for and in the behalfe of their son William Quayle one the other prtie as followeth First the said younge cupple : Wm and Jane is to meatte at the pish church of S+ Mich[last word very dark + edge of paper decayed] [Mich]:aell at or before the 25th of this month : and there to be joyned together in the holy estaet of matrimonie Gods lawes and holy church prmittinge the same : In the paine and forfeiture of twenty pounds sterl the one half to the Honrble lord of the soile and the other halfe to thee ptie grieved 2ly It is concluded and agreed upon that the Sd Jo: Kelly and his wiffe Marrie doe hear promise and oblige them selves to give to their sd daughter Jane Kelly wth the sd Wm Quaile in portion or dowry the full and just sume of nine pounds of lawfull moneys or moneys worth to be paid to the sd: young cupple within the tyme and space of five yeares next after the date hereof 3ly It is concluded and agreed upon that the sd John Quayle and his sd [] doe hereby bind and oblige themselves to give to the sd younge cupple [] they please to take it halfe of all their lands with halfe of their t[eame] of oxen with halfe of their crop of corne and halfe of all [] belonginge to the workinge of the lands and halfe of all their goods mov[eable] and unmoveable whatsoever : and the other halfe of the said lands [] crop of corne and geares with the other halfe of all their goods mov[eable] and unmoveable to returne to the sd youngee cupple at the latter day of [] ^logest liver of the^ sd John Quayle and his sd wife Bahie and for true prformance of all [] singular these prmisses both parties hath caused their names to be written there unto joyne their markes the 13th day of May 1693 witnesses hereunto John Kelly his mrk Jo: Caine his mrk Marrie Kelly her mrk Wm Kelly his mrk Bahie Quaile as Canell Jo Kaighin mrk Wm Quaile his mrk Jane Kelly her mrk Note the above Jo: Kelly promissed twenty shills to the above mentioned Jo: Quaile [] of his bargaine to the above young the nine pounds promissed to the witnesses hereof John Cain X Wm Kelly W Wm Quaile X William [] x
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