Michael Marriages 1757-1809

These are transcribed from the the 1911 official transcription (Still to be checked against the original Register); these entries, in conformance to a recent Act of Tynwald, provide more information - they give the parish of both parties, whether by banns (apparently very unusual) or licence, the signatures or marks of both parties, and two witnesses. A common witness for the period was Henry Kewley shown HK (? if father and son as found upto 1800 and possibly later).

Banns were very unusual - possibly they were chosen by the very poor to avoid the cost of a licence . There are several marriages at the Chapel of St Nicholas (at Bishop's Court) for which a special licence was required - often these would be tenants of the Bishop on his Demense. Marriage partners and witnesses were required to sign the register - A few witnesses also signed with a mark. The choice of witnesses is also interesting - the parish clerk was a common signatory

 6 Aug 1757  CAINE         Thomas        QUAY          Mary            thomas cannel late schoolmaster;john caine labourer     1st in new reg;tc churchtown;mq stockfield
.. (on CD only)

 8 Dec 1800  CORKILL       Thomas        LEWIN         Elizabeth       john hartstonge clerk;hk                                both douglas;sp lic

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