[From Memorial Inscriptions]
[These are from Old Kirk Marown]
[Several of the earlier MI's do not appear to have a corresponding burial entry in the transcribed register ]
In memory of Hannah Crellin, wife of William Crellin, of the town of Peel, and daughter of James Moore of ----- Marown, who departed this life on the 12 Oct 1857, aged 25 years. Also Margret, daughter of the above named William and Hannah Crellin, who departed this life on the 10 Oct 1857, aged 5 years.
In memory of William Crellin, who departed this life 26 Oct 1849, aged 63 years. Also Thomas Crellin, son of the above William Crellin, who died in California, 2 Mar 1862, aged 44 years. Also in memory of James Crellin, son of the above William Crellin, who died in New Orleans, 3 Apr 1873, aged 42 years. Also Sarah, relict of the above named William Crellin who died 13 Apr 1881 in her 88 year. Erected by his son James Crellin, of New Orleans.
In memory of John, son of William, In memory of John, son of William and Sarah Crellin, who died 5 Oct 1821. Also John, infant brother of the above John Crellin.
Sacred to the memory of John Crellin, of SheaCan in Marown, who departed this life the 28 Nov 1850, aged 66 years.
In memory of Ann Fayle alias Christian, who departed this life on the 23 Feb 1819, aged 56 years. Also of Elizabeth Fayle, daughter of the above Ann Fayle, who departed this life on the 12 July 1850, aged 47 years.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Christian, wife of James Fell, of Douglas, who departed this life the 6 Dec 1824, aged 57 years.
Here lieth the body of Ann Fayle, alias Christian, departed this life 23 Feb 1819, aged 56 years. Ordered by her daughter Ann.
In memory of Jane, wife of Paul Fayle, who departed this life in Kirk Maughold, 2 May 1860, aged 68 years. In memory of Paul Fayle, who departed this life in the Parish of Kirk Maughold, 11 Mar 1869, aged 81 years. Also Mary Ann Fayle, daughter of the above, who died 17 Oct 1904, aged 92 years.
In memory of Robert Fell, who departed this life in Kirk Maughold, 18 Aug 1863, aged 43 years.
In memory of Arthur Tindal, of Skipton, Yorkshire, who died at Craig Beg in the Parish of Marown, 2 Feb 1847, aged 31 years.
Here are deposited the remains of William Sinclair, of Craig Beg in this parish, born in Carsbine, parish of Kirkowen, Shire of Wigtown, Galloway, Scotland, in Feb 1754, departed this on the 12 Mar 1827, aged 73 years.
John Creers burial place.
The burying of William Line of Graig Beg.
Sacred to the memory of John Clucas of this parish, who died March 28, 1840, aged 54 years. Also in memory of Catherine, widow of the above, who died 16 April 1864, aged 72 years.
Here reposes the remains of John Clucas of Ballarobin in the Parish of Kirk Malew, who departted this life on the 23rd day of October 1818, aged 79 years. Also deposited here are the remains of Mary Clucas, otherwise Creer, widow of the above named John Clucas, who departed this life on the 27 day of November 1840, aged 88 years.
Sacred to the memory of the late William Cretney of Chabinagh, who departed this life on the 7th day of February 1858, aged 66 years.
Here lieth the body of William Cretney, who departed this life 30 June 1811, aged 74 years.
William Cannell died the 12th of July 1810, aged 73 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Quine of Lambfield, Kirk German, who departed this life 17 February 1848, aged 78 years. Also in memory of Catherine Quine alias Kelly, wife of Thomas Quine of Lambfell in the Parish of German, who departed this life 16 March 1865 in her 90th year.
John Quine.
In memory of Jane Key alias Kewley, wife of John Key of Braid, who departed this life 24 July 1825, aged 45 years. Also William Key, son of the above who departed this life May 8, 1832, aged 12 years. Here lieth the body of John Key of Ballaugh in this parish, who departed this life 12 of April 1859, aged 80 years. Husband of the above.
Robert Keey, (Feb?) 1780.
Mary Keeyly.
Here lieth the body of William, son of John Quine, who died Aug 16, 1779.
William (Quine?) departed this life 9 October 1829, aged 11 years.
Here lieth the body of Jane Quine, daughter of John Quine, died 26 (Oct?) 1818, aged 20 years. Ann, granddaughter of John Quine died the 5 Jan 1820, aged 6 years.
John Quine.
In memory of Dilliam [William] Quine, son of Thomas and Mary Ann Quilliam, who died 19 January 1838, aged 1 year.
Here were interred the 23rd of August 1796 the remains of Isable Kermode alias Lowry, aged 49 years. Also William Kermode, husband of Isable Kermode, who departed this life the 24th of Nov 1804, aged 57 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Fraser alias (?Selby), wife of (Alex.?) Fraser late of the 93rd Highlanders, who departed this life on the 22nd June 1846, aged 47 years. Also the above named (Alex?) Fraser who died 20 Nov 1851, aged 68 years.
In memory of John Arnochan of this Parish of ------- Scotland, who died 4 of Sept 1851, aged 80 years. Also Sarah, daughter of the above and wife of Alexander Fraser, who died at Union Mills, 18 January 1876, aged 69 years.
Here were interred the mortal remains of Thomas Cowley of this parish, who departed this life on the 13th day of July 1839, in the 51st year of his age.
In memory of Margaret Gelling, who died 3rd July 1894, aged 74 years.
In memory of Thomas Gelling, who died 5 August 1835, aged 32 years. Also William Gelling, son of the above who died 1 Sept 1855, aged 22 years. Also Margaret Harper, who died 4 July 1881, aged 51 years.
In memory of John Gelling , who died 8 May 1848, aged 23 years.
In memory of Matthew Kinley, son of William Kinley, late of this parish, and Amelia his wife, who departed this life the 13th of Nov 1834, aged 14 years. Also Amelia Kinley alias (Southward?) the beloved wife ofWilliam Kinley who departed this life on the 17th day of November 184-, aged 62 years. Also the above named William Kinley, who died the 12th Nov 1861, aged 85 years.
Her lieth the body of (Tho?) Cottier, mason of Douglas, who departed this life the 10th of April 1817, aged 57 years.
Here lieth the body of John Kinready, who died April the 29th, 1824, aged 52 (?) years.
In memory of Philip Kelly who departed this life 12th of April 1832, aged 52 years. Also two infant sons of the above.
Here lieth the body of Esther Cowley alias Cottier, wife of John Cowley who departed this life 13th April 1832, aged 52 years.
In memory of Charles Brew of Foxdale, who departed this life on the 31 November 1865, aged 66 years. Also Catherine Ann, daughter of George and Mary Little, who departed this life on the 27th of October 1865, aged 3 months.
------ are interred the remains of Richard (Rimmer?) Esquire, late of (Liverpool), who departed this life the 14th of July 1840 in the (33rd?) year of his life.
Sacred to the memory of (Tho.?) Shimmin of Douglas, who died 11 April 1848, aged 68 years, also Jane Shimmin, wife of Cesar Morrison and daughter of the above, who died 2nd February 1846, aged 29 years.
In memory of Robert Shimmin, son of Thos. Shimmin, who died 3rd of Sept 1837, aged 19 years. Also Mary Shimmin, daughter of Thomas Shimmin, who died 15 July 1839, aged 17 years.
Here lieth the body of William Thomas (?) Quayle, son of William Jas Quayle(?), smith, who died June 30, 1828, aged 5 winters.
