Hi Steven, I have a John Garrett Marriage to a Margaret Cristory at Jurby 2 July 1757. Margaret died 3 Feb 1778. Her will: 1778 book 1 num 65 Bride arch rb 587. Husband John Garrett died 25 July 1797 at Lezayre. His will: John Garrett Bride 1797-1 ew 0106405. Children: Catherine cr 21 May 1758 married Mathew Christian. Twins John and Margaret cr 16 Mar 1760. Margaret married Daniel Skinner. Patrick cr 4 Apr 1764, Esther cr 10 Apr 1768-bur 24 Apr 1768. Paul cr 25 Jan 1770. All the children are named in both parents wills. This information is from my own research done at the museum library Isle of man. I hope it will be of use to you. Pauline