My dear Barbara,
I meant to tell you before that the address 4 Earl Street means nothing to me. However, I do not have the address in Barrow where they lived. You were not able to find any reference to a fire (which as I understand was the cause of death). I'm wondering if they were visiting 4 Earl Street and a fire occurred there?
Thanks for describing a "common grave." This may be an important clue as I don't think my grandmother would ever place her in a common grave. I believe they had the resources to bury her properly. You mentioned other Kennaugh's being buried at Barrow Bor you have any first names that I might recognize?
I'm really starting to think there are two Ethel's although my genealogy work appeared to point to just one. My "gut reaction" at this time is that the Ethel buried in Kirk Braddan on 3/31/1908 is my Ethel although her age is stated as "about 17 months" which appears incorrect in that she was born 11/11/1907. I think this is the correct Ethel as I am almost certain that her father William (died 1913 at age 38) is buried at the same cemetery. I believe the death registration info I have, which shows the death as registered in the first quarter of 1909, relates to Ethel #2 buried in Barrow.
Should the above be true, then the missing links are that I have no birthdate info on Ethel #2 and I have no death registration info on my Ethel. What do you think are the chances of this info not being available. Could it be that some births/deaths are not recorded. Is that common????
What we do know is that we have 2 Ethel Kennaugh's buried at two different places.
Your help is sincerely appreciated.
Warm regards,
William Kennaugh