In affectionate remembrance of Robert Kellys of the Garth in the parish who fell asleep in Jesus 9 November 1850, aged 76 years. Also Catherine his wife, who died in Liverpool, 17 Dec 1863, aged 76 years. Also John, their youngest son who died in Liverpool, 3 Feb 1881, aged 60 years. Also William, son of the above Robert Kellys, died 21 Dec 1892, aged 74 years.
Here lie the remains of Eleanor Cannan alias Kelly, wife of John Cannan of this parish, who departed this life the 15th of January 1805, aged 36 years. Also the remains of the above named John Cannan who departed this life on the 7th of Aug 1810, aged 52 years.
Jane Cannan alias Kissack, died the 4th of August 1784, aged 58 years. Here also lies the body of Robert Cannan of this parish, husband of the above who departed this life on the 2nd day of May 1811, aged 82 years. Also the body of their grandson, Robert Cannan, who departed this life on the 12th day of November 1836, aged 39 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Craine, son of Paul Craine and Elizabeth his wife, who died the 1st of Oct 1843, aged 10 years.
Erected to the memory of Paul Craine of Douglas, who died on the 29th of March A.D. 1850, in the 59th year of his age. Also Elizabeth, widow of the above, who died May 10th, 1879, aged 83 years.
In memory of two children of William and Catherine Corlett: Elizabeth died January 5, 1838, aged 10 weeks; Ann died Oct 12, 1846, aged 16 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Kneale of Foxdale Mines, who departed this life May 11, 1861, aged 54 years. Also Catherine, relict of the above William Kneale, who departed this life 10 December 1883, aged 74 years.
To the memory of William and Elizabeth, children of John and Ann Quayle. William died Aug 9, 1790, aged 9 months. Elizabeth died June 12, 1794, aged 6 months. Here lieth the body of Paul Quayle, son of John Quayle of Balla[nich]olas, who died on the 1st of Nov 1823, aged 23 years.
Paul Quayles burial place. Here lieth the body of Paul Quayle, who departed this life in the 3rd Oct 1808, aged 70 years.
Her are deposited the remains of Isabella Clague, alias Corlett, wife of Patrick Clague of Eairy (?)----, who departed this life on the 14th day of April (7) 1798, aged 42 years. Also the above named Patrick Clague departed this life on the 24th day of April 1803(?), aged 64 years.
In memory of May Blackwood, wife of George Little, who departed this life November 22, 1832. Also Moses Little, son of George Little, who departed this life March the 13th, 1855, aged 6 years. Also Ann Little, daughter of George Little, who departed this life March 5, 1855, aged 1 years and 4 months. Also George Little, who departed this life June 21, 1871, aged 72 years. Also Ann (Cate) wife of the above, who died March 31, 1893, aged 84 years.
Ann, wife of William Corkish, who died Aug 10, 1824, aged 69 years.
Here lieth the body of Christopher Bridson, of Ballakilley, who died on the 19th of June 1802, aged 45 years.
Scared to the memory of Annie, wife of John Kelly(?), who died 5 November 1841?, aged 80(?) years. Also the above John Kelly, who died 1 April 1848, aged 76 years.
Sacred to the memory of Jane, relict of the Revd John Lister Hutchinson, Rector of Routh, in the East Riding of the County York, who departed this life the 11th day of March 1853, aged 60 years. Also John S.T.A. Hutchinson, Storm(?) of Crosby in this parish and of Kingston (Upon?) Hill, who died 28 (Aug?) 1884, aged 85 years. Also Anna, wife of the above John S.T.A. Hutchinson, died 14 Nov 1906, aged 86 years.
Elizabeth Karran interred May 11, 1760, aged 76.
Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Stevenson who departed the life March 23, 1812, aged 20 years. In the north side grave are interred the remains of John Fayle of Barothen in this parish, died 8 Dec 1823, aged 42 years.
In the memory of Mary Fayle alias Stevenson, wife of John Fayle of Balain in this parish, who departed this life 28 November 1831, in the 80th year of her age. Also of the said John Fayle who departed this life 1 Jan 1841, aged 93 years.
In the memory of John, son of George and Ann Johnson, who departed this life on 8th of November 1837, aged 8 years and 10 months. William Johnson departed this life May 16, 1857, aged 16 years.
In memory of Ann, wife of George Johnson, miner of Foxdale, who departed this life December 2, 1875, aged 67 years.
To the memory of Jane Johnson alias Dixon, wife of John Johnson, currier, native of Torgan in Ireland, who departed this life on the 20 January 1837, aged 72 years. Also to the memory of George Johnson of Foxdale Mines. Also the son of John and Jane Johnson who departed this life November 28, 1866, aged 66 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Hastie, son of William and Agnes Hastie, who departed this life the 16th of July 1831, aged 11 months. Erected by his father, William Hastie, miner of Foxdale Mines, late of Leadhill, Scotland. Also Elizabeth Hastie, their infant daughter who died the 3 April 1840. Also in memory of William Hastie, father of the above children, who departed this life February 22, 1859, aged 61 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Pearson, the beloved wife of Jonathan Pearson, who departed this life June 19, 1862, aged 29 years. Also of Agnes Hastie, wife of the adjoining William Hastie, who died 5 March 1890, aged 90 years.
Here lieth the body of Isabella Cortier alias Christian, wife of John Cortier, who departed this life 24 Oct 1819, aged 36 years.
In loving memory of Eleanor, wife of James Gale, who departed this life on the 7th of June 1882, aged 69 years.
Sacred to the memory of William -------, who departed this life (March?) 1842.
In memory of Patrick Gill, late of Marown -----, who departed this life 9 Feb 1882, in the 53rd year of his age. Also Charlotte Gill, wife of the above, who died J--- 22, 1871, aged 84 years. In memory of Elizabeth Gill daughter of the adjacent Patrick Gill and Charlotte Gill alias Kinnish, his wife, who departed this life on the 23 Sept 1830, aged 20 years.
In memory of Jane Watterson, wife of Patrick Watterson of Castletown, who died the 14th of April 1849, aged 66 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Cowley alias (Calyan?), wife of Patrick Cowley of this parish, who departed this life the 8th of February 18(18?), aged 74(?).
In memory of John Cregeen(?), who died June 14, 1850, aged 56 years.
Here lieth the body of Nicholas Cre-ary, son of James and James and Margaret Cre(e)ary alias Colett or Cowley, wife of James of Douglas. He departed this life the 20th day of July 18(10), aged 26 years.
In memory of David Cretney, who died on the 29th of Sept 1795, in the 16th year of his age. Son of David and Ann Cretney.
In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Creer, relict of the adjoining James Creer of this parish, who died Dec 11, 1881, aged 76 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Creer of Marown, who departed this life the 9th of February 1834, aged 75 years. Also in memory of James Creer, son of the above, who died January 4, 1871, aged 81 years.
In memory of Ann, wife of the late John Creer of Coolingel in this parish, who died Dec 26, 1840, aged 83 years. Also of John Creer, late of Trollaby in this parish, grandson of the above, who died on board the ship Shallimar, in his passage home from New Zealand, July 23, 1863, aged 28 years.
Sacred to the memory of Mary, wife of Joseph Taylor of Foxdale Mines, formerly of Hewkshead, Lancashire, who departed this life 8 February 1845, aged 59 years.
