[from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 1, 1933]
(Arranged in order of date of publication.)
Du CHESNE (André). Histoire d' Angleterre d' Escosse, et d' Irlande, contenant les Choses plus Dignes de memoire, auenuës
aux Isles & Royaumes de la grande Bretagne, d' Irlande.. de Man, &c. Paris: Augustin Courbè. 1634. pp. xvi,1229
x Index. 335x220.[2514, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
Man pp. 14, 442, 511.
CHALONER (James) and KING (Daniel). The / ValeRoyall / of / England / or, / The County Palatine of Chester / illustrated,
/ . . . Also / An Excellent Discourse of the Island of Man; / treating of the Island. Of the Inhabitants. Of the State Ecclesiasticall.
Of the Civil Government. Of the Trade; and, Of the Strength ot the Island. London: John Streater. 1656. pp. xii,239, index
x Chronican Castreuse pp. 55, Man pp. v,34. 280x178. [2518, R.J.M. Coll. F64]
Illustrations : (i) Eng. map, with eight insetted views ; (ii) the prospect of the Nunry, the prospect of Baly Saly Abby,
the prospect of Bishopscourt ; (iii) .Arms of the Beaumonts ; (iv) the prospect of Castell Rushen, the prospect of Peel
Castle, the prospect of Douglas.
The Treatise on Man is by James Chaloner, and is dedicated to Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord of Man, and
is dated ' Middle Park,' Dec. 1, 1653. Chaloner was Governor from 1658 to 1660. He was the fourth son of Sir Thomas Chaloner
of Gisborough, co. of York, and was born in London in 1603, and died in 1660'. The Treatise is reprinted in M. Soc. series,
1863, ed. by J. G. Cumming.
- Another copy, bound in full calf, 281x175. 2518, G.W.W. Coll.
With bookplate of Geo. Arnold, one of the Gentlemen of H.M. Privy Chamber.
- Another copy Isle of Man Treatise only; calf, quarter bound, 278x176. 834 G.F.C. Coll.
HEYLIN (Dr. Peter). Cosmographie, in Four Books, containing the Chorographie and Historie of the whole World, and all the principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas, and Isles thereof. 2nd edn. [Isle of Man pp. 350-1] London: Henry Seile. 1657. pp. xiv,1093 and index. 325x210. [2515, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
__A Help to English History, containing a succession of all the Kings of England . . . the Kings and Lords of Man . . .
London: Basset. 1670. pp. 450. 140x72. [753, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
The first issue was in 1641. A copy without title is in the Library. 1736. 186x130. R.J.M. Coll.
__Idem 1675. 140x72. 5047.
__Idem 1709. 158x92. 2353.
CLARK (Rev. Samuel). A Mirrour or Looking Glass both for Saints and Sinners . . . collected out of the most Classique Authors
. . . The Isle of Man described, p. 111, 4th edn., 2 vols. London: Thos. Milbourn. 1671. [3030, L 6 G.W.W. fol]
[fpc - nothing to do with Isle of Man - title is metaphorical]
SELDEN (John). Titles / of / Honor. Man, pp. 31-2. [5048, G.F.C. Coll. F 64]
PAYCE (James). England's Remarques : giving an Exact Account of the Several Shires, Counties, and Islands in England and Wales . . . Man pp. 68-70. [2350, F 64]
SACHEVERERELL (William). An/ Account/ of the/ Isle of Man, / its / Inhabitants, Language, Sol],
re-/ markable Curiosities, the Succession / of its Kings and Bishops, down to / the present time. / By way of Essay, / with
a Voyage to I - Columb - kill. / By William Sacheverell, Esq. / late Governour of Man / To Which is added, / A Dissertation
about the Mona of Cæsar and / Tacitus ; and an Account of the Antient / Druids, &c. / By Mr. Thomas Brown. / . . . London:
J. Hartley. 1702. pp. xv,175. 170x94. [2354, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
The author was Governor in 1692. A reprint of this Account forms vol. i of the Mx Soc. series, 1859, ed. by Rev. J. G. Cumming,
MARTIN (M.). Description of the Western Islands of Scotland . . . 1st edn. London: Andrew Bell. 1703. pp. xxxii,392. 190x116. [2476, R.J.M. Coll.]
LE NEVE (John). Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanæ ; or, an Essay towards deducing a Regular Succession of the Principal Dignitaries
in each Cathedral . . . in England and Wales from the first Erection thereof to the year 1715, &c. [ Sodor and Man pp.
356-9] London: J. Nutt. 1716. pp. xii,540. 335x210. [2516, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
According to Browwe Willis, Le Neve has the name and credit of this work, yet Bp. Kennet was the real author of it.' - (Lowndes.)
COX (Rev. Thomas). Magna Britannica, 1720-31. Man pp. 417-422. 220x155. [1538, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
__Another copy, 215x160; 2352, G.W.W. Coll. The portion relating to Man in Mx Soc. xviii, 'Old Historians.'
WALDRON (George). The Compleat / Works / in / Verse and Prose, / of / George Waldron, gent. / late of Queen's College,
Oxon, / (Woodcut) / Printed for the Widow and Orphans. / 1731 / (Price Two Guineas). /
On pp. 91-191 : A / Description / of the / Isle of Man:/ with / some Useful and Entertaining / Reflections on the Laws,
Customs, / and Manners of its Inhabitants. 1731. pp. 91-191, 395x245. [1182, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
__Another copy. 396x252. 2496, G.W.W. Coll. Contains a plate of alleged Manx coins.
This is the first issue of Waldron, and called the 'Folio Edition'; it is rare, only 110 copies printed.
The historical portion is said to have been printed in 1726, 12rno., but no copy has been seen, states Harrison. Reprinted
in Mx Soc. vol. xi, with notes by Harrison.
__The / History / and / Description / of the / Isle of Man: / viz. / Its Antiquity, History, Laws, / Customs, Religion and Manners of its / Inhabitants, its Animals, Minerals, / Curious and Authentick Relations of / Apparitions and Giants that have / liv'd under the Castle Time immemo- / rial. / Likewise many Comical and Entertaining / Stories of the Pranks play'd by Fai-/ries, &c. / The Whole carefully collected from Original / Papers and Personal Knowledge, during near / Twenty Years Residence there. W. Bickerton. 1744. pp. iî,154. 158x90. One shilling and sixpence. [2357, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
__Ibid. 162x93. 2355. From the Comerford Lib.
__Ibid. 161x102. 733. G.F.C. Coll.
The first octavo edition. This and the second edition in octavo are rare.
__The / History / and / Description / of the / Isle of Man: / viz. / Its Antiquity, History, Laws, Trade, Customs / . .
. . and Whatever / else is memorable relating to that / Country and People. / Wherein are inserted many surprising / and
Entertaining Stories of Apparitions, / Fairies, Giants, &c., believ'd by the In-/habitants as true as their Gospel.
/ Collected from . ./The Second Edition. London : Printed for the Author and sold by M. Cooper, in Pater Noster Row. 1745.
pp. 11,154. 160x95. [2356, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
Beyond the alterations in the title page, there does not appear to be any difference between the first and second issues.
Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, 1732. Contains 'The History and Antiquities of the Isle of Man, by James, Earl of Derby; beheaded
at Bolton 15 Oct. 1651, with an account of his many troubles and losses in the Civil War.'
The account of the Earl was reprinted in Mx Sec. iii, 1860, ed. by Rev. W. Mackenzie.
SEACOME (John). Memoirs of the House of Stanley, with a full description of the Isle of Man. By John Seacome. Printed by A. Sadler, Liverpool. 1741. pp. 203. Dedicated to the Duke of Atholl. Adorned with woodcuts. This is the first edition.
SIMPSON (Samuel). The Agreeable Historian, &c. 3 vols. pp. 198-214. London: R. Walker. 1746. Small map. 160x100. [4053, 3911, G.F.C. Coll. F 64]
Commission issued upon the Petition of John Stevenson of Balladoole, to certain Estates belonging to his brother, who died in April 1742; . . . With the order of H.M. in Council. G. Quayle Comptroller, D. Mylrea, J. Taubman, and J. Borles. Folio. 1748. No copy in Library. See Harrison Bib. p. 29.
Reasons for Annexing the Isle of Man to the Crown of Great Britain. In Gent. Mag., May 1751, pp. 201-2. Dodsley's Description of the Isle of Man, 1756. (Appendix pp. 485-490.) 1756. [5113, F 64]
England Illustrated, a compendium of History, Topography, Antiquities, &c. Man pp. 486-490. 1764. Engraved map by Thos. Kitchen. [3073, G.W.W. Coll. F 64]
The History of the Fueds and Conflicts among the Clans in the Northern Parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles; from the year M. XXXI. unto M.DC. XIX. Now first published from a Manuscript wrote in the reign of King James VI. Glasgow: Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis. 1764. pp. îv,147. 152x85. [2359, R.J.M. Coll.]
The Scots Mag. 1764, 1765, 1766, &c. Contains references to the Duke of Athol's case. See under Duke of Athol's case F 70.
The Annual Register for the Year 1765. Man pp. 70-76, 262. [2429]
SEARLE (Charles). A Short View of the
present state of the Isle of Man, humbly submitted to the Lords of the Treasury.
By an Impartial Hand. London, 1767. Printed for Johnson. Price sixpence. pp.
24. 8vo.
An answer to this view is in the Library in MS,
MACPHERSON (John, D.D.). Critical Dissertations Or, the Origin, Antiquities, Language, Government, Manners and Religion of the Antient Caledonians, their Posterity, the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots. Mari pp. 225-284. Dublin : B. Grierson. 1768. pp. xxxii,351. 180x100. [2485]
Joh. Erici / in Academia Equestri Sorana / professoris Juris / Observationum / ad / Antiquitates Septrentrionales / pertmentium / Specimen. / Hafniae : apud Heineck et Faber. 1769. pp. 191. 153x85. [2359, R.J.M. Coll. F 66]
England Displayed, 1769. Man pp. 227-230. Engr. map. 356x220. [3697, G.W.W. Coll. F 64]
Smollett's History of all Nations, 1769. Man pp. 401-410. [4048, F 64]
The Present State of the Isle of Man, by Rev. John Enrick. In An Historical and Geographical Description of the Brit. Empire. Vol. iv, pp. 250-277. London. [c. 1770] [4058, F 64]
SPENCER (Nathaniel). The Complete English Traveller; or, a new survey and description of England and Wales . . . the Isles
of Man, Jersey, etc. London. 1771. Engr map. [1174, G F.C. Coll. F64]
Man pp. 669-671.
CAMDEN (William). Britannia : / or, a / Chorographical Description / of / Great Britain / and / Ireland, / together with
the / adjacent Islands. / Written in Latin / by William Camden, / Clarenceux King at Arms; / and translated into F,nglish,
with / additions and improvements; by I"Amund Gibson, D.D. / late Lord Bishop of London. / 4th edn. London: Printed for
W. Bowyer, &c. 1772.
Engr. map. 320x265. [249213]
Theformer editions by Bp. Gibson are 1695, 1772 1753. In vol. ii, pp. 391-398, a new survey and description of the Isle
of Man, drawn up by Bp. Wilson : the first part, p.p. 380-391, by Bp. Meyrick. Engravings of four runic inscriptions, pp.
399-400. A reprint of Camden is in the Manx Soc. series, vol. xviii, 1871, pp. 4-33, 'Old Historians.'
ROLT (Richard). The / History / of the / Isle of Man; / from the / earliest Accounts / to the /
present time. / Compiled from / the public / Archives / and other authentic materials. / By the late Mr. Rolt. / London
W. Nicholl. 1773. pp. iv,152. 225x142.[2365, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
The author also wrote 'The Lives of the Principal Reformers, with a general History of the Reformation, 1759, and other
CAMPBELL (John, LL.D.). A Political Survey of Britain, etc. [The Island and Kingdom of Man, pp. 524-553, 558, 560, 563, 591, 604.] London: Richard son & Urquhart. 1774. 278x220. [1952, F 64] The portion relating to Man is in Oliver i, Mx Soc. iv, 1860, pp. 233-236.
AYLOFFE (Sir Joseph, F.R.S.). Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls, now remaining in
the Tower of London, etc. London Benjamin White. 1774. pp. lxx,462 x index. 262x205. [1710, R.J.M. Coll. F64]
Man pp. 105, 109, 110, 121, 132, 192, 265, 328, 329, 344, 431. Another copy. 270x208. 2521, G.W.W. Coll.
PENNANT (Thomas). A Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebrides, 1772. Man pp. 206-8. 4th edn. Dublin A. Leathley. 1775. [2475, F 66]
WILSON (Bishop Thomas). The Works of the Rt. Rev. Father in God Thomas Wilson, D.D. Printed by Cruttwell. The Bishop's
History of Man is in vol. i, pp. 477-492.
Has a portrait of the Bishop by.. Vertue. The History is also reprinted in Mx Soc. xviii, 1871, pp. 90-124.
JOHNSTONE (Rev. James, A.M.). The / Norwegian Account / of / Haco's Expedition / against / Scotland; / A.D. MCCLXIII. / now first published, in the original Islandic, from the / Flateyan and Frisian MSS. / with a literal English version and notes. Orig. edn. Printed for the author. 1782. pp. xvi,143,xiv. 156x88. [2359, R.J.M. Coll. F66]
CAMDEN (William). Britannia; a new translation by Richard Gough, in 3 vols. 1789. 390x250. Engr. map. [3075, G.W.W. Coll. F 64]
SMALL (Charles). To the Anonymous Author of a publication distributed among the people of Douglas,
and the Inhabitants of the Isle of Man at large, on Saturday the 12th Current; and Who signed himself ' A Manxman and Friend
to his Country.' Douglas, 25th June, 1790. No printer's name. pp. 16. [F 64]
It was also translated into Manx.
__Ansoor gys y Screeuyn currit magh mastey Sleih Ghoolish, as Cummaltee Vannin, fo'n ennym Manninagh, as Carrey da e Heer.
