Archideaconal Wills 1642 #4, Arbory, of John Keig senior:

Kirke Arborie, The xxiiijth Januarie 1642: In nomine Dei Amen. I Jo: Keege Senior sick in bodie but whole in mynde praissed bee God do make my last will & testament in manner followinge.
First I committ my soule to thalmightie & my bodie to Christian buriall. To ye poore att ye usual tyme three halfe ferlott of malt; half ferlett wheate, half ferlett oate meale, & stesh[?] at ye discretion of my Executor.
I leave to my daughter in lawe Ann Comish half a cowe of eight yeere old out of ye whole.
To ye vicr a hogge. To ye clarke a hogge.
I leave y remayneder of ye corne after ye ground is sowen wth all my other goods, moveable and unmoveable (equally to bee divided) to my three children viz: Jo:, Wm: & Anne Keege, who I ordayne and constitute my lawfull Executors.

Testes: Robt Norris viccar, Robt Parre, clarke. Probatum est et Solvit 12d.

The Inventorie of ye goods of Jo: Keege Senior priced by foure sworne men Donolt Corrine, Jo: Cubbon, Wm Shurlogue, & Jo: Cridene
Imprimis: Three qter of a yonge cowe priced to 15s
Half cowe & heffer priced to 15s
Household stufe, wth other necessaries priced 20s
Apparell & bed close priced to 20s
Oweing by Wm Kinage 2s
Wm Cloag of Ballaffada pledge
Secundum forman legis

NOTE: The typed Index lists this will as John Keeye, but the name is clearly John Keege.




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