In memory of Philip Creer of this parish, who died 20th February 1841, aged 78 years. Also the remains of Ann Creer, otherwise Clucas, widow of the above said Philip Creer, who departed this liffe the 25th of March 1842, aged 80 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Kinkinson of Foxdale Mines, formerly of Coniston, Lancashire, who departed this life 6 Jan 1834, aged 53 yeaars. Also of Nelly, daughter of the above, who died 29 April 1834, aged 13 years. Also his beloved wife Mary Jinkinson, who departed this life May 25, 1859, aged 63 years.
In memory of William Kelly, who departed this life the 7th of March 1826, aged 12 years.
Here lieth the body of James Kelly (TC) Coolingell, who died on the 19th day of Aug 1804, aged 85 years.
In memory of Paul Kneale of Douglas, who died November 24, 1859, aged 53 years.
In memory of Catherine Kneale otherwise Corlett, wife of John Kneale of Bunghey, who departed this life 20 February 1838, aged 72 years. This stone was erected by her son Mathias Kneale.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Kermode, daughter of John Kermode of Ballamona in this parish and Elizabeth Kermode alias Co---, his wife, who departed this life on the 13th of November 1859, aged 21 years.
Sacred to the memory of John, eldest son of Robert Kermode and Elizabeth, his wife, of Douglas, who died the 5th of Dec 1847, aged 12 years.
Here repose the remains of John Kermode of Ballamona, who died 4 Nov 1820, aged 57 years. Also of Abigail Kermode alias Cretney, wife of the above, who departed this life on the 20th of December 1847, aged 78 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Kermode of Ballamona in this parish, who departed this life on the 26th of Feb 1855, aged 65 years. Also in memory of Elizabeth Kermode otherwise Cain, wife of the above mentioned, who departed this life 20th October 1863, aged 70 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Cain of Chabinaugh, who departed this life on the 9th of July 1841, aged 57 years.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Haswell late of Glasgow, who died at Cradby the 2nd of June 1848, aged 67 years. Also of Elliot, his wife, daughter of the late (William?) Henry Hardie, Merchant of Glasgow. She died July 31, 1857, aged 71 years.
In memory of William Moore, who departed this life on the 14th of June 1818, aged 44 years.
In memory of Richard Moore who was clerk of this parish, died April 8th, 1808, aged 39 years.
William Moore died March 27, 1812, aged 82 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Clucas of Ballanicholas in this parish, who departed this life on the 28th day of December 1830, aged 58 years. Also in the memory of Catherine Clucas, wife of the above named, who died on the 17th day of October 1852, aged 80 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Jane Clucas otherwise Bell, wife of Hugh Clucas of Peel, who departed this life on the 7th September 1837, aged 27 years. Also in memory of Sage Ellen Clucas, daughter of the above named who died on the 25th of December 1850, aged 15 years. Also in memory of Hugh Clucas of Ballaonenagh in Kirk Patrick, the sixth son of John Clucas of Ballanicholas in this parish, who died on the 12th day of May 1854, in the 42nd year of this age.
Sacred to the memory of John Clucas who departed this life on the 28 January 1807, aged 64 years. Also in memory of Margaret Clucas, wife of the above named John Clucas, and daughter of the late Thomas Fargher, Esquire, of Shenvalley, who departed this life on the 24 May 1835, aged 90 years. Also Quayle Fargher Clucas, son of the above, who departed this life Dec 3, 1816, aged 31 years.
----- repose the remains of Elisabeth Quirk, daughter of Patrick and Isabel Quirk, who departed this life April 4, 1808, aged 10 years.
Here repose the remains of Patrick Quirk of the Stogeydooe, who died the 4th of December 1814, aged 49 years.
Sacred to the memory of Isabella Quirk, wife of Patrick Quirk of the Stuggadhoo, who departed this life the 28th of May 1834, aged 67 years.
Thomas Clucas of the Corvalley died 5 April 1816, aged 76 years. Also Elizabeth Clucas, wife of the above named, who died 13 May 1842, aged 91 years.
In memory of Daniel Lace Clucas, son of Thomas Clucas of the Carvalley, who died at Berbees in the West Indies 1820, aged 21 years. Also Charlotta Elizabeth Ely Clucas, who died 13th August 1869, aged 65 years.
In memory of Thomas Clucas of the Corvalley in this parish, who departed this life on the 9 June 1845, aged 74 years. Also Frances Ann, daughter of the above who died on the 11th of October 1816, aged 3 weeks.
In memory of Jane Clucas otherwise Cubbon, wife of Thomas Clucas of the Corvalley in this parish, who departed this life on the 22nd of November 1841, aged 70 years. Also William Frederick, son of the above, who died 23rd Dec 1819, aged 20 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Cottier, who departed this life on the 7th of March 1820, aged 72 years.
Here repose the remains of Mary, wife of William Cottier, who departed this life on the 6th day of August 1809, aged 68 years. Also John Kelly, who died on the 24th of October 1819, aged 36 years. Also Esther, daughter of the above John Kelly, who died the 17 Feb 1820, aged 11 years.
In affectionate remembrance of Jane, daughter of John Kelly of Foxdale Smith and of Jane Mylchreest, his wife, who died the 19th of January 1847, aged 4 months. Also William, son of the above, who died the 18th of September 1852, aged 2 years and 3 months. Also Robert, son of the above, who died the 30th of November 1862, aged 18 years and 4 months. Also Mary G. Shepperd, wife of John Kelly Jr., who died the 25th of December 1874, at Boddin, aged 27 years. Also John Kelly Jr., who died the 26th of January 1875, aged 27 years and 2 months. Also John Kelly, father of the above, who died Dec 7, 1879, aged 69 years.
Sacred to the memory of David Moffat, Surgeon of the late 3rd Ceylon Regt. Born at Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, on the 1st of June 1787, died at Eyreton in this parish on the 16th of July 1844, aged 63 years. Also Eliza Alison, daughter of the above, born at Crosby in this parish, 5 Feb 1836, died at Crosby on the 1 April 1837, aged 18 months. Also Thomas Peter Moffat, son of the above, died the 6 May 1864, aged 30 years.
Sacred to the memory of William, son of James Clague and Ann Clague alias Cain, his wife, of Close Moar in this parish. He died 27th Dec 1826, aged 22 years. Also of the above named Ann Clague, who died on the 8th of May 1861,aged 83 years.
Sacred to the memory of Edward Kermode, who departed this life on the 22 Sept 1857, aged 80 years. Also of Elizabeth Kermode, wife of the above, who died Jan 16, 1862, aged 85 years.
Here reposes the remains of Catherine Gell otherwise Kinley, wife of Robert Gell, late of this parish, who departed this life on the 17th day of November 1809, in the 60th years of her age.
Here lie the remains of Robert Cain of this Parish, who departed this life th 13th of day of April 1828, aged 63 years. Also the memory of Elizabeth, wife of above Robert Cain, who departed this life the 23rd of June 1846, aged 76 years.
In memory of Matthias Cain, joiner of Douglas, youngest son of Robert & Elizabeth Cain. In attemptling to save a fellow creatures life, he lost his own on the 10th of August 1852, aged 40 years.
In memory of Elizabeth Lace, who departed this life November 5th, 1873, aged 58 years. Also of Edwin Lace, who departed this life September 9th, 1865, aged 22 years. Also of Jemima Lace, who departed this life March 23rd, 1868, aged 16 years.