Doolish : prentit liorish Christopher Briscoe. 1790. pp. 20. Sm. 4to.
The trans. was made by Rev. John Cannell. Not in Lib.
TOWNLEY (Richard). A / journal / kept in the / Isle of Man, / giving an Account of the / Wind and Weather, and Daily Occurrences, / For upwards of Eleven Months:/ with observations on the / Soil, Clime, and Natural Productions / of that Island, / also / Antiquities of various kinds, / now extant there: / A Trait of the Manners and Customs / . . . together with a large / Appendix: ,/ containing an Account of the Ancient Forms of Government . . . / together with / Explanatory Notes and Observations. / In two vols. / By Richard Townley. Whitehaven : J. Ware & Son. 1791. pp. xx,320; iii,322. 205x121. [2428, F 64]
__Another copy, 887, 208x121. G.F.C. Coll.
__Another copy, 5299; large paper 226x148. L.S.K. Coll.
The Journal, which is dedicated to Edward Earl of Derby, commences on 30th April, 1789, and ends 21st April. 1790. It is
a readable and useful work. It was severely satirised by the poet John Stowell. The author was Colonel Richard Townley,
of Belfield Hall, Lancashire, and died in 1802.
ROBERTSON (David). A Tour / through / the Isle of Man : / to which is subjoined / a Review of the Manks History. London
: printed for the author by E. Hodson. 1794. pp. xii,235. 248x160. 21/-. [1360, F64] An exquisitely printed work, dedicated
to John Christian Curwen, M.P. and M.H.K., of Milntown. Eight plates lithographed in bistre, viz. : i, Douglas Pier ; ii,
Rushen Abbey ; iii, Abbey Bridge ; 'iv, Castle Rushen ; v, Tynwald Hill ; vi, Peele Castle ; vii, St. Patrick's Church ;
viii, St. German's Cathedral ; also an eng. map.
Robertson, who had been a Customs officer on duty in the Island on behalf of the British Government,
was a keen observer and competent critic. His strictures upon the Duke of Athol got him into serious difficulties : it is
said that he was for a time imprisoned in London, and his book suppressed. At any rate, a second edition was issued in which
were suppressed pp. 233-235, which, it was thought, contained revolutionary doctrines. The suppressed passages commence
: ' Good God ! is there no region where the Sun of Freedom shines unclouded ; where the Sovereignty of the People is revered?'
__Another copy, unexpurgated, full calf, beautifully tooled ; sketches in dark bistre. 260x160. 836, G.F.C. Coll. Another copy, unexpurgated, full calf, tooled ; sketches in bistre. 255x160. 2530, G.W.W. Coll.
__Another copy, unexpurgated, full tree calf ; sketches in bistre. 258x160. 2531, G.W.W. Coll.
__Another copy, the Republican passage suppressed ; sketches in dark sepia, in full calf, tastefully tooled by Lubbock. 256x160. 5595, Ravensworth Castle copy.
__Another copy, unexpurgated, half-bound Russia ; the only copy known with coloured plates ; map missing. 260x160. 2529, G.W.W. Coll.
__Another copy, in original boards, rare, with uncut edges ; sketches lithographed in black aquatint, complete with map and eight plates. 280x180. 2532, G.W.W. Coll.
A Review of Robertson's Tour, 1794, in Monthly Magazine. Feb. 1794, pp. 152-6. The author condemns Robertson for his concluding apostrophe on general liberty, which was, in a second edition, suppressed. [1280, W.C. Coll.]
Robertson in German.
ROBERTSON (David). Reise / durch die / Insel Man / Aus dem Englischen. / Mit Kupfern. / Leipzig / bei Aug. Lebr. Reinicke
/ 1795. pp. xvi,191. 170x107. [6398, F 64]
The publication of ' Robertson's Tour' in French had been known to the compiler of this Bibliography, and after seeking
a copy for several years, eventually one was purchased in France. It was not, however, known that the 'Tour' was ever printed
in German ; but there came to the Librarian on Christmas Eve, 1931, a copy sent as a gift by Seigwart Petersen, the chief
JEFFERYS (Nathaniel). A Descriptive and Historical / Account / of the / Isle of Man; / with a View
of its Society, Manners, and Customs; / partly compiled from various Authorities, and from / Observations made in / A Tour
through the Island, / in the Summer of 1808. Dedicated to / His Majesty, / by / Nathaniel Jefferys, formerly / Representative
to Parliament for the'City of Coventry . . . Newcastle upon Tyne: Preston & Heaton. N.D. [c. 1808] pp. 200. Engr. map.
168x100. 8/-, [2367, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
The real author is said to have been a Mr. Bell of Gateshead, Jefferys merely writing the preface which relates to his transactions
with the Prince of Wales [Geo. IV] against whom, about 1806, he had a claim for nearly £100,000 for jewels.
Another edition of the book, but without the name of Jefferys, was published in 1809, and bears that date. From this edition the account of the transactions with the Prince of Wales is omitted, the Manx Magna Charta being given instead in the preface (pp. xxi to xxxviii), 2368, R.J.M. Coll.
The Isle of Man. In Pinkerton's General Collection of Voyages. vol. ii. 1809. pp. 785-833. 265x215. [3071, G.W.W. Coll.]
This account is taken from 'Robertson's Tour' pub. in 1794. There is an engraving of Tynwald Hill by George Cooke which,
though pretty, is not faithful.
WOODS (George). An / Account / of the Past and Present State / of the / Isle of Man; / including / A Topographical Description;
/ A / Sketch of its Mineralogy: / An / Outline of its Laws, / With / The Privilege Enjoyed by Strangers; / and / A History
of the Island. London Robert Baldwin. 1811. pp. viii,366. Engr. map, col'd; Mutlow sc. Russell cot. 207x120. [726, G.F.C.
Coll. F64]
The author in his preface refers to Nathaniel Jefferys as ' the jeweller to the Prince of Wales.' Woods is said to be the
first to refer to the geology of the Island. The work was reviewed in 'Gen. Chron. and Literary Mag. for Oct. 1811, and
other magazines.
__Another copy. Large paper edn. 222x135. G.W.W' Coll.
JOHNSON (J.). A / View, / of the / Jurisprudence / of the / Isle of Man : / with the / History of its Ancient Constitution, / Legislative Government, / and / Extraordinary Privileges; / together With / The Practice of the Courts, / &c. &c. &c. Edinburgh: Printed by George Ramsay & Company. 1811. pp. viii,234, index vi. [2366, G.W.W. Coll. F64]
CARLISLE (Nicholas). A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland and the Islands in the British Seas, &c. London. 1813. Not in Library.
STOWEL L (Kermotte). A Letter addressed to the Hon. John Moore (one of the Hon. Commissioners of Harbours) embracing various subjects. Presented to . . . By the Society for upholding the Rights of the People. Dublin printed by Wm. Espy, 14 Cork-hill. 1815. 8vo. pp. 34.
