[Note the large images are only available on CD_Rom]
XIII 4 21-25
XIII 8 1
XIII 8 5
Note the 1:2500 sheets are numbered as a 4x4 subsheets of a 6"/1m sheet - each 1:2500 sheet then is divided into 5x5 subsheets thus the centre of old Douglas is in sheet XIII 12 2; only those 1:500 sheets that comprised the then town of Douglas exist and areas outside of the town boundary are only sketched in - those showing only sea do not exist. The only other town surveyed at this scale was Ramsey.
I only have those sheets shown - those in grey exist (some only show small amounts of detail) but I do not have them - my copies generally derive from those used by a working surveyor and though some tidying up has been done there are still signs of prior use - on the CD each map is 4000pels wide (ie about 18x linear scale of the thumbnails. A couple of the maps were coloured but all are rendered as greyscale images. I would be interested in acquiring any of the missing plans.
NOTE that the plans show Douglas in period around 1865 - this was before the construction of Victoria Street, Loch Promenade and the wholesale demolition of old Douglas in the 1890s, 1930's and 1960's.
See discussion re Ordnance Survey elsewhere
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The
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