William Quine (very old and faint)
Sacred to the memory of William Quine, who died October 13, 1842, aged 36 years. William, son of the above died April 18, 1842, aged 1 years and 10 months.
In memory of Margaret Jane, daughter of William and Eleanor Cowle of this parish, who died July 30, 1872, aged 12 years.
Here lieth the body of Robert Cowle, died July 25th 1806, aged 75 years.
Here lieth the body of Thomas Cowle, died March the 26th, 1821, aged 45 years.
In memory of Eleanor Creer , who departed this life on the 4th of August 1844, aged 9 years. Daughter of John Creer of this parish, mason, and Isabella Cretney his wife.
In memory of Frederick William, son of Captn Matthew Grose and Annie Weston, his wife of Ballacarkish parish of Rushen. Born March 15, 1850, died June 2, 1858.
Sacred to the memory of John Kelly of Foxdale, who departed this life on the 22 day of January 1862, aged 73 years. Also Ann, the beloved wife of the above, who departed this life on the 10th day of March 1862, aged 79 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann, the beloved wife of William Kelly, millright, Foxdale, who departed this life on the 10th day of June 1867, aged 44 years.
Here repose the remains of Robert Cretney of the Braid in this parish, who departed this life the 20th day of December 1816, aged 67 years. Also the remains of Isabella Cretney alias Fargher, widow of the above named, who departed this life the 17th day of April 1839, aged 76 years.
Sacred to the memory of Cath. Margaret ----, daughter of Robert Cretney of the Braid in this parish and Mary his wife, who departed this life 5th of Feb 1844, aged 21 years.
To the memory of Quayle Moore of Cooilin, who departed this life on the 18th of April 1827, aged 24 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Ann Kewley, relict of the late Revd of Douglas, Thomas Kewley, Vicar of St Anns, and daughter of Edward Moore, Cooilingil in this parish, who departed this life the 16th of February 1836, aged 35 years.
Here are deposited the remains of Robert Kelly of the Rock who departed this life on the 6th of December, Anno Domino 1796, in the 64th year of his age. This stone placed by his son William.
Here lieth the body of Jane Kelly alias Cannell, wife of Robert Kelly, Jr., of the Rock, who departed her life the 27th of April 1831, aged 82 years.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Kelly of the Rock in this parish, who departed this life the 17th day of Feb 1836, aged 85 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Cottier of Balla Geoman Moar, who departed this life the 12th of August 1808, aged 56 yeas. Also C. Carolina Cottier, infant daughter of Revd J. Cottier and Jane alias Moore, died the 8th May 1820, aged 6 months.
Here lieth the remains of John Cottier of Balla Geoman Moar in this parish who died June 4th, 1790, aged 65 years. J.O. Bosuit. Also the remains of Catharine Cottier alias Christian, relict of William Cottier, who departed this life the 12th of September (1841?), aged 81 years.
Here reposeth the remains of Jane Cottier, the beloved wife of the Revd John Cottier, late of Ballayeoman Moar in this parish, who died the 13th day of September 1846, aged 62 years.
In memory of George Miller, son of Robert Miller, late of Dumfries, and Ann his wife, who departed this life on the 10th day of January 1867, aged 26 years.
In memory of Thomas R. Quine, who died January 25th, 1858, aged 12 years. Also Sarah E. Quine who died October 1860, aged 18 months. Also Robert Quine, who died December 1864, aged 14 months. Also Robert Quine of Balla Vitchell, who died January 13th, 1870, aged 76 years. Also Margaret Jane Quine, who died July 9th, 1877, aged 25 years. Also Robert Ellis Quine, who died Dec 23, 1881, aged 11 years.
In memory of Philip Killey of the town of Douglas, tanner, son of the adjacent William Killey and Margaret Killey alias Clague, his wife, of Balla Geoman Beg in this parish, who departed this life the 12th of August 1810, aged 39 years.
In memory of Jane, youngest daughter of William and Sophia Killey, who departed this life in the 57th year of her age, on the 3rd of January 1872.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Killey alias Clague, wife of the adjacent William Killey of Balla Geoman Beg, who departed this life on the 5th day of January 1815, in the 76th year of her age.
Here lieth the body of William Killey, Balla Geoman Beg, who departed this life the 24th of April 1802, aged 63 years.
In memory of Sophia, wife of William Killey, tanner of this town of Douglas and Balla Willey Killy of this parish of Marown, who departed this day the 27th of April (1828?) in her 48th years. Also William Killey, husband of the above, who departed this life the 27th of December 1829, in his 68th year.
In memory of Sophia, daughter (third) of William and Sophia Killey, who departed this life on the 19th day of April 1897, in her 31st year. Also of Margaret, second daughter of William and Sophia Killey, who departed this life on the 26th of February 1849 in the 49th year. Also of Mary Susanna, daughter of William and Sophia Killey, who died February 8th, 1899, aged 88 years.
Charles Cottier, died April 10, 1830, aged 62 years.
In memory of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cubbon and Margaret his wife, of Douglas, who died on the 3rd of Aug 1852, aged 13years.
William Cubbon burial place.
Here lieth the body of Ann Cubbon alias Cain, wife of William Cubbon, who departed this life April 21, 1811, aged 48 years.
Here lieth the body of Edward Magee, a native of Ireland, who departed this life the 5th day of April 1803, aged 73 years.
Sacred to the memory of Arthur Casement, son of Nicholas Casement and Mary Casement alias Breen both of the county of Douglas in the Kingdom of Ireland, who depated this life on the 18th of Feb 1805, aged 18 years.
In memory of Margaret Moore, daughter of George Moore and Isabella, his wife of Mount Rule, who died the 17th of June 1843, aged 17 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Moore alias Quayle, wife of John Moore of Marown, who departed this life the 8th of Nov 1841, aged 60 years. [?is Ann Quayle Jns 2nd wife, md 3 Jul 1824, Patrick]
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Creer of Balla Kelly in this parish, who departed this life the 7th of October 1846, aged 73 years.
Margaret Cooil died July the 7th, 1825, aged 56 years. The wife of William Cooil.
Here lieth the body of Ann Kelly alias Cottier, who departed this life on the 21st of Jan 1823, aged 52 years.
Here lie the remains of Catherine Shimmin alias Cowley, wife of Hugh Shimmin of Renny, Kirk German, who departed this life 16 of March 1827, aged 68 years. Also Catherine Shimmin, daughter of Hugh Shimmin and Esther Shimmin alias Clague his wife, who departed this life the 28th of May 1843, aged 5 years.
John Kinreads burial place. Here lieth the body of John Kinread who departed this life the 6th of Oct 1823, aged 50 years.
William, son of John Kinread, of the Ballagarroo, who died on the 30th of August 1814, aged 3 months.
In memory of Jane, youngest daughter of William and Sophia Killey, who departetd this life in the 57th year of her age, on the 5th of January 1872.
Vicar of ----- interred the ------. Also John ------ William ------ of this parish. ----28 Jan 18--. Also the above named ---am Christian, died 2nd Aug 1818, aged 47 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Kelly of Balla Kelly of this parish who departed this life on the 7th of October 1825, aged 65 years. Also Alice Kelly alias Cottier, wife of the above mentioned, who departed this life in February 1834, aged 60 years. Also William Kelly, son of the above mentioned, who departed this life the 11th of February 1833, aged 20 years.
