
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Dora Quayle
In Response To: Dora Quayle ()

Further info in effort to maintain momentum and keep the flame of interest alive.

Searching for information on Dora Quale [Grandmother], Quale was her maiden name, She gave Birth to my Mother; Constance Joan Marguerite [deceased] in Belmont House, Euston Road, Bangor, Gwynedd[then Caernarvonshire], [North Wales] U.K. on 27 January 1920. According to the birth certificate, my Gandfather's name was; Stanley Darwell.

My mother Joan was , adopted shortly after being born and placed by a priest from the Catholic Church, with a married Irish Woman and her Family, living in the West Country having the sur-name of Purse.

My Mother did not realize she was adopted until, aged 20ish she enlisted in the QARANC during WW2 and had to produce a copy of her birth certificate.

I have no other info except that my Grandfather was a "Gentleman of independant means", all the main players in this story have now passed on so the trail is cold.

I would like to find out why my mother was adopted and why she ended up with strangers rather than with Family.

Also what happened to my Grandparents?

Family rumour has it that there is an 'Isle of Man' connection but I have only heresay evidence, Quale sounds like Quayle which is an old IOM Family Name.

Also that my Grandfather may have been a Military Man?

I only have a copy of my Mother's Birth Certificate and have been unable to trace any connected Darwell's or Quale's.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.