[from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 1, 1933]
BOYD-DAWKINS (W., F.R.S.). On the Geology of the Isle of Man. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 2. B. & S. 1894. pp. 16-18. [2048, A 224]
__On the Geology of the Isle of Man. Read before the Manchester Geological Society, 12th June, 1894. In Trans. xxii. 1894. p. 1. 218 x 138. [5680, A 224]
CUMMING (Rev Joseph George, M.A., F.G.S., Vice Principal of K.W. Coll.) Notes
on the Geology in the Isle of Man, its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Legendary, 1848.
See also Cumming's Guide, 1861. [932, A 224]
DAVIDSON (Rev. John). Langness : Its Geology, etc. In Proc. i, pt. 9. B. & S. 1914. pp. 645-648. [1399, A 224]
EVANS (J. W., C.B. E., D.Sc., F.R.S.) and S T. o s s L E -FIE L D (C. J., Ph.D.). Handbook of the Geology of Great Britain. London: Murby & Co. 1929. pp. xii,566. Illus. 245 x 175. [A 224] Cambrian, pp. 51-52 ; Ordovician 63, 81-82 ; Devonian 141,170 ; Carboniferous 174, 175, 181, 182, 206-208, 289, 290 ; Permian 304 ; Trias 325 ; Tertiary 449 ; Pleistocene 438, 458, 459, 466-7, 479, 486, 490, 491, 496.
GASKING (Rev. S., F.G.S.). On the Geology of the South of the Island. In Y.L.1AL i, pt. 1. B. & S. 1894. pp. 119-122. [2048, A 224]
__The so-called " Old Red Sandstone" formation of Man. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 1. B. & S. 1894. pp. 135-138. [2048, A 224]
HARRISON (Rev. Stephen Nathaniel). Boulders around the Maughold Coast. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 2. B. & S. 1894. pp. 208-212. [2048, A 224]
__Striated Rock Surfaces in Maughold. In Y.L.M. ii. B. & S. 1901. pp. 52. [2049, A 224]
__Some Remarkable Boulders Noticed in 1887. In Y.L.M. iii, pt. 7. B. & S. 1902. pp. 323-324.[2050, A 224]
HAVILAND (Dr. Alfred, M.R.C.S.). The Necessity for Collecting . . Facts relating to the Glaciation of Man. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 1. Ramsey : J. Craine. 1894. pp. 57-64. 220 x 140. [2048, A 224]
__The Aspects of the " Crags" of the Mountains in relation to the Glaciation of the Island. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 1. Ramsey : J. Craine. 1894. pp. 77-82. [2048, A 224]
HOBSON (Bernard, ,M.Sc., F.G.S.). On the Igneous Rocks of the South of Man. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 2. B. & S. 1894. pp. 337-348. [2048, A 224]
__Geological Map of Scarlett. In Y.L.M. [A 224]
KENDALL (Percy F., F.G.S.). On the Geology of Man. In Y.L.M. i, pt. 2. B. & S, 1894. pp. 397-438. 3 plates. [2048, A 224]
LAMPLUGH(G. W., F.G. S.). An Outline of the Geology of Man. In Brit. Ass. Handbook for Liverpool Meeting, 1896. Liverpool: Philip, Son & Nephew. 1896. pp. 165 182. [3909, A 224]
__The Geology of the Isle of Man. H.M. Stationery Office. 1903. pp. xiv,620.
Coloured geological map and plans and illustrations. 250 x 145. [2490, A 224]
The standard work. There are petrological notes by Prof. W. W. Watts, M.A., F.G.S. An exhaustive bibliography, of great
use to students, on pp. 588-595.
LOMAS (Joseph, F.G.S.). Notes on a Geological Excursion to Man. In Y.L.M. ii. B. & S. 1901. pp. 22-29. [2049, A 224]
McCULLOCH (John, M.D.). A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man comprising an account of their Geological Structure, with remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities. 2 vols. Man, vol. it, pp. 516-579. London: Constable. 1819. [2480, A224, G. W. W Coll.]
SHIPMAN (James, F.G.S.). Holiday Letters of a Geologist. Nottingham: Carrick & Young. 1887. pp. 1-15. 190 x 120. [2039,
A 224]
200 copies only printed.
SMYTH(Sir Warrington W., F.K.S.). List of Minerals found in Man. In Trans. i. 1879-84. Manx Sun Office. 1888. pp. 143-147. [2046, A 224]
TODD (John, C.E.). On the Borings for Coal and the Experimental Salt Works in the North. In Y.L.M. iii, pt. 2. B. & S. 1902. pp. 65-72. 3 plates. [2050, A 224]
Land taken away by the Sea, 1658 A.D. In A.W.M. Notes and Docs. pp. 36-37. [758, A 224]
Visit of the Yorkshire Geological Society. In Proc. i, pt. 5. B. & S. 1907. PP. 101-114. [1399, A 224]
Photographs of Geological Features taken by Karl Grossmann. 1892. pp. 18. [1306, A 224]
BOLTON (Herbert, F.R.S.E.). The Paleontology of the Manx Slates. Manchester: J. E. Cornish. 1899. pp. 16. 215 x 135. [A
This is No. 5 of the " Notes from the Manchester Museum," and reprinted in the " Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester
Literary and Philos. Soc.' Vol- 43, pt. 1.