Here are deposited the remains of the three children of William and Letitia Kelly alias Gelling of Troleby. Margaret died 1789, aged 3 months. Margaret died 1794, aged 3 years. Charlotte died 1804, aged 3 months. Also the remains are deposited of Margaret Kelly alias Curphy, wife of Thomas Kelly of Troleby, who departed this life the 20 February 18(6)5, aged 88 years.
----- August 13, 17--, aged 80 years --------- of William Kelly, died 6 Feb 18(36?), aged 80 years. ------- Letitia Kelly ------ wife of the --------- who died -------- 1864.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Cain, who departed this life the 11th day of May 1808, aged 52 years. Also John Cain, son of the above Thomas Cain, Ballabraue of this Parish, who died August 10, 1822, aged 22 years. Also Jane Kelly alias Cain, who died Feb 24, 1826, aged 21 years. Eleanor Cain who died Feb 15, 1828, aged 20 years. Also Margaret, widow of the said Thomas Cain, who died the 14th of ---- 1836, aged 63 years.
Sacred to the memory of Anthony, son of Alexander Lewthwaite and Margaret his wife, who died in Liverpool, on the 17th of September 1834, aged 23 years. And of James, son of the above Alexander and Margaret Lewthwaite, who perished at Lea, near Whitehaven, on the night of the 21st of October 1834, aged 29 years. Also of Allen Lewthwaite, son of the said James and Ann his widow, who died 14 September 1848, aged 20 years.
Here repose the remains of David Lowey of Marown, who departed this life March 5, 1784, aged 71 years. Also Elizabeth, wife of the above David Lowey, who departed this life March 8, 1799 or 1797, aged 86 years. ----- James their son, departed this life 178-, aged 28 years.
Here lieth the body of Ja---- Clague of Crosby, Clerk and schoolmaster of this parish 31 years. He was buried the 4th of July 1764, aged 54 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Clague otherwise Christian, daughter of the late Revd John Christian and wife of John Clague of Crosby, obit 8th of September 1821, aged 55 years. Also John Clague, husband of the above, who died 26th October 1832, aged 66 years.
To the memory of William Clague of Crosby, departed this life the 16th day of Sept 1795, aged 59 years. Also Margaret Clague alias Cubbon, wife of the above William Clague, who departed this life the 15th day of Oct 1798, aged 54 years.
Here lie the remains of Catherine Margaret Kelly, daughter of Paul Kelly,who departed this life 22nd June 1842, aged 17 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Welsh, who departed this life the 16th of Jan 1819, aged 63 years.
Sacred to the memory of the following children of John Christian and Charlotte, his wife, of the town of Douglas. John Osborne, who died 22 Dec 1830, aged 4 months. Caesar Osborne who died 11 Aug 1838, aged 6 years. Eleanor, who died 8 July 1840, aged 3 years. Also of the above named Charlotte Christian alias Moore, who departed this life the 27th of Oct 1850, aged 55 years.
Here lieth the remains of William Corkhill of Kirk German, who departed this life Oct 10, 1822, aged 77 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Burrows, who departed this life the 2nd March 1830, aged 15 months. Also Isabella, wife of James (or Thomas) Burrows of Marown (of this parish) and the mother of the above who died 11 July 1839, aged 46 years. Also Joseph Burrows, who died in Turkey, 8th day of August 1854, aged 17 years. Also Maria Burrows, who died in Cleveland, America, 10 April 1855, aged 20 years. Also Thomas Burrows who died in China, Nov 1865, aged 26 years.
Here lieth the body of William Cain, who departed this life the 1 of Jan 1816, aged 8 years.
In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Cubbon, who departed this life April 19, 1877, aged 30 years. Also Jane Gelling, mother of the above who departed this life May 17, 1881, aged 70 years.
In memory of William Henry Kelly, son of Henry Kelly and eleanor, his wife, who died Oct 11th, 1837, aged 4 years. Also Robert Kelly, son of the above who died March 11, 1848, aged 7 years. Also Eleanor, wife of Henry Kelly and mother of above, who died 9 Dec 1879, aged 72 years. Also Henry Kelly, joiner, husband of the above, who died 1 May 1880, aged 75 years.
Here repose the remains of John Gelling, TC of Balling, who departed this life January 30, 1784, aged 79 years. Also Robert Gelling who was schoolmaster of this parish 40 years. He died on the 26 January 1815, aged 62 years. Also of Thomas Gelling, mason, son of the 3rd Robert, who died the 2 July 1842, aged 63 years. Also Margaret, wife of the above Thomas Gelling, who died July 28, 1858, aged 72 years.
Here repose the remains of David, son of Robert and Alicia Gelling, who died the 18 March 1830, aged 22 years.
In memory of Eleanor Jane Kelly, daughter of Henry Kelly and Eleanor, his wife, of Douglas, who died Oct 26, 1847, aged 2 years and 6 months. Also Henry Kelly, son of the above, who died Nov 8, 1849, aged 5 years. Also Christian Kelly, daughter of the above, who died July 3, 1853, aged 5 years.
In memory of John Gelling of this parish, Whe--------t, died 28 January 1832, aged 46 years.
In memory of Robert Gelling, son of John and Mary Gelling alias Fayle, died 6th of July 1832, aged 19 years.
Here lieth the body of Gilbert Gall, who departed this life the 16th of April 1757, aged 47 years.
KjSacred to the memory of Thomas Sniglehurst, formerly of Bridgeford, Nottinghamshire, who departed this life the 10 October 1851, aged 64 years.
Ellinor Fell, died April 26, 1802, aged 43 years.
Mary Fell of Cregwine, died Feb 7, 1802, aged 83 years.
Here lieth the body of William Fayle, who departed this life Nov 18, 1801, aged 73 years.
Sacred to the memory of Allen Cameron, son of Donald Cameron, Sugeon R.N., and Ann Cameron, died the 30th of June 1845, aged 21 years.
Underneath repose the mortal remains of Eliza, daughter of Donald Cameron, Surgeon, R.N., and Ann his wife, of this Close Moar in this parish, who departed this life on the 21st of February 1843, aged 20 years.
In memory of Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Donald Cameron, Surgeon R.N., and Ann his wife, who departed this life 10th of May 1851, aged 19 years. Also the above named Donald Cameron, Surgeon R.N., who departed this life the 13th of May 1856, aged 72 years.
Here repose the remains of John Kewley of Ballafreer, who departed this life October 22, 1781, in the 43rd year of his age. John Kewley, his father, departed this life Sept 10, 1783, aged 75 years. Cathrine Kewley, widow of Ballafreer, departed this life April 24th 1808, aged 68 years.
Here lieth the body of the Revd John Kewley of Ballafreer, late Chaplain of St Mathew, who departed this life the 3rd Nov 1810, aged 38 yars. Also to the memory of Elizabeth Kewley, the beloved wife of the above named Revd John Kewley and daughter of the late William Stowell Esquire of Ballacreggan. She departed this life the 31st of March 1852, aged 84 years.
Here repose the remains of John Kewley, ------ son of John and Elizabeth Kewley of Ballafreer, who departed this life Nov 6, anno Domni 1823, aged 22 years.
In memory of Elizabeth second daughter of the Revd John Kewley and Elizabeth his wife alias Stole, who departed this life on the 30th of April 1833, aged 28 years. Also in memory of Susanna, youngest daughter of the late Revd John Kewley of Ballafreer, who departed this life on the 8th of June 1857, aged 48 years.