BULLOCK (Mrs. H. A.). History / of / The Isle of Man, / With / A Comparative View / of the / Past and Present State of Society / and Manners; / containing also / Biographical Anecdotes / of / Eminent Persons / connected With that Island / By H. A. Bullock. London Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1816. pp. x],436. front. Peel Castle; engraved map, Mutlow sc. Russell cot. 212x130. [2372, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
__Another copy, large paper. 222x145. 2371, G.W.W. Coll.
One copy has pasted in the end paper a coloured lithographed picture entitled ' Chimney-piece of Mona Marble,' which does
not appear elsewhere. In Harrison, 'Bib. Mon.' (p. 111) there is an interesting note as to the author, Mrs. Bullock.
MONIPENNIE (John). An Abridgement, or Summarie of the Scots Chronicles; With a Briefe Description of Scotland . . . to which is added the description of the Western Isles. Reprinted from the edit. of 1612. Edinburgh: David Webster. 1818. pp. 207. 200x115. [2477, F 66]
MACCULLOCH (John, M.D.). A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of
Man comprising an account of their Geological structure; with remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities. In
three vols. London: Constable. 1819. [1705, R.J.M. Coll. F66]
Plates xxvii, xxviii, in vol. iv, refer to Manx geological features, and there is a coloured map of Man.
SEACOMBE (John). A / Complete History / of / the Isle of Man / containing / the Situation and Geographical Description
thereof, / the Ecclesiastical and Civil Histories, / the / Whole Order of the Governments /
Manchester: J. Gleave. 1821. pp. 260. Small engr. map col'd; engraved by J. Pigot, Manchester, for J. Beatson, Douglas.
227x137. 6/6. [W.C. Coll.]
This is a greatly enlarged edition of Seacome's History that of 1793 ends at p. 96, pp. 97-260 are new.
__Another copy. 225x140. 748, G.F.C. Coll. F 64.
DILLON (Dr. John). Observations on the Norwegian Expedition against Scotland in the year 1263. Trans. of the Society of the Antiq. of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1823. Not in Library.
HAINING (Rev. Samuel). A Historical Sketch and Descriptive View of the Isle of Man. Douglas: G. Jeffer son. 1822. pp. 192.
[F 67]
The author was the Pastor of the Independent Chapel in Atholl-street, Douglas. This was intended as a Tourists' Guide ;
but is quite worthy to come under the heading of History.
The Potato Tithe Riots, 1825. In Mx Rising Sun, 1825, and in a Waterford newspaper 1825. [3030, L 6 fol.]
Account of the Isle of Man. In Morning Herald, c. 1825. [3030, L 6 fol.]
Written in a humorous vein and describing the town of Douglas, its inhabitants and its social life.
Account of the Isle of Man. In Gent. Mag., Aug. 1825. [3030, L 6 fol.]
DILLON (John). Observations on the Norwegian Expedition against Scotland in the year 1263, and on some previous events Which gave occasion to that war. In Trans. of Soc. of Antiq. of Scotland, vol. ii, pt. ii, pp. 350406. Pl. x is a sketch of Largs and surrounding country-. Edinburgh. 1831. 285x220. [2579, G.W.W. Coll. F66]
TEIGNMOUTH (Lord). Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland and of the Isle of Man, etc. London Parker. 1836. [F
Description of Man, vol. ii, pp. 181-281, with map. The author spent a few weeks in the Island in the autumn of 1829.
The Isle of Man. In Chamber's Edin. Journal, 1833, and In Moule's Eng. Counties Delineated, 1837. [3030, L6 fol.]
Map engr. by James Bingley ; pub. by G. Virtue, June 1, 1833, with representations of Spanish Head and Maughold Head worked
in a border.
WARD (Rev. William H. Percival). Isle of Mann, and Diocese of Sodor and Mann. Ancient and authentic Records and Documents relating to the Civil and Ecclesiastical History and Constitution of the Island. Collected and arranged by the Rev. Wm. Percival Ward, M.A., Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Sodor and Mann. London: Rivington. 1837. pp. 185. 188x110. [2346, F 64]
M'CULLOCH (J. R.). Statistical Account of the British Empire. 2 vols. London: Knight. 1837. [F64]
Man, vol. ii, pp. 234-6, 276-7.
HEAD (Sir George). A Home Tour through various parts of the United Kingdom. London: Murray. 1837. [2445, F 64]
Man, pp. 1-91. Map.
Collectania de Rebus Albanicis. Ed. by the Iona Club. With the Transactions of the Club. Vol. 1. Edinburgh The Iona Club.
1839. pp. xiv, 362. 218x130. [1874]
This was the only vol. issued by the club. It contains many documents relating to Man.
LE DUC (St. G.). L'ile de Man.-Belfast. In a French Mag., 1838. pp. 197-202. [5106, F 64]
Collections relative to Claims at the Coronations of several of the Kings of England, beginning with King Richard II. London: Nichols. 1838. [F 64]
COLLI ER (J. Payne). The Egerton Papers, a collection of Public and Private Documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I, from original MSS., the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P., president of the Camden Society. Ed. by J. Payne Collier, F.S.A. London: printed for Camden Soc. 1840. pp. 509. [F 64] Man, pp. 133-4, Copy of a pardon granted by Henry Earl of Derby to Robert Mark (? Mack) Neven, a felon, dated Latham, Feb. 1589.
Man, Isle of. In Encyclop. Brit. 8th edn. 1857. pp. 242/249. 9th edn, 1883, and subsequent editions.
TRAIN (Joseph, F.S.A. Scot.). An / Historical and Statistical Account / of the / Isle of Man, / from the Earliest Times
to the Promulgation of / the Tithe Commutation Act in 1839; / With a View of its / Ancient Laws, Peculiar Customs, / and
/ Popular Superstitions. In two volumes. Part I. Vol. I. Douglas: J. Quiggin. N.D. [ 1842] pp. 186. Eng. map (Pigot's),
col'd, with view of Peel Castle. 225x145. 4/-. [721, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
In the original paper covers. Plates : Douglas, eng. by W. H. Lizars, from sketch by W. Kinnebrook, 1841.
Part II ; Vol. II. J. Quiggin. N.D. [ c. 1843] pp. 187-396. 4/-. [722, G.F.C. Coll.]
In original paper covers. Plates : Castletown, eng. by W. H. Lizars from sketch by W. Kinnebrook.
Part III; Vol. II. [Mrs.] Mary A. Quiggin, 52 North-quay. N.D. [1844] Plate: Ramsey Bay by W. J. Bowden, eng. by Lizars ; Peel Bay, do., do. pp. 224. 4/-. [723, G.F.C. Coll.] Original paper covers. It would appear that Mrs. Quiggin's husband had died in 1844.
Part IV; Vol. 11. [Mrs.] Mary A. Quiggin, 52 North-quay. N.D. [1845] pp. 225-402. Eng. map from Bleau's Atlas, 1658. Plate: Ramsey, drawn by W. G. De Renzy, eng. by Lizars. [724, G.F.C. Colld There is in this part a Biographical Memoir of the Author (pp. 1-29), the Introduction written by Train from Lochvale Cottage, Castle Douglas, July 1845 (pp. i-xiv), opinions of the Manks Press (xv-xvii), and List of contents (pp. xix-xxii). In original paper covers.