BRUCE; (J. Ronald. M.Sc.) Animal and Plant Rernains in the Manx Post-Glacial Deposits and Forest Red. In Proc. iii, 154-162.
[A 363]
The author ably summarises our knowledge of the animal and plant remains found in the late glacial and early post-glacial
deposits in Man, and of the climatic conditions determining their occurrence and growth, etc.
CUMMING (Rev. J. G., M.A., F.G.S.). List of the Fossils collected by Cumming in the Museum at King William's Coll. In Leech's
Guide, c. 1861. pp. 108-111.
See also Cumming's Hist. pp. 354-360. [A 224]
HARRISON, (Rev. S. N.). Isle of Man Fossils : List of Shells from the Shellag Brooghs. In Proc. 11 N.S. pt.2. N.M.P. 1923. pp. 167-169. 230 x 145. [4634, A 224]
KERMODE(P. M. C., Fossil Shells from the Boulder Clay and Sand, North Ramsey. lit Y.L.M. i. B. & S. 1894. pp. 96-98. pt. 2. 220 x 140. [2048, A 224]
__and others. Reports of the Committee of the British Association on the finding of the remains of the Irish Elk in the
Isle of Man. In Brit. Ass. Reports for 1896, 1897, 1898 (pp. 548-551), 1899 (p. 376), 1900 (pp. 349-350).
The Committee was charged with the ditty of examining and reporting upon the conditions under which the remains of the Irish
Elk (Cervns giganteus) are found in Man.
LEWIS (Herbert Price, M.A., F.G.S.) On Auloclisia, a New Coral genus from the Carboniferous Limestone. [Collected at Scarlett. ] Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes. 1927. pp. 18. 218 x 140. [5673, A 224]
__On the Avonian Coral Caninophyllum, gen. nov. and C. archiaci (Edwards and Haime). In Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist. III. May 1929. pp. 456-468. "Monense" type from Strandhall, Man, figured pl. xii.
__The Avonian Succession in the South of the Isle of Man. In Proc. Geol. Soc. of London, Dec. 13, 1929. pp. 26-30. 218 x 140. [A 224]
__The Avonian Succession in the South of the Isle of Man. In Quart. Journal Geo. Soc. Vol. lxxxvi, pt. 2, pp. 234-290,
pls. xx-xxv, July 31, 1930. 216x140.
Read before the Geol. Soc. 4th Dec., 1929. Contains an exhaustive Bibliography,
REYNOLDS (Sidney H., IJI.A., Sc.D., F.G.S.). A Monograph on the British Pleistocene Mammalia : The Giant Deer, or Megaceros.
London: The Palaeontogra-
phical Society. 1929. pp. 62. 2 plates and many illus.280 x 207. [5965, A 2381
Gives the most complete description of the Giant Deer.
i, Hist. introduction ; ii, Distribution in the Brit. Isles ;iii, Occurrences of the Irish Giant Deer ; iv, Origin,races
and affinities ; v, Description of the skeleton ;vi, List of the Giant Deer skeletons and antlers ; vii, Conclusion. The
example in the Manx Museum is referred to.
Great Antediluvian Natural Curiosity : now exhibiting near the Warm Baths, Parade, Douglas, the complete skeleton of a
once formidable and enormous Elk Douglas : G. Jefferson. N.D. [c. 1820] broadside. 225x125.
This refers to the skeleton of the Great Deer (Cervus gigantens) -which was found at Ballacrosha, Ballaugh, on 14th August,
1819, and set up by Thomas Kewish, the parish smith. It is now in the Edinburgh Museum of Antiquities.
SWYNNERTON (Fred). Notes on some Ancient Trees on the Seashore below Strandhall. In Proc. ii. N.S. pt. 2. N.M.P. 1923. pp. 159. 230 x 145. [4634, A 224]
Great Deer; Report of the Irish Elk Committee, 1898. In Y.L.M. iii. B. & S. 1902. pp. 395-401, pt. 8. 220 x 140.
The first report of the Fossil Elk Committee will be found in vol. iii, p. 26 ; the second on p. 192 ; the third on p. 267
; the fourth on p. 327. This report describes also the finding of the Ballaugh specimen in 1815.
See also Brit. Ass. Com. Reports, 1896-1900.
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