Here lieth the body of Edward Kermott of the Cor-onagh in this parish, who departed this life the 12th of August 1812, aged 32 years.
Here lies the body of Margaret, wife of John Fayle of the town of Douglas, who departed this life the 2nd of Sept 1842, aged 63 years. Also in memory of the above named John Fayle, who departed this life on the 27th of April 1857.
Sacred to the memory of William Fayle, son of John and Margaret Fayle of this town of Douglas, who departed this life 29th of January 1813, aged 7 months. Also to the memory of Margaret Fayle, daughter of John and Margaret Fayle of the town of Douglas, who departed this life the 21st of April 1821, aged 5 years. Also Charlotte Fayle, wife of Thomas Clague, who departed this life 20 of June 1833, aged 23 years.
Here repose the remains of William Fell, late of Douglas, who departed this life the 14th day of March 1814, aged 62 yeas. Also, Margaret Steen, his wife, who departed this 18th of May 1830, aged 77 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Fell, mariner, son of the adjacent William Fell, who died 29th of June 1814, in the 35 year of his age. Also Esther Fell alias Cotcher, wife of the above William Fell who died 22nd of April 1840, in the 63rd year of her age.
Here reposes the mortal remains of John Kewley, ---- of this parish of Kirk Patrick, but formerly of this parish, who departed this life the 18th of July 1824, aged 76 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Quine, who died 17th of Nov 1852, aged 71 years.
In memory of Robert Quine, who died Dec 22nd 1825, aged 69 years. Also Margaret Quine alias Woods, wife of the above, who died Dec 13, 1840, aged 79 years. Also Ann Quiggan alias Quine, who died March 22nd, 1853, aged 30 years. Also Louisa Isabella Quine, who died July 2, 1847, aged 6 months. Also John Drummond Quine, who died Dec 31, 1852, aged 4 years. Also in memory of John Quine of Balla Harry and 63 Derky Square, Douglas, who died Sept 12, 1885, aged 67 years. Also of Radcliffe Quine, youngest son of John and Sarah Quine, who died Sept 18, 1877, aged 12 years.
In memory of Mary Jane Brown, wife of Robert Kelly of the Nale in this parish, who departed this life July 2, 1849, aged 31 years. Also in memory of Robert, son of the above named, who departed this life December 20, 1848, aged 8 years. Also of Sarah Ann, daughter of the above named, who departed this life March 5 1860, aged 16 years. Also the above Robert Kelly, who died at 16 Bulks Road, Douglas, March 4, 1896, aged 85 years.
Sacred to the memory of Jane Kelly otherwise Craine, wife of Robert Kelly of balla vitchal(?), who departed this life the 28 August 1834, aged 61 years. Also Thomas Kelly, son of the above, who departed this life at Balla vitchal on the 2nd of May 1872, aged 68 years. Also Ann, wife of the above Thomas, who died at Ballavitchal, 19 Dec 1888, aged 78 years.
Here lieth the body of John Kelly of Ballavitchal. He was interred here the 16th of Nov 1795, aged 25 years. Also Isabella, wife of Thomas Kelly of Ballavitchal, who departed this life the 10 June 1822, aged 86 years.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Kelly of Ballavitchal, who departed this life the 22 May 1833, aged 88 years
In memory of the following children of Thomas and Ann Kelly of Ballavitchal in this parish: Christian, died age 2 years. Jane, aged 9 years. Robin, aged 9 years. William, aged 2 years. Sarah Caroline, aged 4 years. Philip Henry, aged 3 years. John Cowley, died Jan 21, 1862, aged 28 years.
In memory of Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Creer alias Fell, who departed this life 24 August 1798, aged 2 years. Also Robert Creer, brother of the above, who departed this life 20 August 1823, aged 12 years.
Here lieth the body of Robert Kessach, who departed this life Oct 16, 1825, aged 33 years.
In memory of Margaret Kessach , who died on the 7 Jan 1804, aged 63 years. Also the remains of Robert Kissack, son of the above named, who died the 19 Aug 1841, aged 75 years. And in memory of Isabella, widow of the above, who died the 2 July 1864, aged 84 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Kissack of Douglas, joiner, son of the adjoining Robert Kissack, who died the 20 August 1850, aged 33 years.
In memory of Jane(?) Tattersall ------ , daughter of the late Thomas Tattersall, who died 4 April 1834, aged 4 years.
Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Coole, who departed this life Sept 2, 1892, aged 28 years. Also Ann Coole died July the 24th, 1835, aged 23 years. Also the body of William Coole, father of the above named, who departed this life the 25th of June 1842, in the 80th year of his age.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Quilliam (daughter?) of Robert Quilliam and Catherine Quilliam alias (Stephen?), his wife, who departed this life on the 28 July 1836, aged 4 years 4 months.
Here are interred the mortal remains of Margaret Mylechreest, wife of Henry Mylechreest of this parish, who departed this life on the 26 June 1840, aged 51 years.
In the adjacent vault are deposited the remains of the Revd John Christian of Balnekilley, vicar of this parish 26 years. Interred Sept 29, 1779, aetat 51 years.
Here lieth the body of Elizabeth, wife of the Revd John Christian, vicar of this parish, who departed this life Nov 19, 1777, aetat 47 years. Also Thomas Christian died 14 September 1828, aged 74 years.
Here lieth the remains of John Osborne Christian of the town of Douglas, son of the Revd John Christian of Ballakilley, who departed this life on the 25th February 1829, aged 55 years. Also of Eleanor, widow of the above, who departed this life the 29 October 1850, aged 93 years. Inscribed by her son John.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Broadfoot, wife of John Broadfoot and daughter of the late Revd John Christian, who departed this life the 4 June 1808, aged 40 years.
Memory of Jane Clucas ------, wife of Hugh -------- of Peel who separated -----life on the 7th of September 1837, aged 27 years.
Here lies the body of the virtuous and notable youth, Henry, son to John Clucas of Balla Nicholas; one of the academick students of this Isle, who departed this life the 23rd of June 1732, aged 23.
To the memory of Quayle Moore of Cooilingit, who departed this life, the 18th of April 1827, aged 24 years.
Sacred to the memory of Edward Moore Cooilingit or Coolingil in this parish, who departed this life the 21st of March 1838, aged 73 years.
In memory of Thomas Shimmin of this parish, who died the 7th of Sept 1842, aged 63 years. Also of William his son, who died the 20th of July 1843, aged 18 years.
Here lieth the body of Ellinor Kelly alias Garrett of Lezayre, near Ramsey, who departed this life February 18, 1824, aged 65 years.
------ the body of Paul Kelly Meason, who departed this life the 7th Dec 1781, aged 56 years.
Here lieth the body of Isabella Kelly, who departed this life March the 16, 1803, aged 79 years.
In memory of William Kelly of Ballaloney in this parish, who departed this life the 5th of January 1823, aged 38 years. Also in the memory of Ann, wife of James Hale and daughter of the above, who departed this life in the full triumph of the faith of the Gospel on the 24 day of March 1841, aged 25 years.
Jane Kelly alias Glick [?Gick], wife of William Kelly, late of Ballalonney in this parish, who departed this life the 15 March 1825, aged 33 years. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above, who died July 24, 1843, aged 22 years.
In memory of Thomas Cannell late of St Johns in the Parish of German, who departed this life on the 9th of April 1826, aged 51 years. Also to the memory of Ann Cannell otherwise Kelly, wife of the above, who departed this life on the 14 November 1825, aged 48 years.
