Archdeaconal Will 1672 #46 Andreas of John Quiddy:

"This is affirmed to be ye last will and testament of Joh: Quiddy, who first committed his soule to God, & his body to Christiah burial.
Itt, he bequeathed to Jony Quiddy a quarter of a mayre.
Itt, to Margery Quiddy 6d legasie, & declared also that hee promised nothinge to her at her contracton.
Itt, to Sir Joh Huddlestone 1s.
Itt, to Joh. Lace Clarke 6d.
Itt, to Catherine Goldsmith half firlet of oats.
Itt, to Joh. Lace senior 6d. Itt, he constituted & ordained his wife Jony Quiddy als Oats his sole executrix of all the rest of his good whatsoever.
Itt, he took[?] it on his conscience conscience that when he made bargain with Joh. Quark & Edmond Quark that it was agreed upon that when he would leave the house yt he was at libertie to take away the roof thereof with him.
Itt, further he willed upon the said Joh. Quark to pay unto his Executrix seven bouls of barly, plarkett, & oats, that his beast had eaten these 7 years past. Testes: John Lace senior, John Lace clerk, John Huddleston.

The Exec sworn in Court: Probatum et Solvit 12d. The Inventory of the said Testator being priced comes to 15s 0d. Pledges: John Lace & John Kermeene."




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