The four parts were issued in two volumes in cloth in 1845, with the imprint : ' Printed and published by Mary A. Quiggin, North-quay.'
Vol. i : memoir of the author pp. 29; introduction pp. xxii ; pp. 402. Vol. ii : pp. 389. 220x133. Illustrations : vol. i, front. by W. Kinnebrook, Douglas, engraved by W. H. Lizars ; lithographed folding map. Durham's 1595. vol. ii : front. Castletown by W. Kinnebrook, engraved by W. H. Lizars ; Ramsey by W. G. De Renzy, eng. by W. H. Lizar's; and Peel Bay and Town eng. by W. H. Lizars ; Pigot's coloured map with Peel Castle engraving. Also woodcuts : Manx Cat, Tynwald Hill, Castleward, Douglas Fort, Peel Castle, Castle Rushen, St. Trinian's, Arms of the Diocese. The work was originally published in four parts in paper covers, which are now scarce in this form.
Mannanan / Beg / Mac y Leirr; / ny, Slane Coontey Jeh Ellan Vannin / Soilshaghey, / Cre'n Mayll v'er ny Mannanee da Mannanan;
kys / ren Noo Parick eshyn y imman ersooyl as e Heshaght; kys hug Parick ayn Creeshaght; as / coontey jeh ny chied Aspickyn
va 'syn Ellan. / Myrgeddm coontey jeh'n chied Ree va Mannin, as / e Lhuight ; coontey jeh ny Chiarnyn ; as kys / kaink yn
Ellan gys Clein Stanley. Prentit 'sy Vlein [1778?] No printer's name. pp. 8. 178x106. [20469, H 140] }
Translation of the Title Little Mannanan, the Son of the Sea ; or a Whole Account of the Isle of Man ; explaining what the
Rent was on the Manx to Mannanan ; how St. Patrick drove him and his Company away ; how Patrick put in it Christianity ;
and an account of the First Bishops who were in the Island. Also an account of the First King and his descendants ; an account
of the Lords ; and how the Island came to the Family of Stanley. Printed in the year [? 1778] The Ballad with the translation
of the text is given in Train's Hist. pp 5'0-55. The translation into English was by Thomas Curphey of Kirk Braddan J. J.
Kneen, M.A., and Donn Sigerson Piatt, M.A., believe that the Ballad contains grammatical forms which became obsolete in
later Manx, and that the metres are characteristic of the old Irish Bards The existence of the 'Traditional Ballad' as described
by Train was doubted, and Talbot criticised its genuineness. It is a curious feature of this copy
- which is the only one in existence -that the name of the printer is not given, and that the year is scratched out from
the title page. To judge from . the types used, the printer was probably Briscoe, and the probable date of printing was
1778. This date is given on the authority of Vallancy, the well-known Irish antiquary, who refers to the Ballad in a letter
to the Rev. Philip Moore of the Douglas Grammar School.
It ought to be added that this unique item does not belong to the Library. It was handed to the present compiler in the
year 1916 by a friend who was about to sail for Australia, with instructions to hold it until his return.
CUMMING (Rev. Joseph George, M.A., F.G.S., VicePrin. K.W. Coll.). The Isle of Man : its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Legendary. Arms of See on title p. Geol. col'd map; six plates. London: John Van Voorst. 1848. pp. xxxvi,376. [1353, F 64]
__Another copy [4983 from Dr. Haviland] in Which there is inserted a note from G. W. L[amplugh] and a photograph of the Bride Hills.
__Another copy [729 G. F. Clucas Coll. ] in which all the ten lithographed views are different from the above they are
from different stones, and the text on each are in script.
Cumming's work is of the highest value, especially to the geologist. The maps and sections are his own. Cumming acknowledges
the help of ' Edward Delamotte, 'professor of landscape drawing in the military college, ' Sandhurst, for the extremely
faithful manner in which 'he has expressed upon stone the geological features.' He acknowledges also 'favours of the pencil
from my ' friend Alfred Lemon and my quondam pupil Hugh ' Kewley.' Delamotte and Lemon were masters at King William's College,
and Hugh Stowell Kewley (b. 1831) was the son of T. Kewley of Castletown, who subse quently went to the Mersey Dock Board.
Cumming died on 21st September, 1868, whilst sitting with his family reading and apparently in good health. He was born
on 15th February, 1812, and at the time of his death was Vicar of St. John's, Bethnal Green.
The coloured geological plates are : i, Map ; ii, Southern Limestone Basin denuded of the Tertiary formations iii, Do. including
the Tertiary formations ; iv, section showing undulations caused by protrusion of Trap y, ground plan of the seashore from
Ronaldsway to Cass ny Hawin ; vi, sections from Bradda Head to Cass ny Hawin, Mull Hills to Langness, Black Hill to Scarlett,
section at Calf, section from the Mountains to Jurby Point, section at the Mouth of Glen Wyllin, section from Hango through
K.W. Coll.
There are 10 lithographed views : i, K.W. Coll.; ii, Distant view of the Island ; iii, Runic Cross,
etc., at Braddan, and Stone Coffin Lid Rushen Abbey ; iv, Creggans Hill from Silverburn ; y, Natural Arch, Langness ; vi,
Cass ny Hawin ; vii, Castletown from Scarlett, showing the contortion of the Limestone beds ; viii, Spanish Head from the
Chasms ; ix, Peel Cathedral from Orry's Head ; x, Portion of mountain range between Sulby Glen and Bishopscourt, as seen
from Andreas Churchyard.
Transaction of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles between Alexander III of Scotland and Magnus IV of Norway. In Train's Hist. i, pp. 155-7, 1845.
BOWRING (John, LL.D., M.P.). The Isle of Man and its trade. In Howitt's Journal, 30th Jan., 1847. [3030, L 6 fol]
Some of the More Important Events of Manx History since the Accession of Queen Victoria, culled from back numbers of the Manx Sun, 1837-1847. In Mx Sun, 1847. [1463]
The Early / History, Constitution, / and / Settlement / of the / Isle of Man, / with an / Historical Account / of the /
Kings, Bishops, and Governors; / to Which is added / An Account of the Trial and Execution / of the / Earl of Derby. / Douglas
: Published and sold at Kerruish's Public Library / News Room, and Fancy Repository, / 38 Duke-street. N.D. [c. 1850] pp.
108. 151x90. [1222]
Johnstone's translation of the Chronicle is used. The succession of the Bishops, particulars of James 7th Earl of Derby,
etc., are included.
__Ibid. The same text was issued with a different title, c. 1870; by W. Kneale, bookseller, Duke-street, D'glas.
WORSAAE (J. J. A.). An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland and Ireland. London John Murray. 1852. pp. xxiii,359. Plus. 196x120. [2377, 756]
WILLIAM of NEWBURGH. Willelmi Parvi de Newburgh. Historia Rerum Anglicarum. Willelmi Parvi, ordinis Sancti Augustini Canonici Regularis in Coenobio Beatæ Maria de Newburgh in agro Eboracensi. Ad fidem Codicum Manuscriptorum recensuit Hans Claude Hamilton. 2 vols. Londom : Sumptibus Societatis. 1856. pp. x11,288; viii.219. 222x130. 21/-. [6027] Chap. 24, 131: i, deals with Bishop Wilnund aNd his un-Episcopal life, and how he was deprived of his sight, etc.