In memory of Isabella Kelly, daughter of John Kelly, baker of Douglas, who died November 5, 1816, aged 8 years.
In memory of William Kelly, who died February 6, 1830, aged 74 years.
Sacred to the memory of Jane [John or James] Kelly, Ballaglomney in this parish, who died 28 Sept 1826, aged 84 years. Also in the momory of Elizabeth Kelly, alias Clucas, his wife, who died 25 March 1827, aged 80 years.
In memory of John Kermode of Ballachrink in this parish, who departed this life the 5 May 1833, aged 28 years. Also John Kermode, smith, Loxdale, who died March 30, 1900, aged 72 years. Also of his wife Margaret Kermode, who died November 15, 1899, in her 72 year.
In memory of James Kermode of this parish, who departed this life the 23 December 1873, aged 61 years.
Interred here ------- children of (Patrick) and Margaret Kermode of Douglas. Margaret died April 16, 1793; John died August [17]94, aged ---; John died February 3 [17]99, in his -----.
Sacred to the memory of John Carran in this parish, who departed this life the 14 Feb 1834, aged 60 years.
Sacred to the memory of Ann Wilson, infant daughter of Captain John Hamilton and Ann, his wife of Greenock, interred here the 12th day of July 1837, aged 9 months.
Sacred to the memory of James Miller, native of Stewarton, Aryshire, who departed this life at Ballaguinnea, 4 of March 1841, aged 71 years.
Sacred to the memory of John Clucas of the Garth of this parish, who died August 7, 1785, aged 27 years. Also Rebecca Clucas alias Stevenson, wife of the above, who died July 16, 1820, aged 70 years.
In me memory of John Clucas of the Garth, in this parish, who died January 11, 1865, aged 56 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Clucas otherwise Kinnish, wife of Thomas Clucas of the Garth, who departed this life March 4, 1808, aged 25 years.
In memory of Thomas Clucas Esquire, member of the House of Keys, who departed this life the 27th of October 1858, aged 53 years. Also in affectionate remembrance of Ann Catharine, wife of the above Thomas Clucas Esquire and eldest daughter of the Revd John Kewley of St Matthews, Douglas, who died July 10, 1872, in the 72nd year of her age.
In memory of Jane Kelly, wife of John Kelly ---------------- she departed this life 30 April ----.
In memory of Maria, wife of Caesar Crellin, who departed this life April 2, 1885.
Here lieth the body of John Lace, who departed this life June 19, 180[8], aged 55 years. Also Margaret, daughter of John and Elizabeth Lace died Dec 22, 1841, aged 23 years.
Here lieth the remains of Margaret Lace alias Bridson, wife of John Lace who departed this life the 23rd of February 1828, aged 40 years. Also the remains of Daniel, their son, who died the 18th of December 1829, aged 10 years. Also John Lace, husband of the above, who departed this life the 5th of November 1832, aged 49 years. Also William Lace, son of the above named John Lace, who departed this life the 22 Dec 1862, aged 47 years. Also John Lace, who departed this life the 23rd of Sept 1838, aged 1 year and ? months. And Thomas Lace, who departed this life the 24th of Sept 1848, aged 8 months. Children of the above named William Lace.
Here are interred the remains of Jane Cottier, wife of Robert Cottier senior of BallaClucas in this parish, who departed this life the 1st of Feb 1828 [or 1826] aged 54 years. Also the remains of Catherine Cottier alias Christian, the beloved wife of Robert Cottier junior, who departed this life the 11th of Feb 1850, aged 35 years. Also the remains of the above Robert Cottier senior, who departed this life in 6 Nov 1852, aged 78 years.
Sacred to the memory of Edward Cottier, son of the adjoining Robert Cottier senior and Jane, his wife, who departed this life on the 6 July 1849, aged 39 years.
Here lieth the remains of Catherine Quilliam, otherwise Gretney, wife of Robert Quilliam junior of BallaCallin Esquire, in this parish, who departed this life on the 6th day of March 1843 in the 34th years of her age.
In memory of Thomas Maltby of the Union Mills, who departed this life on the 31 Oct 1843, in the 37th year of his age. Also Esther Maltby, widow of the above named Thomas Maltby and daughter of the late Captain William Karran of this parish, who departed this life on the 18th of October 1854 in the 48th year of her age. Also of Richard Maltby Grindley, grandson of the above and son of Thomas and Esther Grindley of Douglas, died July 9th 1892, aged 25 years.
William Karran of Ballingan, Marown, late Captain of the parish, who departed this life on the 8th of March 1843, in the 68th year of his age. Also of Elizabeth Karran alias Bridson, his wife, who departed this life on the 13th day of October 1858, in the 77th year of her age.
In memory of Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Robert Kermode of Douglas and eldest daughter of the late Captain Karran of this parish, who died the 10th day of December 1866, aged 65 years. Also the above named Robert Kermode, who died July 23, 1882 in his 79th year, and also the three of their children: Elizabeth Ann died Dec 26, 1838, aged 5 years. Robert died July 4th, 1846, aged 3 months. Margaret Ann died Nov 17th, 1847, aged (?6) years.
In memory of William Karran son of Thomas W. Karran of this parish, schoolmaster, and Ann his wife, who departed this life April 14, 1871, aged 25 years. Also the above named Thomas William Karran, who departed this life on the 19th of March 1886, aged 84 years. Also of Elizabeth Esther, daughter of the above named Thomas William Karran, who departed this life October 15th, 1860, aged 17 years. Also of Ann Karran, wife of the above named Thomas William Karran, who departed this life on the 29 August 1892, aged 77 years.
To the memory of Thomas Callin of Ballacallin, who departed this life Nov 26, 1791, aged 75 years. (Arishan) his wife died April 16, 1792, aged 63 years. Also Richard, son of the above died 16 March 1832, aged 73 years.
Here lieth the body of Mary Kewley, wife of Nicholas Kewley of Ballalough, buried 26th of Dec 1764, aged 59 years. Thomas Kewley died Sept 7, 1811, aged 70 year. Also Ann, wife of the above named, who died the 5 March 1828, aged 66 years.
To the memory of Paul Cubbin of Betchin in this parish, who departed this life on the 24 Feb 1827, aged 71 years.
To the memory of Mary Quayle formerly of Ballcoten in this parish, who departed this life the 9 June 1843, aged 68 years. Mary Ann, daughter of the above and of Matthew Kelly, who departed this life 23 Oct 1847, in the 39th year of his age.
Erected by William and Mary Quayle of Ballacotch to the memory of their departed children: Robert died June 6, 1820, aged 3 years. Jane died January 26, 1824, aged 24 years. Ann died Sept 8, 1825, aged 22 years. John, their eldest son died Oct 10, 1826, aged 21, and Thomas who died at sea 20 June 1831, aged 19 years.
hn----[John Kewley] Kowley, aged 31 years, buried 25 Oct 1723. (Fragment of flat stone)
John Kewley of the Braid was buried here on the 13 Jan 1789, aged 70 years. To the memory of William Kewley, son of the above John Kewley who departed this life the 18 Nov 1816, aged 69 years.
Here repose the remains of Elinor Hampton otherwise Cowin of Ballergy in this parish, who departed this life January the 19th, 1851, aged 45 years. Also the remains of Catherine Elinor, daughter of the above, who departed this life the 31 Oct 1850, aged 9 years, 3 months.
