Archdeacon Will 1663 #108 German, of Catharine Ellison als Moore

"In the last will and testament of Katrine Moore ye 20th of Aprill 1664, she bequeathed her soul to ye Almighty God and her body to be buried in St Peter’s Church in Peeltown.
Imprimis, as for all her earthly goods moveable and unmoveable hath left to her well beloved husband Phillip Elisson and each child six pence legacy, that is to say Kattrine Elisson six pence, & to John Elison six pence & to William Elison six pence & to Silvister Elison six pence & to Michael Elison six pence and this I leave as abovesaid to all my said children as is here above named.

Pat Gell & Pat Kewes, jurati.

The Executor is sworn in Court. Solvo lamen viscuig xxxxx[?].

Probated et solvitt 12d.

A true & perfect Inventory of Kattrine Moore deceased & Phillipe Elison her husband of all their goods.

Being appraised by us Patrick Kinish & William Christian that all the said goods did amount to seven shillilnts sterling 7d, 7s 7d.
Patrick Kinish his mark, William Christian his mark.
Debts that the above said Kattrine deceased and her husband Philip Elison is due doth amount to nine shillings and eight pence sterling.

Pledges secunda forma legis: Pat Gell & Pat Kewes."


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