CUMMING (Rev. J. G., M.A., F.G.S.). The Story of Rushen Castle and Rushen Abbey. London : Bell & Daldy. ]857. pp. viii,64; app. 24. Illus. [2318, 737 G.F.C. Coll.] Plates : Rushen Castle 1530, do 1660, (to. 1850, Abbey of Rushen 1660, do. 1800, coffin lid in Rushen Abbey, re-print of King's Vale Royall, map and views, facsimiles of autographs 1526-1714.
MUNCH (P. A.). Chronica Regutn Mannix et Insularum. / The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys / edited from the Manuscript Codex in the British Museum / and with Historical Notes / by / P. A. Munch, / Professor of History in the Royal-University / of Christiania. / To accompany the Index Scholarum of the University Christiania for the year 1857, second season. Brogger & Christie. 1860. pp. xxxiv,192. 1 plate of Runes. 220x140. [779, G.F.C. Coil.]
__Ibid. 228x139. 2363. G.W.W. Coll.
__Ibid. 235x145. 5071. H. B. Noble's copy in original paper cover.
Reprinted with additional documents, and edited by Dr. Goss, in Mx Sec. xxii and xxiii.
__The / Norwegian / Invasion of Scotland / in 1263: / A Translation from / Det Norske Folks Historie, / By P. A. Munch. / Communicated to the Archaeo logical Society of Glasgow / by / Hugh Tennent, Esq., of Wellpark. Glasgow: Bell & Bain. 1862. pp. vii.96. 210x161. [5498]
THWAITES (William). Isle of Man: its Civil and Ecclesiastical History, Antiquities, Botany, Zoology, Geology, etc.; Climate, Agriculture, Soil and Produce, Manufactures and Mineral Productions, Constitution and Government, etc. . . Sheffield Publishing Co. 1863. pp. iv,427, xii. 195x120. 10/-. [757]
CUMMING (Rev. J. G.). Robert the Brus before Rushen Castle. In Arch. Camb. vol. xii, 1866. pp. 429-432. [2333]
TODD (James Henthorn, D.D., M.R.I.A., F.S.A., ed.). The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, or the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen. The original Irish text, edited, with translation and introduction. London: Longmans, Green. 1867. pp. ccvii,349. 248x 150. [2543, G.W.W. Coll.]
MORAN (Right Rev. Dr.). On the Early Relations of Ireland with Man. In Irish Eccles. Record, March 1869. pp. 241-261. [4343]
Scotichronicon. Skene's edn. 1871. Man, pp. xi - xxiv. Not in Library.
Annals of the Isle of Man. Supp. to Mona's Herald, 13th June, 1877. [5098]
Annals of the Isle of Man. In Jefferson's Almk. 1877 to 1885.
The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, ed. by John Stuart, LL.D., and George Burnett, Lyon King of Arzns. Vol. i. A.D. 1264 - 1359. Edinburgh: H.M. General Register House. 1878. pp. clxxxiv,720. 253x157. [4, W.C. Coll.] Covers a portion of the period of Scottish influence.
SKENE (William F.). Celtic Scotland : a History of Ancient Alban. In 3 vols. Edinburgh : David Douglas. 1880. Maps. [5149]
A verv useful work in relation to the Hebrides : see 'A ' Description of the Isles' (16th c.) on pp. 428-440.
RHYS (J., M.A.). Celtic Britain. London: S.P.C.K. 1882. pp. xiv,319. 164x108. [2379]
A second edition in 1884.
TALBOT (Rev. T.). Exposure of the Fictitious History of Peel and the adjacent islet; especially of Peel's ' Pride' and ' former proud distinction.' P. Curphey. 1882. PP. 14. 212x140. [3735, F64]
Chronicle of the Principal Events in Man during the year 1883. I.M. Times Office. 1883. pp. 114. 160x100. 6d. [752, G.F.C. Coll.]
MUIR (T. S.). Ecclesiological Notes on some of the Islands of Scotland. Edinburgh: David Douglas. 1885.pp. 315. Illus.
220x136. [4420]
Notes on the Priory of Whithern (St. Ninians), etc.
JOHNSTONE (Rev. James). Bibliotheca Curiosa. The Norwegian Account of King Haco's Expedition against Scotland A.D. MCCLXItI.
Literally translated from the original Icelandic of the Flateyan and Frisian MSS. By the Rev. James Johnstone, A.M., and
edited with additional notes by Edmund Goldsmid, F.R.H.S. Privately printed, Edinburgh, 1885. pp. 64. 175x105. [5496]
The editor's notes are valuable.
HOWLETT (Richard, ed.). Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I. London: Longman & Co. 1885. 250x150.
(i) The Historia Rerum Anglicarum of William of Newburgh, A.D. 1194 to 1198 ; (ii) a continuation to the vcar 1298, compiled
by a Monk of Furness Abbey. Many references to Man.
TALBOT (Rev. T.). Canon Farrar on Manx History, etc. A series of articles in Mx Sun, 1885. [4142, F'64]
__English History versus Shakspeare and Manx History. In Mx Sun, 22nd Aug., 1885. [4142, F 64]
__Important and Curious Documents relating to the Isle of Man. In Mx Sun, 11th Jan., 1886, et seq. [3730, F 64]
__Important and Curious Documents ;relating to Man. In Mx Sun, Jan. to Feb. 1886. [3730, F 64]
__Account of Governor James Challoner and his Imprisonment in Peel Castle. In Mx Sun, Jan. 1886. [5065, F 64l
WALPOLE (Spencer, Lt.-Govr.). Some Thoughts on the Early History of the Isle of Mann. In Manx Note Book, vol. iii, pp. 103-11. 1887.
The Annals of the Isle of Man. Mona's Herald. N.D.. 1887] pp. 38. 270x196. [2391, G.W.W. Coll.]
Most of the annals appear to have been taken from Diocesan Registry papers.
MACRAY (Rev. W. D., M.A.). The Manuscripts at the Bridgewater Trust Office, Walkden, Lancashire. In Hist. MSS. Com. 11th
Report, App. pt. vii. London: H.M. Sta. Office. 1888. 126-167. [5308]
Among the 36 collections of papers, there is described set 15, containing a number of documents relating to the Isle of
Man. In 1888 the papers were in the Bridgewater House in London. They were afterwards put up for sale and purchased by an
American gentleman. The Manx papers were discovered in the Huntington Library in San Merino, California, and have since
been photographed for the Trustees of the Manx Museum. They are dated in the 16th and 17th c.
VIGFUSSON (Gudbrand). Northmen in the Isle of Man. In Eng. His. Rev. iii, p. 498-501. 1888. Not in Library.
MOORE (A. W., M.A.). Early Connection of Isle of Man with Ireland. Eng. His. Rev. vol. iv, p. 714. 1889.