Here lieth the body of Robert Hampton of Ballargey, who departed this life April 9, 1820, aged 44 years.
Erected by Robert Hampton to the memory of his father George Hampton, who departed this life on the 23 November 1838 in the 62nd year of his age. Also the remains of Jane Hampton alias Cowley, wife of the above mentioned George Hampton, who departed this life the 14 June 1847, in the 68th year of her age. Also Robert Hampton, son of the above, Gallargey, who departed this life on the 19 Dec 1856, aged 50 years.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Kay of the Ballabeg in this parish who departed this life the 9th of Feb 1836, aged 64 years. Also to the memory of his son Robert, who departed this life the 7 March 1808, aged 4 months. Also to the memory of another son named Robert, who departed this life in March 1812,a ged 3 years. Also the memory of Ann Kaye alias Craine, wife of the above named Robert Kaye and mother of the aforesaid children, who departed this life the 16th of April 1854, aged 68 years. Erected by the youngest son Thomas Kaye.
Here repose the remains of Robert Kaye, son of the adjacent Robert Kaye and Ann Kaye alias Graine, who departed this life Jan 5, 1837, aged 23 years. Also of John Kaye, son of the above Robert and Ann Kaye, who departed this life Oct 30, 1871. Robert Kaye, son of the adjoining Robert Kaye and Ann Kay alias Crain, his widow, who departed this life the 5th of January 1857, aged 23 years.
Sacred to the memory of Martha Kewley, daughter of James Kiwley and Margaret his wife, who departed this life 3 October 1849, aged 1 years and 8 months.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas, son of Thomas Gelling and Margaret, his wife, who departed this life the 29 December 1837, aged 6 years. Also Robert and Ann, infant children of the above person were interred here.
In memory of William Kewley of the Strang, who died Jan 28, 1859, aged 79 years. Also Jane, wife of Philip Kewley, who died April 10, 1891, aged 74 years. Also, Philip Kewley, husband of the above and son of the above William Kewley, who died at Cronkin Mona, Onchan, May 11, 1892, aged 73 years.
Here lie the remains of William Kewley of the Strang and of Jane, his wife, who died the 17 Jan 1844, aged 27 years. Also of the aforesaid Jane Kewley alias Karran, who died the 1 May 1846, aged 58 years.
Here lieth the body of John Shimmin, son of Thomas and Margaret Shimmin late of Marown, who departed this life July 21, 1805, aged 21 years. Margaret Shimmin alias Fell, mother of the above [John Shimmin] (rest of the inscription is buried)
Sacred to the memory of Mary Ritchie, eldest daughter of Colin Richie, Esquire, who departed this life the 15 July 1842, aged 26 years.
Sacred to the memory of Colin Ritchie, paymaster of his Majesties 10th West Indian Regiment, who departed this life the 19 March 1837, aged 57 years. Also to the memory of Jane Ritchie McCall, granddaughter of the above Colin Ritchie Esq., who departed this life the 19 January 1841, aged 5 months.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Gelling of Balnagrue, who departed this life on the 8th day of January 1807, aged 76 years.
In memory of Robert Gelling of Ballagrawe in this parish, who departed this life on the 5th day of September Anno Dommi 1835 in the 60th years of his age.
Here reposeth the remains of Ellinor Kelly of Balnagrue of this parish, died on the 31 August 1820, aged 74 years. In memory of Margaret Kelly, widow of the late Philip Kelly of Balnagrue, who departed this life the 13 December 1863, aged 78 years.
Sacred to the memory of Philip of Ballagrue in this parish, who departed this life on the 1 January 1817, aged 72 years. Also to the memory of Philip Kelly, son of the above, who departed this life on the 28th of March 1840, aged 68 years.
In memory of Charlotte Clague of Ballanagraue in this parish, who departed this life June 30, 1847, aged 78 years. Also Catharine Taggart, aged 2 years. Also Susan Taggart, aged 7 years, children of Thomas and Eleanor Taggart of Douglas.
In memory of John Clucas, son of Thomas and Ann Clucas of Ballagrinea in this parish, who departed this life the 8 June 1871, aged (-)4 years. Also Jane youngest daughter of Thomas and Ann of Ballagrinnea Moar, Marown, born March 21, 1813, died March 21, 1887.
In memory of Thomas Clucas, son of David Clucas Late of Douglas, who departed this life 25th November 1846, aged 42 years. Ann, relict of the above Thomas Clucas and eldest daughter of Matthias Christian of Ballagrinnea in this parish who with her son William Sinclair aged 11 perished on board the Lord Hill on her passaged to Liverpool on the 16 January 18(49), aged 35 years. Also Thomas, eldest son of the above Thomas Clucas and Ann, his wife, who departed this life the 25 Dec 1806, aged 2 years. Also Jane Christian, youngest daughter of the above named Matthias and Margery Christian, who departed this life 6th of May 1868, aged 84 years.
In memory of Francis Maria Margaret Hubert, who departed this life 6 January 1843, aged 7 years. Also Caroline Anne Hubert, who departed this life 19 December 1853, aged 22 years. The beloved children of Lawrence John Hubert and Margaret his wife and granddaughter of the late Thomas and Ann Clucas of Ballagrinnea Moar in this parish. Also Margaret Hubert, wife of John Lawrence John Hubert, daughter of the above named Thomas and Ann Clucas, who departed this life 13 April 1859, aged 54 years. Also John Lawrence Hubert, sailor Douglas, husband of the above named Margaret Hubert, who died at Franmere, Cheshire, 18 December 1873, aged 81 years. Also Lawrence (Clucas?) son of the above who departed this life at Franmere, 14 June 1874, aged 40 years.
In memory of Ann Clucas otherwise Callan, wife of David Clucas of Douglas, who departed this life 25 December 1826, aged 79 years. The above named David Clucas, who departed this life 25 December 1826, aged 92 years. Also David, son of the above named David and Ann Clucas who departed this life 11 January 1849, aged 73 years.
In memory of Thomas Christian, gentleman, of the Estate of Ballahutchin in this parish, who departed this life 7 October 1778, aged 88 years. Also John, son of the above departed this life 7 January 1767, aged 48 years. Also Matthias Christian of the Estate of Ballagrimula Moar in this parish, who departed this life 14 Dec 1793, aged 65 years. Also John, son of the above Matthias Christian and Margery, his wife, who departed this life 5 July 1794, aged 23 years. Also the above named Margery Christian, otherwise Nelson, who departed this life 25 July 1827, aged 82 years.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Lewin, daughter of Thomas Lewin and Margaret his wife, who departed this life the 27 January 1837, aged 15 years and 9 months.
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Lewin, who departed this life the 5 June 1841, aged 50 years.
Sacred to the memory of Daniel Waller of Ballahutchin, who departed this life the 27 of June 1829, aged 34 years.
Sacred to the memory of Nicholas Griffin whose remains here interred the 31st day of May 1813, aged 73 years. Also Ann, wife of the above Nicholas Griffin, who departed this life March 10, 1875, aged 78 years.
Robert Kaye, son of the adjacent Robert Kaye and Ann Kaye. Here repose the remains of Robert Kaye, son of the adjacent Robert Kaye and Ann Kaye, alias Craine, his widow, who departed this life the 5 January 1837, aged 23 years.
see Manx Soc vol 14 ; graveyard |
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