As Frances wrote, below, recent will transcripts have not been added to Brian's database on the FHS website since he did so himself a few days before he died.
What is not widely known is that when Brian transferred his wills site across to the FHS a number of wills transcripts "dropped off". I was attempting to help him with these until Ian Radcliffe kindly came to our rescue, and assisted Brian in repairing broken links, and checked through his whole database to work out Brian's numbering system. He was in the middle of doing this when Brian died.
After this I referred people on to Ian if they were offering will transcripts but getting no reply from the FHS, and Ian started a temporary website for these wills until they could be added to the FHS website. He also included Brian's last database which is for marriage contracts. He has done this to keep faith with Brian - to keep his wills database increasing - and so that people would not stop sending transcripts.
If anyone has transcripts and they are not appearing on the FHS website, please send them to Ian so that they can be easily transferred when this is possible.
I have not mentioned this here before because Ian's temporary website will disappear when the wills and contracts are transferred, but this has taken much longer than expected, and there might be more people with transcripts waiting for them to be listed.
ht tp://
[close the gap in ht tp]