__The Bull of Pope Gregory IX of 30th July, 1231. In Eng. His. Rev. 1890, pp. 101-107. 1890.
The Bull enumerates the possessions in the Hebrides of the Bishop of Sodor.
__The Tynwald. In Trans. Inter. Folk-lore Congress, 1891. London : D. Nutt. 1892. [6625, F 64]
WALPOLE (Spencer). The Land of Home Rule: an. Essay on the History and Constitution of the Isle of Man. London: Longmans,
Green & Co. 1893. pp. iv,287. 188x120. [730, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
There was a review in the ' Edin. Rev.' July 1893, pp. 32-55.
TALBOT (Rev. Theophilus). Early Manx History: or How History is Manufactured by Mr. Spencer Walpole
for his 'Land of Home Rule.' Mx Sun Office. 1893. PP. 104. 242x146. [3731, F64]
This has an A.L.S. of the author directed to G. W. Wood.
The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon. Hist. MS. Com., 14th Report, Appendix, Part IV. H.M. Sta. Office. 1894. pp. xi,703. 245x150.
Contains many letters to and from Castle Rushen and Castle Peel in the 17th c. There is an account of a Tynwald Court in
1691, entitled 'The manner of his Lordships [the Earl of Derby's] goeing to the Tinwall from Castle Rushen,' pp. 255-8.
WOOD (G. W.). A Description of an ancient Legal Document . . . In Y.L.M. i.
Relates to the Receiver's accounts for 1666.
SAVAGE (Rev. E. B., M.A.). Notes on the Parish Registers of Kirk Michael. In Y.L.M. i.
RADCLIFFE (Rev. William T.). Ellan Vannin Sketches of the History, the People, the Language, and Scenery of the Isle of
Man. Dedicated to the Manx people by their fellow-countryman the author. London: C. H. Kelly. 1895. pp. viii,159. 180x115.
An excellent, but brief sketch. The 19 illustrations are from photos.
KERMODE (P. M. C., M.A.). History and Antiquities an Appendix to the Handbook of the Brit. Assoc. Liverpool Meeting, 1896.
Illustrations of the Sagas from Early Monuments in the Isle of Man. In The Academy, 18th April, 1896. [4417, Frowde fol.
p. 133 L 6]
GRINDLEY (Thomas). Broadbent's Concise History of the Isle of Man. Douglas: S. K. Broadbent & Co. N.D. [c. 1896] pp. 80. Col'd map by Philips. 185x106. [4796, F 64]
KERMODE (P. M. C.). Manx Crosses a lecture. In I.M.T. 9th April, 1898. [4417, Frowde Col. p. 230 L 6]
QUINE (Rev. Canon John, M.A.). The Rising: an Episode of Manx History (A.D. 1651). In Ramsey Ch. Mag., Aug. - Oct. 1898.
CALLOW (Edward). From King Orry to Queen Victoria : a short and concise History of the Isle of Man. London: Elliot Stock. 1899. pp. xvi,234. Illus. 222x138. [1473, G.F.C. Coll. F64]
WOOD (G. W.). Description of the Isle of Man and its Customs. MS. by Denton, 1681. In Y.L.M. iii, 1899.
MILLIGAN (S. F., M.R.I.A.). Ireland and the Scottish isles : ancient connexions and intercourse. Belfast : Nat. Hist. & Phil. Soc. 1900. pp. 7. 215x126. [1897]
TALBOT (Rev. T.). The Priory of Whithern (Candida Casa) and its Lands and Churches to Mann. Newby, 1900. pp. 24,vî. [3889, F 22]
__Bishop Thomas Stanley and Mr. A. W. Moore. Mx Sun Office. 1900. pp. 14. 160x100. [3728, F 64]
__Mary, Queen of Mann and Countess of Stratherne. Mx Sun Office. N.D. [c. 1900] pp. 20. 166x105. [3727, F 64]
BOYESEN (Hjalmar H.). A History of Norway from the earliest times. London: Unwin. 1900. pp. xxxi,572. 192x125. [5554]
WALSH (Very Rev. Dean, Rector of St. Mary's, D'glas). Ireland and the Isle of Man. Revised and enlarged by Most Rev. N. Donnelly, D.D. Dublin: Catholic Truth Soc. N.D. [c. 1900] pp. 32. 182x122. [4936]
MOORE (Arthur William, M.A., S.H.K.). A History of the Isle of Man. With a new coloured map. London T. Fisher Unwin. 1900.
Vol. i, pp. xi,523 ; vol. ii, vii,527 1026. 225x140. [820']
The standard history. Unfortunately only a limited number were printed, and it is now out of print.
The Story of the Isle of Man: an Historical Reader for Manx Schools. Illus. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1901. pp. ix,141.
A second impression was issued by Unwin in 1902.
GOODWIN (George). Manx Annals of Ninety Years Ago. In Peel City Guard. 1901. [5644]
Many interesting details of Peel and district, taken from the public Press, and edited by Goodwin.
DENTON (Thomas). A Description of the Isle of Man with its Customs, dated 1681. In Proc. i, 1902.
From a MS. of G. W. Wood, now in the Manx Museum.
COWELL (John Robert). Isle of Man. In the Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Malta . . . British Empire Series. pp. 1-26. London, 1902.
JOYCE (P. W., LL.D.). A Social History of Ancient Ireland: treating of the Government, Military System, and Law; Religion,
Learning, and Art; Trades, Industries, and Commerce; Manners, Customs, and Domestic Life of the Ancient Irish People. In
2 vols. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1903. Illus. [5627]
Invaluable to the student of early history of Man.
NICHOLSON (Edward Williams Byron, M.A.). Keltic Researches : Studies in the History and Distribution of the Ancient Goidelic
Language and Peoples. Illus. London: Henry Frowde. 1904. pp. xix,211. 220x137. [5741]
Many references to Mananan and the other gods of Man and the early sources of Manx history : of great philological value.
MOORE (A. W., M.A., S.H.K., ed.). Notes and Documents from the Records of the Isle of Man. Douglas Mx Sun Office. N.D. [1904] pp. 114. 180x122. [758, F 64]
The Position of Aliens. In A.W.M. Notes & Docs. pp. 6, 101. 1904. [758]
MOORE (A. W., M.A., S.H.K.). The Connexion between Scotland and Man. In Scot. Hist. Rev., July 1906. pp. 393409. [4791]
RYLEY (S. W.). Manx Life in 1795. In The Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor. In Mx Quar. No. 2, 1907.
Translations from the Icelandic: being select passages introductory to Icelandic Literature, translated and edited by the Rev. W. C. Green, M.A. London: Chatto & Windus. 1908. pp. xxi,260. 150x115.
The frontispiece is 'The Thor Cross, Kirk Bride,' from 'Manx Crosses' by P. M. C. Kermode.
COLLINGWOOD (W. G., M.A., F.S.A.). Scandinavian Britain. London: S.P.C.K. 1908. pp. 272. Map of Scand. Britain. 166x110.
Chap. 'Man and the Isles,' pp. 226-243. Not in Library.
The Galley of Lorn : historical, traditional, and other Records of the Chlann Dughaill. No. 1. Sheffield: A. Macdougall
& Son. 1909. pp. 20. 285x225. [5525]
Gives a genealogical table of the House of Somerled. Somerled married Ragnaldis, daughter of Olaf, King of Man.
MOORE (Arthur William, M.A., S.H.K.). The Connection of the Isle of Man with Ireland. In The Celtic Rev., Oct. 1909. pp. 110-122. [4346]
MAXWELL (Sir Herbert, ed.). The Chronicle of Lanercost. In Scot. Hist. Rev. 1911. [5038]
POOLE (Regihald Lane, M.A.). The Scottish Islands in the Diocese of Sodor. In Scottish Hist. Rev. April 1911. pp. 258-263. [5038] The author gives the Latin text of the Bull of Pope Gregory IX of 30th July, 1231, enumerating the possessions in the Hebrides of the Bishop of Sodor, and attempts to identify the islands mentioned in the Bull. There are added notes by J. Maitland Thomson, Sir Archibald Lawrie, and Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D.
MAWER (Allen, M.A.). The Vikings. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1913. pp. iv,150. 166x117. [5450]
HULL (Miss Eleanor). The Northmen in Britain. Illus. Harrap. 1913.Not in Library.
KERMODE (P. M. C.). Inquiry as to the Conditions of the Isle of Man and its Inhabitants in the fifth Century. In Proc. i. 1913. pp. 471-476.
__The Celtic Tribal System in Man. In Proc. i, 1913.
SHIMMIN (Christopher R., M.HK.). Outlines from Manx History. Peel: W. K. Palmer. 1916. pp. 26. 175x118. [4819, F 64]
TWEMLOW (J. A., B.A.). Liverpool Town Books, Proceedings of Assemblies, Common Councils, Portmoot Courts, etc. Vol. i,
1550-1571. Univ. of Liverpool School of Local History and Records, Univ. Press. 1918. pp. ccxvi,719. 250x150. 31/6. [5605,
F 64]
Contains historical particulars regarding Manx affairs on pp. xcviii, 224, 225, 226, 529, 547, 548, 572, 575, 576, 582.
SARGEAUNT (Bertram E., M.V.O., O.B.E.). The Isle of Man and the Great War. B. & S. Ltd. 1920. pp. 211. 228x150. [1359]
A second edition was issued in 1922 giving 4 pp. of additional names in the Roll of Honour, and particulars of the war work
at K.W.C.
WALSH (A.). Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period. Dublin: Talbot Press. 1922. pp. iv,82. 180x120. [5966]
DOUGLAS (Mona). Two Girls Afoot in Galloway. In I.M. Examiner, 19th Oct., 1923. [4537]
MACTAGGAR T (Col. Charles). Life in Campbeltown in the 18th Century. Campbeltown : Courier Office. 1923. pp. 70. 215x130. [1829]
LANGENFEL T (Gesta). In King Orry's Land: a round trip in Man, with the Northern Reminiscences. In Dagens Nyheter, 15th June, 1924 (trans. by H. Brun, Lonan). Illus. [4935]
Year-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research. Vols. vi - xvi, 1914-1924. London: Viking Soc. 1924. pp. 252. 215x140. [4833]
Extracts from Old Manx Newspapers, 1792. In Manx Sales and Wants, 1926, et seq. 1926. [5566]
LINDQVIST (Sune). Inglingehögen och Tynwald Hill (the Mound of the Inglings and Tynwald Hill). In Avhandlingar, Stockholm, 1927. Illus. [5545]
KERMODE (Philip M. C.). Tynwald (With an illustration of the mound as it appeared in 1774). In Ellan Vannin Mag., No. 8, June 1927.
RALFE (Pilcher G.). The Calf of Man. Reprinted from North Western Naturalist for June 1927. pp. 71-4. [5633]
CUBBON (William). The Booke of Charge at the Castell Russhen, 1601. In Proc. iii.
An Association of Oslo with Manx History, by Pilcher G. Ralfe. In Proc. iii, 232-4.
Memorandum in reference to Peel Castle and Castle Rushen, prepared by Government Office, and read by Mr. Speaker to the House, 16th Oct., 1928. In Keys Min. of Public Pcdgs, xvii, p. 1.
LLOYD (Prof. J. E.). The Relations of Wales and Mann.In Jour. Manx Museum, 1928. p. 113.
Iceland and the Althing : Report of the Millenary Celebration, June 1930. Deputation from Man. (Newspaper cuttings.) [6080]
KENDRICK (T. D., M.A., Assistant Keeper, Dept. of Brit. & Medieval Antiquities, British Museum). A History of the Vikings.
London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. 1930. Pp. xi,412. 28 plates and 28 maps. 228x140. [F66, 6193]
Manx references on pp. 33, 113, 126, 129, 250, 257, 261, 272, 280, 283, 292, 301, 309-13, 321.
Historical Extracts from old numbers of Mona's Herald, 1931. [6285, F 64]
KERMODE (P. M. C., M.A.). Iceland and the Althing. In Mona's Herald, 17th Feb., 1931. [6446, F 64]
FARRANT (Deemster Reginald D.). The resemblances and relationships of Iceland and Man. (Newspaper report.) 1931. [5967]
EINARSSON (Stefån). A Specimen of Southern IcelandicSpeech : a contribution to Icelandic Phonetics. Pub. by the Fridtjof
Nansens Fund, Oslo, Norway. 1931. pp. 39. 270x180. [6434,"F 66]
Gives notes on the method of recording sounds, the quality of sounds, nasality, sonority, consonants, vowels, etc.
CHRISTIANSEN (Reidar Th.). The Vikings and the Viking Wars in Irish and Gaelic Tradition. Pub. by the Norske Videnskaps
- Akademi, Oslo, Norway, 1931,pp. 429. 270x180. [6435, F 66]
The aim of this very important work is to describe the traces preserved in Irish and Gaelic tradition of the Viking invasions
and the Viking wars. i, The Fionn Cycle. ii, The Ossianic Ballads. iii, The Earlier Stories about the Vikings. iv, The Ballads
of the Viking Wars. v, Ballad Texts and Notes.
MARSTRANDER (Professor Carl J. S.). The Norwegian Conquest of the Isle of Man. In Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap, ed. by Carl J. S. Marstrander, Professor of Celtic, Univ. of Oslo, Norway. Vol. vi. Main portion of the text in Norse, with 23 pp. summary in English. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. 1932. pp. 40-380. 80 illos., 3 charts, 2 large maps (one coloured). 243x162. [F 64] This is the greatest historical work relating to the Isle of Man since the publication of A. W. Moore's Hist. Among the many subjects treated of are the date of the first effective Norse conquest of Man and the relations of the conquerors with the earlier Celtic inhabitants. He discusses the derivation of the words Sheading and Treen and the administrative system which they represented, and believes them to be Norse. He offers a new derivation for the name ' Keys.' The Professor spent many weeks in the Island in 1929 and 1930, conversing with Manx speakers and recording the phonetics.
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